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Orgyen Menla

Orgyen Menla

Orgyen Menla (Tib. ཨོ་རྒྱན་ སྨན་བླ་, Wyl. o rgyan sman bla), Guru Rinpoche of Medicine, is a form of Guru Rinpoche
manifesting as a Buddha of Medicine.
In the Dudjom Tersar lineage, Orgyen Menla is the outer form of the Lama, and the practice is called Orgyen Menla
Dütsi Bum Zang.
Orgyen Menla Dütsi Bum Zang

Orgyen Menla, according to the Dudjom Tersar lineage

Orgyen Menla Dütsi Bum Zang (Tib. ཨོ་རྒྱན་སྨན་གྱི་བླ་མ་མཆོད་ཅྱིང་ཐུགས་དམ་བསྐུལ་བའྱི་ཆོ་ག་བདུད་རྱིའྱི་བུམ་བཟང་, Wyl. o rgyan sman gyi bla ma
mchod cing thugs dam bskul ba'i cho ga bdud rtsi'i bum bzang) ‘The Excellent Vase of Nectar, The Ritual of
Offering and Invoking the Wisdom Mind of the Orgyan Medicine Lama” is a medicine practice based on Orgyen
Menla, Guru Rinpoche in the form of Medicine Buddha.
In the Tsokye Tuktik terma cycle of Dudjom Rinpoche, which is the lama practice of the Three Roots of the Dudjom
Tersar lineage, Orgyen Menla is the outer aspect of Guru Tsokyé Dorje.


 1Content
 2Revelation of the Terma
 3The Purpose
 4Propagation
 5Notes
 6Internal Links
 7External Links

In the Orgyen Menla Dütsi Bum Zang practice, the principal deity is Orgyen Menla. The practice is found in volume
16 (ma) of the Dudjom Sungbum, p. 603-610.

Revelation of the Terma

The Lama Orgyen Menla practice is part of the Tsokye Tuktik cycle of Dudjom Rinpoche, which was revealed as
a gongter in 1929, in Tibet. The practice was written later by Dudjom Rinpoche, while he was in Lhasa, as is said in
the colophon of the text[1]:
I, Jigdral Yeshe Dorje, wrote this down as it occurred to me during the auspicious time of the thirteenth day
of the seventh month, on the eastern side of the Rasa Trulnang [Jokhang] temple in Lhasa, in the
immeasurable palace of Napö, Lovely to Behold.

The Purpose
As written by Dudjom Rinpoche in the colophon of the practice, its purpose is “to clear away all temporary and
long term deterioration that comes about through the disturbance of the elements and so forth of oneself and
According to Dungse Garab Rinpoche, and in accordance with the text of the practice:
Our destructible illusory human body is subject to temporary and long term deterioration that comes about
due to the disturbance of elements. Sickness and obstacles will arise, threatening us with unbearable
suffering and untimely death.
Before and at the time of the arising of illnesses we can always supplicate to Orgyen Menla, The King of
Medicine, with strong faith. By being inseparable with Orgyen Menla, the sickness obstacles and suffering
will definitely be removed so our life will not be exhausted.
According to Shenphen Dawa Rinpoche [3]
”This practice focuses on the healing qualities of the Buddha’s luminous wisdom mind with the aim of curing
all disease, including the very sources of suffering, for all parent sentient beings”.

The Orgyen Menla Dütsi Bum Zang practice is either done as a daily practice, or within a drupchen,
where treasure vases can be consecrated, and mendrup produced.
The practice is also often accumulated in order to support long life for masters, in combination with
their long life prayer and Seven Line Prayer recitations and accumulations.

1. Jump up↑ The Excellent Vase of Nectar, The Ritual of Offering and Invoking the Wisdom Mind of the Orgyan Medicine Lama,
Dudjom Rinpoche, translated by Lama Yeshe Wangmo, Bero Jeydren Publications, Corralitos, USA, 2003.
2. Jump up↑ Op. cit.
3. Jump up↑ Instructions written for an Orgyen Menla practice at Yeshe Nyingpo, USA.

Internal Links
 Lama Orgyen Khandro Norlha
 Tsokye Tuktik

External Links

 o rgyan sman gyi bla ma mchod cing thugs dam bskul ba'i cho ga bdud rtsi'i bum bzang

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