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Morula IVF Surabaya is part of the biggest fertility clinic network in Indonesia and the third biggest in

South East Asia, Morula IVF Indonesia. Located at the center of Indonesia, Morula IVF Surabaya is easily
reached from west or east part of the country.

Padang Pontianak

Tangerang ngerang



Morula IVF Surabaya established in November 2012 with a join collaboration between Morula IVF
Indonesia and Dr. dr. Amang Surya Priyanto, Sp.OG, F-MAS as a local Obstetric-Gynecologist in Surabaya.
Morula IVF Surabaya is located inside National Hospital Surabaya, a hospital focusing in service and
supported with state-of-the-art technology.

Morula IVF Surabaya committed to help couples having difficulties to have a child. With fertility programs
designed according to the indication, Morula IVF Surabaya has succeeded in helping more than 300
couples make their dreams come true.

Morula IVF Surabaya medical team consist of three Obstetric-Gynecologists supported with team of
nurses and embryologists who continually upgrade their competence in fertility treatment and
technology. The number of visit to Morula IVF Surabaya is also increase by 30-50% annually. The number
shows that the level of acceptance and trust to Morula IVF Surabaya is going bigger every year.

Morula IVF Surabaya consintent in providing the latest technology in assisted-reproduction. Morula IVF
Surabaya offers Intra-cytoplasmic Morphologically-selected Sperm Injection (IMSI) and Time-Lapse to
help increase the quality of embryo resulted in IVF program.

As we continually raise the bar on clinical excellence, we are sensitive to our patients’ needs for a
pleasant clinic experience, one where they receive seamless service and enjoy the warmth of
compassionate care in a healing environment. Every couple decided to join fertility program in Morula
IVF Surabaya will be handled by a patient coordinator to arrange their treatment schedule and to share
their experience during the program.

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