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Deep dive into JS

Workshop outline:
1. Principles of JavaScript
 Thread
 Execution context
 Call stack
2. Functional Programming
 Pure functions
 Paramaterizing, Generalizing Functions
 Callbacks
 Higher order functions
3. Closure
 Closures
 Lexical Scope
 Power of Closure
4. Asynchronous JavaScript
 Async JS
 Browser APIs
 Callback queue & Event loop (With simulation)
5. Object-oriented JavaScript – Approaches to OOP
 Intro
 __proto__
 New Operator
 Keyword ‘this’ in JavaScript
 Object.prototype
 Class syntactic sugar
6. Wrap-up

All programming exercises will be in pairs and in,console,output

Pair programming exercises on:
1. Callbacks & Higher order functions
2. Closures, Scope, and Execution Context
3. OO JS

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