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GUARDIAN ANGEL5 SCHOOL5 (248) 588·5545 FAX (248) 589·7356 WWW.GA5CHOOL.COM 581 EA5T 14 MILE ROAD, CLAWSON, MI 48017

January 5, 2009

To Whom It May Concern:

It is with pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for a teaching position for Tim
Hruszkewycz. As the Assistant Principal of Guardian Angels Catholic School, Iwas able to
observe Tim during his student teaching experience at our school. Tim taught Language Arts to
our sixth through eighth grade students for the first semester. He also taught the student
publication class which created the student newspaper every month.

Passionate about teaching, Mr. Hruszkewycz is dramatic, full of enthusiasm, and energetic and
this makes his classroom an exciting place to learn. Tim really got to know his students during
his student teaching experience and they appreciated his interest in them. Tim respected his
students and they returned it, making his classroom a very strong community.

As a professional, Tim is exemplary, always on time, prepared, and well dressed. He also worked
very hard to become an integral part of our school, making professional connections and
friendships with other staff members. He assisted with our Christmas program by working with
the students during rehearsals and the actual program. Tim was always ready to help another
teacher with anything from the use of a computer program to the beginning of a student

Tim will become important to the staff of the school district which is lucky enough to get him
because he will be involved in extra-curricular activities and offer his school so much more than
just being a wonderful, stimulating educator. He will be the teacher who goes beyond every
expectation and enjoys every minute that he can enlighten young lives with literature and
language. He will be the teacher that they remember and who inspires them to be better people
on many levels.

Icould not recommend anyone more highly. Tim gives the highest value to other human beings,
to what they bring to the table, no matter what it is, because he sees it as part of a step towards
their future. He listens very carefully, he realizes that not only can he respond well when he does,
but that he stands to grow because of what he'll learn. He will keep growing and keep learning
from others, from children, from colleagues wherever he works, from friends. He is already an
excellent teacher and will only get better. He has great integrity, is creative, works beautifully
and respectfully with others, and gives one hundred percent.


De.Ann Brzezinski
Assistant Principal
Guardian Angels Catholic School
521 E. 14 Mile Rd.
Clawson, MI 48017
1235 University Boulevard
FRANCISCAN Steubenville, Ohio 43952-1763
UNIVERSITY 740-283-3771

December 23,2008

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to recommend Timoty Hruszkewycz for a teaching position at your school. Tim was a
student of mine throughout his undergraduate years at Franciscan University of Steubenville where he
completed a degree in English with a Drama Concentration. Itaught Tim in several classes, including
history, literature, theory, and directing classes. Ialso had the pleasure of directing him in two
productions and witnessed his work on other shows as an actor, director, and publicity assistant. Ihave
stayed in contact with Tim since his graduation and have received regular updates on his successful
pursuit of a degree in education. I hope that my reflections on his work in these capacities will give you
some insight into Tim's potential as a teacher.

Tim is an intelligent young man, but what made him truly a delight to teach is his creativity, his sense of
humor, and his energy. These attributes aided him greatly in his work as a drama student, but they also
make him well-suited to engage students in a career as a teacher. Tim has a sharp mind, enjoys learning,
and seems to take great pleasure in helping others to learn. He has a lively sense of humor, and he works
well with others. As a drama student, he was encouraged to sharpen not only his artistic abilities but his
critical thinking and problem-solving skills. While there are some classes in which Ithink Tim could
have more fully applied himself, by his final semesters with us, he was working diligently. Once Tim
began to operate in the "real world," his motivation sharpened greatly. He committed fully to what had
been his long time desire to teach. His success in his recently-completed education program, particularly
the outstanding assessment of his student teaching, is testament to Tim's dedication, enthusiasm and
capability to succeed as a teacher.

Teaching is a profession for which Ibelieve Tim is well-suited. In addition to the attributes I note above,
Tim has a great deal of experience working with children. I understand that for several years he has
worked in a summer theatre program for children. There he has learned how to encourage students to
develop their abilities while also exercising some degree of discipline with them. Ihave not directly
observed Tim's work in this capacity, but I have spoken with him about this work and have watched him
direct student actors at the university level. These experiences, along with Tim's success as a student
teacher, give me confidence in Tim's ability to take on the great responsibilities and challenges that come
with teaching children.

Ihope that this letter assists you in assessing Tim's potential as a teacher, but if you have further
questions, please feel free to contact me. On sabbatical, I am not in my office on a regular basis and am
out of town from December 28 to February 6; however, I can be reached periodically at the e-mail
address listed below. Ihope that you will give Tim's application for ajob every consideration.


Monica Fay Anderson, Ph.D.
Professor of Drama
Phone: 740-284-5379;
January 6, 2009

To Whom It May Concern,

It is with great pride that I write this letter of recommendation for Mr. Tim Hruszkewycz.
Ihad the pleasure of serving as his cooperating teacher during his student teaching from
August of2008 through December 2008. During this time he taught 6th grade literature
and 7th and 8th grade English

Tim is an outstanding teacher. Students of middle school age can often be a bit of a
challenge but from the first day he instantly gained their respect. Tim went above and
beyond the call of duty when it came to preparation of his daily lessons. He would often
go the extra mile to make sure his students understood. His quirky sense of humor not
only created a non-threatening atmosphere, it often eased some of the trepidation felt by
students when tackling a difficult lesson.

Tim readily fit in with the rest of the school, staff, participating and volunteering for
activities that were not actually required of him .. He worked well with other staff
members and was always a team player. He shared his expertise with journalism and
took the initiative to start the very first journalism class here at Guardian Angels. We all
learned from him!

I am confident that Tim Hruszkewycz will be a valuable asset to your school and I am
happy to recommend him for any position you may have available.

~ ~U--vJL-t~

Barbara Dunham
Academy English/Literature teacher
Guardian Angels School
Clawson, Mi.

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