The Meaning of Adiabatic

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The meaning of "adiabatic"

Department of Cllemistr)! University of Ottawa, Ottawct, ON K I N 6N5, Carzcldn
Received May 20, 1993
This paper is dedicated to Professor John C. Polanyi or1 the occasiorl ofhis 65th birtlldcry

KEITHJ. LAIDLERCan. J. Chem. 72, 936 (1 994).

In chemical kinetics the word "adiabatic" has come to refer to a process in which there is no change of quantum state, a mean-
ing that has no connection with the thermodynamic meaning or with the etymology of the word. This usage is traced to early dis-
cussions of reversible adiabatic processes in classical and quantum mechanics, processes that came to be referred to simply as
Can. J. Chem. Downloaded from by on 11/19/18

KEITHJ. LAIDLERCan. J. Chem. 72,936 (1994).

En cinktique chimique, le mot adiabatiques se refkre aujourd'hui a un processus dans lequel il n'y a pas de changement d'ktat
quantique, une signification qui n'a aucune relation avec le sens thermodynamique ou avec l'itymologie du mot. On peut
retracer I'origine de ce nouvel usage dans les premieres discussions des processus adiabatiques re'versibles de la micanique clas-
sique ou quantique auxquels on a fini parse rifkrer simplement adiabatiques.
[Traduitpar la ridaction]
Introduction entitled "On the mechanical meaning of the second law of ther-
In chemical kinetics the word "adiabatic" has long been used modynamics" (1). In it he claimed to have given a "purely ana-
to refer to a chemical reaction in which the products remain in lytical, completely general, proof of the second law of
the same quantum state as the reactants. This usage has created thermodynamics." By 1868 he had realized that his arguments
some puzzlement as it does not seem to have, and indeed does were ill-conceived, and in that year he published a paper of
not in fact have, any connection with the etymology of the word great importance ( 3 , which initiated his pioneering contribu-
adiabatic, or with the appropriate use of the word in thermody- tions to statistical mechanics. This contribution owed much to
For personal use only.

namics. The word adiabatic means "not passing through," and an important paper by Clerk Maxwell (6) on the distribution of
in thermodynamics refers to a condition imposed on a system, a speeds in gases. Others, however, notably Rudolf Clausius (7,
condition that prevents any passage of heat into or out of the 8) and Coloman (or KAlmAn) Szily von Nagy-Szigeth (9-1 l),
system. In its kinetic usage the word relates not to a condition continued to maintain the view that the second law can be
imposed on the system, but rather to an inherent property of a proved on the basis of mechanics.
chemical process, namely its tendency under certain conditions Although Boltzmann's 1866 paper was invalid, it did involve
to occur without any change in quantum states. a principle that was later helpful in leading to an understanding
A consideration of how the kinetic meaning of adiabatic of the quantum theory. Boltzmann considered a somewhat arti-
developed is of some interest in the history of science, and is ficial model for a gas in which the molecules undergo a periodic
also instructive in leading to a better understanding of some of motion of frequency v. He then proved that if the gas were sub-
the fundamental principles of statistical mechanics and quan- jected to a reversible udiubatic change the ratio of the energy E
tum mechanics. The trail begins with a paper (1) published in to the frequency v would remain constant. In their later
1866 by Ludwig Boltzmann, in which he mistakenly claimed to Clausius and Szily also considered reversible adiabatic
have derived the second law of thermodynamics on the basis of changes, agreeing with Boltzmann's conclusion that Elv
classical mechanics. Within a few years, thanks to his study of remains constant. It was at about that time that the word action
Clerk Maxwell's papers, he had realized that his argument was began to be applied to the quantity Elv.
invalid, and that the second law must be explained along statis- Subsequently a number of other workers stressed this invari-
tical lines. In his 1868 paper, however, he had considered a ance of Elv. In 1902, for example, Lord Rayleigh, in a treatment
reversible adiabatic process, and it is from that argument that (12) of the pressure of radiation, considered a simple pendulum
the winding and sometimes indistinguishable trail eventually consisting of a bob and a string. By means of a small ring round
led, through several false turns, to the inappropriate use of the the string its length could be altered, and as the string becomes
word adiabatic in modern kinetics. shorter the frequency of the pendulum increases. Rayleigh
proved that if the ring is lowered extremely slowly (i.e., the pro-
"Adiabatic" as used in thermodynamics cess is carried out reversibly) work is done on the system and
the energy of the pendulum increases in exact proportion to the
The word adiabatic was first used in 1858 by W.J.M. Rankine frequency; in other words the action, Elv, remains constant. If,
(2), and it derives from the Greek prefix a - (a-), not, 8 ~ (dia),
a on the other hand, the ring is lowered rapidly just at the moment
through, and P a ~ v (bainen),
~v to pass. Although it was Rankine that the string is vertical, no work is done; the frequency
who first used the word, the concept of an adiabatic process, in increases but the energy remains constant, so that the action is
which no heat enters or leaves the system, is stated clearly in no longer unchanged. Other treatments of the same principle in
Carnot's famous memoir (3) of 1824, and in Clapeyron's math- relation to other situations were given by Andrade (l3), Morton
ematical treatment of Carnot's cycle (4), which involves two (14), and Bhatnagar and Kothari (15).
isothermal and two adiabatic steps.

"Adiabaticity" in classical mechanics "Adiabatic invariance" in quantum theory

Boltzmann was 22 years old in 1866 when he wrote his paper Paul Ehrenfest was particularly effective in his writings on
the fundamentals of mechanics (16-19), and he laid special
emphasis on this constancy of Elv, in both classical and quan-
tum mechanics. In one paper (16a), published in 191 1, he
extended the principle of invariance of Elv in classical systems,
for processes that are extremely slow, to apply to motions other
than harmonic motions, to which the principle had previously
been restricted. He also extended the argument to quantized sys-
tems, showing that when the parameters of a system in a partic-
ular quantum state are changed slowly, the system remains in
the same quantum state. In this same paper he proved rigorously
that, since Elv is the only property that remains constant if one
brings about a very slow change in the system, this is the only
property that can be quantized. It should be remarked that
although as a matter of convenience we speak of the quantiza-
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tion of energy - and this terminology has been sanctioned by

Einstein and Planck among many others - it is, strictly speak-
ing, the action (Elv) that is quantized. Planck in fact referred to
his constant h (= Elv) as the elementary qitantum of action.
Ehrenfest's analysis in this 191 1 paper (16) threw light on a
difficulty that was troubling many of the leading physicists of
the time. The laws of classical mechanics had been well worked
out to deal with energy transfers that occur when molecules col-
lide. What, however, would be the situation if energies are
quantized? This matter was brought up at the First Solvay Con-
gress, held in Brussels at the end of October, 191 1, only a cou- INITIAL FINAL
ple of weeks after Ehrenfest's paper appeared. H.A. Lorenz, STATE STATE
then professor at Leiden and in the following year to be suc-
For personal use only.

ceeded there by Ehrenfest himself, posed a simple question of

fundamental importance. He imagined a pendulum oscillating
in a particular quantum state, and asked what would happen to
the quantized state if the string were shortened. Ehrenfest had
not been invited to attend the Congress but, according to the ANGLE OF TWIST
report of the Congress, Einstein immediately and unhesitatingly
answered that if the length were changed infinitely slorvly, the FIG. 1. Schematic potential-energy diagram for the cis-trnrls
isomerization of a substituted ethylene.
energy would remain equal to hv. It is known that Einstein had
by that time read Ehrenfest's paper (16a),' and he was probably slowly...". The emphasis should, of course, be on the re-
also familiar with Rayleigh's treatment of the classical problem. versibility and not on the adiabaticity; the same effect would be
Although the emphasis had always been on the slowness of obtained if the process were reversible and isothermal. The
the processes, it was shortly after this meeting that the con- important point, as stressed by Einstein at the Solvay Congress,
stancy of Elv began to be referred to as "adiabatic invariance." is that processes must be slow in order for quantum states to be
This expression was apparently first used in print by Einstein in preserved. In spite of this, the inappropriate word adiabatic
a paper (20) that appeared in 1914. This usage by Einstein is came to be used.
acknowledged in papers by Ehrenfest (19) which appeared in
1916. The English version of these papers, which appeared in "Adiabaticity" in chemical kinetics
the Philosophical Magazine, was entitled "Adiabatic invariants The modern use of the word adiabatic in chemical kinetics is
and the theory of quanta," and on page 502 appears the follow- consistent with the usage introduced by Einstein and Ehrenfest.
ing significant passage: The first use in kinetics appears to have been by Fritz London
"By changing the parameters ... in an infinitely slow way, a (21) in 1928, in connection with his approximate quantum-
given motion P(a) may be transformed into another mechanical expression for the energy of the H...H...H complex,
motion P(a'). This special type of influencing upon the an intermediate in the H + Hz reaction. In discussing this prob-
system may be called "a reversible adiabatic affection", lem London suggested that many chemical reactions proceed
the motion P(a) and P(a') being adiabatically related to "adiabatically," by which he meant that there is no abrupt jump
each other [his italics]" from one quantum state to another.
Much the same is said in the Dutch versions of the paper. The Reactions that are not adiabatic in this sense are referred to as
key word "reversible" disappeared in the second part of this diabatic or nonadiabatic. Examples of nonadiabatic reactions
sentence, and was also omitted in latter discussions of the prob- are the cis-trans isomerizations of certain substituted ethylenes.
lem. In some of these later treatments one meets anomalous Figure 1 shows a schematic potential-energy profile (22) for
phrases like "...if a process occurs adiabatically, i.e., very such a system, the energy being plotted against the angle of
twist about the double bond. There is a triplet excited state hav-
' ~ e f e r e n c e16a appeared in October, 191 1, and the fact that Einstein ing a minimum corresponding to a twist of 90°so that there are
had read it before the Solvay Congress, which occurred at the end of two alternative reaction paths. The system may remain in a sin-
October, is known from the fact that he referred to it in a letter to his glet state throughout and proceed via point A, where there is a
friend M. Besso dated 21st October, 191 L. crossing of two singlet states; this process is referred to as adi-
938 CAN. J. CHEM. VOL. 72, 1991

abatic. Alternatively, the system may cross to the triplet state at clearly defined. It should also be noted that the words are often
B and cross to the singlet state at C; this is the non-adiabatic pro- used not to describe the way in which a reaction is believed to
cess. T h e adiabatic process has a higher activation energy than proceed, but rather the approximation that is being used in the
the non-adiabatic process, but has a normal pre-exponential fac- theoretical treatment of the reaction.
tor, since there is little restriction to passing from a singlet state
to another singlet state. The non-adiabatic process has a lower 1. L. Boltzmann. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 53, 195 (1 866).
activation energy but a lower pre-exponential factor because of 2. W.J.M. Rankine. A manual of applied mechanics. London and
the difficulty in crossing from a singlet to a triplet state. The Glasgow. 1859.
evidence for the cis-trans isomerizations is that the pre- 3. S. Camot. Reflections sur la puissance motrice du feu. Bachelier,
Paris. 1824.
exponential factors are abnormally low by a factor of about 4. B.P.E. Clapeyron. J. EC.Polytech. 14, 153 (1834).
this factor, referred to as the transmissioiz coeflcient for 5. L. Boltzmann. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 58,517 (1868).
the reaction, reflects the low probability of transition between 6. J. Clerk Maxwell. Philos. Mag. 157,49 (1867).
singlet and triplet states. 7. R. Clausius. Sitzungsber. Niederrhein. Ges. Bonn, 114 (1870);
Systems approaching B in Fig. 1 d o so at various speeds. (Poggendorff's) Ann. Phys. Chem. [2], 141, 124 (1870); English
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According to the principles enunciated by Ehrenfest and Ein- version in Philos. Mag. [5], 40, 122 (1870). and reproduced in S.G.
stein, systems moving very slowly will inevitably remain in the Brush. Kinetic theory. Vol. 1. Pergarnon Press, Oxford. 1965.
triplet state, but these will have insufficient energy to reach C 8. R. Clausius. (Poggendorff's) Ann. Phys. Chem. [2], 142, 433
and will therefore not undergo isomerization. Systems moving (1871); English version in Philos. Mag. [5], 42, 161 (1871).
more rapidly will have a significant possibility of jumping into 9. C. Szily. (Poggendorff's) Ann. Phys. Chern. [2], 145, 295 (1872);
English version in Philos. Mag. [4], 43, 339 (1872).
the triplet state where they will probably undergo a number of 10. C. Szily. (Poggendorff's) Ann. Phys. Chern. [?I, 149, 74 (1873);
vibrations before passing into the product state. The details are English version in Philos. Mag. [4], 46,426 (1873).
obviously a matter of great complexity. 11. C. Szily. (Poggendorff's) Ann. Phys. Chern. Erganz. 7, 154
The word adiabatic has also been used in kinetics in a more (1876); English version in Philos. Mag. [5], 1, 22 (1876); 2, 254
specialized sense: a reaction in which the system remains in the (1 876).
same vibrational state has been said to be "vibrationally adia- 12. ~ o r kayleigh
d (J.W. Strutt). Philos. Mag. 3, 338 (1902).
batic." In conventional transition-state theory (23, 24) the initial 13. E.N. da C. Andrade. The structure of the atom. 3rd ed. G. Bell,
and activated states are treated quantum mechanically, but the London. 1923. pp. 198-206.
For personal use only.

passage over the col is treated classically. Also, in the earlier 14. W.B. Morton. Philos. Mag. [7], 8, 186 (1929).
15. P.L. Bhatnagar and D.S. Kothari. Indian J. Phys. 16,272 (1942).
dynamical treatments of the motion of systems over potential-
16. (a) P. Ehrenfest. Ann. Phys. [4], 36,91 (191 1); (b) Martin J. Klein
energy surfaces, the initial states are quantized but the actual (Editor). Paul Ehrenfest: Collected scientific papers. North Hol-
motion follows classical laws (25), so that the products d o not land, Amsterdam. 1959.
appear in their appropriate quantum states. Some attempts have 17. P. Ehrenfest and T. Ehrenfest. Begriffliche Grundlagen der
been made to develop extensions of conventional transi- statische Auffassung in der Mechanik. In Encyklopadie der Math-
tion-state theory in which the motions are constrained to remain ernatische Wissenschaften. B.G. Teubner, Leipzig, IV, 2,II, Heft 6.
in quantum states (26, 27), and these have been referred to as 191 1; English translation by M.M.J. Moravczik in P. and T. Ehren-
adiabatic transition-state treatments. In a number of publica- fest. The conceptual foundations of the statistical approach in
tions Polanyi and co-workers have dealt with the theory (28) of mechanics. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y. 1959; reprinted
this type of adiabaticity and have provided examples (29). Other by Dover Publications, New York. 1990.
18. P. Ehrenfest. Proc. Amsterdam Acad. 16,591 (1913).
treatments consistent with this type of adiabaticity have been
19. P. Ehrenfest. Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 25, 412 (1916);
put forward by Garrett and Truhlar (30), and by Quack and Troe English translation in Proc. Amsterdam Acad. 19, 576 (1916);
(31, 32) who have proposed an "adiabatic channel model," condensed English version with change of title in Philos. Mag. [6],
which is a detailed version of adiabatic transition-state theory. 33,500 (1917).
The word adiabatic in its kinetic sense also appears in Mar- 20. A. Einstein. Verh. Dtsch. Phys. Ges. 16, 820 (1914).
cus's theory of unimolecular gas reactions (33, 34), often 21. F. London. In Probleme der modernen Physik. Sommerfeld
referred to as Rice-Ramsperger-Kassel-Marcus (RRKM) Festschrift. F. Hirtzel, Leipzig. 1928.
theory. Certain types of energy residing in a molecule are 22. J.L. Magee, W. Shand, and H. Ering. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 63,677-
regarded as inactive o r adiabatic; what is meant is that energy of 688 (1941).
this type remains in the same quantum state during reaction and 23. H. Eyring. J. Chem. Phys. 3, 107 (1935).
24. M.G. Evans and M. Polanyi. Trans. Faraday Soc. 31,875 (1935).
therefore makes no contribution to the rearrangement of bonds
25. K. Karplus, R.N. Porter, and R.D. Sharma. J. Chem. Phys. 43,
that occurs during reaction. The zero-point energy is adiabatic 3259 (1965).
in this sense, as is the energy of overall translation and rotation, 26. D.G. Truhlar. J. Chern. Phys. 53,2041 (1970).
since this energy is preserved when the energized molecule 27. A. Tweedale and K.J. Laidler. J. Chern. Phys. 53,2045 (1970).
becomes an activated complex. Other energies, such as some 28. C.A. Pan; J.C. Polanyi, and W.H. Wong. J. Chem. Phys. 58, 5
vibrational energies, are said in RRKM theory to be active or (1973), and later publications.
non-adiabatic. 29. L.T. Cowley, D.S. Hone, and J.C. Polanyi. Chern. Phys. Lett. 12,
144 (1971), and later publications.
Discussion 30. B.C. Garrett and D.G. Truhlar. J. Chern. Phys. 83, 1052 (1979),
and later publications.
It is evident that besides being used in kinetics in a sense that 31. M. Quack and J. Troe. Ber. Bunsen-Ges. Phys. Chem. 79, 170
is different from the thermodynamic sense, the words adiabatic, (1975).
diabatic, and non-adiabatic are used in different ways by differ- 32. M. Quack and J. Troe. Theor. Chern. (N.Y.), 6B, 199 (1981).
ent writers on kinetics. It is obviously of the greatest importance 33. R.A. Marcus. J. Chern. Phys. 20,359 (1952).
that whenever the words are used in kinetics they should b e 34. G.M. Wieder and R.A. Marcus. J. Chern. Phys. 37,1835 (1962).

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