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Philippine-Japan Friendship Highway

Catitipan, Davao City

PRELIM EXAM/ 2nd SEMESTER/ AY. 2011-2012

(4:15 – 5:45PM / TTh)

I. A. Read the following sentences and identify its type based on its structure. Write A if its Simple,
B if its compound, C if its complex sentence.
____1. A man, who was wearing a mask, snatched her handbag.
____2. The door creaked when I opened it.
____3. Tourists often visit Tagaytay because of its cold climate.
____4. Eric and Joseph love to read books in the library
____5. It has been a busy day for Richard and he plans to watch a movie with his friends.
____6. Bobby shouted and argued with his neighbors.
____7. His plan is to buy a cake for her birthday.
____8. Silence!
____9. We pitched the tent and the rest of the group cooked some food.
____10. While his classmates are busy chatting, he reviews his notes for the test.

B. Identify the kind of the underlined verb. Write A if it’s transitive, B if it’s intransitive,
C if it’s a linking verb.
____1. Please get me a glass of water.
____2. Rachel and Dianne danced well during the promenade.
____3. My grandmother cooks breakfast early in the morning.
____4. You look exhausted, you need to take a rest now.
____5. Silicon chips are used in manufacturing computer microprocessors.
____6. His parents work hard to give him a bright future.
____7. The Philippines is named the “Pearl of the Orient”.
____8. They were shocked when they heard the news about his tragic death.
____9. Bill Gates is one of the richest man in the world.
____10. Mark Zuckerberg was still in college when he created the social network Facebook.

II. CLOZE TEST. Complete the article by filling up words from the box below.
becomes procrastinates have expend is go can
intend put explodes scrub think are do
tell pay submit clear get hope come


Honestly? I think everyone 1. ________ at one time or another. But let me 2. _______ one
thing out of the way right up front: Procrastinators 3.________ not lazy. In fact, people 4.________ a
tremendous amount of energy when they procrastinate. It can be downright exhausting to put things
off. I know, because I’m a procrastinator. A recovering one, I 5.________.
6.________ procrastinators lack ambition? Not on your life! Procrastinators 7. ________
goals, but their goals are unrealistic, or they 8._______ of them in such vague ways that they have
no step-by-step plan to get there. Poor planners perhaps, but not slackers. No one 9._______ born a
procrastinator; he or she 10._______ one. Procrastination is not a character flaw. It’s a habit, one
that 11._______ be broken. Still, too many of us - myself included - put things off we 12.________ to
do. 13.________ to the gym, 14.________ an expense report, 15.________ in the bathroom,
16.________ the phone bill, 17. ________ the garage. “I’ll do it later,” we 18.________ ourselves, but
“later” doesn’t 19._______ until the situation is so dire that it 20.________ into a crisis.
-excerpt from “ASAP” by Mary Ann O’Roark, Guideposts, 2005
III. Rewrite the following sentences on your answer sheet, then, underline the independent clause and box
the dependent clause. (2pts. each)

1. While conditions in space shuttle are cramped, space stations are more suitable for longer stay in space.

2. Software applications are created by a programmer, who is usually skillful in organizing multiple commands.

3. When recorded history began, man was making leather as well as it is today.

4. Dinosaurs lived for an enormously long time before they died about 64 million years ago.

5. Although some others survived, most marine reptiles and pterosaurs died out.

IV. Rewrite each pair of independent clauses to form a single sentence. You may use prepositions or
conjunctions. (2pts. each)

1. Landforms are constantly changing. They are either being eroded or built up.

2. The climate is different around the world. The Earth is heated unevenly by the sun.

3. Rain is precipitation. It consists of drops of water.

4. Ground water is water beneath the surface of the earth. It is the source of water for wells and many springs.

5. The vaporized water in the atmosphere gradually cools and forms clouds. The water eventually falls as rain
or snow.

V. Supply an independent clause to each dependent clause to form a complex sentence. Write your sentence
on your answer sheet. (4pts. each)

1. …which we saw in the mall…

2. …because she was raised by her grandparents…

3. … after eating dinner in a fancy restaurant…

4. …when Sheryl was three years old…

5. … that made the place beautiful…

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