Jericho Labonte - Fee Schedule

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Jericho Labonte - Private Individual

Fee Schedule

Edmonton, Alberta

This document is a matter of Public Record

To Whom It May Concern:

This fee schedule outlines all applicable fees and costs for interacting
in action without proof of verbal / written contract under penalty of
perjury towards Jericho Labonte, Private Individual.

Unless explicit consent is given / provided and legal jurisdiction is

applicable, these stipulations are outlined with the costs associated as
fees held liable on behalf of the parties interacting with Jericho

Continued interaction in any capacity other than verbal conversations or

appropriate interaction related to mediation and resolution, constitutes
agreement and acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined in this fee

All costs and incurred fees are subject to a 30 day collection period,
and subject to a 2% interest per month from the date of dec 17, 2018 to
judgement, or alternatively in pursuant to the judgement interest act,
RSA 2000 c-J-1

All costs incurred in litigation seeking recovery of claims and fees

incurred will be sought reimbursed on a full indemnity basis.

- A Cease and desist order has been issued to the director of Alberta Health
Services on dec.16.2018 and provided to subsidiary responsibilities /
organizations on dec.17 2018. Failure to comply within 2 business days
will incur a $50,000 initial penalty. To be paid within 10 business days.

- Continued illegal custody and operations against Jericho Labonte, not

in accordance or adherence with section 32 of the canadian charter of
rights and freedoms, and against his will / consent are subject to $50,000
per every day Jericho is held in the custody of Albeta Health Services,
beginning 2 business days after the cease and desist letter is served to
facility staff, director of health for Alberta Health Services, and to
any affiliated organizations involved.

- Any forced medication, or treatments in which Jericho Labonte is not

explicitly consenting to; is subject to an initial penalty of $10,000,000
and another $2,000,000 per week if Jericho is subjected to further
interaction regarding the stipulation defined at the beginning of this
paragraph, that he is clearly expressed as not consenting towards.

- All diagnosis, prognosis, indications of mental health crisis,

assessment, reporting of, insinuations of mental health and psychosis are
to be immediately ceased and redacted from Jericho Labonte's netcare,
patient files, and public / private records as well as any records or
information provided to authorities corrected / changed in accordance to
adherence to the; cease and desist served, fee schedule, and to section
32 of the charter of rights and freedoms. Failure to comply within 30 days
and correct the record will initiate a penalty of $10,000,000 and further
$10,000,000 if applied or conducted again after the cease and desist order
has been served.
This fee schedule constitutes a legal contract, and any organizations entering into interactions with
Jericho Labonte are fully doing so on the understanding that they are entering into the fee schedule
provided and held liable for costs incurred.

You have 30 business days to pay any outstanding costs and fees incurred, other than specifically
stipulated time frames otherwise listed in the above document.

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