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The SR must be issued by the FMNR in accordance with the FIM Sporting Code.
Copies of the SR must be sent to the FIM Secretariat ( at least two months before
the date of the meeting for approval by the FIM before being sent to all the persons concerned
(riders, officials, etc...).
The meeting will be held in conformity with the FIM Sporting Code
FMNR: AMFK IMN N°: 504/ 03

Organising Club: AMFK Phone: +7 727 2939028

Address: Republic of Kazakhstan
Kazybek bi str. 12/24
Postcode: 050010 ALMATY Track phone: +7 727 3869444

Name of the contact: Dmitry Makhenya Email:

Phone: +7 777 6410828

Title of the meeting: FIM Ice Speedway World Championship Final 1

Date of the meeting: 02 and 03.02.2019 Time: 02.02.2019 - 15:30

Time: 03.02.2019 - 13:30
Restaging date: 04.02.2019


Motorway: Almaty – Medeu Exit: Almaty

Nearest town: Almaty 31kms

Nearest Airport: Almaty International Airport (ALA)

Coordinates: Latitude: 43.1575 Longitude: 77.058611


Name of the track: High Mountain Complex «Medeu», Kazakhstan, Almaty, Gornaya str. 465

Length: 400m
Width of straight: 13m

Width of bends: 14m

FIM Licence N°: 1025 Validity 2017

Public Liability Insurance, Amount of cover: 120’000.00€

ENTRIES: According to the qualifying rounds. (Reserves from FMNR)


(Ballot by FIM)


When the Organisers supply the race jackets, all riders must wear them during practice, press
conferences, racing and the Prize-Giving Ceremony. The riders' sponsors or any other
advertisement must not cover any part of the race jacket (except the shoulder straps).

FUEL: Will be available at the track YES

Against payment NO


Signing on Date: 01.02.2019 Time: 10:00 – 12:00

Machines Examination for the practice Date: 01.02. 2019 Time: 10:00 – 12:00
1 Jury meeting Date: 01.02. 2019 Time: 12:00
Practice in accordance with Art. 70.8 Date: 01.02. 2019 Time: 13:00
Jury Meeting Date: 01.02. 2019 Time: After the practice
Machines Examination for the meeting Date: 02.02.2019 Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Signing on (if not done on practice day) Date: 02.02.2019 Time: 12:00 - 14:00
Final Track Inspection Date: 02.02.2019 Time: 12:30
3 Jury meeting Date: 02.02.2019 Time: 14:00
Rider’s Briefing Meeting Date: 02.02.2019 Time: 14:30
Parade Date: 02.02.2019 Time: 15:00
1st heat Date: 02.02.2019 Time: 15:30
4 Jury meeting Date: 02.02.2019 After the race
Machines Examination for the meeting Date: 03.02.2019 Time: 10:00 – 12:00
5th Jury meeting Date: 03.02.2019 Time: 12:00
Rider’s Briefing Meeting Date: 03.02.2019 Time: 12:30
Parade Date: 03.02.2019 Time: 13:00
1st heat Date: 03.02.2019 Time: 13:30
5th Jury Meeting Date: 03.02.2019 After the race
Payment of Prize money Date: 03.02.2019 After the meeting

Leaving the meeting: No rider may leave the pits, and no machine or engine shall be removed
from there, until after the conclusion of the last race of the meeting, and then only with the
permission of the Race Coordinator/Clerk of the Course.


FIM Jury President Armando Castagna FMI Licence n° 3128


FIM Referee Aleksandr Lyatosinskyy FMU Licence n° 11271

Clerk of the Course Andrey Chipenko AMFK Licence n° TBA

FIM Expert Oleg Zakharov FIM Licence n° 3157

FIM CCP Coordinator Lydia Robin FIM Licence n° 3139

FMNR Delegate Dmitry Makhenya AMFK Licence n° TBA

Technical Stewart Alexandr Ossipenko AMFK Licence n° 11250

Doctor Konstantin Morozov AMFK Licence n° 10135

Environmental Steward Aleksandra Latosinska FMU Licence n° TBA


Any person or group of persons - rider, passenger, entrant, manufacturer, official, etc.,
recognised by the FIM and concerned by a decision taken under the authority of the FIM, has the
right to protest against that decision before the International Jury, except in the case of
statement of fact.
Protests against the eligibility of a rider, passenger, team or a motorcycle entered, must be made
before the start of the official practice.
Protests against results must be presented to the International Jury within 30 minutes following
the publication of the results.
An appeal may be made against a decision of the International Jury to the International
Disciplinary Court (CDI).
All protests to the International Jury must be made in accordance with the requirement of the
Disciplinary and Arbitration Code of the FIM and be accompanied by a fee of 660 Euros.- or
280’000.00 KZT (equivalent amount in local currency) returnable if the protest is justified or
forfeited if the Disciplinary body considers the protest to be groundless, or if it is withdrawn
without a hearing.

HOTEL and/or ACCOMODATION: Supplied by Organiser YES

If the Organiser does not provide hotel and/or accomodation, he shall give 250 euros to the Riders for their own
accommodation arrangements when they sign on. These two options apply without any deductions regarding
the overall payment to the Riders after the meeting.

Name of the hotel: Hotel of High Mountain Complex «Medeu»

Address: Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Gornaya str. 465
Phone Number: +7 727 2939028
Contact Person: Petr Borodin. Mobile: +7 701 6037003
Price of the Rooms: Single Room: tba Double Room: tba
Rooms must be booked before: 25 January 2019
Booking Code: AMFK

Environmental Management Map:

To support the Environmental Management Plan, organisers are required to provide a map of the
venue showing clearly the location of the following facilities:
a. Waste oil containers
b. Bike washing area
c. Domestic and contaminated waste containers
d. Refuelling location
e. Toilets and showers
f. Disposal point for used tyres (if provided)

This document must be sent to the FIM Administration, through the National
Federation, together with the Supplementary Regulations.
The map must be displayed in a visible place for participants and teams.

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