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G7/8 Music Assessment U1

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Summative assessment tasks: 

Criterion A - Written Test 
The test is broken into two sections: 
● Section One - dictation 
○ Complete rhythmic and melodic dictation 
● Section Two - composition 
​How you will be assessed: 
Criterion A: Knowing and understanding 
i. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the art form studied, including concepts, 
processes, and the use of subject-specific terminology. 
ii. Demonstrate understanding of the role of the art form in original or displaced contexts. 
iii. Use acquired knowledge to purposefully inform artistic decisions in the process of creating 
Level Descriptor Indicator

  i. Demonstrates ​limited​ knowledge and 1-2 You are able to fill in some of the rhythm blanks
1-2  understanding of the art form studied, including correctly.
concepts, processes, and ​limited​ use of
subject-specific terminology. You can identify and complete the some of the melody
ii. Demonstrates ​limited​ understanding of the role of patterns.
the art form in original or displaced contexts.
iii. Demonstrates ​limited​ use of acquired knowledge
to purposefully inform artistic decisions in the
process of creating artwork.

  i. Demonstrates ​adequate​ knowledge and 3-4 You are able to fill in most/all of the rhythm blanks
3-4  understanding of the art form studied, including correctly.
concepts, processes, and ​adequate​ use of You can identify and complete most of the melody
subject-specific terminology. patterns
ii. Demonstrates ​adequate​ understanding of the role You​ ​attempted to write a melody, but the melody does
of the art form in original or displaced contexts. not include a key or time signature or understandable
iii. Demonstrates ​adequate​ use of acquired pitches and rhythms.
knowledge to purposefully inform artistic decisions
in the process of creating artwork.

  i. Demonstrates ​substantial​ knowledge and 5-6 You are able to fill in most/all of the rhythm blanks
5-6  understanding of the art form studied, including correctly.
concepts, processes, and ​substantial​ use of You can identify and complete most/all of the melody
subject-specific terminology. patterns
ii. Demonstrates ​substantial​ understanding of the You created a four-measure melody, with mostly
role of the art form in original or displaced contexts. accurate uses of pitches and rhythms, included key and
iii. Demonstrates ​substantial​ use of acquired time signature, however they are not completely
knowledge to purposefully inform artistic decisions. accurate.

  i. Demonstrates​ excellent​ knowledge and 7-8 You are able to fill in most/all of the rhythm blanks
7-8  understanding of the art form studied, including correctly.
concepts, processes, and ​excellent​ use of You can identify and complete most/all of the melody
subject-specific terminology. patterns
ii. Demonstrates​ excellent​ understanding of the role You created a four-measure singable melody, with
of the art form in original or displaced contexts. accurate uses of pitches and rhythms, and an
iii. Demonstrates ​excellent​ use of acquired knowledge appropriately used key and time signature.
to purposefully inform artistic decisions in the
process of creating artwork.

Language - ​refers to the specific pitches and rhythms (for example: quarter note equals two eighth notes)
Context - ​refers to where certain pitches occur in a song (for example “Ti” will lead to “Do”)

Student’s assessment:I think I deserve 6 because I Teacher’s Assessment:

know what to do, know how to do, and understand 7
why it is like it is. I think I need to be more accurate You completed all of the rhythm dictation accurately 
and more knowledgeable on writing melodies to get and much of the pitch dictation, but you missed several 
to the next level. I wrote my melody like what is it pitch dictation blanks. Your melody used all of the 
required elements accurately. 
because I have a low voice so I and cannot sing too
high, so I wrote a low melody which the pitches are
not too far from each other to make it easy fro me to


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