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Ecological Indicators 82 (2017) 478–483

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Original Articles

Influence of oil palm monoculture on the taxonomic and functional MARK

composition of aquatic insect communities in eastern Brazilian Amazonia

Ana Luiza-Andradea, , Leandro Schlemmer Brasila, Naraiana Loureiro Benonea, Yulie Shimanoc,
Ana Paula Justino Fariasb, Luciano Fogaça Montaga,b, Sylvain Dolédecd, Leandro Juena,b
Programa de Pós-graduação em Zoologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Augusto Corrêa, N° 1, Bairro Guamá, CEP: 66075-110
Belém, Pará, Brazil
Programa de Pós-graduação em Ecologia, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal do Pará, Rua Augusto Corrêa, N° 1, Bairro Guamá, CEP: 66075-110
Belém, Pará, Brazil
Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Campus de Pesquisa, Av. Perimetral, 1901 – Terra Firme, CEP: 66077-830 Belém, Pará, Brazil
CNRS, UMR 5023, LEHNA (Laboratoire d'Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Naturels et Anthropisés), Biodiversité et Plasticité dans les Hydrosystèmes, Université Claude
Bernard (Lyon I), Villeurbanne, Rhône, France


Keywords: Large scale palm oil plantations for the production of vegetable oil are among the most harmful agricultural
Land use activities to biodiversity, especially given their rapid expansion, worldwide. Many cases of species loss have
Freshwater already been recorded in Asian countries, although research is still incipient in the Amazon basin, and the
Ephemeroptera environmental impacts of these monocultures on freshwater ecosystems in the Neotropical region are still poorly
understood. The present study evaluated the effects of oil palm plantations on the physical structure of stream
habitats and the resulting changes in the taxonomic and functional composition of aquatic insect communities. A
Functional traits
total of 2100 specimens of the orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera were collected during the
present study, representing 40 genera and 16 families. The hypothesis tested was that the taxonomic and
functional diversity of the orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (Insecta) decreases in streams
surrounded by oil palm plantations in comparison with those embedded in forested areas. In the plantation
streams, the taxonomic richness and composition, and the functional richness are modified significantly.
Functional composition appeared unaltered despite reduced canopy cover associated with oil palm streams.
These effects emphasize the importance of the riparian vegetation for the protection of the aquatic communities
found in oil palm plantations. The maintenance of the riparian vegetation may mitigate the impacts of plan-
tations, contributing to the conservation of insect communities and associated biodiversity.

1. Introduction nature of the impact of oil palm plantations on the region’s aquatic
ecosystems. For example, while Cunha et al. (2015), recorded a de-
The exotic species Elaeis guineensis Jacq. (common name: oil palm) crease in heteropteran species richness, Shimano and Juen (2016)
has recently become one of the most cultivated equatorial crops (Koh, found no clear evidence of any change in the species composition of
2008). Brazil is one of the world’s top producers of oil palm due to the ephemeropterans. While some studies have addressed the impact of oil
favorable conditions for this monoculture (e.g., high temperature and palm on the taxonomic composition of specific groups of organisms,
rainfall, low soil pH) in the Amazon rainforest (Muller and Alves, 1997; there has yet to be any systematic analysis of the impact on the func-
Butler, 2011). Yet, oil palm expansion in Amazon may increase the tioning of stream ecosystems. Complementary approaches, such as
impact of habitat loss and fragmentation on biodiversity (Butler, 2011; functional diversity, especially if compared with taxonomic composi-
Foster et al., 2011). tion, may reveal distinct community patterns, and provide a better
There is compelling evidence of the loss of taxonomic and functional understanding of the relationship between the impacts of oil palm
diversity in the bird and amphibian assemblages associated with oil plantations and aquatic biodiversity.
palm plantations in eastern Amazonia (Lees et al., 2015; Almeida et al., The larvae of the orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and
2016; Correa et al., 2015). However, there is little consensus on the Trichoptera (EPT) are widely used as ecological indicators due to their

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Luiza-Andrade).
Received 23 November 2016; Received in revised form 9 June 2017; Accepted 3 July 2017
Available online 21 July 2017
1470-160X/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Luiza-Andrade et al. Ecological Indicators 82 (2017) 478–483

sensitivity to environmental changes in aquatic habitats, in particular at November and December 2012, and July and August 2013. The re-
the micro-habitat level (Lake, 2000; Péru and Dolédec, 2010; Luiza- striction of sampling to the dry season was due to the fact that benthic
Andrade et al., 2017). Functional redundancy, which determines the macroinvertebrates are more abundant during this period (Bispo et al.,
resilience of a community to environmental variation (Petchey and 2001; Diniz-Filho et al., 1998), and that samples are thus more re-
Gaston, 2002), may also be altered by the impact of human activities. presentative of the community structure (Brasil et al., 2016). A total of
Communities with a high degree of functional redundancy, for example, 21 streams were sampled, eight in native forest and 13 in oil palm
are potentially more tolerant of variation in the environment (Petchey plantation (Fig. 1). One 150 m transect was established in each stream,
and Gaston, 2002). and was divided into 10 15 m stretches, each subdivided into three 5 m
The present study compares the functional and taxonomic responses segments. The first two segments of each stretch were sampled, while
of the Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera found in streams the third segment was used to gain access to the subsequent stretch. A
located within forested areas and oil palm plantations in eastern total of 20 samples were thus collected in each stream.
Amazonia. The study analyzed two complementary questions: (1) do Based on the recommendations of Shimano and Juen (2016), the
the species richness and the taxonomic and functional composition of study focused on the larvae of the orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera,
the EPT vary systematically between forest and plantation streams? (2) and Trichoptera. The specimens collected were fixed and stored in 85%
Which specific functional traits are related to the environmental vari- ethanol, and identified to the genus level using the identification keys
ables found in both types of stream? The taxonomic and functional of Lecci and Froehlich (2007), Pes et al. (2014), and Domínguez et al.
diversity is expected to be reduced in plantation areas in comparison (2006), consultations with experts, and comparisons with material de-
with the forest, given that the oil palm monocultures tend to reduce posited in the Zoological Collection of the Federal University of Pará.
environmental heterogeneity, the number of habitat types, and resource
2.2. Environmental variables

2. Material and methods Environmental variables were measured in each of the 10 stretches
of stream, following Peck et al. (2006). This protocol evaluates various
2.1. Study area and sampling design components of the physical structure of the stream, such as the channel
morphology, substrate flow type, quantity of woody debris in the
The present study was conducted in the Agropalma Agroindustrial stream, the structure of the riparian vegetation, the availability of
Complex, in the municipalities of Tailândia, Acará and Moju, in shelter for the aquatic biota, and human pressures. Physical and che-
northeastern Pará state, northern Brazil. The study area comprises mical variables of the water were also measured, that is, the tempera-
107,000 ha, of which 39,000 ha are covered with oil palm plantations ture (°C), turbidity (NTU), dissolved oxygen (mg/L), conductivity (μS/
and 64,000 ha with forest reserve (Agropalma, 2015). The predominant cm), total dissolved solids (mg/L), and pH at the beginning, middle, and
vegetation type of the region is Tropical Rainforest. The area is the end of each 150 m transect using a Horiba® multi-parameter probe.
largest forest remnant of the Belém Center of Endemism. The climate Following Cunha et al. (2015) and Juen et al. (2016), variables with a
corresponds to Köppen’s Af type (Peel et al., 2007), i.e., tropical humid, Pearson correlation of | > 0.7| were excluded from the analyses to
with an average temperature of 26 °C and relative humidity of 85% avoid problems associated with the collinearity of variables (Table 2).
(Fig. 1).
Sampling was conducted in second and third order streams of the
basin of the Acará River (Strahler, 1957), only in dry season, in

Fig. 1. Distribution of sites in 21 streams distributed in oil palm plantations (circles) and forest fragments (triangles), that were sampled in 2012 and 2013 in Acará, Moju and Tailândia,
Pará, northern Brazil.

A. Luiza-Andrade et al. Ecological Indicators 82 (2017) 478–483

2.3. Functional traits Ephemeropterans were predominant in the plantation streams, pro-
viding 55% of recorded specimens, whereas Plecoptera and Trichoptera
For the analysis of functional traits, five multi-choice traits related were more abundant in forest streams, which provided 77% and 54% of
to the behavior, ecology, and morphology of the insects (respiration, the specimens collected, respectively.
feeding habits, locomotion, and body size and shape) were selected, A significant difference was found in the taxonomic composition of
following Poff et al. (2006). The functional traits were quantified based the EPT between plantation and forest streams (PERMANOVA: pseudo-
on the descriptions of South American taxa found in the scientific F = 2.426, DF = 19; p = 0.035). The results of PERMDISP analysis
(Table S1, Supplementary data). These traits were processed using the showed that there was no significant difference (F = 4.043; DF = 19,
fuzzy coding approach (Chevenet et al., 1994) to determine the affinity p = 0.053) in the variance of the species composition between plan-
of each species to the trait categories. These affinities were assigned a tation (0.501 ± 0.072) and forest streams (0.408 ± 0.117). Nine
score ranging from 0 to 3, where the higher the value, the greater the genera were exclusive to the forest streams (Amazonatolica, Aturbina,
affinity of the species to the category. Enderleina, Polyplectropus, Thraulodes, Traveryphes, Tricorythodes,
Tricorythopsis, and Zelusia) whereas only one genus (Cryptonympha) was
2.4. Data analysis unique to the plantation streams (Table 1).
Functional richness was significantly higher (t = 2.155, DF = 19;
Student’s t was used to test for differences in the abundance of in- p = 0.044) in forest streams (57.559 ± 35.865) than in plantation
dividuals, the genus richness and functional richness between oil palm streams (29.541 ± 23.965). However, no significant difference was
and forest streams (Zar, 2010) after first verifying the assumption of the found in the functional composition between the plantation and forest
normality and homogeneity of variance. A Permutation Multivariate streams (PERMANOVA: pseudo-F = 0.219, DF = 73; p = 0.922), and
Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA) was run to test for differences in the variances were homogeneous among treatments (PERMDISP:
the taxonomic and functional composition of the forest and plantation F = 3.346; p = 0.880).
streams (factor with two levels). The significance was obtained using
the Monte Carlo randomization with 9999 permutations (Anderson and 4. Discussion
Walsh, 2013). The PERMDISP (Anderson, 2005) was used to test for the
homogeneity of variances between the factor levels. A Principal Co- Like most other crops, oil palm plantations impact biodiversity,
ordinates Analysis (PCoA) was used to visualize the results in a biplot, although the exact effects depend on how the culture is managed
based on a distance matrix of the Bray-Curtis (for the taxonomic data) (Fitzherbert et al., 2008). The cultivated area of oil palm in Brazil is
and Gower (for the functional data) similarity indices (Pavoine et al., expected to continue increasing in the near future (Borges et al., 2016)
2009). Functional richness was calculated using the Fric index (Villéger in response to the growing demand for palm oil. The results of the
et al., 2008). present study indicate clearly that taxonomic and functional richness,
A combination of RLQ (Dolédec et al., 1996) and Fourth-corner as well as the species composition of the ephemeropteran, plecopteran,
analysis (Legendre et al., 1997), as proposed by Dray et al. (2014), was and trichopteran larvae were all affected by oil palm plantation, which
used to test which environmental variables influenced the functional makes the ongoing expansion of plantations a major concern. In this
traits of the communities. This approach produces a matrix that de- scenario, active conservation measures may be increasingly necessary
scribes the association between traits and environmental variables, to guarantee the diversity of these groups in streams associated with oil
known as a fourth-corner matrix, which summarizes the combined palm plantations.
structure of the three preceding matrices (Legendre et al., 1997). All The taxonomic and functional richness were lower in plantation
analyses were run in the R software, version 3.0.2 (R Development Core streams in comparison with forest streams. Reduced has been recorded
Team, 2016), and the associated packages ade4 (Dray and Dufour, in communities of beetles, bats, lizards, fish (Giam et al., 2015), and
2007) and vegan (Oksanen et al., 2016). aquatic insects (Rawi et al., 2013) associated with oil palm plantations
in Asia (Foster et al., 2011). Wang and Foster (2015) also found dif-
3. Results ferences in ant species richness in oil palm plantations of different ages,
with mature plantations having the lowest richness. In the Neotropics,
3.1. Effects of the physical habitat on aquatic assemblages similar effects have been recorded for birds (Lees et al., 2015) and
heteropterans (Cunha et al., 2015) in eastern Amazonia. The latter
The environmental characteristics of the forest and plantation study also found that the loss of heteropteran diversity was linked to the
streams are summarized in Table 2. Plantation streams were char- loss of environmental integrity.
acterized by higher water temperatures (Temp), pH, and the quantity of Fitzherbert et al. (2008) concluded that changes in species compo-
roots (PCT_RZ) and fine sediment (PCT_ST), while the forest streams sition may be related to the increase in the more generalist taxa in oil
had larger amounts of woody debris in the channel (NWD), greater palm plantations, given that these areas tend to have less canopy cover,
mean riparian canopy cover (XC), and a higher width/depth ratio even when the riparian vegetation is preserved. In the present study,
(XWD_RAT; Fig. 2b). The taxonomic composition of the EPT was in- the riparian vegetation of the streams located within the oil palm
fluenced by environmental variables (RLQ model 2, p = 0.028), while plantations was approximately 30 m wide, which is in accordance with
the functional traits composition were not (RLQ model 4, p = 0.846). the Brazilian Forestry Code. However, a strip of vegetation this sie is
probably insufficient to guarantee the persistence of species in the en-
3.2. Taxonomic and functional richness and composition vironment. Riparian vegetation minimizes negative impacts on bodies
of water, and is a source of allochthonous organic matter, shelter,
A total of 2100 specimens of the orders Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera oviposition sites, and habitat for juvenile insects (Valle et al., 2013;
and Trichoptera were collected during the present study, representing Soininen et al., 2015). In a previous study, Rodrigues et al. (2016)
40 genera and 16 families (Table 1). Just over half (1083) of these showed that a buffer zone of 250 m, containing 60% native vegetation,
specimens (representing 31 genera) were collected in streams located around streams was required to ensure the retention of dragonfly
within oil palm plantations. The mean number of genera recorded per community structure. This is almost an order of magnitude larger than
stream was significantly higher (t = 3.286, DF = 19, p = 0.003) in required by the Brazilian legislation.
forest streams (15.375 ± 4.657) in comparison with plantation Despite the significant decrease in functional and taxonomic rich-
streams (9.307 ± 3.75), although abundance did not vary system- ness, and the changes in species composition observed in the plantation
atically between habitats (t = 1.787, DF = 19, p = 0.089). streams in the present study, the results indicated that the functional

A. Luiza-Andrade et al. Ecological Indicators 82 (2017) 478–483

Fig. 2. a) Distribution of 40 EPT genera per stream. acronyms for species available in Table 1. b) Environmental characteristics of the streams in plantation and forest habitats, acronyms
for environmental variables are listed in Table 2.

composition of the EPT communities was not affected significantly by communities. This functional redundancy would ensure the resilience
the oil palm plantations. This indicates a high degree of functional re- of stream function in the face of the loss of species (Petchey and Gaston
dundancy in the study communities, reflecting the occupation of similar 2002; Bihn et al., 2010), given that the persisting species are able to
ecosystem functions by species with similar traits in the different play the ecological role of the extirpated ones. By contrast, previous

Table 1
Abundance of EPT collected in eight forest streams and 13 plantation (oil palm) streams.

Order Family Genus Abr. Abundance


Ephemeroptera Baetidae Americabaetis Kluge, 1992 Amer 1 1

Aturbina Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty, 1996 Atur 3 0
Cloeodes Traver, 1938 Cloe 6 3
Cryptonympha Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty, 1998 Cryp 0 2
Waltzoyphius McCafferty and Lugo-Ortiz, 1995 Walt 1 1
Zelusia Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty, 1998 Zel 7 0
Caenidae Brasilocaenis Puthz, 1975 Bra 1 3
Coryphoridae Coryphorus Peters, 1981 Cor 1 1
Euthyplociidae Campylocia Needham and Murphy, 1924 Cpl 165 311
Leptohyphidae Amanahyphes Salles and Molineri, 2006 Amn 1 3
Traveryphes Molineri, 2001 Trav 1 0
Tricorythodes Ulmer, 1920 Tric 2 0
Tricorythopsis Traver, 1958 Trip 5 0
Leptophlebiidae Askola Peters, 1969 Ask 1 1
Farrodes Peters, 1971 Far 2 5
Hagenulopsis Ulmer, 1920 Hag 1 3
Microphlebia Savage and Peters, 1983 Mph 1 2
Miroculis Edmunds, 1963 Mir 333 268
Simothraulopsis Demoulin, 1966 Simo 2 3
Thraulodes Ulmer, 1920 Thra 1 0
Ulmeritoides Traver, 1959 Ulm 3 90
Polymitarcyidae Campsuru sEaton, 1868 Cps 12 12
Plecoptera Perlidae Anacroneuria Klapálek, 1909 Anc 33 23
Enderleina Jewett, 1960 End 2 0
Macrogynoplax Enderlein, 1909 Mgx 44 16
Trichoptera Calamoceratidae Phylloicus Müller 1880 Phy 55 45
Glossosomatidae Mortoniella Ulmer, 1906 Mor 10 1
Helicopsychidae Helicopsyche Siebold 1856 Hel 32 16
Hydropsychidae Leptonema Guérin 1843 Lept 20 12
Macronema Pictet 1836 Mne 72 75
Macrostemum Kolenati 1859 Macr 20 27
Smicridea McLachlan 1871 Smc 7 23
Leptoceridae Amazonatolica Holzenthal and Pes, 2008 Amz 1 0
Nectopsyche Müller 1879 Nec 13 4
Oecetis McLachlan 1877 Oec 20 6
Triplectides Kolenati 1859 Tps 85 97
Odontoceridae Marilia Müller 1880 Mar 18 4
Philopotamidae Chimarra Stephens 1829 Chi 19 2
Polycentropodidae Cernotina Ross 1938 Cer 13 23
Polyplectropus Curtis 1835 Pol 3 0
TOTAL 1017 1083

Abr. = taxon abbreviation; F = forest streams; P = plantation streams.

A. Luiza-Andrade et al. Ecological Indicators 82 (2017) 478–483

Table 2 for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) for

Mean and standard deviation of the environmental variables measured in the eight forest granting a PhD stipend to APJF (23038.016839). This manuscript was
streams and 13 plantation (oil palm) streams analyzed in the present study.
funded by the projects “Influência dos diferentes tipos de uso do solo
Variable Code Forest Oil palm sobre a biodiversidade na Amazônia Oriental” (CNPq no. 449314/
2014-2), “Zoneamento bioenergético do plantio de palma e os impactos
Width/depth ratio XWD_RAT 13.09 ± 6.59 9.055 ± 2.29 a biodiversidade no Estado do Pará” (FAPESPA/CNPq) and
Amount of wood debris NWD 5.75 ± 3.34 3.28 ± 2.54
“Biodiversity and Socio-Economic Impacts of Oil Palm Bioenergy
(diameter > 30 cm,
length > 5 m) in and over Development in the Brazilian Amazon” (USAID/PEER). We are grateful
the stream channel. to Lenize Batista Calvão, Fernando Geraldo Carvalho, Erlane Rodrigues
Fine sediment (%) PCT_ST 6.49 ± 3.73 15.89 ± 8.68 Cunha, Bruno Prudente, Tiago Begot, and Márcio Cunha Ferreira for
Mean riparian canopy cover XC 82.13 ± 28.63 77.29 ± 14.28 their assistance during field trips.
Water temperature Temp 25.42 ± 0.96 26.11 ± 0.58
pH pH 4.71 ± 0.25 5 ± 0.20
Appendix A. Supplementary data

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