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1. Georges A. Barrois, Jesus Christ and the Temple

In the beginning, God spoke the Word; and God's Word was addressed to the Fathers of the Old
Testament. In the fullness of time, the eternally begotten would be born a man. St Luke relates
how Joseph and Mary presented the child to the Lord and how they went up as a family to
Jerusalem for Passover. As a grown-up, Jesus traveled with his disciples to attend the feasts of
the Temple, and St John follows the rhythm of the Temple calendar in composing the Gospel.
Professor Barrois uses his wisdom and scholarship to describe the epic of salvation in the
manner of a diptych, whose leaves ought not to be read separately - The Old Testament: the
pattern of Hebrew worship and the religion of the Temple; The New Testament: the earthly life
of the Messiah ushering in the new age, as the Church looks to the life of the world to come.
The Author: Professor Georges A. Barrois, born and educated in France, served on the faculty
of the Ecole Biblique et Archeologique Francaise in Jerusalem in the interval between the two
world wars. An expert in Old Testament archeology, he took part in or conducted the
exploration and excavation of several sites in the Middle East and wrote the important two-
volume Manuel d'Archeologie Biblique. Following the outbreak of World War II, he came to
the United States, where he taught at Princeton Theological Seminary. A convert to Orthodoxy,
he was Visiting Professor of Old Testament at St Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary.

2. Sister Magdalen, Children in the Church Today

If the aim of our life is to reach divine life, this means that every moment has extremely great
significance; every aspect of our life needs to be treated with wisdom. Human wisdom, though,
is not enough for life according to the commandments of Christ; without Christ we cannot
accomplish anything divine. God offers us His very life, but we are forever His creatures, and
this means, practically, that the question for us all--not only for spiritual fathers--is to ask God
about what to do, what to say, and how to express what we say. In the upbringing of children,
a knowledge of child psychology, or even a fine intuition about one's own children will not lead
to eternal being unless we also "invite" divine grace by prayer.
These clear and insightful reflections from Children in the Church Today are based on a series
of informal talks given to Orthodox Christian parents at the Monastery of St John the Baptist,
Essex, England. Directed to parents, young adults, and teenagers, the reflections encompass
many aspects of Christian life: Marriage and the Christian Family, Prayer in the Christian
Home, the Example of Christian Parents, The Christian Education of Children, Liturgical and
Spiritual Life, Leisure Time and Social Life, and Christian Life in the Teen Years. Sister
Magdalen's major emphasis is that "if children are conceived, born, and brought up surrounded
by prayer and love, they will grow up as spiritual persons and thus fulfill their human vocation."

3. St. Dimitri of Rostov, Jesus Crucified: The Baroque Spirituality of St Dimitri of

Rostov (transl. John Mikitish)
This collection of prayers, poems, and other devotional writings focusing on the Christ's Passion
introduce readers to the world of Russian spirituality in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth
centuries. The appendices feature a paschal letter written by St Dimitri to his friend Theologus,
and a poem in honor of St Dimitri, which appeared in the first print edition of his Psalms.
Including a detailed introduction and extensive notes supplied by the translator, this collection
will be of interest to students and scholars of Russian history, the history of the Orthodox
Church, and the history of Christian spirituality.
John Mikitish is a doctoral student at Yale University and a priest of the Orthodox Church in
America. He is the series editor of the TREASURES OF ORTHODOX SPIRITUALITY SERIES.
4. Serge S. Verhovskoy, The Light of the World
The five essays in this book offer the reader a concise, theological view of the fundamental
doctrines of the Orthodox Church. Included are three pieces devoted to the general themes of
"Orthodoxy," "Christ," and "Christianity," and two more detailed studies on catholicity and
Chalcedonian theology. All are sufficiently broad to be used by the average layman, yet
penetrating enough to enrich the clergyman or the scholar. And all have but one simple purpose:
to present the teachings of the Church, not only as an object of investigation, but as a reality to
be entered into, an invitation to come and be with Christ--the Light of the world.

The Author:The author of these essays is Professor Emeritus of Dogmatic, Moral and
Comparative Theology at St Vladimir's Seminary. Among his previous publications are the
book God and Man (in Russian) and various articles in theological journals. Professor
Verhovskoy, however, is best known for his teaching activities. Having served on the faculty of
St Vladimir's for nearly three decades, he has helped to train several generations of American
Orthodox clergymen and theologians.

Disputations with Pyrrhus - St. Maximus the Confessor

Springtime of the Liturgy - Lucien Deiss

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