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Microbiology – Quiz 1

1. Microbiology is : (2 Marks)
Microbiology is the study of microorganisms which are microscopic organisms.

2. Define the following terminology :

a) Taxonomy
Taxonomy is the practice and science of classification

b) Mycology
The study of fungi, a eukaryotic organism without leaves, flowers, or roots, that
reproduce by spores

c) Pandemic
A pandemic disease is a disease which spread through populations across a large
region (country or continent)
( 3 Marks)

3. What was the most important discovery of Robert Hooke in the year of 1665 ( 2 Marks)
Robert Hooke stated that life’s smallest structural units were cells.


4. ----------------------was the first one to observe living microbes. ( 1 Mark)

5. Briefly explain the experiments conducted by Redi and Jablot ( 5 Marks)

In 1670 Jablot conducted an experiment in which he divided a hay infusion that had
been boiled into two containers: a heated container that was closed to the air and a
heated container that was freely open to the air. Only the open vessel developed
microorganisms. This further helped to disprove abiogenesis.
Edward Jenner
6. ----------------------- developed first vaccine for smallpox. ( 1 Mark)

Question 7 & 8 base on the below diagram

7. Name the scientist who conducted this experiment. ( 1 Mark)

8. What was concluded from this experiment? (2 Marks)
Showed microbes caused fermentation and spoilage
Trapped airborne organisms in cotton; he also heated the necks of flasks, drawing
them out into long curves, sterilized the media, and left the flasks open to the air.
In this way Pasteur disproved the theory of spontaneous generation
9. Briefly discuss about Koch’s Postulates ( 3 Marks)
The causative (etiological) agent must be present in all affected organisms but
absent in healthy individuals

The agent must be capable of being isolated and cultured in pure form

When the cultured agent is introduced to a healthy organism, the same disease
must occu
The same causative agent must be isolated again from the affected host

10. Penicillin was discovered by : (1 Mark)

Alexander Fleming

11. What was Watson and Crick contribution in 1953? (2 Marks)

Determined the structure of DNA

12. ------------------was known as the father of modern chemotherapy. ( 1 Mark)

Rechard Petri
13. Petri dish was discovered by ----------------------------- (1 Mark)

[Total 25 Marks]

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