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Shreyas Saride


Research Assessment #8

Subject:​​ Occupational Therapy (OT)

MLA Citation:

Autism Speaks. (n.d.). Occupational Therapy (OT) | Autism Speaks. Retrieved from

Occupational Therapy is a therapy geared to help patients who are injured, ill, or disabled

patients through the therapeutic use of everyday activities. They help these patients develop,

recover, improve, as well as maintain the skills needed for daily living and working. The article

details the many uses, who it’s used by, and how to receive occupational therapy. OT or

Occupational Therapy is used mostly to examine any obstacles that prevent the person from

participating in any typical day-to-day activities. Occupational Therapy involves sessions to

which the duration and the amount depend on the patient’s needs. To be able to give

Occupational Therapy, the provider must have a master’s degree and has passed a national

certification exam (The National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy, or NBCOT)

with additional state requirements.

This is important in the field of neurology as it is another method of treating Autism.

Autism is not-curable, but it can be treated to reduce the symptoms through therapies like

Occupational Therapies. Autism is a huge part of pediatric neurology as it is one of the most

common things pediatric neurologists see. Occupational therapists might help kids work on fine

motor skills so they can grasp and release toys and develop good handwriting skills and help kids
Shreyas Saride

with severe developmental delays learn basic tasks, such as bathing, getting dressed, brushing

their teeth, and even feeding themselves.By evaluating and determining the most important skills

that an individual needs, an Occupational Therapist is able to provide assistance to help an

individual overcome his or her disability and be able to perform their daily tasks.

Some questions I have regarding occupational therapy include, is occupational therapy

limited to just neurology or is it a much broader field? How closely do occupational therapists

work with medical professionals?

Shreyas Saride

What Is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy (OT) helps people work on cognitive, physical, social, and motor

skills. The goal is to improve everyday skills which allow people to become more

independent and participate in a wide range of activities.

For people with autism, OT programs often focus on play skills, learning strategies, and

self-care. OT strategies can also help to manage sensory issues.

The occupational therapist will begin by evaluating the person's current level of ability.

The evaluation looks at several areas, including how the person:

● Learns

● Plays

● Cares for themselves

● Interacts with their environment

The evaluation will also identify any obstacles that prevent the person from participating

in any typical day-to-day activities.

Based on this evaluation, the therapist creates goals and strategies that will allow the

person to work on key skills. Some examples of common goals include:

● Independent dressing

● Eating

● Grooming

● Using the bathroom

● Fine motor skills like writing, coloring, and cutting with scissors
Shreyas Saride

Occupational therapy usually involves half-hour to one-hour sessions. The number of

sessions per week is based on individual needs.

The person with autism may also practice these strategies and skills outside of therapy

sessions at home and in other settings including school.

Some OTs are specifically trained to address feeding and swallowing challenges in

people with autism. They can evaluate the particular issue a person is dealing with and

provide treatment plans for improving feeding-related challenges.

Learn more about ​autism and feeding issues​.

Who provides Occupational Therapy?

A licensed Occupational Therapist (OT) provides OT services. He/she has a master’s

degree and has passed a national certification exam (The National Board for

Certification in Occupational Therapy, or NBCOT).

In addition, OTs must obtain a license in their state. You can learn more on the

American Occupational Therapy Association website​.

In some cases, therapy services are provided by an Occupational Therapy Assistant

(OTA). This is a person with an associate’s or bachelor’s degree, who is trained and

supervised by a certified OT. The assistant works directly with the person with autism to

practice skills and work towards goals that are written by the OT in the clinical treatment


Is it covered by insurance?
Shreyas Saride

Yes, occupational therapy is often covered by health insurance. In some cases, a doctor

must state that the therapy is medically necessary for health insurance to provide

coverage. [Please see our ​insurance resources​ for more information about insurance

and coverage for autism services.]

Students can also receive occupational therapy as part of their Individualized Education

Program (IEP) at school. OT is often written into IEPs as a related service and includes

goals that are related to learning. Occupational therapy services are provided at no cost

to families when they are included in the IEP.

Young children can receive occupational therapy through their Early Intervention

program. Early intervention is offered in each state to children up to age 3 who are not

growing and developing as quickly as expected. These services are free or low-cost

based on your family income.

How do I find/select a qualified provider?

Autism Speaks Directory

American Occupational Therapy Association

What questions to ask before beginning this

1. Who will be working directly with my child?

2. How many years have you been working as a OT?

3. Where will services be provided?

4. How often will therapy sessions be?

Shreyas Saride

5. What are the goals of this program?

6. What real-life skills will therapy help with?

7. How do you help with sensory issues?

8. How do you measure progress?

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