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Version 8 User's Manual

Copyright 2013 Applied Imagery LLC

All Rights Reserved
Quick Terrain Modeler
Version 8 User's Manual

Applied Imagery
Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual
Copyright 2013 Applied Imagery LLC
All rights reserved. No parts of this work may be reproduced in any form or by any means - graphic, electronic, or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems - without the written permission of the

Products that are referred to in this document may be either trademarks and/or registered trademarks of the respective owners.
The publisher and the author make no claim to these trademarks.

While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, the publisher and the author assume no
responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of information contained in this document or from
the use of programs and source code that may accompany it. In no event shall the publisher and the author be liable for any loss
of profit or any other commercial damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this document.

Printed: 2013 in the USA.

I Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Table of Contents

Part I What's New in v8.0 2

Part II Getting Started 6

1 Hardware
Suggestions 6
2 Quick Terrain
Modeler Keys & Licensing 6
3 Visualizing the Sample Model 11
4 Navigating
Through the Model 11

Part III Screen Layout, Buttons, Layer Tree, Status

Bar 14
1 Quick...................................................................................................................................
Terrain Modeler Screen Orientation 14
2 Layer ...................................................................................................................................
Tree 14
Special Overlays
.......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Shadow Map 17
.......................................................................................................................................................... 18
- Share with QT Reader 20
File Format 20
.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Layer for Bookmarks 22
Settings 24
Text 24
3 Quick...................................................................................................................................
Terrain Modeler Button Bar 24
4 Configure Toolbar
................................................................................................................................... 28
5 Quick...................................................................................................................................
Terrain Modeler Hot Keys and Shortcuts 29
6 Configure
Status Bar 30

Part IV Menu - File 32

1 Preview
Geospatial Data 32
2 Open ...................................................................................................................................
Model 34
3 Add Models
................................................................................................................................... 34
4 Add Models
with Offset 34
5 Opening
Quick Terrain Modeler from External Applications 35
6 Coordinate
Converter Utility 35
7 Model...................................................................................................................................
Search 37
8 Search
Cache 39
9 Save Models
................................................................................................................................... 40
10 Remove
Models 40
11 Clear ...................................................................................................................................
All Models 40
Contents II

12 Load List
................................................................................................................................... 40
13 Batch...................................................................................................................................
Scripting 40
- Add Action 41
- Edit, Insert, Remove Actions 42
- Running Scripts 42
- Log File 42
- Script File 43
14 Options/Settings
................................................................................................................................... 43
Always Copy
QTA Data Files 43
Add Normals
When Importing Point Clouds 43
Auto Reset
View on Model Load 43
Convert DTEDs
to UTM 43
Memory ..........................................................................................................................................................
Management Options 44
Show Toolbar
.......................................................................................................................................................... 44
Show Progress
Bar 44
.......................................................................................................................................................... 44
Go Fullscreen
Set Screensize
.......................................................................................................................................................... 45
Export Setup 45
KML Options
.......................................................................................................................................................... 45
LAS File..........................................................................................................................................................
Open Options 45
Options 46
Set QTM..........................................................................................................................................................
Display Units 46
Open QT..........................................................................................................................................................
Files Directory 46
Set QT Temp
Directory 47
Set QTM..........................................................................................................................................................
Registered File Types 47
15 Exit ................................................................................................................................... 48

Part V Menu - Edit 50

1 Editing
Overview 50
2 Selection
Areas 50
Select .......................................................................................................................................................... 50
Z Select ..........................................................................................................................................................
vs. Screen Select 51
Select Area
.......................................................................................................................................................... 51
3 Selection
Area Importing and Exporting 52
Save Selection
to KML 52
Import Selection
from KML 52
Import Selection
from Shapefile 52
Save Selection
to ASCII 52
Save Selection
as Shapefile 53
4 Selection
Area - Tools for Editing 53
Area Editing Tools 53
Cut .......................................................................................................................................................... 54
Crop .......................................................................................................................................................... 54
Visible Points
Functions 55
Smooth Area
.......................................................................................................................................................... 55
Flatten Area
.......................................................................................................................................................... 55
Undo Last
Cut/Crop 56
Cut and Crop 56
5 Convert
Model 57
6 Match...................................................................................................................................
Model Altitudes 58

III Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

7 Merge...................................................................................................................................
Models 59
8 Repair...................................................................................................................................
DEMs 60
9 Subtract
Models 61
10 Edit Model Text 62
11 Rename
Models 62
12 Georegister Model 62
13 Set Model
Position 64
14 Add Normals
to Surface Models 64
15 Remove Normals from Surface Model 64

Part VI Menu - Import 67

1 Model...................................................................................................................................
Overview 67
QTA Attribute
Table 67
Proxy Mode
.......................................................................................................................................................... 68
2 Import...................................................................................................................................
Model Data 69
Batch Import
.......................................................................................................................................................... 70
Data 71
Import - ..........................................................................................................................................................
Processing Options 71
Import - ..........................................................................................................................................................
Color by Density 72
Import - ..........................................................................................................................................................
Gridding Options 73
Import - ..........................................................................................................................................................
Allow Rotated Grid 74
Import - ..........................................................................................................................................................
Decimation Options 74
Import - ..........................................................................................................................................................
Gridding and Triangulation Options 75
Import - ..........................................................................................................................................................
Geo-Registration 81
Import - ..........................................................................................................................................................
ASCII Format 83
- Intensity 84
- RGB 84
- Alpha 85
Import - ..........................................................................................................................................................
LAS 85
LAS Quick
Open 86
3 Re-Import
Model Data 86
4 Import...................................................................................................................................
Vector Data 87
5 Import...................................................................................................................................
Merged GeoTIFF DEMs 88

Part VII Menu - Export 90

1 Export...................................................................................................................................
Models 90
Export LAS
.......................................................................................................................................................... 91
Export to..........................................................................................................................................................
Compressed LAS (LAZ) 91
Export GeoTIFF
32-Bit DEM 92
Export ASCII
Export ASCII
Export AutoCAD
DXF 92
Export ESRI
ASCII ZGrid 92
Export ESRI
Shape File 93
2 Export...................................................................................................................................
Model Image(s) 93
3 ASCII ...................................................................................................................................
Export Setup 94
Contents IV

Export Setup 94
5 Override
Georegistration 95
6 Movies
................................................................................................................................... 96
Record QMV
Movie 96
Play QMV
Movie 97
Create AVI
from QMV Movie 97
Create AVI
from Line 98
7 PowerPoint Tool 99
8 Render
Screen to Registered Image 100
9 Render Screen to TIF 101
10 Export
Screen to Garmin GPS 102
11 Render
Selection Area to GPS 103
12 Create KML Index 105
13 Export Outline to KML
................................................................................................................................... 107
14 Save...................................................................................................................................
Extents to KML 108
15 KML ...................................................................................................................................
Options 108
16 GPX ...................................................................................................................................
Export Options 109

Part VIII Menu - Textures 112

1 Overlaying
Textures: Overview 112
2 2D Only
Mode 114
3 Overlay
Texture (Orthorectified) 114
4 Overlay
Texture (Orthographic) 117
5 Overlay Texture (Projective)
................................................................................................................................... 117
6 Overlay
Unregistered Texture 118
Image Search Tool 118
8 Edit Texture
(Orthorectified) 120
9 Image
Registration 120
10 Remove Texture
................................................................................................................................... 122
11 Sample
Active Textures Into Vertex Colors 123
12 Configure
Height Coloration 124

Part IX Menu - Analysis 127

1 About
Vertex Colors 127
2 Analysis
Tools (Vertex Colors) 127
Detection Map 127
.......................................................................................................................................................... 128
Add Shadow
Map to Model 131
Add Slope
Image to Model 131
Vertex Colors
from File 132
Copy Intensity
into Alpha 133
Save Vertex
Colors 133
Vertex Colors from Model 133

V Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Vertex Alphas From Model 134
3 QTA ...................................................................................................................................
Attribute Analysis 134
Quick Color
Maps 134
Color by
QTA Attribute 135
QTA Continuous
Attribute Filtering (Advanced) 136
QTA Continuous
Attribute Filtering 138
QTA Discrete
Attribute Filtering (Advanced) 139
QTA Discrete
Attribute Filtering 140
QTA Multivariate
Filtering 141
Assign QTA
Attributes 142
QTA Attribute 143
4 Visibility
Analysis 143
Line of ..........................................................................................................................................................
Sight Map 143
LOS 145
LOS 148
View LOS 149
LOS 150
Virtual ..........................................................................................................................................................
Line of Sight from Marker 151
Virtual ..........................................................................................................................................................
Line of Sight from Line 154
Travel Route
Line of Sight 156
Point to..........................................................................................................................................................
Point Line of Sight 158
Mask 159
5 Grid ...................................................................................................................................
Statistics 159
Grid Stats-Define
Grid 160
Grid Stats-Select
variable 160
Grid Stats-Calculate
.......................................................................................................................................................... 161
Grid Stats-Visualization
Options 162
Grid Stats
- Blank Palette 163
Grid Stats-Act
Upon Data 164
Grid Stats-Configuration
Options 165
Grid Stats
- Model Comparison 165
6 Generate
Grid Lines 165
7 Generate Contour Lines
................................................................................................................................... 168
8 Generate
Outline 169
9 Generate
Range Rings 170
10 Import
Mensuration from KML 171
11 Import
Mensuration from Shapefile 172
12 Save...................................................................................................................................
Mensuration as KML 172
13 Save...................................................................................................................................
Mensuration as Shapefile 172
14 Point...................................................................................................................................
Query Utility 172
15 AGL ...................................................................................................................................
Analyst 174
AGL - Ground
Estimate 175
AGL - Visualization
.......................................................................................................................................................... 176
AGL - Exploitation
.......................................................................................................................................................... 177
AGL - Export
Products 178
16 Area...................................................................................................................................
Statistics 179
17 Find ...................................................................................................................................
Highest Point in Area 179
18 Model
Manager 179
Contents VI

19 Model
Statistics 180
20 Volume
Calculations 181
21 Filtering
................................................................................................................................... 181
Set Alpha
Filtering 182
Set Change
Detection Filtering 182
Set Clipping
Plane 182
QTA Continuous
Filtering 183
Clear All
Filters 184
22 Set Water Level 184

Part X Menu - Display 188

1 Display
- Show/Hide 188
Models 188
Textures 188
Use Height
Coloration 189
Hide Markers
.......................................................................................................................................................... 189
2 Display
- Options 189
Use Compressed
Normals 189
Shiny Terrain
.......................................................................................................................................................... 189
Normals 189
Show Wireframe
.......................................................................................................................................................... 189
Stereo Display
Settings 189
Show XYZ
Axes 190
Show Compass
.......................................................................................................................................................... 190
Show Crosshairs
.......................................................................................................................................................... 191
Show Haze
.......................................................................................................................................................... 191
Show Legend
.......................................................................................................................................................... 191
Show Light
.......................................................................................................................................................... 191
Show Minimap
.......................................................................................................................................................... 192
Show Model
Names/Outlines 193
Show Sky
.......................................................................................................................................................... 193
Set Display
Units 193
3 Display
- Settings 194
Cloud Point
Settings 194
.......................................................................................................................................................... 195
Set Background
Color 196
Set Haze
Distance 196
Set Height
Scale 196
Set Lighting
.......................................................................................................................................................... 197
Set Vector
Line Size 197
4 Layer...................................................................................................................................
Opacity Control 198
5 Set Base
Model Color 199
6 Status
Bar Options 199
7 Toggle
Clouds/Surface 200
8 Autocolor
Model 200
9 Configure
Vector Models 200
10 Remove
Model Colors 201
11 Layer...................................................................................................................................
Transparency 201

VII Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Part XI Menu - Control 204

1 Edit Camera
Settings 204
2 Face...................................................................................................................................
Center 204
3 Go to...................................................................................................................................
Point 204
4 Point...................................................................................................................................
to Point Viewing 206
5 Reset
Viewer 207
6 Control
Mode 208
Altitude 208
Flight Mode
.......................................................................................................................................................... 208
Model Mode
.......................................................................................................................................................... 208
Following 209
Point 209
Collisions 209
Independent Rotation 209
Orbit Mode
.......................................................................................................................................................... 209
Google ..........................................................................................................................................................
Earth Style Zoom 209
Google Earth 210
7 Display
Mode 210
Mode 2D 210
Mode 3D 210
8 Control - Options
................................................................................................................................... 210
Set Framerate
.......................................................................................................................................................... 210
Set Moving
Speed 211
9 Load...................................................................................................................................
View/Position 211
10 Save...................................................................................................................................
View/Position 211

Part XII Menu - Markers 213

1 Place...................................................................................................................................
Marker 213
2 Create
Marker 213
3 Create
at Point 213
4 Edit Marker
................................................................................................................................... 215
5 Marker
- Sensor Model 215
6 Import
Markers 216
Load Marker
.......................................................................................................................................................... 217
- Import from ASCII File 217
- Import from CSV File 218
Import Marker
from KML 219
- Import from SHP File 219
7 Export
Markers 219
Export Marker
to KML 219
Save Markers
.......................................................................................................................................................... 220
8 Remove
Markers 220
9 Hide ...................................................................................................................................
All Markers 221
10 Inspect
Markers 221
Contents VIII

11 Show/Hide
Markers 223
12 Edit Route
................................................................................................................................... 224
13 Export
Mission 228
14 Save...................................................................................................................................
Mission 228
15 Load...................................................................................................................................
Mission 228
16 Marker Options 228
17 Marker
Options Individual 230
18 Markers
- Billboards 230
19 Marker Point and Click 231

Part XIII Measurement Line and Associated Tools 233

1 Place...................................................................................................................................
Measurement Line 234
2 Edit Measurement
Line 235
3 Recover
Measurement Line 236
4 Measurement Line Display Preferences
................................................................................................................................... 236
5 Profile
Analysis Tool 237
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Buffer Settings 239
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Y Axis Attribute Selection 240
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Display Points vs Lines 240
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Color Scheme 241
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Cursor Position Display 241
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Model List 242
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Outline Area in 3D 243
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Mask to Area in 3D 243
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Push Buffer to Selection 243
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Mark Cursor in 3D 243
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Zooming Tools 243
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Force Proportional Scaling 243
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Measurement Tool 244
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Configure Appearance 244
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
PowerPoint Export 245
6 Profile
Editing Tools 245
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Edit Select Area 246
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Edit Select Points 246
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Edit Unselect Points 246
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Edit Hide Points 3D 246
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Edit Highlight Points 3D 247
Profile ..........................................................................................................................................................
Edit Operate on Points 247
7 Travel
Route Analysis Tool 248
8 Cross
Section Tool 253
9 Measurement
Vector Info 254
10 Measurement
Endpoint Info 255
11 Vector
Annotation 255
12 Point...................................................................................................................................
Interrogation Utility 257

IX Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Part XIV Applied Imagery Contact Information 260

Index 261
Quick Terrain Modeler

Version 8


2 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

1 What's New in v8.0

Applied Imagery is constantly improving our Quick Terrain Modeler and Quick Terrain Reader software by
adding new tools, optimizing existing tools, and eliminating bugs. Our best ideas come from you - our users.
We appreciate your feedback and will continuously strive to make a better product. Keep the good ideas
coming. Below you will find a list of our latest releases and associated upgrades. If you have any questions,
please contact us:

Technical Support:

General Information:

What’s New for Quick Terrain Modeler Version 8.0 (February 2013)
We are finally rolling the Quick Terrain Modeler version number forward to v8.0! Our decision was based on
a combination of new features in v8.0 and a refinement of significant capabilities we have introduced with
little fanfare the past few releases (e.g., coordinate conversion, virtual tools running on the graphics card,
route planning tools, etc.). Version 8.0 is, in some ways, a return to basics. In addition to a sleeker new
look, we have revisited one of our most fundamental tools – measurement lines and their associated
profiles – and come up with a handful of powerful new analysis and editing tools that are easier, faster, and
more capable than ever. Here is a brief overview:

Measurement Line Upgrades: Profiles, Travel Routes, Cross Sections, and More
The measurement line has become simple to edit and the profile has morphed into 4 new tools:
Measurement Line Editing: Double click on measurement lines to interactively add/delete/move
nodes. Measurement lines can be instantly converted to routes (Right click on Active
Mensuration Line in Layer Tree, Choose “Create QT Route”) (Learn More)
Profile Analysis Tool: The profile now offers dozens of way to look at point cloud profiles, isolate
and interrogate points in the profile, correlate them to the 3D point cloud view, and then operate
on them (set color, hide, delete, set classification, etc.). These tools will be useful not only in the
scientific and remote sensing communities, but also in the defense tactical community for slicing
through point clouds and spotting objects in areas of dense foliage. (Right click on Active
Mensuration Line in Layer Tree, Choose “Profile Analysis Tool”) (below, left). (Learn More)

Travel Route Analysis Tool (above, right): This is a specialized profile view of a measurement line
or route that includes tools such as buffer settings, cross/down track slope analysis,
instantaneous (i.e., “virtual”) line of sight analysis as the traveler moves down the route, and in-
profile measurement tools to measure travel route slopes and obstructions to mobility. (Right
click on Active Mensuration Line in Layer Tree, Choose “Travel Route Analysis Tool”). (Learn
What's New in v8.0 3

Cross Section Tool: Easily and interactively create cross sections and parallel profiles. See the
cross sections in the 3D scene before finalizing exports. Mask to just the cross sections in the 3D
scene. (Right click on Active Mensuration Line in Layer Tree, Choose “Cross Section Tool”) (Below,
left). (Learn More)

Point to Point Line of Sight (above, right): A fusion of the old point to point line of sight and
point to point viewing tools that makes it very easy to “become” one marker and look at another
marker. The visualization of the terrain profile in between is now optional. (Analysis Menu >
Visibility Analysis > Point to Point Line of Sight) (Learn More)

Route Planning and Exporting to Garmin

For the tactical community, route planning is very important. Routes can now be created directly from the
measurement line as noted above. Color imagery can now be sent directly to Garmin GPS devices (as a
Custom Map) by placing a selection area, then choosing “Render Selection Area to Garmin”. QT Modeler will
do all the heavy lifting of tiling the image into smaller pieces, grooming into Garmin format, setting draw
order, etc. (Texture Menu > Render Selection Area to Garmin, or from the GPS button in the tactical
toolbar) (shown below). (Learn More)

Eliminated the automatic fallback of Flex licenses to the Sentinel dongle in the USA version. This
capability is still available, but requires the user to interact with the .INI file which is in the QT
Modeler program files directory (filename = QTDefaults.ini if QTM has never ben run) or in the
user directory (QTViewer.ini if QTM has been installed and run at least once).

Coordinate System handling

4 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Added auto-handler for Vertical Datum differences. Note that: This assumes that you can correct
for a vertical datum difference with a simple, global z offset and it doesn't actually convert the
source file, so for some purposes (file export) the z values will stay in the original CS.
Updated to latest libPROJ4
Updated to latest GDAL
Fixed EGM96 datum file to fix half-pixel offset.
Fixed issue where "export to GEOTIFF DEM" and Model->Export->"GDAL GEOTIFF DEM" didn't
honor CS overrides.
The standard window that pops up to warn you when you are loading incompatible data now
includes vertical CS info. It also now contains some explanation text.

Miscellaneous Enhancements & Tweaks

Placing Markers when you have large models and lots of Markers already loaded should be
Updated PDAL libraries
Updated GDAL libraries to 1.9.2.
Better handler in AGL Analyst for sampling Z from user-provided Bare Earth models.
Added options to layer tree context menus to "Move Item in List", "Up", "Down", "Top",
"Bottom". This will impact draw order for textures. I.e., users can now move 2D overlaid textures
up/down the list to designate which texture should be on top.
Added ability to export multiple vectors to single KML/SHP from Vector Manager.
Sped up cut/crop operations – particularly on very large models. Attempted to make QTA
histogram recalculation faster - should speed up Cut/Crop.
Mensuration & Vector Lines pushed to the vector list (layer tree) will be given unique names.
Sped up routine for updating point cloud LOD after changing colors/filters/etc.
QTM is smarter about how many significant figures to use in legend and gridstat histograms
Import to QTC now defaults to white when intensity channel is missing.
Updated to new Profiler functionality in point to point line of sight
Tweaked bias settings and altered depth buffer sampling algorithm to achieve better results with
Virtual Line of Sight on point clouds.
Coordinate Converter Utility: You can now still access the full Coordinate Converter utility even
when no models are loaded.
Added optional toolbar buttons for "Discrete QTA Analysis" and "Continuous QTA Analysis"
Should now honor Visual Styles in newer versions of Windows
Added POINT and SURFACE subfolders to the Models folder:
Clicking on the POINT folder selects all point models and deselects all surface models
Clicking on the SURFACE folder does the opposite
"Import Error Log.txt" file now created in QT Temp directory rather than user file directory.
Updated QT Modeler and QT Reader Splash Screen Icons
Setting File association Defaults: QT Modeler and QT Reader now support auto-registration of file
types. Use "File"->"Options"->"Set Registered File Types" to alter which file extensions QT
considers its own and registers with Windows on startup.
Updated to new zip library to support workspaces greater than 2 gig.
Added HGT Files (SRTM HGT Format) to "Open Models" extension list.
Now supports LAS VLR’s with ULEM data (will not work with ULEM, but will append ULEM data to
exported LAS files)
Quick Terrain Modeler

Version 8


6 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

2 Getting Started

2.1 Hardware Suggestions

Quick Terrain Modeler will run on a very wide range of PC hardware. While there are a few basic
requirements, most of the hardware guidance below is in the form of suggestions. The hardware
components to consider are:

Hardware Component Requirement Recommendation

Windows 7 64-bit. 64-bit OS can
Windows (XP, Vista, or Win7, 32-
Operating System load more memory, thus enable
bit or 64-bit)
exploitation of larger data sets.
NVIDIA or ATI with OpenGL 3.3+
Discrete Graphics with OpenGL 3.3 support, 1GB+ video memory.
Video Card
+ Support * Optional quad buffered stereo for
3D stereo display output.
8GB - 16GB+. More is better,
Memory (RAM) 2 GB especially when working with very
large point clouds and/or DEM's.
10 GB (must have enough to write
Storage 100GB+ available storage.
very large temp files)
More pixels = better. Full HD
(1920 x 1080 pixels) user
Screen N/A
experience is better than at lower
Multi-core (dual or quad)
CPU N/A optimizes QTM's multithreading

* Note: New Intel HD4000 graphics have moderate OpenGL support, but advanced QTM functions such as
Virtual Shadows, Virtual Line of Sight, etc. require still more advanced capability.

2.2 Quick Terrain Modeler Keys & Licensing

Quick Terrain Modeler has 4 license options:
1. Node Lock: This type of license is locked to an individual PC by the use of a software key.
2. Portable (Dongle-based): This type of license allows the software to be installed on multiple PC's,
but only be operated on the one in which the hardware key is physically installed.
3. Floating (Dongle-Based): This is similar to the portable license, but users can access available
hardware keys via a network. The license key does not have to be physically plugged into the PC,
although it must be plugged in somewhere on the network. Please note that the floating license
accessibility is limited to one subnet of a network.
4. Floating (FlexNet License Server Based - No Dongle)
Getting Started 7

Getting Started with a Node Lock License (Software Key Code)

Once the Quick Terrain Modeler is loaded onto you PC, run the program. If this is the first time you are
using it, a screen will appear asking you for a name and a key. If Applied Imagery has already issued you a
key, please enter these exactly as they were given to you. If not, click "OK" on this screen and the Quick
Terrain Modeler will display your hardware fingerprint. Your hardware fingerprint will be a group of eight
numbers and letters that look something like this: 1A2B-3C4D.

If you do not have a key, please send an email to:

Please include the following information:

Version of Quick Terrain Modeler (This should appear on your screen when you start the Quick Terrain
Company or Organization Name
Phone Number

Applied Imagery will send you a key via email. When you receive the key, please restart the Quick Terrain
Modeler and enter the name and key information exactly as they appear in the Applied Imagery email.
You will only need to do this once, as the key will be stored for all future uses.

Getting Started With Portable and Floating Licenses (Sentinel Dongle License Key)
A hardware key is an external physical key (also known as a "dongle" - see image below) that plugs into a
USB or parallel port on the PC. A hardware key allows the user to install the Quick Terrain Modeler on
any number of PC's, but only permits one simultaneous use. Applied Imagery uses SafeNet Sentinel
SuperPro hardware keys. Since the Sentinel drivers look for the key "outside" of the PC (i.e., either on the
USB port or the local network), users must ensure that their firewall and/or security software permits this
communication to occur.

Install the Quick Terrain Modeler. You must also install the Sentinel key drivers. Please be sure that the
Sentinel key is NOT installed when installing the Sentinel key drivers. Once both packages are installed,
simply plug your hardware key into your PC, start the Quick Terrain Modeler and begin using the


Please be sure to remove your Sentinel key from the USB or parallel port prior to installing the new

After installing the new drivers, please allow your system to reboot prior to using the Quick Terrain
Modeler again.

Sometimes Quick Terrain Modeler may lose contact with the Sentinel hardware key. Users may get the
message "Aborting, Cannot Find Sentinel Hardware Key!". If this is the case, please ensure that a
hardware key is plugged in locally (Portable Version or Floating Version) or is available on the network
(Floating Version only). If the key is plugged in, simply click the retry button (see window below). If this
8 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

does not solve the problem, you may need to restart the Sentinel driver. This can be done one of two

1. When prompted with "Attempt to Restart Sentinel Driver?" (see window below), choose "Yes". This
will restart the Sentinel driver and Quick Terrain Modeler should recognize the key.

2. If you have an older Quick Terrain Modeler version, please go to your PC's Control Panel, then click
on "Administrative Tools", then click on "Services". You will see the "Sentinel Protection Server" as
one of the services. Make sure its status is "Started". If Sentinel Protection Server is Started and you
still have no connectivity to the key, highlight Sentinel Protection Server on the list, right click with
your mouse, and choose "Restart" from the menu. This should fix the problem. If it does not, please
contact Applied Imagery at

3. The default mode for the Quick Terrain Modeler floating license is to first look on the local machine
USB port. If the key is not available there, the next step is to broadcast a request for the Sentinel
key on the local subnet of the network. If a key is available, QTM will use it, regardless of the IP
Address location of the available key. If no key is available, QTM will indicate a failure to find a
license, then prompt the user for an IP address. Enter a specific IP address in the window. QT
Modeler will search specifically on that IP address, even if it is not on the same subnet with the
client workstation.

Getting Started - FlexNet-Based Floating License

As of version v7.1.1 (Summer 2010), Applied Imagery offers Quick Terrain Modeler (QTM) floating
licenses via FLexNet License Manager - otherwise known as FLexLM. This solution offers all the flexibility
of the existing QTM floating licenses that were previously only available using Rainbow Sentinel server/
dongles, but with no physical dongle required. The FlexNet architecture is ideal for enterprise-wide
deployments and for secure facilities in which USB dongles are discouraged or forbidden. The
architecture is fairly simple and can be broken down into two basic pieces: the server that runs the
FlexNet licenses server software and holds the licenses files, and the client side (end user workstations)
that run Quick Terrain Modeler and query the license server to see if a valid license is available. These are
the important pieces and terminology:

License Server: In a floating license environment, the license server is usually a network server that
does not run Quick Terrain Modeler software. The key components on the server are:
o FlexNet Software LMGRD: The basic license server “engine”. LMGRD can manage license servers for
many software packages simultaneously (e.g., Quick Terrain Modeler and ARCMap)
o LMTOOLS: A suite of utilities and diagnostic tools that assist in troubleshooting and performing
tasks such as starting and stopping FlexNet servers.
o Vendor Daemon: A small exe file that identifies the software vendor (Applied Imagery’s will always
Getting Started 9

be named aiqtmod.exe regardless of what operating system the server runs.

o License File: A small text file that describes how many licenses exist, if/when they expire, and
various other parameters about the software licensing and privileges.

Client Machine: This is the end user machine that actually runs Quick Terrain Modeler. The only
relevant component in this architecture is the QTM executable itself. When using QTM the first time,
the user will be prompted for the location of the license server, but after that the process should be
transparent to the end user.

What Applied Imagery Needs from the Customer to Create a License File:
1. The Flex License Server Name - It is typically a very short text string, something like this: flexsrvr02
Remember, this is the license server machine, not the client machine.
2. The FlexNet Server ID. The server Operating System (OS) will dictate what the Server ID looks like.
When in doubt, run the FLEXTOOLS utility and determine what FLEX thinks it is. Here is what they will
look like:
o Windows 32-bit: It is the MAC Address of the Flex Server. A MAC address looks like this:
o Windows 64-bit: Also MAC address, same as Windows 32-bit.
o SPARC/Solaris 32-bit: an 8 digit string that looks something like this: 837b1b9e
3. The License Server Operating System. License Files are generated differently if they are on different OS.
We can support
o Windows 32-bit
o Windows 64-bit
o SPARC/Solaris 32-bit

4. Getting your license file: Please email the information above to Applied Imagery – Applied Imagery will use this information to create your license file.
Applied Imagery will email you the license file as an attachment.

Server Side: What the Customer Needs from Applied Imagery:

1. General FlexNet Support Files. If the server is already running Flex, they will already be installed. If the
server is not already running Flex, they will need to run LMGRD, which is included in the FLEX Tools
utilities on our FLEX support web page:
2. Applied Imagery Vendor Daemon: Even if the server is already running FlexNet, the customer will need
the Applied Imagery Vendor Daemon. It needs to match the server Operating System. Everything is on
our website on the Flex support page. The vendor daemon will be in a Zip file.
3. A license File: A Quick Terrain Modeler Flex license file is a small text file that Applied Imagery
generates based on the customer-supplied information noted above. See examples below.
4. All the support files and vendor daemons are on our website in the “Support” section: http://

Server Side: What the Customer Needs to Do on the Server:

Here are the basic steps to install:
1. Copy the aiqtmod.exe vendor daemon onto the license server.
2. Copy the license file onto the license server.
3. Run LMTools on the Server. (LMTools is found on our website as well http:// .
4. On the LMTools Config Services tab, make sure you create and save a service that points to lmgrd, the
license file, and the debug log. (Screen grab below)
5. On the start/stop/Reread tab, highlight the QT Modeler service you created and click “Start Server”.
10 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

You should get an indication that the service has started successfully. If not, there is a problem and it
needs to be fixed on the server before proceeding to the client side. (Screen Grab Below)
6. Once the service is running successfully, proceed to installing QT Modeler on the client and pointing to
the server.

LMTools Start/Stop Services Tab:

LMTools Config Services Tab:

Client Side: What the Customer Needs to Do on the Client Machines:

1. Install QTM Installation Executable. Just like a normal installation, the user needs to install the
appropriate version (X32 or X64) on the client machine. Both X64 and X32 can access the license
server, regardless of what OS the license server is running. The user or IT Administrator will need to
install the QTM exe on every machine that intends to run QTM.

2. Point to the license Server. QTM/Flex will prompt them for the license server name/ID upon opening
up. If it cannot find the server or a valid license, QT will attempt to fall back to the Sentinel license/
server. If neither can be found, QT will not open. An error message will appear indicating the locations
that QT had attempted to look for a valid license.

Notes/Helpful Hints:
1. As of Version 7.1.2, QTM Flex Floating licenses can “fall back” to a Sentinel dongle. I.e., the QTM Flex
executable can use a QTM Sentinel dongle instead of a Flex license file. This can make a migration from
a Sentinel environment less painful. It can also enable a hybrid flex/sentinel architecture.

2. Finding my MAC address: If you are not sure what the server MAC address is, use the LMTOOLS utility
to assist.
Getting Started 11

2.3 Visualizing the Sample Model

Visualizing the Sample Model

The Quick Terrain Modeler DVD will include one sample surface model. It is called Grass Lake Surface
Model.qtt. It is a surface model of a town called Grass Lake in the state of Michigan. It is a high resolution
model that was created from an airborne survey with .33 meter spot spacing on the ground. It also has RGB
(color) intensity that achieves a very photo realistic effect.

1. Load the sample surface model:

Click the Open Model button and select Grass Lake Surface Model.qtt. The model should be visible very
quickly on your screen. The initial view will be straight down (nadir):

There are information boxes in the status bar at the bottom of the Quick Terrain Modeler window.
Depending on the size of the window, the boxes can contain some or all of the following information:
The UTM Zone (if using UTM).
A running log of cursor position in XYZ space in UTM, or other coordinates. As the user moves the
cursor, these numbers will change.
The name of the model under the cursor. If multiple models are loaded, this name will change as the
user zooms in/out and moves the cursor over different tiles/models.
The control mode. The Quick Terrain Modeler provides five modes in which you can interact you're
your models: Targeted Point (the default), Model mode, Flight mode, Terrain Following mode, and
Constant Altitude.
Height Scale exaggeration factor (if not set to 1) will appear as Z Scale: X, where X will be the height
exaggeration factor
Details on how quickly the Quick Terrain Modeler can render the terrain and how many points are
visible in the display window.

2.4 Navigating Through the Model

Navigation can be performed from your keyboard or the mouse. The initial control mode will be "Targeted
Point Mode". Model mode allows you to manipulate the loaded model as if it were an object in space. The
following are the basic model mode navigation controls:

Mouse Controls:
Rotate: Hold down left mouse button and drag the mouse.
Zoom: Hold down both mouse buttons and drag the mouse
Zoom (Alternate Method): Use the wheel on your mouse to zoom in and out.
Move/Pan: Hold down right mouse button and drag the mouse.
Reset Lighting: Hold down the control key and right mouse button and drag the mouse. Moving the
mouse around will display a variety of lighting conditions.

Keyboard Controls:
Rotate: Use the Arrow keys. Each key has a different effect.
Zoom In: Use the Home key.
Zoom Out: Use the End key.
Move/Pan: Use the Control key and the Arrow keys.
Transport: Press the T key. This feature is used in conjunction with the mouse. Simply locate the mouse
over a target area, then press T to zoom in on that area very quickly.
12 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Reset Lighting: Hold down the control key and right mouse button and drag the mouse. Moving the
mouse around will display a variety of lighting conditions.

Helpful Hints:
It may take a few attempts to get the "feel" of navigation. It may help to think of a terrain model as a
table top that pivots about its center. The most friendly control mode is "Targeted Point".
If you get "lost" or get "under" a model, press the Reset Display button or go to the Control pull down
menu and select Reset Viewer. This will return you to the starting point.
Resetting Lighting can be very useful and may need to be adjusted as imagery is overlaid. Simply click the
lighting button and adjust as needed. Lighting can also be found in the Display...Settings menu.
Quick Terrain Modeler

Version 8


14 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

3 Screen Layout, Buttons, Layer Tree, Status Bar

3.1 Quick Terrain Modeler Screen Orientation

The Quick Terrain Modeler Screen is divided into a few basic parts:

1. The Menus: There are 10 pull down menus that contain a wide variety of functions. To access these
functions, simply place the cursor over the desired menu and click on it.
2. The Button Bar: The button bar contains eighteen frequently accessed functions. Some of these are
toggle buttons and some call up other windows or functions. T
3. The Layer Tree: Displays all open models, vectors, textures, etc.
4. The MiniMap: Displays the extents of the loaded model and the footprint of the current view.
4. The Status Bar: The status bar displays the status of the model, the location of the cursor within the
model, the mode the Quick Terrain Modeler is operating in, and details about the rendering of the
current model view. Please note the Status bar can be altered by selecting a specific coordinate system
which Quick Terrain Modeler will use to display the position of the cursor, regardless of whether the
original model was in UTM or geodetic coordinates to begin with. Please refer to the section on
Display...Settings...Mensuration Options.
5. Model Space: The center of the screen is the window in which models will be displayed.

3.2 Layer Tree

QT Modeler's Layer Tree provides a very simple way to interact with loaded data. As data is added in QTM,
it will appear in the layer tree. Left clicking, right clicking, and double clicking on elements of the layer tree
will enable different behaviors and context menus depending on what type of data it is.

The layer tree can be minimized to provide more screen space for data display.

The types of elements included in the layer tree are:

1. Workspaces: Useful way to save/share complex projects.

2. Special Overlays: These are things like height colors, Virtual Shadows/LOS/Contour lines, axes (3D
North Arrow), compass, cross hairs, and the legend.
3. Models: Models are 3D data sets, either point clouds or surface models (DEM, DSM, DTM, DTED,
SRTM, etc.)
4. Vectors: Vectors are models that are represented by lines. Vectors can be imported from SHP, KML
and other sources or can be generated from QT Modeler (e.g., range rings, contour lines, measuremnt
vectors, etc.)
Screen Layout, Buttons, Layer Tree, Status Bar 15

5. Markers: Markers are QT Modeler-generated marker files, either generated manually by the user or
imported from an external file.
6. Routes: Routes are an assembly of markers that are connected in a sequence to define routes for
walking, driving, or other travel.
7. Textures: Textures are imagery and other raster products that are overlaid on a model, but never
actually become part of the model.
8. Bookmarks: Bookmarks allow a quick marking of a specific view or perspective that can be returned
to later or sent to another user.
9. Minimize the layer tree by clicking the minimize layer tree button at the top of the layer tree:
10.Access the layer transparency control by clicking the layer transparency button at the top of the layer

The basic operations performed in the layer tree are:

1. Checking/Unchecking boxes makes that element visible (checked) or invisible (unchecked).
2. Left Clicking Section Headers: Calls up a "Manager" interface for all loaded elements of that type
3. Left Clicking on individual elements: Calls up either an information screen on that element, some of
which provide editing capability (e.g., markers, routes) or in the case of Bookmarks, takes the user to
that specific view perspective.
4. Right Clicking on individual elements: Calls up a context menu to perform relevant actions on that
element (e.g., Go to, Rename, Edit, etc.)
5. Right Clicking on a Section Header: Pulls up relevant tools for the entire category (e.g., load, open,
16 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

3.2.1 Special Overlays

Layer Tree > Special Overlays Folder

Special Overlays are tools that assist with visualization, but are not file-based or object-based entities that
have separate folders in the layer tree (e.g., Models, Textures). The special overlays that are available are:

Virtual QTA Analyst: Enables filtering/coloring based on QTA attributes of point clouds. Only works on
QTA point clouds with attributes. (More Info - QTA Continuous Attribute Filtering Advanced)
Virtual Height Colors: Basic Height coloration (More Info - Set Height Coloration)
Virtual Contour Lines: Customizable Contour Lines (More Info - Contour Lines)
Virtual Shadows: Generates shadow maps instantly based on user-set lighting direction (More Info - Set
Virtual LOS Map: Instant generation of Line of Sight map based on a marker position. (More Info - Virtual
Line of Sight - Marker)
Axes: 3D Version of a North Arrow.
Compass: Gives real time readout of camera orientation (azimuth and elevation)
Crosshairs: Places small crosshair in the center of the screen. "Targeted Point" mode rotates around the
center of the screen, so crosshairs can be a useful navigation aid.
Legend: Displays the legend for a variety of purposes - e.g., height color, slope, HLZ, etc.
Screen Layout, Buttons, Layer Tree, Status Bar 17

Scale(2D): Distance scale only available in 2D mode ( ) due to the difficulty in accurately representing
scale in a 3D scene.

Note that Special Overlays are all reliant upon graphics card capabilities. In particular, Virtual Contours,
Virtual Shadows, and Virtual LOS Map rely heavily on relatively advanced OpenGL capabilities and the
availability of multiple texture slots. Virtual Shadow Map

Virtual Shadow Map is accessed either from the Layer Tree > Special Overlays > Virtual Shadows checkbox,

or from the Set Lighting Tool/Button:

Virtual shadows cast shadows in real time as the lighting direction is adjusted. Subsequent shadow maps
can be turned into a "real" shadow map image file and exported to other applications. To use Virtual

Load a Surface Model or Point Cloud

Unlike Traditional Shadow Map, Virtual Shadow Map works on both point clouds and surface models
(DEM's, DTM's, etc.).

Activate Virtual Shadow Map (From Layer Tree or Lighting Tool)

Activate Virtual Shadows either from the Layer Tree > Special Overlays, or from the Lighting tool. If
"Virtual Shadows" is grayed out in the layer tree, either your graphics card does not support Virtual Tools
at all, or you have a configuration setting that is preventing QT Modeler from accessing the OpenGL
functions necessary to calcualte and render Virtual tools. Check your OpenGL Configuration to ensure
Multi-Stage Rendering is enabled (File > Options/Settings > Configure OpenGL) and also check to ensure
your computer's OpenGL version is sufficent to support Virtual Tools (Help > OpenGL Resources) More
Info on OpenGL Resources

Adjust Lighting Direction (From Lighting Tool or CTRL-Left Click Shortcut)

There are two ways to adjust the lighting direction:
1. Use the Lighting tool: The advantage of the lighting tool is that it has a slider for time of day, thus
giving Geo-correct lighting conditions. In addition, it has an Azimuth/Elevation setting that could be
18 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

useful in simulating lunar lighting conditions.

2. Use the shortcut of CTRL + Leftclick/Drag to move lighting around in any direction. This is a simple and
easy, but does not track the arc of the sun in a geographically correct fashion.

Exporting Raster Result

Since Virtual Shadow Map results are "virtual", they exist only on the graphics card (i.e., they are not a
file). If you would like to export Virtual Shadow Map results as an image, right click on Special Overlays >
Virtual Shadows, and "Create Shadow Map texture". A new texture will appear in the textures folder
called "QT Shadow Map". Once the virtual texture has become "real" (i.e., it is now a file), it can be
exported, saved, etc. just like any texture.

Graphics & OpenGL Considerations

In order for Virtual Shadows to work, your video card must support OpenGL version 3.0 or higher.
Discrete graphics cards (e.g., NVIDIA, ATI) will likely support this, but may need the driver upgraded. This
is usually a fairly straightforward process of downloading an upgraded driver from the manufacturer's
website and installing it. Integrated graphics chipsets (e.g., Intel) will have a more difficult time
supporting advanced graphics capabilities.

3.2.2 Workspace
File Menu > Save Local Workspace, Export Portable Workspace, and Load Workspace
Layer Tree Button Bar:

Workspaces enable the user to save and/or share the entire contents of the layer tree for future use.
Workspaces can be accessed from the button bar at the top of the layer tree or from the File menu. There
are two types of workspace - local and portable. These are the basic principles behind workspaces. Please
click the hyperlinks to learn more about each topic.

Why Use a Workspace?

Users are generating increasingly complex products from their LiDAR & 3D data. Workspaces enable the
saving of everything that is in the layer tree - Models, textures, markers, vectors, etc. When a user is
Screen Layout, Buttons, Layer Tree, Status Bar 19

finished working for the day, or needs to move to another project, a local workspace enables a return to
the entire project at a later time. When an analyst needs to share results with a downstream user, a
portable workspace will copy all files and display settings into a single file that contains 3D models,
images, vectors, annotation layers, bookmarks, etc., so the end user sees exactly what the analyst wanted
to share.

What is the Difference Between a Local and Portable Workspace?

Local Workspace: Saves links to files that are used locally. Saves entire files only when QT Modeler
detects that it has been changed from the file stored locally. Saves entire project including bookmarks,
annotation overlays, markers, routes, and vectors in the workspace file.
Portable Workspace: Copies the entire files in use into the workspace file. For this reason, Portable
Workspace files will likely be considerably larger than local workspace files.
Both types of files preserve the layer tree check marks that designate what files are visible as well as
the coloration toggles (height color, vertex color, textures) so the next user of the workspace will
experience the project exactly as the analyst did. Bookmarks can lead the end user into specific
perspectives of specific features. Annotation overlays on the bookmarks can further call out features in
the scene.

Saving and Loading Workspaces

To create a workspace, simply load a model into the scene. Begin layering images, vectors, routes,
markers, and/or bookmarks. Once all of the files are loaded, all bookmarks created, all markers placed,
etc., follow these steps:
Saving Local Workspace: Click the Save Local Workspace button at the top of the layer tree:
Choose a file name, and click "Save".
Exporting Portable Workspace: Click the Export Portable Workspace button at the top of the layer
tree: Choose a file name, and click "Save".
Loading Workspace: The procedure is the same whether the workspace is local or portable. Simply
click on the "Open Workspace" button at the top of the layer tree: Select a workspace file (.qwz)
and click "Open".

What Information is Saved in a Workspace?

An easy way to understand what is going to be saved in a workspace is to look at the layer tree.
Everything that is loaded in the layer tree will be saved in the workspace. If objects in the layer tree are
unchecked (i.e., not visible in the QTM model space window), they will still be saved in the local/portable
workspace. The only way to prevent a model, texture, marker, etc. from being saved with a workspace is
to remove it from the scene altogether, thus making it disappear from the layer tree as well. At this time,
there is no way to save "partial" workspaces - i.e., subsets of what you see in the layer tree. It is all or

Can I Share a Workspace?

Yes. It is probably best to share a portable (rather than a local) workspace, as a local workspace is simply
a collection of links back to locally stored files. Even if the files used in a local workspace come from a
central server, there is some risk that the precise path names to the original data may have a user name
or other unique identifier in the path name itself, thus making it useless to another workstation.
Workspaces can also be shared with the free Quick Terrain Reader, which can read workspace files and
manipulate data in the layer tree, just like Quick Terrain Modeler. See next topic.

Can the Free Quick Terrain Reader Use Workspaces?

20 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Yes. The Quick Terrain Reader is free, requires no key, and has the same underlying rendering
"horsepower" as the Quick Terrain Modeler. It can be downloaded from here: http:// The QT Reader will be able to view workspaces, but will not be
able to create or save workspaces. See more Information and Suggestions here: Sharing Workspace with
QT Reader. Workspace - Share with QT Reader

Workspaces can be shared with users who have the free Quick Terrain Reader software. The QT Reader
"experience" will be quite similar to the QT Modeler experience. Some things to consider when sending
workspaces to the QT Reader:

The Quick Terrain Reader is free and does not require a license file or any interaction from Applied
Imagery. Simply download from our website - ,
install, and begin using.
You can Open Workspace files in QT Reader multiple ways:
o Drag and drop the Workspace file (.qwz) into QT Reader.
o Open using the "Open Workspace" button at the top of the layer tree:
o Go to the File Menu > Open Workspace.
Keep in mind the potential limitations of your downstream users' computers:
o Potential graphics card limitations, especially lack of OpenGL support, will impact display of
point clouds and textures. QT Reader has the same graphics requirements as QT Modeler.
o Potential RAM limitations could limit maximum file sizes.
There could be a user learning curve for the end user. Bookmarks are a good way to guide the end
user to the features you want them to see. Workspace File Format

The QT Modeler workspace file format is a Zip file with the extension .qwz. The workspace file can be
opened and examined with WinZip or comparable Zip file tool. To create a workspace from another
application, simply establish the file structure shown below, Zip the entire file structure together, then
rename the extension ".qwz".

File structure required. Please use the exact names, including capitalization to establish a workspace file
Screen Layout, Buttons, Layer Tree, Status Bar 21

(Notes in parenthesis) :

Bookmarks (Include only QT Modeler bookmark files)

Markers (Include only QT Modeler marker files or any point based marker file such as KML or SHP)
Models (Include 3D models - LAS/LAZ Files, GeoTIFF Files, BPF, QTT, QTC/QTA, etc.)
Routes (Include QT Modeler route files)
Textures (Include 2D overlaid imagery of any acceptable file format - GeoTIFF, MRSID, NITF, ECW,
IMG, etc. These images should be orthorectified and georegistered.)
Vectors (Include QT Modeler vector files, SHP, and KML files - or any vector format that can simply
be "opened)

After creating the folder structure and copying files into the appropriate folders, it is also useful (but not
mandatory) to copy a QT Modeler INI file into the top level directory. See images below.

The .ins File: When QT Modeler generates a workspace, it creates an auxiliary file for each model that is
called modelname.ins (where modelname is the original file name). This is an instruction file. It details
specific characteristics about the file in the context of how the workspace was saved. At the present time, it
only contains information about whether the model/vector/image/etc. was visible (i.e., was the checkbox
checked in the layer tree when the workspace was saved/exported?). In the future, the instruction file may
contain additional information. Instruction files are not necessary for the successful creation and opening of
a QT Modeler workspace. The only drawback at this time for not having an instruction file is that all check
boxes in the layer tree will be checked when a user opens a workspace.

Bookmarks are similar in concept to bookmarks in a browser or "favorites" in other software. Bookmarks
store a specific viewpoint that can be returned to again in the future, saved, or shared with other users. To
use bookmarks:

1. Navigate to a zoom level and perspective that you would like to recall later.
2. Type "Q" on the keyboard or Right Click on the Bookmarks section of the layer tree to create a bookmark.
It will appear in the layer tree.
3. Rename the bookmark by right clicking on it and choosing "Rename"
4. If desired add an Annotation Layer to a bookmark. Annotation layers enable documentation of features
in a scene. More info on Annotation Layers
22 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

5. Continue navigating through the model. Click on the bookmark to return to that view.

Bookmark notes: Bookmarks are storing a camera position and view angle. They are not associated with a
specific data set, nor do they store an image of the scene. Bookmarks can be saved and shared with other
users, but the other user needs to load the same data set (or at least a data set from the same location) for
bookmark sharing to work. Annotation Layer for Bookmarks

Users can attach an annotation Overlay Layer to bookmarks to assist in documenting or highlighting
features in a scene. The annotation overlay can only be seen when a bookmark is "locked", i.e., the
annotation layer checkbox is checked. This will temporarily suspend navigation and enable "annotation
mode" in which objects can be placed, moved, resized, and edited.

To Create/Edit the Bookmark Annotation Overlay:

Establish a Bookmark
Bookmarks can be established either from the hot key "Q" or by right clicking the Bookmark folder in the
Layer tree and choosing "Create New Bookmark". See more info on Bookmarks.

Right Click on Bookmark, Add Overlay

Check the Check Box, Open Overlay Drawing Tools

Check the check box next to the bookmark to which you want to add an annotation overlay.
Open the annotation overlay drawing tools one of two ways:
o Right click on the bookmark, Select Overlay > Overlay Tools
o Left click on the Bookmarks folder.
The Annotation Tools interface will pop up.

Check Box Checked = Annotation Mode: Locked to Bookmark & Navigation Suspended
When the Bookmark with Annotation Overlay has its check box checked, the scene is locked to that
perspective and is in "Annotation Mode", i.e., all mouse controls, hot keys, etc. are now dedicated to
Screen Layout, Buttons, Layer Tree, Status Bar 23

editing the annotation layer, not to manipulating the model. To get back to "normal" control modes, the
check box must be unchecked.

Annotate Scene Using Annotation Tools

The Annotation Tools interface contains basic drawing, text, and image import functions. The basic
functions are :
Linear Circle/Solid Circle: Click the button, left click/drag in the scene. Right click on object to edit it.
Linear Rectangle/Solid Rectangle: Click the button, left click/drag in the scene. Right click on object to
edit it.
Linear Polygon/Solid Polygon: Click the button, left click/drag in the scene. Right click on object to edit
Line/Arrow: Click the button, left click in scene to start line, left click to add vertices to the line, right
click to end the line. Right click on existing line to edit.
Text: Text input tool. See More Info
Image Import: Left Click, select image file, Open. Right click to move/resize image.
Settings: Basic Default Settings for Annotation Tools See More Info

Aspect Ratio & Annotation Layers

When an annotation overlay is created, it is created on a specific scene and the annotations only make
sense when they align with the features of that scene. In the creation of the original annotation layer,
there is a specific aspect ratio (ratio of height to width of the model space window). In order for the
annotation layer to make sense to other users, this aspect ratio must be preserved. While QT Modeler
can scale the annotation layer image to fit different sized screens, there is nothing it can do to stretch the
annotation layer to different screen aspect ratios. For this reason, when loading an annotation layer on
another computer, or even in a smaller window on the same computer, a white frame may appear in the
scene. This frame represents the aspect ratio of the screen when the annotation layer was created. It
may be useful to try to adjust the QT Modeler window to match the annotation aspect ratio. See
example below.
24 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Annotation Export Possibilities

Once an annotation layer is created, there are multiple export possibilities:

Export to PowerPoint (Export Menu > PowerPoint Tool, or PowerPoint button

Export Image as TIFF (if in 3D mode) or GeoTIFF if in 2D Mode. (Export Menu > Render Screen to

Registered or Unregistered Image or use export GeoTIFF button ). Note, annotated images can
only be exported as a georegistered raster product if QT Modeler is in 2D mode. Otherwise, the
perspective of 3D mode will make it impossible to correctly georegister the image.
Export to Garmin GPS - but only if annotation layer was created in 2D mode. Otherwise, it cannot be
exported as a georegsitered product an Garmin will not know the location of the image. Use Garmin
button . Annotation Settings

Annotation Settings establishes the default annotation characteristics for all annotation tools. Simply set
the Line Style/Size/Color/End Style, Fill Color, and Font Color/Size to set the default values for these items.
Subsequent objects will all have these characteristics when placed, but can be edited later. See more about
Annotation Overlays for Bookmarks. Annotation Text

The Edit Annotation Text interface is used to add/edit text in an annotation layer. To access it, click the Text
Icon in the Annotation Tools Window (More Info on Annotation Layers) or right click on a text object in an
annotation layer and select Edit/Move.

3.3 Quick Terrain Modeler Button Bar

The button bar consists of eighteen buttons that give users access to frequently used tools and functions.
The button bar can be selectively turned on and off by going to the File menu, selecting Options/Settings
and checking "Show Toolbar". The default toolbar looks like this:

Users can customize the toolbar by going to the File...Options and Settings menu and selecting Configure
Screen Layout, Buttons, Layer Tree, Status Bar 25


The individual buttons perform the following functions:

Open New Model: Opens a model and displays it in Quick Terrain Modeler. This button will open
pre-built models of any type - point cloud, surface model, DTED, GeoTIFF DEM as well as LAS files.

Add Model: Loads an additional model into the model space.

Save Model: Saves an existing model.

Clear Model: Clears all loaded models. Note: Be sure to save all models before clearing.

Import Model Data: This button calls up the import functionality. This functionality creates models
from raw model data.

Export Model Data: This button calls up the export functionality. This functionality exports various
types of 2-D or 3-D models and images from the existing model.

Import Vector Data: Thus button calls up the import vector functionality. Most vector formats (e.g.,
SHP, KML, etc.) are supported.

Export KML to Google Earth: This button exports KML products as specified by the user. If specified,
it also opens Google Earth and displays the products.

Toggle Height Coloration: This button turns height coloration on and off. Please note, on some video
cards, the height coloration effect can only be achieved simultaneously with overlaid textures.

Real time contour line generation. Click this button to generate contour lines on the fly. Right click on
the button to display the Contour Line configuration window. This feature only works with surface models.

Toggle Loaded Textures: "Texture" is a generic term for overlaid imagery (e.g., photographs, maps,
etc.) that is independent of the model itself. Images may be overlaid as textures across all current models in
one of three methods Projective, Orthographic and Orthorectified. Once these images/textures are overlaid,
use the "Toggle Loaded Textures" button to quickly and temporarily add and remove the imagery from the
current display.

Toggle Vertex Colors: This button turns on/off any colors that are embedded in the models
themselves. This includes LOS maps, slope maps, change detection maps, shadow calculations, intensity or
26 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

RGB imported with the model, etc.

Overlay Orthorectified Texture: This button calls up the Overlay Orthorectified Texture functionality.
Please note that the Quick Terrain Modeler also overlays orthographic and projective imagery, so this
button may not be suitable for all imagery.

2-D Mode: 2-D Mode toggles the display mode to 2-D. 2-D mode may be more suitable for tasks that
involve overlaying vector data. In 2-D mode, tilt and rotate are suspended.

3-D Mode: 3-D mode toggles the display mode to 3-D.

Reset Display: This button resets the model view to the entire extents of the visible model(s). This is
a useful tool for reorienting the user in a large model or set of models. Occasionally, the user may need to
reset more parameters (e.g., lighting, height scale, etc.). To reset display and these other parameters, use
the menu function "Reset Viewer".

Go To: Pulls up the Coordinate Conversion Utility.

Help: Displays the Quick Terrain Modeler Help file.

Stop Current Process: Depending on model sizes and PC configurations, some processes may take a
long time to complete. Almost any process except for saving and loading may be canceled by pressing the
"Stop Current Process" button on the toolbar.

View Model Statistics: Users can obtain information and statistics on the currently loaded models by
clicking on the View Model Statistics button. This will open a window listing the total number of points,
model extents in X, Y, and Z, the model origin in Geodetic/UTM space, the model size and type, and a
histogram of all the Z values in the model. The top of the window will contain a drop-down list allowing you
to select for which model to display statistics. If multiple models are loaded one scale will be selected for all
model histograms to make comparisons direct. Also refer to Model Statistics section.

Place Marker Pin: The user can add custom labeled and colored markers to indicate positions of
important features and to create Line-of-Sight maps. To place a marker, the user can click on the "Place
Marker Pin" button in the toolbar, left-clicking and dragging the mouse on the model to the desired
position. The user can then edit markers positions, names, sizes and colors by selecting Edit Marker, Set
Marker Size and Show Labels from the Markers menu. "Markers" are saved and loaded as "mrk" files. If you
have saved your markers they will be added to any tilesets you save. But you must save the markers to load
them either through the Marker menu, Load or through a tileset.

Select: Pressing the Select button places the user in "Select" mode which enables the user to select
an area to keep or an area to cut. Pressing the button again exits the user from Select mode. This can also
Screen Layout, Buttons, Layer Tree, Status Bar 27

be done by choosing Select from the Edit menu.

To select an area, left-click and drag in the main viewing window to select a region of the model. The
selected region will be highlighted. Right clicking and dragging will allow the user to rotate this box to a
desired orientation. Regions may also be selected numerically by choosing "Select Area…" from the Edit

Z Select Polygon: Pressing the Select Polygon button places the user in "Z Polygon Select" mode which
enables the user to select an area down the Z axis to keep, measure, or cut. Once the button is pressed, the
user simply left clicks on each vertex of the desired polygon. When completed, the user right clicks on the
polygon to complete it.

Select Window Polygon: Pressing the Select Polygon button places the user in "Polygon Window
Select" mode which enables the user to select an area down the viewing axis to keep, measure, or cut. Once
the button is pressed, the user simply left clicks on each vertex of the desired polygon. When completed,
the user right clicks on the polygon to complete it. Window select is useful for removing groups of points
from a point cloud without removing the points directly beneath them. See Example.

Cut: The Cut button removes the selected area from the model. Select Area with either Select or
Select Polygon tools. Selection areas can also be imported from a shape file.

Crop: the crop button removes everything except the selected are from the model. Select Area with
either Select or Select Polygon tools. Selection areas can also be imported from a shape file.

Place Mensuration Line: The user can measure between any points in the model. Simply click the
Place Mensuration Line Button, then move the mouse cursor to any place in the model. Left click on the
start point and again on the end point. This can be repeated for a multi-segmented line. When the line is
complete, click on the Place Mensuration Line button again.

Volume Calculation: Clicking the volume calculation button calls up the volume calculation function.

Line of Sight: Calls up the Line of Sight functionality. (USA Version Only)

Set Water Level: Calls up the Set Water Level function which performs flood simulation and tidal
inundation analysis.

Show/Hide Models: Calls up the Show/Hide Models window which enables turning individual models/
layers on and off selectively.

Set Height Scale: Calls up the Set Height Scale Function to exaggerate or minimize elevation
28 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Calculate Grid Statistics: Calls up the grid statistics tool. The same function is also available in the
Analysis menu.

QTA Quick Color button: Enables the quick coloration of point cloud models by a variety of attributes,
such as classification, return number, intensity, first/last/intermediate return, AGL height, etc.

Set Lighting: The set lighting button calls up the Set Lighting functionality. It is frequently useful to
manipulate the lighting to achieve maximum relief in the model or to brighten the model after overlaying a

Set Cloud Point Size: Calls up the Set Cloud Point Size interface to allow rapid changing of point sizes.

3.4 Configure Toolbar

Configuring the toolbar enables users to create a toolbar with any buttons they choose, in any order they
choose. The baseline configuration has 33 buttons. As of version 7.1.4, there are not two separate button
bars, but simply a sequence of buttons that wraps to another line if/when necessary due to the width of the
screen. See the list of buttons below.

To add buttons to the toolbar, double click on a button choice in the left hand "Button Choices" column. It
will appear in the right hand "Current Toolbar" column. Use the Move Up, Move Down, and Remove button
to group buttons together as desired. Click "Apply" to make the choices appear in the actual toolbar.

Click the "QT Modeler Defaults" button to return to the default button selection and order. DoD users may
find it helpful to click "Tactical Defaults" to configure the most commonly used buttons - i.e., HLZ Analysis,
GPS Export, Model Search, etc.

Custom toolbar configurations can be saved and loaded using the Save and Load buttons.
Screen Layout, Buttons, Layer Tree, Status Bar 29

3.5 Quick Terrain Modeler Hot Keys and Shortcuts

Movement Controls:
N: Move Model to a north-up, nadir view (i.e., viewing straight down the Z axis), centering the view on
the location that was already in the center of the view.
SHIFT-N: Holding down SHIFT causes a red box to appear. Typing “N” causes QTM to go to a north up
nadir view as noted above, but with the red box at the center. Left clicking will pull up the point
interrogation window.
Double Click: Move cursor anywhere, double click to bring the point under the cursor to the center of the
view. Orientation and zoom will be preserved (i.e., it will not necessarily be a north-up, nadir view.)
Arrows (Left-Right): Rotate
Arrows (Up-Down): Tilt
Shift + Arrows: Lateral Movement
Home: Zoom In
End: Zoom Out
T: Transport to specific location (move cursor, left click, then type "T")

Google Earth:
G: Type "G" to perform an instantaneous synchronization with Google Earth.

Mensuration & Vector Annotation

S: Start Mensuration Line (move cursor to desired beginning point, left click, then type "S")
E: End Mensuration Line (move cursor to desired end point, then type "E")
V: Create a sampled (i.e., terrain hugging) vector by typing “V” to end a mensuration line. Remember to
set default vector display properties in the Display…Configure Vector Models menu.
SHIFT-V: Create an unsampled (i.e., point to point) vector by typing “SHIFT-V” on a mensuration line.
Remember to set default vector display properties in the Display…Configure Vector Models menu.

Selection Areas/Mensuration Lines

ALT: If selection area or mensuration line needs to go beyond visible screen/view and some vertices have
already been placed, hold down "ALT", reposition model, release "ALT", then continue placing vertices.
CTRL + Right Click: Calls up a context menu to call area statistics, cut, crop, export, and decimate.

Individual Point Selection

SHIFT: Hold down "SHIFT", a red box will appear. Left click on desired point/vertex to call up point
interrogation window. Type “N” to place that point in the center of the view with a north-up, nadir

CTRL: If multiple models are loaded, but some models are hidden (using show/hide model),cutting or
cropping will only apply to the visible model(s). Holding down "CTRL" prior to performing cut or crop will
force the editing function to apply to all models, whether they are hidden or visible.

CTRL: Hold down "CTRL", then left click and drag. Lighting direction will change.

Line of Sight
L: Calculate Vector Line of Sight (move cursor to desired observation point, left click, then type "L") to all
loaded markers. Type "L" again to remove LOS vectors. (USA Version only).
30 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Coordinate Conversion
P: Left click on location, Type "P" to pull up coordinate conversion utility and populate
with position information.

Finding Models and Data

F: Left click on location, Type "F" to pull up the model search tool, which will be pre-populated with the
coordinate under your cursor.

M: Hold down "M", left click to quickly place markers in a model.
K: Hold down “K”, move cursor to the vicinity of an existing marker, then left click and drag to move the

Q: Simply type Q on the keyboard to create a new bookmark.

3.6 Configure Status Bar

Status Bar Options enables two basic settings for the readout of the position under the cursor:

1. Change the coordinate system that reads out in the status bar. In order for this real time coordinate
conversion to occur, data must be in UTM or geodetic (lat/long) coordinates. At this time, QTM cannot
convert between state plane and other coordinate systems.

2. Show the range from the "camera" (i.e., simulating where the user's eyes are relative to the terrain) and
the model itself. This can be useful to understand what a scene may look like from a given distance. This is
the range from the camera to the point underneath the cursor.

Note that when the coordinates displayed in the status bar are no longer the native coordinates of the
model, the status bar will be colored yellow. In the example below, the range to the model at the point
under the cursor is 177.87 meters.
Quick Terrain Modeler

Version 8


32 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

4 Menu - File

4.1 Preview Geospatial Data

QT Modeler and QT Reader offer the ability to preview 3D, 2D, and vector data prior to loading and/or
importing it. This capability can significantly reduce the amount of time spent on file selection, as the user
can quickly see critical information about data without taking the time to load and inspect it. Specifically,
users can:

Inspect the file header to determine critical information such as number of points in an LAS file,
georegistration information in LAS and GeoTIFF files, and the spatial extents of the data. Essentially, any
information contained in the file header is visible.
Inspect NGA Variable Length Records (VLR's) that contain important information such as collection date,
sensor, classification level, etc. Please note that users will have identical functionality for NGA LAS files
that are encoded as NTM.
Preview the file's spatial extents in Google Earth. This enables a quick check to see if the data is in the
user's Area of Interest prior to taking the time to load it. If LAS point data coverage is irregularly shaped,
the extents will appear in Google Earth as a rectangle (min/max X and Y), rather than conforming to the
exact shape of the actual data coverage.

File Header Preview

To preview file information, simply select "Open Model", Add Model", "Import Model", etc. - Any place
that the file selection dialog appears, the preview capability exists. When the file dialog window appears,
simply highlight a file. If it contains header information, the header information will appear. Use the
preview window to inspect the header text. This preview capability will work with any file structure that
uses a standard header (e.g., LAS, GeoTIFF, MRSID, IMG, etc.) but will not work with file types that have
no standard header (e.g., text files, ASCII data, etc.).

Preview of LAS File Header


LAS Variable Length Records & NGA-Specific VLR's

LAS files have a header section known as the Variable Length Record or VLR. VLR's are user-defined
strings of information that are created and defined in the LAS header. While the VLR can contain any
amount or type of information, the most common types of VLR information are standard georegistration
keys, identical to those used in GeoTIFF's. The LAS standard also defines a protocol to insert user-defined
information. NGA has used this capability to define its own information - data such as the data
Menu - File 33

acquisition date, sensor ID, security level, etc. QT Modeler gives the user the ability to preview the NGA
VLR in the preview window. The process is identical if the LAS file is in its native LAS file format, or if it is
wrapped in a NITF wrapper (i.e., file extension of .ntm).

File Header Preview of

NTM-Encoded LAS File

File Header Preview Showing NGA

VLR Data - Date, Sensor, etc.

Geospatial Preview in Google Earth

QTM's file preview capability also give the user the ability to see the spatial footprint of the file in Google
Earth. This can be very helpful to identify the correct file in the user's area of interest without actually
opening the file. To use this capability, simply check the "Preview in Google Earth check box.

1. Data in UTM, geodetic, and State Plane can be previewed in Google Earth.
2. Unregistered Cartesian data can not be previewed, as QT Modeler has no way to understand its
position on the Earth.
3. Spatial preview works with 3D, 2D, and vector data.
4. Multiple file selection will result in multiple footprints being displayed in Google Earth. If these file are
not near each other, it may result in Google Earth zooming out extremely far.

Check Box to Display Preview Footprint in Google Earth

34 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

4.2 Open Model

Open New Model: This choice will allow the user to select an existing model. The default setting is for the
file selection window to only look for supported model formats. These formats are:

.QTC – Quick Terrain Modeler's proprietary ungridded point cloud.

.QTT – Quick Terrain Modeler's proprietary gridded surface model.
.QDT – Quick Terrain Modeler's proprietary model type for DTED data. Since DTED's store elevation
values as integers, only a "short" (i.e., 2-byte integer value) is required to represent elevation values.
Thus, the QDT model type does not have the dynamic range of the QTT model type, but it will appear
as the same type of gridded surface model.
LAS: Industry standard for point data
LAZ - Compressed LAS Model
GeoTIFF DEM (16-bit and 32-bit)
DTED - DTED can be opened directly into the QDT model format or "imported" into the QTT format.
When opening directly into QDT format, DTED's can be converted to UTM. When importing into QTT
format, DTED's must remain in geodetic coordinates (i.e., latitude/longitude). By default, DTED's are
opened as QDT, which is a 16-bit height field. QDT's can not be exported as GeoTIFF DEM because they
are not 32-bit elevation data and they are not gridded orthogonally.
Pseudo DTED "DTC DEM" - This high resolution DTED format increases the dynamic range of DTED
elevations by specifying an elevation scale factor in the header. Normal DTED's are only capable of
integer values in the elevation field. Pseudo DTED's can support sub meter precision in elevation
values. Quick Terrain Modeler automatically reads the scale factor and opens DTC's as QTT surface
models. Note that Pseudo DTED's, by default, will be opened as a QTT (32-bit height field gridded data
Other file types supported by GDAL libraries.

If the model you are trying to load does not have a recognized extension, you will need to use the pull down
menu to look at "All Files".

4.3 Add Models

The Add Models function is similar to Open New Model, but does not close the existing model before
opening the new model.

Please note that you can continue to add any number of models and any type of models to be displayed
simultaneously. The size and number of models you may load is limited only by the amount of memory on
your PC.

4.4 Add Models with Offset

Allows the user to offset the new model in X, Y or Z. This may be useful if the user desires the overlap areas
between simultaneously loaded models to be visually distinct. It may also be useful to load a point cloud on
top of a surface model and ensure the points are visible above the terrain by artificially raising the elevation
Menu - File 35

4.5 Opening Quick Terrain Modeler from External Applications

Quick Terrain Modeler can be launched from a command line interface, or from external applications. In

To Open Quick Terrain Modeler from the Command Line (2 options):

Open the DOS Command Prompt Window. Navigate to the directory in which Quick Terrain Modeler
was installed. Type the following: QTModeler.exe . The Quick Terrain Modeler application window
will open.
Open the DOS Command Prompt Window. From any directory, type the entire path of the
QTModeler.exe file. The Quick Terrain Modeler application window will open. For example: “c:
\program files\quick terrain modeler\qtmodeler.exe”. The quotation marks are required. Path
structure will be computer dependent.

To Open Quick Terrain Modeler and Load a Single Model (2 options):

Open the DOS Command Prompt Window. Navigate to the directory in which QT Modeler was
installed. Type the following: QTModeler.exe “pathname\filename”. The Quick Terrain Modeler
application window will open and the file will be loaded. An example of the command is below. The
target file is in the root directory. It looks like this: QTModeler “c:\test1.qtt”. The quotation marks
are required.
From any directory, type the entire path of the QTModeler.exe file followed by “pathname\filename”.
The Quick Terrain Modeler application window will open and the file will be loaded. For example: “c:
\program files\quick terrain modeler\qtmodeler.exe” “c:\test1.qtt”. The quotation marks are
required. Path structure will be computer dependent.
Note: Eligible file types are QTT (our gridded surface model), QTC (our point cloud format), GeoTIFF
DEM (32-bit), DTED, and LAS files.

To Open Quick Terrain Modeler and Load Multiple Models (2 options):

Open the DOS Command Prompt Window. Navigate to the directory in which QT Modeler was
installed. Type the following: QTModeler.exe “pathname\filename1” “pathname\filename2”.
Quotation marks are required. The Quick Terrain Modeler application window will open and the files
will be loaded. An example of the command is below. The target files are in the root directory. It
looks like this: QTModeler “c:\test1.qtt” “c:\test2.qtt”.
From any directory, type the entire path of the QTModeler.exe file followed by “pathname\filename”.
The Quick Terrain Modeler application window will open and the file will be loaded. For example: “c:
\program files\quick terrain modeler\qtmodeler.exe” “c:\test1.qtt” “c:\test2.qtt”. The quotation
marks are required. Path structure will be computer dependent
Note: Eligible file types are QTT (our gridded surface model), QTC (our point cloud format), GeoTIFF
DEM (32-bit), DTED, and LAS files.

For Quick Terrain Reader: All of the above functionality will work with the free Quick Terrain Reader, but the
command is qtreader.exe.

4.6 Coordinate Converter Utility

The coordinate conversion utility provides the following set of functionality:
36 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Provides a simple way to convert a single point between five coordinate systems - Native (could be
any known coordinate system, Geodetic (decimal degrees), Geodetic (Degrees/minutes), Geodetic
(degrees/minutes/seconds), and Military Grid Reference System (MGRS). A sixth coordinate box
contains an "Edit" button that enables the user to select any other known coordinate system to
convert to.
Allows the user to quickly zoom to the location specified in the interface or to pre-placed markers.
Create markers in specific locations.
Convert existing marker positions between the five coordinate systems mentioned above.
Determine elevation values for specific X-Y positions.

Converting Point Coordinates

To convert the coordinates of a single position, there are three ways to populate the coordinate converter

Manually: To manually go to a specific location, simply type in the coordinates in one of the five
available coordinate system input fields. Regardless of which coordinate system is entered, all five
will be immediately updated to the new position.

From a Marker: If markers are loaded, the user can select a marker from the "Marker" pull down
menu. Once a marker is selected, the position of the marker will be populated in the five coordinate

From a Position in the model: To convert the coordinates of any position in the model, simply point
the cursor to that position, left click the mouse, and type "P" on the keyboard. The position under
the cursor will be populated in all five coordinate systems.

Entering Altitude
The default position of the "Altitude" field is set to AGL (Above Ground Level) with a value of zero. This
means that the position is resting on the surface of the model. To set a specific altitude, either set the AGL
value to a nonzero number (e.g., to simulate a planned observation tower), or set an absolute elevation

Creating Markers
Once a position has been entered either manually (by typing the position into one of the input fields) or
from a position in the model (by left clicking on a model position and typing "P"), the user can create a
marker in that position. The user must manually type a marker name in the marker name field (to the right
of the "Create Marker Named..." button). A marker will appear. Markers can be edited, saved, and
exported. Furthermore, markers of locations can be sent to users of the Quick Terrain Modeler or the free
Quick Terrain Reader to share positional information. Please note that markers also form the basis of line of
sight analysis.

Zooming to a Point or Marker

Once a position has been entered in the steps above, a user can zoom to that location in one of two ways:

"Look Here": This function brings the location (or marker) to the center of the screen, but using the
current camera position. This operation is equivalent to rotating one's head to put an object in the
center of the field of view. The head (camera) is rotated (camera heading) and/or tilted (camera
pitch), but the head (camera) stays in the same position. For this reason, Zoom level is irrelevant
with respect to "Look Here". To "Look" at a point, simply enter the position manually or by typing
Menu - File 37

"P", then click "Look Here". To "Look" at a marker, simply select the appropriate marker from the
pull down menu and click "Look Here"

"Go Here": This function reorients the model so the user is looking straight down (nadir view) on the
position or marker. In contrast to the "Look Here" function, the "Go Here" function moves the
camera position, points it straight down at the marker, and orients the model north-up. The Zoom
Level is important when using the "Go Here" function, as it will determine how closely the user is
zoomed in when the "Go Here" button is pressed

"Zoom Level": Zoom Level determines how closely the user will be zoomed in when using the "Go
Here" function. The zoom level is irrelevant when using the "Look Here" function.

Using Coordinate Conversion Utility with "Cartesian" Coordinates

Quick Terrain Modeler can not convert between Cartesian coordinates and the coordinate systems noted
above. The functionality of "Look Here", "Go Here", and marker creation still apply.

4.7 Model Search

Model Search is a tool that enables very fast search of relevant 3D and/or 2D data. Frequently, LiDAR and
other geospatial data is divided into "tiles" of data. A survey may consist of hundreds, even thousands, of
tiles. They are not always named or organized in a consistent or intuitive manner. Consequently, finding
the right tiles can sometimes be a very arduous and time consuming effort.

The concept of this tool is simple:

1. Start with a coordinate. If models and data are in either UTM, MGRS, or geodetic (geographic), the
user-specified search coordinate can be in any one of the coordinate systems. For example, if data is
in UTM, the user can still specify and MGRS coordinate for model search.
2. Point to a directory or drive. Quick Terrain Modeler will inspect the directory as well as all
subdirectories to find data that contains that coordinate.
3. QTM will display a list of the data and/or models in the model list window.
4. Highlight a model or models and click "Load Models" to load the models into QTM.

Instructions (Starting with No Models Open):

1. Go to the "File" menu. Select "Model Search" from the menu.
38 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

2. Choose whether to search for 2D Imagery or 3D Models. Note that these are separate searches that
cannot be performed at the same time. The 2D Imagery search will find almost any raster format
(GeoTIFF, MRSID, ECW, CADRG, CIB, etc.) and the 3D Model Search will find any type of 3D data (LAS,
GeoTIFF DEM, DTED, etc.).
3. Click the "Select Directory" button. Choose a directory to search. Note that all subdirectories of the
chosen directory will be searched for relevant data.
4. Alternatively, use a "Search Cache" to find data. A Search Cache is a precalculated result to expedite
repetitive searches. A search cache is a file that is created by pointing the QTM search tool to a
directory or drive, calculating what files exist and their spatial extents. Learn more about Search
5. Input a coordinate in the appropriate field. Note that the coordinate system only needs to be input in
one of the five available coordinate sections. Upon input of the coordinate, QTM will convert
between the input coordinate and the other four coordinate systems (e.g., if you input an MGRS
coordinate, the UTM, Decimal Degree, Degrees-Minutes, and Degrees-Minutes-Seconds will be
automatically and simultaneously updated). See notes below.
UTM: Input both the northing and easting coordinates. Use the pulldown menus to select the
MGRS: Input a single MGRS coordinate. Please use as much precision as possible (e.g., 18S TH
93523 24676 - 10-digit grid coordinates). If using coordinates with lower precision, please be
sure to include the spaces when inputting the coordinate (e.g., 18S TH 935 246) or pad the
number with zeroes (e.g., 18S TH 93500 24600). Note that if less precision is used, QT Modeler
is still interpreting the input coordinate as a single point with 10-digit precision, rather than a
grid square (i.e., a point rather than an area) and will return relevant data as such. Future
releases will have the ability to search an area, but this release (v7.0.3) is searching on a point
with no buffer area around it.
Geodetic/Geographic: Input a coordinate in one of the three formats available - Decimal Degree,
Degrees-Decimal Minutes, and Degrees-Minutes-Seconds.
Cartesian/Unregistered/State Plane: Check the "Unregistered" check box. Input the X and Y
coordinates. The other coordinate systems will be grayed out.
4. Click "Find Models". The search time will depend on how many files and subdirectories QTM needs to
search, but should be measured in seconds. Searches for remotely connected storage will take longer
than local storage.
5. QTM will display a list of the files that match your search criteria. The list will potentially consist of
QTT, QTC, QTA, LAS, DTED, GeoTIFF DEM, and/or shape files.
6. Highlight a file or files on the results list. Click "Load Models"
7. Click "Load Search Point as Marker" to create a marker that quickly identifies the exact location of the
search coordinate one the model(s) is loaded.
8. Export to KML: Highlight the models of interest in the Search Results window, then click "Export to
KML". Save the KML vector outlines of model extents.

Instructions (Starting with One or More Models Open):

1. Begin with data loaded into Quick Terrain Modeler.
2. Left click anywhere in the model and type "F" (i.e., "Find") on the keyboard. The Model Search
interface will pop up and be prepopulated with the coordinate you clicked on in Step 2.
3. Alternatively, simply click the "Set Search to the Center of the Models" to enter the search
coordinate. QTM will populate the coordinate fields with the location of the center of the loaded
4. Click the "Select Directory" button. Choose a directory to search. Note that all subdirectories of the
chosen directory will be searched for relevant data.
5. Click "Find Models".
Menu - File 39

6. QTM will display a list of the files that match your search criteria. The list will potentially consist of
QTT, QTC, QTA, LAS, DTED, GeoTIFF DEM, and/or shape files.
7. Highlight a file or files on the results list. Click "Load Models"
9. Export to KML: Highlight the models of interest in the Search Results window, then click "Export to
KML". Save the KML vector outlines of model extents.

Model Search Windows and Cartesian Coordinate Interface:

4.8 Search Cache

A QT Modeler search cache is a file that catalogs what spatial data exists in a given location. The purpose of
a search cache is to prevent repetitive, time consuming searches through large catalogs of LiDAR, imagery,
and other spatial holdings. It is used in conjunction with the Model Search and Image Search tools and is
related to the file indexing tool. Important Note: QT Modeler's cache will catalog every geospatial file
available, regardless of whether it is 2D, 3D, or vector data. Thus, the resulting cache can be used for
subsequent searches on either imagery (2D) or LiDAR (3D) data.

Why to Use a Cache:

If you repeatedly search for data in the same storage locations (e.g., an external hard drive or "brick").
A cache will catalog the data the first time through, and this may take a long time, but subsequent
searches will be almost instantaneous. A 2TB external hard drive may take 30 minutes to search the
first time, but subsequent searches of the cache will be instantaneous.
Your data holdings are large and the file folder structure is difficult to understand (e.g., many nested
directories, cryptic folder and file names).
Your data holdings are relatively static. The cache file is not dynamic, therefore it will need to be
manually recreated if you add to or subtract from your data holdings. If you are constantly adding to
your data holdings, particularly in a collaborative environment, you will need to recreate the cache with
some regularity. A "stale" cache will not be aware of the presence of "fresh" data.

How to Create a Cache:

A cache can be created in both the Model Search Tool and the Image Search Tool in the Overlay
Orthorectified Textures interface.
Click the "Generate Cache" button.
In the Model or Image Search tools, click "Select Directory" and point to the highest level directory
desired to create the cache.
Rather than clicking "Find Data", click "Generate Cache". Create a cache file in a relevant location.
When you click "Save", the cache creation will begin. The time it takes will depend entirely on the
extent of your data/imagery holdings.

How to Use a Cache:

A cache file is used in place of selecting a directory in the Model and Image search tools.
The same cache can be used for 2D and 3D searches. The cache will catalog any geospatial file it
Instead of "Selecting a Directory", choose to "Select Cache" instead. Find the cache file you created in
the step above.
Click "Find Models" and the search proceeds just like a model search.
Note: Searching through a cache will be extremely fast. It may seem as though nothing happened, but
the results should be accurate as long as the cache creation was performed properly.
Once search results appear, simply highlight the file and proceed as normal.
40 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

4.9 Save Models

To save the current model, select Save Model form the Models pull-down menu or press the Save Model
button. The Quick Terrain Modeler will provide a standard Windows file selection dialog, from which you
may name and place your model according to your own standard naming and storage conventions. When
saving models, whether individually or as a batch, Quick Terrain Modeler will retain the original file name,
but will strip off the original file extension (e.g., .las, .xyz, etc) and replace the extension with either .qtt
(gridded surface models) or .qtc (ungridded point clouds). The user can choose a different extension
manually. When saving multiple files, the user can choose a custom extension for all files by clicking the
"Use Custom Extension", then manually entering the desired extension in the window.

4.10 Remove Models

Similar in function to the Clear Model functionality, but will not remove all models at the same time. This is
helpful if multiple models are simultaneously loaded and one or more need to be closed. This function
immediately removes one of the current models from the Quick Terrain Modeler workspace.

CAUTION: If you have created or modified a model and wish to save it, be sure to save it before you clear it.
If you accidentally clear a newly created model without saving it, you will need to reconstruct it from the
raw data.

4.11 Clear All Models

This function immediately removes the current model from the Quick Terrain Modeler workspace.

CAUTION: If you have created or modified a model and wish to save it, be sure to save it before you clear it.
If you accidentally clear a newly created model without saving it, you will need to reconstruct it from the
raw data.

4.12 Load List

Load list enables the user to load models that are contained in a text list of file names. The entire path
names of the files need to be included with one file entry per line. There should be no header information in
the list.

4.13 Batch Scripting

Batch scripting enables users to script and perform repetitive and/or complicated tasks.

The user must open Quick Terrain Modeler and create the script by adding actions to a list. The list is then
saved, and then run against a set of data files. The script can be run from Quick Terrain Modeler, or can be
run from a command line interface external to QTM. The following "Actions" are available:
Menu - File 41

Import Model Data

Save Model
Convert Model to UTM
Export GeoTIFF (2D Image and 3D DEM )
Export LAS
Export FLT
Export Binary FXYZI
Export GridStats
Set GeoKey Override

Batch scripting is found in the "File" menu.

The basic steps of scripting are as follows:

1. Open Batch Scripting interface from the File Menu.
2. Add Actions: Create a new script by adding “Actions” to the script.
- Select from pull- down menu.
- Configure
3. Edit Actions: If necessary, edit, insert, or remove actions.
- Reconfigure import settings
- Remove unnecessary actions
- Rename actions to more intuitive names (e.g., "Import LAS Last Returns to QTC")
4. Save the script. The script will be saved with a file extension of .qsc.
5. Run the script.
- Select files in Windows GUI (“Perform Script” Button)
- Select an ASCII file to run script against (“Apply to List” Button)

4.13.1 Scripting - Add Action

An "Action" is simply an existing QTM function, such as importing, saving, and exporting. The intent over
time is to add the "scriptable" (i.e., functions that lend themselves to the scripting process) QTM functions
to the available actions. At this time there are three functions available:

Import Model Data

Save Model
Export GeoTIFF (2D and 3D)
Export to LAS
Convert Model to UTM

To add one of these actions to the script, select it from the pull-down window and click the "Add Action"
button. Please note the following Action-specific instructions

Import Model Data: (Related Topics: Import Model Data, Importing LAS, Importing ASCII)
1) Choose the appropriate input and export formats. Leave "Batch Import" unchecked. Select "Allow
42 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Compressed Data" if desired. (See compression).

2) Select a representative file. NOTE: This is only a representative file. You do not need to select all of
your files that you want to batch process at this time. File selection for batch processing will occur
when you run your script.
3) Configure the import options as you normally would for LAS, ASCII, etc.
4) Click the "Go!" button.
5) The import action will appear in the "Scripted Actions" List

Save Model:
Save model simply saves the model as it was created (i.e., as specified in the "Import Model Data" Model
Format), either a QTT gridded surface model or a QTC point cloud. At this time, the model name will be the
original data file name with an extension of QTT or QTC, depending on the import model type chosen. For
example, models generated from the LAS file smithcounty_101.las get saved as smithcounty_101.qtt and/or

Export Model to GeoTIFF:

Export Model to GeoTIFF simply exports a QTT as a GeoTIFF DEM (NOTE: QTC point cloud models can not be
exported to GeoTIFF DEM because they have not been gridded/rasterized) and/or 2D GeoTIFF export
products. The saved model or image will have the extension .tif. In the example above, an exported GeoTIFF
DEM would be called smithcounty_101.qtt_dem.tif. A KML file will also be created with the same name.

4.13.2 Scripting - Edit, Insert, Remove Actions

The Edit, Insert, Remove, and Rename Actions buttons provide tools to edit the actions that have already
been selected and placed in the "Scripted Actions" List.

4.13.3 Scripting - Running Scripts

To perform a script, choose one of two methods:

Perform Script:
Perform Script opens the Windows file selection dialog. Simply choose the desired files and the script will
immediately begin running.

Apply to List:
This method points the script to a text file containing file names to be processed. The file names in the text
file must include the entire path.

4.13.4 Scripting - Log File

Quick Terrain Modeler writes a log file of key activities during the execution of a script. operation. If your
script is named script1.qsc, the log file will be named script1.qsc.log
Menu - File 43

In the qtvlog.txt file, there are some useful comments indicating progress of the scripts as they perform
their functions. At this time (i.e., during the beta testing period), the activity of the batch script is
documented as "QT Error 0". This does not actually indicate an error, it is simply documenting a step in the
process to assist in diagnosis of progress and any problems that may occur along the way.

If scripts are not executing properly, it will be helpful to examine the log file and determine where the
process is breaking down. Providing this log file to Applied Imagery ( will be
helpful in diagnosis.

4.13.5 Scripting - Script File

The script file is a text file that defines the parameters of the script that was created. At this time, the focus
is creating scripts in the QTM user interface (see Main Scripting Topic). In the future, it will be quite possible
for users to create and run scripts from external programs by simply specifying the commands and variables
necessary to perform the script.

The philosophy behind creating scripts in this manner, while a bit "old school", is to create a universally
understood and writable format that is easily accessed, read, written, and replicated.

4.14 Options/Settings

4.14.1 Always Copy QTA Data Files

When QT Modeler creates a QTC/QTA file, it writes a QTA file next to the original LAS file. In some instances,
it may be undesirable to write this file. Unchecking this option may save time and disk space for operations
that do not necessarily require the establishment of the QTA index file.

4.14.2 Add Normals When Importing Point Clouds

Checking this option will cause QTM to add normals to point cloud models during import. The default value
of this option is to not automatically add normals. Surface normals assist in rendering and shading point

4.14.3 Auto Reset View on Model Load

Automatically resets the view upon loading the model. If you wish to remain zoomed in while adding
models, uncheck this option.

4.14.4 Convert DTEDs to UTM

Convert DTED's to UTM (Check or Uncheck): When loading DTED models, the Quick Terrain Modeler's default
behavior is to convert the DTED's Geodetic coordinates into UTM and render the models as a projection in
UTM space. A DTED that is square in Geodetic coordinates will show up in the Modeler as a distorted
trapezoidal shape in UTM. Under the Models menu you may select or unselect Convert DTEDs to UTM to
determine whether or not DTEDs should be converted to UTM or imported in Geodetic coordinates. This
setting will be remembered even after you close and restart the Quick Terrain Modeler. Models imported in
Geodetic coordinates and models using the default UTM coordinates will not be positioned and scaled
correctly relative to each other.
44 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Pseudo DTED's (DTC), if converted to UTM, will need to be regridded to fit the QTT (i.e., 32-bit elevation
value) format. Therefore, loading will take longer.

4.14.5 Memory Management Options

Memory management options allows the user to set two global preferences as well as to calculate the file
size impact of these choices. The global preferences are as follows:

Allow Compressed Models: Setting this option will cause Quick Terrain Modeler to compress models
both in situations where the user has explicitly enabled compression (e.g., model import from raw
ASCII text or LAS data) and where the user has not explicitly enabled compression (e.g., loading
GeoTIFF DEM's or DTED's). Checking this box will ensure that all QTT and QTC models. Compressing
models will make the file sizes smaller, thus enabling more points or vertices to be loaded at a given
time. The engineering cost of compression could be a loss of precision, depending on the geographic
extents of the model. See Compress Models topic.

Disable Surface Normals: Choosing this setting disables the creation of surface normals. Surface
normals are vectors that represent an orientation (azimuth and elevation) for each vertex. While
Quick Terrain Modeler users never actually "see" surface normals, they can see the effect of having the
normals present. Appropriate shading of a rendered surface relies upon the calculation of a surface
normal (i.e., knowing what should be in full light and what should be in shadow, and all the gradations
in between). The advantage of calculating surface normals in advance is rendering speed and image
quality. The disadvantage is the memory consumed in storing the surface normals. Note: while
surface normals impact the rendering and visualization of a model, they do not impact the
mathematical composition of the model. Therefore, from a measurement and engineering calculation
perspective, surface normals are not required and their absence will not impact analytical results.

The Memory Management Options window will also calculate the impact to a variety of model types - QTC
and QTT, both with and without vertex colors (e.g., intensity is a vertex color). Compressing models and
removing surface normals can have a dramatic impact on file size, hence maximum model size permitted in
a given fixed memory space.

4.14.6 Show Toolbar

Show Toolbar toggles the Primary Button Bar on and off. Once set this option will persist even after you
close and restart the Quick Terrain Modeler.

4.14.7 Show Progress Bar

Show Progress Bar determines whether or not a small progress bar will be displayed in the lower left corner
of the viewing window corresponding to the current level of refinement. Once set, this option will persist
even after you close and restart the Quick Terrain Modeler.

4.14.8 Go Fullscreen
Toggles to/from Fullscreen and Window Mode.
Menu - File 45

4.14.9 Set Screensize

Allows the User to select a specific window size for the Quick Terrain Modeler. Screen size is measured in
pixels. Screen size can also be set by dragging the edges of the Quick Terrain Modeler window.

4.14.10 GeoTIFF Export Setup

See GeoTIFF Export Setup

4.14.11 KML Options

See KML Options topic.

4.14.12 LAS File Open Options

File > Options/Settings > LAS File Open Options

LAS data files can either be opened or imported. There are advantages to each. Opening is a single step
process that can even be achieved by dragging and dropping an LAS file into QTM. It is faster than
"importing" and will always result in the display of a point cloud. Importing an LAS file opens up a wide
variety of options for filtering, gridding, surface creation etc. that are not available to just opening a file.

The purpose the the default LAS Options interface is to define the desired behavior when simply opening or
dragging/dropping a file into QTM. The possible choices are:

1. Import Intensity: Choose to color the resulting point cloud a grayscale value based on the intensity
value associated with each point

2. Import RGB: Choose to color the resulting point cloud a Red/Green/Blue value based on the RGB
value associated with each point in the original LAS file. The original file must contain RGB values in
the point data record for this option to have any effect.

3. Filter by classification: Only import specific classifications as a subset of the original LAS file.

4. Filter by desired return: Only import a specific return number as a subset of the original LAS file.

5. Trust LAS Header Extents: Speeds file opening by assuming the header accurately represents data
extents, thus eliminating the need for QT Modeler to verify prior to loading the data. Since verification
requires a pass through the file on a point by point basis, this step can be unnecessarily time

6. Calculate Normals: Calculate a surface normal value on a point-wise basis.

46 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

4.14.13 Mensuration Options

See Mensuration Options Topic

4.14.14 Set QTM Display Units

File Menu > Options and Settings > Set QTM Display Units

Display Menu > Settings > Display Settings

Setting the QT Modeler display units will impact what units distances and elevations are displayed in user
interfaces, on the measurement line readout, and in the status bar. The "Global Default" simply uses the
units of the original 3D data in all displays. For example, if LiDAR data is collected and distributed in meters,
the Global Default will display distances and elevations in meters. Setting display units to US Survey feet
will override the default units and display distances and elevations in feet instead. Conversely, data
collected and distributed in feet can have measurements in meters. Note that setting display units does not
convert the original data to a new measurement unit, it simply impacts the display during the QT Modeler

See also: Status Bar Options

4.14.15 Open QT Files Directory

Opening QT Files Directory will open Windows Explorer (or the default file browser if it is different than
Windows Explorer) and navigate to the folder in which all Quick Terrain Modeler log files, Initialization file
(a.k.a INI files), and temp directories are installed. This directory is established upon installation in the "My
Documents" folder. It will be named the same name as the Program Files Directory. For example, this
would be a typical path name to the "QT Files" directory where the user name is "John Smith" and the
installer chose the folder name "Quick Terrain Modeler v712":

C:\Documents and Settings\John Smith\My Documents\Quick Terrain Modeler v712

It is useful to navigate quickly to this folder for troubleshooting purposes. If you are having trouble and
Menu - File 47

require support from Applied Imagery, it is frequently useful for Applied Imagery's support team to see your
QTVLog.txt file, as well as your INI files.

4.14.16 Set QT Temp Directory

Setting the Temp directory for Quick Terrain Modeler enables relocating the default temp directory. In some
tightly controlled IT environments, users may not be able to access the normal default temp file location (in
"My Documents"). Simply select this option and point to a new directory for the temp file.

The default path for the temp directory is in your PC's default Windows temp directory location. Typically,
this will look something like this:

C:\Users\James\AppData\Local\Temp (Insert your User Name for "James")

QT Modeler will clean up the temp directory after closing out of models ("Clear All Models") as well as
during the shut-down process. QT Modeler-created temp directories will begin with the text string "TMP
followed by 4 hexadecimal numbers. See image below.

4.14.17 Set QTM Registered File Types

File > Options and Settings > Set QTM File Types

The purpose of this tool is to easily set the file types for which QT Modeler is the default program. Simply
check the desired boxes and click "Apply".

Set QTM File Types

48 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

QTM Icon Indicates LAS Defaults to QTM

4.15 Exit
The Exit command closes the Quick Terrain Modeler. Please make sure all models are saved prior to exiting.
Quick Terrain Modeler

Version 8


50 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

5 Menu - Edit

5.1 Editing Overview

Quick Terrain Modeler offers many ways to edit 3D point and surface data. The basic tools

Editing Individual Points:

Individual points can be deleted by holding down the "Shift" key, then left clicking on an individual point.
Users can delete these points if necessary.

Editing Selection Areas:

Users can cut, crop, flatten, smooth, or decimate data within a selection area. These functions can be
accessed via the Edit menu or by holding down "Control" on the keyboard and right clicking in the selection
area. See separate sections on each of these functions.

Exporting from Selection Areas:

Users can export the actual area perimeter as ASCII, KML, or shape file. In addition, all the points contained
within a selection area can be exported as LAS, Binary, or ASCII text. These functions can be accessed by
holding down "Control" on the keyboard and right clicking in the selection area.

Editing Entire Models:

Entire models can be edited by converting between point clouds and surfaces, merging models together,
setting their positions, or adding/removing surface normals.

5.2 Selection Areas

5.2.1 Select
Edit > Select

Also accessed from the Select Button

Pressing the Select button places the user in "Select" mode which enables the user to select an area to keep
or an area to cut. Pressing the button again exits the user from Select mode. This can also be done by
choosing Select from the Edit menu.

To select an area, left-click and drag in the main viewing window to select a region of the model. The
selected region will be highlighted. Right clicking and dragging will allow the user to rotate this box to a
Menu - Edit 51

desired orientation. Users may temporarily suspend mouse controls for selecting an area by holding down
the "ALT" key, moving the model, then releasing the "ALT" key to resume selecting the area.

Regions may also be selected numerically by choosing "Select Area…" from the Edit menu.

Note: Once the area is selected, the user can interrogate the Quick Terrain Modeler for the area statistics,
use the area as the basis for area smoothing or flattening, or can export the selection area as a shapefile.

5.2.2 Z Select vs. Screen Select

Quick Terrain Modeler has two polygon selection tools that can be accessed from the button bar. They are:

Z Select: This is a user defined polygon selected down the Z axis. This is useful for ensuring that ALL
points get selected in a given XY (i.e., horizontal) region. The Z select polygon will extend from the highest to
the lowest elevations in the model, thus ensuring all points in a given area are selected.

Window Select:Window Select places a selection polygon down the viewing axis. This enables more
precise selection of groups of points by tilting a model to a more horizontal view and selecting points. See
example below.

Selecting a tree in a point cloud by two methods: Z Select and Window Select:

5.2.3 Select Area

This tool allows the user to manually input an area of interest. Simply enter the desired values of the
opposite corners of a rectangular area. If the rectangle needs to be rotated, simply enter the desired
52 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

The Select Area Window

5.3 Selection Area Importing and Exporting

5.3.1 Save Selection to KML

Saving the selection area to KML permits the exchange of georeferenced polygons with other applications
(e.g., Google Earth). To save the selection to KML, first establish a selection area through the selection
rectangle, selection polygon, or importing a selection polygon from shapefile or KML. Once the selection
polygon is established, simply select the "Save Selection to KML" from the Edit menu. Quick Terrain
Modeler will:

Export the polygon to Google earth, where it will be immediately visible.

Save a KML file in the specified directory.

5.3.2 Import Selection from KML

Importing a selection area from a KML polygon enables users to select areas in Quick Terrain Modeler which
have been created in another application (e.g., Google Earth). To import a selection area from KML, select
this option from the Edit menu, choose a KML file, and Quick Terrain Modeler will establish a selection area
based on the KML polygon parameters. (Note, if KML polygon is loaded through Windows "drag and drop",
it will be loaded as a vector, not as a selection area.

See also: Save Selection to KML

5.3.3 Import Selection from Shapefile

The import of a polygon shape file forms the basis of analysis of specific areas. For example, an imported
shape file selection area can specify an area in which to edit the terrain (e.g., crop to a specific area
designated in GIS analysis), perform volume calculations or to measure area statistics (number of points,
average point density, etc.)

Instructions: Select "Import Selection from Shapefile" from the Edit menu. Select the appropriate shape
file. The "Shapefile Importer" window will appear. Important: It is essential that an accurate coordinate
system is attached to the shapefile. This information does not exist in the shapefile itself, so without it, the
Quick Terrain Modeler will be unable to determine where to place the shapefile. If the model is UTM, please
make sure to specify UTM as the coordinate system as well as the correct zone. After specifying this
information, Click OK.

The selection area will appear immediately. Use this selection area for any editing or analysis functions as
you would during normal Quick Terrain Modeler operation. Functions that will work with an imported
shape file include Area Statistics, Volume Calculation, Cutting, Cropping, Flattening and Smoothing.

5.3.4 Save Selection to ASCII

The Save Selection to ASCII function saves the vertices of a selection area as an ASCII text file.
Menu - Edit 53

5.3.5 Save Selection as Shapefile

Saving a selection area provides two basic benefits. First, the area is available to perform the same
analysis in the same location on different models (e.g., before/after volume analysis, etc.). Second,
the measured and analyzed area can be easily exported to other applications (ESRI GIS, etc.) for
additional analysis.

Instructions: Draw a selection area using Quick Terrain Modeler's tools. Select "Save Selection as
Shapefile" from the Analysis menu. Designate a file name. Click the Save button. The shapefile can
now be imported into any application that can read shapefiles.

Note: The selection area will be saved as a 2-D shapefile. Therefore, it will have no inherent elevation
value. In many cases, 2-D shapefiles are sufficient to represent a selected area in GIS applications.
The Quick Terrain Modeler only needs a 2-D shapefile to define a selection area. If you require a 3-D
shape file around a selected area, there are two solutions:

1. Loosely sampled perimeter: If loose sampling is acceptable, create a mensuration line around
the selected area, then save the mensuration line as a shapefile. The saved shapefile will be 3-
D, but it will have a sampling equal to the number of vertices you select in the mensuration
line. For example, if you assemble a selection area from ten line segment, the 3-D shapefile
will also have ten 3-D segments.
2. Tightly sampled perimeter: If tight sampling around the perimeter is required, use the Select
or Select Area tools to select an area. Crop to the area. Now use the Generate Outline toll in
the Analysis menu to generate a 3-D shapefile outline of the selected area perimeter. Export
the model as a shapefile.

To import the shapefile back into a model, use the Import Selection from Shapefile function.

5.4 Selection Area - Tools for Editing

5.4.1 Selection Area Editing Tools

Once a Selection Area has been created, simply hold down the CTRL key and right click. A context menu will
appear. This menu shows many of the editing tools that can be applied to the selection area.

Note: All of these functions apply only to the visible models. I.e., if there are models that are hidden in the
show/hide models process, the functions will not apply to them.

These functions are as follows:

Area Stats: Calculate area statistics for all points contained in selection area.
Set Classification: Reset the LAS classification value for all points contained in the selection area. Note
that all points in the selection area will receive the same classification value. Values must be between 0
and 255 (i.e, an 8-bit field).
54 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Set Alpha: Use this to reset alpha values. This may be useful when using alpha filtering to show/hide
subsets of the data. Values must be between 0 and 255 (i.e, an 8-bit field).
Set Color: Setting color resets the vertex colors in a point cloud or a surface model. This may be useful to
color specific areas of the model or to modify raster analysis results display. For example, after
performing HLZ analysis, a user may want to remove the coloration.
Cut: Cuts all points within selection area.
Crop: Cuts all points except those contained in the selection area.
Decimate: Removes every nth point from the selection area.
Export Area: Export the selection rectangle or selection polygon as a vector file (SHP, KML, etc.)
Export Points: Exports all points within the selection area as LAS, ASCII, or Binary.

CTRL-Right Click to Display Selection

Area Editing Tools

5.4.2 Cut
The cut function removes the selected area from the model. Prior to cutting, a user must select an area in
one of the following ways:

Use the "Select" Tool, which will select a rectangular area.

Use the "Select Polygon" Tool, which will select an irregular closed polygon.
Import a selection area from a shape file. The shape file must be a closed polygon.

Cutting will only apply to the visible model. If multiple models are loaded, but only one is visible, the cut
function can be applied to all models by holding down the "CTRL" key while cutting.

Note: The "Undo" function will only undo one cut or crop option.

5.4.3 Crop
The Crop function removes every part of the model except the selected area. Prior to cropping, a user
must select an area in one of the following ways:

Use the "Select" Tool, which will select a rectangular area.

Use the "Select Polygon" Tool, which will select an irregular closed polygon.
Import a selection area from a shape file. The shape file must be a closed polygon.

Cropping will only apply to the visible model. If multiple models are loaded, but only one is visible, the crop
function can be applied to all models by holding down the "CTRL" key while cropping.

Note: The "Undo" function will only undo one cut or crop option.
Menu - Edit 55

5.4.4 Visible Points Functions

Visible Points Functions enables a number of editing functions to work on a subset of th data - only those
points which are currently visible and bounded by a selection area.

5.4.5 Smooth Area

To smooth an area, a user selects an area with a selection polygon. The smooth area tool interpolates a new
surface based on the perimeter of the selection polygon.
Instructions: Draw a selection polygon around an area that requires smoothing. Choose "Smooth Area"
from the Edit menu. Quick Terrain Modeler will create a surface based on the elevations of the perimeter

Smooth area only works on surface models (.qtt files).
Once the area is "smoothed", the process can not be reversed.
Selection areas can be imported as shapefiles. Therefore, desired areas can be identified in GIS
Try to avoid including trees or other jagged surface elements in the selection polygon boundary.
These elevation anomalies may contribute to an irregular surface being created.
Save model after smoothing. If the model is not saved, the changes will be lost.

The two figures below illustrate selecting an area for smoothing. The first figure shows the house with a
selection polygon around it. The second figure shows the result of the area smoothing. The house has been
replaced by a smooth terrain surface.

5.4.6 Flatten Area

The flatten area tool performs a similar function to Smooth Area, but the user selects a constant elevation
to be applied within the selection polygon. A user may flatten an area to conform to the surrounding
surface model (e.g., water surface) or may create an artificially low (e.g., cut and fill) or artificially high (e.g.,
simulated new structure in a terrain) elevation for the edited model. Flatten area only applies to visible

Instructions: Draw a selection polygon around an area that requires flattening. Choose "Flatten Area" from
the Edit menu. When the "Desired Area Height" window appears, enter the elevation height required for the
surface. Quick Terrain Modeler will create a flat surface based on the elevation specified. Note: Any
elevation can be specified to either flatten a terrain or to simulate a new structure in the terrain.

In the example below, the goal is to remove the building and vehicles from the Grass Lake model and flatten
the DEM to an elevation of the surface of the surrounding terrain. First, use a selection polygon to select
the building and area around it. Use the Flatten Area command in the Edit Menu. Specify an elevation value
for the resultant surface (302.5m). Click OK. The result of the area smoothing operation is a DEM with the
56 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

building and vehicles removed.

Artificial structures can be created by selecting elevations higher than the surrounding terrain. In the
example below, an elevation of 320m is used to create a building in the same footprint as the selection area

5.4.7 Undo Last Cut/Crop

Undo the Last Cut/Crop will undo the results of the last cut or crop action, provided the cut/crop was based
on a rectangular selection area, Z selection polygon area, or a screen select polygon area. If cuts/crops were
performed through another tool (e.g., grid statistics), they can not be undone at this time.

5.4.8 Temporary Cut and Crop

There are many reasons to want to temporarily cut or crop point clouds. Some examples are to temporarily
remove visual clutter to see specific object and to temporarily hide points "behind" other points.
Temporary cut/crop enables this capability by temporarily applying a texture mask to the selected areas. To
perform temporary cut/crop:

1. Select an area of interest, either because you want to temporarily isolate that area (i.e., temporary crop)
or you want to temporarily hide that area. (temporary cut). Any selection area tool can be used for this

2. Right Click on either the cut or crop buttons -

3. A crop filter will appear in the textures section of the layer tree. This can be checked and unchecked to
show/hide the rest of the points.

4. Remove the filter to free up a texture slot.
Menu - Edit 57

5.5 Convert Model

Convert Model allows users to build or load one type of model, visualize, analyze, and/or edit, then convert
to another model type. This function will convert QTT (gridded surface models) to QTC (ungridded point
clouds) or convert QTC to QTT. In addition, it can be used to convert coordinates between UTM and

To Convert Models:

1. Load or build a model(s).

2. Select Convert Models from the Edit menu.
3. Choose the model you wish to convert from the "Input Model" pull down menu.
4. Select the Model Format from the pull down menu.
5. If creating a QTT, select the desired grid sampling. Grid sampling is the distance between vertices in
the resulting gridded surface model. The value is in the units of the original model/data. For example,
a model in meters, if the user specifies grid sampling at 3, will result in grid sampling of 3 meters. For
further information on grid sampling, please refer to the Gridding Options section. Also, please refer
to the Filtering Options section for various options to limit triangle side lengths when gridding over
areas that contain no data and to the section on Allowing Rotated Grid for an explanation of this
6. If creating a QTC, grid sampling is irrelevant.

Helpful hints:
It may be useful to build a point cloud to see the original data as collected, then use Convert Models to
change the point cloud into a gridded surface model. Furthermore, users may outline a specific area of
a point cloud with the selection tools, then convert only that area to a surface model. If the user
builds a QTT gridded surface model first, please note that Quick Terrain Modeler will not convert the
model to a point cloud of the original data, but rather to a point cloud of the gridded data.
When converting coordinates, any coordinate system can be converted to UTM or Geodetic (lat/long).
If using any other coordinate system than UTM or geodetic, select "No Change" to preserve
58 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

5.6 Match Model Altitudes

Users need to align multiple models of overlapping terrain. With this tool, users can load multiple models,
regardless of model type, and align their altitudes. These overlapping models could come in the form of
overlapping strips taken during the same survey, surveys taken at different times, or surveys taken from
different sensors that were not calibrated exactly the same. For various reasons, the models do not have
the same altitude in the overlap region. As a fundamental step in aligning multiple models, users need to
first align in the Z-axis, altitude. As users adjust models' altitudes, they need to know how each model was
adjusted (i.e., the Z-offset).

Open all desired models with overlapping terrain. Simply use the "Open New Model" and/or "Add
Model" commands or buttons.
Go to the "Models" menu and select "Match Model Altitudes". A "Select Models" window will
Select the models that are misaligned in altitude. If all loaded models need to be aligned, click the
"Select All" button.
Checking the "Match to Reference Model" button forces one of the models to stay fixed in altitude.
You can choose the model that stays fixed in altitude by selecting it from the pulldown menu. If the
user chooses "Auto Select", the stationary model will be the one the is most likely to be correct (i.e.,
the model that is "in the middle" if some models are "high" and some are "low"). Unchecking this box
will allow Quick Terrain Modeler to move all of the models in altitude. Any adjustments that are
made to the models will be reflected in the QT Match Report.
Checking the "Don't Match High Variance Regions" check box will cause the Quick Terrain Modeler to
ignore high variance regions that may artificially alter the altitude synchronization calculation.
Users may select a sampling ratio that can speed the alignment process at the cost of accuracy. Use a
higher sampling ratio (from the pulldown menu) to speed the calculation.
Click "OK"
After alignment is completed, you will be prompted to save the "Match Report" file. This file records
the calculated corrections, which model was used as a baseline, and how much each model was
shifted in altitude. Please name the file and place it in the appropriate directory.
Alignment can be performed on QTT or QTC models.
IMPORTANT: If you want the altitude correction to be permanent, you must save each model with
the corrected altitude.

Note: If there is no significant statistical difference in the overlap areas, the Quick Terrain Modeler will make
no modification to the altitude of either model. This will be noted in the Match Report.

The QT Match Report:

The models in this example have been artificially manipulated to have an altitude difference. The meaning
Menu - Edit 59

of the fields in the QT Match Report is as follows:

The numerical values in the "Altitude Matching" section are the calculated differences between the
pairs of models.
The numerical values in the "Calculated Corrections" are the corrections to move all Models to the
calculated "median level"
The "selected baseline" is the model selected as closest to the median.
The numerical values in the "Applied Corrections" section are the values added to all z values in each
model to match it to the baseline.

5.7 Merge Models

Users can load multiple models of the same type and merge them. If the models are of different resolutions
(i.e., point/post spacing), this merging process will preserve the maximum resolution if an area of high
resolution overlaps and area of low resolution. The resultant model will be a .qtt surface model or a .qtc
point cloud model. Users can load any number of models (within the normal memory constraints, of
course) and any combination of model types.

Note: The Merge Models Function is not available on the Quick Terrain Modeler Education Edition.

Why: Users frequently have models (e.g., .qtt surface models, .qtc point clouds, DTED's, GeoTIFF's) that are
of varying resolutions, varying overlaps, tiled to various smaller sizes, etc. that need to be merged into a
single coherent model. The merged model can then be enhanced, edited, exported and distributed as

Open/Add desired models.
From the "Models" menu select "Merge Models".
The "Select Models" Window will appear (See Fig 15).
Select the desired models to merge. Simply "Select All" if you need to merge all loaded models.
Select your desired "Density Cutoff". This value is preset at 2. The Density Cutoff establishes a
data density threshold above which data will be ignored. For example assume Model X has a data
density of one point every 1 meter and Model Y has a density of one point every 4 meters. If the
Density Cutoff is set to 2, the Quick Terrain Modeler will ignore Model Y's data in any overlap
areas (i.e., Quick Terrain Modeler will utilize the high density data and discard the low density
data.) If the Density Cutoff is set to 4, Quick Terrain Modeler will use both sets of data. It is
important to note the principles:
Data Densities Identical: If the densities of the two models are the same, both sets of data
will be used to merge the models.
Data Density Variance Relatively Small: If the densities of the two models being compared
are different but within the user-specified Density Cutoff (i.e., one density is less than X times
the other density, where X is the Density Cutoff), both sets of data will be used to merge the
Data Density Variance Beyond User-defined Tolerance: If the difference in densities of the
two models being compared is greater than the user-specified Density Cutoff (i.e., one
density is greater than X times the other density, where X is the Density Cutoff), only the high
density data will be used to merge the models.
Select type of output model desired. This is either a .qtt surface model or a .qtc point cloud.
Select whether to color by density. This is the same functionality as the normal Data Density
60 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Analysis tool.
Choose whether to allow a rotated grid. This is only applicable for .qtt surface models. Allowing
a rotated grid creates the smallest possible model size and is therefore recommended.
Unchecking the box will force the grid to be aligned North-South, therefore not minimizing the size
of the grid/model.
The Quick Terrain Modeler will suggest a grid spacing based on model information. If you require
a specific grid spacing, enter it in the grid spacing window.
Choose Decimation/Crop and Filter options as appropriate.
Click "Merge".

Important: Save the merged model after merge process completes.

5.8 Repair DEMs

QT Modeler's Repair DEM tool enables users to quickly perform several common DEM editing tasks across
the entire surface of an existing surface model (DEM, DSM, DTM, etc.) The primary reasons for creating and
using the tool are as follows:

No Access to Original Point Data: Users may not have access to the original point data that created a
DEM, so the Import process and configuration tools are not available. Repair DEM is a tool to use on
an existing surface and does not require, nor does it permit, access to the original source point data
Hole Fill: Some surface models may have "holes" - areas of null data values - that may not be
desirable. DEM repair offers several choices to fill holes.
Spike Removal: Some surface models may contain "spike" - areas of abnormal or erroneous data that
need to be removed.
Quick revision of imported surface model: Even if the user has access to the original source data file, a
quick revision of an existing surface model may be all that is necessary. Avoiding the entire importing
process could save time.

The following are the basic steps to Repairing DEM's:

1. Load an existing surface model such as a QTT, GeoTIFF DEM, or DTED file.
2. Go to the Edit Menu and select "Repair DEM" from the menu.
3. Choose options to fill holes and remove spikes. These choices are explained fully in the Gridding and
Triangulation Section.

Repair DEM Interface
Menu - Edit 61

DTED with Null Data (i.e., "Holes")

DTED with Holes "Repaired"

5.9 Subtract Models

Subtract Models is a tool which will subtract the elevation values of one entire model from another model.
Subtract Models only works on .QTT gridded surface models. This can be a very helpful tool to highlight
differences between data sets. In addition, subtracting a bare earth model from a first return model will
produce a 3D model of Above Ground Level (AGL) elevations

To subtract models:

1. Load a gridded surface model (.QTT)

2. Go to the Edit Menu and choose "Subtract Models".
3. Choose a model to subtract. Click OK. Quick Terrain Modeler will subtract the elevation values from the
loaded model.

A normal model in absolute elevation space:

The same model with the bare earth model subtracted. Note that all elevations are now measured in AGL
space (i.e., terrain is flattened around an elevation of zero):
62 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

See Also: AGL Analyst

5.10 Edit Model Text

The edit model text allows the user to enter up to 1000 characters to describe the model. Once entered and
saved, this will be displayed in the view model statistics window. If the model is not saved after editing
model text, all new text will be lost.

5.11 Rename Models

Use "Rename Models" to change the model name without saving. This can be very helpful to distinguish
between models when importing multiple models from the same data set. In the case, the temporary name
of the model is the name of the data set, so it would be possible to have multiple models named the same

5.12 Georegister Model

The Georegister Model tool transforms all loaded models from their existing coordinate system to a user-
specified coordinate system. This is frequently necessary if models are generated from a sensor which has
no georegistration (e.g., ground-based laser scanners). The concept behind georegistration is simple:
import a set of known georeference points, match them to existing points in a model, transform the model
coordinates to real world coordinates, and, if the error level is acceptable, permanently apply the changes.

To Georegister models, follow these basic steps:

1. Build/load model (s). Georegistration will work on gridded surface models (QTT) as well as
ungridded point clouds (QTC). The georegistration transformation will be applied equally to all
loaded models. For example, if a terrestrial laser scanner exports four scans, and all four scans are
loaded together as point clouds, Quick Terrain Modeler will transform all four point clouds during
the georegistration process, regardless of where the registration points are placed.
2. Click Import on the Georegister Models window. The Import ASCII Registration Points window will
3. Load the reference points input file. The input file should be a user-created list of ground truthing
points that easily correspond visually to reference points in the loaded model. At a minimum, the
input file must be in an ASCII columnar format and contain a column for XYZ (Easting, Northing,
Altitude) locations. The Import ASCII Registration Points window can adapt to a variety of formats.
Once selected, a sample of the input file text can be previewed in the "Sample Text from File"
4. Configure the format for the input file. Specify the appropriate coordinate system. If the data is
Menu - Edit 63

not in UTM or Lat/Long, choose Cartesian. Specify the number of header rows (if any). Specify the
column numbers for Point ID, X (Easting), Y (Northing), Z (Altitude). Specify a delimiter (e.g.,
comma) if necessary. Click "OK". The Registration points will appear in the left "Unmatched
Points" column of the Georegister Models window.
5. If the model is completely unregistered and/or not even close to the target coordinate system (e.g.,
3-D laser scanned data in project coordinate space), the user must press the "Prepare Unregistered
Model"button. This will move the model roughly into the coordinate space, allowing for an easier
registration process. This is a mandatory step for unregistered models.
6. Helpful Hint: If you are matching georegistration points to the known origin points of terrestrial
(e.g., ILRIS) scans that have been aligned in the scan alignment tool, be sure to turn on the display
feature "Show Model Origins" in the Display...Options menu. THis will highlight the origin points in
yellow, making the identification of the origins much easier.
7. Click on a point and highlight it in the "Unmatched Points" column. Move to the loaded model(s) in
the model space. Select a corresponding point in the loaded model(s) by holding down the "SHIFT"
key and moving the cursor in the model space. A cross hair and a red square will move from point
to point as the cursor is moved. When the cursor is over the correct point, left click on the mouse.
Once the corresponding point has been identified, the point will move from the "Unmatched
Points" to the "Matched Points" column. The point will also turn blue in the model.
8. If the user selects the wrong point accidentally, the point can be reselected. Simply highlight the
point in the "Matched Points" column, then repeat Step 6.
9. Repeat Step 6 for all points, or at least a sufficient number of points to calculate registration (4
points minimum).
10.Press "Calculate Registration" to determine the required adjustments in X, Y, Z, Roll, Pitch, Heading.
Tis function will also calculate the RMS error of the transformation. If the error is acceptable,
proceed to step 10. If the error is not acceptable, the user must attempt to re-match points. The
user may choose to start from scratch by clicking the "Unmatch All" button and repeating step 6.
11. To apply the registration to the model, the user has two choices. Only one is necessary. Do not
attempt to apply both, as the transformation will be applied twice.:

Apply to Models (2D): If the model(s) are in roughly the correct coordinate system and are
not skewed in pitch and roll (e.g., airborne LiDAR data), press "Apply to Models (2D)" to
apply only the X, Y, Z, and Heading transformation. This method is faster.
Apply to Models (Full): If the model(s) were originally unregistered data (e.g., terrestrial
laser-scanned data such as Optech ILRIS), press "Apply to Models (Full)" to apply the full
transformation: X, Y, Z, Roll, Pitch, and Heading.

The transformation values will be applied to all loaded models.

Save Models.

The "Georegister Models" Window (left) and the "Import ASCII Registration Points" Window (right). Note all
points are unmatched.
64 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

The "Georegister Models" Window (left) showing a single point, "Crane" matched. The "Georegister
Models" window (right) showing 4 corresponding matched registration points.

5.13 Set Model Position

For certain Quick Terrain Modeler features to work properly, a model must be positioned appropriately in
UTM/Geodetic Space. Models are normally georegistered during the model creation process, but in certain
cases (for example raw binary formats) georegistration data may not be included in the data file.
Georegistration information can be added or modified by selecting Set Model Position(s)… from the Models
menu. From the resulting window select the model you wish to position and then enter the appropriate
UTM coordinates and Zone of the reference point of the model. Models created from imported XYZ UTM
data should be placed properly in UTM space if the import window was fully configured (including UTM
Zone). The "Reset Viewer on Apply" check box determines whether or not the Quick Terrain Modeler will
reset the current view after the model is re-positioned.

This window can also be used to reset the "No Data" value in the model.

5.14 Add Normals to Surface Models

Adding Surface Normals will calculate surface normals for a QTT surface model and store the normals along
with the model. This function is used if surface normals were either manually removed from a model or if
the global preference has been set (in Memory Management Options) to not include surface normals in
surface model creation. Surface normals significantly enhance rendering speed and image quality, but the
engineering tradeoff is model size and memory consumption. Adding surface normals will increase the size
of an uncompressed QTT surface model with no vertex colors by approximately 100%. Please note that
surface normals can be removed and added as the user see fit. See also Smooth Normals.

5.15 Remove Normals from Surface Model

Removing Surface Normals will delete surface normals for a QTT surface model and store the normals along
with the model. This function is used if surface normals were generated during QTT model creation. Surface
normals significantly enhance rendering speed and image quality, but the engineering tradeoff is model size
Menu - Edit 65

and memory consumption. removing surface normals will increase the size of a QTT surface model with nor
vertex colors by approximately 120%. Please note that surface normals can be removed and added as the
user see fit. See also Smooth Normals.
Quick Terrain Modeler

Version 8


Menu - Import 67

6 Menu - Import

6.1 Model Overview

When importing "Raw" or "Source" point data (See raw data formats), the user has the choice between 3
basic model types:

QTT Gridded Surface Model: This type of model, often called a DEM (Digital Elevation Model), is a
triangulated, regularly gridded surface representation of the original data. (See QTT details)
QTC Point Cloud Model: QTC models are point-cloud models that simply represent each XYZ point as a
graphical point. The primary advantage of QTC models over QTT models (which can also be displayed in
point-cloud form) is that QTT models encapsulate evenly gridded data, while QTC models can display
arbitrarily dispersed 3-D data. (See QTC Details)
QTA Attribute Table: QTA Attribute tables enable the use and exploitation of per-point attributes that
may be available in an LAS, ASCII Text, or other type of source data files. A QTA file is simply an index and
attribute table for the original source data file that enables Quick Terrain Modeler to work with the per-
point attributes. (See QTA Details)

6.1.1 QTA Attribute Table

Quick Terrain Modeler Version 7.0.0 introduces a new data structure called "QTA". A QTA file is simply an
index and attribute table associated with a source data file.

The QTA file:

1. Serves as an index and "translator" between a QTC point cloud model and the original source data. It
enables QTM to look up all per-point attributes (e.g., an LAS point data record), display them, analyze
them, and filter/edit by point attribute values.
2. Enables user-defined custom coloration of point cloud data based on per-point attribute values (e.g.,
return number, classification, scan angle).
3. Enables temporary and permanent filtering based on per-point attribute values (e.g., delete all points
where classification = 5).
4. Enables assignment of per-point attribute values into the Z-axis (e.g., 3-dimensional view of scan angle)
and/or the point Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha Channels, thus creating thematic 3D representations of data
characteristics, rather than "real world" replication of reality.
5. Gives users access to point attributes to be used as the basis for statistical analysis in the Grid Statistics
6. Enables creation of attribute-specific point cloud histograms (e.g., show histogram of return number,
classification, etc.)
7. Establishes a framework for user-defined, per-point attributes that may not be supported in a given file
format or standard (e.g., LAS), but the user wishes to add (e.g., AGL heights of points).
8. Enables the new "Proxy Mode", which allows analysis and exploitation of unlimited sized models, but
viewing of only a subset of the points. The QTA serves as an intermediary file between what is in the
source data file and what is being displayed in the QTC point cloud. Proxy mode enables working with
point clouds too large to fit in memory.
68 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

QTA key points:

In the case of LAS files, QTA's serve as an intermediary between the point cloud (QTC) and the source data
file (LAS). Therefore, the original source data file must be available to enable all of the functionality
described above (i.e., the QTA is not a "standalone" file - it needs to be associated with the source data
In the case of ASCII XYZ files, QTA's can be a standalone model type, as it serves as the complete attribute
table, rather than a "lookup" table.
There is no memory "cost" to working with QTA's. Because it is never loaded in memory, the QTA file
never consumes memory resources. Hence, it has no impact to maximum model sizes.

6.1.2 Proxy Mode

Proxy Mode is an optional import setting that allows manipulation of much larger point cloud models than
will fit in memory. Proxy mode requires the establishment of a QTA attribute table. In contrast to a
"normal" QTA attribute table/QTC point cloud, proxy mode will only display a subset of the points in a given
data set. For example, a data set may contain 100 million points, which may be too much to load in a given
machine's available memory. Proxy mode will build the QTA attribute table that access all 100 million
points, but will only display 10 million points (or whatever is specified in the decimation level by the user).
All subsequent analysis, however, will be performed on ALL points in the data set, rather than just what is

Please note the following guidelines about proxy mode:

1) Proxy mode will only work with a QTA import. QTT gridded surface models and "normal" (i.e., non-QTA)
QTC point clouds can not access the original data in proxy mode.

2) Proxy mode is designed to overcome memory limitations. It is an excellent tool if a given data set will
not fit in available memory, but is not necessary if models will fit in memory.

3) Proxy Mode decimates a model by 10 as a default. This means that every 10th point of the data set will
be displayed, although all points will be available for analytical purposes. To adjust the decimation level,
go to the decimation/crop options of the import interface and set the decimation level to another
number. The proxy mode decimation level will be designated in the model information window as shown

4) When in proxy mode, analysis tools such as grid statistics will be performed on all points in the data set,
not just what is visible.

5) When taking profiles of point clouds in proxy mode, the user will have the option to generate a "Scatter
Plot" of either the visible points "From Model", or the entire data set "From QTA Data". There will be a
significant difference in the scatter plot profile as shown below.
Menu - Import 69

Scatter plot "From Model" (i.e., the loaded and visible points):

Scatter plot "From QTA Data" of the same profile and data set (i.e., all points in the original data file). Note
the increased density of points:

6.2 Import Model Data

Provides a utility for importing a wide variety of raw import file formats into the Quick Terrain Modeler.
70 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

The basic steps for importing models are as follows:

Select Import Models from the Models Menu. The Import Models window will appear.
Select the appropriate input file format. The choices are:
FLT (Binary Float Height Field)
ASCII Z Grid (ESRI's gridded format generated from gridascii command)
FXYZ (Binary)
LAS (also see LAS Quick Open) Version 1.1 and 1.2
Optech Comprehensive
Optech CSD
Optech IXF
Select whether to build a QTT Gridded Surface Model, QTC Point Cloud, or QTA (Point Cloud with
Attribute Table).
Select whether to batch import the selected file (s)
Select whether to compress models or not. Compressing models only applies to QTC (Point Cloud)
models. Please refer to the section on compressing models.
Select whether to access data in Proxy Mode
Click Import.
Select your raw data file from the file selection window. If it does not appear, it may be because the file
extension is not recognized. If this is the case, choose "All Files" in the file type window. NOTE: The
Quick Terrain Modeler will build models from multiple data sets at the same time. If you wish to use
multiple data sets, select them all during this step.
Click Open
An appropriate Import window will pop up for your specified source data file. This window will display
various attributes about your file and about the model you are creating.

6.2.1 Batch Import

There are two drivers behind introducing batch functionality. First, the size of surveys is increasing. Second,
surveys are getting cut into many "tiles" to accommodate this larger size. Quick Terrain Modeler's new
batch functionality will permit users to import multiple data sets one at a time, build the individual model
based on normal import specifications, name the model, save the model, clear the model, then move on to
the next data set. Batch functionality will permit users to build many models that, if loaded together, would
overflow existing memory. It will also allow users to select hundreds of data sets and build corresponding
models without taking the time to build each one.
Menu - Import 71

Instructions: When importing models, simply check the box labeled "Batch Import?", then import as
normal. The Quick Terrain Modeler will automatically create models in the same directory as the source
data files. The models will be named identically to the source data, but will have a .qtt or .qtc extension.

6.2.2 Compressed Data

Quick Terrain Modeler offers the option to "Allow Compressed Data" when importing models as well as the
ability to compress existing, uncompressed QTC point cloud models. Selecting this option will make QTC
point cloud models half their normal size in terms of file size and memory consumption. Compressed QTC
files will contain the same number of points as uncompressed QTC files created from the same source data
file. The engineering tradeoff will be a slight reduction in model precision, depending on the X, Y, and Z
ranges of the particular model. Quick Terrain Modeler will inform the user in the model information
window as to what reduction in precision has been introduced in the model. This statistic is called "Model
Format Precision". Model format precision is the impact to model precision introduced by Quick Terrain
Modeler during the model compression process.
Compressed data is only relevant in QTC point cloud models.

Important Note: Model Format Precision is not the accuracy of the model data. Model accuracy is
dependent solely upon the accuracy of original survey data, and will be minimally impacted by
compressing model data. Do not use "Model Format Precision" as an accuracy basis for making critical
spatial decisions (e.g., targeting, flight planning, etc.).

6.2.3 Import - Processing Options

There are two processing options. Both of these are relevant only when importing multiple data sets. The
options are as follows:

Process as a group: Selecting this button will allow the user build a single model out of multiple data
sets. This is an excellent way to build a single, seamless model out of multiple tiled data sets.
Process Individually: Selecting this button will allow the user to build and save multiple individual
models from multiple individual data sets. Note: the resulting models must all be saved individually.

Notes on working with multiple models:

Make sure the data sets are adjacent to each other geographically. Loading multiple data sets that
are far apart geographically will result in the Quick Terrain Modeler creating an unnecessarily large
model. For example, if a user tried to build a model of New York and a model of London together
and process as a group, the Quick Terrain Modeler would try to construct a model for all the space
72 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

in between as well. Therefore, there would be thousands of miles of empty space in the model. In a
surface model, this would occupy enormous amounts of memory and would probably result in a
failure to load.

6.2.4 Import - Color by Density

Users can color a .qtt surface model based on the density of the underlying data points.

Many users have requested a tool that would tell them where data is either exceptionally dense or
exceptionally sparse. Steep hillsides frequently have sparse point spacing, even if average point spacing is
acceptable. Flight line overlaps have data that can be exceptionally dense. Users need to know when to
"trust" the data and when further investigation or analysis is required. Note that low density over water is
normal as water absorbs LiDAR energy.

How (NOTE: This tool only works when importing to a .qtt surface model):
Import a model by selecting "Import Model" from the Models menu.
Select your data file type and choose QTT Gridded Surface as the model type.
Click "Import" and select the data file you want to analyze.
Use the import tool in the normal fashion.
Note: Density will be defined in relation to your selected grid spacing. Make sure your grid spacing
reflects a data density you are "testing" for.
Check the "Color by Density" option.
IMPORTANT: Do not check the "Import Intensity" box. The Quick Terrain Modeler can only display
one "color" on a surface model. This color can either be the data density or the intensity. If both are
checked, only intensity will be displayed on the new surface model.
Click "OK"
The Quick Terrain Modeler will build a surface model colored by data density.

The results:
The definition of "density" is based upon the grid spacing you select.
"Dense" data will be colored green. Dense is defined as a data point with an adjacent point equal to or
less than your selected grid spacing. For example, in a 1-meter grid, dense data will be defined as any
data point with a "neighbor" data point less than one meter away. These places in the terrain will be
colored green.
"Sparse" data will be colored red. Sparse is defined as a data point with the closest adjacent point
greater than four times your selected grid spacing. For example, in a 1-meter grid, sparse data will be
defined as any data point with a closest "neighbor" data point greater than four meters away. This
definition is hard coded into the Quick Terrain Modeler, so users can not define sparse. Sparse places
in the terrain will be colored red.
Data that is neither sparse nor dense will be colored varying gradations of color from green to red.

The user needs to know the data density of a survey in order to investigate areas where coverage was
exceptionally sparse. The user defines "sparse" relative to a one meter grid (i.e., sparse data will have its
closest neighbor point more than four meters away. The user sets grid spacing at 1 meter, makes sure
intensity is not selected, and imports the data. The result is shown below. Note the sparse data areas in the
lower left and upper right corners. The user may conclude that, for the area around the dam itself, the data
is sufficiently dense.

Selecting the "Color By Density" Option and Result of the Serpent Mound Data Density Analysis Showing
Menu - Import 73

Sparse Data in Red

6.2.5 Import - Gridding Options

Gridding options help define how the raw data will be interpreted and displayed. The options are slightly
different if you intend to build a point cloud or if you intend to build a surface model.

The "Gridding Options" Section of the ASCII Import Window

For Building Point Cloud Models

If you intend to build a point cloud, the options and tools can be used as follows:
Grid Sampling: Grid sampling is irrelevant to building a point cloud.
Decimation/Crop Options. Allows the user to limit the size of a point cloud by reducing the number of
points. Also allows the user to reduce the size of point clouds by limiting the geographic extents of the
model being created.

For Building Surface Models (DEM's)

If you intend to build a surface model, the options and tools can be used as follows:
Grid Sampling: Grid sampling defines the underlying grid spacing. When the Quick Terrain Modeler
builds a surface model, it creates a regular grid under the interpolated surface. The spacing between
the grid vertices is referred to as "Grid Sampling". The grid sampling determines the final size and
resolution of a surface model. A Grid Sampling of "1" defines the grid as 1 meter in a UTM model. A
Grid Sampling of "1" defines the grid as 1 foot in a State Plane model. A Grid Sampling of "5" defines
the grid as 5 meter in a UTM model. A Grid Sampling of "5" defines the grid as 5 feet in a State Plane
Decimation/Crop Options. Allows the user to reduce the size of surface models by limiting the
geographic extents of the model being created.

Important notes on Grid Sampling:

1. Ideally, grid sampling is the same as your target posting of your original data set. For example, a
survey with a target of 1 meter point spacing (aka, "posting") is optimized with a grid sampling of 1
2. There is little to be gained by making a grid "denser" than the original data. The Quick Terrain Modeler
can not compensate for sparsely collected raw data sets. The net result will most likely be about the
74 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

same visual resolution with a much larger model size (i.e., unnecessary memory consumption). For
example, data collected with 1 meter posting will not look appreciably better by using a grid sampling
of .25 meters. Forcing the grid into such tight spacing will, however, make the surface model 16 times
as large. So the user that attempts this will have an enormous file, but still will not achieve a "super
high resolution" effect.
3. There is something to be gained by making the grid "sparser". For example, if data was collected over
a vast area at 1 meter posting, the file size would be enormous - too big to build and load, perhaps. By
building a model with 4 meter grid sampling, the user may be able to visualize the entire data set -
albeit at a lower resolution - because the resulting model is only 1/16 (6%) the size of the same data
set at 1 meter grid sampling. The user may then choose to re-import data in specific sections at 1
meter grid sampling.
4. Engineering tradeoff: Smaller grid spacing results in higher resolution models, but larger models. A
model that contains 20 million points (vertices) at 2 meter grid sampling will contain 80 million points
at 1 meter sampling. Each halving of the point spacing results in a quadrupling of the points. Memory
usage is directly proportional to number of points.
5. Be mindful of units. If the raw data set is in meters, make sure to specify grid spacing in meters. If the
raw data set is in feet, make sure the grid sampling is in feet.

Decimation/Crop Options. Both of these options are accessed by clicking the Decimation/Crop Options
button. The user can utilize both of these features at once. Only one of these options will reduce the
size of the final surface model.
Decimation Level: The decimation level does nothing to minimize the size of a surface model. Surface
model size will be entirely determined by the grid sampling and the geographic extents of the model.
Crop to a Defined Area: Crop to defined area works exactly as above for a surface model.

6.2.6 Import - Allow Rotated Grid

The Allow Rotated Grid check box defines whether the model will orient the grid North-South, or allow the
Quick Terrain Modeler to orient the grid in the optimum fashion. This is only relevant for surface models. It
does not apply to point clouds.

Checking the "Allow Rotated Grid" Box

It is usually best to allow the grid to be rotated. The Quick Terrain Modeler can significantly minimize the
final model size (and therefore memory usage) by rotating the grid to the optimum orientation. Some
external applications may require that the grid be oriented north-south. If the user wishes to export the
gridded data to an application that requires north-south orientation, simply uncheck the box.

6.2.7 Import - Decimation Options

Decimation and Crop Options are accessed by clicking the Decimation/Crop Options button. The user can
utilize both of these features at once. Both of these options will reduce the size of the final point cloud or
surface model. They do this in two ways:
1. Decimation Level: The decimation level specifies a sampling ratio for importing data. The
default is 1. If the user sets the value to 5, the Quick Terrain Modeler will build a point cloud
model from every fifth point in the sample data set. With a Decimation Level of 10, the Quick
Menu - Import 75

Terrain Modeler samples every 10th point, etc. Decimation is irrelevant when creating gridded
surface models. See FAQ: Why should I decimate a file?
2. Crop to a Defined Area: If the user knows is only interested in a subset of the overall survey, he/
she may define that smaller section in this window. This can be done in a number of ways:
Manually insert the extents of the area in the windows provided. Important: make sure to
select the extents by checking the boxes "Crop to defined Area" as well as the boxes for the
extents of your subset area. Most subsets will only require checking the boxes next to "Min X
- Max X" and "Min Y - Max Y". If the user further wishes to crop by altitude (Z) or Intensity (I),
check those as well, but they are not necessary.
Automatically insert the extents of the area based on an existing mensuration. Use this
method if you have a mensuration line in a model that represent the area you would like to
import. Click the "Copy From Mensuration" button to automatically populate the values from
the area you have just measured. Note: The Quick Terrain Modeler will simply import a
rectangle based on the min/max X and Y of your existing mensuration line.
Automatically insert the extents of the area based on a selection. Use this method if you have
used the Select or Select Polygon to define the area to import. Note: The Quick Terrain
Modeler will simply import a rectangle based on the min/max X and Y of your selected area. If
you have an irregular area defined, it will be imported as a rectangle.
Automatically insert the extents of the area based on an external shape file. Use this method
if you have an external shape file that defines the desired boundary of the imported area. The
user will need to specify the coordinate system and UTM zone (if working in UTM) for the
shape file. Note: The Quick Terrain Modeler will simply import a rectangle based on the min/
max X and Y of your shape file. If you have an irregular area defined, it will be imported as a
rectangle. If you wish to cut or crop to the irregular area later, please import the shape file as
a selection area.

Important: make sure to select the extents by checking the boxes "Crop to defined Area" as well as the
boxes for the extents of your subset area. Most subsets will only require checking the boxes next to "Min X
- Max X" and "Min Y - Max Y". If the user further wishes to crop by altitude (Z) or Intensity (I), check those as
well, but they are not necessary.

The Decimation/Crop Options Window and the Shape File Importer Window:

6.2.8 Import - Gridding and Triangulation Options

The Gridding Options Window provides a number of features that can be useful when creating a QTT surface
model. While no surfacing algorithm is perfect, there are reasons to choose one over the other.

Recommended Profile Settings

While there are many possible settings that could be useful, here are some general guidelines for the
options outlined below:

DEM - Digital Elevation Model (Bare Earth Surface): Adaptive Triangulation, Mean Z, Apply
76 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Antialiasing, Smoothing = None. Import only "Ground" points.

DSM - Digital Surface Model (Buildings, trees, ground, etc.): Adaptive Triangulation, Max Z, Apply
Antialiasing, Smoothing Radius = 1.00 Bins, Smoothing Z Tolerance = 3.0 m. Import all points or
perhaps only first returns.

Hole Fill &Triangulation Settings

The first choice to make when creating a surface model is how to interpret point data in the surface
creation process. The surface creation process for "No Fill", "Simple Interpolation", and "Adaptive
Triangulation" use the following process to create a surface:

1. Mathematically create a grid of user-specified spacing. This spacing is the "Grid Sampling" specified in
the gridding options section of the import window. Ultimately, this becomes the grid framework for the
3D raster surface model (DEM, DSM, DTM, etc.).
2. Evaluate the points within each of the grid cells to determine the elevation value that should be used
for each raster or vertex. There are four possible choices:
Min Z: QT Modeler will choose the lowest point in each grid cell to represent the elevation in that
cell. This may be useful to approximate a ground surface or to eliminate spikes caused by
Max Z: QT Modeler will choose the highest point in each grid cell to represent the elevation in that
cell. This might be useful to ensure that vertical obstructions and/or vegetation are accurately
Mean Z: QT Modeler will average all elevation values in each grid cell to represent the elevation in
that cell. This is perhaps the most useful all-around methodology, as it is less susceptible to spikes
and noise, but should accurately represent buildings and vegetation.
Max I: QT Modeler will choose the point with the maximum intensity value in each grid cell to
represent the elevation in that cell.
3. In grid cells that have no points whatsoever, the user must decide what to do with the holes. In some
cases, it is best to leave them as null data values, thus accurately representing that no data existed in
the first place. In other cases, it is more desirable to fill the holes as intelligently as possible. It is best
to think of the first three "Hole Fill" methodologies as a continuum, as this is the sequence of the
process used by QT Modeler:

No Fill --> Simple Interpolation --> Adaptive Triangulation

No Fill: Any grid cells with no data are assigned a value of "null" - i.e., no data exists.
Simple Interpolation: Interpolate an elevation value for an empty grid cell by evaluating the 8
neighboring cells. In the interpolation methodology, the empty grid cell must have a minimum of
five neighboring grid cells (out of a possible of 8 neighboring cells) with a valid elevation value (i.e.,
not an interpolated value) for interpolation to take place. If there are less than 5 valid neighbors,
the grid cell will remain empty. If there are 5 or more valid neighbors, QTM will average the
adjacent elevation values and assign the empty cell the average elevation value.
Adaptive Triangulation: Once the gridding and simple interpolation processes are complete,
adaptive triangulation continues the hole fill process by creating surfaces across the remaining
empty cells. Please note that triangulation will not impact grid cells that have been assigned an
elevation value in the previous two steps. Triangulation is simply a tool to fill empty areas that
simple interpolation was unsuitable for. Adaptive triangulation creates 3D triangles across empty
areas, then samples the elevation value of the triangle surface at each empty grid cell. This sample
value then becomes the elevation value for each empty cell.
Anti-Aliasing: Anti-aliasing attempts to increase the precision of the triangulation by subdividing
each grid cell into 16 equal segments and recording which segment contained the point that was
Menu - Import 77

used to represent the elevation value of the grid cell. When triangulation occurs, this increased
level of precision will enhance the accuracy of the triangles and the subsequent sampling that
occurs. The sub-grid is not retained after the QTT is created.
Smooth Interpolation: Checking "Smooth Interpolation" applied a Natural Neighbor smoothing
algorithm. Instead of a straight line on each triangle edge, the triangulated surfaces can form
graceful curves based on the elevation values of a given point's neighbors. Therefore, slopes and
building edges may be represented in a smoother, more natural fashion.

In all of these methods, the hole fill decision process is as follows:

1) Choose Fill Method:

a) No Fill: Leave empty holes where no data exists.
b) Simple Interpolation: Create an estimated surface where no data exists. This estimate is a maximum
of one grid cell away from real data.
c) Adaptive Triangulation (DEFAULT): Create estimated surface at unlimited distances from real points.
Please note that these maximum distances can be limited by setting the max distances to real
points and max triangle sides if the user chooses.
d) Legacy Triangulation: This is the way QT Modeler has always done triangulation (i.e., triangulate
prior to gridding). Please note this process is slower, less accurate, and is being phased out.

2) Select Algorithm:
a) Min Z: Use the lowest point in each grid cell.
b) Max Z: Use the highest point in each grid cell.
c) Mean Z: (DEFAULT) Use the mean elevation value of all the points in a grid cell.
d) Max I: Use the elevation value of the point with the maximum intensity value as the elevation value
for the grid cell.

3) Triangulation Options:
a) Max Distance to Real Point: In some LiDAR data sets, there are areas of very sparse data. This may
occur for a variety of reasons such as very steep terrain, surveys over water, or parts of the survey
being blocked from view of the laser (i.e., "laser shadow"). When the Quick Terrain Modeler builds a
surface model, it will simply attempt to draw the best surface from the existing data. If data is
sparse, this may result in extraordinarily large triangles in the surface model (See Example below). In
order to prevent this, the user may set a Max Distance to Real Point. This feature will limit the
length of an individual triangle side to the value input by the user. For example, if the user sets a
value to "5", the maximum triangle side length will be 5 meters (if working in UTM). This may result
in "holes" in the model. In some cases, holes may be preferable to false surfaces. (DEFAULT =
unchecked = minimum 10 times the user-specified grid sampling)
b) Max Length of a Triangle Side: The "Max Length of Triangle Side" value will ignore large triangles in
the triangulation process that exceed the user set value. (DEFAULT = unchecked = unspecified, but
at least 10 times the grid sampling)
c) Edge Threshold: Setting the edge threshold is a tool to help ensure that sides of buildings are truly
vertical, preserving sharp edges. It is particularly useful where there is laser "shadow" on one side of
a building. The number specifies the change in Z for a triangle, above which QT Modeler may
consider it an "edge", rather than a gentle change in slope. When using spike/well filtering, it is
useful to have this turned on, as it might assist in identifying a spike as a spike, rather than a gentler
slope. (DEFAULT = unchecked = no limit)
d) Helpful Hints:
If you get "holes" in your data and do not want them, increase the Max distance to real point and
max length of triangle side until holes get filled in.
78 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

There is no direct correlation between the file size of the input file and the file size of the surface
model created from it/them. Final surface model file size only depends on the user selected grid
size and geographic extents of the final model. Input file size only depends on the number of
Time/Speed Impacts: Most of the interim process during grid creation involve reading the original
file data. In order of speed, No Fill is the fastest, followed by Simple Interpolation, followed by
Adaptive Triangulation. Each of these processes is adding a new step to the same process. Legacy
triangulation is far slower than Adaptive Triangulation.
Memory Impacts: Most of the interim processes that impact memory consumption involve grid
creation and triangulation. Minimizing max triangle sides reduces memory consumption for
Adaptive Triangulation, but not for Legacy. Anti-aliasing, smoothing, and using Mean Z as the
algorithm each consume additional memory during model creation, but do not impact the size of
the final model.
Legacy triangulation methodologies are both slower and more memory consumptive than the
newer grid creation methodologies.

Hole Fill Options

Original Point cloud Showing Area of

Laser Shadow

Hole Fill Examples:

Gridded Surface with No Fill - Areas of

Sparse Data Leave Empty Holes
Menu - Import 79

Simple Interpolation - Small Holes Filled,

Larger Holes Still Empty

Adaptive Triangulation - Fills All Holes, but

Building Edges May Be Sloped

Triangulation With Edge Threshold at 2m

- Building Edges Are Vertical

Triangulation Examples: Without Maximum Excursion Set (Large Triangles) and with Maximum Distance
to Real Point set to 10 Meters (jagged model outline).

Smoothing Filter - Prefiltering Points

The Smoothing sub-window allows filtering options to be set to improve the smoothness of the
triangulated surface. Essentially, if selected, the smoothing filter will perform a pre-filtering process
that will eliminate points that vary significantly in Z from their neighbors. QTM will then perform the
surfacing and triangulation process noted above, but only on the subset of points that pass through the

Radius: The distance, measured terms of in the user defined grid cell spacing (i.e., "bins"), that the
pre-filter will use to evaluate subsets of points. QTM will use a radius centered in each grid cell to
80 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

compare every point to maximum Z (or Min Z) its neighbors within that radius. The numbers on
the radius are .5 (no filtering), .75, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, and 3- indicating the search radius as measured
in grid increments. The larger the radius, the higher the probability that points will be filtered out
- i.e., larger radius = smoother surface. Terminology note: a "bin" is simply a way to divide up
points based on a certain criteria for the purpose of statistical analysis. In the case of 3D LiDAR
points, the "bin" is the 2D user-defined grid cell.

Z Tolerance: How close to the max (or min) Z that is tolerable for a point to be considered in the
triangulation process within the radius that is set above. For example, if Z tolerance is set to 1
meter, any point that has a difference in Z greater than 1 meter from the highest point (or lowest
in the case of using the Min Z algorithm) will not be considered in the gridding/triangulation
process, thus permitting a smoother surface.

Spike/Well Removal
Spike/Well removal attempts to identify grid cells that may contain erroneous elevation data that the
user may not want reflected in the final surface. There are many causes of erroneous point data, but
the symptoms are usually similar - data that is considerably higher or lower than all of its neighboring
grid cells. QTM's approach to identifying these areas is to evaluate each and every grid cell to answer
the fundamental question - is this cell a spike or well? To answer this question, QTM will evaluate the
elevation of each grid cell relative to its 20 closest neighboring grid cells (i.e., two grid cells in each
direction except diagonally). The process is as follows:
QTM will evaluate the elevation of the 20 adjacent grid cells and count how many meet the criteria
for "Minimum Spike Level". Thus, the user must specify the difference in elevation that would
trigger the tool to classify a cell a spike.
QTM will tally the number of cells in the adjacent 20 cells in which the difference was less than the
"Minimum Spike Level" (i.e., relatively close in value).
QTM will designate a cell a "spike" if the criteria was met between one time (least aggressive) and
five or more times (most aggressive). It is helpful to think of this as follows: If there is only one
cell in the adjacent 20 cells that is less than the "minimum Spike Level", then that grid cell is most
likely a spike. Thus, interpolating a new elevation value in that circumstance is the "least
If the cell is designated a "spike", its elevation value will be reset using simple interpolation of its 8
neighboring grid cells.
Note: When spikes are negative, they are referred to as wells. Spikes and wells are treated the
same in this filter.

Tiling Settings
Position: The tiling settings for position attempt to guarantee the corner location of a QTT model. Rather
than letting QT Modeler decide where the grid corner origin should be based on the extents of the
original point data, users may prefer to "snap" to a specific grid increment or location. The choices are
as follows:
Auto: Quick Terrain Modeler will decide on the placement of the grid origin (i.e., corner). It may
or may not fall on a logical grid increment (e.g., an even 1 meter UTM grid corner)
Snap to Grid (Expand): This choice will "Snap" the created grid to the next higher grid increment
(relative to the grid sampling chosen) in both X and Y (Easting and Northing), but will choose to
increase the size of the grid to achieve the "snap". For example, a 2m QTT in UTM built with
"Snap to Grid (Expand)" will always choose a lower left corner on an even UTM 2m increment that
Menu - Import 81

starts slightly further south and west of the "natural" mathematically calculated origin as well as
an upper right corner that is further east and north than may "naturally" occur.
Snap to Grid (Contract): Similar to the (Expand) choice, but will snap to the lower left corner to
the north and east, and the upper right corner to the south and west, thus creating a smaller grid
than may have naturally occurred. Choosing Snap to Grid (Contract) may prevent null data values
along the edges of DEM's.
Specify Grid Tie Point: Specifying the grid tie point ensures that a model or series of models is
"locked down" to a designated origin. Specifying Grid Tie Point goes hand in hand with the
selection of the grid size, and will most likely be used when the tile size specified is uniform across
an entire data set. For example, specifying an origin of X = 1000 and Y = 1000, along with a fixed
Size Model of 1000m high and 1000m wide will ensure that all subsequent model edges will begin
and end precisely on a 1000m UTM corner. This will take the guesswork out of tile sizes and will
effectively "trim" the edges of DEM's to ensure perfect alignment with adjacent tiles.

Size: The tile size settings allow the user to choose specific resulting surface model sizes, or to let QT
Modeler choose an appropriate size based on the extents of the original point data. The choices are as
Auto: Quick Terrain Modeler will decide how big to make the model based on the extents of the
original point data.
Maintain Size: Quick Terrain Modeler will maintain the height and width of the original point data
Fixed Size (Units): The user must specify the number of units in height or width.
Fixed Size (pixels): The user must specify the number of pixels in width and height. E.g., if using
2m grid spacing and a 1000m x 1000m is desired, width and height need to be specified as 500 x

Amount to Trim from Borders: In some instances, it may be desirable to remove rows/columns from the
edges of DEM's. This may be desirable to avoid "null data" values around the edges of DEM's. In some
cases, QTM's gridding algorithm may create an extra row or column that may be partially populated with
null data values. Trimming the edges will allow QTM to first create a DEM, then trim off any edges. The
units specified will be in the linear units of the model.

6.2.9 Import - Geo-Registration

As of Version 7.1.5, Quick Terrain Modeler will support data in any known coordinate system. Ideally, the
coordinate system, vertical datum, horizontal units, and vertical units will be accurately represented in the
header of the source data files. If so, there should be nothing the user needs to do. If the coordinate system
is not correctly tagged in the header space, you can set the georegistation tags during Import using the Edit
button (see #3 below). This will change the tag for this current session of QT Modeler. You may want to
permanently change the header GeoTags. To do this, navigate to the Export Model window and click the SET
GEOREGISTRATION TAGS button. For more information on Setting the georegistration tags on export, click
here: Set Georegistration

The Geo-Registration portion of the import window is divided into these sections:

1. Source Data Native Coordinate System: This field is automatically populated with the Geo Keys of
the source data file. This source data native coordinate system can be overridden by clicking the
"Edit" button and selecting the correct coordinate system. Please note that editing the coordinate
82 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

system does not perform a coordinate conversion on the data. It simply changes the coordinate
system tag. The coordinate system should only be edited and overridden if the Geo Key is incorrect
or if the data has no coordinate system whatsoever.

2. QTM Active Coordinate System: This field is only populated if data is already loaded into QTM. If
no data is loaded, the field will display "Unknown". Once a data set is loaded into QTM, subsequent
data sets will be compared against the loaded data set to determine of the two data sets have a
compatible coordinate system. Important: QT Modeler can only work in one active coordinate
system at a time. Even if data may be spatially overlapping, but in different coordinate systems, it
will likely not display properly in the same scene.

3. Edit Button: Clicking the edit button enables the selection of an alternate coordinate system for the
source data file. Read more: Set Georegistration

4. Radio Buttons to Perform Actions Upon the Source Data Geo Registration
Compatible CS/Ignore CS: Do nothing to the georegistration tags of the data to be imported.
If the data about to be imported is deemed to be compatible with the data already loaded, the
background color will be green and the radio button will display "Compatible CS". Essentially,
this means that the data is compatible with what is loaded and nothing will be done to the
georegistration. If the source data georegistration is different and incompatible with the
Active Coordinate System, the radio button will read "Ignore CS" and will offer the user the
option to disregard the warning of incompatible coordinate system and proceed anyway. This
is usually not advisable, but there may be instances where it could be useful (e.g., "Cartesian"
coordinate systems in relative survey coordinate frameworks)
Set Data to Active CS: Simply re-tags the source data file to the active Coordinate system.
Note that this does not perform coordinate conversion - only a re-tagging of the data.
Transform Data to Active CS: This feature is disabled at this time. In the future, this will
provide a dynamic coordinate conversion upon import or load

5. Background Color Indicators For Source Data Native Coordinate System:

Green: The source file is tagged with a compatible coordinate system with the active (i.e.,
already loaded) coordinate system. QTM will be able to convert units (e.g., feet to meters) if
necessary, but otherwise cannot perform coordinate conversion upon import. When the
background color is green, there is no need to edit or change the source data coordinate
system. The "Compatible CS" radio button should remain selected.

Blue: The source file is tagged with a different coordinate system than the active (i.e., already
loaded) coordinate system, but QTM has determined that it can be loaded into the same scene
and, with some minimal adjustment, be recognized in the active coordinate system. A
common example of this would be data in two adjacent UTM zones, which is a very
understandable relationship. In this case, the Active Coordinate System would not be changed,
the new source file would simply be placed adjacent to the already loaded data.

Yellow: The user has chosen to manually override the existing Geo Keys to make the source
data file have a compatible coordinate system with the loaded data, or the user has chosen to
tag data that was never tagged in the first place. In essence, the yellow color means that the
use has chosen to manually set the coordinate system of the source data file, and thus the
responsibility is upon the user to ensure that this is correct. Once the user manually sets or
overrides the coordinate system of a given data set, QTM will have no subsequent way to
determine of the override is correct.
Menu - Import 83

Red: The source file is tagged with a different coordinate system than the active (i.e., already
loaded) coordinate system and QTM has determined that it cannot be loaded into the same
scene as the active data. The user may proceed and the data will load, but the placement of
the resulting data will be entirely dependent upon the Active Coordinate System that has
already been established. Any resulting analysis done on data that has been "forced" into the
Active Coordinate System will likely be unreliable.

The Geo-Registration Section of the Import Window - No Data Loaded (Green) and a "Compatible"
Source Data Native Coordinate System (Green):

The Geo-Registration Section of the Import Window - Source Data Native Coordinate System Different
and Incompatible (Red), Different but Still Compatible (Blue):

The Geo-Registration Section of the Import Window After Source Data Native Coordinate System Has
Been Edited/Changed by User (Yellow):

"Cartesian" Coordinate System

Quick Terrain Modeler offers a "Cartesian" coordinate system option that should be used in cases where the
data is not georegistered in a generally recognized coordinate system. This is the case for some
experimental sensors and for scanners working in "Survey" coordinates - i.e., improvised coordinate
systems with relative X-Y-Z positions.

6.2.10 Import - ASCII Format

The ASCII Format Section of the import window allows the user to specify columns for the imported raw
data. Since there is no standard format for ASCII data files, the user requires a great deal of flexibility in
importing data. The Format section requires users to input:
The number of header lines. Header lines are lines of text which are not part of the actual survey
data. In the example below, there are three header lines which are not "data". The number 3 has
been input into the window.
X, Y and Z Columns simply guide the Quick Terrain Modeler to the appropriate columns for Easting,
84 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Northing and Altitude. In the example below, these are in columns 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The user
has input these values into the appropriate boxes.
Import Intensity: The user must check this box to import intensity values into the model.
Import RGB: The user must check this box to import RGB (Red, Green, Blue color) values into the
model. Note: Intensity or RGB may be built into the model, but not both.
Import Alpha: The user must check this box to import Alpha values into the model.

The ASCII Format Section of the Import Window

Sample Text Preview Window of the ASCII Import Window Import - Intensity

The import intensity window instructs the Quick Terrain Modeler to import intensity. The user must specify
two things about importing intensity:
1. Auto Scaling: The default is to auto scale. When this box is checked, the Quick Terrain Modeler
will assign the intensity a value between 0 and 255 automatically. Thus, regardless of the absolute
values of intensity, the Quick Terrain Modeler will scale between 0 and 255. If this box is
unchecked, the user may specify minimum and maximum values for intensity.
2. Intensity Column: Simply specifies the data column in which the intensity value is found. Import - RGB

The import ASCII RGB window instructs the Quick Terrain Modeler to import color values associated with
each point/vertex. The user must specify two things about importing RGB:
1. Auto Scaling: The default is to auto scale. When this box is checked, the Quick Terrain Modeler
will assign the color a value between 0 and 255 automatically. Thus, regardless of the absolute
values of color, the Quick Terrain Modeler will scale between 0 and 255. If this box is unchecked,
the user may specify minimum and maximum values for color.
2. Red/Green/Blue Column: Simply specifies the data column in which the respective color value is
Menu - Import 85 Import - Alpha

The import ASCII Alpha window instructs the Quick Terrain Modeler to import alpha values associated with
each point/vertex. The user must specify two things about importing alpha:
1. Auto Scaling: The default is to auto scale. When this box is checked, the Quick Terrain Modeler
will assign the alpha a value between 0 and 255 automatically. Thus, regardless of the absolute
values of alpha, the Quick Terrain Modeler will scale between 0 and 255. If this box is unchecked,
the user may specify minimum and maximum values for alpha.
2. Alpha Column: Simply specifies the data column in which the alpha value is found.

6.2.11 Import - LAS

Quick Terrain Modeler currently supports the import of LAS Version 1.1 and version 1.2. The Import LAS
window gives the user flexibility in inputting data that is in LAS format. Users can build surface models or
point clouds. When building surface models, use the gridding options exactly as in the ASCII import window.
Use the LAS format options to select whether or not to import intensity (if it exists) as well as the desired
return (All, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5).

Related Topics: Compressed Data, Color by Density, Allow Rotated Grid, Decimation Options, Filtering

The Georegistration portion of the interface is explained here. Import- Georegistration

Quick Terrain Modeler supports filtering the LAS data file by classification. The user can select specific
returns to import and decide whether to make discrete models from them or to merge them into one
model. To filter by classification upon import, the user simply needs to press the "Classification" button.
The "LAS Filter Selections" window will appear. The user must check the "Filter Using Classification" box,
then check which particular classification values are of interest. The user must also check "Merge
Selections" to merge the data into a single file or "Separate Selections" to make a separate model for each
selected classification value. The official ASPRS-defined values for some of the classification values are
specified in the window (e.g., 3 = Low Vegetation), but please note that if the original data did not follow the
ASPRS standard, Quick Terrain Modeler filters by numerical value alone. For example, if a user has defined
buildings to have a classification value of 1, and wants to create a model with only "Building" data, the user
must select 1 as the classification value (not 6 as per the ASPRS defined value). If a user builds separate
models for each classification value, it may be very helpful to autocolor the models and/or selectively show/
86 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

hide models.

Including Withheld, Synthetic, and/or key points enables the filtering based on these specific criteria, which
frequently behave as extensions of the classification byte in the LAS point data record.

6.2.12 LAS Quick Open

Users can open LAS files from an external application or from the command line. Simply follow the
instructions for opening Quick Terrain Modeler from an External Application, but note the following:

The last import setup from the LAS Open Configuration tool will determine the configuration choices
of importing the LAS file.
The LAS Quick Open tool will only open LAS files as QTC/QTA point clouds. It will not build QTT
gridded surface models.

6.3 Re-Import Model Data

Re-import model allows the user to import a subset of the last imported model. This is very useful for
importing a very large model. When importing a large model, users frequently either decimate or build a
larger grid to minimize the size of the resulting model. Once this is done, users can now select an area,
select Re-import Model from the Models Menu, and import the subsection of interest in higher resolution.

Her are some helpful hints:

Re-import only works on the most recently imported model.

For surface models, make sure the grid sampling is at your target density. For example, if you imported
a large area at 5 meter grid sampling so the model would fit in memory, re importing will allow you to
set the grid sampling at 2 meters (or whatever value is required) in the re-imported area. This will not
cause the entire model to have 2 meter spaced grid.
Decimation crop options:
Please click on the Decimation/Crop Options button. Check the crop to defined area check box.
This ensures that the area selected defines the imported data.
For point clouds, if the original model was decimated, set the decimation level back to a lower
number to import the full density of points. At this point in the process, it might be worthwhile
to set the decimation back to 1 (no decimation).
All functions will be identical to importing the first time, but will only apply to a subset of the data that
you have defined in the select tool.
Menu - Import 87

6.4 Import Vector Data

Shape files typically originate from ESRI GIS applications, but can also be created by converting .dxf or .dgn
files to .shp. There are many reasons to overlay shape files on 3-D models. Some of the reasons are to
overlay flood perimeter lines, overlay geographic boundaries, overlay stream centerlines, or to overlay
target information. Note: 2-D shape files have no inherent elevation value, so it is frequently more
beneficial to visualize 2-D shape files in 2-D mode.

Quick Terrain Modeler's can work with vector data as follows:

1. Import and overlay 2-D and 3-D shape files. This is the most basic shape file support capability.
This capability allows users to build 3-D models from LiDAR, SAR or other 3-D data sets, then overlay shape
files that were created in ESRI GIS (or other) software. To overlay shape files, simply click the import vector
data button or choose import vector data from the Import menu. The user then selects an individual shape
file or entire GIS layer. Quick Terrain Modeler will then prompt the user for a coordinate system with the
window below. The user must select a coordinate system and UTM zone if appropriate. The user must
ensure that the coordinate system matches the coordinate system of the model. 2-D shape files will be
projected into the model space by assigning an elevation value to each vertex of the shape file. Quick
Terrain Modeler will assign the elevation value of the surface of the model and connect the vertices with a
straight vector. For this reason, some vectors may appear to pierce the surface of the model if the surface is
highly irregular. 3-D shape files have inherent elevation values associated with all vertices. These shape files
will be placed in the correct 3-D space. Quick Terrain Modeler will not reassign elevation values to 3-D shape

Note: Imported shape files and/or GIS layers become separate vector models. Users can assign
different colors to the vector models by using the Display...Set Base Mode Color function. Users can also
selectively turn the vector layers on and off by using the Display...Show/Hide Models function.

2. Import 2-D shape files for use as a mensuration line. The concept behind this tool is that users may
have created lines in other programs that can be used as mensuration lines in a 3-D terrain model. As a
mensuration line, this tool can provide repeatable measurements and cross sections. An imported
mensuration line can also serve as the basis for multiple cross section analysis (e.g., for cut and fill

3. Import shape file polygons for use as a selection area. Just like the 2-D shape file import, the
import of a polygon shape file forms the basis of analysis of specific areas. For example, an imported shape
file selection area can specify an area in which to edit the terrain (e.g., crop to a specific area designated in
GIS analysis), perform volume calculations or to measure area statistics (number of points, average point
density, etc.)

4. Save a Quick Terrain Modeler mensuration line as a shape file. Once a specific measurement is
performed, the user can save the mensuration line as a shape file. The mensuration line can be imported
into ESRI GIS software, other applications, or can simply be saved to perform repeated mensuration analysis
(e.g., cross section of before/after DEM's, compare cross sections of a bare earth DEM versus an all points
88 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

DEM, etc.) in Quick Terrain Modeler.

5. Save a Quick Terrain Modeler selection area. Just as in saving a mensuration line, saving a selection
area provides two basic benefits. First, the area is available to perform the same analysis in the same
location on different models (e.g., before/after volume analysis, etc.). Second, the measured and analyzed
area can be easily exported to other applications (ESRI GIS, etc.) for additional analysis.

6. Save and export the perimeters of surveys as shape files. This tool serves as the basis for evaluating
survey coverage. Quick Terrain Modeler will create and save a shape file that represents the total survey
coverage. This can be imported into ESRI GIS and other software to compare survey coverage against target
survey extents (e.g., county boundary) as well as existing geospatial information.

7. Save contour and grid overlays as shape files. This tool enables the export of contour and grid lines
as shape files.

6.5 Import Merged GeoTIFF DEMs

For users of large GeoTIFF DEM models (e.g., US Army BuckEye LiDAR DEM's), viewing many tiles together
can cause Quick Terrain Modeler to run out of memory. The Import Merged GeoTIFF DEM's tool allows the
user to select a GeoTIFF DEM or several DEM's, specify a downsampling ratio (known a decimation level),
and import a much larger geographic area. To use this tool:

1. Select Import Merged GeoTIFF DEM's from the Import menu.

2. Select the GeoTIFF's of interest.
3. Set a Decimation level in the Decimation Options interface. The number you set in this window will be
the factor by which Quick Terrain Modeler will multiple the resolution by. For example, a decimation
level of 2 will make a 1m DEM into a 2m DEM, a 3m DEM into a 6m DEM, a 5m DEM into a 15m DEM, etc.
A decimation level of 5 will make a 1m DEM into a 5m DEM, a 3m DEM into a 15m DEM, a 5m DEM into
a 25m DEM, etc. This function will also merge multiple DEM's into a single DEM at the new resolution.
4. Click OK.
Quick Terrain Modeler

Version 8


90 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

7 Menu - Export

7.1 Export Models

Users can export 3-D models, whether point cloud (.qtc) or surface model (.qtt) into several other formats.
To export 2-D imagery of the 3-D models, please look in the Export Model Images section.

The two most popular formats, by far, for exporting 3D data are LAS for point clouds and GeoTIFF DEM for
DEM's and other surface models. Please refer to the appropriate sections for the following export formats:

LAS: Open standard file format for exchange and storage of point cloud information.

LAZ: Open standard file format for storage and exchange of compressed LAS point cloud files.

GeoTIFF 32-Bit DEM: Open standard gridded height field format.

FLT + HDR: A gridded floating point format.

XYZ ASCII (I) (A): Generates a columnated ASCII file format and will append Intensity and/or alpha values
if they are present.

ASCII XYZ-RGB (A): Generates a columnated ASCII file format and will append RGB color values and/or
alpha values if they are present.

AutoCAD ASCII DXF: This format is only appropriate for exporting contour lines and grid lines.

Binary XYZ (I) (A): Generates a binary file format and will include Intensity and/or alpha values if they are

Binary XYZ (RGB) (A): Generates a binary file format and will include RGB color and/or alpha values if
they are present.

ESRI ASCII Z Grid: The ESRI ASCII format is similar to the GeoTIFF DEM format. It is ESRI's format that
consists of a grid of elevation values.

ESRI Shape File: The ESRI shape file format can export vectors or points.

Export file extensions: Quick Terrain Modeler has a default extension for each exported file format, but users
can set a custom file extension when exporting multiple models/files. Simply click the radio button "Use
Custom Extension?", then manually enter the file extension in the box. All files will have the same
Menu - Export 91

7.1.1 Export LAS

Quick Terrain Modeler can export point data or gridded data to LAS. Quick Terrain Modeler currently
exports to LAS Version 1.1 and 1.2. When exporting to LAS, Quick Terrain Modeler will create the standard
LAS header based on model information. In addition, each point will be exported according to the LAS Point
Data Record specification. Since all Point Data Record information may not be available for each point,
Quick Terrain Modeler will treat a "no data" condition as follows:

X: Stored as a 4 byte "Long"

Y: Stored as a 4 byte "Long"
Z: Stored as a 4 byte "Long"
Intensity: Stored as a 2 byte unsigned short. When no intensity value is available, QT will write zero for
each point.
Return Number: 3 bits, always zeroes.
Number of Returns (Given Pulse): 3 bits, always zeroes.
Scan Direction Flag: 1 bit, always zero.
Edge of Flight Line: 1 bit, always zero.
Classification: 1 byte, unsigned char, always zero.
Scan Angle Rank: 1 byte, char, always zero
User Data: 1 byte, unsigned char, always zero
Point Source ID, 2 bytes unsigned short, always zero.

While some of these values may have been present in the original LAS data file, Quick Terrain Modeler does
not retain some of them unless the data was import as a QTA, thus the information may not be available
during export.

7.1.2 Export to Compressed LAS (LAZ)

LAZ is an open source compressed LAS file format. In essence, it is simply a LAS file that has undergone
compression via LASZIP. Please note acknowledgments section: LASZIP and PDAL. To export to LASZIP, go
to the Export Menu > Export Model Data. Choose LASZIP as the file format and highlight the model(s) to be
exported in the model list. Click the export button.

When opening LAZ files, simply "Open Model" or drag/drop the LAZ file into the scene.
92 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

7.1.3 Export GeoTIFF 32-Bit DEM

The GeoTIFF DEM format is an open standard. It consists of a grid of 32-bit elevation values. Because
GeoTIFF DEM is a gridded format, it is only suitable for exporting surface models (.qtt). Point clouds can not
be exported as GeoTIFF DEMs. Note that the null data value will be set to -9999 upon export, unless there
are data values below this in the model.

Models eligible for export to GeoTIFF DEM: QTT

7.1.4 Export ASCII XYZIA

This format generates an ASCII file with columns of X, Y, and Z data (plus Intensity and Alpha if applicable).
NOTE: DTED file coordinates will be converted to UTM when exported to ASCII XYZ. Quick Terrain Modeler
will add 3 lines of header information describing the data set.

Models eligible for export to ASCII XYZ- I A: QTT, QTC, or QDT

7.1.5 Export ASCII XYZRGBA

This format generates an ASCII file with columns of X, Y, and Z data plus three additional columns for Red,
Green and Blue color information. If alpha data is available, it will be appended as a fifth column. This is an
appropriate format if you have color RGB information associated with each point or vertex. Quick Terrain
Modeler will add 3 lines of header information describing the data set.

Models eligible for export to ASCII XYZ RGB (A): QTT, QTC, or QDT

7.1.6 Export AutoCAD DXF

This format is only appropriate for exporting contour lines and grid lines. Please select the appropriate
model when exporting. When selecting the model, the contour and/or grid lines will appear in the file
selection window as a separate model. Choose the contour model (or grid model) to export as DXF.

Models eligible for export to DXF: Contour lines and grid lines only.

7.1.7 Export ESRI ASCII ZGrid

The ESRI ASCII format is similar to the GeoTIFF DEM format. It is ESRI's format that consists of a grid of
elevation values. Because ESRI Grid ASCII is a gridded format, it is only suitable for exporting surface models
(.qtt). Point clouds can not be exported as ESRI Grid ASCII. Many software products will accept a gridded
data in this file format.

Please note the following:

The No Data value will be populated with the value -9999 unless elevations are below -9999, in which
Menu - Export 93

case Quick Terrain Modeler will choose a lower value.

If the original model was built with rotation (i.e., the "Allow Rotated Grid" box was checked), and the
model is not oriented North-South, then the rotation value will not be saved upon export in the ASCII
ZGrid Format. The user must manually account for the rotation when exporting and re-importing into
other applications.

Models eligible for export to ESRI ASCII Z Grid: QTT

7.1.8 Export ESRI Shape File

The ESRI shape file format can be used as follows:

1. Exporting models that consist of lines. For the Quick Terrain Modeler, this means that only vectors
(e.g., grid lines, contour lines, and model outlines )can be exported as linear shape files.

2. Exporting Point Clouds. Quick Terrain Modeler can export entire QTC ungridded point clouds to ESRI
point shape files (PointZM format). QTT gridded surface models can not be exported as shape files.

Models eligible for export to ESRI Shape File: Contour Lines, Grid Lines, Selection Polygons, Mensuration
Lines, QTC Point Clouds, and Markers

7.2 Export Model Image(s)

The Export Model Image function permits the user to export 2-D orthorectified GeoTIFF imagery. There are
8 types of 2-D GeoTIFF's available. They are as follows:

1. GeoTIFF 8-bit Intensity Image

2. GeoTIFF 24-bit Overlay Image
3. GeoTIFF 8-bit B&W Sun-Shaded Image
4. GeoTIFF 8-bit B&W Ray-Traced Image
5. GeoTIFF 24-bit Height-Colored Sun Shaded Image
6. GeoTIFF 24-bit Height-Colored Ray-Traced Image
7. GeoTIFF 24-bit Color Sun Shaded Image
8. GeoTIFF 24-bit Color Ray-Traced Image

Note: Quick Terrain Modeler will export a KML file along with each GeoTIFF created. This will enable the
export of 2D imagery to Google Earth. Please be aware that there are suggested image size limits (2k x 2k
pixels) for importing into Google Earth. Related Topics: Create KML Index, Export Outline to KML, Save
Extents Outline to KML, KML Options, Synchronize Google Earth

Basic definitions for the types of exported GeoTIFF:

Intensity Image exports the vertex colors (e.g., intensity, change detection, slope analysis, etc.) in
black and white only.
Overlay Image exports vertex colors (e.g., intensity, change detection, slope analysis, etc.) as a color
Sun-shaded options produce images shaded by the current light orientation. This tool is helpful for
producing hillshade images at various lighting conditions. Note that the user can set lighting (by
pressing the set lighting button ) based on the following parameters:
Time of day.
Azimuth and elevation (e.g., AZ 315, EL 45 for hillshade imagery)
94 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

By user preference by holding down the control key, left mouse button and moving the mouse
to a satisfactory result.

Ray-traced options calculate and apply shadows to the model.

Height-colored GeoTIFF's export the terrain colored by altitude based on the user altitude coloration

Be sure altitude coloration is set appropriately prior to generating GeoTIFF's.
It may be beneficial to remove vertex colors prior to generating GeoTIFF's. To remove image from
model, go to the Analysis menu and Remove Vertex Colors. This will prevent intensity or analysis
results from obscuring the exported GeoTIFF. Vertex colors will be generated in the exported
GeoTIFF's even if they are not visible at the time of export.
Be sure to export the appropriate format of GeoTIFF header, world (.tfw) file, etc. by using the GeoTIFF
Export Setup.

7.3 ASCII Export Setup

The ASCII Export tool allows a custom setup of ASCII data. The user can set both the number of decimal
places as well as the column order for ASCII export. Please note that the Latitude and Longitude
specifications will only be used if the original model is in geodetic (i.e., latitude/longitude) coordinates. This
is not a tool to specify coordinate conversion parameters.

To use the ASCII Export Setup Tool:

1. Select ASCII Export Setup from the Export Menu.

2. Specify the number of decimal places for X, Y, Latitude, Longitude, Z, and RGB.
3. Specify the column sequence. Again, not that your data will have either XY or Latitude/Longitude as the
horizontal position, so they will likely have the same column number.
4. Select the appropriate delimiter.
5. Click OK.

7.4 GeoTIFF Export Setup

Because different applications look in different places for a TIFF's specific geographic information, the Quick
Terrain Modeler offers a flexible interface for specifying the attributes of exported GeoTIFF's. Please note
that a complete override of georegistration tags upon export is also possible.

Georegistration Tags:
Menu - Export 95

1. The first choice the user has is whether to write the .tfw file (aka World file) associated with the
GeoTIFF. Applications such as ESRI Arc GIS may look for the .tfw file to determine the geographic
information. If you require a .tfw file, please check the first box. Note that the .tfw file does not hold
as much information as the standard GeoTIFF header. For example, the coordinate system (e.g.,
UTM vs. Geodetic) is stored in the GeoTIFF header but not in the .tfw file.
2. The second choice is whether to write the GeoTIFF tags into the TIFF header. If this box is unchecked,
a simple TIFF will be generated without the geographic information in the header.
3. The third choice is whether to write the georegistration tags specifically to meet ESRI expectations.

Handling Rotation*:
These configuration choices may be particularly useful if the original DEM is not oriented north-south
(i.e., allow rotated grid). Some applications struggle to read the rotation value in the GeoTIFF header, but
may be able to read it in the .tfw file or vice-versa. Some applications may require a North-South oriented
GeoTIFF. Ultimately, the requirements of your downstream applications will determine the correct
configuration, as there is no single universally accepted method of reading GeoTIFF's.. If so, the two choices
for handling rotation are:
Use the GeoTIFF Model Transformation Tag. This is the default and complies with the GeoTIFF
Use multiple GeoTIFF tie points. This provides explicit coordinates for the corners of the
GeoTIFF. While this is not a standard, it may be useful for applications that do not support the
standard method of representing GeoTIFF rotation.

Color Map:
In some instances, it may be useful for a "no data" condition in an exported 2D GeoTIFF to be
distinguished from a "real" color of black, which may be the result of an analysis process. The default
behavior of QT Modeler is to export "real" black as exported as RGB = 0,0,0. Checking the box in the Color
Map section forces export products to distinguish between no data and "black". If the box is checked,
nodata conditions will be exported as RGB = 0,0,0 and "black" pixels will be exported as RGB = 0,0,1. This
will allow downstream applications to distinguish between the two conditions: no/null data and real data
with a color value of RGB = 0,0,0. This only applies to 2D GeoTIFF's.

7.5 Override Georegistration

Overriding Georegistration enables the user to either correct geokeys that were set improperly, or to add
geokeys where none existed. This task can be performed during import (see related topic) or export. The
default setting of the Define Georegistration window will be the Active Coordinate System currently being
used in the model space. To override the default setting:

1. Check the "Override Native Data Projection" check box

96 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

2. For some of the more popular coordinate systems, namely UTM, Geodetic, and Cartesian, use the
coordinate system presets at the top of the interface, then fine tune things like linear/vertical units
in the various georegistration keys pull down menus.
3. Use the check boxes and pulldown menus to select the precise coordinate system, vertical datum,
and units.
4. If you intend to reuse the coordinate system override frequently, use "Custom" as the Coordinate
System Preset pull-down, then click the "Add to Preset List" button to save it. It can later be
removed with the "Remove from Preset List" button.

QT Modeler has no way of knowing if your selections are correct. Once you choose to override
georegistration tags, there is no checking process to ensure that the choice is correct.
If geokeys existed previously, they will be overwritten by the new selection.
Not all geokey types are required. Only check the keys that you require and are sure are correct.

7.6 Movies

7.6.1 Record QMV Movie

The Quick Terrain Modeler allows you to record and play back movies of fly-through's on given models.
When this is done, only the camera motions and lighting settings are recorded, so the same "movie" fly-
through can be played back with different models, textures, and view settings. It can be done two ways:

1. Recording and playing a .qmv movie that requires the Quick Terrain Modeler to be running during
2. Using the .qmv movie as a template to create an .avi movie that does not require the Quick Terrain
Modeler for playback.

To record a movie:
Select Record Movie… from the Export...Movies menu.
Push the Select File… button and select a file to which to save the movie.
Press Start Recording, and move about the model and alter lighting as desired.
When finished, press Stop Recording to end the movie.
Menu - Export 97

You may also generate AVIs from QMV movies recorded as above. First select Create an AVI from the Export
menu, and then select a QMV movie as the source (being sure you have already loaded the desired models,
textures, etc into the Quick Terrain Modeler). Then select the desired window size and frame rate of the AVI,
and press "OK". You will then be prompted with a window to select the desired compression format from
those video codecs installed on your computer. You can configure the compression options for the format
you have selected using the "configure" button. Once that is completed press "OK" to generate the AVI.

A few notes and limitations:

Due to the way video card buffers are currently manipulated you cannot generate an AVI larger than the
current Quick Terrain Modeler window. The AVI utility will prevent you from doing this.

Although the AVI generator will attempt to smoothly interpolate between points in the QMV movie to
generate higher frame rates, the interpolation algorithm is not perfect. If you find you are having
problems with "jumpy" motion it may help to re-record your QMV movie at a higher frame rate than the
default of 8 (by altering Set Framerate in the Control...Options menu before recording the QMV).

7.6.2 Play QMV Movie

To play back a movie, simply load up the desired models and textures, tile sets, etc., and select Play Movie
from the Export...Movies menu. Push the Select File… button and select a movie to play. The Rewind, Play,
Pause, and Eject buttons will then function as would be expected.

7.6.3 Create AVI from QMV Movie

You may also generate AVIs from QMV movies recorded as above. First select Create an AVI from QMV
Movie from the Export...Movies menu, and then select a QMV movie as the source (being sure you have
already loaded the desired models, textures, etc into the Quick Terrain Modeler). Then select the desired
window size and frame rate of the AVI, and press "OK". You will then be prompted with a window to select
the desired compression format from those video codecs installed on your computer. You can configure the
compression options for the format you have selected using the "configure" button. Once that is completed
press "OK" to generate the AVI.

Due to the way video card buffers are currently manipulated you cannot generate an AVI larger than the
current Quick Terrain Modeler window. The AVI utility will prevent you from doing this.

Although the AVI generator will attempt to smoothly interpolate between points in the QMV movie to
generate higher frame rates, the interpolation algorithm is not perfect. If you find you are having
problems with "jumpy" motion it may help to re-record your QMV movie at a higher frame rate than the
default of 8 (by altering Set Framerate in the Control...Options menu before recording the QMV).
98 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

7.6.4 Create AVI from Line

Creating an AVI from a line is very similar to simply Creating an AVI. The only difference is that, instead of
manually moving through the model, the user lays down a mensuration line in the terrain, then records a
movie along this flight path. The steps for creating an AVI in this manner are as follows:

1. Create a mensuration line in the model. Create this line exactly where you want the fly through to
occur. Think of this as laying down a flight line for an aircraft.
2. Select a file name for the avi file you are about to create by clicking on the AVI File Output button.
3. Select an AVI frame rate by moving the AVI Frame Rate slider. Faster frame rates create a smoother
fly-through but result in larger file sizes.
4. Select an AVI screen size by moving the AVI Screen Size slider.
5. Input an altitude by entering it in the Altitude window. Choose whether this is an absolute altitude
or an Above Ground Level (AGL) height.
6. Input a speed at which you would like to move the "camera". At this point, it might be helpful to
look at the overall length of the mensuration line you created in Step 1 above (there will be a
Mensuration Data window open that displays this information), determine how long you would like
the movie to be (in seconds) and simply divide the length by the time. This will be your target
speed. Input this value in the window.
7. Input a look angle in the Look Angle window. The look angle is measured from horizontal. This
means the following:
0 indicates a look angle of horizontal. This is generally not very useful.
-90 indicates a look angle straight down (nadir).
Look angles between -45 and -90 will probably be most useful.

Create AVI from Line Window:
Menu - Export 99

7.7 PowerPoint Tool

Export > PowerPoint Tool

Also Accessed from the PowerPoint Tool Button

The PowerPoint Tool quickly builds PowerPoint briefings by directly exporting QTM screen grabs, titles,
captions, orientation axes (North arrow), and legends to PowerPoint slides. This tool also enables a
"permanent burn" of classification level or other text into the exported images and the ability to save
specific view parameters to return to later (i.e., a 3D bookmark).

To Use the PowerPoint Tool:

1. Load a model(s).
2. Adjust lighting, coloration, vertex colors, overlaid imagery, mensuration lines, selection areas, etc. and
move the model to a desirable orientation and zoom level. Note that the export to PPT will export the
entire QTM screen space as the image. Exported images will not be georegistered.
3. Go to the Export Menu and choose "PowerPoint Tool"
4. Choose checkboxes for showing axes (the 3D orientation arrows) and/or showing legends (e.g., height
coloration) in the exported image.
5. Choose a PowerPoint template to populate by clicking either "Select" or "Edit" in the PowerPoint
Template section. A sample template is included (QTTemplate.ppt) and will be installed in the same
directory as the Quick Terrain Modeler executable file (qtmodeler.exe). See notes below for creating a
new template or modifying an existing presentation to accept QTM export.
6. Manually type in Title Text (displayed at the top of the template), Caption Text (displayed at the bottom
of the template), and QT Screenshot Text ("burned" permanently into the exported image). Note that
images will be scaled to fit in the available image space of the PowerPoint slide, so the QT Screenshot
Text font size may need to be adjusted accordingly, as it will also be scaled identically to the image.
7. Click the Export button. If PowerPoint is not already open, it will open and the first slide after the title
slide will be created. If PowerPoint is already open, it will create a new slide at the end of the
presentation. All new slides will be built upon the template of the last slide in the presentation.
8. Note: Quick Terrain Modeler will immediately rename the template file to a unique name such as
"QT42.ppt", "QT58.ppt", etc. and will save it in your pre designated Window TEMP directory.
9. Continue to add slides as needed.
10. If you would like to return to the same perspective in the future, click the "Save View" button and save
a QTV file. Load the QTV file later by clicking "Load View" and selecting the saved file.
11. When completed, save the PowerPoint presentation, moving it out of the TEMP folder if necessary/

To Create a New PPT Template:

1. Remember the basic premise that QTM PPT exports will append slides to the end of the slide pack and
will seek to place the screenshot image in a pre-assigned space, the Title Text in the slide "Title" area,
and the Caption Text in a user-defined caption location. You may create any number of slides in a
template file, but the last slide in the presentation must conform to the following rules:
2. Title: PowerPoint uses a universal tag for "Title", so no modification are likely to be needed to establish
the title text.
3. Caption Text: For the caption text, you will need to place a sample caption in the desired location in the
template slide. While many templates include some sort of "caption text", there is no universal way to
identify this text (as there is with Title Text). Therefore, the caption text needs to be tagged with
100 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Alternative Text. Important: Right click on the Caption Text place holder and select "Format Place
Holder..." from the dialog box. Select the "Web" tab. In the "Alternative Text" box, type in "Caption".
This is the only way that QT Modeler will be able to identify the Caption Text area.
4. Image: For the image area, you will need to place a sample image in the desired location in the
template slide. Important: Right click on the image place holder and select "Format Picture..." from
the dialog box. Select the "Web" tab. In the "Alternative Text" box, type in "QT Image". This is the
only way that QT Modeler will be able to identify the desired image area and required scale factor.
5. Save the template. Use as directed above.

PowerPoint Tool GUI and Sample Exported Slide:

7.8 Render Screen to Registered Image

QTM's "Render Screen to Registered" Image" tool makes it possible to render any scene to a GeoTIFF or
other georegistered format. This means that any combination of models, images, markers, vectors, and
annotations can be exported as a georegistered image, even if the objects have not been "rasterized". Think
of this tool as a "What You See is What You Get" (WYSIWYG) GeoTIFF Export.

Some basic background Information:

Requirement: In order to export a georegistered screen grab, you must be in 2D Mode. Otherwise, it
is impossible to accurately tag the image with georegistration information.
Anything and everything that is included in the scene will be exported with the image. This means
that markers, analysis results, legends, axes, etc. will all be exported.
QT Modeler windows (analysis tools, configuration menus, etc.) will not be rendered.
The resolution of the exported image will be equal to the resolution of QT Modeler's model space.
For example, if the resolution of QTM's screen space is 1000 x 800 pixels, that is the size/resolution
of the resulting image. The resulting image will not necessarily be proportional to the underlaying
resolution of loaded models or overlaid imagery/textures.
The Exported images can be used in any downstream application that can utilize georegistered
images (e.g., Google Earth, ESRI, hand held GPS, ELT's, etc.)

1. Load Model
2. Go to 2D mode by pressing the "2D" button.
3. Zoom to a the desired area in the model.
4. Load any other items that may be useful in the resulting image - overlaid textures, markers, legends,
Menu - Export 101

5. Go to the Export Menu and select "Render Screen to Registered Image"
6. Select an output file name/location.
7. Choose a pixel width/height. These values will be autopopulated with your QT Modeler window
size. Please note the file size window for the exported file. Some applications, notably Garmin GPS,
have a 3MB file size limit.
8. Image Options:
Show Axes: Checking this box will cause the 3D Axes/North Arrow to display in the exported
Show Legend: Causes the legend to be included in the exported image
Create in KMZ: Will wrap the exported file in a KMZ format.
Create Garmin KMZ: creates a very specific output format required by Garmin GPS devices so
the resulting imagery can be used as a "Custom Map". Make sure to save the file in Garmin's
"Custom Map" folder.
9. Caption Text: Choose font size, font color, and manually entered text in the top left of the exported

7.9 Render Screen to TIF

Render Screen to TIFF… from the Export menu. This option will allow you to render an image to any
arbitrary size - as long as the aspect ratio of the TIFF matches that of the current Quick Terrain Modeler
window. This tool can generate very high resolution TIFF's by setting the width and height to a large value.

There are also several options for adding information to the exported TIFF:

1) Show Axes: This is the 3D equivalent of a "North Arrow". Because a standard TIFF is not geospatially
registered like a GeoTIFF, the axes help orient the view of the exported TIFF in 3D space. The axes will
appear in the upper right corner of the exported TIFF.
2) Show Legend: The legend can be a basic height legend or it can be the result of AGL analysis or grid
statistics. The legend will appear in the lower left corner of the exported TIFF.
3) Caption Text: The user can type in text that will be displayed in the upper left corner of the exported TIFF.
The user can set a font size and color.

The Render to TIFF Window and a sample of a rendered TIFF showing legend, 3D axes, and Caption:
102 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

7.10 Export Screen to Garmin GPS

Export > Render Screen to Garmin Button =

A screen grab can be exported directly to a Garmin hand held GPS as a custom map. Applied Imagery has
tested this functionality on Garmin Oregon and Colorado units. To export the screen as a Garmin custom

1. Set the view to 2D mode.

2. Zoom/Pan as needed to get the level of detail required. Make sure layers, axes, vectors, etc. are as
desired. Whatever you see on the screen will be rendered, pixel for pixel, to the Garmin custom map.
Items like scale bar and north arrow are not necessary when exporting to Garmin, as the Garmin will
know the scale and north orientation already.

3. Click the Export to Garmin button or go to the Export menu > Render screen to Garmin.

4. Place the exported image in the Garmin > CustomMaps folder. If this folder does not exist, you will
need to create it. Garmin will only recognize the custom map if it is in this folder.

5. Custom map will automatically appear when navigating with the Garmin. Note that the image
resolution ion the Garmin will be dependent upon the zoom level of QT Modeler when the image was

6. If you require multiple images along a route, repeat steps 2-4 as needed.

The iGarmin screen grab below shows both a custom map export (the color part of the screen) and a
track created/exported by QT Modeler. The green portion of the screen and the "Masby Road"
annotation were already part of the Garmin map information.
Menu - Export 103

7.11 Render Selection Area to GPS

Export > Render Selection Area to GPS

The purpose of QT Modeler's Image exporting tool is to subdivide a very large image into many smaller
images that, in aggregate, represent the entire larger image. These two processes are known as
"chipping" (i.e., cutting a smaller piece out of larger image) and "tiling" (i.e., dividing a large image into
smaller, more manageable pieces, or "tiles" that can subsequently be easily reassembled into the original,
larger image). QT Modeler's "render Selection Area to GPS" tool performs both of these functions. First, it
enables users to chip out a smaller portion of the scene in QT Modeler. Second, it tiles this image chip into
even smaller pieces that can then be ingested into a hand held GPS unit, specifically Garmin devices (as a
Custom Map on a Garmin Colorado, Oregon, or Montana). The resulting file is a KMZ file, which can also be
read into other applications such as Google Earth.

The instructions for using the Tiled KMZ Export tool are as follows:

Open a Model or Image - or Both

This image chipping/tiling tool will work with whatever 3D models and/or images appear in QT Modeler's
model space. Since QT Modeler can work with 3D models alone, 2D imagery alone, or with combinations
of both, this tool can be a very versatile tool to move any georegistered raster imagery or data onto a
Garmin device, or to any downstream application that can read KMZ imagery. Some common examples
A LiDAR DEM with color imagery draped on top.
Color imagery without underlying 3D data (for areas that have no LiDAR/3D coverage). Make sure
to load imagery as a "texture" - not a model. See help topic on Loading 2D Imagery by Itself. QT
Modeler can read a very wide variety of 2D raster formats, including GeoTIFF, NITF, MRSID, ECW,
and most commonly available formats.
Georegistered map products such as CADRG. This could be a very useful way of exporting custom
maps in areas where no GPS maps are available and color imagery and LiDAR data may be limited.

Get the Scene EXACTLY as You Want to See on Your Garmin or Downstream Application
Since the exported image will be "What You See is What You Get" (WYSIWYG), anything that is visible in
the scene and contained in the selection area will be rendered into the exported image. This includes
height coloration schemes, markers, vectors, routes, annotations, etc.

Define a Selection Area

Use one of the selection tools on the button bar to define the area that needs to be
exported. The selection area will not appear in the final export product.

Get into "2D Mode"

Click the 2D button to get into 2D mode. 2D mode is required to properly georegister the exported

Open the Tool (Export Menu > Render Selection Area to GPS)
Go to the Export Menu and select "Render Selection Area to GPS. The "Tiled KMZ Export" interface will
appear and the default tiling scheme will be visible in the scene. The tiling scheme will be a set of
contiguous rectangles that cover the entire selection area. It is likely that the tiled area will be larger than
the selection area, as it is designed to include 100% of the selection area. Note that for tiles that only
104 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

cover a portion of the selection area, the entire image tile will be exported. The selection area will not
appear in the final export product, nor will the white tiling scheme.

Adjust Settings - Image Size, Pixel Size, Draw Order

There are several adjustable settings in the interface. They include:
Maximum Image Size: This setting is in pixels (not meters or feet). Garmin GPS units have a
maximum image size of 1024 x 1024 pixels, regardless of image resolution. Thus, the default value
is 1024. While this can be set to any value, setting it above 1024 may cause the exported KMZ
image to be unreadable on Garmin and other devices.
Pixel Size: This is the "resolution" of the final exported image. Note that QT Modeler will poll the
loaded images and suggest a resolution based on the highest resolution product (model or texture)
loaded in the scene. Also note that setting a higher resolution (i.e., entering a smaller pixel size)
may not result in a higher quality exported KMZ image. Lastly, Garmin devices do not have many
pixels on their small screens, so exporting super high resolution imagery to a Garmin device may be
counter productive (i.e., image file sizes very large, resulting in slow rendering on GPS, and unable
to take advantage of the higher resolution KMZ). Some experimentation may be necessary to arrive
at the optimal balance for your application and device.
Draw Order: Simple draw order setting that can be read by Garmin and other applications. This
decides what images should be on "top" when two images spatially overlap in the same scene.

Visualize and Assess Tiling Scheme

As adjustment are made to Maximum Image Size and Pixel Size, the revised tiling scheme will refresh and
be displayed immediately. Also, note the impact on relevant measurement sof the final product:
Image Size: In pixels. This is calculated and assigned automatically by QT Modeler. This is precisely
the layout of each image within the tiling scheme.
Tile width: Based on number of pixels, this is the width (in feet or meters) of the final tile.
Tile Height: Based on number of pixels, this is the width (in feet or meters) of the final tile.
Number of tiles: The total number of tiles that will be included in the KMZ. Note that Garmin
cannot process over 100 tiles in aggregate across all Custom Maps. If this number exceeds 100 and
you plan to export to Garmin, reduce the total area, or increase the pixel size to reduce the number
of total tiles.

Reset Selection Area (Optional)

If the selection area does not cover the intended area, change the selection area and click "Recalculate".
Menu - Export 105

Export KMZ File

Click "Go" to export the file. If exporting to Garmin, make sure to save the file in the "Custom Maps"
folder. When saved, QT Modeler may also open Google Earth and display the image in Google Earth as

Garmin Notes and Helpful Hints

Draw Order: According to Garmin "A Draw Order >= 50 will draw on top of other maps. A
Custom Map with a Draw Order <50 will draw on top of the land, water, and areas on other
maps, but roads, topo lines, and depth contours will draw on top of the Custom Map.
Waypoints, tracks, routes, geocaches, POIs, etc will always draw on top of Custom Maps.
Custom Maps are drawn with higher DrawOrder maps on top of CustomMaps with a lower
draw order."
Max Tiles: The maximum number of Custom Map jpegs you can load is 100. This is in
aggregate, across all KMZ custom map files.
WYSIWYG: You may want to uncheck markers, vectors, and other items in the layer tree prior
to exporting. Having big marker labels and unnecessary vectors in the exported KMZ may be
distracting on the Garmin's small screen. Remember, what you see is what you get.

7.12 Create KML Index

Indexing Tool (Export Menu)
The purpose of the new indexing tool is to quickly catalog LiDAR and imagery holdings and export
the catalog to KML, SHP, and/or CSV file. It can be found in the Export Menu. Simply open the index tool,
specify a directory, drive, or external storage device, and let QTM do the rest. Export options include KML/
KMZ, SHP, and/or CSV file and can be organized by existing directory structure or by file type. The resulting
product is a group of vectors that represent the coverage of your LiDAR and imagery holdings. It is a very
fast tool that lets you easily understand the extents and coverage of your holdings by visually interacting
with them in Google Earth or ArcMap.


Call up the File Index Tool

Go to the Export Menu...Create File Index
Left Click anywhere in the model to select a center position, the type "R" on the keyboard. The range
ring interface will appear and will already have the center position loaded (i.e., the position that you
just left clicked on).
106 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Choose Directory or Drive to Index and Choose Whether to Index Subdirectories

Click the "Select Folder to Index" button. Navigate to the folder or storage drive that requires indexing.
Indexing will work on external drives as well as internal storage. If the directory/drive you select is
organized into subfolders, check "Recursive Subfolders" to enable indexing down through the various
levels of subfolders.

Choose Index Files to Export

There are two basic types of resulting index file:
KMZ: Each file will get an entry in the KMZ data tree, a coverage footprint vector in Google Earth,
and an information marker showing basic information about the file. See images below.
Shapefile/CSV: Creates a similar index, but in shape file (SHP) format. Each tile/file becomes its
own feature in the resulting file. The CSV output is simply a tabular format of the index holdings,
including the filename, path, and file type.

Note: A Search Cache will automatically be created each time you create an index. Search caches
enable extremely fast spatial searches.

Choose Organization of Results

Organize by Directory: Preserve the directory hierarchy and naming conventions as those use in the
original data storage structure.
Organize by File Type: Create a new indexing structure by organizing files by type - e.g., all LAS files in
one directory, all GeoTIFF's in another, etc.

What Kinds Of Files Get Indexed?

QT Modeler will index almost any known geospatial file type. These types include 3D formats (GeoTIFF
DEM, LAS), 2D formats (GeoTIFF, MRSID), and Vector formats (SHP, KML/KMZ, etc.).

What Happens if My Files Have No Geokeys or Other Georegistration Tagging?

If your geospatial files are not georegistered, QT Modeler will still create an entry in the index, but it will
Menu - Export 107

not be displayed in Google Earth as a vector footprint or as an information tab.

7.13 Export Outline to KML

Exporting Outline to KML enables the user to establish context for 3-D data as well as to establish a catalog
of existing data on Google Earth. The user must set parameters in KML Options, then simply press the

Google Earth Export button or select "Export Outline to KML" from the Export menu.

Google Earth works in Geodetic coordinates, so exporting UTM data will require converting perimeters
to latitude/longitude. The resulting conversion may not appear to be perfectly rectangular or north/
At this time, KML indexing can only be performed on:
QTT and QTC file formats.
Models in UTM or Geodetic coordinates.

Step 1: Build a Model (e.g., Baltimore):

Step 2: set output parameters in KML Options.

Step 3: Export to Google Earth. Image on top shows the tile outline. Image on the bottom shows
information marker.
108 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

7.14 Save Extents to KML

Saving the extents outline to KML will export a single KML rectangle to Google Earth, regardless of how
many models are loaded. The rectangle will be based in the min/max XY extents of all loaded models. See
examples below.

(Left) Exporting Outline to KML with 3 Models Loaded (note 3 separate KML outlines):

(Right) Saving Extents to KML with the Same 3 Models Loaded (note single rectangular outline):

7.15 KML Options

The KML Options window defines the specific products and options that will be exported to KML when the
KML Index tool and the Export Outline to KML is used. The options are as follows:

Start Google Earth after KML Creation

Checking this box will automatically open Google Earth after Exporting Model Outline to KML.

Model Outline
Extents Outline vs. Tight Outline: The difference between these tow outlines is that the extents
outline simply generates a rectangle at the maximum X-Y extents of the model, regardless of the shape
of the model. This may be fine if the model is rectangular or if a simple polygon is required. A "Tight
Outline" will provide a much more accurate picture of the model extent. For example, LiDAR flight
lines will be represented very accurately, showing the irregular boundaries at the edge of a strip. In
contrast, the "Extents Outline" would just draw a rectangular box around the XY extents of the flight
Menu - Export 109


Opacity: The opacity setting will determine whether the outline will appear with no fill in the center
(0%) or whether it will be a solid, opaque polygon (100%), or somewhere in between.

Line Thickness: Line Thickness alters the line width on the exported KML polygon.

Model Info in Marker

In addition to an exported polygon, a standard KML product is an information marker at the centroid of the
exported model outline. Users can choose which of the following attributes to include in the marker
Model Name
Model Path Link: Creates a link to the filename and path. If the user associates the Quick Terrain
Reader or Quick Terrain Modeler with the QTT or QTC file types, this link could automatically open the
file in Quick Terrain Modeler or Reader.
Model Type: Either QTT or QTC (Surface or Point Cloud).
Number Points: Total number of points (or vertices for QTT models) contained in the model.
Scale: Average XY distance between points
File Size: In GB, MB, or kB
Density: Average number of points per square unit of area.

7.16 GPX Export Options

When exporting routes to GPX (i.e., the universal file exchange standard for exchange of GPS routes, tracks,
and waypoints), the user will have the option to export any or all of these formats. The choices available are
as follows:

Waypoints: In QT Modeler, waypoints are associated with markers. markers form the basis of routes, but
can also be "unassigned" , i.e., they can simply mark positions that are not stops/turns along a route. The
user can decide which of these marker positions should be exported as waypoints as follows:

Include Unassigned Markers: Checking/unchecking this box will determine whether markers that
are not part of a route will be exported as a waypoint.
Include Hidden Markers: Checking this box will cause QT Modeler to ignore whether the marker is
currently visible when deciding which markers to export as waypoints. The default behavior is that
if a marker is hidden in the scene (i.e., unchecked in the layer tree), then it will not be exported as a
110 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Include Markers Assigned to Routes: Checking this box will cause QT Modeler to export every turn
and waypoint along a route separately as a waypoint. This is generally undesirable as duplicating
waypoints on the Garmin will result in a very cluttered display on the Garmin/GPS device.

GPX Routes: The route itself can be exported as a GPX Route or as a GPX Track. While the same exact path
will be exported in both cases, it will be displayed differently on the Garmin.

GPX Tracks: As noted above, the QT Modeler route can be exported as either a GPX track or route. Some
navigation functionality on the Garmin may not be available when exporting as a track. See images below
for display differences on the same route export.

Route Exported as
GPX Track (No

Route Exported as
GPX Route (Blue
Quick Terrain Modeler

Version 8


112 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

8 Menu - Textures

8.1 Overlaying Textures: Overview

Draping a 2D image on top of a 3D model can instantly create a very realistic 3D scene. It can dramatically
increase situational awareness and deliver an intuitive understanding of terrain and other features.
Furthermore, after this process is completed, all of Quick Terrain Modeler's visualization, navigation,
analysis, and export tools are still available to the user.

As of Version 7.1.5, Quick Terrain Modeler can also open 2D images alone - i.e., it is no longer a requirement
to have 3D data loaded first. See more information on "2D Only Mode" here.

DEM/Imagery Fusion

Point Cloud/Imagery Fusion

Basic Terminology: Textures, Vertex Colors, Sampling, OpenGL, etc.

Texture: Texture is QTM's term for an image that is draped on top of a model (point cloud or DEM), but is
not actually a part of the model. Because textures do not record their color values on a per-point or per-
vertex basis, they can be of different resolution than the underlying model. For example, a 4-inch
resolution texture (e.g., GeoTIFF image) can be draped on top of a 1 meter DEM and still retain the 4-inch
resolution it originally had. The name texture comes from OpenGL graphics programming standard. With
respect to overlaying images in QTM, one image = one texture. Maximum texture sizes and maximum
number of available textures are specific to an individual graphics card, not to QTM.

Texture "Slot": While not technically an OpenGL term, it is useful to think of a video card as having a
finite number of "slots" into which textures can be placed and subsequently displayed on top of QTM's
3D models. A typical graphics card will have between 2 and 32 texture "slots", which is the maximum
number of active textures that can be simultaneously displayed. When overlaying textures in QTM,
please keep this limitation in mind. Your graphics card most likely can not support more than 16 images
simultaneously (more likely 4 or 8), so it might be necessary to merge many smaller images into a
merged "mosaic" prior to overlaying as a texture in QTM. To find the number of texture "slots"
Menu - Textures 113

supported by your graphics card, go the Help Menu...OpenGL Resources. In addition to the maximum
number of textures available, this tool will also display the maximum image size (in pixels) supported by
your graphics card. The maximum texture size is likely to be 4k x 4k pixels or 8k x 8k pixels.
Vertex Color: Vertex colors are RGB values that are an integrated part of a point cloud or DEM. For
example, intensity values, analysis results, and attribute coloring are color values that are applied and
"attached" on a point-by-point (in a point cloud) or vertex-by-vertex (in a DEM) basis. When a QTC or
QTT model is saved, vertex colors are saved along with it and will reappear when the model is reloaded.
After a texture is draped onto a model, the color values can be permanently sampled into the model
vertex colors by using the "Sample Active Textures Into Vertex Colors" tool in the Textures Menu or on
the Edit Orthorectified Textures interface.

OpenGL: (Open Graphics Library) is a standard that defines a way for applications to produce and render
2D and 3D computer graphics. QTM uses OpenGL extensively during rendering operations and uses
OpenGL's texture "slots" to display overlaid images.

Graphics Card: A graphics card is the display and rendering engine for a computer. With respect to
overlaying textures in QTM, the graphics card uses OpenGL and available texture slots to project images
onto a 3D surface (point cloud or DEM). Some critical attributes of the graphics card are the

Sampling: Sampling is the concept of reducing the resolution of an image to fit in an available texture
slot. If you have a maximum texture size of 8k x 8k pixels an image that is 16k x 16k pixels, it will need to
be "downsampled" by 2 to fit in the maximum size texture slot. Sampling happens automatically.

Four Types of Texture Overlay: Orthorectified, Orthographic, Projective, and Unregistered

Orthorectified Textures: Orthorectified textures are treated as flat maps which directly map onto the
terrain model underneath, and are defined in terms of a tie position, scale, and orientation. They are
overlaid perpendicular to the Z-direction of the model, and are projected by specifying the UTM or
Geodetic coordinates of the corners of the image. When an image is selected, all appropriate scaling,
position, and orientation information will be automatically read from the image file.

Orthographic Textures: Orthographic textures are treated as photographs taken with an infinite focal
length - resulting in a perfectly flat projection. They are defined in terms of LOS angles, tie points, and
image plane scaling. Satellite imagery is an example of an orthographic texture.

Projective textures: Projective textures are treated as photographs taken from a frame camera, defined in
terms of field-of-view, position, and orientation. Users may either specify the camera parameters
manually or load a View file corresponding to the camera view that most closely approximates the Point-
of-View of the image. Oblique imagery is considered a "projective" texture.

Unregistered Images: Images that have no georegistration whatsoever can be manually registered using
QT Modeler's Image Registration Tool.

Basic Mechanics: How an Original Image Becomes a QTM "Texture"

As noted above, an image file becomes a texture by loading it into an available texture "slot". Regardless
of the image compression algorithm used (e.g., MrSID, ECW, etc.), QTM will need to uncompress the file
and assign RGB values on a pixel by pixel basis. What this means is that, even if an image appears
relatively small in its original compressed file format, it may still need to be downsampled to fit in the
available OpenGL texture slot.
114 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Supported Image Formats

As of Version 7.1.0, QTM supports most of the 2D image formats in the GDAL libraries (http:// GeoTIFF, ECW, MrSID, BMP, IMG, GIF, BigTIFF, NITF, JPG, JPG2000,
PNG, PPM, PGM have been tested and confirmed to work fine. Some of the others on the list are most
likely to work, but have not been tested. Any more obscure formats that are not on the list are almost
certainly not supported.

8.2 2D Only Mode

As of version 7.1.5 (February 2012), QT Modeler can load 2D imagery without 3D data loaded. This will
enable the viewing and interaction with 2D imagery in locations where LiDAR and other 3D data may not be
available. Almost all known imagery formats will be supported, including GeoTIFF, MRSID, ECW, NITF, and
CIB. While you won’t get the benefit of 3D analysis, you will still be able to measure distances, convert
locations between UTM/LatLong/MGRS, create routes, synchronize Google Earth, annotate scenes, export
directly to PowerPoint, and many more functions.

Load: Simply “Import Texture” rather than “Load Model” to load a specific image.

Search: To search for 2D imagery, go to the Model Search tool (File Menu) and select the Image
Search (2D Data) radio button at the top of the window. Note: QT Modeler can search for both 2D
imagery (GeoTIFF’s, MRSID, NITF, etc.) and 3D data (LAS files, DEM’s, etc.), but not at the same time.

Tools That Still Work in "2D Only" Mode:

o Linear measurements (of course, terrain profiles, slope analysis will be unavailable)
o Marker placements, route planning, etc
o Google Earth synchronization
o "Go To" and coordinate conversion functionality
o Position display in status bar
o Export Imagery to GPS

Tools that will not work without 3D data loaded (as of v7.1.5):
o Range Rings
o Generate Grid Lines
o Generate Outline
o Export Vector (Annotation purposes)
o Lighting
o Cut/Crop
o Anything that requires 3D analysis for analysis purposes (terrain profiles, lien of sight, etc.)

Related Topics: Model/Image Search, Overlay Orthorectified Texture

8.3 Overlay Texture (Orthorectified)

Overlaying an orthorectified texture on top of a point cloud (QTC/QTA model) or DEM (QTT model)
should be a very simple operation if the image is georegistered properly and contains the appropriate
geokeys and TIFF tags. The basic steps are as follows:
Menu - Textures 115

Select "Overlay Orthorectified Texture"

Overlay Orthorectified Texture can be accessed from the Texture...Overlay Texture...Orthorectified menu
or from the button overlay Orthorectified Texture Button.

Choose Crop Options

There are three options for cropping the selected image:

No Cropping: There are only two reasons that "No Cropping" should be selected. First, if you plan to
load additional 3D data that covers a larger geographic area, you may not want to crop the image upon
import. Second, if your image is poorly registered and you feel the need to edit it by moving the image,
you may not want to crop it. Otherwise, portions of the image that do not intersect with the loaded
models should be eliminated with one of the cropping options below.

Crop to Model Extents: This option will crop the image to precisely the X -Y dimensions of the loaded
model(s). There is no need to load unnecessary pixels into video memory. Once Quick Terrain Modeler
crops the image to the X - Y extents, it will still need to determine the level of downsampling required to
fit in video memory. Each video card is different, but the key factors in determining downsampling are
the maximum texture size allowed by your video card (measured in pixels, typically 2k x 2k, 4k x 4k, or 8k
x 8k) and the total amount of video memory available. There is no way to manually set a sampling value.

Crop to View Extents: This option is helpful if you would like to view your image at full resolution, but do
not have the video memory or texture size to load at full resolution. Simply zoom to the area of interest,
select the image, and it will appear, cropped to the X-Y extents of the view. While it is not guaranteed to
appear without downsampling, it is far more likely to fit when "chipped" (i.e., cropped to a smaller area).

Select Image: If You Know What Image File You Need

If you know exactly what image file you need to drape on top of the model, simply click "Select Image",
navigate to the file, and select it. It will begin loading automatically.

Find Image: Search for Matching Image Files

If you are not sure which image matches your model (e.g., if the naming conventions of model and image
are not similar), or if you are not sure of the location of the required file, or if you simply want to look for
spatially matching image files, click on the "Find Image" button. See separate section on "Image Search

Automatic Coordinate Conversion

When overlaying an image, Quick Terrain Modeler can convert coordinates on the fly, provided the
116 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

loaded 3D model is in UTM or geodetic (lat/long) coordinates. For example, if your 3D data is in UTM,
you can overlay a model in State Plane coordinates. QTM will perform the coordinates conversion on the
fly and project the image in the correct location. When working with DEM's or point clouds in UTM and
overlaying imagery that is in lat/long, there may be some slight error in converting angular coordinates to
a linear framework.

Interpreting the Data in the "Overlay Orthorectified Texture" Window

Once the selected image is loaded, the "Image Information" section will provide information about the
image. Perhaps the most important fact is that the image may have been downsampled to fit in the
available video memory and/or Open GL texture slot. This level of downsampling and resultant Width
and Height will be reflected in the image information window. The information that is available is as

Image format: Typically this will be GeoTIFF, MrSID, IMG, ECW, NITF, or many other popular
formats. This section will also list the bit depth and color parameters of the original image (e.g., RGB-
24 = Red/Green/Blue, 24 bits per pixel).
Sampled Width and Height: This is the resultant pixel width/height of the loaded image.
Sampling: This displays the sampling level in width and height. Depending on the capabilities of
your video card, these numbers need not be the same. A sampling value of 1 indicates that no
downsampling occurred and that the image is being displayed at full resolution. A sampling value of
2 means that one pixel was created for every 2 pixels in the original image, a sampling value of 3
means that one pixel was created for every 3 pixels in the original image, etc. Another way to think
of the sampling values is that if your original image was 0.5 meter resolution (i.e., 0.5m pixel size)
and the resulting imported texture required a sampling value of 2, the resulting image texture
resolution would be 1 meter. A sampling value of 4 for the same 0.5m resolution image would result
in a 2 meter resolution in QT Modeler.

Smart Contrast Enhance

Smart Contrast Enhance identifies images that have a large percentage of their pixels in "black" or
"White", and auto-adjusts the contrast. For example, certain NITF images may require the smart contrast
enhance functionality.

General Notes and Pointers on QTM's Treatment of Orthorectified Textures

If you are having trouble finding ECW files with the Image Search Tool, try switching the search to
"Cartesian Search".
There is benefit in projecting high resolution textures on lower resolution DEM's. The DEM acts as a
continuous, seamless projection screen onto which the texture/image is projected. For each 3D "pixel"
in the DEM, there can be multiple texture pixels. Thus, you will be able to see the higher resolution
when working with DEM's. The same is not necessarily true when projecting on top of point clouds,
Menu - Textures 117

where the "void" between points may not offer the continuous projection screen to display the texture.
When overlaying large geodetic (lat/long) images on top of a UTM model, the coordinate conversion
from an angular system to a Cartesian system may distort the image slightly. This effect is minimized
with a smaller geographic area. Consider "cropping to view" if this is an issue.

8.4 Overlay Texture (Orthographic)

Orthographic textures are treated as if photographs taken with an infinite focal length – resulting in a
perfectly flat projection. They are defined in terms of LOS angles, tie points, and image plane scaling. They
may be added by selecting Overlay Texture (Orthographic)… from the Textures menu. You may then either
specify the parameters manually or save/load a Parameter file. You may manipulate Orthographic texture
camera settings in real time after loading by selecting Edit Texture (Orthographic) from the Textures menu.
Projective and Orthographic textures may also be shadowed using the "Add Image Shadows" button in the
texture windows. This process involves calculating the areas of the model not visible from the image
projection line-of-sight and then masking these from the texture overlay. This is accomplished through use
of the alpha channel of the model vertex colors, so once texture shadows have been calculated you can turn
the effect on and off by toggling the "Model Colors" button in the toolbar.

The Orthographic Texture Input Window:

Related Topics: Overlaying Textures Overview, Overlay Orthorectified Textures,

8.5 Overlay Texture (Projective)

Projective textures are treated as if photographs taken from a frame camera, defined in terms of field-of-
view, position, and orientation. They may be added by selecting Overlay Texture (Projective)… from the
Textures menu. You may then either specify the camera parameters manually or load a View file
corresponding to the camera view that most closely approximates the Point-of-View of the image. View
files are generated by setting the camera parameters as desired and selecting Save View/Position… from the
Control menu. You may manipulate Projective texture camera settings in real time after loading by selecting
Edit Texture (Projective) from the Textures menu. When importing orthorectified or projective textures, the
user has the option to "Enhance Contrast". Every time this button is pressed it will perform an intensity
scaling operation on the texture to maximize the contrast over the middle 90% of the intensity histogram.
Projective and Orthographic textures may also be shadowed using the "Add Image Shadows" button in the
texture windows. This process involves calculating the areas of the model not visible from the image
projection line-of-sight and then masking these from the texture overlay. This is accomplished through use
of the alpha channel of the model vertex colors, so once texture shadows have been calculated you can turn
the effect on and off by toggling the "Vertex Colors" button in the toolbar.
118 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Projective Texture Input Window:

8.6 Overlay Unregistered Texture

Overlaying an unregistered image will load the Image Registration Tool after specifying an image file. This
tool will enable manual registration of an image by placing tie points and moving/stretching the image. See
more information in the Image registration section.

8.7 GeoTIFF Image Search Tool

The GeoTIFF Image Search tool makes it very easy and fast to find images that intersect with the loaded
models. It will search for a wide variety of 2D georegistered image formats. The following instructions
detail the steps to use the GeoTIFF Image Search Tool:

Call Up Image Search Tool

To access the GeoTIFF Image Search Tool, first open the Overlay Orthorectified Texture tool, choose a
Crop Option (No cropping, Crop to Model Extents, or Crop to Extents of Current View). Click on the "Find
Image..." button.

Search Area and Image Formats

Quick Terrain Modeler will identify matching images by examining the image extents in the header of the
image and determining if it matches the loaded model or view. If you choose No Cropping or Crop to
Model Extents, QTM will locate images that overlap some or all of the loaded models. If you choose Crop
to Extents of Current View, QTM will only look for images that overlap all or some of the current view
(i.e., images may exist that intersect the current model, but not the current view extents. These images
will not be listed in the results list).

QTM will examine many image formats, including GeoTIFF, MrSID, ECW, NITF, IMG and a variety of other
formats and include them in the results. Image formats can not be specified as a search criteria. Please
note the image must be georegistered to be discovered and listed in the results.

Select Directory and Subdirectories (or Select Cache)

Choose "Select Directory", then select a directory to begin the search. Checking "Search Subdirectories"
will enable a search in the named directory as well as all subdirectories. If the search is performed in a
Menu - Textures 119

high level directory, you may want to uncheck this box to save unnecessary search time in irrelevant

Selecting a Cache will search through a pre-built cache file rather than through hard drives. See more on

Specify Image Coordinate System

The default setting for an image coordinate system is "Any Matching" It is possible to narrow the search
to UTM or Geodetic only. Please note that, at the time of this release (v7.1.0), QTM does not support
State Plane and other coordinate systems explicitly. QTM supports these coordinate systems under the
broad umbrella of "Cartesian" coordinate systems. If the loaded model is in "Cartesian" and matching
images are not being displayed, please try the "Cartesian Search" to locate the images.

Find Image(s)
Click "Find Images" to begin the search. QTM will begin searching directories (and subdirectories if the
box is checked) and listing any matching images.

Select Image (One at a Time)

When the search is complete, a results list will be displayed. All the listed images will overlap the search
area, either entirely or partially. Select an image by clicking on it in the list. Information about the image
will appear in the "Selected Image Information" portion of the window. Only one image can be selected
at a time.

Load Image
Once you have selected the image that you wish to load, click the "Load Image" button. QTM will begin
the texture overlay process, which may require downsampling. The Image Search window will close and
the Overlay Orthorectified Texture window will reappear.

Export to KML
Once you have selected the image that you wish to load, click the "Load Image" button. QTM will begin
the texture overlay process, which may require downsampling. The Image Search window will close and
the Overlay Orthorectified Texture window will reappear.
120 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

8.8 Edit Texture (Orthorectified)

This tool allows the user to edit textures once they are added to the model. If the overlaid image/texture
does not immediately line up with the DEM, the user may adjust:

Enhance Contrast:
Sample Into Vertex Colors: This tool will sample the overlaid texture into the vertex colors, thus
creating a colorized point cloud or DEM. See separate topic link for additional instructions.
Export GeoTIFF
Corner position: Selecting either one of the four corners or the center of the image as the reference.
Easting/Northing. Pushing the arrow buttons will move the image in real time across the terrain to
fine-tune the alignment.
Width/Height: If the scale is incorrect, the user may need to manually insert the dimensions of the
Orientation: Rotates the image.

Note: Once the image is properly aligned, press the "Save Registration" button. This will generate a .PAR
file that records the updates settings of your overlaid image. When reloading the image in the future,
simply load the misaligned image, then load the PAR file corresponding to it. The image will immediately
move back to the correct alignment. This can also be done by saving a Tile Set.

The Edit Orthorectified Texture Window:

8.9 Image Registration

The purpose of the image registration tool is to give users a powerful, interactive tool to register imagery to
elevation data. The new interface is accessible from a button on the “Overlay Orthorectified Textures”
interface, which is accessed either from the textures menu or from the “Overlay Orthorectified Textures”

The steps are fairly simple:

Open DEM/Point Cloud.

The image registration process begins with the loading of 3D data. Image registration will work with either
point clouds or surface models (DEM's).

Open Overlay Orthorectified Texture (Textures Menu or button)

To load an unregistered or poorly registered image, select "Overlay Orthorectified Textures" either from the
Textures Menu or from the button on the top button bar. The Image registration tool is also available from
the Textures...Overlay Textures...Unregistered menu selection

Select an Image
Menu - Textures 121

If the image is completely unregistered or in a different coordinate system than the loaded model, be sure
to choose “No Cropping” as the crop option, as the “units” of the image may make no sense at all in the
context of the loaded model.

Click the “Register With Control Points” button at the bottom of the “Import Orthorectified
Textures” window.
Clicking this button will call up the Image Registration Tool. This is an unnecessary step if you started from
the Textures...Overlay Textures...Unregistered menu selection.

Place markers (control points).

While looking at both the image preview in the Image Registration Tool and at the model loaded in QTM,
place markers in QTM at locations/objects that can be visually correlated between the two scenes (e.g.,.
building corners, intersections, and other obvious features). It may be helpful to toggle off you texture in
QTM at this time. (Click the “Toggle Loaded Textures” button – top button bar, near the center). You need a
minimum of 4 markers/control points, but more is always better. As you place the markers in the scene,
they will appear in the image registration window in the list of control points. If control point markers have
already been placed prior to opening the image registration window, click “Select Control Points” in the
Image Registration Tool. A window will pop up showing all loaded markers. Highlight the markers that are
control points and click “Apply”. The marker/control point list will populate with the markers you selected.

Correlate Markers/Control Points to Image

As you place markers in the 3D scene and the marker appears in the control point list, simply move your
cursor to the register image window and place the cursor on the same location. It may be helpful to pan/
zoom the preview image to make the yellow crosshair placement more precise. This can be done using the
same controls to zoom and pan the 3D image – zoom with the mouse wheel or by pressing both left/right
mouse buttons and dragging, and panning by holding down the right mouse button and dragging. When
the crosshairs are on the precise location where the correlated marker is, left click the mouse. A red
crosshair will appear and remain on the image. If you are working from a list of control points rather than
one by one, highlight a marker/control point in the list. Click the “Place Control Point in Image” button. The
yellow crosshair will appear under your cursor as you move it in the image. Move to the next marker and
perform the same process until all markers are correlated to a position in the image. Right clicking on the
control points allows deletion or placement of control points and can also zoom the 3D view to the
associated marker.
122 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Register Image
First decide whether you image registration application requires an exported, registered 2D GeoTIFF. If so,
select the "Limited Stretching" radio button. This choice will limit some aspects of the image
transformation to enable a GeoTIFF export that is compatible with most software packages. If you do not
intend to export a georegistered product, choose "Unlimited Stretching", which will apply a more
sophisticated transformation to the image, but may cause local stretching.

Click the “Register Image” button to apply the transformation necessary to move the image to its correct
location. Be sure to toggle loaded textures back on. The image should be placed properly. Some image
warping (i.e., image may not be a perfect rectangle after the transformation) may occur during the
transformation. This is normal. The residual error is a calculation of how well your crosshair placements
correlate to the marker placement – i.e., are your crosshairs relatively spaced comparable to your control
point markers. It is not a measure of the absolute accuracy of the final transformed image.

Export GeoTIFF/Sample into Vertex Colors:

If desired, the edited image can be exported as a GeoTIFF by pressing the “Export GeoTIFF” button. Simply
“Apply” the transformation and click the “Export GeoTIFF” button and/or “Sample into Vertex Colors”.

Related Topics: Overlay Orthorectified Texture, Edit Orthorectified Texture, Markers

8.10 Remove Texture

Any textures may be removed from the current display by selecting Remove Texture(s) from the Textures
Menu - Textures 123

8.11 Sample Active Textures Into Vertex Colors

Sampling Active Textures into Vertex Colors will add an RGB value to every point in a point cloud or every
point in a DEM that intersects with an overlaid texture. Once these values are sampled onto the model, the
model can be saved as a single file that "remembers" the color values that were sampled onto the points.
The example below shows a point cloud colored by elevation, then subsequently colored by sampling a
texture and assigning an RGB value to each point.

The steps for sampling a texture onto a model are as follows:

Overlay a Texture (or Textures)

Textures can be overlaid in two basic ways: Overlay a texture from an external image file or generate an
analysis results texture in an analysis tool such as Grid Statistics. Once the texture is overlaid, the
sampling process is simple.

Sample Into Vertex Colors

There are two places to access the Sampling tool:

The Edit Orthorectified Texture Interface: Access this window from the Textures...Edit
Textures...Orthorectified menu. Simply press the button to sample the texture onto the model.

The Sample Active Textures into Vertex Colors command in the Textures Menu. Simply select the
command and the process will begin.

Save Model (Optional)

Once the RGB values are assigned to the points, the model can be saved as a QTC or QTT, whichever
format was originally used.

Exporting and Sharing your Colorized Model

Colorized point clouds can be exported as LAS 1.2, ASCII, or Binary file formats. LAS 1.1 does not support
per-point RGB values. When colorizing DEM's/QTT's, the "normal" DEM formats are not suitable because
they can only have one value per pixel, and this value is elevation. The QTT format can store multiple
values per vertex/pixel (elevation, RGB, alpha), so is suitable for saving and sharing colorized DEM's.

Please note the free Quick Terrain Reader is an excellent way to share colorized DEM's and/or point
clouds with your users.

Sampling Notes: Things to Consider

Resolution of 3D model vs. Resolution of Overlaid 2D Imagery: The resolution of your final 3D product
will be the resolution of the original 3D product. There is no way to sample 4 inch imagery onto a 1
meter DEM and retain the 4-inch color resolution. While the colorized DEM may look fantastic, some
124 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

resolution will be lost.

Sampling a Gridded Raster Product with an Ungridded Point Cloud: When QTM samples an image onto a
point cloud, it will simply extract the RGB color value that exists at each X-Y point location. As point
clouds are inherently ungridded, the sampling will likely not match up on a pixel-by-pixel basis. Areas
that have large point voids (e.g., water areas with no LiDAR returns, "holes" in bare earth point clouds,
etc.) will not sample the overlaid texture at all. Thus, any RGB information without a point/vertex
"under" it will be lost.

Spatial Overlap of Overlaid Texture: The sampling into vertex colors process will sample all active
textures. In areas where to or more textures overlap, the resulting RGB value will be a combination of the
overlapping values. There is no tool to address this overlap phenomenon.

Vertex Colors: "There Can Only be One": When the sampling process occurs, it will delete the RGB value
that already existing in the vertex color. For example, if intensity was loaded into the vertex colors
already, it will be replaced by the new sampled RGB values.

8.12 Configure Height Coloration

Height Coloration allows you to overlay your model(s) with a sliding scale coloration ranging from blue at
minimum Z to red at maximum Z (or any other desired palette configuration). You may alter the palette
or the height mapping by selecting Configure Height Coloration from the Textures menu. This will
summon a dialog window with sliders representing the minimum and maximum Z over which to spread
the colors. Additionally, a check box is provided to allow you to enable the colors to "wrap" back from
red to blue and start again when the maximum is exceeded.

Users may also check the "Auto-scale Models Individually" box. Checking this box will make Quick
Terrain Modeler scale the elevation color palette individually, scaling the colors appropriately for each
individual tile. This may be useful when working with many tiles in a region of widely varying elevation.
In this situation, elevation coloration of individual tiles may occupy only a small portion of the overall
model space elevation range. Autoscaling will create much more intra-tile color variation. If this box is
checked, users will not be able to manually set altitude ranges.

Five built in palettes are included. They are Earth Tones, High-Low, Blue to Red, Blue Continuous, Green/
Red, and Grayscale. These can be changed by pressing the Edit Palette button

The High-Low palette quickly highlights the lowest and highest elevations in a terrain. Red represents the
highest and blue represents the lowest elevations in the terrain. Users may refine this further by moving
Menu - Textures 125

the Minimum and Maximum Altitude sliders to refine the bands for highest and lowest elevations. The
image below shows the High-Low palette being used to highlight the highest and lowest points in an
urban setting.

Custom-Palettes may also be used in place of the default Red-Green-Blue and Earth Tone schemes. The
Height Coloration setting window includes a button to load a QTV palette file. QTV palette files (*.qpl)
are ASCII text files listing discrete RGB values. The Modeler can then interpolate between the provided
values to provide a full-resolution height texture. Palette files must be in the following format. The
fourth column is optional, and denotes the relative position of the samples in the spectrum (from 0.0 to
1.0). If the fourth column is not present the colors will be assumed to be ordered from the highest
elevation to the lowest.

(Any number of lines of arbitrary text header - but lines containing columnated numbers will be assumed
to be data lines)

List of values in RED/GREEN/BLUE order scaled to 0-255

LINE 4: 220 220 220 0.1

LINE 5: 187 188 191 0.5


The height coloration effect is accomplished using OpenGL's texturing mechanisms, and so it will only be
possible to have height coloration active simultaneously with overlaid textures on video cards supporting
multi-texturing. The total number of possible textures (including the height color texture) will be limited
by the video card.
Quick Terrain Modeler

Version 8


Menu - Analysis 127

9 Menu - Analysis

9.1 About Vertex Colors

Vertex colors differ significantly from overlaid textures. Vertex colors are embedded in the model. Textures
are overlaid on top of the model.

Embedding vertex colors will only work if their dimensions exactly match those of the model. (Note: This is
not true of textures (e.g., overlaid photographs), which do not have to match the model size.) In vertex
colors (e.g., an intensity image), if the dimensions do not match 1-1 model vertices vs. image pixels you
must use the texturing routines to overlay the image as a texture.

9.2 Analysis Tools (Vertex Colors)

9.2.1 Change Detection Map

Users can compare two models of the same terrain and determine the changes in them. There are two ways
to perform change detection:
1. Binary color: This method simply detects if there are changes beyond the user-set noise threshold.
2. Continuous Color: This method highlights the severity of the change in a continuous color palette set
by the user.

Load a model.
Select "Change Detection Map" from the Analysis...Add Vertex Colors to Model menu.
In the Change Detection window Select a model against which to compare.
Choose whether to perform a Binary Color or Continuous Color output.

For Binary Color:

Enter a "Noise cutoff" value - changes less than this value will be ignored. The Quick Terrain Modeler
will base the noise cutoff units on the model units. If the model is built in feet, the noise cutoff will
be in feet. If the model is in meters, the noise cutoff will be in meters.
Pixels will be colored as follows:
Red - model is lower than comparison model
Blue - model is higher than comparison model
Gray - models differ by less than the noise cutoff
Green - models don't overlap in this area

For Continuous Color:

Enter a "Minimum" value - this simply sets a color value for the low end of the change continuum.
For example, if a user is aware that terrain changes occurred in the range of -8 feet to +5 feet in a
coastal region (i.e., beach sand was moved to/from different areas), the minimum value would be set
to -8.
Enter a "Maximum" value - this simply sets a color value for the high end of the change continuum.
In the example above, the user would set the maximum at +5.
128 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Pixels in the resultant model will be colored based on extent of change.

Continuous Color Example:

This example shows the beach at Palm Beach, Florida prior to a hurricane. This data was collected with an
Optech SHOALS laser bathymetry system. The user sets a range of changed values from -8 to +5 (feet). The
resultant image shows continuous color where the model has changed, gray where there was no overlap.
Blue represents areas where the loaded model is higher than the comparison model. Note that the change
detection legend is visible in the lower left corner.

Binary Color Example:

A noise threshold of 5 feet (Note: The Palm Beach model is measured in feet, so all change detection values
will also be in feet) was selected. The terrain is colored red and blue where it has changed and is green
where the two models did not overlap.

9.2.2 HLZ Map

The Helicopter Landing Zone (HLZ) tool is a specialized version of Quick Terrain Modeler's slope analysis tool.
The purpose of the HLZ tool is to simplify the process of identifying candidate locations for landing
helicopters. This is only one step in a multi-step process.

WARNING: This HLZ map tool only considers slope, radius, and obstructions in a gridded surface model
and is reliant upon the accuracy of the data provided by the user. Other critical information such as
Vertical Obstruction (VO) analysis, terrain categorization, and weather information is not accounted for, so
this tool should only be used as a preliminary HLZ location search tool. Also, bodies of water may appear
as flat surfaces in DEM's, thus falsely appearing as a desirable HLZ (see screen grab below). Lastly, the
LiDAR survey may have been performed during drastically different weather and/or seasonal conditions -
be alert for lakes/ponds that may have been frozen during the survey, but are now thawed, tall crops at
harvest time that were flat fields early in the season, and seasonal foliage changes.

To use the HLZ Map tool:

1. Load a gridded surface model (GeOTIFF DEM, .QTT file, etc.). The HLZ Map tool will not work on a point
cloud (LAS file or.QTC file)

2. Set the following variables:
Menu - Analysis 129

Maximum Tolerable Slope: set the slope (in degrees or percent) of the maximum tolerable slope.
Minimum Necessary Radius: Set the minimum required radius of tolerable slope in units of the
model. UTM models will have units in meters.
Delta Z Tolerance: The Delta Z Tolerance is the height of terrain and surface obstructions that you
wish to ignore during the analysis. When working with high resolution DEM's, local slope
calculations could unnecessarily trigger a "failure" of the HLZ search criteria. For example, if a DEM
of 30cm resolution had two adjacent vertices or "pixels" that differed in elevation by only 10cm, the
local slope between the two pixels would be roughly 18 degrees, thus triggering a failure of the HLZ
search. It is likely, though, that a 10cm obstruction is tolerable in the HLZ. Thus, use the Delta Z
tolerance for two reasons: First, when working with very high resolution DEM's, use it to make sure
the local slope does not trigger unnecessary failures. Second, if there truly is a higher tolerance for
obstructions, set the Delta Z Tolerance to the height of the tolerable obstruction. It may also be
helpful to think of the Delta Z tolerance as the ground clearance under the helicopter.

3. Set a Pass, Fail, and Blockage color. Terrain will be colored the "Pass" color when the slope and minimum
radius conditions are met, and the fail color when they are not met. The Blockage color is also technically
a "Fail" area, but it highlights the terrain features that triggered the "Failure". Note that a location
colored as the "pass" color meets the criteria of slope and radius (i.e., the user does not need to add a
"buffer area" to a "Pass" area) and may be displayed as just a few pixels.

4. Optional: Set the HLZ "Fringe" Color. The purpose of adding "fringe" pixels back into the display is to
assist in making "pass" areas more obvious and perhaps to string together multiple small HLZ's into a
coherent larger area. Please note that, technically, "fringe" pixels are not "Pass" pixels. They have failed
one of the criteria- either they are too close to an obstruction or too close to areas of high slope, but they
are likely to have met the maximum tolerable slope criteria.

5. Click "Apply". The terrain will be entirely colored in the "pass", "fail", and "blockage" colors (and optional
"fringe" color). These results can be exported as a GeoTIFF raster with a KML file for use in Google Earth
and other applications.

6. Results can be exported as a raster. Go to the Export Menu...Export Model Image and select the 24-Bit
RGB Overlay. At this time, there is no direct raster to vector conversion in Quick Terrain Modeler.

7. Note: Measurement lines can be saved as vector models to document more than one HLZ at a time.
Converting mensuration lines to vector models will enable the "crosshair" to be palced on an HLZ.
130 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Without the Display of Fringe, Some "Pass"

Results can Appear as Just a Few Pixels

Fringe Display Does Not Alter Results -

Just Makes "Pass" Areas Obvious

HLZ Annotation Tools - Measurement Line Showing

Azimuth, Slope, and Distance and MGRS Marker

Converting MEasurement Lines to Vectors

enables "Crosshairs"
Menu - Analysis 131

9.2.3 Add Shadow Map to Model

Analysis Menu > Analysis Tools > Shadow Map

Note: As of Version 7.1.6, this traditional ray-trace tool has been largely superseded by a real-time
"Virtual" tool that uses the graphics card to calculate shadows on the fly. The primary differences between
this tool and Virtual Shadow Map are that this "traditional" shadow map does not rely on the graphics
card for calculation and it pushes the results into vertex colors (rather than a Virtual Texture).
"Traditional" shadow map is still a valid tool, but see information on Virtual Shadow Map to learn more
about the new tool.

Surface models may be displayed with true ray-traced shadows using a pre-calculated image map. First, set
the light direction as desired. This may be done either graphically by holding down the "Ctrl" key and the
Right mouse button and dragging the mouse, or by selecting Set Lighting from the Display...Settings menu.
Once you have set the lighting as desired, select Add Shadow Map to Model(s)… to calculate and display the
new image overlay. Shadow Maps may be saved for future retrieval using Save Vertex Colors… from the
Analysis menu. They will also be embedded into saved models.

Shadow Maps are single-model calculations. If you have multiple models loaded they will not
properly cast shadows upon each other.
Shadow Maps will be added to any existing vertex colors. For example, if a model has intensity built
as a vertex color, the shadow map will be added to intensity.

Example: Baltimore's Camden Yards Stadium before and after creation of shadow map. Note the user-set
direction of lighting.

9.2.4 Add Slope Image to Model

The Quick Terrain Modeler offers a tool to rapidly assess the steepness or flatness of the terrain. Some
potential uses for this tool are remote terrain ingress/egress, helicopter landing zone assessment, and
geologic formation searches.

Open a .qtt (or other) surface model. This tool only works on surface models.
From the "Analysis... Add Vertex Colors to Model" menu select "Slope Map"
The "Slope Analysis" Window will appear.
Select slope break points by typing the slope (in degrees) into the break point window and clicking the
"Add Break Point" button. For example, if break points are desired every 10 degrees, type "10" and
click the button, type "20" and click the button, etc. until the maximum slope of 90 is reached.
132 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

To remove a break point, click the "Remove Break Point" button, then click on the break point that
needs to be removed. The break point will disappear.
Select a color for each band by clicking the "Set Color" button, clicking on the gray area in a slope
band, and choosing a color. After choosing the color in the color palette, it will appear in the
associated slop band.
If desired, save a slope palette by clicking the "Save Palette" button, selecting a name and location for
the palette file, and clicking the "Save" button.
To reload a saved palette, click the "Load Palette" button, locate the palette file, and click "Open".

Area Filtering:
To filter slope maps by area, check the appropriate box for minimum area and/or maximum area. Enter an
area value in the units of the loaded model (e.g., UTM models in square meters). Click "Apply. Areas that
meet the slope criteria but not the area criteria will be colored in gray. The contiguous areas that meet both
the slope and the area criteria will be colored in the appropriate color. In the image below, the user is
seeking areas of 10,000 square meters in which the slope is 5 degrees or less.

Continuous Slope Palette

To achieve an unbanded, continuous slope coloration, choose the default palette called "Continuous Blue to
Red" in the pull down menu. Click Apply. The image below shows the same model as shown in the images
above, but colored with the continuous slope palette.

9.2.5 Vertex Colors from File

Users can save grayscale or RGB images that resulted from analysis functions (Save Vertex Colors), then
reload them as vertex colors at a later date. Selecting Add Vertex Colors from File… from the Analysis...Add
Vertex Colors to Model menu will prompt you to select an image to add to the current model. After you
Menu - Analysis 133

select a file, you will also be presented with a window where you may enter X and Y offsets vs. the Model (if
any) and choose whether or not to flip the image (in X and Y) before applying it to the Model. Images may
be removed from model(s) by selecting Remove Vertex Colors from Model(s)… from the Analysis menu.
Images generated by the Modeler through means such as Shadow Maps and Line-of-Sight Maps may also be
saved to Raw RGB or GeoTIFF using Save Vertex Colors from the Analysis menu.

Unsigned Char (USC) images are organized exactly like FLT data files - except that instead of consisting
of floating point altitudes they consist of Unsigned Char intensities. RGB files are similar - except that
three unsigned chars representing the RGB values are used for each vertex. RGBA (RGB + alpha) files are
also supported.
When importing vertex colors that have been created by QT Modeler in the Raw RGB (24-bit Binary
RGB) format, the image needs to be flipped (check the "Flip Image" Check box) when re-importing.

9.2.6 Copy Intensity into Alpha

Copying intensity values into the Alpha field will enable filtering by the Alpha value. This process will also
allow the user to "push" any RGB value into the alpha field. If intensity values or other grayscale values are
copied into alpha, the alpha value (an 8-bit field) will simply become the 8-bit, 0-255 value of the grayscale
color. If true RGB vertex colors are in place (e.g., analysis results), then each point will take an average of the
Red, Green, and Blue values to arrive at a single 0-255 value to copy into the alpha filed.

9.2.7 Save Vertex Colors

Users frequently need to export analysis results to 2-D image formats for later import into other
applications. Furthermore, these images can be reloaded onto QTT gridded surface models in the future. An
example of saving vertex colors may be repetitive Line of Sight Analysis from different observer locations.
These analyses can be saved as 24-bit GeoTIFF images, sent to other applications, and reloaded one by one
into Quick Terrain Modeler to refer back to in the future.

Vertex Colors generated by the Quick Terrain Modeler through means such as Shadow Maps and Line-of-
Sight Maps may be saved to the following formats:

1. Raw RGB (24-bit Binary RGB)

2. GeoTIFF (8-bit Intensity)
3. GeoTIFF (24-bit Intensity) using Save Vertex Colors from the Analysis Menu.

9.2.8 Remove Vertex Colors from Model

Images may be removed from model(s) by selecting Remove Vertex Colors from Model(s)… from the
Analysis menu. It is sometimes helpful to remove vertex colors to eliminate visual clutter.
134 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

9.2.9 Remove Vertex Alphas From Model

Removes the alpha value from the model.

9.3 QTA Attribute Analysis

QTA Attribute Analysis enables display, analysis, and filtering functions based on point attribute values. The
following topics explain Quick Terrain Modeler's tools to work with point-specific attributes:

9.3.1 Quick Color Maps

Quick Color Maps allow users to quickly swap between the most commonly used QTA attribute colorations.
To use this tool, you must first load a QTC/QTA model so the LAS or other attributes are available for

Load QTA/QTC Model

Load a QTA/QTC point cloud model. A QTC point cloud model without QTA attributes will not respond to
Quick Color Maps, as there are no attributes to evaluate. A QTC/QTA model can be loaded either by
importing from an LAS, ASCII, or BPF data set, or from loading an already existing QTA file.

Click on the QTA Quick Color Button or go to the Analysis...QTA Attribute Analysis...Quick Color
Maps menu

Select Attribute for Coloration Scheme

Simply Select one of the available coloration schemes. Depending on what attributes are available in the
QTA index, some or all of the following coloration schemes will appear:

Classification: Color by LAS classification. QTM will choose a separate color for all existing classifications.

First/Last/IM: Color by the following categories:

First = First of Many = For an outbound LiDAR pulse that received multiple returns, this point
was the first return (e.g., return 1 of 3). Commonly correlated to the tops of vegetation canopy
and other non-massive objects (e.g., powerlines, treetops, fences, etc.)
Intermediate = Middle Returns = A return that was neither the first or the last from a single out
bound LiDAR pulse that received (e.g., return 2 of 3). Commonly correlated to intermediate
vegetation coverage.
Last = Last of Many = For an outbound LiDAR pulse that received multiple returns, this point was
the last return (e.g., return 3 of 3) Usually correlated to the ground or other solid object
Menu - Analysis 135

underneath vegetation/canopy coverage.

Only = First and Only = This return was the only return for a given outbound LiDAR pulse.
Commonly correlated to the ground in non-vegetated environments (e.g., roads, parking lots,
open fields) and to other massive objects (e.g., buildings, vehicles) that are not obscured by
vegetation and other canopy cover.
Number of Returns: The total number of returns associated with a given point. E.g., for return number 1
of 3, number of returns = 3.
Return Number: The return number associated with a given point. E.g., for return number 1 of 3, return
number = 1.
AGL: Height Above Ground Level of a point. This will only be available if AGL Analysis has been
Point Source ID: Displays the Point Source ID associated with each point. Typically, point source ID is
associated with a specific flight line in a multi-flight line LiDAR survey. This can be very useful in quickly
showing the flight line composition and flight line overlap of a given survey.
Intensity: This displays the intensity value in a grayscale representation.
Clear Colors: Removes all vertex colors from the model.

Coloration Schemes and Miscellaneous Information

Coloration Schemes are chosen automatically. If you require flexibility in choosing coloration, please
use the Color by QTA Attribute tool to create custom coloration schemes.
After coloring points, a legend will appear in the lower left corner. If you wish to disable this legend, go
to the Display...Options menu and uncheck "Show Legend".
Quick Color Maps are placed into the model's vertex colors. Thus, it may displace other colors that
may exist.
Only one coloration scheme can be displayed at a time.


9.3.2 Color by QTA Attribute

The Color by QTA attribute is a flexible interface to enable user-defined color schemes (aka color ramps)
based on the values of specific attributes. There are 2 basic kinds of attributes:

Continuous: Continuous attribute values are distributed within a relatively large and continuous range
and are best represented with a continuous color ramp, either RGB or grayscale.
Discrete: Discrete attributes are attributes whose values fall within a relatively small and defined (i.e.,
discrete) categories. Some examples of LiDAR-related discrete attributes are return number (typically 1, 2,
3, or 4) or classification (typically values between 1 and 12).

The strategies for working with discrete versus continuous attributes vary slightly.
136 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

For Discrete Attributes:

1. Select a discrete attribute in the upper right pull-down menu. QT Modeler will automatically populate the
minimum and maximum values as well as the number of discrete values.
2. Click the "Autosetup" button. Quick Terrain Modeler will set the range, divide the palette into the
appropriate number of divisions, and choose colors. The histogram of point distribution will appear as
red spikes at the bottom of the color ramp values.
3. To change the colors, right click in the appropriate color band and "Set Color" to the desired color value.
4. Click "Apply" to apply the color scheme to the points. Make sure the vertex colors are active. The
example below shows color values assigned based on the return number value.
5. If desired, save the palette for use later.

For Continuous Attributes:

1. Select a continuous attribute in the upper right pull-down menu. QT Modeler will automatically populate
the minimum and maximum values of the attribute.
2. Click the "Autosetup" button. Quick Terrain Modeler will set the range and assign a continuous blue to
red palette. The histogram of point distribution will appear as red spikes at the bottom of the color ramp
values. The example below shows scan angle rank as the attribute for which the color palette is defined.
3. (Optional) To reconfigure color palettes, use the tools such as setting the range manually, choosing a
color palette, or creating a color palette from a blank palette. The section on Grid Statistics - Visualization
Options provides more detailed instrutions on configuring the palette.
4. Click "Apply" to apply the color scheme to the points. Make sure the vertex colors are active. The
example below shows color values assigned based on the return number value.
5. If desired, save the palette for use later.

9.3.3 QTA Continuous Attribute Filtering (Advanced)

QTA Continuous Analysis

Analysis > QTA Attribute Analysis > QTA Continuous Analysis

Menu - Analysis 137

QTA continuous analysis enables the selective viewing and coloration of points based on a given attribute's
value. This tool is customized for continuous attributes but can also be used with discrete attributes.
Example uses of continuous LAS attributes (i.e., values in the LAS point data record) are intensity and scan
angle rank. Examples of Quick Terrain Modeler’s calculated and appended continuous attributes are AGL
and Grid Statistics results. NOTE: the coloration is packed into the FILTER CHANNEL and not the VERTEX
CHANNEL. This coloration can be toggled on and off by expanding the SPECIAL OVERLAYS section of the
layer tree and by adjusting overall transparency by going to Display > Layer Transparency.


From the Analysis Menu > QTA Attribute Analysis > QTA Continuous Analysis

1. From the pull-down menus, select the model name you wish to filter and the attribute on which to
apply the filter (e.g., intensity). Click “Pack Attribute into Filter Channel” and the Minimum and
Maximum text boxes will populate with the min/max values of the selected attribute.
2. If necessary, reset the Minimum and Maximum to better reflect where the bulk of the points are
distributed using the histogram. Click Set Manually to reset the histogram. Additionally, reset the
Min/Max values by adjusting the vertical slider bars to the left and right of the histogram.
3. OPTIONAL, a continuous attribute such as Intensity can be grouped together into bands for filtering
or coloring. Click the Configure Bands to define how to “bin” these points together into discrete
4. Select the Default Palette of choice. A color ramp such as Blue to Red or Earthtones is good for
coloration while a filter palette such as Hide Above or Hide Below are appropriate for filtering
(Hide/Show). The breakline can also be moved by left clicking and dragging the line left and right.
5. The palette and histogram can be right clicked for added customization. Right click to add or
remove additional breaklines to create more filter classes. This context menu will also allow you to
show/hide (e.g., filter) and/or color the right clicked band. NOTE: the hatched pattern means the
band is hidden (filtered).
6. OPTIONAL, the Opacity slider bar allows the user to control how much underlying colors can show
7. OPTIONAL, the histogram can be export by clicking the Export Histogram Button
8. OPTIONAL, the Crop Model button can be pushed to permanently remove the filtered points.
NOTE: the original source data will remain unchanged. The crop is only “permanent” within the
current Quick Terrain Modeler session. If needed, the original source data can be saved or exported
over, but this is generally NOT RECOMMENDED.

Figure 1. QTA Continuous Analyst window is set to color Intensity by a graduated blue to red color ramp
with 100% Opacity. The Intensity values of the dataset range from 0 to 5100 however the ramp was
adjusted to reflect the majority of points by changing the Maximum to 117.3.
138 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Figure 2. Configure QTA Bands window is opened by clicking the Configure Bands button in the Continuous
Analyst window. Here, a continuous attribute can be segmented into user controlled bands for coloration
and filtering.

9.3.4 QTA Continuous Attribute Filtering

QTA continuous attribute filtering enables the selective viewing of points based on a given attribute's value.
Examples of continuous LAS attributes (i.e., values in the LAS point data record) are intensity and scan angle

To use QTA Continuous Attribute Filtering:

1. From the Analysis Menu...QTA Attribute Analysis, select "QTA Continuous Attribute Filtering.
2. From the pull-down menu, select a continuous attribute on which to apply the filter (e.g., intensity). Once
the attribute is selected, Quick Terrain Modeler will populate the attribute range window with the entire
range of attribute values as well as a histogram showing the distribution of points within that attribute
value range.
3. If necessary, reset the range values in the lower right two windows. This may be necessary of there are
"outlier" values that skew the range. It may be necessary to reset the min/max values of the range to
reflect where the bulk of the points are distributed.
4. Click the "Apply" button. Once the Apply button is clicked, the range will be reset and the filtering
capability will be active.
5. The "Apply" button will only need to be pressed again if the range is reset or if a new attribute is chosen.
6. Choose whether to filter above, below, equal to, or not equal to by clicking the appropriate radio button.
Use the slider to filter the points appropriately.
7. If desired, place the slider with an explicit value and clicking the "Enter Value" button.
8. Clicking "Crop Models" will permanently eliminate all but the visible points.

Note: When filtering, the entire range of an attribute's values are scaled into an 8-bit field. What this
means is that the entire range will be divided by 256 to get the filtering "increments". If the attribute value
has a large range, the filtering increments will also be large. For example, if intensity is scaled between 1
and 2560, each filtering increment will be 10. Thus, the filtering slider will jump from 10 to 20 to 30, etc.
Menu - Analysis 139


9.3.5 QTA Discrete Attribute Filtering (Advanced)

QTA Discrete Analysis

Analysis > QTA Attribute Analysis > QTA Discrete Analysis

QTA discrete analysis enables the selective viewing and coloration of points based on a given attribute's
value. This tool is customized for discrete values such as return number, number of returns, and
classification however continuous attributes such as intensity and Z value can also be used by configuring
the bands. NOTE: the coloration is packed into the FILTER CHANNEL and not the VERTEX CHANNEL. This
coloration can be toggled on and off by expanding the SPECIAL OVERLAYS section of the layer tree and by
adjusting overall transparency by going to Display > Layer Transparency.


From the Analysis Menu > QTA Attribute Analysis > QTA Discrete Analysis

1. From the pull-down menus, select the model name you wish to filter and the attribute on which to
apply the filter (e.g., intensity). Click “Pack Attribute into Filter Channel” and the Minimum and
Maximum text boxes will populate with the min/max values of the selected attribute.
2. OPTIONAL, the Opacity slider bar allows the user to control how much underlying colors can show
3. OPTIONAL, click Auto-Color Bands to colorize points differently based on their band
4. Click on the bands to Hide/Show (Highlighted in blue means the band is being shown).
5. OPTIONAL, a continuous attribute such as Intensity can be grouped together into bands for filtering
or coloring. Click the Configure Bands to define how to “bin” these points together into discrete
6. OPTIONAL, the Crop Model button can be pushed to permanently remove the filtered points.
NOTE: the original source data will remain unchanged. The crop is only “permanent” within the
current Quick Terrain Modeler session. If needed, the original source data can be saved or exported
over, but this is generally NOT RECOMMENDED.

Figure 1. QTA Discrete Analyst window is set to color each classification differently (Class 1 as RED, Class 2
as GREEN, Class 7 as BLUE, and Class 12 as AQUA). Also shown are the number of points from the model
that fall into each band (ie., there are 2,003,762 Class 2 points). All bands are being shown (highlighted in
140 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Figure 2. Configure QTA Bands window is opened by clicking the Configure Bands button in the Discrete
Analyst window. Here, a continuous attribute can be segmented into user controlled bands for coloration
and filtering:

9.3.6 QTA Discrete Attribute Filtering

Discrete attribute filtering is designed to filter attributes that are discrete in nature. Some examples of
discrete attribute are return number, number of returns, and classification values. Discrete attributes do
not lend themselves to filtering along a continuous spectrum. The most useful way to filter discrete
attributes is to turn on/off all points with a given attribute value. The examples in the images below shows
a data set with four classifications (1, 2, 7, and 12), of which only classification 2 & 12, then classifications 1
& 12 are turned on (i.e., points with all other classification values are not visible).

To use QTA Discrete Attribute Filtering:

1. From the Analysis Menu...QTA Attribute Analysis, select "QTA Discrete Attribute Filtering.
2. From the pull-down menu, select a discrete attribute on which to apply the filter (e.g., classification,
return number). Once the attribute is selected, Quick Terrain Modeler will populate the lower window
with the available discrete attribute values as well as the number of points associated with that attribute
3. Select an attribute value (or values using "shift" and/or "control" and left clicking). The value(s) will be
4. Click the "Apply" button. All attribute values not selected will be removed from the view.
5. If desired, select other attribute values and click "Apply" to isolate that value(s).
6. Clicking "Crop Models" will permanently eliminate all but the visible points.
Menu - Analysis 141

Using Discrete Attribute Filtering with Continuous Attributes:

It is sometimes useful to divide a "Continuous" attribute (e.g., intensity, scan angle) into discrete brackets,
then filter on these brackets.

1. From the Analysis Menu...QTA Attribute Analysis, select "QTA Discrete Attribute Filtering.
2. From the pull-down menu, select a continuous attribute on which to apply the filter (e.g., intensity). Once
the attribute is selected, Quick Terrain Modeler will divide the range of the attribute values into 10
brackets and display of points associated with that attribute value bracket.
3. Select an attribute value bracket (or values using "shift" and/or "control" and left clicking). The value(s)
will be highlighted.
4. Click the "Apply" button. All attribute value brackets not selected will be removed from the view.
5. If desired, select other attribute value bracket and click "Apply" to isolate that range(s).
6. Clicking "Crop Models" will permanently eliminate all but the visible points.

9.3.7 QTA Multivariate Filtering

QTA Multivariate filtering enables the user to filter based on a wide combination of QTA attributes, either
comparing the attributes to user-defined constant values, or to other attributes. For example, it may be
useful to isolate points that are last return (return number = number of returns) and also have a low (or
high) intensity value. This is just one of an enormous range of possibilities. To use QTA Multivariate

1) Open or import a point cloud model with QTA attribute table.

2) Open the QTA Multivariate Filter tool from the Analysis...QTA Attribute Analysis menu or from the
Analysis...Filtering menu.
3) Select a filtering criteria using the left pulldown menu. When the menu is pulled down, all point
attributes will be available, including X, Y, and Z. This "Subject" attribute will be compared either to a
constant value or to other attributes.
4) Select an operator from the middle pulldown menu. At this time, the available operators are Less than
(<), less than or equal to (<=), Equal to (=), not equal to (!=), greater than (>), and greater than or equal to
5) Select a comparison attribute or a constant from the right pulldown menu:
a) Constant Value: Select "Constant" from the right pulldown menu. Input a constant in the "Constant
142 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Value" input box.

b) Alternatively, you may select another attribute to compare the subject attribute to.
6) Click the "Add Filter" button. The filter will appear as a single line in the filter window. The line will
reflect the filtering criteria (e.g., Intensity > 20.00)
7) Proceed with steps 3 - 6 for the second filtering criteria.
8) When filtering criteria are all defined and added, select conditions under which points will "Pass" the
a) Pass if ALL comparisons are true (i.e., logical AND function).
b) Pass if ANY comparisons are true (i.e, logical OR function).
c) Pass if NO comparisons are true (i.e, logical NAND function)
9) Select an action to perform on the points that pass through the filter in the "Then Do This" pull down
menu. Available actions are:
a) Color Points: Colors points based on the user defined color.
b) Cut Points: Permanently removes the points from the model.
c) Hide Points: Temporarily hides points from view.
d) Export Points to XYZ: Exports an XYZ file of the points which have passed through the filter.
e) Export Points to LAS: Exports an LAS file of the points which have passed through the filter.
10)Click "Apply"
11)(Optional) Clear Colors: Clear colors will remove any vertex colors from the model (including intensity).
If multiple analyses are performed incrementally, it may be beneficial to start with no existing coloration
on the points. In other cases, it may be more useful to let the colors "build" on themselves.

9.3.8 Assign QTA Attributes

Assigning QTA attributes allows the user to define which attribute values get placed in the Z axis as well as
the Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha values of the point display. To set these values, simply select a model from
the pull-down menu and choose which attributes to apply to each field.


Applying an attribute value range to the Z axis will dramatically alter the look of the model, as elevation
will be replaced by the attribute value.
Grayscale and Red Green Blue (RGB) are mutually exclusive. A user can place an attribute value in
Grayscale, or in RGB, but not both.
If selecting values to place in RGB, a value must be selected for Red, Green, and Blue.
Any value placed in the Alpha field can subsequently be filtered by Alpha.
Menu - Analysis 143

9.3.9 Rename QTA Attribute

Renaming QTA attributes gives the user to add specific attributes (e.g., through AGL Analysis or QTA
Multivariate Analysis) and rename the attributes on the fly. In addition, QTA models imported from ASCII
files do not have standard names for point attributes. This function allows the user to rename the default
attribute name from "Column X" to more useful names such as "Intensity" or "Classification". Simply select
the model name and attribute from the pull down menus, type a new attribute name, and click the
"Rename" button.

9.4 Visibility Analysis

9.4.1 Line of Sight Map

Note: Due to export restrictions, this feature is only available in the USA version.

The Line of Sight Analysis function provides a wide array of functionality. Once markers are placed in a
terrain, the user can perform line of sight (LOS) analysis to determine what the user can see from that
location. Conversely, LOS will show what can see the observer. It is a very useful and powerful tool for
tactical situational awareness, microwave tower placement analysis, analyzing placement of street signs,
and many other functions. Quick Terrain Modeler's LOS analysis can be broken down into four basic groups:

1. Omnidirectional Line of Sight Analysis: This type of analysis establishes what parts of the terrain can
be seen from a specific location and vice versa. Quick Terrain Modeler will evaluate whether there is
visibility to the terrain in all directions.

2. Directional Line of Sight Analysis (Sensor at or near ground level): Directional viewshed analysis will
simulate the visibility of s specific sensor or camera which exists at or near ground level. This type of
sensor's position and orientation can be defined by placing a marker in the terrain and establishing an
orientation and field of view. Some examples of this application may be surveillance camera
144 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

simulation or the coverage of a directional antenna such as a microwave antenna.

3. Sensor Line of Sight Analysis (Sensor far above ground): This type of analysis defines the observer
relative to a marker in the terrain, but the observer is generally far from the terrain. Examples of this
type of sensor may be an airborne camera, LiDAR sensor, or satellite.

4. Vector Line of Sight Analysis: Vector LOS analysis establishes a vector to/from all markers (i.e., specific
positions) in the terrain from any position on the surface of the model. This type of analysis can also
simulate a "motorcade" route along which LOS vectors and ground distances are calculated in real
time as the observer progresses along the route.

Omnidirectional Line of Sight from the "Serpent Head" Marker:

Directional Line of Sight from the "Serpent Head" Marker, Orientation Due South (180 Degrees), Horizontal
and Vertical field of view = 45 degrees.

Sensor Line of Sight Analysis. Sensor is "placed" 10km from "Serpent Head" marker, facing south, 15 degree
grazing angle, 2 degree horizontal and vertical field of view:

(Left) Vector Line of Sight Analysis - Travel Route. This analysis shows LOS exists (green vector) to three
markers and does not exist (red vector) to one marker. (Right) Vector Line of Sight Analysis - Random Point.
This analysis shows that, from a random point on the surface of the model, LOS exists (green vector) to
three markers and does not exist (red vector) to one marker.
Menu - Analysis 145 Omnidirectional LOS

Omnidirectional Line of Sight Analysis analyzes the visibility in all directions in a terrain. There are only two
basic requirements to perform this analysis:

1. Omnidirectional LOS can only be performed on a surface model (.QTT, GeoTIFF DEM, DTED, etc.)
2. LOS analysis is performed around a marker or group of markers, so at least one marker must be placed
in the terrain.

There are three display modes for line of sight. They are as follows:

Basic Coloration: Basic coloration performs LOS analysis and applies a color to the model based on one
of four conditions:
All Can See: All selected markers have visibility to this point in the model, based on observer/target
height settings, limitations to line of sight distance (if any), and marker specific limitations to field of
view (see sensor view LOS). The default coloration for this condition is red.
Some Can See: If N markers are loaded, the "some can see" condition is achieved when between 1
and N-1 observers (i.e., markers) have visibility to that point, based on viewing constraints noted
above. The default coloration for this condition is yellow.
None Can See: This condition is achieved if none of the loaded markers have visibility to a given
point in the terrain, based on viewing constraints noted above. The default coloration for this
condition is light gray.
Not Evaluated: This condition is achieved if a user limits the line of sight distance and the extents of
the terrain are greater than the limitation. For example, if a user sets a LOS distance limitation at 300
meters and the model is 5 km x 5km, there will be areas that are simply "not evaluated" because the
user has chosen to limit the analysis in distance. This is a distinctively different condition than "None
Can See", as no analysis has been performed. The default coloration for this condition is dark gray.

Interactivity: In this type of coloration, Quick Terrain Modeler will color the terrain with respective
colors of the markers selected. For example, if there are a red and a green marker loaded, the areas of
the terrain visible to the red marker alone will be colored red. Those areas visible to the green marker
will be green. The overlap (i.e., "Interactivity") will be yellow. The utility of this type of coloration
146 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

decreases sharply if there are many markers loaded and complex interaction between them.

Cumulative Coloration: This coloration uses a blue to red palette that represents the number of
markers that have visibility to a given location. Blue represents "Low" and red represents "High". For
example, if ten markers were used for the analysis, a color of blue would represent a location that had
visibility to one markers, aqua would represent a location that had visibility to two markers, and so on
up the color wheel until red represents an area that has visibility to all 10 markers. The number of
discrete colors are proportional to the number of markers used in the analysis (i.e., many markers =
many colors, but still in the blue=visibility to few markers, red=visibility to many markers continuum).
A condition of no visibility is still represented by light gray and "not evaluated" by dark gray.

At least one marker must be placed in the terrain prior to performing LOS analysis. Either manually place a
marker in the terrain or import markers from text file, shape file, or KML.
Pull down the Analysis menu...Add Vertex Colors to Model, select Line of Sight Map (Or press the Line of
Sight Button - ). The Create Line-of-Sight Map window will pop up. There are three sections to the Line
of Sight Interface:

Select Observer
This sections displays what markers are available in the model. The first step is to select a marker or
markers upon which the LOS analysis will be performed. Users also have the ability to edit the markers if
necessary by clicking the "Edit Markers" button.

Viewing Parameters
This section requires the user to set the observer and target heights. Note: The marker is the observer for
purposes of the LOS calculations. These heights will be in the units of the model (i.e., if model is in feet,
heights will be in feet). Optionally, the user can limit the line of sight to a certain distance. To limit line of
sight distance, check the box and enter the desired distance in the window. This distance will also be in the
units of the model.

Image Generation Options

There are several image generation options. They are as follows:
Merge with Existing Map: Check this box to add an LOS map to the current image (e.g., another LOS
map, HLZ Map,or to an intensity image). Leave this box unchecked to clear the existing image and
replace with the LOS map.
Force Binary Result: Checking this box disables Quick Terrain Modeler's function which creates color
shading around the edges of an LOS map to indicate differing levels of confidence/probability that an
area is in the LOS. Forcing a binary result is particularly useful if the user intends to export 8-bit TIFF's
to applications such as ESRI GIS.
Quantized 8-bit Image: Checking this box forces compound LOS analysis results into discrete 8-bit
(i.e., grayscale) values. This is particularly helpful if the user is performing compound (i.e., multiple
observer) LOS analysis and intends to export to 8-bit TIFF format (e.g., for import into ESRI)
Coloration choices (See descriptions above):
All Can See: The default coloration for this condition is red. Click the button and select a new color
to change the coloration.
Some Can See: The default coloration for this condition is yellow.
None Can See: The default coloration for this condition is light gray.
Not Evaluated: The default coloration for this condition is dark gray.

Menu - Analysis 147

Place marker(s) in terrain.

Select the marker(s) for which you want to perform LOS analysis by clicking on them in the "Select
Observers" window. LOS analysis will be performed on all selected markers.
In "Viewing Parameters", choose your observer height (the marker is the observer, the rest of the
terrain is the "target"). The default is set to 1.8m, roughly the eye-level height of a human being. If
you want to evaluate line of sight for a microwave communications tower, set the height to your
precise tower height (e.g., 10m). If you want to evaluate your view from a planned vacation home, set
it to the height of your windows, etc.
In "Viewing Parameters", choose your target height. The default is set to 1.8m, roughly the eye-level
height of a human being. If you are evaluating whether you can see the next microwave tower, set its
height as above.
Optionally, check the "Limit Line of Sight Distance" checkbox if you are only interested in a specific
distance from the observer (e.g., limit LOS analysis to 500 meters). After checking the box, you must
specify a distance (in the units of the model) in the text box.
Check "Merge with Existing Map" if you want to preserve intensity values and/or supplement another
analysis result (e.g., HLZ analysis). Otherwise, leave it unchecked.
Choose appropriate Image Generation Options as described above.
Click OK.

Helpful Hints:
Make sure your markers are very precisely placed. If on a rooftop, make sure the marker is at the
very edge of the building (if this is where the observer will be). Sometimes small adjustments in the
placement of the observer make a vast difference in the results of the line of sight analysis.
If available, import markers from a text file to establish observer or target positions.
Place markers along a known travel route and use "Cumulative Coloration" to evaluate areas of high
visibility to your route.
Use in conjunction with vector LOS analysis to help pinpoint exactly which markers have visibility.

Example of Compound Line of Sight Analysis with Interactivity Coloration: The first figure shows simple line
of sight analysis around Marker 1. The second figure shows compound line of sight analysis for both Marker
1 and Marker 2. The areas in yellow represent the overlap of the two viewsheds.

Example Line of Sight Analysis Using Limited Distance: The first figure shows four markers in the terrain.
The second figure shows line of sight analysis limited to 50 meters around each of the markers. This
analysis was performed on all markers simultaneously using "Interactivity" coloration.

Example Line of Sight Analysis Cumulative Coloration: The analysis shows 16 markers placed along a road.
148 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Areas with visibility to many markers have coloration on the red end of the spectrum. Areas with visibility
to few markers are on the blue end of the spectrum. Areas with no visibility to the markers appear gray.

Example Line of Sight Analysis Basic Coloration: The analysis shows the same 16 markers as above. Areas
with visibility to all markers are red. Areas with visibility to one through 15 markers are yellow. Areas with
no visibility to the markers appear gray.

Vector LOS can be used in a very complementary fashion to other omnidirectional LOS analysis results. Directional LOS

Directional Line of Sight (LOS) is very similar to omnidirectional LOS, with the difference being that a sensor
orientation, position, and field of view must be defined. Essentially, this simulates a camera being mounted
and pointed in a specific direction or a directional antenna being pointed in a specific direction. It may be
helpful to think of this analysis as mounting a camera on the marker (note, a marker only has one Z
position, so it is important to either set the observer height to an appropriate value or to set the marker
position above the terrain). To perform directional LOS, follow all the instructions for directional LOS, but
define a sensor attached to each marker as follows:
Menu - Analysis 149

In the "Select" Observer(s) section of the interface, click the "Edit Markers" button.
Using the Marker pull down menu, select the marker upon which to attach a sensor.
Check the "Sensor Attached" box and press the "Edit Sensor" button.
Input the following parameters:
Azimuth in degrees clockwise from north relative to the sensor (camera)
Elevation in degrees up from the horizon. Negative values are required for situations in which the
sensor is "looking down" (i.e., pointing below the horizon relative to the sensor).
Roll in degrees clockwise looking down the "boresight" (i.e., the centerline of the sensor's orientation)
Horizontal Field of View (FOV) in degrees.
Vertical Field of View (FOV) in degrees
Range should be set to zero for cameras or sensors at the location of the marker.
Click "OK" and "OK" in the open windows.
Perform LOS analysis exactly as in Omnidirectional LOS. All "Image Generation Options" will be available.

Input interfaces for defining sensors attached to markers.

Note that, when a sensor is attached to a marker, it will have a pyramid instead of a sphere on top.
Directional LOS analysis will look different than omnidirectional LOS. The horizontal field of view may be
apparent in the results (right). Sensor View LOS

Sensor View LOS is very similar to Directional LOS, but the sensor is not "attached" to the marker. Instead,
it is defined relative to the marker. For example, a sensor mounted on an airborne platform will be defined
by angles and distances relative to a marker. To perform directional LOS, follow all the instructions for
directional LOS, but define a sensor attached to each marker as follows:

Important: Boresight angles are defined relative to the sensor, not the marker. Therefore, most elevation
angles are likely to be negative. To convert a "Grazing Angle" to a Quick Terrain Modeler elevation angle,
simply place a negative sign in front of the angle (e.g., 20 degree grazing angle becomes -20 degree elevation
150 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

angle from the sensor perspective). To convert a ground perspective Azimuth angle to a sensor-view
azimuth angle, simply add 180 (e.g., 45 degree azimuth angle from ground perspective becomes 225 degree
azimuth angle from the sensor perspective.

In the "Select" Observer(s) section of the interface, click the "Edit Markers" button.
Using the Marker pull down menu, select the marker upon which to attach a sensor.
Check the "Sensor Attached" box and press the "Edit Sensor" button.
Input the following parameters:
Azimuth in degrees clockwise from north relative to the sensor (camera)
Elevation in degrees up from the horizon. Negative values are required for situations in which the
sensor is "looking down" (i.e., pointing below the horizon relative to the sensor).
Roll in degrees clockwise looking down the "boresight" (i.e., the centerline of the sensor's orientation)
Horizontal Field of View (FOV) in degrees.
Vertical Field of View (FOV) in degrees.
Range should be set to zero for cameras or sensors at the location of the marker.
Click "OK" and "OK" in the open windows.
Perform LOS analysis exactly as in Omnidirectional LOS. All "Image Generation Options" will be available.

Sample settings for Sensor View LOS:

(Left) LOS map based on a sensor pointing at Marker 2. The sensor is 10,000 meters away with an azimuth
of 180 (looking directly south), an elevation of -20 (i.e., a "grazing angle" of 20 degrees) and a Horizontal and
Vertical Field of View of 2 degrees. (Right) Checking the "Make "No" Solid Black" option will starkly highlight
shadow areas. These are areas in which the sensor has no visibility. Vector LOS

In contrast to all of Quick Terrain Modeler's other LOS analyses, Vector Line of Sight (VLOS) does not
generate a broad "viewshed" coloration of the terrain. Instead, it calculates whether there are lines of sight
Menu - Analysis 151

to specific locations in the model. These locations are represented by markers.

Random Point Vector LOS:

1. Place Markers. Markers become the "observers" in Quick Terrain Modeler terminology.
2. Place cursor on any desired location in the model. Left click to establish this as the position for which
vector LOS is desired.
3. Type "L" on the keyboard.
4. Observe red/green LOS vectors to all markers.
5. Set Observer/Traveler Height: As above, observer heights are set by editing or importing markers.
Traveler height is the last setting used in Step 4 above.
6. Type "L" again to remove LOS vector.
7. Optional: Hold down the "L" key, move cursor around scene to dynamically change the LOS vectors.
Type "L" to remove the LOS vectors.

Below: Random Point Vector LOS showing LOS to three observers and no LOS to one observer. Typing "L"
on the keyboard will remove the vectors from the display.

9.4.2 Virtual Line of Sight from Marker

Virtual Line of Sight, introduced in version 7.1.6, provides similar Line of Sight (LOS) functionality to the
traditional LOS calculations that QTM has always had. Because it uses advanced graphics capability, the LOS
calculations happen on the graphics card in OpenGL, not as geometric ray-trace calculations in the CPU. The
upside to performing these calculations on the graphics card is that the results are displayed instantly,
rather than waiting for the CPU calculation. The downside is that, if your graphics processor does not
support OpenGL version 3.0 or higher, you will not be able to perform Virtual LOS at all. To assess your
graphics capability, check your OpenGL Resources and OpenGL Configuration, which will display your
machine's OpenGL capabilities and current OpenGL resource allocation. Note: Virtual LOS only works on
surface models (DEM's, DSM's, DTM's) and not on point clouds.

Note that either Virtual LOS (Marker) or Virtual LOS (Line) may be displayed, but both cannot be displayed
at the same time.

To perform Virtual Line of Sight around a marker, follow these simple steps (click to expand topics and see

Place Marker (Multiple Ways)

There are multiple ways to place a marker:

Use the marker button

Hold down the "M" key and left click to place multiple markers.
Import Markers from ASCII, SHP, or KML files (See Topic Import Markers)
152 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Load saved QT Markers from a file.

Open the "Go To" interface, input a coordinate, and click "create marker". Very useful if you have an
MGRS coordinate.

Initiate Virtual Line of Sight Map (2 Ways)

Method 1: Right click on the marker in the layer tree and select "Virtual LOS Map" from the context
menu. Note that the marker icon in the layer tree will replace the marker pinhead with an eyeball,
indicating which marker the VLOS is attached to. VLOS can only be attached to one marker at a time
(as of v7.1.6).
Method 2: Expand the "Special Overlays" section of the Layer Tree and check Virtual LOS Map

Adjust Virtual Line of Sight Settings

Upon initiating VLOS around a marker and upon changing which marker the VLOS is attached to, a Virtual
Line of Sight Options window will appear. The settings are as follows:
Observer: This pull down menu enables changing which observer (i.e., which marker) the LOS results
are attached to.
Observer Height: Height above the surface of the observer (i.e., the marker). Note that if the marker is
on a rooftop or other object that is not technically the "ground", QT Modeler will simply add the
observer height to the elevation of that object. I.e., QT Modeler has no way of knowing if the marker is
on the ground or on a building, tree, or other tall object. Changing the observer/target height will
cause two icons to appear next to the marker. The two icons represent the relative heights of the
observer (eyeball icon) and the target (person icon). Changing observer/target heights raises and
lowers these icons along the marker pin in scale with the terrain.
Target Height: Similar to observer height, but for the rest of the scene. I.e., there is one observer, and
every other location in the scene is evaluated as a "target".
Limit Range?: Check the box to limit the distance of the LOS analysis. Units will be in the current
display units of the model.
Color Setting: Choose the color of the analysis results. Checking "Use Marker Color?" selects the
marker pinhead color as the LOS results display color. Using marker color can be very helpful in
distinguishing between different observers LOS results.
Virtual Map Size: If VLOS results are slow, it may be useful to decrease the Virtual Map Size. Virtual
Map Size is the number of pixels used by OpenGL and the graphics card to display the VLOS results.
Reducing the size accelerates the VLOS display, but reduces the resolution. See also OpenGL
Menu - Analysis 153

Directional Line of Sight (Sensors, Cameras, Communications Analysis)

Virtual Line of Sight can be very useful when using a directional "sensor" marker. This analysis can be
very useful for optimal placement of sensors, communications devices, video cameras, and other devices
with a directional/field of view component. To perform this analysis, you need to turn the marker into a
directional (as apposed to omnidirectional) observer. The steps are as follows:
Left Click on the marker in the layer tree (or right click and select "Edit").
Check the "Sensor Attached" check box.
Click the "Edit Sensor" button.
Interactively set sensor orientation and field of view using arrows or type values into fields.

Moving Markers (Three Ways)

Hold down the "K" key, position cursor over marker, drag marker to new location. The Virtual LOS
results will follow the movement of the marker.
Press the marker button down, position cursor over marker, drag marker to new location. The Virtual
LOS results will follow the movement of the marker.
Left click on the marker in the layer tree. Enter a new coordinate. Click "Apply".

Exporting Raster Result

Since Virtual LOS results are "virtual", they exist only on the graphics card (i.e., they are not a file). If you
would like to export Virtual LOS results as an image, right click on Special Overlays > Virtual LOS Map, and
"Create LOS Map texture". A new texture will appear in the textures folder. Once the virtual texture has
become "real" (i.e., it is now a file), it can be exported, saved, etc. just like any texture.

Graphics & OpenGL Considerations

In order for Virtual LOS to work, your video card must support OpenGL version 3.0 or higher. Discrete
graphics cards (e.g., NVIDIA, ATI) will likely support this, but may need the driver upgraded. This is usually
a fairly straightforward process of downloading an upgraded driver from the manufacturer's website and
154 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

installing it. Integrated graphics chipsets (e.g., Intel) will have a more difficult time supporting advanced
graphics capabilities.

9.4.3 Virtual Line of Sight from Line

Virtual Line of Sight, introduced in version 7.1.6, provides similar Line of Sight (LOS) functionality to the
traditional LOS calculations that QTM has always had. Because it uses advanced graphics capability, the LOS
calculations happen on the graphics card in OpenGL, not as geometric ray-trace calculations in the CPU. The
upside to performing these calculations on the graphics card is that the results are displayed instantly,
rather than waiting for the CPU calculation. The downside is that, if your graphics processor does not
support OpenGL version 3.0 or higher, you will not be able to perform Virtual LOS at all. To assess your
graphics capability, check your OpenGL Resources and OpenGL Configuration, which will display your
machine's OpenGL capabilities and current OpenGL resource allocation. Note: Virtual LOS only works on
surface models (DEM's, DSM's, DTM's) and not on point clouds.

To perform Virtual Line of Sight down a line, follow these simple steps (click to expand topics and see

Place Measurement Line (Multiple Ways)

There are multiple ways to place a measurement line:

Use the measurement line button

Place cursor anywhere, type "S" on the keyboard, left click to add nodes, right click to end the line.
Import mensuration from SHP or KML files from the Menu Analysis > Import Mensuration...
Convert vectors in the layer tree to mensuration line by right clicking the vector and choosing "Show as

Choose Travel Route Line of Sight from Context Menu

Adjust Virtual Line of Sight Settings

Upon initiating VLOS down a line (aka, Travel Route LOS), the following will happen:
i. A user interface will appear. A graph will depict the cross section of the terrain along the line.
Above the graph are a number of settings. Below the graph is a slider bar which is used to
change the position of the traveler along the line.
ii. In the workspace, a marker will appear in the center of the mensuration line. This marker
represents the traveler's position. This marker will move in the scene as you adjust the slider
bar under the terrain profile.

You can change the following settings related to VLOS:

Above Ground/Above Vector: Choose whether the traveler's route is hugging the ground (e.g., a
walking/driving route), or whether the route is a straight line above the straight line vectors that
connect the nodes of the mensuration line (e.g., a helicopter or airplane route).
Show Virtual LOS: Will show a line of sight coverage map of the line of sight from the perspective of
the traveler.
Show LOS Vectors: Connects a red/green vector between the traveler and all existing markers in the
terrain. This is the same Travel Route Line of Sight that has always been in QT Modeler. See Travel
Route LOS topic for more details. These vectors can be useful in visualizing the exact line of sight
Menu - Analysis 155

between the traveler and specific positions in the terrain that are represented by markers. However, if
there are many markers in the terrain, the display can become very busy and therefore distracting,
thus making it desirable to uncheck this box and turn the vectors off. An alternative to turning vectors
off entirely is to simply uncheck some of the markers in the layer tree.
Traveler Height: The traveler is the marker along the path. Use the slider or the input box to set the
eye-level height of the traveler - either above ground or above the vector as noted above. Changing the
traveler/observer height will cause two icons to appear next to the traveler marker. The two icons
represent the relative heights of the traveler (eyeball icon) and the observer (person icon). Changing
traveler/observer heights raises and lowers these icons along the marker pin in scale with the terrain.
Observer Height: Height above the ground of the observer (i.e., everywhere in the scene except the
traveler marker). Note that QT Modeler will simply add the observer height to the elevation of every
location in the scene. I.e., QT Modeler has no way of knowing if a location is on the ground or on a
building, tree, or other tall object.
Limit Range?: Check the box to limit the distance of the LOS analysis. Use the slider or the input box to
set the range from the traveler. Units will be in the current display units of the model.

Exporting Raster Result

Since Virtual LOS results are "virtual", they exist only on the graphics card (i.e., they are not a file). If you
would like to export Virtual LOS results as an image, right click on Special Overlays > Virtual LOS Map, and
"Create LOS Map texture". A new texture will appear in the textures folder. Once the virtual texture has
become "real" (i.e., it is now a file), it can be exported, saved, etc. just like any texture.

Graphics & OpenGL Considerations

In order for Virtual LOS to work, your video card must support OpenGL version 3.0 or higher. Discrete
graphics cards (e.g., NVIDIA, ATI) will likely support this, but may need the driver upgraded. This is usually
a fairly straightforward process of downloading an upgraded driver from the manufacturer's website and
installing it. Integrated graphics chipsets (e.g., Intel) will have a more difficult time supporting advanced
graphics capabilities.
156 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

9.4.4 Travel Route Line of Sight

Analysis Menu > Visibility Analysis > Travel Route Line of Sight Map (Button: )

Travel Route Line of Sight Analysis analyzes the visibility in all directions in a terrain along a predefined route
at user defined intervals. There are only two basic requirements to perform this analysis:
1. Travel Route LOS can only be performed on a surface model (.QTT, GeoTIFF DEM, DTED, etc.)
2. LOS analysis is performed along a predefined route so a Mensuration Line must be present.

Cumulative Coloration

Basic Coloration

Travel Route LOS Interface

There are two analysis types for line of sight. They are as follows:

Basic Coloration: Basic coloration performs LOS analysis and applies a color to the model based on one of
four conditions:
o Above Threshold – If the number of observations (samples) along the line is greater than the defined
Sample Cutoff on a pixel by pixel basis.
o Below Threshold – If the number of observations (samples) along the line is less than the defined
Menu - Analysis 157

Sample Cutoff on a pixel by pixel basis.

o Never – If the number of observations (samples) along the line is 0 per pixel
o Not Evaluated: This condition is achieved if a user limits the line of sight distance and the extents of the
terrain are greater than the limitation. For example, if a user sets a LOS distance limitation at 300
meters and the model is 5 km x 5km, there will be areas that are simply "not evaluated" because the
user has chosen to limit the analysis in distance. This is a distinctively different condition than "None
Can See", as no analysis has been performed. The default coloration for this condition is dark gray.

Cumulative Coloration: This coloration uses a blue to red palette that represents the percentage of
samples that have visibility to each cell. Blue represents "1%" and red represents "100%". For example, if
100 samples along the line were used for the analysis, a color of blue would represent a location that had
visibility to one sample, aqua would represent a location that had visibility to 20 samples, and so on up
the color wheel until red represents an area that has visibility to all 100 samples. A condition of no
visibility is still represented by light gray and "not evaluated" by dark gray.

There are several sections to the Line of Sight Interface:

Analysis Type: This section allows you to choose Basic Coloration or Cumulative Coloration analysis as
discussed above.
Sampling Parameters
o Sample Distance in data units along the line where an LOS calculation will be performed. For example,
if your data is in meters, you should enter a 5 if you want an LOS calculation to be performed every 5
meters along the defined route (mensuration line). Note, the window will also display the
corresponding Number of Samples that the defined Sample Distance will create.
o Sample Cutoff as a minimum number of samples seen by a given pixel to be included. For example, if
you wish to ignore pixels that are only visible to 5 samples along a route, then enter 5 in the Sample
Cutoff. This is designed to limit the effect of small “glimpses” along a long route on the resulting color
Viewing Parameters: This section requires the user to set the observer and target heights. Note: The
samples along the line are the observers for purposes of the LOS calculations. These heights will be in the
units of the model (i.e., if model is in feet, heights will be in feet). Optionally, the user can limit the line of
sight to a certain distance. To limit line of sight distance, check the box and enter the desired distance in
the window. This distance will also be in the units of the model.
Image Generation Options:
o Force Binary Result: Checking this box disables Quick Terrain Modeler's function which creates color
shading around the edges of an LOS map to indicate differing levels of confidence/probability that an
area is in the LOS. Forcing a binary result is particularly useful if the user intends to export 8-bit TIFF's
to applications such as ESRI GIS.
o Quantized 8-bit Image: Checking this box forces compound LOS analysis results into discrete 8-bit (i.e.,
grayscale) values. This is particularly helpful if the user is performing compound (i.e., multiple observer)
LOS analysis and intends to export to 8-bit TIFF format (e.g., for import into ESRI)
o Autoscale Results: Works only with cumulative coloration.

1. Place mensuration line in terrain.
2. Choose Basic or Cumulative Coloration as your analysis type
3. In “Sampling Parameters”, choose the distance between samples desired along the mensuration line as
well as a minimum number of samples you want included in a given pixel across the model.
4. In "Viewing Parameters", choose your observer height (the samples along the route are the observers, the
rest of the terrain is the "target"). The default is set to 1.8m, roughly the eye-level height of a human
being. If you want to evaluate line of sight for a vehicle window, then the number should be changed to
158 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

seated/standing position height in the vehicle.

5. In "Viewing Parameters", choose your target height. The default is set to 1.8m, roughly the eye-level
height of a human being. If you are evaluating whether you can see a tower, set its height as above.
6. Optionally, check the "Limit Line of Sight Distance" checkbox if you are only interested in a specific
distance from the observer (e.g., limit LOS analysis to 500 meters). After checking the box, you must
specify a distance (in the units of the model) in the text box.
7. Choose appropriate Image Generation Options as described above.
8. Click OK.

Helpful Hints:
Watch the "Number of Samples". The time required to perform the entire calculation is directly
proportional to the number of samples. If this number gets large (i.e., hundreds of samples), calculation
could take a very long time. Consider spacing the samples further apart (e.g., every 5 meters instead of
every 1 meter) to dramatically reduce calcualtion time.
Make sure your mensuration line is very precisely placed. Obstructions along the route such as signage,
vegetation, etc will make a vast difference in the results of the line of sight analysis depending on the line
Consider saving the mensuration line for future reference by right clicking in the layer tree or choose
Analysis > Export Mensuration
Use "Cumulative Coloration" to evaluate areas of high visibility to your route.
Make sure the Vertex Colors toggle is toggled to the "On" position. If you do not see results immediately

after the calculation is complete, this is usually the reason. The vertex color toggle looks like this:


Example Above: Settings for Cumulative Coloration map for samples every 2 meters along the mensuration
line. Each sample is taken at 1.8 meters above the ground and a the target height of 1.8 meters above each
cell. A minimum of 2 samples must have LOS to be included in the results (Sample Cutoff). Click images to
expand them.

9.4.5 Point to Point Line of Sight

As of v8.0, this function has been converted to Point to point Viewing. See related topic - Point to Point
Menu - Analysis 159

9.4.6 Terrain Mask

Quick Terrain Modeler's Terrain Mask tool provides the user with a tool to quickly evaluate visibility from an
airborne sensor or in given lighting conditions. To perform the analysis, go to the Analysis Menu...Add
Vertex Colors to Model...Terrain Mask. Simply enter a grazing angle and azimuth angle, either by entering
the number from the keyboard, or using a slider bar. Check "Solid Black" if the desire is to have areas in
"shadow" represented as a solid black value. Once the choices are made, click "Apply. Quick Terrain
Modeler will calculate the obscured area, render it, and determine the percent of the area that is obscured.
If the user needs a specific area calculated, simply use a selection area to delineate the area of interest, then
click "Apply" again. The percent obscuration will be calculated only in the selection area, and all areas
outside the selection area will be colored black. The "Export" button exports the result as a GeoTIFF.

9.5 Grid Statistics

Grid statistics is a powerful, fast, flexible, and visual tool that provides Quick Terrain Modeler users a way to
statistically sort through their LiDAR or 3D data in almost any way imaginable. The user simply loads data,
whether point cloud or gridded surface model, sets a grid size, selects a variable to investigate, a statistic to
calculate, a way to display it, and (optionally) an action to perform on it. (Analysis Menu)

If multiple models are loaded, statistical calculations will be performed on all visible models.

Variables Supported: Z (Height), Intensity, Number of Points, Point Density, Alpha

Statistics calculated for each grid cell: Minimum, Maximum, Mean, Range , Deviation, Slope, Aspect
Statistical Display Options: Continuous Color Band (Blue to Red), Earth Tones (13 segments – no
ramp), Color Wheel, User customizable
Actions : Export, cut, or decimate by statistical bands. Save GeoTIFFs of either statistical values or
color values. Save/load statistical profiles.

Grid Statistics User Interface:

160 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

The use of Grid Statistics breaks down into a few basic operations:

Step 1: Define a reference grid.

Step 2: Select a variable and a statistic to calculate.
Step 3: Calculate
Step 4: Define and/or select a visualization scheme for the statistical results.
Step 5: Act upon the results by exporting, cutting, cropping, or decimating based on the statistical results
Step 6: Retain configuration settings if desired.

Also see section on statistical model comparison.

9.5.1 Grid Stats-Define Grid

The first step in calculating grid statistics is to define a grid. The basis for all future calculations will be the
statistical calculations of data within each grid "cell". The grid is always defined in XY (i.e., horizontal) space.
For example, a model that occupies a 1km x 1km space, if divided into 2m grid cells, would use an array of
500 x 500 2m cells. Some notes about the user defined grid:

The grid is always rectangular and is based on the XY extents of the model. The resulting exported
GeoTIFFs will be of the same dimensions and orientation. If a grid cell has no data in it (e.g., if the
data set is irregularly shaped) Quick Terrain Modeler will not calculate statistics for that cell, and it
will be represented as "no data" in exported GeoTIFF products.
The grid is always aligned with the primary XY axes of the model. Therefore, if the model is oriented
north up (i.e., no rotation), the resultant grid will be oriented north up.
The initial grid spacing set by Quick Terrain Modeler is 3 times the average point spacing of the
loaded model. The user can either keep this value, or set another value.
Each grid "cell" is a square of n x n units, where n is the user set grid spacing in the "spacing" field
and units are specified in the pull down menu.

Defining a 1m UTM grid:

9.5.2 Grid Stats-Select variable

The second step in calculating grid statistics is to select a variable and a statistic associated with that
Menu - Analysis 161

The variables/statistics combinations currently available are as follows:

Variable Statistics Available for Calculation Notes
Alpha Aspect, Minimum, Maximum, Mean, Range, Slope, Alpha is a user set 8 bit
Deviation value.
Density Density (measured in points per square unit of the model) Units are the same as the
for each grid cell model.
Intensity Aspect, Minimum, Maximum, Mean, Range, Slope,
Number of Points Number of points per user-defined grid cell Simple point count. Cells
with zero points are included
in the calculation.
Z (Height) Aspect, Minimum, Maximum, Mean, Range, Slope,

The available statistics are defined as follows:

Statistic Definition
Aspect Aspect is a weighted average orientation of each grid cell represented in degrees
clockwise from North. To calculate the aspect orientation, QTM first calculates a mean
value of the variable (e.g., Z) in each cell. It then establishes a perpendicular normal
vector to each of the 8 "neighbor" cells and creates a weighted average normal vector
for each cell. Aspect is the horizontal orientation of this weighted average normal
Minimum The minimum value of that variable in a given grid cell.
Maximum The maximum value of that variable in a given grid cell.
Mean The sum of the variable values in a grid cell divided by the number of points in that grid
Range The difference between the highest and lowest values of a given variable in each grid
Slope Slope is a weighted average orientation represented in degrees up from horizontal. To
calculate the slope angle, QTM first calculates a mean value of the variable (e.g., Z) in
each cell. It then establishes a normal vector to each of the 8 "neighbor" cells and
creates a weighted average normal vector for each cell. Slope is the vertical angle
component of this weighted average normal vector.
Deviation is calculated for each grid cell by the following formula: SQRT((?(xi -m)2)/N)
Deviation (where xi is a variable sample, m is the sample mean for that grid cell, and N is the
number of samples. The summation is from i = 1 to i = N)

Choosing variables and statistics in the "Calculate Statistics" portion of the window:

9.5.3 Grid Stats-Calculate

Once the appropriate grid spacing, variable, and statistic has been selected, click the "Calculate Metrics"
button to perform the calculation. The status bar will progress to the right and stop when completed. The
162 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

status bar will remain visible even when the calculation is complete. The "Minimum" and "Maximum"
windows will be populated with the minimum and maximum values for the specified calculation.

Pressing the "Calculate Metrics" button to perform specified calculation:

9.5.4 Grid Stats-Visualization Options

Once the grid statistics are calculated, there are a wide variety of visualization options available. The steps
for selecting a visualization scheme are as follows:

1. Evaluate the range of values calculated. The initial evaluation is in the "Minimum" and "Maximum"
values of th calculate metrics windows.

2. Set Display Range: This sets a range of statistical values that will be displayed. This should be based upon
the minimum and maximum values. The two ways to set the display range are:
Set Manually: A user can manually type in minimum and maximum values and click the "Set
Manually" button.
Autoset: Clicking "Autoset" will set the range of the display from the 5th to the 95th percentiles in
the distribution histogram.

3. Choose a palette.
Blank: Starting with a blank palette allows users to set specific break points and customized color
schemes. See separate section on Grid Stats: Blank Color Palette
Continuous Color Blue to Red: This is a color ramp with blue at the low end and red at the high end
of the range.
Earth Tones: This is a 13 segment banded color scheme with no "ramp" between the colors (i.e., each
cell will become one of the 13 colors).
Color Wheel: The color wheel is a continuous color palette that starts at red, goes to blue, and comes
back to red in a full circuit of the color wheel. It is useful for coloring on "Aspect", which is measured
in degrees clockwise from north. Because an aspect of 359 degrees and 0 degrees are very similar,
the color wheel option is best suited for aspect display.

4. Click "Apply". Make sure the "Show Texture" button is toggled on, as the statistical result will be
displayed as a texture.

5. Force Colors: Forces display results into vertex colors as opposed to a texture. This may be desirable
when evaluating a large model if there is insufficient video memory to display a\the large analysis result

6. Turn on legend (Display Menu...Options...Show Legend) to display color legend of statistical result.

The "Display Results" portion of the Grid Statistics Tool:
Menu - Analysis 163

9.5.5 Grid Stats - Blank Palette

Perhaps the best way to display the results of a specific statistical inquiry is to start with a blank palette and
set custom break points. Some uses for this type of analysis are:

Quality assurance tasks with specific statistical cutoff for quality (e.g., minimum points per square
Looking for specific objects above a terrain (e.g., sort on Z range to get minimum object height AGL).
Isolating specific statistical bands for future export.

To work with blank palettes:

1. Set a range for the display - either manually or "Autoset"

2. Choose "Blank Palette" from the "Default Palettes" pulldown menu.
3. Place "Break Points" at specific numeric points of interest in the displayed range by:
Numerically: Type a number in the "Add Break Point" window and click "Add Break Point". Click
"Set Color", then left click in the new band to choose a color.
Visually: Right Click on a location in the blank palette. Choose a color for the new band. Note:
The histogram below the palette is a useful tool to determine where to set break points, as it will
show clear distributions of results (i.e., logical break points).
4. Click "Apply" to display results.
5. To remove breakpoints, click the "Remove Break Point" button, then click on a break point.
6. Use the Save Palette and Load Palette to create and return to specific statistical displays.

Custom palette created from blank palette, highlighting specific areas of high and low point counts:

Adding a break point by right clicking in the palette:

164 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

9.5.6 Grid Stats-Act Upon Data

Once statistics are selected, calculated, and displayed to the user's needs, there are several actions which
can be taken upon the data by using the grid statistics interface:

1) Save Values (Entire Model):

a) GeoTIFF: Exports a GeoTIFF with an array of 32-bit values that represent the actual result of the
statistical calculation (but not the color values). Note that this type of GeoTIFF can be reopened in
Quick Terrain Modeler and visualized in 3D. (Click "Save Values (GEOTIFF)" Button)
b) ASCII: Save an ASCII file of the entire point cloud or surface model with the statistical value appended.
The row format is X, Y, Z, R, G, G, STAT, where stat is the statistical value that was calculated.

2) Push Stat into QTA: This choice will append a new attribute and associated value to each point in a QTA
point cloud. Please note that this value is based on the result within each statistical grid cell, so every
point in that cell will have the identical statistical value. For example, if a user calculates Z Deviation on a
2m grid, then each and every point within a given cell will have the same Z deviation value in the Z
Deviation attribute. Pushing Grid Stats into QTA will enable using grid stats results as part of QTA
multivariate filtering.

3) Save GeoTIFF: Exports a GeoTIFF with an array of 24-bit RGB values that represent the display of the
statistical results (but not the actual values). (Click "Save GeoTIFF" button)

4) Three actions can also be access by right clicking on the grid stats palette in a specific band of interest
a) Export Points: Export the selected band of points as LAS or ASCII (Note: this action will export all
points if the continuous palettes are being used).
b) Cut Points: Cut (i.e., delete) the points in the selected band (Note: this action will cut all points if the
continuous palettes are being used).
c) Decimate: Decimate the points by factors of 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, or 100. (Note: this action will decimate
all points if the continuous palettes are being used).

Buttons used for exporting values of the entire model (left) and sample text of exported ASCII values (right)

Interface showing right clicking in the color palette to act upon a statistical band of data:
Menu - Analysis 165

9.5.7 Grid Stats-Configuration Options

Grid Statistics offers two basic options for retaining configurations for future use:

1. Saving/Loading Templates: Saves the entire contents of the grid statistics interface for future reference.
This saves grid size, variable, statistic, and all custom palette information. This is useful when performing
the same analysis on many data sets.

2. Saving/Loading Palettes: Saves only the custom palette configuration.

9.5.8 Grid Stats - Model Comparison

There are many reasons to compare two models to each other:

Compare temporally different data sets to each other to identify and quantify change.
Compare original point data sets to gridded data sets in an effort to assess the impact of gridding to
vertical accuracy.
Compare two data sets together to quantify the impact of data decimation/thinning.

The statistical model comparison tool is simply a specific configuration of the Grid Statistics tool. To
compare two models statistically:

1. Load two models.

2. Go to the Analysis menu and select "Generate Grid Statistics"
3. Set grid spacing.
4. Select Z, Intensity, or Alpha as the Variable.
5. Select RMSE or Difference as the Statistic. RMSE is the Root Mean Square Error and is calculated on a per
grid cell basis. Difference is the difference of the mean value of the Variable in each grid cell.
6. Select the "Baseline Model" which will form the basis of the calculation.

All other functions (calculate, visualize, etc.) will be identical to the grid statistics tool. Please note that the
exported GeoTIFF product when clicking the "Save Values" button will either be MGRS or Difference, but
both will be represented in a 32-bit field

9.6 Generate Grid Lines

QT Modeler's Generate Grid Lines tool (Analysis Menu) overlays custom grid lines on 3D models - both
DEM's and point clouds. Grid lines are a form of vector model that overlays terrain-hugging lines along the
UTM, Geodetic, or MGRS grid. They are useful in both a large scale (e.g., 1km grid) and small scale (e.g., 25m
grid) applications to get a sense of the spacing of objects and terrain features. Furthermore, the Grid Lines
166 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

tool enables the creation of custom, interactive, 3D Grid References Graphics (GRG's), that, in conjunction
with QT Modeler's Imagery Overlay tools, Marker Tagging, Analysis Tools (e.g., Line of Sight, HLZ, Slope/
Mobility), Google Earth Synchronization, and flexible export tools (e.g., PowerPoint, GeoTIFF, KML, SHP etc.)
create opportunities to create and interact with GRG's, both in 3D and 2D.


Things to Consider Before you Start (Size and Spacing of Grid, Intended Purpose)
Before creating custom grid lines, it is worth considering a few things regarding your desired final product,
the amount of time available, and the models currently loaded. Some things to consider:
The grid will always be oriented North up with no rotation.
The grid will always begin in the nearest spacing increment in the user's coordinate system. For example,
if the user specifies a 1000 meter grid, Quick Terrain Modeler will start the grid on X and Y coordinates
that are an even multiple of 1000 meters.
Very dense grids (e.g., 25m) are only useful when zoomed in. Therefore, if a dense grid is required,
consider zooming in to the area of interest and checking the "Crop to Visible Area" check box to limit grid
creation. This will also make grid creation faster.
Generating a grid on point clouds will take longer than on a surface model.

Choose Grid Color

Choose a grid color by clicking the "Select Color" button, then choosing a color from the "Color" window.

Choose Reference Frame

There are four reference frames to choose from:
Geodetic: This will result in a Latitude/Longitude coordinate being displayed at the bottom right and the
grid being labeled in angular (i.e., degrees, minutes, seconds) increments.
UTM: This will result in a UTM grid labeled in increments of meters in Easting and Northing.
MGRS: This will result in an MGRS grid with labeling in MGRS grid coordinates.
Native: If data is in any other coordinate system (e.g., State Plane), QT Modeler will work with the native
coordinates and framework of that particular coordinate system.
Generic: Generic grid lines will generate north oriented grid lines of a user set spacing. Generic grid lines
will be labeled with an MGRS coordinate at the lower left (i.e., southwest) corner and a grid line every N
meters, where N is the user-defined grid spacing. Generic grid "cells" will be labeled A - Z on the vertical
axis and 1 -N on the horizontal axis.
Menu - Analysis 167

Choose Spacing and Units

Once the reference frame is selected, choose the spacing and units of the grid lines. Grid lines can be
generated in linear units of meters, kilometers, or nautical miles, or angular units of degrees, minutes, and

Tick Marks
Choose to display major, minor, and/or interior tick marks.

Crop to Visible Area: Dense Grids for GRG's

If a very dense grid is required, it may be useful to zoom to a relatively small area of interest, check the
"Crop to Visible Area" check box, and create a small, dense grid over an area of interest. For example, when
creating a GRG, it may be more useful to grid a relatively small area, and not clutter the surrounding area
with unnecessary grid lines. Furthermore, dense grids could take considerably more time to generate and
obscure terrain features when zoomed out. Some experimentation may be required, as this could be a very
subjective choice.

Creating the Grid: Check "Show Grid" and Click the "Generate" Button
The last step in generating grid lines is to check the "Show Grid" check box and click "Generate". Please note
that grid lines can be removed by unchecking "Show Grid" and clicking "Generate" again.

Exporting Options: Moving the Grids to Other Applications

Grid Lines can be exported as DXF, KML, or shapefile. Choose Export Model from the Export Menu. Select
the GridLines model and export either as "AutoCAD ASCII DXF", "KML", or as "ESRI Shape File". When
exported as a shape file, each horizontal and vertical grid line will be exported as a separate, sampled, 3D
line feature.

GRG's: Other Useful Tools

Creating GRG's may also require or be complemented by QT Modeler's Imagery Overlay tools, Marker
Tagging, Analysis Tools (e.g., Line of Sight, HLZ, Slope/Mobility), Google Earth Synchronization, and flexible
export tools (e.g., PowerPoint, GeoTIFF, KML, SHP etc.).

168 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Grid lines can be turned on and off by selecting Show/Hide from the Display menu. Select Show/Hide
Models. Unselect the model called GridLines.
Grid lines can be permanently removed by selecting Remove Models from the File menu. Select the
GridLines model and click OK.

9.7 Generate Contour Lines

There are two basic methods to generate contour lines:

1. Real time contour lines (aka, "Virtual" Contour Lines) for display purposes only.
2. Vector contour lines which can be exported in many vector formats (e.g., shp, kml).

Real Time (Virtual) Contour Settings:

The purpose of real time contour lines is to enable the display of contour lines immediately and to be able
to reconfigure them on the fly - without waiting for extensive vector generation processes to run. This
visualization is particularly useful for those users that are used to reading topographic maps and contour
lines - rather than viewing interactively in 3D.

To use real time contour lines:

1. Click the real time contour line button.

2. If contour lines do not immediately appear, right click on the real time contour lines button or go to
the Analysis Menu...Generate Contour Lines.
3. Adjust spacing to make the contour lines closer or further apart. Either use the slider or the input
window. The Spacing value is the vertical (Z) space between each contour line. The units for spacing
will be in the units of the model. E.g., in UTM models, vertical spacing will likely be in meters.
4. Adjust the color by clicking the "Select Color" button and choosing a new color.
5. Note: Real time contours are for display only and can not be exported. To export contour lines as a
vector file, you must first generate vector contour lines.

Generating Vector Contour Lines:

The bottom portion of the contour line interface enables vector generation. In addition, the contour lines
become a separate vector model, rather than simply being a rendering tool.

You must specify a line spacing, minimum and maximum contour levels, and a sampling level. The spacing
(defined in the Real Time contour portion), minimum, and maximum determine the altitudes for which
contour lines are generated. The sampling determines the resolution of the contour lines, and is defined in
the units of the model. Thus a sampling of "1.0" will generate contour lines at 1 meter resolution in a UTM
model, or 1 foot in a US State Plane model. Contour lines will take longer to generate and will require more
Menu - Analysis 169

memory as the sampling gets smaller, but will also more closely match smaller model features. It takes
much longer to generate contour lines for ungridded QTC point clouds than it does for QTT or DTED models.
Contour Lines will be generated as a vector model named "contour", which can then be saved, loaded, or
removed as normal for any other QT model.

If you intend to export the contour lines as DXF or shapefiles, it is helpful to check the "Consolidate
Contour" checkbox. This function minimizes the number of individual line segments in the resulting file.
Without checking this box, Quick Terrain Modeler will generate contour lines in the fastest manner possible,
but exports may result in an excessive number of lines segments.

Contour lines can be turned on and off by selecting Show/Hide from the Display menu. Select Show/Hide
Models. Unselect the model called Contour.

Contour lines can be permanently removed by selecting Remove Models from the File menu. Select the
"Contour" model and click OK.

Contour Line repeatability: In order to precisely repeat contour lines on multiple models that may have
been created from multiple overlapping data sets, please ensure the following:
1. Build models without rotation. Make sure the "Allow Rotated Grid" box is unchecked on the
Import window.
2. Use the same grid sampling for each model.
3. Use the same contour sampling for each model.
If these steps are not taken, there may be a slight X-Y variance in the contour lines proportional to the
grid sampling and/or the contour sampling.

Contour lines can be exported as DXF, KML, or shapefile. Choose Export Model from the Export Menu.
Select the "Contour" model and export either as "AutoCAD ASCII DXF" or as "ESRI Shape File".

The Generate Contour Lines Window and Example Contour Line Generation.

9.8 Generate Outline

The Generate Outline tool saves and exports the perimeters of surveys as shape files. This tool serves as the
basis for evaluating survey coverage. Quick Terrain Modeler will create and save a shape file that represents
the total survey coverage. This can be imported into ESRI GIS and other software to compare survey
coverage against target survey extents (e.g., county boundary) as well as existing geospatial information.

Instructions: Load a model. Choose "Generate Outline" from the Analysis menu. You will see the perimeter
outline appear. Choose "Export Model" from the Export menu. Select the model called "Outline" and
choose "ESRI Shape File" as the export format. Click "Export". Choose a directory and file name for the
exported shape file.
170 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

9.9 Generate Range Rings

QT Modeler's Range Ring tool is a simple way to annotate and gauge distances from a central point. By
placing a range ring, the user gets an immediate, intuitive grasp of relative distances in a terrain.


Call up the Range Ring Tool

The Range Ring tool can be accessed in two ways:
Go to the Analysis Menu...Generate Range Rings
Left Click anywhere in the model to select a center position, the type "R" on the keyboard. The range
ring interface will appear and will already have the center position loaded (i.e., the position that you
just left clicked on).

Select a Center Position and Add Crosshairs

The center position can be selected in several ways:
Using the left click and "R" hot key noted above: Simply left click anywhere in the model and type "R"
to call up the range ring interface with the coordinate loaded.
From a marker: After placing a marker in the 3D scene, click the "Select Center Position" button. The
Coordinate Converter interface will appear. From the "Marker" pull down menu, select the marker that
you would like to be the center of the range rings. The coordinates will change to reflect the marker's
position. Click "Close". The marker's position will be reflected in the display.
From any coordinate: Click the "Select Center Position" button. The Coordinate Converter interface
will appear. Either type a coordinate into the appropriate input window, cut and paste, or move your
cursor in the scene and type "P". Click Close.
Checking "Add Crosshairs at Center" will place a small crosshair of the same color as the vector model
at the center of the model.

Choose Sampled or Flat Range Rings

There are two ways to display range rings:
Z sampled from Model: Choosing this option will create "Terrain Hugging" range rings. The range rings
Menu - Analysis 171

will sample the elevations of the model and create true 3D sampled vectors.
Flat Z: Choosing Flat Z creates range rings by averaging the elevation values of each ring and assigning
the ring that elevation. If you create multiple concentric rings, each ring gets its own average elevation
value assigned.

Choose Number of Rings and Spacing

Number of Rings: Input a value of how many concentric rings you require.
Spacing: Setting the spacing assigns a radius to the range rings. If you have selected multiple range
rings, the radius of each successive ring is a multiple of the "Spacing" value.

Setting the Appearance of Range Rings

Range rings can have their default appearance settings changed, or can have their appearance changed
after their creation. To set the appearance click "Configure Vector Models". It will pull up the Configure
Vector Model interface where you will be able to set the color and thickness of the range ring lines.

Show/Hide Range Rings

Since range rings become a separate, self contained vector model, they can only be toggled on/off by
using the Show/Hide Models Function in the bottom button bar or in the File menu.

Export Options
As noted above, range rings are a vector model and can be exported to vector formats such as Shape file
and KML. Go to the Export Menu, choose "Export Models, choose the range rings from the model list and
choose the export format from the pull down menu. See below for an example of KML export of range
rings to Google Earth.

9.10 Import Mensuration from KML

Importing a mensuration line from KML enables users to establish a mensuration line from a KML polyline
file. Simple select "Import Mensuration from KML" from the Analysis menu, select a KML polyline file, and it
will appear as a mensuration line in Quick Terrain Modeler.
172 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

9.11 Import Mensuration from Shapefile

Users can import 2-D shape files for use as a mensuration line. The concept behind this tool is that users
may have created lines in other programs that can be used as mensuration lines in a 3-D terrain model. As a
mensuration line, this tool can provide repeatable measurements and cross sections. An imported
mensuration line can also serve as the basis for multiple cross section analysis (e.g., for cut and fill

Instructions: Select "Import Mensuration from Shapefile" from the Analysis menu. Select the appropriate
shape file. A Shapefile Importer window will appear. Enter the appropriate Geo Registration information to
ensure that the shapefile is projected appropriately. Click OK. The mensuration line will appear

9.12 Save Mensuration as KML

Saving mensuration lines as KML will create a KML polyline file and immediately send the line to Google
Earth. See also Importing Mensuration Line from KML.

9.13 Save Mensuration as Shapefile

It is very helpful to be able to save mensuration lines for repeated measurement of the same features,
cross sections, etc. Once a specific measurement is performed, the user can save the mensuration line as
a shape file. The mensuration line can be imported into ESRI GIS software, other applications, or can
simply be saved to perform repeated mensuration analysis (e.g., cross section of before/after DEM's,
compare cross sections of a bare earth DEM versus an all points DEM, etc.) in Quick Terrain Modeler.

Mensuration lines will be saved as 3-D shape files. The shape files will contain as many line
segments as were specified in the original mensuration line. For example, if the original mensuration
line had ten segments, the saved 3-D shapefile will also have ten segments.
If you need to save a selected area rather than a line, please use the Save Selection as a Shapefile
tool in the Edit menu. Saving a selection as a shape file will result in a 2-D shape file being saved.

Instructions: Draw a mensuration line. Select "Save Mensuration as Shapefile" from the Analysis menu.
Designate a file name. Click the Save button. The shapefile can now be imported into any application
that can read shapefiles.

9.14 Point Query Utility

Frequently, users need to compare known ground truth points to a point cloud or surface model. In some
instances, users need to compare entire models to each other. In addition, many LiDAR contractors need to
Menu - Analysis 173

demonstrate survey quality metrics to customers (e.g., FEMA LiDAR Specifications for Flood Hazard

The point query utility examines a list of points (this list must be in ASCII text format), compares the
elevation of the points to elevations in a loaded model, and exports a custom report of the results. The
steps to perform this analysis are as follows:

1. Load or create a model against which you wish to compare the ground truth (or other) points. The
Point Query Utility works on gridded surface models (QTT) as well as ungridded point clouds (QTC).
Note: If the Point Query Utility is used on a .QTT gridded surface model, the query result is simply the
elevation value at each X-Y point in the surface model. If the Point Query Utility is used on a .QTC
point cloud, Quick Terrain Modeler will locally TIN (Triangular Irregular Network) the surface to
establish a surface value against which to query for an elevation value (since it is highly unlikely for
the X-Y value in the point query to coincide with an actual point). Quick Terrain Modeler will not
render the local TIN, it will only calculate the TIN values mathematically. Thus, the elevation value
returned by sampling the .QTC model is the result of sampling the specific TIN triangle associated
with the X-Y value. This TINing methodology is in compliance with the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) standards for establishing RMSE and quality control of LiDAR surveys.
2. Go to the Analysis menu, select "Point Query Utility..." from the menu. The ASCII Point Query
window will appear.
3. Select the model to query in the top pulldown menu. The user may specify a specific individual
model, or if multiple models are loaded, users can select "All Models". Selecting "All Models" will
perform the query on all loaded models. In areas where multiple models overlap and the user has
chosen "All Models", the Point Query Utility will return the highest elevation value in that specific XY
4. Select the Input File. The input file can either be a user-created list of ground truthing points, XYZ
values from another model, or any other ASCII data. At a minimum, the input file must be in an ASCII
columnar format and contain a column for XY locations (in the same coordinate system as the model
being queried) which need to be queried. The Point Query Utility can adapt to a variety of formats.
Once selected, a sample of the input file text can be previewed in the "Sample Text from File" window.
5. Configure the format for the input file. Specify the appropriate coordinate system. If the data is not
in UTM or Lat/Long, choose Cartesian. Specify the number of header rows (if any). Specify the
column numbers for Point ID, X (Easting), Y (Northing), Z (Altitude). Specify a delimiter (e.g., comma)
if necessary.
6. Select Options: Users can create markers at the location of the input points to visually inspect where
the ground truth points are in the model. Users can also choose to open a text editor upon report
7. Configure the format for the output file. The output file will be an ASCII formatted text file with a
customized column structure. Users must specify whether to use (by checking the checkbox) and if
so, specify a desired column for exporting the following parameters:
X - The X (Easting) position of the queried point.
Y - The Y (Northing) position of the queried point.
Z1 (Input) - The source elevation value of the input data set.
Z2 (Output) - The measured elevation value of the queried model.
Delta Z - The difference in elevation of input and output (Delta Z = Z2 - Z1).
Point ID - The name associated with each point.
If the Point ID is specified in the input file, the Point Query Utility will reuse the same Point ID's.
If the Point ID is not specified in the input file, but the user would like Point ID's to be created in
the output file, simply check the box and specify a column. QT Modeler will create Point ID's as
follows: Sample 1, Sample 2, Sample 3, etc.
174 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Include Statistics - Includes Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Z Bias. These will be calculated
for the entire data set and written as header lines in the output file.
Retain Unused Input Columns - Checking this box will append all unused columns to the end of
each point record row.

The ASCII Point Query Window:

Sample Export Reports:

9.15 AGL Analyst

Because many users would rather work with relative, Above Ground Level (AGL) heights rather than
absolute elevations, Quick Terrain Modeler has a powerful tool called AGL (Above Ground Level) Analyst.
Some of the most common reasons for wanting to work in AGL space are to measure tree and roof heights,
to measure the height of potential vertical obstructions (VO’s), and to selectively remove vegetation and
canopy from a point cloud, thus enabling the user to see and identify objects under foliage or other
obstructions. This tool calculates and assigns an AGL elevation value, in addition to an absolute elevation
value, to every point in a point cloud or every vertex in a surface model. The simple steps of AGL Analyst are
as follows:

1. Calculate AGL heights of every point either by comparing to a bare earth model (if available) or by
quickly estimating a ground surface. Go to AGL - Ground Estimate
2. Once AGL Values are calculated, apply a color scheme based on AGL heights, rather than absolute
heights. Go to AGL - Visualization
3. Exploit the AGL model by querying points for their AGL heights, clipping data based on height AGL
(i.e., temporarily removing points based on their heights above ground), and swapping the AGL
elevation values with the absolute elevation values, and displaying an AGL height legend. Go to AGL -
4. Export products such as the 3D ground estimate, an ASCII file of the AGL points, and point clouds
edited by AGL values. Go to AGL - Export Products
Menu - Analysis 175

9.15.1 AGL - Ground Estimate

The first step in AGL analysis is to calculate the AGL values of all point/vertices in a model. This can be done
either by comparing against an existing bare earth model, or by calculating a "ground estimate" and
comparing against the ground estimate. Please note that a ground estimate is not a true bare earth
calculation. The ground estimate is included to provide the user with a very fast and simple estimate of
ground when a true bare earth model does not exist.

The steps for calculating AGL heights are as follows:

1) Choose whether to calculate a ground estimate or to select a bare earth model by selecting the
appropriate radio button.
a) Auto-Calculate Ground Estimate: If calculating a ground estimate, simply slide the slider bar between
"Fine Grid" and "Coarse Grid" based on the desired result. The finer the grid, the more closely the
result will attempt to follow the terrain, but the more likely large objects (e.g., a building or large tree)
will be interpreted as "ground". Conversely, the coarser the grid, the less likely a building or large tree
will be interpreted as ground, but the more likely that subtle changes in terrain will not be represented
in the ground estimate. Once the grid coarseness has been selected, press the "Calculate AGL" button
to calculate AGL height for all points.
b) Use External Model: If using an external bare earth model as a basis for the "ground" in the AGL
calculation, click the "Select Model" button and select the appropriate file. The AGL calculation will
happen automatically. The grid spacing slider is irrelevant when using an external model.
2) Regardless of the method for calculating AGL, the results will appear in the "Minimum" and "Maximum"
windows. These numbers represent the lowest and highest point/vertex values relative to the ground.
Note that these values could potentially be negative, as some points may be below the "ground" surface.

3) (Option) If the user has calculated a ground estimate as in step 1.a, it can be exported as a QTT gridded
surface model. This ground estimate can subsequently be loaded back into the scene to visually inspect
the basis for the assignment of AGL values. Upon inspection, a user may find it useful to recalculate the
ground estimate based on a coarser or finer grid, or to edit the ground estimate by removing spikes, then
recalculate the AGL values using the "External Model" method in 1.b. above.

Once the AGL values are calculated, the user can move to the next step, AGL Visualization Options.

Related Topics: AGL Analyst Overview, AGL Visualization, AGL Exploitation, AGL Export Products, Alpha
176 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

9.15.2 AGL - Visualization

Once the AGL values have been calculated, there are a wide variety of ways to visualize the results. The
most useful starting point is the continuous color palette. This is also the default configuration.

Continuous Color Palette for AGL Results Display:

1) Set palette range by observing min/max AGL results. The default values are 1 to 10, but users can set the
range a number of ways:
a) Manually enter the minimum and maximum values for the display range and click "Set Manually"
b) Click "Autoset" to expand the range to the Min/Max calculated AGL values.
2) Click "Apply Vertex Colors" to color the model based on the user-set color range. (Note: Make sure
Vertex Colors are toggled on in the display.) An AGL Height Legend Will appear if the Legend is enabled
(Display...Options Menu)
3) Optionally, choose to "Only Replace Alpha Channel" by clicking the radio button. This choice will place
the AGL value in the Alpha channel, thus enabling AGL clipping (i.e., peeling back the canopy or removing
features by height AGL) without replacing the point/vertex RGB value (e.g., intensity coloration).

Custom Color Palette for AGL Results Display:

If a user desires custom coloration to isolate bands of AGL values (e.g., find all points above 5 meters AGL), a
custom palette is required.
1) Choose "Blank Palette" from the Custom Palette pull down menu.
2) Set range of interest to capture the appropriate range of AGL values.
3) Add break points at specific AGL values.
4) Set colors in the AGL bands by right clicking in the band and choosing "Set Color".
5) Apply Vertex Colors.
6) If desired, save the custom palette settings and return to them later by clicking the "Save Palette" and
"Load Palette" buttons.
Menu - Analysis 177

Related Topics: AGL Analyst Overview, AGL Visualization, AGL Exploitation, AGL Export Products, Alpha

9.15.3 AGL - Exploitation

Once the AGL values and visualization options are established, there are many ways to exploit this

1) Clip Model based on AGL Value. When Quick Terrain Modeler calculates AGL values, it places the AGL
height in an "Alpha Value" attached to each point. To clip points based on their height AGL, go to the
Analysis Menu and select "Set Alpha Filtering". Choose to Filter Above, Filter Below, Filter Equal, or Filter
Not Equal. By entering values manually or sliding the slider, users can clip the data temporarily from
view. The advantage to Alpha Clipping over a standard clipping plane is that, if a terrain is not flat (e.g.,
hillside or rugged terrain), clipping by Alpha (i.e., AGL height), will "peel back" the canopy by the height of
the vegetation, rather than the absolute elevation of the vegetation. AGL clipping makes foliage
penetrating LiDAR collections very useful for identifying objects under the canopy. In addition, this type
of clipping is useful for removing or isolating vertical objects, power lines, trees, towers, or any object
that is higher than the ground. If a user desires,

2) Query individual points for AGL Values. Hold down "Shift" and left click on an individual point. The
display will show both the absolute and AGL height values of that point.

3) Swap AGL Heights with absolute heights. By pressing the "Swap AGL into Z" button, users can replace the
absolute heights in the model with AGL heights. The swap can be undone by pressing the "Undo Swap"
button. Swapping AGL heights into Z can be used to work entirely in AGL space, rather than absolute
space. Please note that, from a visual perspective, this may have the effect of "flattening" the terrain, so
may be undesirable for that reason.

Exploitation Examples: The figure on the left shows buildings that are visible once the tree canopy was
removed by AGL height. The figure on the right shows the AGL height of a radio tower (14.1 m) during a
point interrogation.
178 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Related Topics: AGL Analyst Overview, AGL Visualization, AGL Exploitation, AGL Export Products, Alpha

9.15.4 AGL - Export Products

There are many possibilities for AGL-related export products.

1) Ground Estimate: The ground estimate can be exported as a QTT gridded surface model. Please note that
this is just a quick estimate, and not necessarily a true bare earth representation.

2) Exporting subset of Points based on AGL: To export a statistical band of points by AGL (e.g., all points
with an AGL value greater than 3.5 meters), simply customize the palette as shown in AGL - Visualization,
right click in a band of AGL values, then choose to export the points as LAS or ASCII. These points can also
be decimated or cut. See image below.

3) Export Entire Point Cloud Including AGL and Absolute Z Values. Pressing the "Export Points" button will
export a file of ASCII points in the format of X, Y, Z, R, G, B, AGL. See sample below.

Example showing the export of points having an AGL value of 3.5m or greater. Note that only the roof tops
and tree points (blue) will be exported:

Related Topics: AGL Analyst Overview, AGL Visualization, AGL Exploitation, AGL Export Products, Alpha
Menu - Analysis 179

9.16 Area Statistics

Very Similar to the view model statistics function. The difference is that the Quick Terrain Modeler will
generate statistics about a defined area. The user must first define an area with either the Select or Select
Polygon tool. Once the area is defined, the user simply selects this item from the menu and receives
detailed information about the selected area. The histogram pulldown menu allows the user to select
among the various point level parameters for its associated histogram (primarily for QTA data).

Two valuable statistics for point cloud areas are as follows:

Scale: Scale is the average spacing between points in the point cloud. A scale value of 1.2 in a point cloud
measured in meters would indicate an average spacing between points of 1.2 meters. This is also referred
to as "posting".

Density: Density is the number of points per square unit. If the model is measured in meters, a value of 1.8
would indicate that, on average, there were 1.8 points per square meter.

Please note a QTA point cloud model will have a pulldown menu to select between different histograms.

An area selection and the associated Area Information window:

9.17 Find Highest Point in Area

Quick Terrain Modeler's Find Highest Point in Area tool permits users to quickly identify and place a marker
on the very highest point in a selection area. This tool can be used to identify potential vertical obstructions
or to place a marker for line of sight analysis. This tool works on both gridded surface models and point
clouds. The steps to this process are as follows:

1. Build or load a model.

2. Identify an area in which you need to find the highest point.

3. Use the Select Rectangle or Select Polygon tools to define a sub-area of the model.
4. Go to the Analysis menu, choose "Find Highest Point in Area".
5. A red square will appear on the highest point and the Point Interrogation Tool will pop up.
6. Users can inspect the XYZ coordinates of the point, create a marker on the point, and/or delete the

9.18 Model Manager

Model Manager is a tool that displays all loaded models, the model type, the number of points, the scale
(i.e., average horizontal point spacing for point clouds, DEM resolution for surface models.DEM's) It is found
in the Analysis menu. Highlighting models in the list will perform the same function as show/hide models.
Models can be sorted by model names or by point count.
180 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

9.19 Model Statistics

Users can obtain information and statistics on the currently loaded models by selecting Model Statistics
from the Analysis menu or by clicking on the View Model Statistics button. This will open a window listing
the total number of points, model extents in X, Y, and Z, the model origin in Geodetic/UTM space, the model
size and type, and a histogram of all the Z values and/or point attributes in the model. The top of the
window will contain a drop-down list allowing you to select for which model to display statistics. If multiple
models are loaded one scale will be selected for all model histograms to make comparisons direct.

Some valuable statistics for point clouds are as follows:

Scale: Scale is the average spacing between points in the point cloud. A scale value of 1.2 in a point cloud
measured in meters would indicate an average spacing between points of 1.2 meters. This is also referred
to as "posting"

Density: Density is the number of points per square unit. If the model is measured in meters, a value of 1.8
would indicate that, on average, there were 1.8 points per square meter.

Maximum Model Quantization Error: As Quick Terrain Modeler samples and stores values, there may be
some loss to model precision. Maximum Model Quantization Error is the maximum possible impact to
model precision that has been introduced by digitizing X, Y, and Z values. This quantization error will be
proportional to the range of values in the X, Y, and Z axes. Larger ranges will have larger quantization errors.
Compressing QTC models will increase the quantization error.

Important Note: Maximum Model Quantization Error is not the accuracy of the model data. Model
accuracy is dependent solely upon the accuracy of original survey data, and will be minimally impacted by
compressing model data. Do not use "Maximum Model Quantization Error" as an accuracy basis for
making critical spatial decisions (e.g., targeting, flight planning, etc.).

When working with QTA Models, the a histogram for all point attributes can be displayed by selecting the
specific attribute from the "Histogram" pull-down menu.
Menu - Analysis 181

9.20 Volume Calculations

The volume calculation tool enables the user to perform very accurate and fast calculations regarding the
volume of objects or terrain in the model. It can also be used in conjunction with other models to calculate
the difference in volume between the same areas of two different models (i.e., volume change analysis).

In order to use the tool, the user must:

First define a subset of the model for which the volume calculation is needed. This selection can be
performed with either the Select or Select Polygon tool.
Once the area has been defined, the user must decide what to compare the volume to in the Model 2
field. The choices are:
1. Compare to a reference plane. This would be useful of excavation is required to a known level
plane (e.g., a new roadbed). The user can select this as "Model 2" in the Volume Calculation
window. If the user selects a reference plane, the height (altitude) of the plane must be input into
the "Reference" window. In the example below, the input Reference was simply the altitude of the
surface of the water, 172 meters.
2. Compare to another model. This model must be loaded into the Quick Terrain Modeler prior to
performing the calculation. It may be useful to compare to other models for mining, forestry and
geology applications.
Once the comparison has been defined as above, the user must then choose how to measure the
comparison. The choices are as follows:
1. Signed Delta Volume: Calculates the net change in volume in the defined area. For example, if 100
cubic meters was removed in one place and 100 cubic meters was added in another place, the
signed delta volume would be zero.
2. Unsigned Delta Volume: Calculates the absolute values of the change in volume in the defined
area. For example, if 100 cubic meters was removed in one place and 100 cubic meters was added
in another place, the signed delta volume would be 200 cubic meters.
3. Volume of 1 Above 2: Simply the amount of volume of Model 1 above Model 2 (or Reference
4. Volume of 2 Above 1: Simply the amount of volume of Model 2 above Model 1 (or Reference
The resulting volume calculation will be in the model's units. For example, if the model is built in feet,
the result will be in cubic feet. If the model is built in meters, the result will be in cubic meters.

Example: Volume Calculation of hill based on comparison to a flat plane at an elevation of 172 meters.

9.21 Filtering
182 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

9.21.1 Set Alpha Filtering

Selecting Set Alpha Filtering allows the user to clip the displayed model by alpha value (if the model contains
alpha values). This is typically used when importing data to allow models to be filtered by an additional
data value outside the standard color, height, etc (collection time or detection probability, for instance).
Note: this value will be scaled to an integer in the range 0-255, so this means is not suitable for filtering
requiring finer discrimination. Alpha Filtering is the mechanism for filtering by heights above ground level
(AGL) that are established in the AGL Analyst.

See also: Import Alpha, AGL - Exploitation

9.21.2 Set Change Detection Filtering

The change detection filter allows users to filter changes in two ways: by volume or by vertical change. For
example, users may want to discover changes in the terrain that are roughly the size of a house. Therefore,
they may choose to filter out changes much smaller than a house that are just a visual distraction.

Instructions: Perform the binary change detection by selecting the Analysis menu, Add Vertex Colors to
Model, Change Detection Map. Choose the comparison model. Choose Binary Color change detection.
Select a noise threshold. Click OK. Once the change detection analysis is performed, use the Set Change
Detection Filtering option from the Analysis menu. Adjust minimum and maximum volumes and/or the
minimum and maximum differences (in altitude) as needed.

A Binary Change Detected Model and the Change Detection Filter Window:

9.21.3 Set Clipping Plane

Selecting Set Clipping Plane allows the user to specify an X, Y, and/or Z value above and/or below which all
points will be clipped. This capability can, for example, make it easier to see features under overhangs in
QTC files or to clip out erroneous data that is either above or below the correct model elevation range. The
user simply chooses to clip above or below a specify altitude by sliding the appropriate X, Y, and/or Z slider
and choosing to "Clip Above" and/or Clip Below" or by manually entering a clipping altitude and using the
left and right arrows to raise and/or lower the clipping plane in increments of 1. The results will be
immediately displayed in the model.
Menu - Analysis 183

To display all points, uncheck all the clipping boxes.

Clipping is a temporary operation until the "Crop Model" button is pressed. "Crop Model" permanently
deletes all points/vertices that have been visually clipped from the display. Caution: There is no "Undo"
function, so use "Crop Model" with care.

Set Clipping Plane Window:

Related Topics: Above Ground Level (AGL) Analyst, Alpha Filtering

9.21.4 QTA Continuous Filtering

QTA continuous attribute filtering enables the selective viewing of points based on a given attribute's
value. Examples of continuous LAS attributes (i.e., values in the LAS point data record) are intensity and
scan angle rank. Examples of Quick Terrain Modeler’s calculated and appended continuous attributes
are AGL and Grid Statistics results.


From the Analysis Menu > Filtering > QTA Continuous Attribute Filtering

1. From the pull-down menus, select the model name you wish to filter and the attribute on which
to apply the filter (e.g., intensity). Click “Pack Attribute into Filter Channel” and the Minimum
and Maximum text boxes will populate with the min/max values of the selected attribute.
2. Select the type of filtering you wish to do by clicking the appropriate radio button (No Filtering,
Filter Above, Filter Below, Filter Inside Band, Filter Outside Band).
3. If necessary, reset the Minimum and Maximum to better reflect where the bulk of the points
are distributed using the histogram. Click Set Range Manually to reset the histogram.
4. The filter breakline can be adjusted by manually entering a number below the histogram and
184 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

clicking the Set Value 1 button. The breakline can also be moved by left clicking and dragging
the line left and right.
5. The palette and histogram can be right clicked for added customization. Right click to add or
remove additional breaklines to create more filter classes. This context menu will also allow
you to show/hide (e.g., filter) and/or color the right clicked band. NOTE: the hatched pattern
means the band is hidden (filtered).
6. OPTIONAL, the histogram can be export by clicking the Export Histogram Button
7. OPTIONAL, the Crop Model button can be pushed to permanently remove the filtered points.
NOTE: the original source data will remain unchanged. The crop is only “permanent” within
the current Quick Terrain Modeler session. If needed, the original source data can be saved or
exported over, but this is generally NOT RECOMMENDED.

Figure 1. QTA Continuous Filtering window is set to color every point with an intensity value (from LAS) less
than 30 as red, and filter out all points with an intensity value greater than 30.

Figure 2. QTA Continuous Filtering window is set to filter the points outside a defined band of AGL (Above
Ground Level) values, calculated by the AGL Analyst Tool. In this example, points with an AGL of between 5
and 10 meters above the ground are green, while points below 5 and above 10 are filtered out.

9.21.5 Clear All Filters

The clear all filters function will remove any visual filters that are active. Points may have been visually
filtered (i.e, made temporarily invisible) due to QTA filtering, clipping planes, or alpha filtering. Use "Clear All
Filters" to quickly restore the rendering of all points.

9.22 Set Water Level

Users can simulate the effect of a rising water level. Note: This is a very simple analysis tool that simulates
rising water level in a terrain. It is not a substitute for complex hydrological models.
Menu - Analysis 185

Open a model.
From the "Analysis" menu, select "Set Water Level".
The "Set Water Properties" Window will appear.
Select your desired water level by using the Water Level slider.
Select your desired water opacity by using the Water Opacity slider or by entering a numeric value.
Decide whether to clip the resultant model (i.e., eliminate areas above or below a certain threshold.)
The water level will rise and fall in real time as you move the slider.
Click "OK"
The terrain will show the simulated rise in water level

Once the desired water level is achieved, the user may draw a contour line representing everywhere the
"water" hits the model. To do this, simply click the contour button. The contour line will be drawn. Once
drawn, the contour line can be exported to an Auto CAD .dxf file. using the export tool.

The user needs to know what impact a flood stage at 173 meters has on the Serpent Mound Model. The
"Set Water Properties" Tool shows the user-input water elevation of 173 meters and the resulting impact on
the terrain. The user can now press the "Contour" button to draw a contour around the flooded area:

In addition, the user can perform a volume and/or area calculation on impacted regions by selecting an area
with either the Select Polygon or the Select Rectangle tool, then clicking the volume and/or area calculation
button. The volume calculation represents the volume of "water" above the surface of the model, below the
surface of the "water", and bounded in X and Y by the selection rectangle or polygon. The area calculation
represents the X-Y area occupied by "water" in the simulated flood. Both results will be in the units of the
model (e.g., for a model in meters, volume results will be in cubic meters and area results will be in square
meters). Note that water level will appear on the profile window (bottom).
186 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual
Quick Terrain Modeler

Version 8


188 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

10 Menu - Display

10.1 Display - Show/Hide

Show/Hide offers the user many options for turning specific display items on and off.

10.1.1 Show/Hide Models

Displays or hides open models. This is a very useful tool for isolating individual models or groups of models
without closing them. Users must click on the individual model names to display or hide each individual
model. Users can press the "Show All" button to quickly display all models simultaneously, "Hide All" to
start with no models loaded, or "Invert All" to quickly toggle between the visible and hidden models.

To Use the Show/Hide Models Tool:

1. Load more than one model

2. Select show/hide models either by selecting "Show/Hide" from the Display Menu or by right clicking
in the layer tree.
3. The "Select Visible Models" GUI will appear.
4. Choose whether to "Operate in Models" (i.e., without manually grouping them - this is the simplest
method) or to "Operate on Groups" (i.e., manually group certain models together to turn them on/off
in distinct, user-defined groupings).
5. Checking "Automate/Flicker" will turn individual models or groups of models on/off automatically.
Slide the slider to speed up or slow down the flicker rate.
6. Select which models should be visible by clicking on them and highlighting them.
7. Use the Show, Hide, Invert, and Advance All button to change the display. Automated flicker will
flicker based on the last chosen operation (i.e., if "Invert All" is chosen last, automated flicker will
continue to "invert all" visible models).
8. To assign groups, highlight specific models, then click "Assign Selected Models to Group". A Group
number will appear in the "Groups" list. Click the "Operate on Groups" radio button to scroll through
groups instead of models.

Note: When a subset of loaded models are visible, resetting the view (from the primary button bar )
will only reset the view to the extents of the visible model(s), rather than to the extents of all loaded

10.1.2 Show/Hide Textures

This function turns the display of textures (e.g., overlaid imagery) on and off. A texture is an overlaid image
(e.g., a photograph) that is displayed as a texture in OpenGL.
Menu - Display 189

10.1.3 Use Height Coloration

Toggles the height coloration on and off.

10.1.4 Hide Markers

Removes markers from visibility in the open model (s).

10.2 Display - Options

The Display Options menu provides access to useful option settings.

10.2.1 Use Compressed Normals

Use Compressed Normals determines the manner in which the Quick Terrain Modeler sends normal vectors
to the video card. This option speeds up rendering on some video cards (notably most Nvidia based cards)
and slows rendering on others. By default it is on for Nvidia cards and off for other chipsets. Once set, this
option will persist even after you close and restart the Quick Terrain Modeler.

10.2.2 Shiny Terrain

Shiny Terrain will alter the reflectivity of the model surface, enhancing contrast at the cost of making the
surface appear "plastic". Once set, this option will persist even after you close and restart the Quick Terrain

10.2.3 Smooth Normals

Smooth Normals determines the manner in which sun-shading is applied to QTT surface models. When
Smooth Normals is active, all triangles in the model will be shaded as if they were curved surfaces, based
upon the surface normals of the vertices comprising them. When Smooth Normals is disabled, the triangles
will be shaded as flat triangles. Once set, this option will persist even after you close and restart the Quick
Terrain Modeler. For QTC point cloud models, this option determines whether or not normal vector shading
will be applied to the point cloud (if the point cloud was generated with normal vectors).

10.2.4 Show Wireframe

Show Wireframe will display surfaced models as wire-frames. This will enable you to see the actual triangles
being drawn at various levels of detail.

10.2.5 Stereo Display Settings

Display > Options > Stereo Display Settings

Quick Terrain Modeler enables the output of a 3D stereo display signal. In order to enable and configure 3D
stereo output:

Hardware Requirements
QT Modeler's 3D stereo output capability requires a graphics card that support quad buffered stereo in
OpenGL, such as the NVIDIA Quadro series of video cards.

Close Quick Terrain Modeler

In order for Quick Terrain Modeler to recognize a 3D Stereo display, the display hardware must be
attached upon QT Modeler start up. It cannot be attached once QT Modeler is already running.

Attach 3D Stereo Display & Restart QT Modeler

190 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Attach the 3D stereo display to the computer. Restart QT Modeler. In Display > Options, the selection for
"Use 3D Stereo Display" should no longer be grayed out.

Adjust 3D Stereo Display Settings

There are two adjustments possible to optimize the 3D Stereo output:

Separation: Establishes a multiplier for the distance that separates the left and right eye viewing
positions. The baseline eye separation is 1. Use the slider to increase eye separation by multiplying by
a factor greater than 1 (maximum = 2) or decrease separation by adjusting to a separation multiplier
less than 1 (smallest multiplier = 0.1). See diagram below.
Parallax: Changes the parallax angle by multiplying the baseline parallax angle by the multiplier
represented in the slider bar. It can be helpful also to think of this as moving the focus nearer/farther
to the observer, thus impacting the parallax angle of the two "eyes" shown in the diagram below.
Maximum = 2, minimum = -2.

10.2.6 Show XYZ Axes

The Show Axes tool displays a tool which orients the user in 3-D space. The axes are labeled North-South (X
axis), East-West (Y axis), and th blue arrow represents up-down (Z axis). The axes rotate with the model in
3D space.

10.2.7 Show Compass

Show Compass activates two instruments in the upper portion of the screen that will display the current
camera position and orientation with respect to the model center. The compass on the left displays nadir,
while the compass on the right displays azimuth. The green arrows represent the orientation of the camera,
Menu - Display 191

while the red arrows represent the direction from the camera to the model center. Thus, aligning the green
arrows with the red will point the camera at the model center. Once set, this option will persist even after
you close and restart the Quick Terrain Modeler.

10.2.8 Show Crosshairs

Show Crosshairs activates or deactivates red cross hairs in the center of the rendering window. Once set,
this option will persist even after you close and restart the Quick Terrain Modeler.

10.2.9 Show Haze

Show Haze will allow you to add haze to the model display. Once you have activated this option, you may
set the visibility distance by selecting Set Haze Distance from the Display...Settings menu. This will summon
a dialog window with a slider ranging from "0" to twice the current model radius. Adding haze can also
speed up rendering, as the renderer need not display any features further away from the Modeler than the
current visibility.

10.2.10 Show Legend

Legends appear in the lower left corner of the model space for many purposes. Among them are:

Altitude Legend (shown below): The altitude legend displays relationship between altitude and color.
These colors can be set automatically with a pre-built palette (earth tones or blue-to-red) or can be
customized by the user. In any case, the altitude legend will be displayed in the lower left corner of the
Quick Terrain Modeler window.
Change Detection Legend: The change detection legend displays the relationship between the color of
the model surface and the change in altitude that was detected in the Change Detection analysis.
QTA Quick Coloration
Helicopter Landing Zone (HLZ) Analysis
Grid Statistics
Line of Sight Analysis

Instructions: To turn the legend on or off, simply check/uncheck the "Show Legend" selection in the Display
menu, Options settings.

Altitude Color Legend and Change Detection Legend:

10.2.11 Show Light

Show Light will provide a graphical representation of the light direction while you are changing it using "Ctrl"
plus the right mouse button. Once set, this option will persist even after you close and restart the Quick
Terrain Modeler.
192 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

10.2.12 Show Minimap

QT Modeler's Mini Map tool provides quick spatial context for all loaded data. While it may appear similar
to QTM's primary 3D model space, it differs in several ways:

Mini Map is always zoomed to full extents. You cannot zoom in.
Mini Map is always a 2D view
Mini Map cannot be rotated or tilted.
Mini Map is dockable. It can be undocked from the main window and enlarged to create a full-size 2D
context window, possibly on a secondary monitor. Simply click the "Undock" button contained
within the minimap button bar -
Mini Map shows a footprint of the visible model area (white vector outline) that is being visualized in
the primary window. Rather than the model and view moving, the model/view stays static and the
view footprint moves dynamically.
The diamond visible in the mini map is the position of the "camera" - i.e., where your "eyes" are as
you look into the primary 3D scene
Create markers (hold down 'M' and click)
Place mensuration line (type S, E, C, and click)
Place Vectors (Press V) now works on the minimap
Coordinate Conversion: Left click in Mini Map, press 'P' to call up coordinate converter
Create range rings: Left click in Mini Map, press 'R' to create range rings

Things you can do in the Mini Map:

Double Click on a location in the mini map to zoom to that location in the main view. Your current
camera position and orientation will be preserved.
Right click and drag a rectangle in the mini map to zoom to that rectangle in the primary view
Toggle height coloration, overlaid textures, vertex colors, vectors, and markers to make them visible/
invisible in the mini map
Menu - Display 193

10.2.13 Show Model Names/Outlines

Many users have terrain models built from dozens or hundreds of individual models and/or data sets.
When these are loaded together, it is useful to display the outline of each model as well as the file name.
With the outlines and names displayed, users can reference individual tiles of data and easily refer back to

Instructions: Simply go to the Display menu, Options submenu and check the "Show Model Names/
Outlines". Note: Quick Terrain Modeler's "Show Model Names/Outlines" function works continuously in 2-
D mode, but only works in 3-D mode if the user "Resets Display". In 3-D mode, as soon as the model moves
out of the original position, the tile map will disappear. The tile map will reappear after clicking the "Reset
Display" button.

10.2.14 Show Sky

Show Sky will add a colored sky dome about the current model. This dome will be colored to represent the
time of day indicated by the current light direction. It will fade from deep blues and white at noon to dark
blue and black at night. A sun will also be drawn at the position corresponding to the current light direction.
Once set, this option will persist even after you close and restart the Quick Terrain Modeler.

10.2.15 Set Display Units

Display > Options > Set Display Units

QT Modeler can display measurements in a number of display units, regardless of the native units of the
model. For example, it may be useful to display measurements in feet, even if the native units of the model
are in meter. This conversion is for display purposes only and will not affect the underlying units of the
data. This tool can be accessed from the Display Menu > Options > Set Display Units. Use the pulldown
menu to select the desired display units. Use "Global Default" to display all measurements in the native
units of the model.

Display units will impact the following displays in QT Modeler:

Mensuration Line
Scale Bar (2D Mode only)
Range Rings
AGL Analyst
LOS Analyst
Parade Route LOS
Point to Point LOS
HLZ Analyst
Z in status bar
194 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

10.3 Display - Settings

10.3.1 Cloud Point Settings

Changing the size of the points in a point cloud is one of the most useful visualization settings. The "Cloud
Point Settings" interface is in the Display...Settings menu.

There are three basic ways to render the points of a point cloud:

1. Fixed Size: This setting will render all points the same size, regardless of zoom level or relative position to
the viewing plane. Use this in conjunction with the "Base Size" slider to optimize viewing of the point

2. Point Autosize: This setting renders all points the same size, but will automatically adjust the size of the
points based on zoom level. As the user zooms in, the points become larger, and as the user zooms out,
the points become smaller. Point Autosizing should also be used in conjunction with he "Base Size" slider
to establish a preferred base size for the points.

3. Voxel Autosize: Voxel autosize will render points at different sizes, based on their relative position to the
viewing plane. Points that are close the viewing plane will be rendered large, whereas points that are far
from the viewing plane will be rendered small.

Checking the "Antialias (Circular Points)" button will do two things when in Voxel mode: First, the points
will become circular instead of square. Second, the delineation between "rings" of different sized points will
be eliminated. Please note that anti-aliasing happens on the graphics card, so very old versions of OpenGL
or cards with integrated graphics chips may see a significant rendering speed hit when using this feature. If
this is the case, simply uncheck the box.

It can be useful to toggle between these modes by clicking between the three radio buttons. Adjusting the
base size slider can also help achieve the desired point viewing effect.
Menu - Display 195

10.3.2 DisplaySettingsMensurationOptions
Display > Settings > Mensuration Settings
(Also accessed by pressing the "Options" button in the mensuration data window after a line has been

The appearance of the mensuration line can be changed significantly as desired. The items that can be
changed on the mensuration line are:

1. Real Time Display (Readout): The real time readout on the end of the line can display one of the
3D: displays the distance in 3 dimensions (XYZ distance), taking elevation change into account
when calculating the distance
2D: calculates and displays the distance in 2 dimensions (XY distance only).
Z: calculates and displays only the change in elevation from the beginning of the line to the
cursor position.
Slope: The slope between the two end points of the line. This is not an average slope
calculation. It is simply point to point.
Az: Displays the azimuth (heading) in degrees of the line from start to end.
Combo: Displays 3D distance, slope, and azimuth together. Good for documenting Helicopter
Landing Zones (HLZ).
None - no display.

2. Real Time Display (Calculation Methodology):

From Start - calculates the distance/Z/Slope/Azimuth chosen above from the start to the end
of a multi-segmented line, disregarding any interim vertices/nodes in the line. Literally from
the start point to the end point.
Cumulative: calculates the distance/Z/Slope/Azimuth chosen above from the start to the end
of a multi segmented line - following the track of any interim vertices/nodes in the line. Useful
to think of this as the "walking route" along the entire measurement line.
From Last Point - calculates either the 3D, 2D, or Z change only from the last vertex/node of a
multi segmented line.

3. Line Height: Only applicable to "floating" line. Sets the height above the terrain/point cloud that
the measurement line will be displayed.

4. Line Color: Click the line color button to change the color of the measurement line.

5. Line Display:
Floating: Mensuration line connects line nodes with a single, straight line.
Terrain Hugging: Mensuration line is sampled at roughly the data resolution, thus creating a
line that hugs the terrain.
Both: Display both floating and terrain hugging at the same time.

Images show the Mensuration Options Interface and terrain hugging/floating mensuration lines.
196 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

10.3.3 Set Background Color

Selecting Set Background Color allows the user to specify the background "empty space" color for the
rendering window.

10.3.4 Set Haze Distance

This setting allows you to set the distance at which terrain becomes indistinguishable when haze is active.

10.3.5 Set Height Scale

This setting allows you to apply a multiplier to all of the Z-values in the currently displayed models. This is
sometimes useful for exaggerating features in relatively flat data sets. The Elevation (Z) value in the status
bar will not change if height scales are exaggerated (i.e., elevation measurements will still be accurate.) The
Set Height Scale function can be accessed from the "Set Height Scale" button:

Note: Exaggerating height scale can impact lighting conditions. The user may need to reset lighting to make
the terrain brighter.

The Serpent Mound Model before and after scaling the height by a factor of 4. Note the change in the
status bar:
Menu - Display 197

10.3.6 Set Lighting

This setting allows you to manipulate model lighting in two ways. First, you can directly control the
intensity of the ambient and direct lighting. These settings will persist even after you close and restart the
Quick Terrain Modeler. Second, you can set the current lighting angle to a given time and date (assuming
the current model has been appropriately positioned and labeled geographically). These tools can be helpful
in predicting the appearance of terrain at some future date or to help line up with aerial photographs taken
at a known (or unknown) time and date.

Note: While setting the lighting directions impacts the real time display of the model, it may also be helpful
to create a shadow map for specific lighting conditions. A shadow map will cast geo-correct shadows that
are not a normal part of the real-time lighting/shading. Shadow maps will not work on a point cloud.

10.3.7 Set Vector Line Size

Set Vector Line Size enables the user to adjust the thickness of vector overlays. Simply move the slider bar
right to make vector lines thicker and left to make them thinner. Please note that vector lines are created
from tools such as contour line generation and grid lines. Vector lines are also the result of importing
shapefile vectors. Once the vector line size is set, it will persist at the new thickness until set to a different
198 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

10.4 Layer Opacity Control

Layer Opacity

Display > Layer Opacity (Also Accessed by Right Clicking "Special Overlays" Folder in Layer Tree)

Layer Transparency allows for user defined customization of varying coloration. The Quick Terrain
Modeler has different color channels for variables such as Vertex Channel, Base Model, Height, Filter
Channel, Texture Imagery, and Lighting. These variables can be set for different transparency/opacity
for better visualization. Examples of use would be to configure the slider bars to show a vertex color
such as Intensity (when in the vertex channel), along with AGL (when in the filter channel) with overlaid
imagery (when in the texture slot). NOTE: Layer Transparency can also be accessed by left clicking the
Special Overlay line item in the layer tree.

TO USE Layer Transparency:

From the Display Menu > Layer Transparency

1. Drag the Slider Bars for each variable toward the right to decrease their Transparency

2. Drag the Slider Bars for each variable toward the left to increase their Transparency

3. Check the check box at the top of the interface to reset the transparency after clearing all
models. This can be useful if transparency controls are set to meet specific conditions of a
given model/analysis/texture combination, but are generally not needed. Furthermore, finely
tuned layer opacity settings may not be as useful in the next project, and are easily overlooked.
Unless there is a specific need to remember layer opacity settings, this check box is best left

4. NOTE: there must be an attribute or data loaded for the slider bars to change opacity. For
example, if the vertex channel of the model is empty, the vertex color slider bar will have no
effect on the coloration.

5. NOTE: most of these variables are additive so that, in some combinations, the display of an
individual point may appear black. If this occurs, change the color band of the original attribute
in a place such as Analysis > QTA Attribute Analysis > Color By QTA Attribute
Menu - Display 199

Figure 1. Layer transparency window in the default settings.

10.5 Set Base Model Color

Sets the default color of the underlying model. This can be useful when comparing two models or
performing change analysis between models. It is sometimes very helpful to load a point cloud and a
surface model of the same data set together. In the example below, the user has created a gridded surface
model (QTT) and an ungridded point cloud (QTC) of the same data set. By setting the base model color of
the point cloud to blue, the user can easily see where the original data exists and where the data is sparse.
Note the area of no data below, which is normal for a LiDAR survey over water.

Note that base model colors will be reflected in terrain profiles (shown on the right below). If multiple
models are set with different base colors, all of these colors will be reflected in the terrain profile window.

10.6 Status Bar Options

Status Bar Options enables two basic settings for the readout of the position under the cursor:

1. Change the coordinate system that reads out in the status bar. In order for this real time coordinate
conversion to occur, data must be in UTM or geodetic (lat/long) coordinates. At this time, QTM cannot
convert between state plane and other coordinate systems.

2. Show the range from the "camera" (i.e., simulating where the user's eyes are relative to the terrain) and
the model itself. This can be useful to understand what a scene may look like from a given distance. This is
the range from the camera to the point underneath the cursor.

Note that when the coordinates displayed in the status bar are no longer the native coordinates of the
model, the status bar will be colored yellow. In the example below, the range to the model at the point
under the cursor is 177.87 meters.
200 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

10.7 Toggle Clouds/Surface

Toggles between point cloud and surface models. This function can toggle a gridded surface model to a
point cloud, but not vice versa.

10.8 Autocolor Model

Autocolor Model allows the user to assign a unique base model color to every loaded model. This is a useful
tool if many models are loaded and the user needs to distinguish between them. This can be particularly
useful when evaluating multiple overlapping point clouds. Autocoloration can be quickly removed by the
menu selection "Remove Model Colors" Note that model colors will be reflected in the terrain profile
window (i.e, each profile will take the color of the respective model).

Example: Four adjacent tiles of point cloud data with no model coloration:

Example: The same four adjacent tiles of point cloud data with model autocoloration and Show Model
Names/Outlines Activated:

10.9 Configure Vector Models

Display > Configure Vector Models

The Configure Vector Models tool provides an interface to set display preferences for any loaded vector
model. In addition, the user can set the default display parameters for all vector models. Typical vector
models are:

Contour Lines
Grid Lines
Range Rings
Sampled/Unsampled Vector Annotation
Imported Vectors

The basic functions in this tool are:

1. Select vector model to configure. Use the "Vector Model" pull down menu. A vector model must be
loaded in the scene to appear in the list.
2. Rename Vector Model: This is an optional step that can make it easier to identify loaded vectors. For
example, there may be several vectors called "Mensuration1", "Mensuration2", etc. It may be helpful
to name the something more descriptive (e.g., building roofline, road, etc.)
Menu - Display 201

3. Set Line Style: Current choices are solid, dashed, dotted, dash-dot, and mensuration.
4. Set Line Color: Click the Set Color button and choose a color from the palette.
5. Choose an end style: Currently there is only a choice to apply arrows to either end.
6. Choose a Line Size: Alters the thickness of the vector line.
7. Add a caption by checking the "Display Caption" box, editing caption text, and choosing how/where
the caption should be displayed.
8. Set Defaults: Applied current choices to all future vectors placed in the model.
9. Sample Z from Models will sample a Z value from the loaded model at each vertex of a vector. These
sampled vectors can subsequently be exported as a 3D shapefile.

10.10 Remove Model Colors

Remove Model Colors resets the base model color of all loaded models to gray. Very useful in conjunction
with the Autocolor Models and Set Base Model Color functions.

10.11 Layer Transparency

Layer Opacity

Display > Layer Opacity (Also Accessed by Right Clicking "Special Overlays" Folder in Layer Tree)

Layer Transparency allows for user defined customization of varying coloration. The Quick Terrain
Modeler has different color channels for variables such as Vertex Channel, Base Model, Height, Filter
Channel, Texture Imagery, and Lighting. These variables can be set for different transparency/opacity
for better visualization. Examples of use would be to configure the slider bars to show a vertex color
such as Intensity (when in the vertex channel), along with AGL (when in the filter channel) with overlaid
imagery (when in the texture slot). NOTE: Layer Transparency can also be accessed by left clicking the
Special Overlay line item in the layer tree.

TO USE Layer Transparency:

From the Display Menu > Layer Transparency

1. Drag the Slider Bars for each variable toward the right to increase their Transparency

2. Drag the Slider Bars for each variable toward the left to increase their Transparency
202 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

3. NOTE: there must be an attribute or data loaded for the slider bars to change opacity. For
example, if the vertex channel of the model is empty, the vertex color slider bar will have no
effect on the coloration.

4. NOTE: most of these variables are additive so that, in some combinations, the display of an
individual point may appear black. If this occurs, change the color band of the original attribute
in a place such as Analysis > QTA Attribute Analysis > Color By QTA Attribute
Quick Terrain Modeler

Version 8


204 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

11 Menu - Control

11.1 Edit Camera Settings

The camera configuration - including position, orientation, and Field of View (FOV) may be altered directly
by selecting Edit Camera Settings from the Control menu. This allows the user to enter values numerically
or with sliders rather than by graphically moving about the model.

11.2 Face Center

This command forces the display to face the center of the model, regardless of its current orientation. It is
helpful to quickly reorient towards the center.

11.3 Go to Point
The "Go to Point" function performs the same function as the coordinate conversion utility which is as

Provides a simple way to convert a single point between five coordinate systems - UTM, Geodetic
(decimal degrees), Geodetic (Degrees/minutes), Geodetic (degrees/minutes/seconds), and Military
Grid Reference System (MGRS).
Allows the user to quickly zoom to the location specified in the interface or to pre-placed markers.
Create markers in specific locations.
Convert existing marker positions between the five coordinate systems mentioned above.
Determine elevation values for specific X-Y positions.

Converting Point Coordinates

To convert the coordinates of a single position, there are three ways to populate the coordinate converter

Manually: To manually go to a specific location, simply type in the coordinates in one of the five
available coordinate system input fields. Regardless of which coordinate system is entered, all five
will be immediately updated to the new position.
From a Marker: If markers are loaded, the user can select a marker from the "Marker" pull down
menu. Once a marker is selected, the position of the marker will be populated in the five coordinate
From a Position in the model: To convert the coordinates of any position in the model, simply point
the cursor to that position, left click the mouse, and type "P" on the keyboard. The position under
Menu - Control 205

the cursor will be populated in all five coordinate systems.

Entering Altitude
The default position of the "Altitude" field is set to AGL (Above Ground Level) with a value of zero. This
means that the position is resting on the surface of the model. To set a specific altitude, either set the AGL
value to a nonzero number (e.g., to simulate a planned observation tower), or set an absolute elevation

Creating Markers
Once a position has been entered either manually (by typing the position into one of the input fields) or
from a position in the model (by left clicking on a model position and typing "P"), the user can create a
marker in that position. The user must manually type a marker name in the marker name field (to the right
of the "Create Marker Named..." button). A marker will appear. Markers can be edited, saved, and
exported. Furthermore, markers of locations can be sent to users of the Quick Terrain Modeler or the free
Quick Terrain Reader to share positional information. Please note that markers also form the basis of line of
sight analysis.

Zooming to a Point or Marker

Once a position has been entered in the steps above, a user can zoom to that location in one of two ways:

"Look Here": This function brings the location (or marker) to the center of the screen, but using the
current camera position. This operation is equivalent to rotating one's head to put an object in the
center of the field of view. The head (camera) is rotated (camera heading) and/or tilted (camera
pitch), but the head (camera) stays in the same position. For this reason, Zoom level is irrelevant
with respect to "Look Here". To "Look" at a point, simply enter the position manually or by typing
"P", then click "Look Here". To "Look" at a marker, simply select the appropriate marker from the
pull down menu and click "Look Here"
"Go Here": This function reorients the model so the user is looking straight down (nadir view) on the
position or marker. In contrast to the "Look Here" function, the "Go Here" function moves the
camera position, points it straight down at the marker, and orients the model north-up. The Zoom
Level is important when using the "Go Here" function, as it will determine how closely the user is
zoomed in when the "Go Here" button is pressed
"Zoom Level": Zoom Level determines how closely the user will be zoomed in when using the "Go
Here" function. The zoom level is irrelevant when using the "Look Here" function.

Using Coordinate Conversion Utility with "Cartesian" Coordinates

At this time, the Quick Terrain Modeler can not convert between Cartesian coordinates and the five
coordinate systems noted above. The functionality of "Look Here", "Go Here", and marker creation still
206 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

11.4 Point to Point Viewing

Analysis Menu > Visibility Analysis > Point to Point Viewing

Control Menu > Point to Point Viewing

Point to point viewing enables the user to "become" a marker (i.e., position QTM's camera right at the
marker location and look out across the 3D scene) and look at other markers in the scene. The control
mode will shift to "free flight mode" while performing point to point viewing. This means the camera will
look right/left/up/down from the position of the marker. In addition, the user can see distances, changes in
elevation, angles of inclination, line of sight vectors, and optionally look at the terrain profile between the

Instructions are as follows:

Open a model and imagery.

Open 3D data - DEM's, surface models, point clouds, etc. Drape imagery (i.e., textures) over the model for
a more realistic view. Please note that opening imagery by itself will not provide satisfactory results, as
there is no elevation component (i.e., everything will be perfectly flat - with no readout of elevations).

Establish two or more markers in the terrain.

This can be done by placing markers, importing markers, or creating markers from a point. It may also be
helpful to use the "find highest point" tool in the analysis menu to place the marker precisely in the very
highest point in an area.

Open Point Viewing from the Control Menu or Analysis > Visibility Analysis Menu

Select a marker to "Go To" and "Look At".

The "Go To" marker is the marker from which the viewer's perspective will originate (i.e., the start point).
The "Look At" marker is the marker to which the view will be directed (i.e., the end point).

Click "Show Me"
Menu - Control 207

The viewing perspective will change to being "on top of" the marker and looking at the "Look At" marker.

Look Around (Free Flight Mode)

As long as the "Point to Point Viewing" interface is open, the control mode will be Flight Mode.
Therefore, to rotate around the "start" marker, simply left click and drag the mouse. To move forward,
hold down the right mouse button.

Set Observer/Target Heights

It may be useful to adjust heights of both the observer and target in the scene. Simply slide the sliders or
type in a new height value in the text input window. You will need to click "Show Me" again to reset the
view. changing the target height will not impact the view, but changing the observer height will.

Analysis: Distances, Changes in Elevation, Profile Line, etc.

The Vector Info section will display the distance (both air and ground), change in elevation, inclination,
and azimuth between the observer and the target.

Use the radio buttons to show the Line of Sight (LOS) vectors between the observer and the target
("selected") or between the observer and every other marker in the scene ("All"). Note that these vectors
may not be visible from the original perspective after clicking "Show Me".

Click "View Profile" to call up the terrain profile analysis window and "refresh list" to update list of
available markers (if new markers were placed after opening the Point to Point LOS window).

11.5 Reset Viewer

Reset viewer is a helpful command if you get disoriented when navigating through a large model and just
need to start over. Disorientation can occur if significant changes are made to lighting, clipping planes,
model positions, alpha filtering, and/or height scales. The reset viewer function performs the following

Zooms the display to the full extents of the loaded model(s).

Resets Lighting intensity (both ambient and direct) and lighting direction to the default settings.
Resets height scale to 1.
Resets elevation clipping planes.
Resets alpha filtering.
Turns all loaded models back on, even if they have been turned off in the show/hide models function.
208 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Note, simply zooming to the extents of the model without resetting the parameters above can be achieved
by pressing the reset display button.

11.6 Control Mode

The Quick Terrain Modeler provides six modes in which you can interact with your models: Independent
Rotation, Model mode, Flight mode, Terrain Following mode, Constant Altitude mode, and Targeted Point
mode. The default mode is Model mode, but you may change the mode at any time using the Control
menu. The last-used mode will be remembered even after you close and restart the Quick Terrain Modeler.

While you manipulate the Modeler in any mode, it will adjust the refinement level at which it displays the
model to maintain the current target frame rate - which defaults to 8 frames per second. This value may be
altered by selecting Set Frame rate from the Control...Options menu.

In all modes except Model Mode collision detection will be enforced unless you disable it in the Options
menu. Pressing the "Space bar" will always rotate the camera to face the center of the model, while
selecting Reset Viewer from the Commands menu will return the camera to its initial position and
orientation. Pressing "T" (for Transport) will automatically move the camera to the position on the surface
of the model indicated by the current mouse position.

In all modes you may change the lighting angle by holding down the "Ctrl" key and the Right mouse button
and dragging the mouse. If you have selected Show Light from the Options menu, you will be provided with
a graphical indication of the light direction while you change the lighting angle.

11.6.1 Constant Altitude

This mode functions just like Terrain Following mode except that you are fixed at a constant absolute
altitude rather than at a constant altitude with respect to the ground. Whereas in Terrain Following mode
you will automatically rise and sink as you pass over hills. In Constant Altitude mode your motion will be
restricted to a flat plane.

11.6.2 Flight Mode

This mode allows you to interact with the model as if you were an aircraft moving about a fixed terrain. In
Flight mode, the following commands control your motion:

Holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse will rotate your view in space (the same
may be accomplished using the arrow keys). Motion in Flight mode is cylindrical - you will rotate with
respect to the absolute z-axis rather than with respect to your view direction (as in the Model mode).
Holding down the right button will cause you to begin moving forward until you release the button (the
same may be accomplished using "Home" and "End" on the keyboard, or using the mouse-wheel on
Holding down "Shift" and the right mouse button and dragging cause you to slide in space - sideways for
horizontal mouse motion and up/down for vertical mouse motion.
Holding down "Shift" and the left mouse button and dragging will cause you to roll with respect to the
Movement speed may be altered by selecting Set Moving Speed from the Control...Options menu.

11.6.3 Model Mode

Model mode allows you to manipulate the loaded model as if it were an object in space. In Model mode,
the following actions control your motion:
Menu - Control 209

Holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse will rotate the model in space (the same
may be accomplished using the arrow keys).
Holding down the right button and dragging will translate the model's position in space.
Holding down both buttons and dragging will zoom in and out (the same may be accomplished using
"Home" and "End" on the keyboard, or using the mouse-wheel on wheel-mice).

11.6.4 Terrain Following

This mode functions much like Flight mode save that your altitude above the ground is fixed. Whatever
altitude you are at when you switch to Terrain Following mode will be maintained as you move about the
model. All motion will be translated into X-Y motion, enabling you to move forward regardless of your
current look angle.

11.6.5 Targeted Point

This mode functions similarly to Model mode, but allows you to rotate about while keeping the view fixed
on a "target point". You can pan as normal for Model mode, but when rotating and zooming your center-of-
view on the terrain is kept fixed.

Holding down the left mouse button and dragging the mouse will rotate your view about the target point
(the same may be accomplished using the arrow keys).
Holding down the right button and dragging will pan the camera, allowing you to move to a new target
Holding down both buttons and dragging will zoom in and out (the same may be accomplished using
"Home" and "End" on the keyboard, or using the mouse-wheel on wheel-mice).

11.6.6 Enforce Collisions

Enforce Collisions determines whether or not the Modeler will be prevented from moving through the
terrain in Flight Mode, Terrain Following Mode, and Constant Altitude Mode. Once set, this option will
persist even after you close and restart the Quick Terrain Modeler.

11.6.7 Independent Rotation

When multiple models are loaded, independent rotation allows two models to be rotated semi
independently of each other. This may be useful to compare two models that would otherwise be right next
to each other. This must be used in conjunction with model mode.

11.6.8 Orbit Mode

Typing "O" on the keyboard causes the model to rotate about its center. Any other control input will end
the orbit mode.

11.6.9 Google Earth Style Zoom

Control > Control Mode > Google Earth Style Zoom

Checking the "Google Earth Style Zoom" simply reverses the functionality of the mouse scroll wheel with
respect to zooming. The default behavior is to pull the wheel towards you to zoom in, push the wheel away
from you to zoom out. Checking this choice reverses the functionality, thus making the scroll wheel behave
identically to Google Earth and some other geospatial software packages. To change the functionality, go to
Control Menu > Control Mode > Google Earth Style Zoom and check/uncheck the feature as desired.
210 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

11.6.10 Synchronize Google Earth

Synchronizing Google Earth enables model positional commands to be sent continuously and in real time to
Google Earth, thus synchronizing zooming, panning, rotation, and tilt. Synchronization of movement
enables an intuitive context for generally smaller areas of elevation data. This tool combined with exporting
model outlines to KML permits a simple, interactive understanding of where survey areas are.
Synchronizing Google Earth is found in the Control...Control Mode... Menu

A non-continuous synchronization with Google Earth can be achieved by unchecking "Synchronize Google
Earth" and simply typing "G" on the keyboard whenever a periodic synchronization of views is desired.

11.7 Display Mode

Quick Terrain Modeler users can select a 2-D display mode as well as the normal 3-D display mode. Some
useful notes are as follows:

In 2-D mode, the model will always stay oriented North-South.

In 2-D mode, the user can zoom and pan, but can not rotate or tilt.
Display of shape files is sometimes more effective in 2-D mode. If shape files extend beyond the 3-D
model surface, they may not be visible when in 3-D mode (e.g., they may "fall off" the edges of a model
since 2-D shape files have no inherent elevation values).
In 2-D mode, Quick Terrain Modeler will "push" vectors to the top of the display. 2-D shape files are
difficult to project into 3-D space, thus they may weave in and out of the 3-D surface, limiting visibility
in 3-D mode. After loading 2D vectors into a 3D model, toggling to 2D mode may be the best way to
visualize the entire shape files.

11.7.1 Display Mode 2D

2-D mode allows users to display and manipulate models in 2-D. Simply click the 2-D mode button to
enter this mode. 2D mode does not permit tilting of the model, but does permit zoom, rotation, and

11.7.2 Display Mode 3D

3-D mode allows users to display and manipulate models in 3-D. Simply click the 3-D mode button to
enter this mode.

11.8 Control - Options

There are two Control options - Set Framerate and Set Moving Speed.

11.8.1 Set Framerate

This setting allows you to set the target frame rate that the Modeler will attempt to maintain as you
manipulate models. Whenever you move about the model the refinement level will be dropped as far as
necessary to maintain the requested frame rate. The setting will be remembered even after you close and
restart the Quick Terrain Modeler.
Menu - Control 211

11.8.2 Set Moving Speed

This setting controls the speed at which you move about the model. It will be remembered even after you
close and restart the Quick Terrain Modeler.

11.9 Load View/Position

Loads Presaved position files (.qtv files previously saved by user).

11.10 Save View/Position

Saves a specific perspective on a model. This is particularly useful if a given vantage point or perspective
provides a unique insight (e.g., illustrates visibility to a critical infrastructure facility) that needs to be
repeated for a variety of audiences. The position will be saved as a .qtv file and named as the user desires.
Quick Terrain Modeler

Version 8


Menu - Markers 213

12 Menu - Markers

12.1 Place Marker

Provides the same functionality as the Place Marker Pin button . The user can add custom labeled and
colored markers to indicate positions of important features and to create Line-of-Sight maps. To place a
marker, the user can click on the "Place Marker Pin" button in the toolbar, left-clicking and dragging the
mouse on the model to the desired position. The user can then edit markers positions, names, sizes and
colors by selecting Edit Marker, Set Marker Size and Show Labels from the Markers menu.

Markers can also be placed by holding down "M" on the keyboard and left clicking on the location where a
marker needs to be placed.

NOTE: Markers will NOT be automatically saved when saving a model. Markers must be saved separately in
the Markers pull-down menu and loaded as a Tile Set later.

12.2 Create Marker

Similar to the place marker functionality, but the user selects all parameters about the marker prior to
placing it in the model. This tool is useful if the user knows precisely where markers need to be placed.

12.3 Create at Point

The "Create at Point" function performs the same function as the coordinate conversion utility which is as

Provides a simple way to convert a single point between five coordinate systems - UTM, Geodetic
(decimal degrees), Geodetic (Degrees/minutes), Geodetic (degrees/minutes/seconds), and Military
Grid Reference System (MGRS).
Allows the user to quickly zoom to the location specified in the interface or to pre-placed markers.
Create markers in specific locations.
Convert existing marker positions between the five coordinate systems mentioned above.
Determine elevation values for specific X-Y positions.

Converting Point Coordinates

To convert the coordinates of a single position, there are three ways to populate the coordinate converter
214 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Manually: To manually go to a specific location, simply type in the coordinates in one of the five
available coordinate system input fields. Regardless of which coordinate system is entered, all five
will be immediately updated to the new position.
From a Marker: If markers are loaded, the user can select a marker from the "Marker" pull down
menu. Once a marker is selected, the position of the marker will be populated in the five coordinate
From a Position in the model: To convert the coordinates of any position in the model, simply point
the cursor to that position, left click the mouse, and type "P" on the keyboard. The position under
the cursor will be populated in all five coordinate systems.

Entering Altitude
The default position of the "Altitude" field is set to AGL (Above Ground Level) with a value of zero. This
means that the position is resting on the surface of the model. To set a specific altitude, either set the AGL
value to a nonzero number (e.g., to simulate a planned observation tower), or set an absolute elevation

Creating Markers
Once a position has been entered either manually (by typing the position into one of the input fields) or
from a position in the model (by left clicking on a model position and typing "P"), the user can create a
marker in that position. The user must manually type a marker name in the marker name field (to the right
of the "Create Marker Named..." button). A marker will appear. Markers can be edited, saved, and
exported. Furthermore, markers of locations can be sent to users of the Quick Terrain Modeler or the free
Quick Terrain Reader to share positional information. Please note that markers also form the basis of line of
sight analysis.

Zooming to a Point or Marker

Once a position has been entered in the steps above, a user can zoom to that location in one of two ways:

"Look Here": This function brings the location (or marker) to the center of the screen, but using the
current camera position. This operation is equivalent to rotating one's head to put an object in the
center of the field of view. The head (camera) is rotated (camera heading) and/or tilted (camera
pitch), but the head (camera) stays in the same position. For this reason, Zoom level is irrelevant
with respect to "Look Here". To "Look" at a point, simply enter the position manually or by typing
"P", then click "Look Here". To "Look" at a marker, simply select the appropriate marker from the
pull down menu and click "Look Here"
"Go Here": This function reorients the model so the user is looking straight down (nadir view) on the
position or marker. In contrast to the "Look Here" function, the "Go Here" function moves the
camera position, points it straight down at the marker, and orients the model north-up. The Zoom
Level is important when using the "Go Here" function, as it will determine how closely the user is
zoomed in when the "Go Here" button is pressed
"Zoom Level": Zoom Level determines how closely the user will be zoomed in when using the "Go
Here" function. The zoom level is irrelevant when using the "Look Here" function.

Using Coordinate Conversion Utility with "Cartesian" Coordinates

At this time, the Quick Terrain Modeler can not convert between Cartesian coordinates and the five
coordinate systems noted above. The functionality of "Look Here", "Go Here", and marker creation still
Menu - Markers 215

12.4 Edit Marker

Allows the user to change any attribute about a marker, including its name, color and position. In addition,
the user can attach a sensor model to the marker or attach additional information to a marker through
importing from a CSV file. Attaching a sensor model enables a variety of Line of Sight Analyses that may
involve sensors at or near the terrain, or may involve sensors very far from the terrain.

If a user enters an altitude Above Ground Level (AGL), Quick Terrain Modeler will query the model and reset
the altitude value to that distance above the model.

12.5 Marker - Sensor Model

Adding a sensor simulates both the position and visibility characteristics of sensors, thus enabling a wide
variety of Line of Sight (LOS) Analysis. The following are several examples of potential needs for a sensor

Video surveillance camera placed at or near the model surface.

Directional communications antenna placed at or near the surface.
Airborne photographic sensor at some distance away from the model surface.

The sensor is defined relative to the marker position. The following parameters must be specified by the

Boresight Angle: Boresight is defined as the line that begins at the center of the sensor and ends at the
marker the user has created and to which the sensor model is attached. All parameters defined in the
sensor are relative to this boresight which becomes the centerline for the angles defined below:
Sensor Azimuth: Azimuth is measured in degrees clockwise from north (north as defined in the model).
Note that this angle is relative to the sensor. If the user has defined the sensor position relative to the
ground point, simply add 180 degrees to the ground azimuth.
Sensor Elevation: Elevation is defined as degrees up from horizontal relative to the sensor. Because it
216 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

is defined relative to the sensor, most airborne sensors will have a negative value for elevation. If the
user wishes to convert a "grazing angle" to sensor elevation angle, simply insert a negative sign in front
of the elevation angle (e.g., 30 degree grazing angle becomes -35 degree sensor elevation angle).
Sensor Roll: Roll is defined as degrees clockwise relative to the boresight that starts at the sensor and
ends at the marker.

Field of View:
Horizontal Field of View (FOV): This is defined in degrees of total field horizontal of view centered along
the sensor boresight.
Vertical Field of View (FOV): This is defined in degrees of total field vertical of view centered along the
sensor boresight.

Range: Range is defined as the distance from the sensor to the marker along the boresight. The setting
of range will likely fall into one of two categories:
a.) Sensors which are intended to be mounted on top of the marker (e.g., video surveillance camera,
microwave communications antenna): These sensors should have their range set to zero.
b.) Sensors that will be relatively far from the markers (e.g., airborne camera, LiDAR sensor, etc.) should
have their range set to the distance between the sensor and the marker.

Save/Load Sensor Profile: Marker profiles can be saved and reloaded later by simply clicking the "Save"
button, naming the file, and "Loading" later.

Two potential scenarios: The first (left) shows a potential setup for a surveillance camera that is intended to
be mounted "on top of" the marker. The second (right) illustrated a hypothetical airborne sensor that is 10
km from the marker and has a 2 degree field of view. Note the negative elevation value.

Note that the marker changes shape if a sensor is attached:

12.6 Import Markers

Load Marker
Import Markers from ASCII File
Import Markers from CSV File
Import Markers from KML
Import Markers from Shape File
Menu - Markers 217

12.6.1 Load Marker

Calls up previously saved markers which have been saved in Quick Terrain Modeler's proprietary MRK

12.6.2 Markers - Import from ASCII File

The purpose of this function is to take an ASCII file that contains many individual points of interest (e.g.,
seismic sources, ground control points, etc.), then create markers in the terrain by simply importing the file
once. This will avoid repeatedly creating individual markers. Note: The Marker file must be in ASCII format

Select Import From ASCII File from the Markers Menu.
Select the ASCII file in which the markers are stored. An import window will appear. It will have a
preview of the marker file in the "Sample Text from File" window. Note: if importing from a CSV file,
please refer to the "Import marker from CSV File" Topic. Select the column to be used for the Marker
Name. This is the text value that will be displayed as the marker label. It can be any column available.
Specify the appropriate number of header lines as well as the column number for X (Easting), Y
(Northing), Z (Altitude).
If specific colors are associated with the data files, specify the columns for RGB by pressing the
"Import RGB" button and specify the columns in which the colors are stored. If no specific colors are
required, leave the "Import RGB" checkbox unchecked.
Specify the coordinate system and UTM Zone (if applicable).
Choosing the "Interpolate Z From Models" radio button allows the user to derive an elevation value
from the loaded model instead of from the marker information table.
Choosing "Interpret Z as AGL" will place the markers above the terrain at the height specified in the
elevation column. Use this if importing markers for use in Line of Sight Analysis.Click OK.
Markers should appear immediately in the terrain.

If you require specific names for markers, specify the appropriate column of the ASCII data. The Quick
Terrain Modeler will automatically name the markers based on the specified column. Do not include
spaces in the names, as this will alter the column structure.
It is helpful to think of the marker as a point in space. Therefore, it only has one elevation value. The
user must decide if this elevation value should be on the surface (interpolated from the model), above
the surface (AGL), or at a specific elevation (e.g., ground truth points).
The "Strip Zone from Easting" checkbox should only be checked if the raw data has a UTM zone
prepended to the easting value (e.g., Optech REALM data). Otherwise, leave this box unchecked.
If markers are categorized in broad groups (e.g., seismic sources, geophones, cell phone towers, power
transmission towers, etc.), it may be helpful for all markers in each group to be colored identically.
For example, all cell phone towers could be red and all power transmission towers could be green.
These values must be set in the source data file. In the source data file, red, green and blue values
should be in separate columns. If you desire markers to be the same color, make sure the same color
value is specified for each one in the source data file. If no colors are specified, the Quick Terrain
Modeler will assign a different color to each marker.
The user may still edit markers once imported.

The two figures below show the Serpent Mound Model before and after importing four marker files from an
ASCII text file. The figure below shows the ASCII Text file import window.
218 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

The examples below show three possible configurations for importing markers. The first shows a
configuration that will place the markers at a specific elevation in the terrain. The second configuration
interpolated the marker elevation value from the model. The third interprets the elevation value as height
Above Ground Level (AGL), used primarily for Line of Sight Analysis.

12.6.3 Markers - Import from CSV File

The concept of importing markers from a CSV file is to enable users to attach much more information to
each marker than the standard X, Y, Z, R, G, B, and name currently available. For example, if a user wanted
to catalog an inventory of power line poles, the attributes of pole height, capacity, last safety inspection, etc.
may be desirable to attach to each marker. Quick Terrain Modeler can import this information, attach it to
each marker, and display it upon request.

To create markers from a CSV (Comma Separated Variable) file, follow these steps:

Load a model.
Choose import markers from ASCII in the Marker Menu.
Choose a CSV file to import from. This file must consist of a simple format with attribute labels in the
first line, each separated by commas (no spaces).
In the ASCII Import window, import as normal, but check the box "Import CSV Format Metadata" Box.
Note that any column can be used as the marker label, but this can not be changed later.

Once the markers are imported, users can access the data associated with each marker by selecting Edit
Marker from the Marker Menu, selecting the appropriate marker, and clicking the "Info" button. A separate
text window will appear to display the marker information.
Menu - Markers 219

12.6.4 Import Marker from KML

Importing markers from KML can be done by selecting "Import Markers from KML" from the markers menu
and selecting a marker file. Multiple markers can be saved in the same KML file.

12.6.5 Markers - Import from SHP File

Users can import markers from 2D or 3D Point shapefiles. These shapefiles can either be created in QT by
exporting markers to SHP or created in ESRI or other GIS packages by creating a point shapefile. Quick
Terrain Modeler will use the first attribute after Feature ID (FID) and Shape as the marker label.

After selecting the appropriate file, choose the coordinate system from the pop-up menu, then select
whether to interpret the height field as absolute, AGL (Above Ground Level), or to let Quick Terrain Modeler
interpolate an elevation from the loaded model. Markers will appear in the correct location.

12.7 Export Markers

Export Markers to KML
Save Markers

12.7.1 Export Marker to KML

Exporting markers to KML immediately export all loaded markers to KML and displays them in Google Earth.
The markers will retain the user set name as the marker name in KML. See also Import Markers from KML
220 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

12.7.2 Save Markers

The "Save Markers" function allows the user to save markers for future reference. There are
three options for saving markers:

MRK Marker File: This is Quick Terrain Modeler's proprietary marker format. Markers in
MRK format can simply be loaded with the "Load Marker" command and/or included in a
tile set.
ESRI SHP File: This format exports specific marker locations in ESRI shape file format.
Exporting in SHP format permits the rapid import of locations into ESRI GIS products and
other software that can read shape files.
ASCII File: This format creates a single ASCII file of marker names, locations, and color
attributes. The ASCII marker export format will contain one line for each marker. Each line
will have the following fields separated by a space: Marker Name, X, Y, Z, R, G, B (R, G, and
B represent the color values for each marker). The following is an example of four markers
exported in ASCII format:

Marker_4 289474.841781 4322520.553375 173.012600 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000

Marker_3 289469.433626 4322337.827757 173.275339 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
Marker_2 289648.625381 4322430.345899 200.126480 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000
Marker_1 289507.911077 4322461.531472 172.699119 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000

To save markers, highlight the markers to be saved, select the output type, and click OK.

Note: Markers are not automatically saved as part of a model.

12.8 Remove Markers

Allows the user to remove one or all markers from the display. Simply highlight the markers you wish to
eliminate and click "OK". Each marker name will be preceded by the marker ID in order to differentiate
identically named markers from each other.
Menu - Markers 221

12.9 Hide All Markers

Checking the Hide All Markers menu selection removes markers from the display. Unchecking Hide Markers
places the markers in the display again.

12.10 Inspect Markers

Inspect Markers is a very specialized tool that allows users to methodically inspect markers one by one,
visualize the loaded model near the marker, decide if the marker is valid (or marking something valid such
as a Vertical Obstruction, area of sparse LiDAR coverage, LiDAR data anomaly, or other feature of interest),
and export the resulting "inspected marker list". In addition, users can edit, sort, export, Go To/Look At the
marker, Export the marker(s), and search for models based on the marker coordinate. Show/Hide Markers
is found in the Markers menu.


Create, Load, or Import Markers

For the Inspect Markers capability to work, there must be markers in the scene. Markers can be placed in
the scene either by placing markers, creating markers, or importing markers. Some Notes relative to
Place Markers by using the marker button or by holding down "M" and left clicking.
Markers can also be created from point interrogation (hold down "SHIFT", then left click) or the Go
To window.
Import markers from ASCII, KML, or shape file (SHP).
Markers with attributes can be imported from an ASCII CSV file.

Open Inspect Markers Window (Markers Menu)

Go to the Markers menu and select "Inspect Markers". A spreadsheet-like table will appear.

Set Visualization Options: Look At/Go To, Sync Google Earth, Display Only Target
There are several choices to make regarding visualization of the inspected markers:
Look at vs. Go TO: As the user progresses through the list of markers, the view will shift to the next
marker. The two choices for the visualization are:
Look At: Rotates the model at the current camera position to bring the marker to the center
of the view.
Go To: Moves the view to directly above the marker (nadir view, i.e., straight down).
Sync Google Earth: Google Earth can be a valuable context tool when performing the marker
inspection. It can give additional clues for objects like vertical obstructions, presence of water, or
other contextual information. Check this box to ensure Google Earth "follows" each marker. NOTE:
Google Earth synchronization only works in 32-bit mode.
Display only Target: Only displays the marker being inspected. Prevents display of huge numbers of
222 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

loaded markers.

Sort Markers: Clicking an Attribute Name to Sort by that Attribute

Click a column header to sort markers based on a specific attribute. During the inspection process, it may
be very beneficial to sort based on a specific attribute (e.g., vertical obstruction height, data density, etc.)
to begin the marker inspection process.

Highlight a Marker to Begin Inspection process

Since the marker inspection process is a one-by-one procedure, select the first marker to begin the

Enter Inspector Initials (Mandatory)

Entering the inspector's initials is mandatory. This will serve not only to preserve the identity of the
person inspecting the markers, but also the status of marker inspection (i.e., has the marker been
inspected or not).

List All vs. List Local: Showing Only the Markers that Correspond to the Loaded Models
Use the "List Local" button to display only markers that overlap the spatial extents of the loaded models.
Markers may have been imported from a text file that contains markers for a large area, but only a
subset of that area is currently loaded.

Advance to Next Uninspected Marker

Advancing to the next uninspected marker advances the marker selection to the next marker in the list
that has not been inspected yet. It will skip any markers that have already been inspected.

Edit Markers
Edit marker values and attributes by clicking in a table "cell" and manually entering the new value.

Right Click on a Marker to Report, Remove, Edit, Find Models. Look At, or Go To
Right clicking on a selected marker or markers will display a context menu offering the following
Export: Select KML, SHP, or ASCII
Set Color: Change the color of a marker(s)
Remove: Delete the marker permanently
Find Models: Activates the Find Model/Model Search window and populates the coordinates with
the coordinates of the marker.
Look At: Rotates the model at the current camera position to bring the marker to the center of the
Go To: Moves the view to directly above the marker (nadir view, i.e., straight down).

Exporting Markers and the "Save" Button

The "Inspect Markers" tool, in general, is a tool that treats all markers as part of a single, coherent
project. Therefore, the Export and Save functions will save all markers in the list. The "Save
Menu - Markers 223

Show Hide Markers vs. Inspect Markers

QT Modeler also contains a similar tool called "Show/Hide Markers". While many functions are similar,
the intent of "Inspect Markers" is to progress through the markers one-by-one and determine of the
marker is valid, or needs to be edited/removed. The intent of Show/Hide markers is to offer a very
flexible tool to display, sort, and edit markers.

12.11 Show/Hide Markers

Show/Hide Markers allows the user to display or hide any combination of loaded markers. In addition,
users can edit, sort, export, Go To/Look At the marker, Export the marker(s), and search for models based
on the marker coordinate. Show/Hide Markers is found in the Markers menu.


Create, Load, or Import Markers

For the Show/Hide Markers capability to work, there must be markers in the scene. Markers can be
placed in the scene either by placing markers, creating markers, or importing markers. Some Notes
relative to markers:
Place Markers by using the marker button or by holding down "M" and left clicking.
Markers can also be created from point interrogation (hold down "SHIFT", then left click) or the Go
To window.
Import markers from ASCII, KML, or shape file (SHP).
Markers with attributes can be imported from an ASCII CSV file.

Open Show/Hide Markers Window (Markers Menu)

Go to the Markers menu and select "Show/Hide Markers". A spreadsheet-like table will appear.

Select Markers to Show/Hide

To show or hide specific markers, simply highlight them in the table. Use "SHIFT" and "CONTROL" as you
would normally in Windows to select multiple files.

List All vs. List Local: Showing Only the Markers that Correspond to the Loaded Models
Use the "List Local" button to display only markers that overlap the spatial extents of the loaded models.
Markers may have been imported from a text file that contains markers for a large area, but only a
subset of that area is currently loaded.

Sort Markers: Clicking an Attribute Name to Sort by that Attribute

Click a column header to sort markers based on a specific attribute. Markers created in QT Modeler will
only have the attributes of Marker Name, X, Y, and Z. Markers imported from CSV files may have
considerably more attributes.

Edit Markers
224 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Edit marker values and attributes by clicking in a table "cell" and manually entering the new value.

Right Click on a Marker to Report, Remove, Edit, Find Models. Look At, or Go To
Right clicking on a selected marker or markers will display a context menu offering the following
Export: Select KML, SHP, or ASCII
Set Color: Change the color of a marker(s)
Remove: Delete the marker permanently
Find Models: Activates the Find Model/Model Search window and populates the coordinates with
the coordinates of the marker.
Look At: Rotates the model at the current camera position to bring the marker to the center of the
Go To: Moves the view to directly above the marker (nadir view, i.e., straight down).

Show All/Invert All/Hide all/Advance All Buttons

The show/Hide Markers window contains several useful buttons:
Show All: Displays all loaded markers
Invert All: Inverts the selected markers with the non-selected markers.
Hide All: Hides all markers
Advance All: if one marker is selected, advances the visible marker to the next one in the list. If
multiple markers are selected, advances each selected marker, thus keeping the number of visible
markers constant.

Show Hide Markers vs. Inspect Markers

QT Modeler also contains a similar tool called "Inspect Markers". While many functions are similar, the
intent of "Inspect Markers" is to progress through the markers one-by-one and determine of the marker
is valid, or needs to be edited/removed.

12.12 Edit Route

High resolution terrain data provides an unprecedented ability to understand terrain features and plan
walking or driving routes accordingly. For example, 1 meter resolution DEM’s permit users to see hazardous
terrain (e.g., very steep terrain/cliffs) that may not be obvious on contour maps or in lower resolution 3D
terrain models (e.g., DTED). Route editor permits users to string together Markers into a sequential route,
look at route terrain profiles, and export routes/waypoints to GPX directly onto handheld GPS devices.
Furthermore, routes can be complemented by using other existing analytical tools such as slope/mobility
analysis, line of sight analysis, and/or HLZ analysis. This new tool is in the Markers Menu.

The General Framework for Routes/Missions:

1. The base component is a Marker

2. Multiple Markers are assembled into Routes. Unaffiliated markers become Waypoints. (in GPS
Menu - Markers 225

3. Multiple Routes become a Mission.
4. Markers, Routes, and Missions can be saved in QTM-specific formats and reloaded and/or shared
with others.
5. Markers, Routes, and Missions can be exported in a variety of vector formats (KML, SHP, GPX) either
as individual markers, individual routes, or entire missions.


Place Markers
Ultimately, the markers placed in the terrain will either become components of a sequential route (or of
multiple routes), or will remain a "standalone" waypoint. Markers can be placed in a variety of ways:
Manually one at a time from the marker button.
Rapidly by holding down the "M" key and clicking the locations where the markers need to be (this is
the easiest and fastest way).
Importing from a text file or vector. See Import Markers
Helpful hints when placing markers:
Use the Marker Options tool to set a naming and numbering scheme. It may be useful to call the
markers something more intuitive such as "WP_1" for waypoints.
Use the Edit Marker tool to edit names, colors, and other attributes of individual markers.
To move a marker, click on the marker button, then place the cursor crosshairs over the marker,
then left click and drag to the new location.

Organize Markers into Routes & Waypoints (Markers Menu...Edit Route)

Once all the necessary markers are placed, they need to be organized into sequential routes. The steps to
do this are as follows:

Go to the Markers Menu and select "Define Mission Route"

In the Edit Route Interface, the list of available markers will appear in the left column.
Click the "Create Route" button.
If desired, change the name of the route and the color that the route will be displayed.
To move a marker to the "Route List", either double click on it or click "Add All Markers to Route" to
move all markers at once. Note that markers will not be removed from the marker list, as they may be
needed for other routes or could be used twice in the same route.
Ultimately, the route may be exported to a GPS device. Please remember that the route sequence in
the GPS and all exported vector products will go from the top of the list to the bottom of the list.
Use the "Move Up" and "Move Down" buttons to change the order of the markers and "Remove" to
remove a marker from the route altogether.
226 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Use the "Reverse Order" and "Rename" functions to reset the naming/numbering scheme. If the goal is
to use a naming scheme (e.g., "CP" for check point) that counts down to the target location, type "CP"
Any unused markers will be exported as a "waypoint" when exporting to GPX.
If multiple routes are desired, simply "Create Route" and begin assembling the new route from the
same list of markers.
Note: Markers can be used in more than one route (e.g., in alternate or ingress/egress routes)
As markers are being placed into routes, colored lines will appear to indicate the route and the
relationship of the markers in the sequence.
Use the "Show/Hide Markers" tool to select which markers will be visible in QT Modeler, as well as
which one will be visible when you export to GPS. Note that any markers associated with a route will
be exported as part of the route. However, any markers that are not visible will not be exported as a
labeled route point.

Single Route - resetting numbering/sequence to count down to destination:

Multiple Routes:

View Route in Profile

To view information about the route, click "View As Mensuration". The initial screen will give information
about route distances and changes in elevation, etc. Clicking on "Examine Height Profile" will give a
terrain profile along the planned route.
Menu - Markers 227

Save/load routes as a “Mission”

Selecting "Save Mission" from the Markers menu will save all markers, routes, and waypoints in a single
QMZ file. This file can be shared and/or reloaded using the "Load Mission" command in the Marker
Menu. Please note that users of the free Quick Terrain Reader will be able to load missions if they are
saved in QT Modeler's format. Users can download the free reader from here: Quick Terrain Reader

Export Mission to various vector formats – GPX, SHP, KML

Missions (collections of markers, routes, and waypoints) can also be saved as vector files in four popular
formats: GPX (GPS Devices), KML (Google Earth) and SHP (Shapefile for GIS-related applications). Simply
choose "Export Mission" from the Markers menu, choose a format, and save the file.

Save GPX files directly onto handheld GPS devices (e.g., Garmin Colorado, Garmin Foretrex 401,
To save the mission (Routes and Waypoints" directly onto a handheld GPS device, first plug your GPS
device into the USB port on your computer. Choose "Export Mission" from the Markers menu, choose
"GPX" as the format. When the file save dialog appears, go to "My Computer" and find the GPS device
which will appear as an external storage device (if Garmin, the folder "GARMIN" will appear). Navigate to
the GPS folder, find the folder labeled "GPX" and save the mission file in the GPX folder. When the GPS is
turned back on, all routes and waypoints should be available on the device.

Helpful Hints & Shortcuts

Place markers quickly by holding down "M" on the keyboard and left clicking.
Move markers interactively by holding down "K", then left clicking and dragging markers.
To add points to routes, place marker, then go back to the route editor and move it to the right place in
the route sequence (move up/move down).
Choose how markers are displayed and what information (e.g., MGRS grid, elevation) in the Marker
Options interface (bottom of Markers Menu).
Share route/mission information with users of the free Quick Terrain Reader.
Export georegistered imagery onto hand held GPS devices by Rendering Screen to Registered Image.
This exported imagery can show up "underneath" the route on a Garmin GPS by exporting the
registered imagery to Garmin's "Custom Map" directory.
228 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

12.13 Export Mission

Missions (collections of markers, routes, and waypoints) can also be saved as vector files in four popular
formats: GPX (GPS Devices), KML (Google Earth) and SHP (Shapefile for GIS-related applications). Simply
choose "Export Mission" from the Markers menu, choose a format, and save the file.

12.14 Save Mission

Saving a mission in QTM's format will enable reloading in QTM as well as sharing with other users. Missions
can be loaded in the free QT Reader software.

12.15 Load Mission

Load missions that have been saved in QT Modeler's proprietary format. Missions will include all markers,
routes, and waypoints.

12.16 Marker Options

Marker Options allows the user to customize marker names, count sequences, and colors. This can be
useful in quickly tagging objects or locations of interest. These settings will apply to all markers that are
following the Global Default marker settings (i.e., have not been individually customized). There are several
variables for the user to set:

Marker Creation Defaults:

1) Default Name: This is the base name, which will be followed by a number. For example, setting the
default name as "Building" will name all subsequent markers Building followed by the base number. Note
that the marker name will be saved as a marker attribute in the marker file.
2) Base Number: This is the starting number for the sequence of markers being placed in the model. Each
successive marker name is incremented by 1.
3) Default Color: Users can make all markers the same color by selecting "Custom Color" and choosing a
color, or users can "autocolor" markers to have a different color for each marker.
4) Default Style: Styles can be created in the Individual Marker Customization interface, then used to define
all future markers placed.

Label Defaults:
1) Font: Changes the font style and size displayed in the marker label, billboard, and ID display.
2) Show/Hide: Chose to show the following in the marker display:
a) Name: This is the user-defined name of the marker.
b) ID's: ID's are the internal index number of the marker. Each marker has a unique ID.
c) Coordinate: Choose to display the marker coordinate. Use the radio buttons to define coordinate
system to use.
d) Z: Choose to show the elevation of the marker.
e) Info Text: Choose to show user-defined information associated with the marker.
f) Billboards: Billboards display marker information with a white background. In addition, marker
billboards can have considerably more text attached than a standard marker label.
g) Mouseover Text: Will only display billboards if the user moves mouse over the marker. Otherwise,
billboards will be hidden.
h) Always on Top: Choose whether the marker billboards will always pop to the top of the display (e.g.,
will it show up when rotated "behind" a mountain, or will it disappear?)
Menu - Markers 229

Object Size:
Fixed (meters): Define an absolute marker size in meters (or the units of the model if different than
meters). This will achieve a sense of scale with other objects in the scene. Setting markers to 2m high
could be useful in understanding the scale of a human being relative to buildings or other 3D features.
Fixed (Pixels): Define markers in absolute pixel size so the markers are always the same size, regardless of
zoom level or perspective.
Autosize (Meters): Choose to autosize markers based on zoom level.

Marker Coordinates:
The horizontal coordinates of each marker can be displayed along with the name, ID, and billboard. Choose
a coordinate system to display by selecting the radio button. If a model is in Cartesian coordinates, the user
will not be able to convert between the various coordinate systems. Checking the "Z" box will display the
elevation of the terrain at the point the marker is placed.

M: Hold down "M", left click to quickly place markers in a model.
K: Hold down “K”, move cursor to the vicinity of an existing marker, then left click and drag to
move the marker.

Exporting Markers: Markers can be exported to shapefiles, text or KML.

USER HINT: For GRG creation, it may be most useful to use the marker settings below. It will create a
simple numeric tag on a white background with no marker pin.
230 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

12.17 Marker Options Individual

Customizing an individual marker means that the marker will no longer necessarily follow the global marker
settings, i.e. different markers can have different appearance. The major groups of style decisions to make

1. The Marker Itself: The basic styles are Default, None, Push Pin, Sign Post, and Point. Push Pins are the
standard way QTM's markers have always been represented. Sign Posts are a new marker object style
that enables an image (any image) to be used as a marker.

2. Attach an Image (optional): QT Modeler's Markers enable the user to attach any image to the marker,
thus enabling an infinite variety of markers in a scene. Some examples of images may be mapping
symbology, images associated with that location, or any other useful imagery. Simply click "Attach
Image", select the file, and adjust the size if necessary. See example below in which a JPEG of a smiley
face has been attached to a marker. In addition, the marker object was changed to a "sign post".

3. The Text Associated with Markers: Choose the content, style, and position of the marker text. Also
choose whether the text will have a background ("Billboard").

4. Style: User defined and saved style for the marker. Use the "Store Marker as Style" button to remember
and return to a marker style.

12.18 Markers - Billboards

Marker “Billboards” enable the display of a larger amount of text (i.e., more than the existing “Marker
Name” text) on a white background. Billboards will enable detailed descriptions of features and locations.
Billboards are used to convey more than simple spatial or positional information. They are a tool for
annotating a model with any information related to a location. To create a billboard:

1. Create a marker.
2. Go to the Marker menu, select "Edit Marker".
3. Choose the marker to which a billboard needs to be attached.
4. Click the "Info Text" button.
Menu - Markers 231

5. Type informational text in the "Edit Marker Text" window.

6. Click "Apply" and "OK"
7. Go to the Marker...Marker Options window. Check the "Show Billboards" check box. Markers will
now display all information attached as a"Billboard".

12.19 Marker Point and Click

Marker Point and Click functionality allows users to either call up marker information interactively, or to
move markers graphically.

Push marker button.
Left Click on an existing marker. You will need to get very close to the existing marker or a new
marker will be created instead. Click and drag it to the new location.
Right Click on marker to pull up the "Edit Marker" dialog box for that specific marker.
Also, holding down the "K" key and left clicking on a marker enables interactive moving of the
Quick Terrain Modeler

Version 8


Measurement Line and Associated Tools 233

13 Measurement Line and Associated Tools

Quick Terrain Modeler's measurement line tool is the basis for a comprehensive suite of measurement,
analysis, and editing capabilities. Some examples include:

Basic 3D Measurements - Measure distances, changes in elevation, slope, and azimuth directly from
the scene. Choose from a variety of display options (e.g., terrain hugging vs. straight line) and dynamic
informational displays on the end of the line (e.g., display in feet vs. meters, display 3D distance vs.
change in elevation), thus enabling quick, easy, and informative measurements.
Profile Analysis: Use the Profile Analysis Tool to display cross sections of point clouds and/or DEM's,
display the profiles as points or lines, and use the profile tool to alter the main 3D or the profile
display, correlate points between the profile and main 3D displays, and edit (e.g., cut, crop, reclassify)
from within the profile window. Profile analysis tools will be of most used when working with point
Cross Sections: Use the measurement line to create customized cross sections and/or parallel profiles
of both DEM's and point clouds.
Route Planning: Use the interactive measurement line placement and editing capabilities to place
precise routes in a terrain model and/or point cloud, then visualize and analyze the route with the
Travel Route Analysis Tool (e.g. visibility along route, cross/along track slope analysis, displaying
buffers around routes, etc.). Export the route and vector to GPS devices as a GPX file.
Create Vectors, Export Files: Convert the measurement line to easily shared file formats such as shape
file (.SHP), Google Earth (.KML), and/or CAD (.DXF).

The fundamental tasks for using the measurement line break down into the following categories:

Place Measurement Line

Edit Measurement Line

Change Display Preferences for Measurement Line

Perform Profile Analysis

Perform Travel Route Analysis

Use the Cross Section Tool

Display Measurement Line Info - Vector Info and End Point Info

Save and Export Measurement Line

234 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

The Quick Terrain Modeler provides several mensuration functions to provide information about points on
the models.

Pressing "S" will set the Start position of a mensuration line at the current position of the mouse over the
model. You may then drag the other end of the line about the model until you press "E" to set the End
position. When this is done, a dialog window will appear listing the endpoint coordinates and the distance
and bearing between them. You may manipulate the model as normal while the line is visible to see it from
different geometries and orientations. Pressing "L" will create a mensuration line from the camera position
to the point on the terrain corresponding to the current mouse position. Pressing "C" will erase the current
mensuration line.

You may also view profiles of the models along the selected mensuration line. Use "S" and "E" to set a
mensuration line as above. You will notice that when the mensuration data box contains a button labeled
"Examine Height Profile". Pressing this button will summon another window allowing you to graphically
examine the profiles of all loaded models over the selected line. This window will also show the heights at
the point(s) where the profile(s) intersect the position line, as well as the delta between two selected
models. You may move the position line using the slider at the bottom of the window. You may select
different models to compare using the provided list boxes. "Examine Intensity Profile" and "Examine Alpha
Profile" function similarly.

13.1 Place Measurement Line

Measurement lines can be placed several ways:

Using the Measurement Line Button

Click the measurement line button . A cross hair will appear in place of the cursor. Left click in the
scene to begin placing the line. If multiple nodes are required, repeated left clicks will establish additional
nodes. Right click to end the line. The "Active Mensuration" vector will appear in the vector folder and a
context menu will appear on the screen
Measurement Line and Associated Tools 235

Using Hot Keys: S/E, V/V, SHIFT-V/SHIFT-V

There are several hot key combinations that establish a measurement line without clicking the
measurement line button:

S/E: Type "S" on the keyboard to begin the measurement line. The start point of the line will be under the
cursor. If necessary, use the mouse left click to establish intermediate nodes. Type "E" to end the line. The
profile tool will immediately open.

V/V: Type "V" on the keyboard. The start point of the line will be under the cursor. If necessary, use the
mouse left click to establish intermediate nodes. Type "V" to end the line. A sampled (i.e., "terrain hugging")
vector will appear in the Layer Tree Vector folder.

SHIFT-V/SHIFT-V: Type "SHIFT-V" on the keyboard. The start point of the line will be under the cursor. If
necessary, use the mouse left click to establish intermediate nodes. Type "SHIFT-V" to end the line. An
unsampled (i.e., "straight line" or "floating") vector will appear in the Layer Tree Vector folder.

Converting an Existing Vector to a Mensuration Line

If a linear vector already exists in the Vector folder in the layer tree, simply right click on it and select "Show
as Mensuration" to make the vector the "Active" measurement line.

Importing a Measurement Line from a Vector File

A linear vector can be imported from a file (e.g., KML, SHP) and immediately be turned into the active
measurement line. Go to the Analysis Menu > Import Mensuration. Choose the vector file and it should
immediately appear as the "Active Mensuration" line in the Vector folder of the layer tree.

13.2 Edit Measurement Line

Measurement lines can be interactively edited during placement as well as after they are placed.

Editing During Placement

The only measurement line editing capability that exists is the ability to type the "Backspace" key to
remove the last node placed. Subsequent uses of backspace continue to remove nodes until all nodes
except the first one are removed.

Suspending Line Placement Controls to Change View Extents

During the measurement line placement, QT Modeler suspends all mouse movement controls. This can
potentially result in the need to extend the measurement line beyond the current view, but the
movement controls are not working. If you are placing a long measurement line that needs to extend
beyond the extents of the current view, simply hold down the "ALT" key to temporarily restore mouse
movement controls, reorient the scene, then release the "ALT" key to continue placing the measurement

Editing After Placement

Measurement lines can be interactively edited after placement. To edit an existing "Active" measurement
1. Place Active measurement line.
236 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

2. Get into "Edit" Mode: Double click on measurement line. The nodes will become visible as circles,
thus indicating that the line is now in Edit Mode.
3. Move Nodes: Left click on a node and drag it to a new location.
4. Delete Nodes: Right click on a node and select "Remove Node"
5. Add Nodes: Right click anywhere along the line and choose "Insert New Node" from the context
menu. This node can immediately be dragged around as in step 3 above.

13.3 Recover Measurement Line

If a Measurement line is accidentally deleted, it can be recovered by right clicking on the Vector folder and
choosing "Recover Mensuration Line". The last active mensuration line will be restored to the scene.

13.4 Measurement Line Display Preferences

Display > Settings > Mensuration Settings
File > Options and Settings > Mensuration Options
Also accessible by right clicking on an "Active Mensuration" line in the layer tree.

The appearance of the mensuration line can be changed significantly as desired. The items that can be
changed on the mensuration line are:

1. Real Time Display (Readout): The real time readout on the end of the line can display one of the
3D: displays the distance in 3 dimensions (XYZ distance), taking elevation change into account
when calculating the distance
2D: calculates and displays the distance in 2 dimensions (XY distance only).
Z: calculates and displays only the change in elevation from the beginning of the line to the
cursor position.
Slope: The slope between the two end points of the line. This is not an average slope
calculation. It is simply point to point.
Az: Displays the azimuth (heading) in degrees of the line from start to end.
Combo: Displays 3D distance, slope, and azimuth together. Good for documenting Helicopter
Landing Zones (HLZ).
None - no display.

2. Real Time Display (Calculation Methodology):

From Start - calculates the distance/Z/Slope/Azimuth chosen above from the start to the end
of a multi-segmented line, disregarding any interim vertices/nodes in the line. Literally from
the start point to the end point.
Cumulative: calculates the distance/Z/Slope/Azimuth chosen above from the start to the end
of a multi segmented line - following the track of any interim vertices/nodes in the line. Useful
to think of this as the "walking route" along the entire measurement line.
From Last Point - calculates either the 3D, 2D, or Z change only from the last vertex/node of a
multi segmented line.

3. Line Height: Only applicable to "floating" line. Sets the height above the terrain/point cloud that
Measurement Line and Associated Tools 237

the measurement line will be displayed.

4. Line Color: Click the line color button to change the color of the measurement line.

5. Line Display:
Floating: Mensuration line connects line nodes with a single, straight line.
Terrain Hugging: Mensuration line is sampled at roughly the data resolution, thus creating a
line that hugs the terrain.
Both: Display both floating and terrain hugging at the same time.

Images show the Mensuration Options Interface and terrain hugging/floating mensuration lines.

13.5 Profile Analysis Tool

As of Version 8, the Profile Analysis tool as been dramatically revised to enable a wide variety of
visualization, analysis, and editing capability. The Profile Analysis Tool can be accessed several ways:

1. Ending a measurement line placement by typing "E" on the keyboard. This will immediately display
the Profile Analysis Tool.
2. Choosing "Profile Analysis Tool" from the context menu that appears when ending the placement of a
measurement line by right clicking with a mouse.
3. Right clicking on the "Active Mensuration" line in the layer tree and choosing "Profile Analysis Tool"
4. Right clicking on a vector in the layer tree Vector folder and choosing "Shoe in Profile Analysis Tool"
238 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

The Profile Analysis Tool can be broken down into several basic sections:

The Profile Itself: Navigation and Display

The profile area itself is a 2D representation of the points/lines created when the 3D model was "sliced"
by the measurement line. This area can be zoomed/panned with mouse controls (mouse wheel for zoom,
right click/drag for pan). There are also several buttons to assist in zooming to a specific box and/or
returning to the previous zoom level. More info in Profile Zooming Tools.

Buffer Settings: Choose the "Thickness" of the Profile Line and "Slice and Step" Through the
When working with point clouds, it is necessary to define a width of the original measurement line in
order to determine which points should be included in the profile display. In QT Modeler, these points
are called the "Buffer Points". Setting the width of the buffer can dramatically impact the appearance of
the profile, as different points will be included. Using the "Offset" tool will move the position of the
buffer area, thus permitting a methodical "stepping" through a point cloud. More info in Profile Buffer

Y Axis Display: More Than Elevation

The most common and intuitive way to display profiles is to have distance along the line represented in
the X Axis of the profile (i.e., along the horizontal axis), and elevation be represented on the Y Axis of the
profile. Given that LAS files contain multiple attributes per point, it can be very useful for another
attribute (e.g., intensity) to be represented on the Y axis. Furthermore, points can easily be selected in
Edit Mode, then toggled to another attribute to help correlate multiple attributes (e.g., intensity and
elevation). More info in Profile Y Axis Attribute Selection.

Measurements and Cursor Position Display: The Dynamic Readouts in the Upper Right
The position of the cursor in the profile display is continually displayed in the upper right corner. It is a
helpful way to determine elevations and distances along a line/route. When the measurement tool is
used, this display is converted to length, height, and slope of the measurement triangle. More info in
Profile Cursor Position Display and Profile Measurement Tool.

Basic Visualization, Display, and Measurement Buttons: Quick Ways to Evaluate Your Data
The Profile Analysis Tool contains a button bar that provides easy access to frequently used visualization
tools, zoom tools, and configuration tools. These tools impact not only the profile window, but the entire
3D display as well. These tools outline the buffer area in the 3D window, crop to only the points being
displayed in the profile window, establish a red arrow along the measurement line in the 3D window,
define the grid lines in the profile display, export to PowerPoint, and many other useful capabilities. Refer
to the individual sections in the help file.
Measurement Line and Associated Tools 239

Display Profiles as Points vs. Lines: Which is More Useful?

Profiles can be displayed as points, lines or both. In general, point clouds should be displayed as points
and DEM's or surface models as lines. There is sometimes value in seeing point cloud profiles displayed
as lines, but there is rarely a good reason to visualize DEM's or surface models as points. See more info
in Profile - Display Points vs. Lines

Coloration Scheme: Get the Most Intuitive Coloration for Profiles

The points in a profile display can be colored by model, LAS attribute, or vertex color. See more
information in Profile Color Scheme.

Model List: Working with Multiple Data Sets

If multiple 3D models are loaded simultaneously, there is a good chance that more than one model will
contribute points or lines to the profile display. The model list behaves like a table of contents or layer
tree similar to the primary QT Modeler window, although with much more limited functionality. See
more in Profile Model List.

Edit Mode: Isolate, Cut, Crop, Reclassify, and Export Points

In Edit Mode, the Profile Analysis Tool becomes a powerful tool to isolate, cut, export, change
classification, and other editing functions. See more info in Profile Editing Tools.

13.5.1 Profile Buffer Settings

Profile Analysis Tool > Buffer Settings

The Profile Analysis Tool buffer settings establish a width to the profile line. This width will default to 3
times the nominal point density of the loaded models/point clouds, but can be set to any value. To set the
buffer value, simply type a new value into the "Width" field and click "Get Buffer Points" to refresh the
profile display.

The buffer width will be the distance on either side of the original measurement line that the buffer extends.
For example, setting the buffer width to "3" will extend the buffer 3 meters (or possibly feet, depending on
the units of the model and the user-set display units) on either side of the line, resulting in a 6-meter wide
swath of points.

Once the buffer width is established or modified, it may also be useful to Outline Area in 3D, Mask to Area in
3D, and/or Push Buffer to Selection
240 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Setting Buffer Width Around Measurement Line

13.5.2 Profile Y Axis Attribute Selection

Profile Analysis Tool > Y Axis Attribute Setting

In LAS files, every point in the point cloud will have multiple attributes associated with it. In addition to
each point's XYZ value (i.e., its position), the point may also have intensity, return number, number of
returns, point source ID, or many other attributes. While most users may want to see profiles traditionally-
i.e., with the Y axis of the profile window displaying elevation (also known as "Z"), it can be very useful to see
other attributes in profile.

Profile Y-Axis Pull Down Menu

Changing Profile Y Axis from "Z" to Intensity

13.5.3 Profile Display Points vs Lines

Profile Analysis Tool > Points/Lines Pull-down Menu

Profiles can be displayed as a collection of points, as a line, or as both. In general, point clouds are best
Measurement Line and Associated Tools 241

displayed as points, surface models (e.g., DEM's, DSM's, DTM's) are best displayed as lines. The choices in
the pull-down menu are:

1. Default: Displays all profiles derived from point clouds as points and all profiles derived from surface
models as lines. If both point clouds and surface models are loaded together, the profile display will
be a mixture of points and lines.
2. All Lines: Displays all profiles as lines, regardless of whether the underlying model was a point cloud
or surface model.
3. All Points: Displays all profiles as points, regardless of whether the underlying model was a point
cloud or surface model.
4. All Both: Displays both a point and a line profile for each model in the model list.

13.5.4 Profile Color Scheme

Profile Analysis Tool > Color Scheme Pull-Down Menu

When viewing LAS file-based point clouds in the profile tool, the user can choose
multiple color schemes to be used in the profile window. This function is similar to the
QTA Quick Color button in function which works on point coloration in the 3D display.
In contrast, Profile Color Scheme will alter the color display in the profile window only.
The choices for coloration are Color By Model (Default), Vertex Colors, Classification,
First/Last/Intermediate, Number of Returns, and Return Number.

13.5.5 Profile Cursor Position Display

Profile Analysis Tool > Cursor Position Display

The position under the cursor is displayed in the upper right corner of the Profile Analysis Tool. The top
number corresponds to the Y axis, the bottom number corresponds to the X axis. The default value for the Y
axis is Elevation (represented by the letter "Z"), but can be configured differently by selecting a different Y
axis Attribute. The cursor Y axis "position" readout will correlate to the Y axis value, regardless of whether
the value is elevation or an attribute such as Intensity, which may not have a spatial value (it is a spectral
242 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

13.5.6 Profile Model List

Profile Analysis Tool > Model List

The Model List is a list of the models that are contributing points or lines to the current profile display.
NOTE: If models are loaded in the 3D display and are not contributing points or lines to the profile,
the model name will not be displayed.

Functions associated with the model list:

1. Show/Hide Model List: In the main profile button bar, the Show/Hide Model List button will
determine if the model list is visible at all.
2. Select Individual Models: Click on individual model names in the list to display only points/lines from
that model. Models being displayed will be highlighted. Holding down CTRL while clicking will enable
selection of multiple models. Holding down SHIFT while clicking will select all models between the
one currently highlighted in the list and the one being clicked on.
3. Buttons at the top of the Model List:
a. Select All: Display information from all models in the Model List.
b. Clear All: Clears all models from the selection.
c. Reverse All: Inverts the selected models in the list.
d. Advance All: Sequentially advances the selected model down the list.
4. Right Clicking Individual Models:
a. Select Color: Selects the profile color associated with the display of a given model.
b. Export Points: Exports the points associated with the profile of the selected model as a point file.
c. Export Line: Exports a 3D vector file of the profile line.
Measurement Line and Associated Tools 243

13.5.7 Profile Outline Area in 3D

Profile Analysis Tool > Outline Area in 3D Button

The Outline Area button establishes a red outline in the 3D scene. This outlined area represents the
buffer area around the original measurement line. If points are relatively spares in the point cloud,
this red outline may be difficult to see. If so, it may be beneficial to increase point size.

13.5.8 Profile Mask to Area in 3D

Profile Analysis Tool > Mask to Area in 3D Button

The mask to area in 3D button crops the 3D display to only those points that are visible in the profile
window. This will help to isolate the points that are being visualized and manipulated in the profile

13.5.9 Profile Push Buffer to Selection

Profile Analysis Tool > Push Buffer to Selection Button

The Push Buffer to Selection button is similar to "Outline Area in 3D", but instead establishes a
selection area around the perimeter of the buffer. Additional editing and analysis functions can be
performed in 3D that cannot be performed in the profile window.

13.5.10 Profile Mark Cursor in 3D

Profile Analysis Tool > Mark Cursor in 3D Button

The Mark Cursor in 3D button establishes a red arrow in the 3D scene at the point where the red line
in the profile intersects the measurement line. After presing the button, drag the red cursor line left/
right to change the position of the arrow in the 3D scene.

13.5.11 Profile Zooming Tools

Profile Analysis Tool > Profile Zooming Buttons

The profile zooming buttons establish quick ways to zoom out to the full extents, zoom to a box, or return
to the previous zoom level.

13.5.12 Profile Force Proportional Scaling

Profile Analysis Tool > Force Proportional Scaling Button

Proportional scaling forces the X and Y axis of the profile to be at the same scale. With proportional
scaling turned on, hills, trees, buildings, and other features will appear as they are in reality. Turning
proportional scaling on may be helpful to realistically visualize slopes of a walking/driving route, to see tree
heights in correct proportion to the terrain, etc. Turning proportional scaling off may be more useful when
performing point cloud analysis, where the points themselves are more important than a proportional
representation of the actual terrain.
244 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Proportioanl Scaling Off (Left) and On (Right)

13.5.13 Profile Measurement Tool

Profile Analysis Tool > Measurement Tool Button

The Profile measurement tool enables measurements of slope, distance, and height within the profile
window itself. Simply click the Measurement Tool Button, left click in the profile area, and drag the
blue triangle to the end point. The slope and distances will immediately be visible.

Measuring Within the Profile Window

13.5.14 Profile Configure Appearance

Profile Analysis Tool > Configure Appearance Button

The profile configuration appearance tool enables setting basic parameters about the appearance of
the profile window. Settings include:

o Use slider to set point size
o Use check box to outline points with a black circle.
Line Width
o Use slider to set line thickness
o Use check box to outline profile lines with a black border.
Background Color: Sets the background color of the profile display window.
Grid Lines:
o Click the button to choose a different color for profile grid lines.
o Use check box to show or hide grid lines altogether.
3D Highlight Color: Sets the color with which QT Modeler's profile editing tool will highlight selected
points in the 3D scene.
Measurement Line and Associated Tools 245

13.5.15 Profile PowerPoint Export

Profile Analysis Tool > PowerPoint Export Button

Clicking he Profile PowerPoint Export button will send a screen grab of the profile window to
PowerPoint. See more information on the QT Modeler PowerPoint Tool.

13.6 Profile Editing Tools

Profile Analysis Tool > Profile Editing Tool

The profile editing tools are a useful way to highlight, hide, delete, export, and/or reclassify points based on
interaction with the profile window - rather than with the point cloud itself. In some cases, interaction with
the points in the profile tool is much more intuitive and less cluttered.

Access to the profile editing tool requires that the profile analysis tool already be active. Simply press the
Profile Editing button to access the editing tools. The profile will initially turn gray (i.e., no points have been
selected yet). The entire profile editing tool is based on the concept of selecting points and performing
some function on them. Thus, the first step in editing is always to select points.

Initial Profile Window - All Points Gray

Once the profile window is in Editing Mode, the key functions are as follows (see individual topics for more

1. Use the Select Area Tool to identify points -

2. Select Points and/or Unselect points using the selection buttons

3. Change how points are displayed in 3D by Hiding Selected Points ( ) or Highlighting Selected Points (


4. If desired, Operate on the selected points ( ) by cutting, permanently coloring in 3D, setting
classification, and/or exporting them.
246 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

13.6.1 Profile Edit Select Area

Use the select area tool to identify which points will be formally "selected". After the button is
pressed, left click and drag in the profile window. The selection rectangle will appear. If the rectangle
is not exactly in the correct location, simply left click and drag again.

Points Being Selected in Profile Edit Mode

13.6.2 Profile Edit Select Points

There are two "Select Points" buttons. The first one (represented by a selection rectangle and a small green
plus sign) selects just the points contained in the rectangular selection area. The other one (represented by
a large green plus sign) "Selects All" points in the profile window. Once points are selected, they will turn
from gray to their original color in the profile window (i.e., the color the point was prior to entering edit

13.6.3 Profile Edit Unselect Points

There are two "Unselect Points" buttons. The first one (represented by a selection rectangle and a small red
minus sign) selects just the points contained in the rectangular selection area. The other one (represented
by a large red minus sign) "Unselects All" points in the profile window. Once points are unselected, they will
turn gray.

13.6.4 Profile Edit Hide Points 3D

Once points are selected, they can be hidden in the 3D display by clicking the "Hide Points in 3D"
button. Note that this function is only temporary and does not permanently edit the point cloud. To
permanently remove points, use the "Operate on Points" function and choose "Cut Active Points".
Measurement Line and Associated Tools 247

Hiding Points in 3D - Profile Editing Tools

13.6.5 Profile Edit Highlight Points 3D

Using the "Highlight Points in 3D" button will turn the selected points red in the 3D display. Note that
this function is only temporary and does not permanently edit the point cloud. To permanently color
points, use the "Operate on Points" function and choose "Set Color of Active Points". The color with which
the points are highlighted can be set in the Profile Configure Appearance interface.

Highlighting Points in 3D - Profile Editing Tools

13.6.6 Profile Edit Operate on Points

The Profile Analysis Editing Mode provides tools to permanently edit the original point cloud. The
functions currently included are:

Set Color of Active Points: Sets a vertex color of the active point. If there is already a vertex color (e.g.,
grayscale from intensity values), the existing vertex color will be replaced by this function. Note that this
color can be exported in a LAS 1.2 file as well.
Set Classification of Active Points: Changes the classification of the selected points
Cut Active Points from Models: Permanently deletes the selected points from the model.
Cut Active Points from Profile: Permanently deletes the selected points from the profile only. The points
will still remain in the 3D view as well as the point cloud.
Export Active Points
248 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Operating on Selected Points - Profile Edit Tool

13.7 Travel Route Analysis Tool

The Travel Route Analysis Tool offers a suite of helpful visualization and analysis tools to assist in the
assessment of a route - either a walking route or driving route. The Travel Route Analysis Tool can be
accessed several ways:

1. Choosing "Travel Route Analysis Tool" from the context menu that appears when ending the
placement of a measurement line by right clicking with a mouse.
2. Right clicking on the "Active Mensuration" line in the layer tree and choosing "Travel Route Analysis
3. Right clicking on a vector in the layer tree Vector folder and choosing "Show in Travel Route Analysis
4. From the Define Mission Route window by clicking the "Travel Route Analysis" button

The Travel Route Analysis Tool can be broken down into several basic sections:

The Profile Itself: Navigation and Display

The profile area itself is a 2D representation of the line created when the 3D model was "sliced" by the
measurement/route line. This area can be zoomed/panned with mouse controls (mouse wheel for zoom,
right click/drag for pan). There are also several buttons to assist in zooming to a specific box and/or
returning to the previous zoom level:
Measurement Line and Associated Tools 249

From Left to right:

Zoom to Extents: Zooms the profile display to the full extents of the travel route.
Zoom Tool: Enables the establishment of a zoom rectangle. Click the zoom tool button, then left click/
drag to establish the area which is to be zoomed to.
Return to Previous Zoom: Returns the zoom in the profile area to the previously established zoom

Buffer Area: Define It, Display It, and Use It

It is frequently useful to define a buffer area around a travel route. The key aspects of the buffer tool are:

Defining the Buffer:

The buffer width setting is the distance on either side and the ends of the line that is of interest to the
user. Simply type in the buffer value into the input window.

Displaying the Buffer Area in the 3D Display:

The buffer area can be displayed in the 3D scene by clicking the "Outline Area in 3D" button.

50m Buffer Displayed in the 3D Scene

Cropping the 3D Display to the buffer area:

Masking to the buffer area in 3D will isolate the buffer area in 3D. Note that the blue route line will no
longer be visible.

50m Buffer: Masking to Area in 3D

Using the Buffer Area: Selection Area and Export:

Creating a selection area around the buffer area will enable the export of imagery along the route. In
addition, once the buffer area is a QT Modeler selection area, it can be saved and exported as various
vector file formats. To explore possibilities, hold down CTRL and right click on the selection area once it is
established. A context menu will appear with multiple analysis and export functions. See also Render
Selection Area to GPS.
250 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Converting Buffer to Selection Area

Traveler Definition: How Tall is the Traveler?...Above the Ground or the Vector?
When performing Line of Sight (LOS) analysis along the travel route, it is mandatory to define the eye
level height of the traveler - and whether this eye level height should be above the ground (i.e., "terrain
hugging") or above the straight line vector connecting the nodes of the route (i.e., "floating"). Use either
the input box or the slider to define the height of the traveler. Choose whether the traveler's route is
hugging the ground (e.g., a walking/driving route), or whether the route is a straight line above the
straight line vectors that connect the nodes of the mensuration line (e.g., a helicopter or airplane route).
When using the "Above vector" setting, the traveler marker may appear at varying heights above the
ground and may "float" very high above the terrain.

Visibility Analysis: Line of Sight Tools

As part of the Travel Route Analysis, it may be useful to visualize the line of sight from the route to the
entire terrain (Virtual LOS) or to specific known locations marked by markers (LOS Vectors). Use the two
check boxes in this section to enable either or both of these functions.

Terminology Clarification: In the Travel Route Analysis terminology, there are only two types of locations:
The traveler and the observer. The traveler is a single location marked by where the slider intersects the
profile and represented by a marker labeled "LOS" in the 3D scene. Everything else - whether every pixel
in the 3D scene or existing markers in the scene - are "observers". It may be helpful to think of every pixel
attempting to "look at" the traveler as it moves down the route.

Useful settings include:

Observer Height: Height above the ground of the observer (i.e., everywhere in the scene except the
traveler marker). Note that QT Modeler will simply add the observer height to the elevation of every
location in the scene. I.e., QT Modeler has no way of knowing if a location is on the ground or on a
building, tree, or other tall object.
Limit Range?: Check the box to limit the distance of the LOS analysis. Use the slider or the input box to
set the range from the traveler. Units will be in the current display units of the model.
Show Virtual LOS: Will show a line of sight coverage map of the line of sight from the perspective of
the traveler.
Show LOS Vectors: Connects a red/green vector between the traveler and all existing markers in the
terrain. These vectors can be useful in visualizing the exact line of sight between the traveler and
specific positions in the terrain that are represented by markers. However, if there are many markers
in the terrain, the display can become very busy and therefore distracting, thus making it desirable to
uncheck this box and turn the vectors off. An alternative to turning vectors off entirely is to simply
uncheck some of the markers in the layer tree.
Measurement Line and Associated Tools 251

Travel Route LOS Interface

Travel Route Virtual and Vector LOS

Slope Analysis: Detailed Analysis of Cross Track and Down Track Slope
If desired, the Travel Route Analysis Tool profile can be colored by slope - both Cross Track and Down
Track. To perform slope analysis:
Check the "Color Code by Slope Limits" check box.
Choose whether to color code by Cross Track or Down Track slope limits by checking the appropriate
check box.
Define a width for which the analysis should be performed.
o Cross Track Width - Think in terms of the width of a vehicle or road. QT Modeler will center this
width on the travel route line and calculate the slope perpendicular to the route.
o Down Track - Think in terms of the length of a vehicle. QT Modeler will take successive slope
measurements based on a straight line the length of the down track "width" setting.
Define a limit in degrees for both cross track and down track slope limits.
The profile will turn from blue to a red and/or green line. Red indicates slope limits have been
exceeded (i.e., "Fail") and green indicates that the limit has not been exceeded (i.e., "Pass"). Note that
the original travel route line in the 3D display will remain blue.
The "Current" slope information box displays the slope at the point where the slider meets the profile

Travel Route Slope Analysis Example

252 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Marker List: Evaluating Distance and Visibility to Other Positions (Markers)

The marker list is displayed/hidden by clicking the marker list button:

The marker list displays all visible markers (i.e., visible in terms of the QT Modeler layer tree - is it checked
or not in the layer tree) as well as their air and ground distance from the position of the traveler along the
line. Additionally, if the marker name and distance is displayed in green, the traveler can see it from the
current slider position. If the marker name and information are red, the traveler cannot see it.

Travel Route Marker List

The Slider: Moving the Traveler Down the Route

To move the traveler down the route, simply move the slider at the bottom of the profile display. The
"LOS" marker will move down the path in the 3D display. The slider position information will display the
position of the slider in terms of a coordinate and the distance from the start and end of the travel route.

Virtual Line of Sight - Exporting Raster Result

Since Virtual LOS results are "virtual", they exist only on the graphics card (i.e., they are not a file). If you
would like to export Virtual LOS results as an image, right click on Special Overlays > Virtual LOS Map, and
"Create LOS Map texture". A new texture will appear in the textures folder. Once the virtual texture has
become "real" (i.e., it is now a file), it can be exported, saved, etc. just like any texture.

Graphics & OpenGL Considerations

In order for Virtual LOS to work, your video card must support OpenGL version 3.0 or higher. Discrete
graphics cards (e.g., NVIDIA, ATI) will likely support this, but may need the driver upgraded. This is usually
a fairly straightforward process of downloading an upgraded driver from the manufacturer's website and
installing it. Integrated graphics chipsets (e.g., Intel) will have a more difficult time supporting advanced
graphics capabilities.
Measurement Line and Associated Tools 253

13.8 Cross Section Tool

The Cross Section and Parallel profiles Tool offers several configurable parameters to visualize,
generate, and export perpendicular and/or parallel lines to an active mensuration line. There are
several ways to access this tool:

1. Choosing “Cross Section Tool” from the context menu that appears when ending the placement of a
measurement line by right clicking with a mouse.
2. Right clicking on the “Active Mensuration” line in the layer tree and choosing “Cross Section Tool”
3. Right clicking on a vector in the layer tree Vector folder and choosing “Cross Section Tool”

The Cross Sections and Parallel Profiles can be broken down into several basic sections:

The Button Bar

Export Samples – This button allows for exporting the samples to ASCII, QT Vector, KML, or SHP
Show Lines in 3D – This button renders the cross sections and/or parallel profiles to the main 3D screen.
This button should toggle on automatically when the “Apply” button is hit, but may have to be toggled
manually when settings are changed.
Mask to Lines in 3D – This button will use the existing samples as a cropping boundary to mask the
extent of the samples in the main 3D screen.
Help – This button calls up the help file for the Cross Sections and Parallel Profiles Tool

Cross Sections
Mode – Choose a method for Cross Section generation
o None – No Cross Sections will be rendered
o Centered On Line – The center of the Cross Section will be directly over the active mensuration line
o Left From Line – The Cross Sections will be wholly to the left of the active mensuration line
o Right From Line – The Cross Sections will be wholly to the right of the active mensuration line
Width – Define the desired Cross Section width
Spacing – Define the distance between desired Cross Sections in data units

Parallel Profiles
Mode – Choose a method for Parallel Profile generation
o None – No Parallel Profiles will be rendered
o Centered On Line – Parallel Profiles will be drawn on both sides of the active mensuration line
o Left From Line – The Parallel Profiles will be wholly to the left of the active mensuration line
o Right From Line – The Parallel Profiles will be wholly to the right of the active mensuration line
Profiles – Define the number of desired profiles
Spacing – Define the distance between desired Parallel Profiles in data units
254 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Global settings for how the linework should be drawn. Choosing “Floating” will render the linework at a
defined height above the terrain. “Terrain Hugging” will render the linework at the surface height, but
may not render properly on point clouds. “Both” will render using both methods. Since these use global
settings, the same settings will be applied in Mensuration Options and Travel Route Line of Sight.

Sample Models individually? – This option allows the sampling of multiple models simultaneously. For
example, if a Bare Earth DEM and a First Return DSM were loaded together and 5 cross sections were
made, then an export with Sample Models Individually selected would yield 10 cross sections (5 from
the DEM and 5 from the DSM). If this option is unchecked, then the highest dataset would be used.
Sample Spacing – This is to define the distance between samples along the Cross Section or Parallel


Example Cross Section Settings

Based on the settings above, the image below shows the active mensuration line along the stream
centerline. Cross sections are centered on this line, with a width of 100 meters across (50 meters out
from the stream centerline in both directions) and 10 meters between cross sections. The results are
displayed as terrain hugging. If one would export based on these settings, only the DEM that is displayed
is being used for sampling and those samples are taken every 1 meter.

Example Cross Section Result

13.9 Measurement Vector Info
Measurement Line and Associated Tools 255

13.10 Measurement Endpoint Info

13.11 Vector Annotation

Vector Annotation allows users to mark up 3D scenes to document distances or call attention to specific
features. Vector Annotation simply turns a measurement line into a permanent 3D vector that can be
displayed a variety of ways. Some examples are below, showing an HLZ, a 3D arrow, and an annotation of
building height:
256 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

To create an annotation vector:

Place a Mensuration line

Place a mensuration lien in a variety of ways:
Use the Place mensuration line button in the bottom button bar.
Import from a file. More Information Here
Type "S" on the keyboard
From the Route Editor, click View as Mensuration

Click "Export Vector"

Choose Vector Display Type

Once the mensuration line is placed and the mensuration window pops up, choose the type of vector
from the n"Export Vector" pulldown menu. The choices for annotation vector are:
QT Vector - Straight: Creates a point to point vector that does not sample the underlying terrain or
point cloud. Very useful for point clouds.
QT Vector Sampled: Creates a sampled (i.e., "terrain hugging") vector. Very useful for DEM's and
surface models. Can create very "noisy" lines in point clouds.
QT Vector Mensuration: Creates a permanent "Mensuration" vector that annotates distances,
slopes, or whatever is displayed in the mensuration options of the mensuration line. Very useful for
annotating distances, road widths, building heights, and HLZ's.

Save Vector
Each vector becomes its own model, so vectors must be saved as a model. Be careful to rename vectors
something other than the default value of "Mensuration".

Configure Vector Display

To Configure the line types, colors, arrowheads, etc., go to the Configure Vector Display in the Display
Measurement Line and Associated Tools 257

Vector Export Options

Vectors can be exported as SHP, KML, and a variety of other vector file types. Go to the export menu and
choose Export Model.

Related Topics: Configure Vector Display Options, HLZ Analysis, Measurement Lines

13.12 Point Interrogation Utility

Users can easily select an individual point in a .qtc point cloud or .qtt surface model and query its attributes.
Once queried, users can delete the point Users have found that it is very difficult to "grab" one point and
determine its attributes. It is hard to select the right point, the cursor jumps to the wrong point, etc. The
most common reason for querying a point is to determine if it is valid data or an "outlier" caused by a bird,
atmospheric noise, etc.

Open a .qtc point cloud model.
Zoom in so you can see individual points
Hold Down the "Shift" key
A red square will appear to engulf the selected point.
When you have selected the point in which you are interested, click the left mouse button. A
pop-up window will appear giving you the x, y, z and r, g and b values for the point.
If the point needs to be deleted, simply click Delete.
Note: This tool works on a surface model as well. It can provide information about the
underlying data points. In the case of a .qtt surface model, the "data point" is a vertex in the
underlying grid, not the actual collected data point.

The following screen captures are from a point cloud. While most of the points associated with the terrain
form an apparent surface, a handful of points "float" above the terrain. As it turns out, these points
constitute the tops of power transmission line towers – obviously points of interest, particularly to users
searching for obstructions to flight patterns in the terrain.

To query the points, the user would align the view of the point cloud to try to visually isolate these points.
This kind of isolation is helpful, but not absolutely mandatory. Zooming in can achieve a similar visual
isolation. Once the points of interest are visually isolated, the user simply holds down the shift button and
moves the cursor until the point is engulfed in a red ball. At this point the user clicks the left mouse button
and the Quick Terrain Modeler displays the point attributes in a pop-up window.

Users can also create a marker by clicking the "Create Marker" button. Markers can be saved and/or

In addition, users can color an entire selection area (see select and select area tools) based on the RGB color
value of another point. This function only works on point clouds.

Visual Isolation of Points Associated with Transmission Line Towers and Selection of an Individual Point and
Point Interrogation Window:
258 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

QTA Data:
When working with QTA models (i.e., QTC point cloud with a QTA attribute table), all of the point attributes
will be visible in the Point Query window. See example below:
Quick Terrain Modeler

Version 8


260 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

14 Applied Imagery Contact Information

Technical Support:

General Information:


Phone: 301 589 4446

Fax: 301 589 4005

Applied Imagery
8070 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Index 261

ASCII Selection 52
Index ASCII ZGrid 92
Aspect Ratio 22
Attribute 139
AutoCAD 92
-.- auto-scale 84, 85
Autosize 194
.qsc 40 avi 97, 98
Axes 190
-2- azimuth 215

2-D Image 93
2-D Mode 210 -B-
2D Only 114 background color 196
Bare Earth 175
-3- Batch Import 70
Batch Scripting 40
3-D Mode 210 Bathymetry 127
3D Stereo Display 189 Beta 40
Blank Palette 163
Bookmark 22
-A- boresight 215
Break Point 176
Add Break Point 163
Buffer 239, 248
Add Image to Model 127
building models 69
Add Model 34
Button Bar 24
Add Models with Offset 34
Buttons 24
Add Normals 64
Add Vertex Colors from File 132
AGL 61, 174, 215, 217
AGL Analyst 174
AGL Calculation 175 Cache 39
AGL Clipping 174, 177 Calculate Metrics 161
AGL Conversion 174 camera settings 204
AGL Export 177 Change detection 127, 182
AGL Export Products 178 change detection legend 191
AGL Palette 176 Change Temp File Location 47
Allow Rotated Grid 74 Chipping 103
Alpha 83, 85, 174 Clear All Models 40
alpha filtering 182 Clipping 177
altitude legend 191 clipping plane 182
Always Copy QTA 43 Cloud Point Settings 194
Annotation 22 color 72, 84
Annotation Tools 255 Color by Density 72
Applied Imagery 260 Color by LAS Attribute 134
area 184 color selection area 257
Area Statistics 179 colorized DEM 123
ASCII 83, 92, 220 colorized point cloud 123
ASCII Export Setup 94 Command Line 35
262 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

compass 190 Editing 50

compress models 69 elevation 215
compressed normals 189 elevation legend 191
Compression 44 enforce collisions 209
Configure Vector Models 200 ESRI 90, 93, 94
Consolidate Contour 168 Exit 48
constant altitude 208 Export 90, 92, 93
contact information 260 Export GeoTIFF 93
Contour Lines 168 Export Image Search to KML 118
control mode 208 Export LAS 91
controls 11 Export Marker to KML 219
Convert Meters to Feet 193 Export Markers 221, 223
Convert Models 57 Export Model Image 93
Coordinate Conversion 35, 57 Export Outline to KML 107
Coordinate System 81, 95 Export to PowerPoint 99
create marker 213, 257 Extents Outline 108
Crop 54, 56, 74 External Call 35
crosshairs 191
CSV File 218
Cut 54, 56 -F-
face center 204
-D- Feet to Meters Conversion
FEMA 172

Data Preview 32 file extension 40, 90

datum 81 File Menu 32
Decimation 50, 53, 74, 164 Filter 139
Decimation Level 73 Filtering 181, 182
Decimation/Crop Options 73 filtering options 75
default Georegistration 85 Flicker 188
Define Grid 160 flight mode 208
Density 72 flood 184
Directional Line of Sight 151 FLT 90
Directional LOS 143, 148 Force Colors 162
Display 189 frame rate 210
Display Mode 210
Display Units 46
dongle 6 -G-
downsampling 88
Garmin 102, 224
Dropping a Coordinate 37
Garmin Custom Map 100, 102
DTED 34, 43, 67
GeoKeys 95
DXF 90, 92, 165, 168
Georegister 62
Georegistration 62, 81, 95
-E- GeoTIFF 93, 94, 133
GeoTIFF DEM 67, 88, 92
edit 50 GeoTIFF export 94
edit marker 215 GeoTIFF Image Search 118
Edit Measurement Line 235 getting started 6
Edit Sensor 215 go fullscreen 44
Index 263

Go Here 35 Image Tiling 103

Google Earth 93, 108, 210 imagery overlay 114
Google Earth Export 107 Images 127
Google Earth Keyboard Sync 210 Import 69, 73, 75, 83, 86
Google Earth Preview 32 import LAS 85
Google Earth Style Zoom 209 Import Marker from CSV File 218
GPS 102, 103, 224 Import Marker from KML 219
GPS - Imagery Export 100 Import Marker from SHP 219
Graze Angle 159 Import Markers 221, 223
grazing angle 215 Import Markers from ASCII 217
GRG 165 Import Mensuration from KML 171
Grid 74, 160 Import Merged GeoTIFF DEM's 88
Grid Lines 165 import vector data 87
Grid Referenced Graphic 165 In Range Color 131
Grid Sampling 73 independent rotation 209
Grid Statistics 159 individual marker options 230
Grid Stats - Actions 159, 164 INI File 46
Grid Stats - Calculate 159, 161 Inspect Markers 221
Grid Stats - Configuration Options 159, 165 Intensity 83, 84
Grid Stats - Define Grid 159, 160 Interpolation 75
Grid Stats - Select Variable 159, 160 IP Address 6
Grid Stats - Visualization 159, 162
Gridding Options 73
Ground Estimate 175 -K-
Ground truthing 172
keyboard controls 11
keys 6
-H- KML 93, 105, 107, 108, 171, 172, 219
KML Index 105
haze 191, 196 KML Marker 219
header lines 83 KML Options 108
Header Preview 32
height coloration 124, 189
height scale 196 -L-
Helicopter Landing Zone 128
LAS 85, 91
hide marker 189
LAS 1.2 123
Hide Markers 221
LAS Attribute 134
High-Low Palette 124
LAS Preview 32
Histogram 162
LAS Quick Open 86
HLZ 128
LAS RGB Values 123
Hole Fill 75
Launching QT from External Applications 35
Hot Keys 29
legend 191
light 191
-I- lighting 197
Line of Sight 143, 145, 148, 149, 150, 151, 154,
Image Chipping 103 156
Image Formats 112 Line Size/Width Setting 197
Image Registration 118 load marker 217
Image Search 118 Local Workspace 18
264 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

Log File 42
Log Files 46
Look Here 35 -N-
LOS 143, 145, 148, 149, 150
navigation 11
No Data Value 64, 90
-M- Normals 43, 64
North-South Grid Orientation 74
marker 215, 230
Marker Attribute 228
marker export 220 -O-
Marker Import 218
Obstructions 128
Marker Import - SHP 219
Omnidirectional LOS 143, 145
marker name 217
Open 34
Marker Options 228
Open New Model 34
Marker Quick Tagging 228
OpenGL 17, 112, 151, 154
Marker Sensor Model 215
Orbit Mode. 209
Marker Sort 221, 223
Orthographic 117
markers 213
Orthorectification 93
match altitude 58
Orthorectified 114, 120
match report 58
Out of Range Color 131
max sample excursion 75
Overlay 22
Maximum Model Quantization Error 180
Overview 67
measurement 233
Measurement Line Editing 235
Measurement Line Options 236
Measurement Line Placement 234
Measurement Options 195 Palette 124
Memory Management Options 44 place marker 213
Menu 32 play movie 97
Menus 14 Point Cloud 73
Merge Models 59 point interrogation 50, 257
Meters to Feet Conversion 46 Point Query Utility 172
minimap 192 point to point viewing 206
Model 34, 67 Portable Workspace 18
Model Comparison 165 position 211
Model List 242 Posting 73
Model Manager 179 PowerPoint 99
model mode 208 Preview - GeoTIFF 32
Model Overview 67 Preview - Google Earth 32
Model Search 37 Preview - LAS 32
Model Statistics 180 Primary Button Bar 24
Model Subtraction 61 processing options 71
Model Types 34 Profile Analysis Tool 237
mouse controls 11 Profile Appearance 244
movie 96, 97, 98 Profile Buffer 239
Moving Markers 231 Profile Cursor Position Display 241
moving speed 211 Profile Points vs. Lines 240
multiple models 71 Profile Y Axis Attribute 240
progress bar 44
Index 265

Projective 117
Pseudo DTED 67
Pseudo-DTED 34 -S-
Sample 123
-Q- sample excursion 75
sample model 11
QA/QC 72, 172 Sample Textures into vertex colors 123
QDT 34 Sampled Vector 255
QT Files Directory 46 sampling 112, 114
QT Modeler Screen 14 Sampling Shapefiles 200
QTA 43, 134, 139 Save 40
QTA Discrete Attribute Filter 139 Save Image 133
QTA Quick Color 134 save marker 220
QTC 34, 67 Save Mensuration Line as KML 172
QTT 34, 67 Save Selection to ASCII 52
qtvlog.txt 42 Save Values 161
Quad Buffered Stereo 189 Screen 14
Quality 72 screen size 45
Quality Control 172 Script File 43
Quantization 180 Script Log File 42
Scripting 40
Scripts - Add Action 41
-R- Scripts - Editing Actions 42
Scripts - Running Scripts 42
Range Rings 170
Search 118
Real TIme Contour Lines 168
Search Cache 39
record movie 96
select 50
Recover Measurement Line 236
select area 51
Registration points 62
Selection Area 50
Re-Import Model 86
Selection Area Editing Tools 53
Remove Alpha 134
Selection Area Export 52
Remove Image 133
Selection Area Import 52
remove marker 220
Sensor 213, 215
Remove Model 40
Sensor Model 213, 215
Remove Surface Normals 64
Sensor View LOS 143, 149
Rename Models 62
Sentinel 6
Rename QTA Attribute 143
Set Base Model Color 199
Render Screen to GeoRegistered Image 100
Set Display Units 193
Reneder Selection Area to GPS 103
Set Model Position 64
Reset View 43
Set Vector Line Size 197
reset viewer 207
set water level 184
Restart Sentinel Driver 6
Shadow Map 131
RGB 83, 84, 92
Shadows 17
Rotated Grid 74
shape file 74, 90, 93, 219, 220
roughness 75
shapefile 87, 165, 168
Route 224
shiny terrain 189
Shortcuts 29
Show/Hide Markers 221, 223
Show/Hide Models 188
266 Quick Terrain Modeler User's Manual

sky 193
Slope 128
Slope Analysis 131 -U-
Slope Analysis - Travel Route 248
Undo 56
Slope Area Filtering 131
Slope Image 131
UTM 43, 81
smooth normals 189
UTM Zone 81
smoothing 75
Sort Markers 221, 223
Spike Filter 75
Spike/Well Filter 75
state plane 81 Variable 160
Statistical Model Comparison 165 Variable Length Record 32
statistics 160, 179, 180 Variance 159
Stereo Display Output 189 Vector 87, 200
Subtract Models 61 Vector Annotation 255
Suppport 46 Vector LOS 143, 150
Surface Model 73 Vector Models 170
Surface Normals 44, 64 Vertex Colors 112, 127, 132, 133, 134
Synchronize Google Earth 210 View 43
Viewshed 143
Virtual Line of Sight 151, 154
-T- Virtual Shadow Map 17
visualizing 11
targeted point 209
VLR 32
Temp 47
volume 184
Temp File 46, 47
Volume Calculations 181
terrain following 209
Volume Change Detection 181
Terrain Hugging 195
Voxel 194
Terrain Mask 159
texture 123, 188
texture slot 112
Textures 112, 114, 117, 120, 122
tfw 94, 114 Waypoint 224
TIFF 101 What's New 2
Tiling Images 103 Window Select 51
tiling setting 75 wireframe 189
TIN 172 Workspace 18
Toggle Clouds/Surface 200 world file 94, 114
toolbar 44
traditional LOS calculations 151, 156
Travel Route Analysis Tool 248 -X-
Travel Route Line of Sight 156 XYZ Axes 190
Travel Route LOS 150
triangulation 75
Troubleshooting 46 -Z-
Z Select 50, 51
zone 81
Zoom 209
Index 267

Zoom Level 35

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