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Shu-Te University

College of Informatics

Graduate School of Information Management

Evaluation on User Satisfaction with E-Library Software at

Hanoi Tourism College, Vietnam

Student: Nguyen Thi Thanh Hai

Advisor: Dr. To Chang

Dr. Nguyen Huy Chuong

March, 2013
Evaluation on User Satisfaction with E-Library Software at Hanoi
Tourism College, Vietnam

Student: Nguyen Thi Thanh Hai

Advisor: Dr. To Chang, Dr. Nguyen Huy Chuong

A Thesis
Submitted to the
Graduate School of Information Management
College of Informatics
Shu-Te University
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For the Degree of
Master of Science
Information Management

March, 2013
Libraries must improve the quality of their services to enable them face the

challenges of information explosion in the 21st century. Service oriented organizations

have identified the customer or user as the most critical voice in assessing service quality.

For assessment of service quality to be effectively carried out in academic libraries, it is

imperative to investigate what service quality is to users. This paper examines the

relationship between service quality and users’ satisfaction at Hanoi Tourism College. A

questionnaire was used as a data collection instrument for the study. The study revealed

that of the academic staff and students who formed the population for the study, students

were found to have used the library most; at Hanoi Tourism College had the high

frequency of use and it also showed that users were satisfied with the services of the


Keywords: Information Technology; E-library management system; User’s

satisfaction, Hanoi Tourism College.

First of all, I would like to send my thanks to Shu-Te University and

Vietnam National University those have created the best condition for me to have

a good learning environment during the program.

I would like to send my thanks to lecturers and professors of Shu-Te University

and Vietnam National University for guiding me in the process of learning.

I would like to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor and co-advisor.

Thanks to the enthusiastic supervision from Dr. To Chang, Department of Information

Management, Shu-Te University and Dr. Nguyen Huy Chuong, Vietnam National

University, I have completed the study “Evaluation on User Satisfaction with E-Library

Software at Hanoi Tourism College, Vietnam”.

Next, I would like to send thanks to my friends and my workmates. They

always mobilize and encourage me to overcome the difficult period during this study.

Finally, I owed my loving thanks to all members of my family who help me,

encourage me during my studying time. They always support me; make me feel full of

energy to do best for my study.

Hanoi, Vietnam, 2013

Nguyen Thi Thanh Hai

Chapter 1 Research Results ...............................................................................................2
1.1. Sample Description .........................................................................................2
1.2. Source: Survey data .........................................................................................4
1.3. Reliability and validity of variables ................................................................6
1.3.1. Reliability Analysis .....................................................................................6
1.3.2. Frequence Statistics .....................................................................................6
Chapter 2 Conclusion ........................................................................................................7
2.1 Findings and contribution ...................................................................................7
2.2. Reliability and validity of variables ....................................................................7
2.2.1. Reliability Analysis .....................................................................................7
2.2.2. Frequence Statistics .....................................................................................8
2.2.3. Validity Analysis .........................................................................................8
References .........................................................................................................................9
List of Tables

Table 1. Profile of respondents..................................................................................... 4

Table 2. Definition of constructs...................................................................................6

List of Figures
Figure 1. Percentage of respondents are aged.............................................................. 3

Figure 2. Percentage of people using iLIB .................................................................. 4

Figure 3. Percentage of people come to library ........................................................... 5

Figure 4. Percentage of people have time accessing iLIB........................................... 5

Chapter 1 Research Results

This part of research discusses the results of data analysis in order to verify the

proposed model of Information System Success Model iLIB in HTC, Vietnam. This

chapter includes all data tables containing analysis results of the study using SPSS version

18.0 statistical software and VisualPLS 1.04 to perform the analysis of the collected

samples, confirming the hypothesis of the thesis. Research results include: the statistical

data to factor analysis, variables analysis, relationship between factors in research model

and conclusions for each research part results. From these findings, the authors have

demonstrated the research model and research hypotheses were on track and achieving

positive results contributing to the implementation of actual E-library system.

1.1. Sample Description

The survey of research was conducted on the group objects are: officer,

lecturer and student in Hanoi Tourism College, Vietnam. Our official survey sent out

250 questionnaires to people those have been using iLIB system in Library Center at

Hanoi Tourism College. After 20 days, we collected 206 questionnaires, 82.4% of total.

From 206 collected questionnaires, there are 22 incomplete questionnaires (about 10. 7%)

those were rejected. The remaining 184 questionnaires (89.3% of total collected

questionnaires) are completely answered.

In total, 184 cases have been gathered for two weeks in January 2013. I use

software SPSS version 18.0 for Microsoft OS to analyze and test the hypotheses of this

study. The surveyed information include: Sex, age, profession, time used, time accessing

from where know to use iLIB, frequency of coming to library, and time log-in iLIB in

month. The statistical analysis methods and results adopted are as follows: The total

number of surveyed people is 184, include 122 female engross 66.3%, and 62 male

engross 33.7%. Most respondents are aged from 17 to 25 years old is 82.1% (as shown in

Figure 6). Thus, most of surveyed people are mainly students 151 students.



From 17 to 25
From 25 to 45
Over 45


Figure 1. Percentage of respondents are aged

The detail description of samples or the respondents’ personal data, such as their

gender, age, status, education level… and so on will be analyzed. Every construct of the

data will be analyzed in percentage, frequency distribution in order to know the sample


Table 1. Profile of respondents

Measure Item Frequency Percentage (%)

Gender Male 62 33.7

Female 122 66.3
Age From 17 to 25 151 82.1
From 25 to 45 21 11.4

Over 45 12 6.5

1.2. Source: Survey data

Number of officers and lecturers come to library is little, engross 19.6% and

4.9%. Percentage of people using iLIB less than 1 year is 22.3%, by number is 41, from

1 to 3 years is 107 people, 58.2%, more than 3 years is 36 people, 19.6%. Thus, percentage

of people using iLIB from 1 to 3 years is largest and those people are suitable to be second

and third year student are studying at university (as shown in Figure 7).

19.6 22.3

Less than 1 year

1 to 2 years
More than 3 years


Figure 2. Percentage of people using iLIB

Percentage of people come to library in less than once a month is 37, or 20.1%,

from 1-2 times is 54, or 29.3%, from 2-4 times is 53, or 28.8%, and more than 4 times a

month is 40 people, or 21.7% (as shown in Figure 8).








Less than 1 time From 1 to 2 times From 2 to 4 times More than 4 times

Figure 3. Percentage of people come to library

People have time accessing iLIB less than 2 hours/ month is 62, engross 46.3%,

from 2-4 hours/ month is 53, engross 39.6%, from 4-8 hours/ month is 8, engross 6.0%

and more than 8 hours/month is 11, engross 8.2% (as shown in Figure 9).







Less than 2 hours From 2 to 4 hours From 4 to 8 hours More than 8 hours

Figure 4. Percentage of people have time accessing iLIB

1.3. Reliability andvalidity of variables

1.3.1. Reliability Analysis

Before analyzing the relationship between factors, it is important to ensure the

reliability of the factors. In order to test reliability of the factors, and scale to ensure

appropriate with the questionnaire. Reliability of a factor can be determined based on the

value of AVE or cronbach's α values. This thesis will use the cronbach's α value to

measure reliability of factors including the User Interface, Functionality, Maintenance,

Software upgrade, systems quality, system complexity, subjective norm. Cronbach's α

value greater than 0.7 should be accepted, if cronbach's α values less than 0.5 should be


1.3.2. Frequence Statistics

The detail description of the respondent’s personal data, such as gender, age,

education, iLIB experience and so on will be used for analysis. Every construct of the

data will be analyzed in percentage, frequency distribution in order to know the sample


Table 2. Definition of constructs

Factors Measures

System quality SQ

Software upgrade SWU

User’s satisfaction US

Chapter 2 Conclusion

This chapter includes four sections: Findings and contribution, Implications,

research limitations, and future research suggestions.

2.1 Findings and contribution

A primary contribution of this research is in furthering our understanding of how

to define, assess, and promote Library Management System success model. Success in

iLIB is defined as a multi-faceted construct that can be assessed along 7 dimensions

including System Quality, Service Quality, User Interface, Functionality, Maintenance,

Software Upgrade, User Satisfaction. Each success dimension is quantified as a single

numeric measure by aggregating the ratings of its set of attributing factors obtained via a

survey instrument. The overall success of iLIB can then be evaluated for each dimension.

A low score for any success dimension signifies a deficiency in that area and efforts can

be devoted accordingly to rectify the deficiency.

2.2. Reliability and validity of variables

2.2.1. Reliability Analysis

Before analyzing the relationship between factors, it is important to ensure the

reliability of the factors. In order to test reliability of the factors, and scale to ensure

appropriate with the questionnaire. Reliability of a factor can be determined based on the

value of AVE or cronbach's α values. This thesis will use the cronbach's α value to

measure reliability of factors including the User Interface, Functionality, Maintenance,

Software upgrade, systems quality, system complexity, subjective norm. Cronbach's α

value greater than 0.7 should be accepted, if cronbach's α values less than 0.5 should be


2.2.2. Frequence Statistics

The detail description of the respondent’s personal data, such as gender, age,

education, iLIB experience and so on will be used for analysis. Every construct of the

data will be analyzed in percentage, frequency distribution in order to know the sample


2.2.3. Validity Analysis

Factor analysis is a technique used to identify factors that statistically explain the

variation and co-variation among measures. Factor loading of an item must be greater

than 0.5 and the loading value lower than 0.5 should remove out of constructs (Harris,

1976). In this study will test a structural model with seven factors and with items, It is

Necessary to test the relationships within constructs and measurement items.


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