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A fact-by-fact look at the history of life on Earth, from the
first organisms to the ascent of early man.

• Statistics on every geological period.

• Maps and diagrams.
• Full-color photographs and illustrations.

The most up-to-date information available, presented in

a unique, easy-reference system of lists, fact boxes,
tables, and charts.

Find the fact you need in seconds with


School Specialty Publishing


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ISBN 0-7696-4258-6



HOW TO USE THIS BOOK ....................................................................................4 JURASSIC DINOSAURS........................................................................................32
THE AGE OF THE EARTH ........................................................................................6 • Dinosaur types • A dinosaur landscape • Stegosaurus
• Diplodocus
• Oldest minerals, rocks and meteorites • The Precambrian eon
• Phanerozoic eon to present day • Major events • Previous estimates CRETACEOUS PERIOD ............................................................................................34
of the age of the Earth • Geological timescale • The world in the Cretaceous period • Diverse dinosaurs
PLATE TECTONICS ..........................................................................................................8 • Meaning of the name • Tylosaurus • Animals of air and sea
• Elasmosaurus • Kronosaurus • Arambourgiana
• Continental drift • Seafloor spreading • Another theory
• Some speeds • Features of the Earth caused by plate movement CRETACEOUS DINOSAURS...............................................................................36
• Cross section of the Earth • Saltasaurus • Caudipteryx
• Velociraptor • Tyrannosaurus • Therizinosaurus
ROCKS AND MINERALS .....................................................................10
• Carnotaurus
• Types of rock • Sediments to sedimentary rock • Examples of igneous
rock • Examples of sedimentary rock • The rock cycle • Examples of CRETACEOUS LIFE.......................................................................................................38
Metamorphic rock • New plants • Varied habitats
• Iguanodon • Parasaurolophus • Euoplocephalus • Triceratops
FOSSILS ..................................................................................................................................12
• How fossils form • The uses of fossils • Before fossilization THE GREAT EXTINCTION....................................................................................40
• During fossilization • Fossil assemblages • After fossilization • What caused the Great Extinction? • Diseases
• Meteorite or comet strike • Changing climates • Volcanic activity
PRECAMBRIAN ..............................................................................................................14
• A combination of all of these • Winners and losers • Repenomamus
• Precambrian world • Stromatolites • Vendian period
• Snowball Earth • Animals of the Vendian EARLY TERTIARY PERIOD .................................................................................42
• The world in the early Tertiary period • Plant and animal life
EARLY PALEOZOIC ERA ....................................................................................16
• Meaning of the name • Mammal names • Brontotherium •
• Paleozoic era • Land animals • Cambrian • Ordovician • Silurian Hyracotherium • Diatryma • Oxyaena
• The Burgess Shale • Calymene • Diplograptus
LATE TERTIARY PERIOD......................................................................................44
DEVONIAN PERIOD .................................................................................................18
• The world in the late Tertiary period • Phorusrhacos • The coming of
• The world in the Devonian period • Plants • The age of fish grass • Deinotherium • Synthetoceras • Sivatherium
• Changing atmosphere • Old red sandstone • Cephalaspis • Cooling climate
• Eusthenopteron • Ichthyostega
QUATERNARY PERIOD .........................................................................................46
CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD ...............................................................................20
• The world in the Carboniferous period • One period or two? • The world in the Quaternary period • Causes of the Ice Age • Meaning
• Formation of coal • Coal forest plants • Eogyrinus • Meganeura of the name • Ages of the Quaternay • Glacial stages • Evidence of
• Westlothiana glaciation • Smilodon • Elephas Primigenius • Megatherium • Macrauchenia

PERMIAN PERIOD .....................................................................................................22 THE FIRST HUMAN BEINGS .........................................................................48

This edition published in the United States in 2006 by School Specialty Publishing, a member of the School Specialty Family. • When and where did human beings first appear? • Why did we stand
• The world in the Permian period • Desert features • Reefs
Copyright © ticktock Entertainment Ltd 2005 First published in Great Britain in 2005 by ticktock Media Ltd. Printed in China. • Mesosaurus • Pareiasaurus • Dimetrodon upright? • Orrorin • Ardipithecus • Kenyanthropus
• Australopithecus
TRIASSIC PERIOD.......................................................................................................24
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a central retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by • The world in the Triassic period• Mesozoic era • Glossopteris THE GENUS HOMO .................................................................................................50
• Meaning of the name • New plant life • Out of the cradle • The development of culture and civilization
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, withouth the prior written permission of the publisher. • Homo
• Reasons for the mass extinction • Triassic climates
Written by Dougal Dixon. Special thanks to Elizabeth Wiggans. UNCOVERING THE PREHISTORIC WORLD ................................52
TRIASSIC LIFE .................................................................................................................26
• Changing plants, changing animals • Hard-shelled egg: the key • Timeline of the History of Geology and Palaeontology • Some wrong
Library of Congress-in-Publication Data is on file with the publisher. to land-living • Footprints • What makes a dinosaur? • Eoraptor deductions
• Thecodontosaurus • Eudimorphodon KEY FIGURES ................................................................................................................. 54
Send all inquiries to: JURASSIC PERIOD .....................................................................................................28 PALEONTOLOGY ........................................................................................................56
• The world in the Jurassic period • Mass extinctions • Meaning of the • Dinosaurs all around the world • Finding dinos • Excavation and
School Specialty Publishing
name• Typical Jurassic rocks • Two Jurassic rock sequences • Economic transportation • In the lab • Dino displays • Museums with dinosaur
8720 Orion Place importance • Index fossils collections
Columbus, OH 43240-2111 JURASSIC LIFE ................................................................................................................30
• The life on a continental shelf • Cryptoclidus GLOSSARY ..........................................................................................................................58
ISBN 0-7696-4258-6 • The fossils of the lagoons • Liopleurodon
• Pterodactylus INDEX .......................................................................................................................................60
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 TTM 11 10 09 08 07 06

2 3
HOW TO USE THIS BOOK UNCOVERING THE 1902 Walter Sutton discovers the
chromosome theory of inheritance.
1902 Physicist Ernest Rutherford
1956 Keith Runcorn notes polar
wandering based on paleomagnetic
Dates: 1903–72
Nationality: British/Kenyan

shows that radioactivity means that
the Earth is older than Kelvin said.
1650 Irish Archbishop
1912 Alfred Wegener proposes Ussher calculates date of Bazett Leakey was born in Kenya.
Dates: 1804–92 Dates: 1784–1856 his discovery of Megalosaurus. He
continental drift. Creation at 4004 BC. He became an archaeologist and
Nationality: Nationality: British was the Dean of Westminster from
1927 Belgian priest Georges This is widely accepted. proved Darwin’s theory that humans

he history of life on Earth is pieced together through the detailed accumulation of Best known for: William Buckland 1845 to his death in 1857.
Lemaître proposes that the universe evolved in Africa. His most
Best known was a geology lecturer at the Key discoveries: Megalosaurus,
knowledge gained over the centuries by visionary and hard-working scientists. began with the explosion of a significant work was done in Olduvai
Darwin studied the features for: Sir Richard University of Oxford. He toured the first dinosaur to be scientifically
A list such as this cannot be exhaustive. There are many others whose contributions were as primeval atom—a forerunner of the Gorge in Tanzania where he found
of different species to develop Owen became Europe and established the basic described.
Alfred Wegener Big Bang theory. evidence of early tool use.
great but just did not make it on to this page because of lack of room. his theory of evolution. the most principles of stratigraphic correlation
1934 American geologist Charles F. Key discoveries: Various species of
1824 Buckland describes the first important anatomist and became a scientific celebrity on
Richter establishes the Richter scale for 1961 Amateur meteorologist GS Australopithecus, but given different
measuring earthquakes.
of his day, determining that the
Callander notes the rise in greenhouse
Dates: 1799–1847 names at the time.
1946 Geologist Reg Sprigg finds the gases in the atmosphere and warns of a
way an animal lived could be
influential Principles of Geology. global warming. deduced by its shape and the WILLIAM SMITH Nationality: British
610–425 BC Philosophers Thales, fossils are remains of animals and 1658 Jesuit missionary Martino Martini rough basis of modern classification. oldest fossils of multicellular organisms
1837 Charles Darwin uses natural organs it possessed. However, he Best known for: Mary Anning

Anaximander, Pythagoras, their enclosing rocks must have been shows that Chinese history predates the 1766 Torbern Olaf Bergman in Australia. 1963 Fred Vine and Drummond 1780 Abraham Gottlob Dates: 1769–1839 this knowledge to compile the first
Dates: 1840–97 was a professional fossil collector,

UST THE FACTS, PREHISTORIC WORLD is a quick and easy-to-use way to look up facts
selection to explain evolution, but the Matthews discover seafloor spreading. Werner (1749–1817) could not quite grasp the newly Nationality: British ever geological map, where
Xenophanes, and Herodotus recognize lifted from below sea level. above. Nobody takes notice. (1735–1784) sees that different rock idea is not published until 1859. This leads to the establishment of plate theorizes that all rocks are developed concept of evolution. Nationality: American working from the beaches of CHARLES DOOLITTLE WALCOTT
that fossils show that the distribution of 1542 Leonhart Fuchs publishes a 1668 Robert Hooke claims that Earth’s types were formed at different times Best known for: William Smith mainland Britain was colored
1837 Swiss scientist Louis Agassiz tectonics. formed in ancient oceans. Key discoveries: Coined the Best known for: Edward Drinker Dorset and Devon in the south of Dates: 1850–1927
land and sea was once different. cataloge of 500 plant species. movements, and not the biblical Flood, and appreciates the organic origin of
He is wrong but greatly
observed the rocks of Britain in his according to the rock types.
detects the Ice Age. 1964 Arno Penzias and Robert term dinosauria in 1842, to Cope was one of the first England. She began work when Nationality: American
1546 Georgius Agricola (born moved fossils to dry land. fossils.
influential. role as a canal engineer, and Key discoveries: The principle
1841 William Smith’s nephew, John Wilson detect cosmic radiation and encompass three new animal vertebrate palaeontologists in she was 12 years old to support Best known for: Walcott worked
George Bauer, 1494–1555), “Father 1669 Nicolaus Steno (born Neils 1768 James Cook’s voyage brings an realized that the same layers, or of faunal succession, in which the
of mineralogy,” classifies minerals by awareness of the range of plants and
Phillips, names the geological eras use it to confirm the Big Bang Theory. fossils recently discovered, America and was affiliated with her family after her father died. for, and became the director of, the
Stensen, 1638–86) establishes the beds, of rocks could be traced over same rocks can be identified by
their crystal shape and composition. animals around the world to the
Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. 1966 Willi Hennig develops from which we get the name The Academy of Natural Sciences Mary Anning is credited with US Geological Survey. He was a
laws of stratigraphy, which state that large areas by using their fossils to the fossils they contain, wherever
1842 Sir Richard Owen invents the cladistics, a new approach to studying dinosaur. in Philadelphia. His arrogance finding the first complete fossil at

about dinosaurs, early reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. Every page is packed with names,
Publishes an analysis of ore bodies. rock beds laid down horizontally, United Kingdom. vertebrate palaeontologist and
evolutionary relationships.
identify them. He eventually used they occur.
1585 Michele Mercati opens the first stacked on one another, and
term dinosaur. drove him to fall out with Othniel the age of just 12 on the beach of worked mostly in the Cambrian of
geological museum. subsequently contorted. 1848 Science magazine established 1969 Moon rock samples prove that Charles Marsh, instigating the Lyme Regis. She supplied fossils the United Sates and Canada. He
by the American Association for the the moon the same age as the Earth. for all the eminent scientists of
1596 Dutch cartographer Abraham 1679 Scandinavian historian Olof Crick and Watson GEORGES CUVIER OTHNIEL CHARLES CHARLES DARWIN “bone wars.” This event later became the Secretary of the
Calcite – a common mineral Advancement of Science. 1972 Stephen Jay Gould and Niles the day.
Ortelius first suggests continental drift. Rudbeck tries to date sedimentary rocks. stimulated the discovery of Smithsonian Institution and was one
1866 Austrian monk Gregor Mendel Eldredge develop the theory of Dates: 1769–1832
MARSH Key discoveries: The first full
78 BC Pliny the Elder writes the first 1600 William Gilbert, Elizabeth I’s 1688 The Ashmolean Museum opens 1953 Stanley Miller and Harold Urey dinosaurs, but drove more of the most powerful figures in the
establishes the laws of heredity. His punctuated equilibrium, meaning that
natural history encyclopaedia. physician, describes the Earth’s in Oxford—the world’s first public combine the gases of the Earth’s initial Nationality: French methodical workers away skeleton of an ichthyosaur and American scientific community.
work remains unknown until about evolution takes place in short bursts. 1800 Lamarck proposes
magnetism. museum. The Earth’s magnetism atmosphere and form the chemicals Best known for: Georges Cuvier from the science. also of the first plesiosaur. Key discoveries: The discovery

statistics, and key pieces of information about the history of Earth. For fast access to just the
c AD 1000 Al-Beruni (973–1050) 1900. 1974 John Ostrom resurrects the a theory of evolution.
1715 Edmund Halley suggests the from which living things are made. was one of the most influential
observes that different grades of 1616 Italian philosopher Lucilio 1771 Joseph Priestley discovers It suggested that traits that Key discoveries: About 65 new of the Burgess Shale and its variety
age of the Earth can be calculated
1871 Darwin publishes The Descent 1953 James Watson and Francis idea that birds evolved from dinosaurs
are acquired in life can figures in science of the time,
• See page 30–31
sediment is deposited by different Vanini first to suggest humans
oxygen and shows its importance to of Man. —an idea that had been dormant for dinosaur genera. ICHTHYOSAURS of fantastic Cambrian fossils.
strengths of river currents—an early descended from apes. He was from the salinity of the seas. Crick determine the molecular be passed on to the next particularly in the field of anatomy.
life. a century.
observation of sedimentology. He also executed for this belief. 1735 Linnaeus establishes the 1894 Eugene Debois describes structure of DNA. generation. This is no He is regarded as the father of
1778 Buffon puts the age of the Earth Pithecanthus erectus (now Homo 1953 Fiesel Houtermans and Claire 1980 Louis and Walter Alvarez put longer accepted since the
puts precious minerals into 1641 Lawyer Isaac La binomial classification of living things.
at 74,832 years. erectus) as the missing link between forward the asteroid impact theory of general acceptance of
vertebrate palaeontology. He ALFRED WEGENER SIR CHARLES LYELL
geological context. Peyrère suggests that 1745 Mikhail Vasil’evich Lomonosov Patterson use radiometric dating to
humans and apes. dinosaur extinction. Darwin’s theory of natural refused to acknowledge evolution
1020 Avicenna (or Sina) people existed before (1711–65) recognizes that ancient
1789 French researcher Antoine date the Earth at 4.5 billion years old. Dates: 1880–1930 Dates: 1797–1875
1985 Discovery by scientists of the selection. and resisted the popularization of

facts, follow the tips on these pages.

Adam and Eve. His Lavoisier interprets different Nationality: German Nationality: British
observes the work of erosion. geological processes would have been scientific knowledge.
sedimentary rocks as showing different British Antarctic Survey of the
1056 Albertus Magnus publishes ideas were only similar to today’s, in anticipation of Best known for: Alfred Wegener Best known for: Sir Charles
published after sea levels in the past. depletion of ozone in the upper Key discoveries: Classified all
a book on minerals. James Hutton (see 1795).
Dates: 1831–99 was a meteorologist, doing a Lyell was a field geologist who
his death. 1795 James Hutton, the “Founder of living and fossil things according
1500 Leonardo da 1749 Georges-Louis Leclerc de 1988 Hottest northern hemisphere Nationality: American great deal of work in Greenland. published a ground-breaking
modern geology,” sees geological to their similarity to one another,
Vinci states that Buffon speculates that the planets
summer on record brings public Best known for: Professor of He advocated the concept of work The Principles of Geology. It
formed by a comet crashing into the
processes as a cycle, with no as we do today.
beginning and no end. awareness of global warming. palaeontology at Yale University continental drift, calling it explained the observed geological
sun. The people in power force him to and curator of the Peabody
1991 Chicxulub crater in Yucatan is continental displacement phenomena in terms of scientific
retract it. 1799 Alexander von Humboldt
names the Jurassic system. pinpointed as the site of the impact Museum of Natural History. He when he first lectured on it in actions rather than the works of
1751 Diderot and d’Alembert publish that may have caused the dinosaur was a rival of Edward Drinker 1912, although he could not God. He stressed that the human
the first encyclopaedia—with a 1799 British surveyor William Smith Dates: 1809–82 other the world. He built on the
James extinction. Cope, and their animosity resulted think of a mechanism that would species must have been older
reliance on factual information rather produces the first geological map, Nationality: British already existing ideas of evolution
Cook establishing the importance of fossils 1992 Joe Kirschvink suggests the in the “bone wars,” when each account for the phenomenon. than currently believed.
than on traditional beliefs.
snowball Earth theory—that the Earth
Best known for: After failed and deduced the mechanism
to define rocks and times. 1862 Lord Kelvin suggests tried to discover more than the He died in an accident on the Key discoveries: Establishing

1760 Giovanni Arduino classifies the was covered by ice during the that the Earth is 20–400 attempts at careers in medicine and involved.
other. Greenland ice cap. the geological column, with time

geological column – Primary: with no 1804 Cuvier acknowledges that fossil Precambrian. the church, he became a naturalist. Key discoveries: The idea of
million years old, based Key discoveries: About 80 new
fossils, Secondary: deformed and with animals are older than can be Key discoveries: Proposing divided into periods.
on rates of cooling. His famous voyage on HMS Beagle natural selection as the force that
fossils, Tertiary: horizontal and with explained by the Bible and suggests A 50,000-year-old crater genera of dinosaurs, establishing continental drift as a serious
allowed him to observe and collect drives evolution.
fossils, and Quaternary: loose sands previous cycles of creation and shows that the Earth is still the vastness of fossil life. scientific idea.
destruction. examples of flora and fauna from all
and gravels over the rest. This was a being bombarded by meteors.

A breakdown of the names given to Look for heading words linked to your 52 53 54 55

the different subdivisions of time. research to guide you to the right fact box. INTRODUCTION TO TOPIC 52–53 Uncovering the Prehistoric World Timeline 54–55 Key Figure Biographies

TWO QUICK WAYS Captions explain what is in the pictures.
The most spectacular set of
Cambrian fossils lies in the
Burgess shale animals
Marella – like a trilobite with long
with tentacles along one side and
stilts along the other.

uring the early Paleozoic era, many different kinds of hard-shelled
TIMELINE animals have evolved in the sea. By the end of the early Paleozoic,
Burgess Shale in Canada. These horns on its head. Anomalocaris – a big swimming
Different animals’ statistics are
consist of all kinds of animals, Nectocaris – like a shrimp’s body predator that probably hunted
listed here.
1 Look at the detailed CONTENTS list on
page 3 to find you
543–417 MYA
however, some life was beginning to venture out of the water and
live on dry land.
most of which do not fit into any
established classification.
with an eel’s tail.
Opabinia – like a worm with a
trunk and many pairs of paddles.
all these.

For fast access to facts about different

Silurian Ludlow • See page 55 for
Wiwaxia – like a slug covered in animals, look for the name in
topic of interest. Wenlock
chain mail.
more information on CHARLES
Early Paleozoic Era

SILURIAN PERIOD Hallucigenia – a worm-like body discovered the Burgess Shale. the headings.
Meaning: From Silures – an old The Burgess Shale in Canada today.
Ordovician Dyfed Welsh tribe.
Continents were continuing to
Canadian move together. The edges of the
Isotelus Isotelus
Period: Silurian
continents were flooded, giving
large areas of shallow sea over Diet: Buried organic
Cambrian Merioneth
St David’s continental shelves. Many reefs
and shallow-water organisms existed Habitat: In sandy sea
at that time. The first bottoms
land-living plants appeared. Information: Spade-shaped
PALAEOZOIC ERA trilobite, smooth surface, GLOSSARY
adapted for burrowing.
The Palaeozoic era is • A GLOSSARY of words and terms
Turn to the relevant made up of six periods. Cryptolithus
Period: Ordovician used in this book begins on page 58.
The first three periods make up
page and use the BOX HEADINGS to find the the early Palaeozoic era. the
Diet: Floating The glossary words provide additional
information box you need. other three are the Devonian, Meaning: From Ordovices –
an old Welsh tribe.
organic matter
information to supplement the facts on
Carboniferous, and Permian. Habitat: Open water
In the Ordovician period, the CALYMENE the main pages.
Information: Free-swimming
northern landmasses were
2 Turn to the INDEX which starts on page
60 and search for key words relating to
Permian 290–248 MYA

Carboniferous 354–290 MYA

beginning to move toward one
another. An ice age took place
Time: Silurian
Size: About 1 ⁄16 in.
Diet: Organic particles from
Pygidium – tail shield made
from fused segments
trilobite, huge cephalon
with long spines at the
rear, small thorax and
at the boundary with the Silurian, Thorax – central pygidium.
sea bed
your research. Devonian 417–354 MYA 450 to 440 million years ago. Habitat: Shallow seas
part of body made
up of segments

• The index will direct you to the correct page, early Palaeozoic 543–417 MYA
Information: Calymene was Period: Cambrian

and where on the page to find the fact

a typical trilobite—one of the Cephalon – Diet: Floating organic LINKS
most abundant of the sea-living head shield matter

you need. LAND ANIMALS

arthropods in the early Paleozoic. Habitat: Open water Look for the purple links throughout the
Although we believe there were CAMBRIAN PERIOD
Information: Tiny early
trilobite, free swimming,
book. Each link gives details of other
no land animals in the early only two segments in the pages where related or additional facts
Meaning: From Cambria – an old
Paleozoic, some strange trace DIPLOGRAPTUS thorax, cephalon the
fossils from Canada, from the name for Wales, where the original same size as pygidium. can be found.
Cambrian period have been work was done on the lower Time: Silurian Other graptolites include shape. These are all valuable index Olenellus
found. Paleozoic rocks. Size: 2 in., each branch Monograptus, with a single row of fossils for the early Paleozoic.
Period: Cambrian
They were made by a soft-bodied In the early Paleozoic, all of the Diet: Suspended organic particles individuals, and Didymograptus, with • See pages 12–13 for more
southern continents, South America, Habitat: Open water two rows arranged in a wishbone information on INDEX FOSSILS. Diet: Organic detritus
animal. The animal moved along
the damp sand of the Cambrian Africa, India, Australia and Information: Diplograptus was a Habitat: Shallow sea
Antarctica, were part of a single common graptolite—a floating bed • See pages 12–13 for more
shoreline. The animal had flaps on
either side of its body and dug landmass. The northern continents, colonial organism. It consisted of Information: An early information on index fossils.
those into the sand to pull itself North America, Europe, and Asia, two rows of living creatures back to trilobite, tiny pygidium,
were individual landmasses back, and several hanging spines on the segments.
forward, creating tracks that look
like motorcycle tracks. scattered over the ocean. suspended from a gas float.

16 17


Each topic box presents the facts you A more detailed study of an animal of the time. A picture
need in short, quick-to-read bullet points. accompanies the information to give a better idea of what life was
like at that time.

4 5
The Precambrian eon covers truly began to take shape as THE AGE OF HOW DO WE
The oldest minerals – 4.3 below). These are metamorphic

three eras and over 4,000 we know it. We can look at billion years old. They were rocks and are formed from • About 5 or 6 thousand years – Going
million years. However, during Proterozoic 2,500–543 MYA radioactive minerals found in much younger rocks that already existed and by the dates in the Bible and universally
this period, primitive lifeforms Archaean 3,800–2,500 MYA in rocks. sedimentary rocks in Australia. must have been older. accepted until about 150 years ago.
were only starting to develop,

Hadean 4,500–3,800 MYA he Earth is Radioactive minerals The oldest rocks – 4.03 The oldest meteorites – 4.6 • 25–40 million years – Lord Kelvin in
and it wasn’t until later that life change at a regular rate 1862. He based his calculation on how long
about 4.6 billion billion years old found in billion years ago. They are
over time. By looking at the Earth would take to cool to its present
This is what the surface of the Earth may have looked like the Great Slave Lake in assumed to have formed at the temperature assuming that Earth began hot
whe it was still forming in the Hadean era.
years old. the amount of radioactive
northwestern Canada (shown same time as Earth. and molten. He did not know about radioactivity.
During that time, there mineral that has changed,
we can figure out how Radioactivity continues to generate heat, so
have been extreme long the changes have been the Earth cools much more slowly.
changes in layout of the going on, which provides • Irish Geologist Samuel Haughton in
the length of time since 1878 suggested that the age could be
land and the oceans, as well estimated by measuring the depth of
the mineral was formed.
as vast differences in the kinds of life that have sedimentary rocks.
• 27.6 million years – Walcott in 1893.
walked on Earth’s land, flew in its sky, and
• 18.3 million years – Sollas in 1900. Both
swam in its seas. While everything looks to be he and Walcott were influenced by Haughton.
stable in our eyes, the Earth is constantly • 704 million years – Goodchild in 1897.
changing, continents are moving, and life • 96 million years – John Joly in 1889.
He was working on the rate of buildup of
continues to change. salt in the ocean.

Early Paleozoic 543–417 Devonian 417–354 Carboniferous 354–290 Permian 290–248 Triassic 248–206 Jurassic 206–144 Cretaceous 144–65 Tertiary 65–1.75 PHANEROZOIC EON
Quaternary 1.75–present TO PRESENT DAY
The Phanerozoic eon covers three
eras: the Paleozoic, highlighted in
GREEN, the Mesozoic,
highlighted in PURPLE, and the
Cenozoic, highlighted in RED.
Each one of these are then
subdivided into different periods as
noted. Although the Phanerozoic
eon is only 543 million years, it
covers the period when life
advances on Earth.

The First Reptiles GEOLOGICAL TIME

In the Carboniferous period, SCALE
life on land was fully established. The Age of Mammals
• When the geological time scale
The coal forests are filled with giant After nearly all of life is wiped out by Human Beings First Appear
is shown vertically the oldest
insects and the first reptiles. The Reptiles Flourish The Age of Dinosaurs Begins The Great Extinction the Great Extinction, the Early Tertiary Human beings first appeared about
division is always at the bottom
First Signs of Life on Land The forests eventually formed Between the Permian and Triassic Dinosaurs evolved in the late Triassic At the end of the Cretaceous period, period sees life on Earth taking new 200,000 years ago. Earth begins to
and the youngest, or the
In the early Paleozoic period, life was the coal we use as fuel today. periods, there was another mass period and ruled the Earth until the a cataclysmic event occured direction. Gone are the dinosaurs and look more and more like it does now.
present day, is at the top.
predominantly sea-based. Hard-shelled extinction. This brought about a spurt end of the Cretaceous period. As the that wiped out all the dinosaurs, great pterosaurs that ruled the sky,
• This reflects the sequence in
animals were evolving at this time. By in the development of lifeform. The continents moved apart, newer and pterosaurs, and sea reptiles. new creatures that graze on the
which sedimentary rocks are
the end of the period, life was starting first dinosaurs appeared on Earth. more fantastic dinosaurs evolved on This cleared the way for the first newly developing grass and plants
laid down (see p10–11).
to venture onto the land. the separate continents. mammals. thrive during this time.

6 7
German geologist O.W. Hilgenberg
and British physicist P.A.M .Dirac (in
Aleutian Islands
Arc of islands
Mediterranean Sea Red Sea
Where two plates are sliding next to one Where the continent
Ural Mountains
The line along

n 1492, Christopher Columbus sailed across the Atlantic and became the first European recorded to the 1930s) and British geologist formed where one another, creating islands, mountains, and is already split. where two
have set foot in North America. His voyage took him 70 days. Today, the Atlantic Ocean is over 30 H.G. Owen (in the 1960s) ocean plate slides volcanoes. continents fused
feet wider now than it was 500 years ago. The plate tectonics theory states that the Earth is made up suggested that the continents were beneath another. together in the
moving apart because the Earth was distant past.
of about 30 plates that sit on a layer of molten rock. the plates move about 4 inches a year. While that expanding. Few scientists accept this
may not seem like a lot, combine that small amount with billions of years, and there is a large change. idea today.

Look at a map of the world. to be, but nobody took him seriously.
The shape of the east coast of In 1908, F.B. Taylor tried to
North American plate
South America fits into the west Eurasian plate
explain it, along with the formation
coast of Africa. People in the past of mountains, by a movement of
have noticed this as well. Anatolian plate
continents southwards from the
In 1620, Francis Bacon noticed the Pacific plate North Pole.
plate African plate
Arabian plate Philippine SOME SPEEDS
similarity but did not suggest a reason. plate
In 1915, Alfred Wegener is Andes Mariana
Cocos plate South
Somali sub-plate • Movement of plates in North
In 1668, P. Placet suggested that credited with beginning the serious 6 Mountains Trench
Nazca American Atlantic – ⁄8 in per year. This is
the Biblical Flood had forced the plate Indian-Australian scientific discussion of the formed as an Where one
plate typical.
continents apart. plate phenomenon. ocean plate is Mid-Atlantic Ridge East African Australia ocean plate is
• Movement of plates in Pacific – forced beneath a Where the two halves Rift Valley A continent being pushed up
In 1855, Antonio Snider drew Antartic plate • See page 55 5
maps to illustrate how the world used ALFRED WEGENER. 1 ⁄8 in per year. This is the continental of the Atlantic Ocean Where a continent is carried north as the beneath
fastest. plate. are growing apart. beginning to split apart. plate moves. another.

• If the continents are moving apart, • The surface of the globe is made
then something must be happening up of plates, like the panels Center –
to the ocean floor between them. of a soccer ball. Each plate is 3950 miles down.
Scientists started discovering this growing from a seam along one
during the late-20th century. side and moving along beneath
the next plate at the seam on Inner core –
• The crew of the US Atlantis, in 1947, the other side. The continents solid iron – upper boundary 3200 miles.
noticed that sediment was thin on are carried by in these plates.
the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. This
Outer core –
meant that part of the ocean floor • As the continents move about,
was younger than other parts.
The Azores are a group of islands that lie on the Mid-Atlantic ridge, which
they occasionally crash into one
liquid iron – upper boundary 1800 miles.
were formed by molten rock as the plates move away from each other.
another. This causes the edge to
• Various oceanographic surveys and Drummond Matthews found, • This showed that the oceans were crumple up, forming mountains; Mantle –
in the 1950s observed oceanic in 1963, that the rocks of the growing larger at their ridges. fusing together to form bigger mostly solid stone – upper boundary
ridges, particularly the one in the ridges in the Atlantic Ocean were Volcanic activity formed new continents; or splitting apart as 3 to 6 miles beneath the ocean and 15 to
middle of the Atlantic. arranged in strips, magnetized in seafloor there, and this moved new seams grow beneath them. 56 miles beneath the continents.
different directions. They had away from the ridge as even
• American geologist Harry Hess formed at different times when newer material formed • All the continents consist of
noted in 1960 that the sediment the Earth’s magnetic field was in between. Hess proposed the ancient cores, that have been Crust –
was thinner over the ocean ridges pointing in different directions. name seafloor spreading. there for billions of years, and solid stone. The upper 60 miles of the crust
than in the deeper waters at each surrounded by progressively and topmost mantel is called the lithosphere,
side. The ridges were younger • Canadian geologist Lawrence • Combined with continental drift, younger ranges of mountains. forming the plates. The next 60 miles of the
than the rest of the ocean. Morley made the same these two theories make up plate mantel is called the asthenosphere, which is the
observations in the Pacific Ocean tectonics. mobile layer on which the plates move.
• British geophysicists Fred Vine in 1963.

8 9
ROCKS AND MINERALS Conglomerate (clastic) is coarse,
Clay (clastic) is so fine-grained that reefs; or chemical, from dissolved Sedimentary rocks are important
like a solidified pebble bed, and is it is difficult to see the fragments, calcite in sea water. for fossil formation.

he crust of the Earth is made up of minerals. Usually, minerals form crystals of a particular formed from shingle beaches. even with a microscope. It is usually
shape, but sometimes these crystals are distorted or too small to see. When different minerals formed in still waters, such as lakes.
form together, the result is rock. Sandstone (clastic) is medium-
grained and formed from sand Coal (biogenic) is formed as
accumulated in river beds or deserts. vegetable material piles up in beds
and does not rot away.
Shale (clastic) is fine-grained and
TYPES OF ROCK formed from mud laid down in very Halite/rock salt (chemical) is
There are three types of rock, 1. Clastic – formed from pieces of thin beds in a river, lake, or sea. formed as salty waters dry out in
and these form in different ways. rock that have broken from rocks lakes or sheltered bays.
that already exist. Mudstone (clastic) is fine-grained
Igneous rock is formed when like shale, but does not split into Limestone can be clastic, from
2. Biogenic – formed from material even beds. previously-formed limestone;
molten material from inside the gathered by living things.
Earth cools and solidifies. Usually biogenic, from seashells or coral
the minerals can be seen as distinct 3. Chemical – formed as minerals
crystals in igneous rock. There are crystallize out of seawater.
two types of igneous rock: Metamorphic the result of Sedimentary rock THE ROCK CYCLE EXAMPLES OF
1. Intrusive – formed under the existing rocks being heated and compressed by Earth’s movements The material of the Earth’s Rocks melt and are solidified as changed into metamorphic rocks.
surface of the Earth. This tends to that cause their minerals to change. crust is constantly changing, igneous rocks. These may break These then may break down • Marble (thermal) is formed
be coarse with big crystals. The original rock does not melt— usually through plate-tectonic down when exposed and become again. This is known as the
Extrusive rock as limestone is cooked by
otherwise the result would be an activity. sedimentary rocks or may be rock cycle. igneous activity.
2. Extrusive – formed on the igneous rock. There are two types of
surface of the Earth from cooling metamorphic rock: • Slate (regional) is formed as
Volcanic ash settles in sediment
molten lava. This is usually fine, with mountain-building activities push
1. Thermal metamorphic – formed
crystals that cannot be seen with the Magma is called on sedimentary rocks, such as
principally by the action of heat. Layer upon layer of
naked eye. lava at Earth’s shale. It splits easily along lines
2. Regional metamorphic – surface rock and sediment form
of weakness.
Sedimentary rock is formed from formed principally by the action Rivers carry
fragments that are laid down as of pressure.
weathered rock • Schist (regional) is formed by
to the sea more intense mountain-building
layers. There are three types of
Intrusive rock sedimentary rock: Metamorphic rock
activities. New minerals are
Rocks on Earth’s surface are
eroded by weathering
formed along twisted bands.
Rocks reach
Earth’s • Gneiss (regional) is formed
SEDIMENTS TO EXAMPLES OF IGNEOUS ROCK Lava surface Rocks reach in the extreme depths of
SEDIMENTARY ROCK • Granite (intrusive) has big a microscope. • Andesite (extrusive) It is
Rocks reach Earth’s mountains and has big,
Earth’s surface obvious crystals.
Sediments pile up in beds on crystals created by cooling slowly. very fine-grained due to rapid Magma is surface
the bottom of a river, sea, or It is light in color because of the • Basalt (extrusive) is very fine- cooling. It is solidified lava flow. It forced up to
grained due to rapid cooling. It is Heat and
lake, or even in a desert. high proportion of silica in the has a pale color because of the Earth’s Lava becomes solid pressure
solidified lava flow. It has a black surface igneous rock
• The weight of the sediments on minerals. It comes from deep in high proportion of silica minerals.
top compress those below. mountain ranges. color because of the low It is found in explosive volcanoes, Heat and
• Ground water percolates through proportion of silica minerals. It such as Mount Saint Helens and pressure Layers harden to form
the beds, depositing minerals as • Gabbro (intrusive) has big comes from freely-flowing Vesuvius.
sedimentary rock
it goes, cementing the crystals. It is dark in color because volcanoes. Igneous rock
of the low proportion of silica in and sedimentary
sedimentary particles together. Granite rock change to
• The result is a solid mass, called the minerals. It is found deep in metamorphic rock
sedimentary rock. mountain ranges and the crust of
Metamorphic and Melting
In any undisturbed area, the oldest the ocean.
sedimentary rock melt Heat and
sedimentary bed is at the bottom,
• Dolerite (intrusive) is cooled to form magma pressure
which is why it appears at the (molten rock)
bottom of a geological time scale near the surface, so it has smaller
diagram. crystals that need to be seen with Gneiss

10 11
• For an organism to become a fossil
it must be buried rapidly in
accumulating, and why fossils of
land-living animals are very rare.
Fossils are not usually found individually. Many are found
together as groups called assemblages.

e know that animals and plants existed long ago on the Earth. They have left their remains sediment. This will ensure that • The remains are then affected
behind as fossils. These may be parts of the original organisms or traces, such as footprints, none of the taphonomic effects in various ways, producing the Life assemblage This occurs when the fossils reflect how
that they left behind. Fossils give unique insight into what kinds of life lived millions of will take place. different fossil types. the animals and plants lived. In a life assemblage, the bivalve
years ago. How they grew, if and how they cared for their young, and what they are are many of the • This is why most of the fossils • The process that takes place as the molluscs are still joined together and attached animals like sea lilies
found are of animals that live in sediment becomes sedimentary are in their growth positions. It is as if the whole community had
things we have discovered from studying fossils. the water, where sediment is just dropped dead on the spot. This is very valuable in determining
rock, is known as diagenesis.

Fossils form in different ways 4. Petrified living things. The original filled by minerals deposited by Apart from showing us the history Death assemblage This occurs when the dead animals and plants
and can be classed on how organic substance is replaced ground water, the result is a lump of life on Earth, fossils can be are carried by currents and end up all jumbled together. We can
much of the original creature molecule by molecule to produce in the shape of the original body, used for a number of purposes. identify a death assemblage by the fact that bivalve shells are broken
is left. a fossil with the original structure but does not have the internal apart and may be aligned in the direction of the current, delicate
but made entirely of mineral. structure. A cast can form in the Index fossils Some animals or skeletons are disarticulated and scattered, and fossils from nearby
Petrified wood is created by this space between the valves of plants only existed for a short environments are mixed up with them.
process. seashells, showing us the shape period of time. When the fossils of
of the interior of the shells. those animals are found in rock,
5. Mould. This is a hole left in the rock must have formed during
the rock when all the original 7. Trace fossils. Sometimes nothing
of the original organism is left – that time. By observing the
organic material has decayed presence of fossils with overlapping
away. A special kind of mould just its burrows or the marks that
it made, showing us how it lived time periods, the date of that rock
forms from the hollow between can be more precise.
the shells of a bivalve seashell. but not what it looked like.
Dinosaur footprints are important
1. Organisms preserved in their 6. Cast. When a mould (see E) is trace fossils. Facies fossil Some animals or
entirety. These are very rare and plants can only live under specific
include things like insects environmental conditions. When
entombed in amber. the fossils of these creatures are
found, the rocks in which they are
2. The hard parts of living things entombed must have formed under
preserved unaltered, such as these conditions. Facies fossils are
sharks’ teeth in Tertiary sediments. important to oil geologists who
3. Only some of the original substance are looking for rocks that formed
of the living thing left. Leaves can under the right conditions to
break down leaving a thin film of produce oil.
the original carbon in the shape of
the leaf. This produces coal. Death assemblage (left) and life assemblage (right).
Petrified wood


Many things can happen to an organism before it is fossilized. • It may break down under the influence of the weather. Once a fossil is formed, it lies crushed up so much that they
deep beneath the surface of end up as mountains well
• It can be eaten, or partially eaten, by other animals. This is why it is very unlikely for any individual organism to be preserved the Earth, maybe several above sea level. The wind and
as a fossil. Activity before fossilization is known as taphonomy. miles down. the rain then break them
• It may rot away. It must be brought to the down, forming new material
surface to be found. This for clastic sedimentary rocks.
usually happens if the The fossil-bearing beds may
sedimentary rocks that contain then be exposed to our view.
it are caught up in mountain-
building processes through the
actions of plate tectonics. The
rocks may be twisted and • See pages 8–9
Finding dinosaur fossils.

12 13
(2,500–543 MYA) PRECAMBRIAN It is possible that between 750 and
580 million years ago, the Earth was

• Glaciated rocks in Australia and

formed in very cold water.

uring much of Precambrian, life was developing from mere entirely frozen. As this was just before other continents from that time • Lack of oxygen in the atmosphere
molecules that had the ability to reproduce, such as viruses, through many-celled animals appeared, it is formed at sea level near the equator. is shown by the minerals formed at
Proterozoic Neoproterozoic
possible that the return to more that time. This would come about
the formation of single cells, such as bacteria, to creatures that were
Mesoproterozoic temperate climates, after such a drastic • Limestones formed at that time if cold conditions killed off nearly
made up of many cells. Some of these creatures were the precursors of show evidence that they would have all life.

event, spurred the burst in evolution.

Paleoproterozoic today’s life forms.
What the Earth
may have looked
Hadean like 750-580
million years ago.
The Precambrian lasts over During the Precambrian, the completely covered by water.
EVIDENCE OF LIFE 85 percent of the Earth’s continents were very small,
history. with the Earth almost
3.5 million years
Signs of where microbes may have
eaten into newly erupted basalt
flows on the sea bed.

600 million years

The earliest known multicelled
organisms, like sea anemones come
from the Mackenzie Mountains

0.8 billion years

Evidence of life can be found in the
Bitter Springs Chert in Australia.
2 billion years
Gunflint chert microfossils show
evidence of life in Canada.

3.465 billion years

Possible lifeforms in microfossils in ANIMALS OF THE VENDIAN
the Apex Chert in Australia.
The first living things were molecules that could then with more complex eukaryotic cells. The latter
3.5 billion years
Microfossils in Swaziland show reproduce themselves from the chemicals around eventually developed into multi-celled types. The
signs of life. (The chert in which STROMATOLITES them. Eventually, they became single-celled cells formed tissues that built up into
most of these are found is a glassy organisms, first with simple prokaryotic cells, and individual organs. Amongs the earliest
sedimentary rock made of silica) The earliest good fossils are no other living things to disturb multi-celled organisms were strange
discovered are of stromatolites. their growth. soft-bodied organisms from the
Vendian period in Australia and
VENDIAN PERIOD These occur when microscopic
of England. These
filaments of algae or bacteria
The very end of the include Spriggina,
attract particles of sediment and
Neoproterozoic is known as form a mat. Other mats build up on which resembled a
the Vendian. Fossils of multi- this to form a dome-like structure. segmented worm,
celled animals are known The oldest stromatolites are 3.5 and Charnodiscus,
from this period, but none with billion years old. a feather-like
a hard shell. animal found on the
Many scientists like to include the Today, they are found in the seafloor.
Vendian in the Paleozoic era Red Sea and around Australia in
rather than the Precambrian. A fossilized stromatolite sheltered salty bays where there Modern stromatolites in Australia. Spriggina Charnodiscus

14 15
EARLY PALEOZOIC ERA The most spectacular set of
Burgess shale animals with tentacles along one side and
Cambrian fossils lies in the Marella – like a trilobite with long stilts along the other.

uring the early Paleozoic era, many different kinds of hard-shelled
TIMELINE animals have evolved in the sea. By the end of the early Paleozoic,
Burgess Shale in Canada. These horns on its head. Anomalocaris – a big swimming
consist of all kinds of animals, Nectocaris – like a shrimp’s body predator that probably hunted
543–417 MYA however, some life was beginning to venture out of the water and most of which do not fit into any with an eel’s tail. all these.
Pridoli live on dry land. established classification. Opabinia – like a worm with a
trunk and many pairs of paddles.
Silurian Ludlow • See page 55 for
Wiwaxia – like a slug covered in more information on CHARLES
chain mail. DOOLITTLE WALCOTT who
Early Paleozoic Era

Llandovery discovered the Burgess Shale.

SILURIAN PERIOD Hallucigenia – a worm-like body
Meaning: From Silures – an old The Burgess Shale in Canada today.
Ordovician Dyfed Welsh tribe.
Continents were continuing to Isotelus
Canadian move together. The edges of the Period: Silurian
continents were flooded, giving
large areas of shallow sea over Diet: Buried organic
Cambrian Merioneth
St David’s continental shelves. Many reefs
and shallow-water organisms existed Habitat: In sandy sea
at that time. The first bottoms
land-living plants appeared. Information: Spade-shaped
PALAEOZOIC ERA trilobite, smooth surface,
adapted for burrowing.
The Palaeozoic era is
made up of six periods.
Period: Ordovician
The first three periods make up ORDOVICIAN PERIOD
the early Palaeozoic era. the Diet: Floating
Meaning: From Ordovices – organic matter
other three are the Devonian,
Carboniferous, and Permian. an old Welsh tribe. Habitat: Open water
In the Ordovician period, the CALYMENE
Information: Free-swimming
Permian 290–248 MYA northern landmasses were Time: Silurian Pygidium – tail shield made trilobite, huge cephalon
beginning to move toward one 3
Size: About 1 ⁄16 in. from fused segments with long spines at the
Carboniferous 354–290 MYA another. An ice age took place Diet: Organic particles from rear, small thorax and
at the boundary with the Silurian, Thorax – central pygidium.
sea bed part of body made
Devonian 417–354 MYA 450 to 440 million years ago. Habitat: Shallow seas Eodiscus
up of segments
Information: Calymene was Period: Cambrian
early Palaeozoic 543–417 MYA a typical trilobite—one of the Cephalon – Diet: Floating organic
most abundant of the sea-living head shield matter
arthropods in the early Paleozoic. Habitat: Open water
Information: Tiny early
Although we believe there were CAMBRIAN PERIOD trilobite, free swimming,
no land animals in the early only two segments in the
Meaning: From Cambria – an old
Paleozoic, some strange trace DIPLOGRAPTUS thorax, cephalon the
fossils from Canada, from the name for Wales, where the original same size as pygidium.
Cambrian period have been work was done on the lower Time: Silurian Other graptolites include shape. These are all valuable index Olenellus
found. Paleozoic rocks. Size: 2 in., each branch Monograptus, with a single row of fossils for the early Paleozoic.
Period: Cambrian
They were made by a soft-bodied In the early Paleozoic, all of the Diet: Suspended organic particles individuals, and Didymograptus, with • See pages 12–13 for more
southern continents, South America, Habitat: Open water two rows arranged in a wishbone information on INDEX FOSSILS. Diet: Organic detritus
animal. The animal moved along
the damp sand of the Cambrian Africa, India, Australia and Information: Diplograptus was a Habitat: Shallow sea
Antarctica, were part of a single common graptolite—a floating bed
shoreline. The animal had flaps on
either side of its body and dug landmass. The northern continents, colonial organism. It consisted of Information: An early
those into the sand to pull itself North America, Europe, and Asia, two rows of living creatures back to trilobite, tiny pygidium,
were individual landmasses back, and several hanging spines on the segments.
forward, creating tracks that look
like motorcycle tracks. scattered over the ocean. suspended from a gas float.

16 17
This type of rock
is typical of the

417–354 MYA uring this period, animals began to leave the water and live on Devonian period.
Famennian land. In the previous Silurian period, land plants first appeared. The Formed from river
first land-living animals were insects, living in this vegetation. gravels and desert
sandstones, it
Devonian period

Then came the vertebrates in transitional forms between fish and amphibians. turned red through
Eifelian They would have been attracted by the new food supplies on land, or may oxidation of iron in
have taken refuge from the ferocious fish and sea scorpions that lived in the it by exposure to air.
Pragian D1 water.
pages 10–11
The Devonian period is named after the county of America collided, forming a single continent, called Old for more
information on Dunkleosteus
PLANTS Devon in the United Kingdom, where many rocks of Red Sandstone, with an enormous mountain range up
TYPES OF ROCK. Period: Late Devonian
this period have been found. between the two. The remains of this mountain range are
The earliest land plants were During this time, the continents were beginning to move found in the Scottish and Norwegian Highlands and part Diet: Other fish
nothing but a stem that together. The land that will become Europe and North of the Appalachians in North America. Habitat: Open ocean
supported a reproductive body. CEPHALASPIS
Information: A giant
By the end of the Devonian, form of the armored
Meaning: Head spike
there were forests of horsetails Early Devonian fish—one of the biggest
Time: Late Silurian – Early Devonian
and ferns. of the time.
Size: 50 cm (19 ft 5 in).
Diet: Organic detritus. Cladoselache
Habitat: Shallow water. Period: Late Devonian
THE AGE OF FISH Information: This early fish had Diet: Other fish
Although fish had already evolved, no jaws, just a sucker to allow it to
Habitat: Open ocean
they did not become important scoop up food from the sea bed.
EURAMERICA Information: An early
until the Devonian, also known as shark, very similar looking to
the Age of Fish. modern forms—the shape of
Northern Appalachians sharks has not changed
Meaning: Properly strong fin much over the years.
RHEIC OCEAN Time: Late Devonian Bothriolepis
Size: 3 ft. 3 in. Period: Early Devonian
Diet: Other fish
Habitat: Shorelines Diet: Organic detritus
Information: A fish that shows adaptations Habitat: Lakes
to life on land. Its fins were in pairs and had bones Information: A group of
CHANGING ATMOSPHERE and muscles, allowing it to move over dry surfaces. armored fish, common in the
A lung enabled it to breathe air. Devonian period. It had
The atmosphere during the early animal could breathe. By the atmosphere by plant life in the armored jointed and front
part of Earth’s history was a toxic Devonian it had changed, with water and on land. This made it fins.
mix of poisonous gases that no oxygen being added to the possible for the land to be habitated. Climatius
ICHTHYOSTEGA Period: Early Devonian
Atmosphere at the Earth’s beginning Precambrian atmosphere Devonian atmosphere
Meaning: Fish-roof Diet: Other fish
Other 3% Time: Late Devonian Habitat: River mouths
N 12% CO2 10% Size: 3 ft. 3 in.
15% Information: One of the
O2 25% Diet: Fish and insects so-called spiny sharks,
H2 10% Habitat: Shorelines with heavy scales and a
Information: One of the earliest of amphibians. double row of fins along
CO2 75% N 75% N 75% Ichthyostega still had a fish’s skull and tail. Its hind its belly.
limbs had eight toes—the standard five-
toed pattern had not yet evolved.

18 19

y the Carboniferous period, life on the land had become fully
354–290 MYA
Gzelian established. Coal forests are inhabited by gigantic insects and other
Pennsylvanian Kasimovian arthropods. The first reptiles begin to emerge during this time. The
Carboniferous Period

Moscovian period came to an end with an ice age that affected most of the southern
Bashkirian hemisphere. Hylonomus
Serpukhovian Period: Late
Mississippian Visean THE WORLD IN THE CARBONIFEROUS PERIOD Diet: Insects
The period is named after the element carbon, which quickly eroded and the debris spread out into broad river Habitat: In the trunks of
was abundant at this time. deltas. The deltas were covered in thick forests that coal forest trees
During the Carboniferous, mountain ranges were being eventually formed the coal seams of the period. Information: An early reptile,
ONE PERIOD OR TWO? like a modern lizard.

In Europe, the Carboniferous Diplovertebron

is regarded as a single period. Carboniferous Period: Late
In America, it is split in two. Carboniferous
Diet: Insects and other
Pennsylvanian– 323–290 MYA amphibians
Equivalent to the late Carboniferous or Lepidodendron – a club moss shaped leaf scars. Cordaites – a primitive relative
that grew up to 100 ft. high. It Sigillaria – a club moss similar of the conifers that grew on Habitat: Coal swamps
the upper Carboniferous.
PANTHALASSIC OCEAN PALAEO-TETHYS consisted of a straight trunk that to Lepidodendron but with leaf slightly drier ground. Various Information: A big
Mississippian – 354–323 MYA
PANGAEA SEA branched dichotomously (into two scars arranged in parallel rows. ferns formed undergrowth and amphibian.
Equivalent to the early Carboniferous or
equal branches, then into two Calamites – horsetails as big as creeping up the trunks. Ophiderpeton
the lower Carboniferous.
again) with long strap-shaped 7 feet tall. Grew as reed beds in Period: Late
leaves. Trunk covered in diamond- shallow water. Carboniferous
Upper and lower are terms used when
Diet: Small invertebrates
talking about the rock sequences or the
fossils formed. Early and late are terms GONDWANA
EOGYRINUS Habitat: Moist leaf litter
used when talking about the events Meaning: Early twister Information: One of the big needed to return Information: An
of the time, such as the evolution amphibian without legs
Time: Late Carboniferous amphibians of the period, it cruised to the water and lived like an
of reptiles. Size: 16 ft. 4 in. the shallow waters of the coal to breed. earthworm in the ground
Diet: Fish and other amphibians swamp like an alligator, looking for cover.
FORMATION OF COAL Habitat: Coal swamps other animals to eat. Eogyrinus could Arthroplura
spend some time on land, but it
Period: Late
MEGANEURA Diet: Rotting vegetable
Meaning: Big nerves the size of a bird, Meganeura was
Time: Late Carboniferous typical of the very large arthropods Habitat: Coal swamps
1. The plant layers soaked up water and were pressed together, forming a 3. More heat and pressure, at greater depths, turned the lignite into a soft, Size: 4 ft. 9 in. wingspan. that existed in the coal forests. Information: A gigantic
brown, spongy material, called peat. black coal, called bituminous coal. Diet: Unknown Other anthropods included millipede, 5 ft. 9 in.
Information: Like a dragonfly, but centipedes as big as pythons. long.
Period: Early
WESTLOTHIANA Carboniferous
Diet: Fish and other
Meaning: From the county Information: Westlothiana is either the land-living animals to come. amphibians
of Westlothian in Scotland the earliest reptile known,
2. More sediment layers formed on top of the peat, burying it deeper and Time: Early Carboniferous or it is something Habitat: Coal swamps
deeper. The greater pressure and heat turned the peat into a brown coal, Size: 7 7/8 in. between the amphibians Information: Amphibian
called lignite. 4. This finally turned into a harder, shiny black coal, called anthracite. Diet: Small insects and the reptiles. It was with tiny limbs, a big
certainly the precursor of head and a tapering body.

20 21
TIMELINE PERMIAN PERIOD Meaning: Middle lizard
Time: Early Permian

290–248 MYA t the beginning of the Permian period, the southern hemisphere was Size: 3 ft. 3 in.
still in the grip of the ice age that started at the end of the Diet: Small swimming animals
Zechstein Changxingian
Carboniferous period. Once the ice age ended, the Earth entered a Information: The age of reptiles
Longtanian had arrived, with swimming,
desert period, forming the New Red Sandstone layer. The end of the Permian flying, and land-living types.
period shows a large amount of volcanic activity, mostly in what will become Fossils of Mesosaurus, a
Permian Period

Siberia. freshwater swimmer, have
been found in South Africa
Rotliegendes Kungurian and Brazil, showing that
THE WORLD IN THE PERMIAN PERIOD this area was all one
continent at that time.
Sakmarian This period is named after the Perm region in Russia, during the Devonian and Carboniferous periods were
Asselian where the rocks dating from this time are well exposed. eroded into hills, and there was less erosion forming
In the Permian, nearly all the continents had river deltas. The coal forests dried up and were replaced
accumulated into a single landmass. The mountains by deserts. PAREIASAURUS
Meaning: Side-by-side lizard
Desert features seen in Moschops
Time: Middle Permian
Permian rocks: Permian Period: Late Permian
Size: 8 ft. 2 in.
• Dune bedding Diet: Plants
Diet: Plants
• Red sandstones showing dry PANTHALASSIC Information: Plant-eating vertebrates appeared at this time. Habitat: Deserts
oxidation environments OCEAN Big-bodied types like Pareiasaurus fed on the ferns and conifers Information: A big plant-
• Beds of coarse pebbles that found at desert oases. eating, mammal-like reptile.
have been shaped by the wind PANGAEA PALAEO-TETHYS TETHYS Eryops
Diet: Fish and other
Meaning: Two sizes of tooth that eventually gave rise to the amphibians
Time: Early Permian mammals. Dimetrodon was an
GONDWANA Habitat: Desert streams
Size: 9 ft. 8 in. early example. It had a sail
Diet: Other reptiles on its back to help regulate Information: One of the
Information: An important its temperature in the big amphibians that still
existed at this time.
group of reptiles were the desert heat.
mammal-like reptiles Lycaenops
Period: Late Permian
Diet: Other reptiles
Habitat: Deserts
The kinds of sea animals in earlier began to die out Information: A mammal-like
during the Permian period. In the region of Texas, there reptile that looked like
were thick reefs. Modern reefs are made of corals. a mammal.
Permian reefs Seymouria
were made of: Period: Early Permian
• Sponges Diet: Insects and small
• Algae
Habitat: Deserts
• Bivalves
Information: Had features
• Crinoids (sea lilies) that were transitional
• Brachiopods (animal with two shells but unrelated between amphibians and
to bivalves) reptiles.

The Permian reefs of Texas

contain the state’s oil reserves.

There are several theories for

248–206 MYA fter the Permian period ends, Earth began to change dramatically.
the mass extinction.
The boundary between the Permian and the Triassic periods
1. The change to the atmosphere
Norian Tr3
coincided with the greatest mass-extinction in Earth’s history, 95
caused by the eruptions in
Carnian percent of all species were wiped out. It is not known whether the volcanic Siberia.
activity in what will become Siberia had anything to do with it, but following 2. Climate fluctuation caused by
Triassic Period

Tr2 the event, whole new groups of animals spread over the land and sea. the joining of all the continents.
3. Chemical evidence has been
Spathian found in Australia and Antarctica
THE WORLD IN THE TRIASSIC PERIOD of a meteorite impact, but it is
Nammalian Scythian, Tr1
All the continents had now All of the oceans were combined hinterland of the continent. Land not strong evidence.
come together to form one into one ocean, called Panthalassa. life was only possible around the 4. Change in the salt content of
great supercontinent, called The New Red Sandstone conditions coast line. There were many differences between the plants of the Permian and Triassic periods. the ocean.
Pangaea. continued, with arid deserts in the
Trees Medium-sized plants Small plants
MESOZOIC ERA Permian – giant club mosses Permian – giant horsetails, Permian – seed ferns and
and cordaites, just like the tree ferns. horsetails.
The Triassic period is the Triassic Carboniferous coal forests.
first of the three periods Triassic – cycad-like plants, Triassic – conventional ferns
that make up the Triassic – primitive conifers like tree ferns. and horsetails.
Mesozoic era. monkey puzzle trees.
PANGAEA Because all the land was in a single 2. Seasonal rainfall near the coasts. temperatures extended down to the Earth’s poles.
Cretaceous 144–65 MYA
TETHY supercontinent, the climates were extreme. 3. High latitude regions with cool rains. Scientists think that this was one of the hottest
N They could be divided into a number of belts. The interior of Pangaea was extremely hot during periods of the planet’s history, with gobal warming
Jurassic 206–144 MYA 1. Year round dry climate. the Triassic, with little rain falling. Warm occurring toward the end of the Triassic.

Triassic 248–206 MYA

210 Warm temperate Warm temperate
A new kind of plant— Tropical
Glossopteris (a kind of fern that Tropical Tropical
reproduced by seed)—became MEANING OF THE NAME
very common. Its fossils are Trias – three. Refers to the three
found throughout the sequences of rock in Germany where Arid
southern continents. the period was first identified. Arid
These are:
Keuper – desert sandstones and
Muschelkalk – mussel Warm temperate
chalk. Limestone marking a WARM
Cool Temperature

marine phase. WET

& Tillites

Bunter – desert sandstones. WarmTemperature

Kaolinite (& coal & evaporite)

• See page 45 for a Palms Mangroves

Classification still used, even though Arid Cold

chart of the varying temperatures

Muschelkalk in most of Europe, the Muschelkalk throughout the Earth’s history.


is absent. “Paratropical” = High Latitude Bauxites

24 25
There are several features that define a dinosaur and make it different from all other reptiles.
here was a significant change of life in the Triassic period. The varied sea creatures of the

T Paleozoic era were gone, replaced by totally new types of water-living animals. The changed
plant life on land provided food for the new animal life. Land animals continued to develop and
expand; some developed the ability to fly or swim. It is during the Triassic period that the first
Skull with two holes
behind the eyes to hold
the jaw muscles.
A hole rather than a socket in the
hip to hold the thigh bone.

mammals and dinosaurs appear.

Three or more
vertebrae fusing the
hips to the backbone.
THE KEY TO LAND- The evolving plant life encouraged died out. A new line of plant-eating and the conifers established
LIVING an evolving animal life as well. mammal-like reptile evolved as the themselves at the end of
The plant-eating mammal-like conventional ferns took over. the period. Mixosaurus
At the begining of the Age of reptiles declined as the seed-ferns Mammals and dinosaurs evolved, Period: Late Triassic
Reptiles, there were still plenty Front legs
of big amphibians on Earth. shorter than Diet: Fish
the hind.
Habitat: Shallow seas
• Reptiles have hard-shelled eggs. Legs held vertically
Amphibians lay soft eggs that beneath the body, not Information: One of the
must remain in water. sticking out at the side – earliest ichthyosaurs, the
Three or fewer more like an elephant fish-shaped swimming
• Reptiles hatch fully formed from finger joints on than a crocodile. reptiles of the Mesozoic.
the egg. Amphibians go through the fourth finger.
a larval “tadpole” stage, usually Dinosaurs evolved to eat the conifers.
Period: Late Triassic
in the water.
Diet: Fish
• Reptiles have a tough
waterproof skin that can stand Habitat: Shallow seas
up to dry conditions. Amphibians EORAPTOR EUDIMORPHODON Information: Swimming
have a soft skin covered in reptile that hunted fish from
Meaning: Early hunter Meaning: True two shapes land.
mucus that must be kept moist. Time: Late Triassic of teeth
New reptiles, called rhynchosaurs evolved to eat the conventional Size: ft. 3 in. Time: Late Triassic Tanystropheus
ferns. Period: Late Triassic
Diet: Small animals Size: 3 ft. 3 in. wingspan
Information: The earliest Diet: Fish Diet: Fish
dinosaur known. Having all the Information: One of the earliest Habitat: Shallow seas
features of an early pterosaurs—a group of flying
Information: A long-necked,
meat-eating dinosaur—a reptiles, related to dinosaurs, that shore-living animal.
bipedal stance with the head out were the lords of the skies in the
to the front, balanced by a heavy Mesozoic era. Eudimorphodon’s Hyperodapedon
Mammal-like reptiles ate seed-ferns. Period: Middle Triassic
tail, small clawed hands, and long wings were formed by wing
jaws with sharp teeth. membranes supported by a Diet: Ferns
FOOTPRINTS long finger. Habitat: Desert oases

Evidence of reptile existence THECODONTOSAURUS Information: A rhynchosaur,

one of the important plant-
comes from the many footprints Meaning: hold a more complex digestive eaters before the dinosaurs.
found in Triassic sandstones. Socket- system, and a small head and a
Famous localities include, Dinosaur State toothed lizard long neck to reach its food.
Period: Early Triassic
Park in Connecticut, Moab, Utah, and Time: Late Triassic
Size: 3 ft. 3 in. Diet: Other animals
Dumfriesshire, Scotland.
Diet: Plants Habitat: Deserts
Information: One of Information: An early
the first of the plant-eating crocodile relative that was
• See pages 12–13 for more dinosaurs. Thecodontosaurus had a the fiercest hunter before
information on FOSSILS. larger body than a meat-eater, to the dinosaurs.

26 27
Oolitic limestone – Chemical sedimentary
rock made up of fine pellets of

206–144 MYA lthough the dinosaurs appeared in the previous period, the Triassic, calcite. Good as a building
Malm Tithonian
it was during the Jurassic period that they took over and became the material.
Kimmeridgian most dominant creatures on Earth at that time. There were fewer
Lias – A series of interbedded
Oxfordian deserts then, because the supercontinent of Pangaea was splitting up and limestone and deep water shale from
spreading arms of the ocean and shallow seas across the landmass. the earliest part of the period. It was laid down
Dogger Callovian as deep water muds, and the limestone separated out as it solidified.
Period: Early Jurassic
Jurassic Period

• See pages 10–11 for more information on different TYPES OF ROCK. Diet: Fish
Habitat: Shallow seas
with a big head—almost an
Lias Toarcian The beginning the Jurassic period was still The most famous rift valley was the zig-zag rift that The Newark Supergroup – intermediate form between
Pliensbachian a time of deserts. However, as the age began to split the Americas from Europe and Africa. This A series of mostly sandstones, laid down in plesiosaurs (long-necked)
progressed, rift valleys appeared across would eventually form the Atlantic Ocean. rift valleys along the east coast of North and pliosaurs (short-necked).
Pangaea, and the supercontinent began to As North America began to move westward, the Rocky America, showing where Pangaea began to Ichthyosaurus
break up. Mountains began to build up before it. break apart. Period: Early Jurassic
Diet: Fish
MASS EXTINCTIONS Jurassic Newark Supergroup Habitat: Open ocean
There were three mass-extinction Fundy
Info: A medium-sized
events that took place at this time. LAURASIA ichthyosaur that resembled a
Newark modern-day shark. It had a
1. At the boundary between the PACIFIC OCEAN slim, pointed snout and
Triassic and Jurassic. This killed The Morrison Formation – A sequence of river sandstones, shales, foreflippers twice as large
the last of the mammal-like conglomerates, and evaporates laid down on an arid plain. It was crossed as its hind flippers.
Newark Supergroup
reptiles. by rivers in the late Jurassic period of the American midwest. (outcropping rift basins)

2. During the Pleinsbachian TETHYS OCEAN

stage of the lower Jurassic. This GONDWANA
affected much of the dinosaur ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE INDEX FOSSILS
life. The rocks that formed in the Jurassic period are • The oilfields of the North Sea are Jurassic rocks. The different marine beds of
3. At the very end of the Jurassic extremely important in today’s world as building • Much of London is built from late Jurassic Portland the Jurassic are dated using
period. This had a greater materials and fuel. limestone. species of ammonites, relatives
effect on sea animals than of squids and cuttlefish. that
land animals. left fossils of coiled shells.
None of these were particularly large. Each species existed only for a
few million years, so the rocks
where they were found can be
MEANING OF THE NAME closely dated. Each species was
quite widespread throughout the
The Jurassic is ocean, so their fossils are common
named after the in different parts of the world.
Jura Mountains,
where Alexander
von Humboldt
first studied
limestones in
1795. He
named this
period Jurassic in

28 29
Along the northern shore of the Tethys Sea—the part
of the ocean that separated the north and south parts
The bottom of the water was toxic, and it killed and
preserved many swimming and flying creatures.

ossils of sea-living animals are more abundant than those of land-living ones, because the of Panagea—shallow lagoons formed behind reefs These formed minutely-detailed fossils in very
majority of fossils are found in marine deposits. This does not mean that life was more abundant built by sponges and corals. fine limestone.
in the water than on land during the Jurassic period, just that it was easier for marine animal • See pages 12–13 for
more information on FOSSILS.
remains to become fossilized. The growing seas gave rise to broad continental shelves where sediment
built up and trapped the fossils of the sea life of the time. Land-living animals are washed Aerial creatures fall into
into the lagoon by streams. the lagoon.
Sea-living creatures swim or
crawl in from outside and
The animal life near the shore was different from that in the open water, which again was different from that of the deep sea
bed. Many species have been preserved as fossils in marine limestone and shale.

Inshore Open water Deep water sponges

coral reefs Archaeopteryx
Period: Late Jurassic

Pterosaurs hunt surface fish limestone Diet: Insects

Habitat: Trees
Sea crocodiles hunt shoals of fish Giant fish hunt plankton LIOPLEURODON Information: The first bird,
Pliosaurs hunt plesiosaurs but retaining many dinosaur
Meaning: Smooth-sided tooth features showing that it was
closely related to dinosaurs.
Time: Late Jurassic
Size: 39 ft. 4 in. Opthalmosaurus
Diet: Fish and plesiosaurs Period: Late Jurassic
Information: Liopleurodon was
Diet: Fish
one of the big whale-like
Big fish hunt Habitat: Shallow seas
pliosaurs. Unlike their relatives
shoals of tiny fish Plesiosaurs hunt fish
the plesiosaurs, these had short Information: A typical
necks and massive heads. They ichthyosaur, having
Sea crocodiles hunt big fish probably lived like modern sperm developed the well-known
Ichthyosaurs hunt belemnites fish shape.
Bottom-feeding sharks hunt shellfish whales, hunting big animals.
Period: Late Jurassic
Diet: Fish
Habitat: Shallow seas
Information: One of the
marine crocodiles, with a
fish-like tail and paddle

Period: Late Jurassic
Meaning: Wing finger can also be distinguished by the
Time: Late Jurassic angle of the skull and Diet: Plankton and tiny fish
Meaning: Hidden collar bone Size: 3 ft. 3 in. the neck. Habitat: Open seas
Time: Late Jurassic Diet: Fish
Size: 26. ft 2 in. Information: One of the
Information: One of the first of the biggest fish that ever lived,
Diet: Fish pterodactyloids, more advanced but feeding on small
Information: pterosaurs. These flying reptiles had creatures, like the modern
A typical plesiosaur, with the long neck, little head with pointed teeth, short tails and longer wrist bones whale shark does.
and paddle-like limbs. Cryptoclidus swam with a flying motion, like a modern sea lion. than earlier pterosaurs. Pterodactylus

30 31
JURASSIC DINOSAURS The most famous dinosaur
skeletons were found in

he most spectacular animals of Jurassic times were undoubtedly the dinosaurs. They ranged the Morrison Formation in
from small fox-sized animals to creatures bigger than modern whales, and they lived western North America.
on all the continents of the world. Scientists can describe different groups of dinosaurs, In the Jurassic period, this area
was a broad, dry plain between
each with their own lifestyles and habits. the newly-formed Rocky Mountains
and a shallow sea that spread
DINOSAUR TYPES across the center of the continent.
The plain was crossed by many Period: Late Jurassic
Saurischians (Lizard hips) Ornithischians (Bird hips) rivers, and most dinosaurs lived on Diet: Lizards
These dinosaurs were distinguished by their hips. The three main In this group of dinosaurs, the pubis bone in the hip is swept back the forested river banks. Habitat: Island beaches
bones of the hips radiated away from the hole where the leg was along the ischium bone, making room for a big stomach. They had a Information: A theropod, the
attached, as they do in modern lizards. bone in the front of the jaw that the saurischians lacked. smallest dinosaur discovered
• See page 29 for more
information on the MORRISON so far.
FOUNDATION. Ceratosaurus
Period: Late Jurassic
Diet: Other dinosaurs
Habitat: Open plains
Time: Late Jurassic Information: A theropod,
Size: 26 ft. 2 in. smaller than Allosaurus
Diet: Plants and armed with a horn on
Ornithopods (Bird feet) The two-footed plant-eaters, although the the snout.
biggest ones spent most of their time on all fours. Information: The
plates on the back Apatosaurus
Theropods (Beast footed) The meat-
of Stegosaurus were Period: Late Jurassic
eaters, walking on their hind legs,
used either for Diet: Plants
with small arms and the big teeth
protection or a heat Habitat: Open plains
held out to the front.
control device. Information: A sauropod
Stegosaurus has the very similar to Diplodocus,
smallest brain relative but shorter and more heavily
Therizinosaurs (Scythe claws) to the size of the built.
These seem to have been plant-eaters, Marginocephalians Dinosaurs with animal for any Kentrosaurus
but were closely related to the armored heads. Mostly Cretaceous, known dinosaur. Period: Late Jurassic
theropods. Their hips were more like they are divided into the boneheads Diet: Plants
those of the ornithischians. and the horned dinosaurs with Habitat: Open plains
the shields around their necks. Information: A thyreophoran,
a stegosaur with very narrow
plates and many spines.
Prosauropods (Before the sauropods) The earliest DIPLODOCUS Brachiosaurus
plant-eaters, with long necks and small heads.
Time: Late Jurassic Period: Late Jurassic
Size: 98 ft. 4 in. Diet: Tall trees
Diet: Plants Habitat: Open plains
Thyrophorans Dinosaurs with Information: Diplodocus Info: A sauropod that was
armor plates. Further divided was a typical sauropod. one of the tallest dinosaurs
into the plated stegosaurs It was balanced at the hips found.
(mostly Jurassic) and the armored ankylosaurs so it could raise itself and Megalosaurus
(mostly Cretaceous). reach into trees. Period: Middle Jurassic
Diplodocus used its tail as Diet: Other dinosaurs
a defensive whip.
Habitat: Wooded islands
Sauropods (Lizard feet) The big plant-eating
dinosaurs with massive bodies, heavy legs, Information: A theropod,
the first dinosaur to be
and very long necks and tails. discovered.

32 33
The shallow seas that spread everywhere at
the end of the period were full of different
but were replaced by a different group of sea reptiles,
the mosasaurs. The pterosaurs continued to rule the

144–65 MYA he dinosaurs continued to evolve as the Mesozoic moved types of sea animals. The ichthyosaurs were gone, skies but birds were present as well.
forward. During the Cretaceous period, the continents moved away
from each other and the dinosaurs diversified. The period was pterosaurs
Senonian brought to a shuddering end by a sudden event that destroyed the dinosaurs.
Gulf The age of reptiles was over.
Cretaceous Period

Time: Late Cretaceous

THE WORLD IN THE CRETACEOUS PERIOD mosasaurs elasmosaurs Diet: Dinosaurs
Gallic pliosaurs
What was left of Pangaea Much of the southern landmass Antarctica. This supercontinent is Habitat: Swamps
continued to pull apart. Some of was still present as a supercontinent called Gondwana. Gondwana split
Information: The biggest
the continents were now in the throughout the Cretaceous. This up, with only Australia and Antarctica crocodile known so far.
K1 shapes that we would recognize comprised of what are now South still joined.
today. America, Africa, India, Australia, and ELASMOSAURUS
Time: Late Cretaceous
Meaning: Long lizard Diet: Jellyfish
Cretaceous Time: Late Cretaceous
ARCTIC OCEAN Habitat: Open ocean
Size: 49 ft. 2 in.
Diet: Fish Information: Perhaps the
DIVERSE DINOSAURS biggest turtle that ever
Information: Elasmosaurus had the longest
There were more dinosaurs around neck of all the plesiosaurs, comprising 71
during the Cretaceous than there vertebrae and taking up more than half the Pleurosaurus
were previously. This is because ATLANTIC length of the whole animal. It swallowed Time: Early Cretaceous
all the different isolated continents stones to aid digestion and to adjust its Diet: Fish
had different types of dinosaurs balance while swimming.
evolving on them.
SEA Information: Little eel-like
North America Europe swimming reptile related
KRONOSAURUS to the modern tuatara.
SOUTH Meaning: Lizard of Kronos Pteranodon
ATLANTIC Time: Early Cretaceous Time: Late Cretaceous
Size: 32 ft. 8 in.
Diet: Fish
South Africa
Diet: Ammonites and other sea animals
America Information: Kronosaurus was the biggest Habitat: Open ocean
of the pliosaurs – certainly the one with the Information: Big toothless
MEANING OF THE NAME TYLOSAURUS biggest head, 2.7 metres (8 ft 9 in) long. A fishing pterosaur.
creature’s skull was found in Australia but none Tapejara
Creta is the Latin word for chalk. Vast southern England, northern France, and Meaning: Swollen lizard monitor lizards but with paddle- of the rest of the body has been unearthed yet. Time: Late Cretaceous
deposits of this very fine limestone Kansas. Time: Late Cretaceous shaped limbs and a flattened tail.
were laid down on the shallow sea Size: 32 ft. 8 in. Tylosaurus and its relatives would Diet: Fruit
• See pages 10–11
shelves at that time—particularly in TYPES OF ROCK. Diet: Ammonites and other have pursued the same prey and ARAMBOURGIANIA Habitat: Forests
sea animals had the same lifestyle as the Information: Pterosaur with
Information: A typical big ichthyosaurs of the preceding Meaning: Named after Camille Arambourg, the most colorful crest.
mosasaur. Closely related to modern Jurassic period. who first described it in the 1950s
Time: Late Cretaceous
Time: Late Cretaceous
Size: 39 ft. 4 in. wingspan
Diet: Probably fish Diet: Fine crustaceans
Information: Scientists continue finding bigger Habitat: Inland lakes
and bigger pterosaur bones and announcing
Information: A pterosaur
that this must have been the biggest animal with jaws like sieves, like a
that could possibly fly. The current record flamingo.
holder is Arambourgiania.

34 35
Meaning: Fast hunter
Time: Late Cretaceous

uring the Cretaceous period, the two main groups of dinosaurs, the Size: 6 ft. 6 in.
saurischians and the ornithischians, continued to be dominate the Diet: Other dinosaurs
animal life, but they all developed into different forms on the Information: One of the most well-
known, small, hunting dinosaurs. It was
different continents. Of the saurischians, the plant-eating sauropods were not also very bird like, and its main weapon
as important as they had been. The big, meat-eating theropods continued was its killing claw on its foot. It
their dominance over other animals. The smaller dinosaurs, however, may probably hunted in packs.
Time: Late Cretaceous have begun the biggest change. Some scientists believed that they evolved as
Diet: Trees modern birds. TYRANNOSAURUS
Habitat: Woodland Meaning: Tyrant lizard
Information: The last
SALTASAURUS Time: Late Cretaceous
sauropod of North America. Time: Late Cretaceous
Size: 32 ft. 8 in.
Argentinasaurus Meaning: Lizard from Salta Information: By the end of the group. They mainly lived in the Diet: Other dinosaurs Diet: Not known,
Time: Late Cretaceous Cretaceous, the only important southern continents and many of Information: Once regarded as the maybe eggs
Time: Late Cretaceous
Size: 39 ft. 4 in. sauropods belonged to the titanosaur them had backs covered biggest of the meat-eating dinosaurs, Habitat: Open country
Diet: Trees
Diet: Trees in armor. it is certainly still the most widely known, Information: Small theropod
Habitat: Woodland with its huge head and its steak-knife with a heavy bird-like bill.
Information: A titanosaur. teeth as big as bananas. How the tiny Spinosaurus
The heaviest dinosaur yet arms were used is still a mystery.
discovered. Time: Late Cretaceous

Ornithomimus Diet: Other dinosaurs

Time: Late Cretaceous Habitat: Open country

Diet: Omnivorous
THERIZINOSAURUS Information: Had a large fin
on its back.
Habitat: Open country Meaning: Scythe lizard
Time: Late Cretaceous Masiakasaurus
Information: Ostrich-like
Size: 26 ft. 2 in. Time: Late Cretaceous
and very quick. CAUDIPTERYX
Diet: Plants Diet: Fish
Information: Therizinosaurus was
Habitat: Riversides
Time: Late Cretaceous the biggest of the therizinosaurs.
It had big arms with the largest claws Information: A snaggle-
Diet: Desert vegetation
toothed fish-hunting
of any dinosaur. Claw bones measuring
Habitat: Desert and abelisaur.
scrubland 2 ft. 3 in. have been unearthed. They
may have been used for pulling down Troodon
Information: An early Time: Late Cretaceous
branches to reach feed on the leaves.
Diet: Smaller animals
Habitat: Woodlands
Time: Early Cretaceous
CARNOTAURUS Information: A big-eyed fast
Diet: Trees
hunter, probably the most
Habitat: Woodland
Meaning: Flesh-eating bull intelligent of dinosaurs.
Time: Late Cretaceous
Information: One of the last Size: 32 ft. 8 in. Sinosauropteryx
and biggest of the Time: Early Cretaceous
Diet: Other dinosaurs
Information: While the Diet: Insects and small
Baryonyx tyrannosaurs were the biggest animals
Time: Early Cretaceous meat-eaters of North America, Habitat: Lakesides
Diet: Fish another group, the abelisaurs, were
Meaning: Wing tail Information: One of the small wings and the tail. However, the Information: A typical tiny
Habitat: River banks the largest carnivores in the southern theropod, but covered
Time: Early Cretaceous theropods that show distinctive wings were too small to allow
continents. Carnotaurus, with its bull- in feathers.
Information: A crocodile- Size: 2 ft. 3 in. bird features. It was very lightly it to fly. Here it is shown in the
like horns, was a typical abelisaur.
snouted fishing theropod. Diet: Insects built and had feathers on the bottom, right of the picture.

36 37
Different plants live in
different places. It is possible that
Meaning: Iguana tooth
Time: Early Cretaceous
A complex chewing action with
jawbones that moved in relation to

ith the wide range of landscapes and plant types that existed in the new plants flourished on the Size: 32 ft. 8 in. each other, batteries of grinding
the Cretaceous, an equally wide range of plant-eating dinosaurs, well-watered lowlands, while the Diet: Trees and low-growing teeth, and cheeks to hold the food,
mostly ornithischians, evolved to make the best use of it.When old plants, such as cycads and old- vegetation meant that this dinosaur could eat
style conifers, continued in the Information: Iguanodon was one of all kinds of plant food.
we think of dinosaurs, we tend to think of saurischians. However, it was the hills. The typical Cretaceous plant- the first dinosaurs to be discovered.
ornithischian types that flourished at this time, with many more species than eaters, evolved to tackle the new
the saurischians. food, would have lived on the
lowlands, while the older types,
Time: Late Cretaceous
Stygimoloch like the waning sauropods, would
Time: Late Cretaceous NEW PLANTS have remained in the hills. Diet: Low vegetation
Habitat: Open woodland
Diet: Low vegetation Flowering plants producing seeds Oak Information: A typical
Habitat: Open woodland appeared in early Cretaceous times nodosaurid ankylosaur.
Information: Bone-headed and spread rapidly at the end of
dinosaur with a spectacular the period. Possible reasons
Time: Late Cretaceous
array of horns. include: Magnolia Diet: Low vegetation
Habitat: Islands
Time: Late Cretaceous
Information: A dwarf
Diet: Trees Saltasaurus was a sauropod.
nodosaurid ankylosaur.
• See page 36 for more
Habitat: Woodland
information on SALTASAURUS.
Information: Duckbill with Time: Late Cretaceous
Meaning: Like a lizard crest important plant-eating animals of
a semicircular crest. Diet: Low vegetation
Time: Late Cretaceous the northern hemisphere at the end
Anatotitan Willow EUOPLOCEPHALUS Size: 32 ft. 8 in. of the Cretaceous. Many had crests Habitat: Open woodland
Time: Late Cretaceous Diet: Trees and low-growing on their heads. Information: The biggest
Meaning: Well-armored head
Diet: Trees vegetation. of the ankylosaurid
Time: Late Cretaceous ankylosaurs.
Habitat: Woodland Size: 19ft. 7 in.
Parasaurolophus was one Styracosaurus
Information: One of the Diet: Low-growing vegetation Time: Late Cretaceous
of the duckbilled dinosaurs,
duckbills that had no crest. Information: The ankylosaurs
which evolved from Diet: Low vegetation
took over from the stegosaurs as
Polacanthus animals such as Habitat: Open plains
the armored dinosaurs of the
Time: Early Cretaceous Iguanodons. This group
Cretaceous period. There were Information: Horned
Diet: Low vegetation spread to become the most dinosaur with a single
three families – the primitive
horn and spikes around
Habitat: Open woodland polacanthids, the ankylosaurids the neck.
Information: An early
such as Euoplocephalus with clubs TRICERATOPS Psittacosaurus
ankylosaur. on the ends of their tails, and the
Meaning: Three-horned head called ceratopsians. This group Time: Early Cretaceous
nodosaurids that had spikes on
Tsintaosaurus Time: Late Cretaceous evolved from small, rabbit-sized Diet: Plants and small
their shoulders.
Time: Early Cretaceous Size: 26 ft. 2 in. animals at the beginning of the animals

Diet: Trees Diet: Bushes and low-growing Cretaceous to rhinoceros-sized Habitat: Desert-like
vegetation. beasts with heavy shields on their scrubland
Habitat: Woodland
Information: Triceratops was part heads by the end of the period. Information: Psittacosaurus
Information: Duckbill with of a group of horned dinosaurs was around for 40 million
a single spike for a crest. years: the longest-lived type
of dinosaur.
Ouranosaurus • Dinosaurs put such pressure on • By the end of the period, there Birch
Time: Early Cretaceous plant life that they evolved quick- were many familiar plants, and
species might have flourished by Time: Early Cretaceous
Diet: Trees growing seeds to repair the damage. the landscape began to look like
looking at fossils of seeds, leaves, Diet: Low vegetation
Habitat: Open woodland
it does today. However, grass had
• Increasing temperatures toward yet to evolve. No actual fossil wood, and pollen grains. Habitat: Desert
Information: A sail-backed the end of the period encouraged flowers have been found, but Information: Small ancestral
relative of Iguanodon. tougher seeds. horned dinosaur.
scientists can work out what

38 39
THE GREAT EXTINCTION The dinosaurs and the other
big animals may have become
• The end of the Cretaceous
• There have been observations of
changing sea levels of the time
Widespread volcanic activity
would put so much debris and

t the end of the Cretaceous period—which is also the end of the Mesozoic era—there was a great period shows signs of increasing that would influence climates. gas into the atmosphere that the
so well adapted to the
extinction. It was not the only mass-extinction to have taken place in the Earth’s history, or even habitable climates of the temperatures. climates would change – in the
• Replacement of tropical forest with same way as would be caused
the greatest. However, it does seem to be the one that has caught everybody’s imagination. Not Mesozoic Era that they did not • Dinosaur eggshells of the time temperate woodland took place,
have the capability to cope by a meteorite impact. The
only did it wipe out the dinosaurs, but it also took the pterosaurs and the great sea reptiles of the time. show signs of weakening – indicating a sudden cooling after deposits of iridium could have
with any dramatic change. evidence of heat stress. the increasing temperatures. been brought to the Earth’s
surface by volcanoes.
As the continents continued Scientists are still not sure Evidence
to move and the sea levels what led to the catastrophic Half of the sub-continent of India
fluctuated, land bridges loss of life at the end of the is made up of basaltic lava flows,
began to open up between Cretaceous, but there are called the Deccan Trapps, that
one continent and another. several serious possibilities: erupted at the end of the
Animals of one continent would Cretaceous period, 65 million
have been free to migrate to Meteorite or comet strike years ago, which could have wiped
another and live with the animals out the entire dinosaur population.
there. These newcomers would Volcanic activity
have brought diseases that they Changing climates
were immune to, but the local
population would not be. Exchange Diseases
of diseases like this would have
weakened the populations so Many palaeontologists believe a
much that extinction would have combination of all of these
followed. factors wiped out the dinosaurs.
The mass extinction in the oceans
seems to have taken place There seems to be evidence The Yucatan impact site at the time Perhaps the meteor broke in two,
METEORITE OR COMET STRIKE that the dinosaurs were was exactly at the other side of the one part hitting Yucatan and the
anywhere up to half a million years
before that on land, suggesting The most popular theory Evidence • Deposits of the element iridium, fading in the last few world from the area of the Deccan other hitting India 12 hours later,
that something immediate and is that a body from space • A buried formation looking like only found abundantly in million years of the Trapps. Perhaps the two are linked. inducing the vulcanism.
catastrophic like a meteorite impact struck the Earth 65 million a meteorite crater of the right meteorites or beneath the Cretaceous. The impact in Yucatan could have Disease and plague would
was not to blame.The largest years ago. This would have size and age has been found in Earth’s crust, have been If this is so, then a meteorite set up vibrations through the Earth inevitably spread through
animals of the world were affected, had several effects. Yucatan in Mexico. detected in a layer all over the impact could have finished them that focused on the other side and populations weakened by
something that we see today if world. off. generated the volcanic activity. natural disaster.
plagues spread through natural • Shock waves would have killed • Sedimentary rocks have been
populations. discovered in Texas that look • Deposits of quartz crystals have
everything in the vicinity.
like tsunami deposits. been unearthed that show signs
0 20 40 60 80 100
• Seismic sea waves, called of being deformed by a heavy The exinction event wiped out Meaning: Fearsome mammal
tsunamis, would have flooded impact. significant percentages of Fish 15% Time: Early Cretaceous
all the lowlands. species of most groups. Amphibians 0% Size: 3 ft. 3 in.
From this chart we see that Tortoises and turtles 27% Diet: Dinosaurs
• Hot molten debris would have
mammals and birds were heavily Information: Found in lake
caused widespread wildfires. Lizards and snakes 6%
affected. They were, however, deposits in China, this dog-sized
Crocodiles 36% mammal had the bones of small
• Clouds of dust would have cut small, adaptable, and recovered
off the sunshine, causing short- quickly. Dinosaurs 100% dinosaurs in its stomach.
term global cooling. Pterosaurus 100%
Throughout the Mesozoic,
mammals had been small, Plesiosaurs 100%
This disrupted atmosphere would
have produced a long-term shrew-like, and insignificant. Birds 75%
greenhouse effect. This was about to change. Marsupial mammals 75%
Placental mammals 14%

40 41
Many mammal names end with -therium, an old Greek name for beast, just like
TIMELINE The word tertiary comes from an many dinosaur names end with -saurus, an old Greek name for lizard.

fter the Great Extinction, Earth looked much like it did before,
old Victorian dating system.
65–1.8 MYA with moderate climates and thick forest over most of the land. The
animals have greatly changed, though. With the big reptiles gone,
Primary – The Precambrian and BRONTOTHERIUM
Neogene Pliocene
Tertiary Period

the Palaeozoic.
Miocene the Age of Mammals was about to begin. This age included the eventual Meaning: Thunder beast mammals, such as Brontotherium,
Oligocene Secondary – The Mesozoic. Time: Oligocene developed with big bodies to digest
Palaeogene evolution of the first hominid.
Eocene Size: 6 ft. 6in. tall plants and horns on the head for Icaronycteris
Paleocene Tertiary – From the end of the
Diet: Low vegetation defence. Time: Eocene
dinosaurs to the Ice Age.
THE WORLD IN THE EARLY TERTIARY PERIOD Information: Many of the larger
Diet: Insects
A N I M A L Quaternary – The Ice Age and
Habitat: Trees
By this period, the continents of the world had recently broken away from Antarctica and was beginning its the present day.
PROFILES moved into an almost recognizable form. The long trek northwards towards the equator, and India was still Information: The earliest
major differences in the image below are that Australia had an island moving across the Indian Ocean from Africa. The last two terms are still used. bats were almost identical
The Tertiary is divided into the to modern bats.
early Tertiary, called the Hypsodus
Early Tertiary Palaeogene, and the late Tertiary, Time: Eocene
called the Neogene.
Diet: Seeds and fruits
Habitat: Treetops
PACIFIC OCEAN NORTH Information: A short-legged
Indricotherium ATLANTIC squirrel-like climber.
Time: Oligocene OCEAN
Diet: Trees
Time: Eocene
Habitat: Woodland Meaning: Hyrax beast Diet: Fruits, insects and
Information: A gigantic
Time: Eocene small animals
SOUTH INDIAN Size: 1 ft. 6 in. long
rhinoceros. The biggest land Habitat: Undergrowth
animal known.
OCEAN Information: A generalized
Information: Hyracotherium was
mammal with front limbs
the earliest member of the horse adapted for digging.
Time: Eocene
family. It was only the size of a
Diet: Meat rabbit and had teeth for chewing
Time: Eocene
Habitat: Shallow seas leaves from bushes, not grass from
the ground. Diet: Shellfish
Information: The earliest-
known whale. Swam like a PLANT AND ANIMAL LIFE Habitat: Lakes
sea lion. Information: An otter-like
The plant life is similar to • On the land, replacing the period, there are flightless birds DIATRYMA OXYAENA swimming mammal with
that of the late Cretaceous, dinosaurs. that are like their dinosaur strong teeth.
with thick forests of modern • In the sea, replacing the ancestors. These birds are the Time: Paleocene to Eocene Meaning: Sharp claw
Time: Eocene Presbyornis
type plants. plesiosaurs and mosasaurs. main predators of the time. Size: 6 ft. 6 in. tall Time: Eocene
Diet: Leaves • In the air, replacing the Diet: Mammals Size: 1 ft. 6 in. long Time: Eocene
There is still not much in the way
Habitat: Forests of grass. Animal life has been pterosaurs. Information: With the lack of Diet: Small animals Diet: Small things in
• Birds are also important. carnivores around, some birds Information: The the mud
Information: One of the taken over by mammals.
various big rhinoceros-like At the beginning of the become the main hunters, taking meat-eating mammals Habitat: Lakes
mammals. on the appearance of their became established Info: A long-legged duck.
dinosaur ancestors. Diatryma is an with the creodonts,
example of such a bird. Plesiadapis
Leptictidium which were similar
Time: Eocene in appearance but Time: Paleocene

Diet: Insects
unrelated to modern Diet: Leaves
Habitat: Shallow seas Habitat: Trees

Information: Swift, long- Information: An early

legged little insectivore. member of the primate
group, like a lemur.

42 43
LATE TERTIARY PERIOD Meaning: Terrible beast
Information: Many kinds of
Throughout the history of the
Time: Miocene to Pliocene elephant established themselves at Earth, we have noted fluctuating

uring this period, the Earth’s appearance began to change dramatically. Size: 6 ft. 6 in. tall this time. Deinotherium had tusks atmospheric temperatures,
The forests died away as grasslands spread everywhere. This was caused by Diet: Ground plants pointing down on the lower jaw. producing changing climates.
a general cooling of the climate. The open plains encouraged the evolution of Toward the end of the Tertiary,
there is a distinct cooling off.
a new kind of animal—animals with long legs, that they used for running over wide
expanses, and specialized digestive systems for breaking down the grass they ate. PLEISTOCENE

Neohipparion Time: Pliocene
Diet: Big animals
Diet: Grass The late Tertiary period has taken on a very and island chains is in southern Europe. This sea area is Habitat: Grasslands

Habitat: Grasslands familiar appearance. The main differences between it the result of the continent of Africa moving toward Europe Information: A South
and the present day is that North America is still and creating the Alps from the intervening marine American marsupial that
Information: The horses
are now plains animals, separated from South America, and a large area of sea sediments as it goes. CRETACEOUS looked like and lived like a
with grass-eating teeth. sabre-toothed tiger.

Alticamelus Late Tertiary Platybelodon
Time: Miocene
JURASSIC Time: Miocene and Pliocene

Diet: Leaves Diet: Leaves, grasses, bark

Habitat: Woods
Habitat: Grasslands, forests
Information: Camel with PACIFIC OCEAN Meaning: Fused horn Information: Elephant with

a long giraffe-like neck. Time: Miocene shovel-like tusks.

Size: 4 ft. 9 in. long Epigaulus

Megantereon DEVONIAN

Time: Miocene
Diet: Grass SILURIAN Time: Miocene
INDIAN Information: Typical Diet: Roots and tubers
Diet: Big animals SOUTH OCEAN grass-eating animals,

Habitat: Grasslands ATLANTIC like the Synthetoceras, CAMBRIAN
Habitat: Grasslands
OCEAN living on plains have long Information: A burrowing
Information: The true
cats were beginning to faces, placing their eyes horned rodent.

evolve, including some high up on their head, Dimylus
with big teeth. allowing them to see danger coming from a long way away. They also had Time: Miocene
long legs so that they can run away from danger.



Diet: Insects and small water
Time: Miocene animals
Diet: Seaweed or shellfish SIVATHERIUM Habitat: Rivers
Habitat: Shorelines PHORUSRHACOS THE COMING OF GRASS Information: A small aquatic
Meaning: Beast of Siva
Information: A massive insectivore, like a desman.
Meaning: Terror bird The evolutionary advantage soil. This makes it ideal for open Time: Pliocene
amphibious mammal that Time: Miocene of grass is that the main areas in very dry climates. Daphoneus
Size: 6 ft. 6 in. long
may have lived like a
Size: 8 ft. 2 in. tall part of its growing stem The tough leaves, full of silica, Diet: Ground plants Time: Miocene
Diet: Large animals lies underground. require extra hard teeth and complex Information: The giraffe species were more important during the Diet: Small animals, carrion
Cranioceras Information: South America, still The exposed leaves can be eaten digestive systems to eat it. Tertiary than they are now. Many groups thrived between the and plants
Time: Miocene isolated from North America, had by grazing animals or burnt by fire, Miocene and the recent past. All of these groups had bony Habitat: Plains
Diet: Leaves all kinds of but the main part is protected in the horns, called ossicones. Sivatherium
strange animals Information: A relative of the
Habitat: Subtropical was an early example of these dog, that lived like a bear.
woodland that existed early giraffes, with a massive
nowhere else in body and a huge set of Eurhinodelphis
Information: A deer-like
the world. horns. However, it looked Time: Miocene
hoofed mammal with third
horn that grew up and Phorusrhacos was more like a deer than Diet: Fish
back from the rear of the a fast runner and a giraffe. Habitat: Open ocean
skull that was used for could outrun
fighting. most of its prey. Information: A dolphin with
a swordfish-like snout.

44 45
QUATERNARY PERIOD Landforms dating from the time
(Clockwise from top left)

he cooling experienced at the end of the late Tertiary period becomes extreme, as the world • Striations (deep scratches on
slips into the last ice age. As the ice caps spread outward from the poles and downwards solid rock surfaces)
from the mountain tops, altering the climate throughout the world, the animal life changes to • Moraine (heaps of debris carried
adapt to these harsh new conditions. and deposited by glaciers)
• Kettle holes (lakes formed where
an abandoned lump of glacier Glyptodon
melted) Time: Pleistocene
The map of the world in the difference in the coastline, especially ocean’s water that the sea level is
Diet: Low plants
Ice Age shows how much of it around the southern tip of South much lower everywhere, exposing • Raised beaches (formed by higher
There are several possible events Habitat: Grassland
was covered in glaciers. Apart America and the East Indies. The ice wide areas of continental shelf. sea level when the local area was
that caused the last Ice Age:
from that there seems to be some caps have absorbed so much of the pushed down by the weight of the Information: A giant
• Wobble of the Earth’s axis. ice cover) armadillo-like animal
• Variation in the Earth’s orbit, from South America.
Quaternary affecting the amount of sunlight Biological evidence
ARCTIC • Pollen of cold-adapted plants found
received. Coelodonta
in lake deposits of the time.
• Joining of North and South Time: Pleistocene
NORTH America closing off the seaway • Skeletons of cold-adapted animals.
between the warm Pacific and Diet: Grass and moss
PACIFIC OCEAN OCEAN the Atlantic. This made the Habitat: Tundra
Atlantic colder and affected SMILODON MACRAUCHENIA Information: The woolly
the polar ice cap. rhinoceros.
Meaning: Saber tooth Meaning: Big llama
CENTRAL Time: Pleistocene Time: Pleistocene
ATLANTIC Size: 6 ft. 6 in. long Size: 6 ft. 6 in. tall
OCEAN Time: Pleistocene
OCEAN Diet: Big mammals Diet: Ground plants
Information: The saber-toothed Information: The isolated South Diet: Grass and moss
tiger evolved to be able to prey on America still provided a home to Habitat: Tundra
the big plant-eaters of the time. some strange beasts. Information: A giant elk
Macrauchenia was a long-legged, with a large spread of horns.
long-necked animal with a trunk.
Time: Pleistocene Time: Pleistocene
Size: 6 ft. 6 in. tall Diet: Grass and moss
Habitat: Grassland
THE NAME Information: The woolly mammoth
The Ice Age was not a single continuous cold snap. There were glacial periods when the ice was at its most was typical of the big animals of the Information: Part of the
The fourth division of geological extensive, and interglacial periods when the climate was warm—often warmer than it is now. time. It developed deposits of fat and a fauna of isolated Australia,
like a giant wombat.
time, as devised by the shaggy coat to protect against the cold.
GLACIALS (Europe) GLACIALS (North America)
Victorians. • See page 43 Megalania
Würm 125,000 to 10,000 years ago Wisonsinian 30,000 to 8,000 years ago Time: Pleistocene
AGES OF THE Riss 360,000 to 235,000 years ago Illinoian 300,000 to 130,000 years ago Diet: Big animals
QUATERNARY Meaning: Big beast
Habitat: Desert
Mindel 7,800,000 to 670,000 years ago Several ill-defined pre-Illinoian Time: Pleistocene
Most of the period is the Size: 9 ft. 8 in. tall Information: A giant
2.5 million to 500,000 years ago monitor lizard.
Pleistocene epoch, also called Gunz 1.15 million to 900,000 years ago Diet: Trees
the Ice Age. The rest is the Information: Several types of giant
Donau 1.6 million to 1.37 million years ago ground sloth existed at the time,
Holocene, or the present day,
which occupies about the last ten evolving in South America but spreading
thousand years. Ocean sediment studies show that there were many fine divisions within these glaciation events. to North America as the Central American
isthmus was established.

46 47
THE FIRST HUMAN BEINGS The upright stance is
• A vertical animal would be less • Brain at the top of a vertical
probably due to susceptible to sunburn than one spinal column would have a

he appearance of first human beings is a relatively new • Fewer trees with the onset of the down on all fours with less better chance to enlarge than one
development in Earth’s history. From our remote ancestors, the ice age, forcing ape-like animals surface directly hit by the sun. at the end of a horizontal one.
to live closer to the ground.
unicellular Precambrian organisms, we can trace our ancestry from • Hands that were once used for
fish, amphibians, mammal-like reptiles, primitive shrew-like mammals, • Tall grasses created the need to climbing in branches would now
see over them. be free for other purposes.
lemur-like early primates, monkey-like forms, and the ape-like forms to,
finally, a stage where distinctive human features begin to appear. These
features include upright posture, nimble hands, and the ability to make and
use tools. Australopithecus garhi
Time: Pliocene. 2.5 million
years ago

Habitat: Open grassland
From fossils, scientists have discovered that the first human-like mammals lived on the eastern side of Africa
at the beginning of the Pleistocene. Information: Possibly a
Australopithecus africanus
Australopithecus aethiopicus
Time: Pliocene. 3–2.3 million ORRORIN ARDIPITHECUS
years ago Time: Pliocene. 2.5 million
Homo erectus Meaning: Original man Meaning: Ground ape years ago
Diet: Omnivorous Time: Miocene. Dating from Time: Pliocene. 4.4 million Diet: Omnivorous – tough,
Habitat: Open grassland about 6 million years ago years ago grainy foods
Information: The first human Ardipthecus ramidus
Size: 3 ft. 3 in. tall Size: 3 ft. 3 in. tall Habitat: Open grassland
beings to be found, in 1924. Diet: Omnivorous Diet: Omnivorous
Australopithecus afarenis Information: This species is
Australopithecus anamensis
Information: The primate that Information: Better-known
Homo sapiens? known as the Black Skull; as
seems to represent the split than the older Orrorin and one fossil absorbed minerals
Time: Pliocene. 4.2–3.9
million years ago between the ape lineage and more widely regarded as the during fossilization, giving it
the human lineage. oldest hominid. a black color.
Diet: Omnivorous
Australopithecus robustus
Habitat: Open grassland
KENYANTHROPUS Time: Pleistocene. 1.8–1.5
Information: The earliest- million years ago
known Australopithecus Meaning: Kenyan ape
species. Diet: Plants
Time: Pliocene. 3.5–3.3 million years ago
Australopithecus afarensis Size: 3 ft. 3 in. tall Habitat: Open grassland
Australopithecus bahrelghazali Diet: Omnivorous
Time: Pliocene. 4–2.75 Orrorin Information: A heavily-built
million years ago Kenyanthropus Information: An offshoot from species with muscular jaws
the hominid line, with a mixture and a flat face.
Diet: Omnivorous
Australopithecus anamensis of primitive (small ear holes) Australopithecus boisei
Habitat: Open grassland
Australopithecus afarensis and advanced (flat face Time: Pliocene to Pleistocene.
Information: Known as Lucy. and small teeth). 2.3–1.4 million years ago
Australopithecus boisei
Still with ape-like jaw and
fingers. Australopithecus aethiopicus Diet: Plants
Homo erectus Habitat: Open grassland
bahrelghazali Homo habilis Information: Very large jaws
Time: Pliocene Homo rudolfensis Meaning: Southern ape and teeth, nicknamed
Time: Pliocene to Pleistocene “nutcracker man.”
Diet: Omnivorous
Size: 3 ft. 3 in. tall
Habitat: Open grassland Diet: Omnivorous • See page 55 for
Information: 3.5–3 million Australopithecus africanus Information: The most important of more information on
years ago. More modern our immediate ancestors. Consisting of LOUIS SEYMOUR BAZETT LEAKY
Australopithecus robustus who discovered
jaw than Australopithecus several species, one would have been
Homo habilis Australopithecus.
afarensis. our direct ancestor.

48 49
Things that we take for granted in civilized
life developed over a long period of time,

he events of the past did not just happen to reach the present day. and in different places at different times.
Although we like to think that the Earth’s history has happened so
that humans can exist, humans are just another step in the Neolithic (new stone age)
Development of agriculture, everywhere 9,000–1,800 years ago
development of life. Progress will continue, and the exciting drama of life on
Earth will continue as long as the Earth itself exists. Who knows what Hunting weapons, North America 11,000 years ago
exciting events could happen on Earth in future years to come?
Upper Palaeolithic (old stone age)
Cave art, France 33,000 years ago

OUT OF THE CRADLE Lower Palaeolithic

Homo habilis Complex flake tools, France 100,000–40,000 years ago
Time: Pliocene. 2.3–1.6 All the early evolution of hominids took place in Australia 65,000 years ago
million years ago Africa. It was with the development of Homo erectus Simple flake tools, Britain and France 450,000–100,000 years ago
North America 50,000 years ago
Diet: Omnivorous that they left Africa and spread through Europe and
Asia. Then, evolving into Homo sapiens, they traveled South America 12,500 years ago Stone tools, everywhere 2.5–1.5 million years ago
Habitat: Open grassland
to other parts of Earth.
Information: A toolmaker
and contemporary of
Australopithecus Dmanisi Lantian
africanus. 1.6 MYA 800,000 years ago HOMO
Homo erectus
Central Europe 500,000 years ago Time: Pliocene to recent Diet: Omnivorous being. Several species developed,
Time: Pleistocene. 1.8–0.3
730,000 years ago
Size: 5 ft. 9 in. tall Information: The modern human but only one survived. Homo neanderthalensis
million years ago
Time: Peistocene.
Diet: Omnivorous 250,000–30,000 years ago
Habitat: Everywhere Diet: Omnivorous
Information: The earliest Habitat: Cold conditions
widespread species,
from France to Java, Information: Neanderthal
representing the move man and often regarded
out of Africa. as a subspecies of
Homo sapiens.
Homo ergaster
Homo floriensis
Time: Pliocene. 1.8–1.2
million years ago Time: Pliocene. 18,000
years ago
Diet: Omnivorous
Diet: Omnivorous
Habitat: Open grassland
Habitat: Forested islands
Information: Very similar
to Homo erectus, but Information: A dwarf
confined to Africa. species about 3 ft. 3 in. tall,
nicknamed “the Hobbit.”
Homo heidelbergensis
Homo sapiens
Time: Pleistocene. 0.5–0.2
million years ago Time: Pleistocene to
present. 100,000 years
Diet: Omnivorous ago to now
Habitat: Open grassland Diet: Omnivorous
Information: Intermediate Habitat: Everywhere
between Homo erectus Koobi Fora
and Homo sapiens and
Morokeyto Information: Modern human
1.8 MYA
sometimes classed as 1.8 MYA beings.
one or the other. Sangiran
1.6 MYA

50 51
UNCOVERING THE 1902 Walter Sutton discovers the
chromosome theory of inheritance.
1902 Physicist Ernest Rutherford
1956 Keith Runcorn notes polar
wandering based on paleomagnetic

shows that radioactivity means that
the Earth is older than Kelvin said. 1650 Irish Archbishop
1912 Alfred Wegener proposes Ussher calculates date of
continental drift. Creation at 4004 BC.
This is widely accepted.
1927 Belgian priest Georges

he history of life on Earth is pieced together through the detailed accumulation of
Lemaître proposes that the universe
knowledge gained over the centuries by visionary and hard-working scientists. began with the explosion of a
Darwin studied the features
A list such as this cannot be exhaustive. There are many others whose contributions were as primeval atom—a forerunner of the
Big Bang theory.
of different species to develop
great but just did not make it on to this page because of lack of room. Alfred Wegener his theory of evolution.
1934 American geologist Charles F.
1824 Buckland describes the first
Richter establishes the Richter scale for 1961 Amateur meteorologist GS
measuring earthquakes. Callander notes the rise in greenhouse
1946 Geologist Reg Sprigg finds the gases in the atmosphere and warns of a
influential Principles of Geology. global warming.
610–425 BC Philosophers Thales, fossils are remains of animals and 1658 Jesuit missionary Martino Martini rough basis of modern classification. oldest fossils of multicellular organisms
their enclosing rocks must have been
1837 Charles Darwin uses natural in Australia. 1963 Fred Vine and Drummond 1780 Abraham Gottlob
Anaximander, Pythagoras, shows that Chinese history predates the 1766 Torbern Olaf Bergman selection to explain evolution, but the
Xenophanes, and Herodotus recognize lifted from below sea level. above. Nobody takes notice. Matthews discover seafloor spreading. Werner (1749–1817)
(1735–1784) sees that different rock idea is not published until 1859. This leads to the establishment of plate theorizes that all rocks are
that fossils show that the distribution of 1542 Leonhart Fuchs publishes a 1668 Robert Hooke claims that Earth’s types were formed at different times
land and sea was once different. cataloge of 500 plant species. and appreciates the organic origin of
1837 Swiss scientist Louis Agassiz tectonics. formed in ancient oceans.
movements, and not the biblical Flood, He is wrong but greatly
detects the Ice Age. 1964 Arno Penzias and Robert
1546 Georgius Agricola (born moved fossils to dry land. fossils.
George Bauer, 1494–1555), “Father 1768 James Cook’s voyage brings an 1841 William Smith’s nephew, John Wilson detect cosmic radiation and
1669 Nicolaus Steno (born Neils Phillips, names the geological eras use it to confirm the Big Bang Theory.
of mineralogy,” classifies minerals by Stensen, 1638–86) establishes the awareness of the range of plants and
Palaeozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. 1966 Willi Hennig develops
their crystal shape and composition. laws of stratigraphy, which state that animals around the world to the
Publishes an analysis of ore bodies. rock beds laid down horizontally, United Kingdom. 1842 Sir Richard Owen invents the cladistics, a new approach to studying
term dinosaur. evolutionary relationships.
1585 Michele Mercati opens the first stacked on one another, and
geological museum. subsequently contorted. 1848 Science magazine established 1969 Moon rock samples prove that
by the American Association for the the moon the same age as the Earth.
1596 Dutch cartographer Abraham 1679 Scandinavian historian Olof Crick and Watson
Calcite – a common mineral Ortelius first suggests continental drift. Rudbeck tries to date sedimentary rocks.
Advancement of Science. 1972 Stephen Jay Gould and Niles
1600 William Gilbert, Elizabeth I’s 1688 The Ashmolean Museum opens 1866 Austrian monk Gregor Mendel 1953 Stanley Miller and Harold Urey Eldredge develop the theory of
78 BC Pliny the Elder writes the first establishes the laws of heredity. His punctuated equilibrium, meaning that
natural history encyclopaedia. physician, describes the Earth’s in Oxford—the world’s first public combine the gases of the Earth’s initial
work remains unknown until about evolution takes place in short bursts. 1800 Lamarck proposes
magnetism. museum. The Earth’s magnetism atmosphere and form the chemicals
c AD 1000 Al-Beruni (973–1050) 1900. 1974 John Ostrom resurrects the a theory of evolution.
1715 Edmund Halley suggests the from which living things are made.
observes that different grades of 1616 Italian philosopher Lucilio 1771 Joseph Priestley discovers It suggested that traits that
Vanini first to suggest humans age of the Earth can be calculated
1871 Darwin publishes The Descent 1953 James Watson and Francis idea that birds evolved from dinosaurs
are acquired in life can
sediment is deposited by different oxygen and shows its importance to —an idea that had been dormant for
of Man. Crick determine the molecular
strengths of river currents—an early descended from apes. He was from the salinity of the seas. be passed on to the next
life. a century.
observation of sedimentology. He also executed for this belief. 1735 Linnaeus establishes the 1894 Eugene Debois describes structure of DNA. generation. This is no
1778 Buffon puts the age of the Earth Pithecanthus erectus (now Homo 1953 Fiesel Houtermans and Claire 1980 Louis and Walter Alvarez put longer accepted since the
puts precious minerals into 1641 Lawyer Isaac La binomial classification of living things.
forward the asteroid impact theory of
geological context.
at 74,832 years. erectus) as the missing link between Patterson use radiometric dating to general acceptance of
Peyrère suggests that 1745 Mikhail Vasil’evich Lomonosov humans and apes. dinosaur extinction. Darwin’s theory of natural
1020 Avicenna (or Sina) people existed before (1711–65) recognizes that ancient
1789 French researcher Antoine date the Earth at 4.5 billion years old.
Lavoisier interprets different 1985 Discovery by scientists of the selection.
observes the work of erosion. Adam and Eve. His geological processes would have been
sedimentary rocks as showing different British Antarctic Survey of the
ideas were only similar to today’s, in anticipation of
1056 Albertus Magnus publishes sea levels in the past. depletion of ozone in the upper
published after James Hutton (see 1795).
a book on minerals. atmosphere.
his death.
1749 Georges-Louis Leclerc de 1795 James Hutton, the “Founder of
1500 Leonardo da modern geology,” sees geological 1988 Hottest northern hemisphere
Vinci states that Buffon speculates that the planets
processes as a cycle, with no summer on record brings public
formed by a comet crashing into the
beginning and no end. awareness of global warming.
sun. The people in power force him to
retract it. 1799 Alexander von Humboldt 1991 Chicxulub crater in Yucatan is
names the Jurassic system. pinpointed as the site of the impact
1751 Diderot and d’Alembert publish that may have caused the dinosaur
the first encyclopaedia—with a 1799 British surveyor William Smith extinction.
James produces the first geological map,
reliance on factual information rather
than on traditional beliefs. establishing the importance of fossils 1992 Joe Kirschvink suggests the
to define rocks and times. snowball Earth theory—that the Earth 1862 Lord Kelvin suggests
1760 Giovanni Arduino classifies the was covered by ice during the that the Earth is 20–400
geological column – Primary: with no 1804 Cuvier acknowledges that fossil Precambrian. million years old, based
fossils, Secondary: deformed and with animals are older than can be
on rates of cooling.
fossils, Tertiary: horizontal and with explained by the Bible and suggests A 50,000-year-old crater
fossils, and Quaternary: loose sands previous cycles of creation and shows that the Earth is still
and gravels over the rest. This was a destruction. being bombarded by meteors.

52 53
Dates: 1903–72
Nationality: British/Kenyan
Bazett Leakey was born in Kenya.
Dates: 1804–92 Dates: 1784–1856 his discovery of Megalosaurus. He
He became an archaeologist and
Nationality: Nationality: British was the Dean of Westminster from
proved Darwin’s theory that humans
British Best known for: William Buckland 1845 to his death in 1857.
evolved in Africa. His most
Best known was a geology lecturer at the Key discoveries: Megalosaurus,
significant work was done in Olduvai
for: Sir Richard University of Oxford. He toured the first dinosaur to be scientifically
Gorge in Tanzania where he found
Owen became Europe and established the basic described.
evidence of early tool use.
the most principles of stratigraphic correlation
Key discoveries: Various species of
important anatomist and became a scientific celebrity on
Australopithecus, but given different
of his day, determining that the
Dates: 1799–1847 names at the time.
way an animal lived could be
deduced by its shape and the WILLIAM SMITH Nationality: British
organs it possessed. However, he Best known for: Mary Anning
Dates: 1769–1839 this knowledge to compile the first
could not quite grasp the newly Dates: 1840–97 was a professional fossil collector,
Nationality: British ever geological map, where CHARLES DOOLITTLE WALCOTT
developed concept of evolution. Nationality: American working from the beaches of
Best known for: William Smith mainland Britain was colored
Key discoveries: Coined the Best known for: Edward Drinker Dorset and Devon in the south of Dates: 1850–1927
observed the rocks of Britain in his according to the rock types.
term dinosauria in 1842, to Cope was one of the first England. She began work when Nationality: American
role as a canal engineer, and Key discoveries: The principle
encompass three new animal vertebrate palaeontologists in she was 12 years old to support Best known for: Walcott worked
realized that the same layers, or of faunal succession, in which the
fossils recently discovered, America and was affiliated with her family after her father died. for, and became the director of, the
beds, of rocks could be traced over same rocks can be identified by
from which we get the name The Academy of Natural Sciences Mary Anning is credited with US Geological Survey. He was a
large areas by using their fossils to the fossils they contain, wherever
dinosaur. in Philadelphia. His arrogance finding the first complete fossil at vertebrate palaeontologist and
identify them. He eventually used they occur.
drove him to fall out with Othniel the age of just 12 on the beach of worked mostly in the Cambrian of
Charles Marsh, instigating the Lyme Regis. She supplied fossils the United Sates and Canada. He
GEORGES CUVIER OTHNIEL CHARLES CHARLES DARWIN “bone wars.” This event for all the eminent scientists of later became the Secretary of the
stimulated the discovery of the day. Smithsonian Institution and was one
Dates: 1769–1832
MARSH Key discoveries: The first full
dinosaurs, but drove more of the most powerful figures in the
Nationality: French methodical workers away skeleton of an ichthyosaur and American scientific community.
Best known for: Georges Cuvier from the science. also of the first plesiosaur. Key discoveries: The discovery
was one of the most influential Key discoveries: About 65 new of the Burgess Shale and its variety
• See page 30–31
figures in science of the time, dinosaur genera. ICHTHYOSAURS of fantastic Cambrian fossils.
particularly in the field of anatomy.
He is regarded as the father of
vertebrate palaeontology. He ALFRED WEGENER SIR CHARLES LYELL
refused to acknowledge evolution
Dates: 1880–1930 Dates: 1797–1875
and resisted the popularization of
Nationality: German Nationality: British
scientific knowledge.
Best known for: Alfred Wegener Best known for: Sir Charles
Key discoveries: Classified all
Dates: 1831–99 was a meteorologist, doing a Lyell was a field geologist who
living and fossil things according
Nationality: American great deal of work in Greenland. published a ground-breaking
to their similarity to one another,
Best known for: Professor of He advocated the concept of work The Principles of Geology. It
as we do today.
palaeontology at Yale University continental drift, calling it explained the observed geological
and curator of the Peabody continental displacement phenomena in terms of scientific
Museum of Natural History. He when he first lectured on it in actions rather than the works of
was a rival of Edward Drinker 1912, although he could not God. He stressed that the human
Dates: 1809–82 other the world. He built on the
Cope, and their animosity resulted think of a mechanism that would species must have been older
Nationality: British already existing ideas of evolution
in the “bone wars,” when each account for the phenomenon. than currently believed.
Best known for: After failed and deduced the mechanism
tried to discover more than the He died in an accident on the Key discoveries: Establishing
attempts at careers in medicine and involved.
other. Greenland ice cap. the geological column, with time
the church, he became a naturalist. Key discoveries: The idea of
Key discoveries: About 80 new Key discoveries: Proposing divided into periods.
His famous voyage on HMS Beagle natural selection as the force that
genera of dinosaurs, establishing continental drift as a serious
allowed him to observe and collect drives evolution.
the vastness of fossil life. scientific idea.
examples of flora and fauna from all

54 55
PALEONTOLOGY Once found, a dinosaur
skeleton is excavated
If the skeleton is for public
display, it is not usually the

ossils, the remains of life of the past, have been found just about everywhere there are using the following original that is used but a cast.
deposits of sedimentary rocks. Dinosaurs, the spectacular and popular inhabitants of the techniques: To create the cast, the following
past world, are a very rare part of this fossil treasure trove. Nevertheless, they have been • Removing the process is carried out:
found on all the continents of the Earth. Excavation of their remains is a very specific task carried overburden: Taking off
• A mould is made of each bone
the layers of rock above
out by experts called paleontologists. of the skeleton.
it to reveal the whole
thing. • A reproduction of the bone is
• Mapping: Plotting where cast in glass fiber or some other
the individual bones lie. lightweight, tough material.
This is important in • Missing bones are supplied as
later study. casts from other skeletons of
• Jacketing: Sealing the same animal.
the bones in a layer • If there is no original material
of plaster to protect available, missing bones may
them. be sculpted by artists.
• Transportation back to
the laboratory. • The skeleton is assembled on a
frame, usually in a lifelike pose.

In the laboratory, specialized
Dinosaur remains have been technicians, called preparators,
found on all the continents. make the specimens ready
The red dots show where the for study by the scientists.
fossils have been discovered. They do this by :
• Removing the plaster jacket.
• Removing any adhering matrix,
the rock in which the fossil was
buried, with fine tools.
• Sometimes separating the bones
by dissolving the matrix in an
acid bath.
• Hardening delicate bone fossils by
Dinosaur remains are found: Chance exposures result coating them with shellac or some
• By chance – where walkers see from: other varnish.
a fossil sticking out from a cliff • Erosion by wind in the desert,
face, or where builders or where the rock is exposed and
quarry workers come across uncluttered by soil or MUSEUMS WITH DINOSAUR COLLECTIONS
them during their work. Because vegetation.
AFRICA National Science Museum, Tokyo Natural History Museum, History, Smithsonian Institution,
of the surface of the Earth’s • In eroded rubble where loose
Bernard Price Institute of AUSTRALIA Humboldt University, Berlin. Washington, D.C.
continuous change, these material has fallen from a cliff
exposures are common. face. It may be difficult to trace Paleontology, Johannesburg. Queensland Museum, Fortitude Palaeontological Institute, Moscow. Field Museum of Natural History,
• By scientific expedition – where the specimen back to its original Museum of Earth Sciences, Rabat Valley, Queensland. NORTH AMERICA Chicago.
scientists investigate a certain bedrock. ASIA EUROPE Tyrrell Museum of Paleontology, SOUTH AMERICA
region with exposures of the • Where rivers have carved out Drumheller, Alberta. Argentine Museum of Natural
Museum of the Institute of The Natural History Museum,
right types of rocks. gorges in the landscape. Sciences, Buenos Aires.
Vertebrate Paleontology and London. American Museum of Natural
Paleoanthropology, Beijing. Royal Institute of Natural Sciences, History, New York City. Museum of La Plata University,
• See pages 12-13 for more information on FOSSILS.
Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Bator. Brussels. National Museum of Natural La Plata.

56 57

then subepochs, and finally Rift valley A steep-sided valley Taphonomy The study of what
stages. formed by subsidence of the happens to a dead organism
Earth’s surface between nearly before it becomes a fossil.
Petrify To change organic parallel faults.
T. rex. The genus name always millions of years, and Hinterland The remote areas of matter into stone by encrusting or Tectonics Large-scale processes
takes a capital initial, but the encompasses several periods. For a country, away from the coast or replacing its original substance Rock A naturally formed affecting the structure of the
species name does not, Both are example, the Mesozoic era the banks of major rivers. with a mineral deposit. inorganic substance that makes Earth’s crust.
written in italics. comprises the Triassic, Jurassic, up the Earth. A typical rock will
and Cretaceous periods. Hominid The group of animals Phenomenon A fact or be made of several types of Thyreophorans A group of
Biped An animal that walks on to which human beings belong. Meteorite A piece of rock from situation that is observed to exist mineral. dinosaurs that carried armor.
two feet. Erosion A gradual wearing space. or happen, especially the They consisted of the plated
away of rocks or soil. Ice Age A period of time when existence of something that is in Silica A hard, unreactive, stegosaurs, such as Stegosaurus,
Algae Simple, non-flowering Mineral A naturally-formed question. colorless compound that occurs and the armored ankylosaurs,
Carnivore An animal that feeds climates were cooler than they
plants that usually grow in water. inorganic substance with a as quartz and as the principal such as Euoplocephalus.
on meat. Eukaryote A living cell that are now and glaciers were more
carries its genetic material in a extensive. specific chemical composition. Plankton The tiny animal and constituent of sandstone and
Ammonite An extinct marine Minerals are the building bricks plant life that drifts in the waters other rocks. Tissue The living substance of a
Chert A hard, dark, opaque well-defined nucleus. Most
mollusc with a flat-coiled spiral of rocks. of the ocean. body. Tissue is made up of cells
rock composed of silica with a modern living things are Ichthyosaur One of a group of
shell, found as fossils mainly in Salinity The amount of salt and is the substance from which
microscopically fine-grained composed of eukaryotic cells. swimming reptiles from the
Jurassic and Cretaceous deposits. Molecule A group of atoms Plate tectonics The process dissolved in sea water. organs are built.
texture. Mesozoic. They had streamlined
Evolution The development of fish-like bodies and tail fins. bonded together. whereby the surface of the Earth
Anthracite A hard variety of is continually being created and Sediment Matter carried by Trilobite A segmented
Club moss A member of a different kinds of living organisms
coal that contains relatively pure Mosasaur A member of a destroyed—new material being water or wind and deposited arthropod, common in Palaeozoic
primitive group of plants, related from earlier forms. Igneous Rock solidified from
carbon. group of big swimming reptiles of formed along ocean ridges and on the land surface or seabed. seas.
to the ferns. Modern types are lava or magma.
low herbaceous forms, but in the Excavation The careful removal the Cretaceous period, closely old material being lost down
Archaeology The study of related to modern monitor ocean trenches. The movement Sedimentary Rock that has Vertebrate An animal with a
late Palaeozoic, they grew tree- of earth from an area in order to Isthmus A narrow strip of land
human history and prehistory lizards. involved causes the continents to formed from sediment deposited backbone.
sized and formed forests. find buried remains. with sea on either side, linking
through the excavation of sites travel over the Earth’s surface. by water or wind.
two larger areas of land.
and the analysis of physical Mucus A slimy substance Volcano A mountain or hill
Coal A combustible black rock Facies A term that geologists use
remains. secreted by the mucus Plesiosaur A large fossil marine Sedimentology The aspect having a crater or vent through
consisting mainly of carbonized to cover everything about a rock Landmass A continent or other
plant matter and used as fuel. or a sequence of rocks – its large body of land. membrances and glands of reptile of the Mesozoic era, with of geology that deals with the which lava, rock fragments, hot
Arthropod An invertebrate animals for lubrication and large, paddle-like limbs and a deposition of sand and silt and vapor, and gas are or have been
derivation, fossils, color, and
animal that has a segmented protection. long flexible neck. other sediments before becoming erupted from the Earth’s crust.
Conifer A tree bearing cones age the landform produced— Latitude The angular distance of
body, external skeleton, and sedimentary rocks.
and evergreen needle-like or everything that makes the rock a place north or south of the
jointed limbs. Omnivore An animal that eats Pliosaur A plesiosaur with a
scale-like leaves. distinctive. equator.
both plants and meat. short neck, large head and Seismic Of or relating to
Atmosphere The layer of massive toothed jaws. earthquakes or other vibrations of
Continent Any of the world’s Fauna The animals of a Lava Hot molten or semi-fluid
enveloping gases that surrounds Organ A structure in a living the Earth and its crust.
main continuous expanses of particular region, habitat, or rock erupted from a volcano or
the Earth. body that carries out a particular Pterosaur One of a group of
land, usually consisting of an geological period. fissure, or solid rock resulting
ancient core and surrounded by from this cooling. function. Organs are made up of flying reptiles from the Mesozoic. Shingle A mass of small
Binomial classification The tissues. They flew with leathery wings rounded pebbles, especially
successively younger mountain Fern A flowerless plant that has
classification of living things in supported by an elongate finger, on a seashore.
ranges. feathery or leafy fronds. Magma Hot fluid or semi-fluid
which animals and plants are Organism An individual Pterodactylus was a pterosaur.
given two names, a genus name material within the Earth’s crust
Creodont A carnivorous Flora The plants of a particular from which lava and other animal, plant, or single-celled life Stratigraphy The aspect of
and a species name. For example form. Radioactivity The process in geology that deals with the
mammal of the early Tertiary region, habitat, or geological igneous rock is formed by
Homo sapiens or Tyrannosaurus which an atom of a particular sequence of deposition of rocks,
period. period. cooling.
rex. This is useful when discussing Paleo- As a prefix, this means element breaks down to form their structures and fossils,
various species of the same something ancient. another element. This process is and interprets them to find
Crystal A piece of a solid Fossil The remains or impression Marginocephalians A group
genus, such as Homo sapiens, accompanied by a release of out about conditions of
substance having a natural of a prehistoric plant or animal of dinosaurs with armored heads.
Homo erectus, or Homo ergaster. Paleontology The study of energy which is the basis of former times.
geometrically regular form with embedded in rock and preserved. They consisted of the
Usually only the genus name, ancient life and fossils. nuclear power.
symmetrically arranged faces. pachycephalosaurids, like
Tyrannosaurus or Homo, is used.
Geology The study of the Earth, Stygimoloch, and the
Sometimes in a text, when the full Peat Partly decomposed Reef A ridge on the sea bed
Diagenesis The physical and how it is made, and how it ceratopsians, like Triceratops.
name has already been given, vegetable matter forming a giving rise to shallow water. Most
chemical changes occurring evolved.
then the genus name can be deposit on acidic, boggy ground. reefs are formed from the
during the conversion of sediment Mass extinction An event that
abbreviated to its initial, such as It is dried for use in gardening remains of living
to sedimentary rock. Glaciated Covered or having brings about the extinction of a
been covered by glaciers or ice large number of animals and and as fuel. creatures.
Eon The largest division of sheets. plants. There have been about
geological time. It comprises five mass extinctions in the history Period A division of geological
several eras. Graptolite A planktonic of life on Earth. time that can be defined by the
invertebrate animal. types of animals or plants that
Era A division of geological Metamorphic Rock that has existed then. Typically, a period
time, shorter than an eon but Herbivore An animal that only undergone transformation by lasts for tens of millions of years,
longer than a period. Typically, eats plants. heat, pressure, or other natural and is further subdivided into
an era lasts for hundreds of processes without actually melting. sub-periods, called epochs,

58 59

cooling 44b-d, 45c Dimetrodon 23a-c Eogyrinus 21a-c
Triassic 25a-d Dimylus 45d Eoraptor 27a-b
Climatius 19d dinosaurs 6-7d, 26, 27, 28a, Epigaulus 45d
coal 6-7d, 11b, 12a, 20a-d 28b-d, 34a, 36b-d, 38a, erosion 52a
38b-d, 41a-c, 42b-d, 53a,
Atlantic Ocean 8, 8a, 28b-d Brachiosaurus 33d coal forests 6-7d, 21a-c, Eryops 23d
The letters a, b, c, d following the Alvarez, Louis and Walter 53c 54a, 54b, 55a, 56-7
22b-d, 25a-c Erythrosuchus 27d
page number indicate the column amber 12a Atlantis, US 8a British Antarctic Survey 53c Cretaceous 32a
Coelodonta 47d Eudimorphodon 27c
(from left to right) in which the Ambulocetus 42a atmosphere 18b-d, 25d, 53b Brontotherium 43b-c eggshells 41a-c
Columbus, Christopher 8
information may be found on American Association for the Austalopithecus bahrelghazali Buckland, William 53a, 54b-d extinction 53c eukaryotes 15b
that page. Advancement of Science 53a 48a comet strike 40b-d Euoplocephalus 39a
Buffon, George-Louis Leclerc de footprints 12c
ammonites 29d Australia 9b-d, 14b-d, 15b, 48a 52c, 52d Compsognathus 33d
Jurassic 28b-d, 32-3 Eurhinodelphis 45d
A amphibians 18b-d, 21a-c, 21d, Australopithecus 49a-b, 55c-d Bunter 24b-d conglomerates 11a, 29a-c
museums 57 Eusthenopteron 19a-c gneiss 11d
abelisaurs 37d 26a, 41a-c conifers 21c, 25a-c, 26b-d, 39a
Australopithecus aethiopicus Burgess Shale 17a-d, 55c-d evaporates 29a-c
Adam and Eve 52b Triassic 26, 27 Gondwana 34b-d
Anatotitan 38a 48b-d, 49d Buxolestes 43d continental drift 8, 52b, 55a-b
Diplodocus 33a-c, 33d, evolution 53a, 53d, 54a, 54c-d Goodchild, JG 6-7e
aerial creatures 31a-c Anaximander 52a Australopithecus afarensis 48a continental shelves 30a-d
Diplograptus 17a-c extrusive rocks 10b, 10c, 10d Gould, Stephen Jay 53c
Agassiz, Louis 53a Andes Mountains 9b-d Australopithecus africanus 48a, continents 14b-d
Age of Fishes 18a 50a Diplovertebron 21d granite 10b
andesite 10d Calamites 21b-c Cook, James 52a-b, 52c, 52d F
Age of Reptiles 26a Australopithecus anamensis 48a Diprodoton 47d graptolites 17a-c
animals 12, 18b-d, 21a-c, 21d, calcite 29a-c, 52a Cope, Edward Drinker 54b, 55a Famennian stage 18a
Agricola, Georgius (George 23d, 52d, 54a Australopithecus bahrelghazali Dirac, PAM 9a grass and grasslands 44b-d
Callander, GS 53c corals 22a-d, 31a-c faunal succession 54b-d
Bauer) 52b Burgess Shale 17a-c 48a disease 40a, 40b-d, 41a-c Great Extinction 6-7d, 40-1
Calymene 17a-c cordaites 21c, 25a-c ferns 18a, 21c, 24a, 25a-c,
Al-Beruni 52a cold-adapted 47a-c Australopithecus boisei 48b-d, DNA 53b 26b-d greenhouse effect 40b-d, 53c
Cambrian period 16a, 16b-d Corythosaurus 38a
Alamosaurus 36a 49d dogs 45d Griesbachian stage 24a
Early Tertiary 42b-d camels 44a Cranioceras 44a fish 18a, 18b-d, 19a-c, 19d,
Albertus Magnus 52a Australopithecus garhi 49d dolerite 10b 31d, 41a-c Gulf epoch 34a
land-living 31a-c, 40a Canadian subperiod 16a Crassigyrinus 21d
Alembert, Jean le Rond d’ 52c Australopithecus robustus 48b-d, dolphins 45d forests 6-7d Gzelian epoch 20a
sea-living 22a, 28a, 30a-d, Capitanian stage 22a creodonts 43b-c
Aleutian Islands 9b-d 31a-c duckbills 38a, 39b-c fossils 11d, 12-13, 14b-d, 16a,
Avicenna 52a Carboniferous period 6-7d, Cretaceous period 6-7d, 24a,
algae 14b-d, 22a-d Triassic period 26, 27 10-21, 16a 34-5, 40, 41a-c ducks 43d 30, 52a, 52b, 52c, 54b-d, H
Azores 8b-c 55b, 56 Hadean era 6-7b, 14a
Alticamelus 44a Anisian stage 24a Carnian stage 24a Crick, Francis 53b dune bedding 22a
Dunkleosteus 19d facies 12d halite/rock salt 11b
ankylosaurids 39a, 39d Carnotaurus 37a-c crinoids 22a-d
B gunflint chert microfossils 14a Halley, Edmund 52c
ankylosaurs 32b, 38a, 39a casts 12b-c crocodiles 27d, 31d, 35d, Dyfed subperiod 16a
Bacon, Francis 8a
41a-c.30a-d index 12d, 29d, 38a, 39b-c Hallucigenia 17c
Ankylosaurus 39d bacteria 14b-d cats 44a
Cryptoclidus 30a-d E lagoons 31a-c Haughton, Samuel 6-7e
Anning, Mary 55b Bala sub-period16a Caudipteryx 36b-d
Early Palaeozoic period 6-7d, trace 12c, 16a Hawaii 10c
Anomalocaris 17c Cenozoic era 6-7c Cryptolithus 17d
Baryonyx 36a 16-17, 16a, 16b-d
crystals 10a, 10b, 11d Frasnian stage 18a Hennig, Willi 53c
anthracite 20a-d basalt 10c, 14a, 41d centipedes 21a-c Early Tertiary period 6-7d, 42-3
Cuvier, Georges 52d, 54a Fuchs, Leonhart 52b heredity 53a
Apatosaurus 33d Bashkirian epoch 20a Cephalaspis 19a-c Earth
cycads 39a fuel 29a-c Herodotus 52a
Apex Chert, Australia 14a bats 43d ceratopsians 39b-c age 6-7e, 52d, 53c, 53d
Hess, Harry 8a, 8c
Arambourg, Camille 35a-c beaches, raised 47a-c Ceratosaurus 33d cross section 9
D G Hettangian age 28a
Arambourgiania 35a-c Beagle, HMS 54c-d chalk 24b-d, 34a-b expansion 9a gabbro 10b
Daphoneus 45d Hilgenberg, OW 9a
Archaean era 6-7b, 14a belemnites 30 Changxingian stage 22a magnetism 8b, 52d Gallic sub-epoch 34a
Darwin, Charles 53a, 53c, Holocene epoch 46a
Archaeoceratops 39d Bergman, Torbern Olaf 52d Charnodiscus 15b see also world geological classification 52c
53d, 54c-d hominids 50b-d
Archaeopteryx 31d Bible, age of Earth 6-7e chemical rocks 10c, 11b earthquakes 53b geological column/time scale
death assemblage 13c-d Homo 50-1
Archelon 35d Big Bang theory 53b, 53c chert 14a East African Rift Valley 9b-d 6-7d-e, 55c-d
Debois, Eugene 53a Homo erectus 48b-d, 50a, 53a
Ardipithecus 49c binomial classification 52c Chicxulub crater, Yucatan 40b-d, Edmontonia 39d geological maps 52d, 54b-d
Deccan Trapps 41d Homo ergaster 50a
Ardipithecus ramidus 41a-c, 52a, 53c
biogenic rocks 10c deer 45a-c Eifelian stage 18a geological museums 52b
48b-d Chriacus 43d Homo florienses 51d
Birch 38b-d Deinosuchus 35d elasmosaurs 35a-c geological processes 52c, 52d
Arduino, Giovanni 52c chromosomes 53b Homo habilis 48b-d, 50a
birds 31d, 36b-d, 41a-c, 42b-d, Deinotherium 45a-b Elasmosaurus 35a-c Gilbert, William 52b
Argentinasaurus 36a cladistics 53c Homo heidelbergensis 50a
43a, 53c Eldredge, Niles 53c giraffes 45a-c
deserts 22a, 22b-d, 24b-d,
armadilloes 47d Bitter Springs Chert, Australia Cladoselache 19d
28b-d elephants 45a-b, 45d Givetian stage 18a
Arthroplura 21d 14a classification 54a
Devonian period 6-7, 16a, Elephas Primigenius 47a-b glacials and glaciation 15b,
arthropods 17a, 21a-c bituminous coal 20a-d clastic rocks 10c, 11a, 11b 18-19 46b-d, 47a-c
elk 47d
Artinskian stage 22a bivalves 22a-d clay 11b diagenesis 13b glaciers 46a-c
Emsian stage 18a
Ashmolean Museum, Bothriolepis 19d climate Diatryma 43a global warming 25a-d, 53c
encylopaedias 52a, 52c
Oxford 52c brachiopods 22a-d change 25d, 40b-d, 41a-c, Diderot, Denis 52c Eocene epoch 42a Glossopteris 24a
Asselian stage 22a brachiosaurs 36a 44b-d Didymograptus 17a-c Eodiscus 17d Glyptodon 47d

60 61
iridium 40b-d, 41d 29a-c, 31a-c, 34a-b 40b-d, 41a-c, 41d, 53c oil 12d, 19a-c, 22a-d Pithecanthus erectus (Homo Q saurischians 32a, 36b-d,
iron 19a-c Linnaeus, Carolus 52c meteorites 6-7b Old Red Sandstone 18b-d, erectus) 53a quartz crystals 40b-d 38b-d
Isotelus 17d Liopleurodon 31a-c Metriorhynchus 31d 19a-c placental mammals 41a-c Quaternary period 6-7, 43a, sauropods 32a, 33a-c, 33d,
Olenellus 17d Placet, P 8a 46-7, 52c 36a, 36b-d, 39a
lithification 11a-c microbes 14a
Oligocene epoch 42a planets 52c Sauroposeidon 36a
J lizards and snakes 41a-c microfossils 14a
jellyfish 15b Oolitic limestone 29a-c plants 12, 52b, 52d R schist 11d
Llandovery epoch 16a Mid-Atlantic Ridge 8b-c, 9b-d
radioactivity 6-7a-b, 6-7e, 53b Science magazine 53a
Joly, John 6-7e Lochkovian stage 18a Miller, Stanley 53b Opabinia 17b coal forest 21a-c
radiometric dating 53b sea anemones 14a
Jura Mountains 28a-d Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasil’evich millipedes 21d Ophiderpeton 21d cold-adapted 47a-c
red sandstones 18, 19, 22, 24 sea levels 40a, 41a-c
Jurassic period 6-7, 24a, 28-31, 52c minerals 6-7a, 10-11, 52a, 52b Ophthalmosaurus 31d Cretaceous 38-9
52d Red Sea 9b-d, 14b-d sea lilies 22a-d
Longtanian stage 22a Miocene epoch 42a Ordovician period 16a, 16b-d Early Tertiary 42b-d
reefs 16b-d, 22a-d, 31a-c sea reptiles 35a-c, 40
Lower Palaeolithic 51a-c Mississippian sub-period 20a ornithischians 32a, 32b, land-living 16b, 18a, 18b-d
K Repenomamus 41d sea scorpions 18b-d
Ludlow epoch 16a Mixosaurus 27d 36b-d, 38b-d Permian 25a-c
Kasimovian epoch 20a reptiles 6-7d, 20a, 21a-c, 21d, seafloor spreading 8, 53c
Lycaenops 23d molecules 14b-d Ornithomimus 36a Triassic 25a-c, 26b-d
Kelvin, William Thomson, Lord 23a-c, 23d, 26a-d, 35d
Lyell, Sir Charles 53a, 55c-d ornithopods 32a plate tectonics 8-9, 11a-c, Secondary 43a, 52c
6-7e, 53b, 53d Monograptus 17b see also dinosaurs
Orrorin 49a-b 13a, 53c sedimentary rocks 6-7a, 6-7e,
Kentrosaurus 33d moon rock 53c Rhaetian stage 24a 10, 11, 13a-d, 14a, 29a-c,
M Ortelius, Abraham 52b Platybelodon 45d
Kenyanthropus 49a-b moraines 47a-c rhinoceros 42a, 47d 52c, 56
Mackenzie Mountains, Canada ossicones 45a-c Pleistocene epoch 46a
kettle holes 47a-c 14a Morley, Lawrence 8b Rhomaleosaurus 29d sedimentology 52a
Ostrom, John 53c Plesiadapis 43d
Keuper 24b-d Macrauchenia 47c Morrison Formation 29a-c, 33a-c rhynchosaurs 27d sediments
Homo neanderthalensis 51d Ouranosaurus 38a plesiosaurs 29d, 30a-d, 31a-c,
Kimmeridgian stage 28a Magantereon 44a mosasaurs 34c-d, 35a-c, 42b-d 35a-c, 41a-c, 42b-d, 55b Richter, Charles F 53b ocean 46b-d
Homo rudolfensis 48b-d Oviraptor 37d
Kirschvink, Joe 53c magma 11a-c Moschops 23d Pleurosaurus 35d rift valleys 28b-d Tertiary 12a
Homo sapiens 48b-d, 50a, 51d Owen, Sir Richard 53a, 54a
Kronosaurus 35a-c magnetism 8b, 52b, 52d Moscovian epoch 20a Pliensbachian stage 28a rock salt 11b seismic sea waves (tsunamis)
Hooke, Robert 52c mosses 21a-c, 25a-c Oxfordian stage 28a rocks 6-7a-b, 10-11, 24b-d, 53d 40b-d
Kungurian stage 22a Magnolia 38b-d Pliny the Elder 52a
horns 45a-c moulds 12b oxidisation 19a-c cycle 11a-c Senonian subepoch 34a
Malm epoch 28a Pliocene epoch 42a
horses 43a-c, 44a L Mount Saint Helens 10d Oxyaena 43b-c Jurassic 29a-c Serpukhovian epoch 20a
mammals 6-7d, 23a-c, 26, pliosaurs 29d, 30a-d, 31a-c,
horsetails 18a, 21b, 25a-c La Peyrère, Isaac 52b 42b-d, 43b-c, 44a mountains 8d oxygen 15c, 18c, 52d 35a-c see also types of rock Seymouria 23d
Houtermans, Fiesel 53b Ladinian stage 24a man 6-7d mudstone 11a ozone depletion 53c polacanthids 39a Rocky Mountains 28b-d, 33a-c shales 11a, 11d, 29a-c
humans 48-9, 52b Lamarck, Jean 53d marble 11d multi-celled organisms 14a, 53b Polacanthus 38a Rotliegendes epoch 22a sharks 19d, 30a-d
Humboldt, Alexander von 28a-d, land bridges 40a Marella 17b Muschelkalk 24b-d P polar wandering 53c Rudbeck, Olaf 52c shellfish 30
52d landmasses 14b-d, 16b-d Pacific Ocean 8b, 9a Siberia 22b-d
marginocephalians 32a Pragian stage 18a Runcorn, Keith 53c
Hutton, James 52c, 52d Late Proterozoic era 14b-d Paleocene epoch 42a Rutherford, Ernest 53b Sigillaria 21b
Mariana Trench 9b-d N Precambrian eon 6-7a-b,
Hylonomus 21d Late Tertiary period 44-5 Nammalian stage 24a Paleogene subperiod 42a, 14-15, 43a silica 14a, 44c-d
marls 24b-d
Hyperodapedon 27d lava 10b, 11a-c 43a Presbyornis 43d Silurian period 16a, 16b-d
Marsh, Othniel Charles 54b, 55a natural selection 53d S
Hypsodus 43d Lavoisier, Antoine 52d paleomagnetic studies 53c Pridoli epoch 16a sabre-toothed tiger 47a-b Sinemurian stage 28a
marsupial mammals 41a-c, 45d Nectocaris 17b
Hyracotherium 43a-c Leakey, Louis Seymour Bazett paleontology 56-7 Priestley, Joseph 52d Sakmarian stage 22a Sinosauropteryx 37d
Martini, Martino 52c Neocomian sub-epoch 34a
55c-d Paleoparadoxia 44a Primary period 43a, 52c salinity, ocean 6-7e, 25d, 52c Sivatherium 45a-c
Masiakasaurus 37d Neogene sub-period 42a, 43a
I Leedsihcthys 31d Paleoproterozoic period 14a primates 43d salt see salinity slate 11d
mass extinctions 24b-d, 25d, 28a Neohipparion 44a
Icaronycteris 43d Lemaître, Georges 53b Neolithic (new stone age) 51a-c Paleozoic era 6-7c, 43a see also humans Saltasaurus 36b-d, 39a sloths 47a-b
Matthews, Drummond 8b, 53c
Ice ages 16b-d, 22b-d, 43a, Leonardo da Vinci 52a-b Neoproterozoic period 14a Pangaea 24b-d, 25a-d, 28b-d, Proceratops 36a sandstones 11a, 18, 19, 22, Smilodon 47a-b
Mediterranean Sea 9b-d
46a, 46d, 53a Lepidodendron 21a-b 31a-c, 34b-d 24b-d, 29a-c
Megaceros 47d New Red Sandstone 22a, 22b-d, prokaryotes 15a
Iceland 10c Leptictidium 42a 24b-d Panthalassa 24b-d Jurassic 29a-c
Megalania 47d prosauropods 32a
ichthyosaurs 27d, 29d, 30a-d, lias 29a-c Newark Supergroup 29a-c Parasaurolophus 39b-c Triassic 26a-d
Megalosaurus 33d, 54b-d Proterozoic era 6-7b, 14a
31d, 35a-c, 55b Lias epoch 28a Pareiasaurus 23a-c
Meganeura 21a-c nodosaurid ankylosaurs 39d Psitticosaurus 39d
Ichthyosaurus 29d life Patterson, Claire 53b
Megatherium 47a-b nodosaurids 39a Pteranodon 35d
Ichthyostega 19a-c Cretaceous 36-7, 36-8 peat 20a-d
Mendel, Gregor 53a Norian stage 24a pterodactyloides 31a-c
igneous rocks 10, 11a-c Jurassic 30-3 North America 8, 28b-d pebbles 22a
Mercati, Michele 52b Pterodactylus 31a-c
Iguanodon 38a, 39b-c Precambrian 14a North Atlantic 9a Pennsylvanian sub-period 20a
Mesoproterozoic period 14a Pterodaustro 35d
India 41d Triassic 26-7 Nothosaurus 27d Penzias, Arno 53c pterosaurs 6-7d, 27c, 31a-c,
Mesosaurus 23a-c
Indricotherium 42a see also animals; dinosaurs; Permian period 6-7d, 16a, 22-3 35a-c, 35d, 40, 42b-d
Mesozoic era 6-7c, 24a, 27c,
inheritance 53b plants 27d, 40, 41a-c, 43a O petrified wood 12b Pterosaurus 41a-c
insectivores 42a, 45d life assemblage 13c-d metamorphic rocks 6-7b, 10c-d, Oak 38b-d Phanerozoic eon 6-7c-e punctuated equilibrium 53c
insects 6-7d, 12a, 18b-d lignite 20a-d 11a-c, 11d oceanographic surveys 8a Phillips, John 53a Pythagoras 52a
intrusive rocks 10a, 10b limestone 11b, 11d, 15b, 24b-d, meteorite impact 25d, 40a, oceans 14b-d Phorusrhacos 44b

62 63
Smith, William 52d, 54b-d Tethys Sea 31a-c Ural Mountains 9b-d
snakes 41a-c Thales 52a Urey, Harold 53b
Snider, Antonio 8a Thecodontosaurus 27a-b Ussher, Archbishop 53d
snowball Earth theory 15, 53c therizinosaurs 32a, 37a-c
Sollas 6-7e Therizinosaurus 37a-c V
South Australia 15b theropods 32a, 33d, 36a, Vanini, Lucilio 52b
Spathian stage 24a 36b-d, 37d Velociraptor 37a-c
Spinosaurus 37d Thylacosmilus 45d Vendian period 14a, 15
sponges 22a-d, 31a-c thyreophorans 32a, 33d vertebrate palaeontology 54a,
55a, 55c-d Wordian stage 22a
Sprigg, Reg 53b titanosaurs 36a
vertebrates 18b-d, 23a-c world
Spriggina 15b Tithonian stage 28a
Vesuvius 10d Cambrian period 16b-d
stegosaurs 32b, 33d, 39a Toarcian stage 28a
Vine, Fred 8a, 53c Carboniferous period 20b-d
Stegosaurus 33a-c tortoises 41a-c
viruses 14b-d Cretaceous period 34b-d
Steno, Nicolaus (Neils Stensen) Tournaisian epoch 20a
Visean epoch 20a Devonian period 18b-d
52c tree ferns 25a-c
volcanic activity 22b-d, 24b-d, Early Tertiary period 42b-d
stratigraphic correlation 54b-d trees 25a-c
25d, 40b-d, 41a-c, 41d Jurassic period 28b-d
stratigraphy 52c Triassic period 6-7d,
24-7 volcanoes 10b, 10c Late Tertiary period 44b-d
striations 47a-c
Triceratops 39b-c vulcanism see volcanic activity Ordovician period 16b-d
stromatolites 14b-d
trilobites 17a, 17b, 17d Permian period 22b-d
Struthiosaurus 39d
Troodon 37d W Quaternary period 46a-c
Stygimoloch 38a
Walcott, Charles Doolittle 6-7e, Silurian period 16b-d
Styracosaurus 39d tropical forest 41a-c
17c, 55c-d
Tsintaosaurus 38a Triassic period 24b-d
Sutton, Walter 53b Watson, James 53b
tsunamis 40b-d see also Earth
Swaziland 14a Wegener, Alfred 8d, 53b, 55a-b
turtles 35d, 41a-c worms 15b
Synthetoceras 45a-b Wenlock epoch 16a
Tylosaurus 34c-d
Werner, Abraham Gottlob 53d
T tyrannosaurs 37a-c X
T.Rex 6-7d Westlothiana 21a-c Xenophanes 52a
Tyrannosaurus 6-7d, 37a-c
whales 42a
Tanystropheus 27d
Willow 38b-d Y
Tapejara 35d U
Wilson, Robert 53c Yucatan 40b-d, 41a-c, 52a
taphonomy 12a-d, 13a Ufimian stage 22a
Taylor, FB 8d
Wiwaxia 17b
Uintatherium 42a
wombat 47d Z
temperate woodland 41a-c Upper Palaeolithic (old stone
age) 51a-c woolly mammoths 47a-b Zechstein epoch 22a
Tertiary period 6-7, 43a,
52c upright stance 49a-c

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