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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education – National Capital Region

Division of City Schools – VALENZUELA CITY

Acts of Bullying: How it Affects Students’ Academic Performance

(Acts of Bullying and their Effects on Students’ Academic Performance)

A Research
Presented to
Students and Teachers of Dalandanan National High School

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements in English 10

Submitted by:
Aguinaldo, Angelo Nikhail SD.
Capasgordo, Daisery M.
Enriquez, Alva Caryl D.
Doliente, Vanessa J.
Decena, Ryan Carlo P.
Mendez, Vincent John SD.
Penalosa, Rizzalyn E.
Pimentel, Kathleen Angeline
Oclarit, Serge Jr. R.

Submitted to:
Teacher of English


Bullying is like a disease without cure. It shatters the victim's life to death. It (change

it to Bullying is an act when…) is when people repeatedly and intentionally use words or

actions against someone to cause distress or risk to their(change their to his/her) well-

being. (Delete) Likewise, it is an issue that pierces the hearts of the victims specifically

students because of the unpleasant emotion caused by being afraid it brings and finds it

hard to resolve. It is also an unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children

that involves a real or perceived power imbalance which is the worst issue due to the

inevitable encounter of students in their daily lives at school. The (change the to this)

behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.

It (change it to Bullying) includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors,

attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on

purpose(, creating) Creating an inhospitable environment for students at school; infringing

their rights; or materially and effectively disrupting the method of education or the

systematic administration of a school.

(cite statistics or survey about bullying in schools)

These actions are usually done by people who have more influence over someone

else. They want to make others feel powerless or helpless to gain more possession of

authority and control to other people. It is not the same as opposing actions of

incompatibilities between people such as conflicts or feeling of aversion to someone.

Correspondingly, it is an act of cowardice mainly because of the horrific experiences a bully

encountered back then. It can occur in any context in which human beings socialize with

each other this (change this to which) includes (add “the”) school and family.
On the basis thereof, bullying can be done by direct or indirect means. Direct bullying

happens mainly between the people involved, whereas indirect bullying involves other

(other?). Direct (type) bullying is likely to be seen while indirect type of bullying is hidden

from those that aren't involved. This is called overt and covert respectively. Overt bullying

involves physical actions such as punching or kicking. In (On) the contrary, covert bullying

can include whispering about someone, and where a person can sit and who they can talk

with (what does this mean?). This type of bullying is hard to identify because it might be

denied by a person who may claim that they (he/she) were (was) just joking.

Some types of bullying is(can be) both covert and indirect. An example for this is

social bullying that is intentionally hidden, and very hard for others to see. This can(delete)

includes spreading rumors, threatening, blackmailing, gossiping and criticizing clothes and

personalities. This is usually unacknowledged at school, which results to a student having

poor performance. (n.a., 2018)

Furthermore, bullying becomes a common matter that concerns with a variety of

social issues. For this reason, it refers to any severe use by not only just one or more

students but also teachers of written, verbal, cyber, or physical act or gesture. It is

inevitable and hard to define properly for it has many aspects such as the following:

Physical Bullying

Physical bullying is taking over someone who used physical power. It is a serious

predicament where not only the bully and victim are affected, but also the one who

witnessed the actions. It can already be considered bullying if the bully intends to hurt,

embarrass or intimidate the victim and if the situation occurs with an imbalance of power.

There are several types of negative physical interactions that can occur among

students and teachers. It(change it to these) includes(delete “s”) fighting, practical jokes,
stealing and sexual harassment. In addition, these include hitting, kicking, tripping,

pinching, pushing or damaging property.

Some signs that a student may be a victim of physical bullying is when they

are(delete) coming home from school with other unexplained injuries, often loss of things

that they(change they to he/she) takes to school or other unusual behavior.

Social Bullying

Social bullying, sometimes referred to as covert bullying, is often harder to recognize

and can be carried out behind the bullied person's back. It is designed to harm someone's

social reputation and/or cause humiliation. It can happen in two ways: either by trying to

exclude somebody and make them feel unwanted, or by gaining somebody’s trust and then

contravening it. Moreover, these include spreading a friend’s secret all over school to

damage their reputation, or encouraging others to ignore, chastise, threaten a friend.


Social bullying can be proactive or used to achieve or maintain social position gain

attention, or alleviate boredom, or it can be reactive, or retaliatory, in nature, in response to

a perceived threat or to feelings of anger, jealousy, or betrayal. (Boye, Nelson & Young,


Verbal Bullying

Verbal bullying can be just as harmful as physical bullying. It can affect someone in

emotional or psychological ways, which can be menacing. Words have tremendous power,

greater than we could ever imagine. Mocking or taunting can instantly crash all the ideas,

wishes and aspirations of the child who has no self-esteem. People who is(are) overweight

or wear glasses, are often exposed to taunting, which causes them to feel self-conscious

and devalue.
Furthermore, verbal bullying is a common type of violence in schools. It is equally

present among all sexes. It also refers to when(delete “when”) an individual uses verbal

language to embarrass, mock or insult another person. Verbal bullying can affect one’s self

image, emotion and psychological ways. This type of bullying can lead to lack of

confidence, easily frightened, as well as depression and other problems. It can aggravate

problems that a victim may already be experiencing at home or in other places. In the end,

words have power on their own.

Cyber Bullying

Bullying also occurs over digital devices such as cell phones, tablets, and

computers. It can happen through SMS, or online in social media forums or gaming where

people can view, participate in, or share content. This form of bullying is called as

cyberbullying. It includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean

content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about

someone else causing humiliation.

Cyberbullying can harm the online reputations of everyone involved not just the

person being bullied but those doing the bullying or participating in it. The content an

individual shares online both their personal content as well as any negative, mean, or

hurtful content — creates a kind of permanent public record of their views, activities, and

behavior. With the prevalence of social media and digital forums, comments, photos, posts,

and content shared by individuals can often be viewed by strangers as well as


If implied threats of physical harm are included, cyberbullying becomes

cyberstalking. It is the use of technology to stalk, control, manipulate, or habitually threaten

a child. Cyberstalking is both an assailant tactic and typology of psychopathological ICT

user. A direct threat of physical harm crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behavior.
Statement of the Problem

This study determines and assesses the acts of bullying and their effects on the

academic performance of students.

Specifically, it seeks answers to the following sub-problems:

1. How does bullying affect the student’s performance?

2. What kind of bullying is commonly experienced by the students?

3. What are the profiles of the victims of bullying at school?

4. What is the legal status of students pertaining to criminal liability?

5. What is the proposed solution to solve bullying?

1. What kinds of bullying are commonly experienced by students?

2. What are the effects of bullying on students’ academic performance?

3. To what extent to which acts of bullying have affected the academic performance of


4. What program may be proposed to stop bullying in schools?

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