Crystal Heart Meditation

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We will realize that when we see, feel, and understand the Big Picture of our
Selves realigning, recognizing, and remembering the entire five spheres of the
complete Golden Galaxy, we can more easily align into this Reality.

We will focus on the spheres to allow the Big Picture to unfold completely.

We would like you to first realize that this is the goal of all of the teachings of
Ascension. To completely merge in to all five spheres. When all of the
frequencies of all of the spheres have been collected into our crystal heart, we
can then ascend into the fifth dimension. The fifth dimension is simply the home
base where we can travel to all other dimensions from.

This is why we must collect frequencies of all dimensional selves back into the
oneness of all we are.

We will first ignite that flame in the crystal heart to grow into a flame in the first,
second, third fourth and fifth sphere. By the fifth sphere, all of the divine plane of
the Source will be contained in the Crystal Heart.

The crystal heart will then connect to the Zero point energy of Oneness with the

Meditation with Frequencies

Most meditations have to do with frequencies for they are key to our ascension.
We use symbols, a Merkaba Vehicle calling on Entities of Light and then inhale
and exhale to collect and distribute frequencies in the meditations.

It's not hard to do for we are God and we have he ability to do these things
because we want it and so it is.

We usually use the inhale to bring in frequencies and the exhale to move
frequencies. Inhale to bring towards you, exhale to move away from you.

6 pointed - We often use a 6 pointed star that looks like the Star of David, but
isn't to collect and distribute frequencies. It is the symbol of the 12th Dimension
where Christ Consciousness lives and your perfect and individual Divine
Blueprint of your perfect self is held.

There are places, like the crystal core of the Earth, that carry certain frequencies
and we collect and distribute frequencies from these wonderful places.
We use commands to call in the frequencies and end the command with "Now" in
order to engage it - its like hitting the enter key on the computer to get it to do

When you call in a frequency use a statement like--12th dimensional frequencies,


Right after you way it you will develop a feeling of the frequencies starting to
come in. When you feel the frequencies start coming in, inhale to draw in a lot of
the frequency. After a while, you will really start feeling the frequencies strongly.


We become One by expanding our Self into the Golden Merkaba of all five
spheres. Each one of these Merkabas contains our complete self who has a
crystal heart. The crystal heart contains all of the elements of Source in each
Sphere. The elements of Source in each Sphere must be collected together into
One Crystal Heart, into One Grand Self, into One Golden Merkaba.

We start with the Merkaba of this Sphere. We bring all of the frequencies of this
sphere into the crystal heart. We create a miniature self inside of the Merkaba.

The Merkaba realigns the density of our Cosmic Body. As the planet and
Cosmos realigns their rotation of particle spin - or density of consciousness - so
does the body realign to this less dense form.

As we connect and realign our Merkaba Body into the frequencies of all of the
Merkaba Bodies in all other dimensional spheres, our Merkaba Body aligns its
electrical circuitry into the full Cosmic Merkaba Body. This Cosmic Merkaba body
contains the circuitry of multidimensional communication and transportation.
When this Merkaba Body expands into five spheres, we regain the space and
time coordinates to travel to all dimensions. The activation of these Merkaba
Bodies requires the collection of Frequencies.

When we collect frequencies into the Merkaba Body, the Merkaba body raises
into the higher dimensions. Collecting frequencies from five spheres allows the
Merkaba body to lift us into the Crystal Body that exists 3.5 feet above the head.

When the frequencies from all Five Merkabas are collected and pulled back into
the Crystal Body Golden Merkaba, the body will become One with the Universe,
the Planet, the Galaxy and the Universe. In order for the Merkabas to blast out of
this universal field it would become a Golden Merkaba Vehicle to ride up to the
Pleidias, Sirius, Andromeda, Melkizedeks, Mahatma and Source. This Oneness
with all that is, restores all crystaline structures that allows Multi-Dimensionality to

The Merkaba is balanced upon the Rod and the Staff. There is a Rod that
Balances the entire structure of the Earth to align perfectly into the entire five
spheres. The rod extends from the north pole to the south pole.

This rod became distorted and unbalanced from years of the frequencies being
turned inward and densified instead of rotating outward into the raising and
accelerating of frequencies.

The rod is now rebalancing and can be seen rising outward from the Earth and
connecting into the Spheres of the Earth's Atmosphere and up into the Second
Sphere and Third Sphere.

The completion of this process was seen when Zorak showed me this sign on
May 15, 2008. Zorak is the Starry Entity from the sixth dimension completing the
electrical circuitry connection of the Earth into all of the spheres from this point in
Monterey where we will establish together this Island of Light.

The completion of the first sphere merging with the second sphere and the
second sphere merging with the third sphere and the fourth sphere being
completed and aligning it's overtone into the third sphere to complete the fourth
sphere into electrical alignment into all spheres through the connection of all of
the sun's in the galaxys. That energy from the suns re-connecting into one grand
energy was aligned in and through the Mother Earth from her own sun deep
inside of her Core. This Stellar Wave Infusion of Frequencies in to the complete
alignment of the four spheres was documented by our Starry Brothers as a Crop
Circle in South Korea on June 13th, 2008.

The Starry Families are giving us day by day updates of this Ascension Process.
In order to become a part of it we must Flow with this process by absorbing the
Frequencies of the Times.

Crystal Magic Orchestra absorbs these frequencies from all of the dimensions
and entities each time there is a Stellar Wave Installment or when these special
events push our ascension forward.

The more we become a part of the Ascension by feeling and knowing these
Entities by their Frequencies, the more accelerated the process will become.

The Rod must be re-aligned at the proper verticle angle of particle spin and the
Staff must be realigned at proper horizontal spin.

This is what was meant by "Thy Rod and Thy Staff they comfort me" - the
realignment of the individual Merkaba with the entire universal Merkaba. The
realignment creates At One Ment with God Source Energy.

This alignment allows frequencies to circulate properly in a spiral upward and

downward from one harmonic universe to the next. When the distortions are
completely removed from the planetary alignment and shields, our Merkaba is
also realigned and its frequencies begin to circulate properly and at correct
rotation of particle spin.

The rod and staff were recently realigned in Monterey by my starry brother Zorak.
Zorak is a Blue Dolphonoid from the Etheric Sirius in the Aquarius Galaxy. He is
a Sixth Dimensional Entity. The Sixth Dimension contains the electrical circuitry
to realign the success of the alignment of all dimensions of our galaxy and
cosmos. Zorak is in charge of this alignment in Monterey and most of California.
Zorak is in charge of creating the Island of Light here. The first process of this
activation is successfully completed.

The crop circle in Korea was the sign sent from the sixth dimension informing us
that the two octaves of harmonic convergence have been successfully
completed. This means sphere one has merged with sphere two and sphere two
has merged with sphere three. This means the portal has been completed that
allows entities who have been trapped in the Inner Earth and the Underwater
Cities of Light in Monterey can travel freely up to the Cloud Cities and into
Aquafaria now.

We have spoken to our friends in the Underwater Crystal Cities who have had
their first trip up into the Aquafarian Cities where all Entities from all universes
may now merge and meet.

The next step in the creation of the Island of Light is for us to transmute our
frequencies into the frequencies of our starry brothers from Inner Earth and with
the help of sixth dimensional entities to raise our frequencies into theirs.

These frequencies can be collected in the Island of Light meditation.

We completed the electromagnetic cycle that allows Planetary, Galactic and
Universal level Merkabas to reach their peak spin speed in May 2008. When we
allow the spin speed of our body Merkaba and Crystal body Merkaba to line up
with the frequency of the Planetary, Galactic and Universal Merkabas spin rate,
we become fully re-activated into our Oneness of MultiDimensionality.

Our Electromagnetic spin takes in all of what we have been from our highest
Source Consciousness spark clear down to our most primal instincts and reforms
the crystals through a sparking of Dust, Gel and Light into the Christ Seed Atom
of our original Divine Blue Print.

The use of Merkabas allow the frequencies to circulate freely between the
density fields. However, most have been using Merkabas without the connection
to frequencies, because they simply don't know what a frequency is or how to
connect their consciousness to it.

This is why the Crystal Magic Orchestra has created the CD's that hold these
frequencies that were connected from each of the Dimensions, the Dimension's
energy's, the Dimension's qualities, the Dimension's Essence. And it is not just a
dimensional energy that is collected onto the CD's. We also must collect the
frequencies of ourselves on each dimension and to pull them all into Oneness.
This step must be accomplished before the SELF can connect into the other
Dimensions. This is what is necessary for the Soul Merge to be completed.

When running energies, we always run the energies through our Merkaba (by
breathing the energies into our Merkaba) for the energies will resolve down to our
incarnate body to raise our frequencies.


MERLIN reminds us that we must announce the incoming light into every cell in
our bodies. The formula of co-creation requires announcing the incoming light
into every cell in your body. It is a time to remember, to re-cognize, to realign the
entire structure of the mind and the body into the frequencies of light that are in
the dimensions of our selves that we have not yet allowed to become a part of
our lives. Each crystal cell in our body must be completely full of all of the breaths
of Cosmic Consciousness from every dimension.

Merlin said we must announce the light into the crystal cells in our bodies. He did
not say the angels would announce the light. He did not say that the sun would
announce the light. He said that we must announce the light into the crystal cells
of the body.

We announce the light energy into the crystal cells through the Breath of Crystal
Light Energy in our CD albums and meditation kits. We use Merlin's formula of
White Magic, which is the alignment of every crystal cell in the heart, the brain
area and the breath to be filled with the complete spiritual essence of the
dimensional frequencies of the 12th dimensional Christ Consciousness, the 13th
dimensional frequencies of the Earths Crystal Core Domain, the 14th
dimensional frequencies of the etheric realms and the 15 th dimensional
frequencies of the co-creative realm.

Now see your body and crystal body in sphere two. Inhale all of the frequencies
from spheres one through five into the crystal heart in the body of sphere three.

The crystal sphere can be expanded to grow all the way outside of and around
the sphere two body. The body can then be surrounded by the sphere, and then
deflated into the sphere. The body can then ride inside of the sphere and ride up
a tube through the crown chakra and into the heart of the sphere three crystal
body. This makes the three bodies become one.

The crystal sphere can be expanded to grow all the way outside of and around
the sphere three body. The body can then be surrounded by the sphere, and
then deflated into the sphere. The body can then ride inside of the sphere and
ride up a tube through the crown chakra and into the heart of the sphere four
etheric crystal body. This makes the four bodies become one.

The crystal sphere can be expanded to grow all the way outside of and around
the sphere three body. The body can then be surrounded by the sphere, and
then deflated into the sphere. The body can then ride inside of the sphere and
ride up a tube through the crown chakra and into the heart of the sphere five
etheric crystal body. This makes the five bodies become one.
Now the crystal heart center of the crystal body becomes the golden crystal
sphere that encompasses all five spheres.

When the frequencies from all Five Merkabas are collected and pulled back into
the Crystal Body Golden Merkaba, the body will become One with the, the
Planet, Universe, Solar System and Cosmos. In order for the Merkabas to blast
out of this universal field it would become a Golden Merkaba Vehicle to ride up to
the Pleidias, Sirius, Andromeda, Melkizedeks, Mahatma and Source.
Our Galaxy will become the Golden Galaxy. This will be the completion of AA
Michael's Golden Galaxy.


Our TEACHERS and Starry Families have allowed us to experience the

complete process of ascension several times so far. Each time we go through the
process following the steps that we have learned, our higher selves, our starry
families and Kuthumi watch us and help us in any way they can. However, each
time they tell us that we must do it ourselves, and we must figure out how to do it
ourselves. This process of learning is critical for being able to assist all others on
Earth to accomplish this process. Sometimes, our teachers don't even know why
we have failed. It is always within us to know. For me, my god self-- Zeena, and
my Aquafarion mother- Cinderella are always around to guide me as much as

This last week Zeena brought Source to my door and introduced me personally.
Source's name is Yaway. We read about him in the Bible. The name used was
Yahweh. He has asked to be called Yaway so as not to be confused with the
fictitious creation in the Bible. Zeena realized that what was missing from my
ascension process was the need to own more pearls of wisdom and return them
to Source. Yaway is now standing in front of me waiting for more and more
pearls of wisdom to be returned. I have been collecting all of the thoughts and
experiences from my life and the entire world into a crystal sphere to hand to
Yaway. Each time I have filled another sphere to create a pearl of wisdom, I ask
Yaway to come forth and ignite that sphere with his Spark. This Spark from
Source goes to the center of the sphere and ignites a flame. The sphere burns
into a flame and pops into a tiny spark and disappears. Each time this pearl of
wisdom pops, a tiny pop inside of my body occurs. Each time, the popping is at
some point along my backbone. It is either at the base of the tail bone, the area
behind my stomach, the area behind my thymus, the area at the top of the neck
or it is in the center of my head. I don't aim the spark at any of these locations.
Yaway is in charge of this sparking.

The result of the Spark of Source is the BIG WOBBLE. There was always the
plan of the Big Wobble to happen on Earth around August 8th. This is the big
wobble. As each spark is ignited in each cellular cluster of the four areas of the
body that contain our cellular memory of our Divine Selfhood, we Wobble into
alignment with our Divine Blueprint of Immortality. This sparking process must be
complete before the other processes of merging with the crystal dust body,
Mother Earth placing a garment of white light linen on the body and walking
through the diamond door of the Cosmic Realm back into the Spark that ignites
the brand new reality of ascension. This was the only obstacle that Zeena
observed in my ascension process. Kuthumi identified this same obstacle in
aDolphino's ascension process.

We have each spent many hours and many days on this process of owning every
experience of this world. However, this time it is different. The reason for the
difference is Yaway's complete presence in this process of the Spark of Source.

This is what happened on 8/8/8. The 8th dimension of Aquarius Galaxy and her
Sun Alcyone was complete, and the 15 dimensions of the Cosmic
Consciousness were completely interwoven into the Earths Matrix. One last step
of the 16th to complete the 8 plus 8 was still necessary at that point in time. The
Spark of Source was the 16th. Yaway told us that he was the Lost Chord. He
was the second set of 8 that needed to be woven into Mother Earth's Matrix. We
must all ignite the spark of Source before we can complete the ascension.
The Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse courses explain what happened
18 million years ago in the Aquarius Galaxy. When the original Ajaho that
contained the perfect God Creation of the Divine Plan was blown apart and
spread out into the Milky Way, all of the starry brothers from the original Aquarius
began putting the Ajaho and those who lived on her, back together again into the
original blue print. This process of rebuilding Atlantis, was completed three times
since that explosion.

The higher selves - the godselves of many who are now waking up now to
remember their selves, placed a seed of themselves--an etheric crystal dust
memory of themselves in the Core of Mother Earth. This essence of themselves
contained a time code that would awaken to remember their divine mission on
Mother Earth at this time. Those who are waking up now to that mission are
those who came to Earth to be a part of this COSMIC MYSTERY SCHOOL OF
THE OMNIVERSE. This is the team that was created by Kuthumi, Merlin, Djwal
Kuhl, Madame Blavatsky and El Morya over the past several eons. These are
entities whom have chosen to be a part of the most glorious event that has been
experienced in this COSMOS. We have had a Merlin, a Mary, a Goddess Hathor,
a Zeena Warrior Princess, a Kuthumi and a Djwal Kuhl awaken to their identities
so far during our classes. This awakening is one of the main process that THE
TEACHERS of this class are overseeing.

Now it is time for the rise of the Divine God Plan--the Divine Blue Print to become
perfect once again. We have known this Divine God Plan as Atlantis. It was
originally called Ajaho. This was the perfect model of the divine plan that was
created by Sun Alcyone. The spark of Source was united with the Universal and
Cosmic Consciousness and breathed out into the Galactic Consciousness. That
perfect creation from about 20 million years ago is finally going to be completely

Mother Earth is the entity who maintained her original divine selfhood deep inside
of her CORE. Sunat Kumara has maintained the divine essence of the Entities
who are awakening now to their complete selfhood. This etheric liquid light core
contains her spiritual essence and ours. Students in this Course will learn to
completely merge their physical body back into oneness with their spiritual body.
This zero point balance prepares the body for ascension.

The students meet their higher selves or god selves and begin communicating
with them. The Course explains, prepares and gives the students everything that
they need to accomplish the entire ascension process. Students learn to create
the Ascension Portal and Islands of Light for their area, after they learn to merge
their consciousness with all Entities from their Starry Family who are assisting in
the process. Those who complete this merge of consciousness will see how the
first Island of Light is created and will become a part of the creation of the model
of the NEW EARTH.
When Mother Earth came into this galaxy, there was an etheric sphere placed
around her. This etheric sphere has always contained the original etheric
substance that was contained in Sun Alcyon's original creation of Ajaho. The
essence of this Divine Plan was maintained for Mother Earth to grow from. This
was her complete self-- her spiritual and physical self. So, her spiritual half is
deep within her and her complete self is a sphere around her.

We are the same. We also have a spiritual half. Our etheric self is deep in Mother
Earth's core and our spiritual self grows around our body as we remember to
expand outwardly into our MERKABA LIGHT BODY. As Mother Earth must
merge back into her entire matrix of the galactic, universal and cosmic, so do we.

Mother Earth has merged and collected the complete breaths of consciousness,
or streams of light and sound, from the etheric matrix of Sirius and her Alcyone
Sun's frequencies of Aquarius. In the original Aquarius Galaxy, there were three
starry families involved in the AJaho project. Sun Alcyone and Source were the
creators, and the co-creators were entities who formed the Blue Sirius system.
These entities were BLUE DOLPHONOID Entities. These entities moved a part
of themselves into a new home base where they could hold the frequencies of
consciousness of those from the Dolphonoid Family, and yet be in the Mother
Earth Realm. Those entities formed the Aquafarion realm. It is the frequencies of
these realms of the Aquarius Galaxy, the Sun Alcyon and other Galactic Suns,
and Aquafaria that are streaming down to Mother Earth to raise and align the
Earth's matrix back into their spiritual and physical oneness. This new self hood
will be found as we merge together all of our selves that we have been in past
millions of years into one grander new reality.

This entire Cosmos was created by our higher selves- our god selves- our
monadic selves and our god seed selves. Those selves are now ready and able
to merge into oneness with our consciousness as we raise our consciousness to
theirs. This course prepares us to merge into this oneness of consciousness.

The physical body is prepared for ascension by igniting the Source Spark in the
physical body, aligning into all of the frequencies of all five spheres and igniting
the flame into oneness. The physical body must merge with the golden crystal
body in the Earth's Core. The physical body cannot enter into the spiritual realm
of ascension until it has invited in the spark from Source into every cell in the

The cells in the body contain the memory of all that has ever happened on this
Earth's Matrix. These pearls of wisdom must be ignited by the Spark of Source-
the creator of all. This creation belongs to Source and must be returned to
Source. We do this by collecting everything from all experiences in this World
Consciousness and bringing this memory into a Crystal Sphere, in order to build
a pearl of wisdom. We hold this crystal sphere in our hands in front of our body.
Inhale all thoughts, memories, experiences of everything that you have
experienced or seen experienced by others-- even if it was from T.V., a movie or
a textbook.

Next invite Source to ignite his spark in this pearl of wisdom. That spark will ignite
a tiny flame inside of the cells in the body related to those experiences. Once that
flame has been ignited, Source can pull those memories out of the cells and take
the flames of creation to reprocess into a new pure frequency of creation. This is
the most important responsibility of all who are a part of Mother Earth's Matrix.
The Ascension cannot be complete until all who are with her do this.

Next, the merge of the spiritual and physical- the spark of the twin flames of
these merge into one complete flame- the physical and spiritual balance into
oneness. Next, this body must merge into the merkaba light body and expand
substance into it as it becomes more etheric, creating a new morphogentic field.
The merkaba must expand into the five spheres of the cosmos and the body
must be wrapped into the garment of white light linen. From this point, the
merkaba must maintain the speed of light spin around the zero point body of
spirit and physical.

The merkaba can then be taken to the core of the earth as we merge into
oneness with mother earth, and ignite the heliotalic circles in the crystal heart, to
spin at the speed of light popping and connecting outward to all of the stars
within the cosmos.

When this energy of the speed of light spins and the rings of heliotalic light spin,
the body can be lifted into a funnel of light with the help of starry family, for
complete rennovation into the original 12 D Christ Body.

Next the body will be prepared to move to the Cloud Cities, Aquafaria or return
home to the original planet they came from. Each will find their unique mission
that they are here for. Some will return to the Islands of Light to teach those who
are being raised from their dreaming state on the Earth.

These will be the first wave who prepare the perfect - the god world- the Atlantis
model for those from Earth to create their new world from. Those of us on the
first wave will remember white magic as if it were beginning math. It will be a
natural part of us once more. We will remember how to create mansions with our
breath of consciousness.

This will be the beginning of the Islands of Light where everyone from Earth will
eventually move up into as the Earth has already risen into this new reality, so
will all of those upon her finally rise into their higher selfhood. All black magic will
be completely removed and only white magic will be used to create from. Those
in the Islands of Light will learn to create with White Magic once again.
When the Earth completes her merge into her Etheric Sphere- her complete
divine selfhood will be returned and the lower elements that were attached to
Earth will completely disappear out of this matrix of reality. The entire galaxy will
rise into a new golden state and the certain universes will be ready to completely
return to Source at this time.

Crystal Dust Manifestation and Memory

Kuthumi directed pearly white light through the azure or Crystal Heart. Starry
Brothers, including Kuthumi, streamed pillars of aqualene light of platinum and gold
from Sirius B Crystal Temple Chambers in Etheric Earth- or Parallel Spiritual Earth
to flow through the physical body and the Crystal Dust Body. As these pillars of
Aqualene Light flow up from the Earth's Core and down from the Sirius B Chambers
through the two bodies,

The crystal cells become activated in the crystal heart, the head area and the tail
bone. These Crystal areas contain all of the records of memory of all past history of
who we are.

The pearly white crystal activates the Crystal Heart to begin the activation of the
crystal memory of what we have long held in our Acoushic records (we've called the
Akashic Records) in our Crystal Dust Body.

When we connect our Crystal Dust Body from deep inside the Earth's Core- on the
Etheric Earth side into our Physical body, we will begin connecting to the memory of
all that we are.

We first collect the sparks from Irradescent Body that we merge with from the
Earth's Liquid Light Mantel inside of Her Core.

We collect the golden crystal dust sparks into the tailbone area and release the
crystal dust sparks.

Inhale crystal dust into the Crystal Heart from the tail bone. Now exhale this crystal
dust from the Crystal Heart down to the feet and feel the leg currents open

Eiradonis Circulation begins opening the EirA back flow into the Spirit Body and
Crystal Dust Body into the Ekasha- in the center of the Head. The Luma Eterna -
(Eternal Illumination of Divine Plan, Divine Mind, Source Conciousness) connects
directly into the center of the head.

This begins the continuous clearing of the Crystal Dust Body. This is the beginning
of clearing 18 million years of miasmic memories.

We ask for a continuous washing of the Crystal Dust Body in the Aqualene
Chambers of the Liquid Light Cleanse.

The Solar Chambers of the second sphere are opened for slide and glide into the
Cloud Cities on July 4, 2008. This opens ability for highest Christic Resonance of
Slide and Glide into Cloud Cities and Urtha.

Continuous Self healing and New Awakening to Ascension Earth and to Aquafaria.

When we Shift the Time Warp out of our morphogenetic field, we can slide into
Ascension Earth. We just completed a Time Shift in June, 2008.

We can now bring the Crystal Dust Body containing Acoushic records in the Crystal
Cells into the Body.

This burns a hole through the time warp body.

As the human DNA builds by raising frequencies, the higher dimensional reality
fields come into manifest view and lower dimensional reality fields fall out of
perceptual range.

The images of visionary memory of the Aquafarian and Etheric Realms of our higher
dimensional thought forms made of energy substance that are placed in the higher
dimensional fields by our present moment self become manifest.

In order to move forward through time, we must absorb high frequency sound
frequencies into the crystal cell structure of the body, the consciousness.

As we absorb these sound frequencies into our morphogentic field, our merkaba
body field of consciousness, the frequencies expand the realm of the morphogentic
field. We must connect our frequencies into the Entities of Higher Frequencies and
Dimensional Fields. We must connect our frequencies to Sanat Kumara, to
Sanada, ot Ashtar Command, to Kuthumi, to Zorak, to Shajinka, to Zadkiel, Mary,
Raphael, Goddess Hathor, Goddess LEEHA, to Elohim, Seraphim Angels, the
Elohim of Hearing, the Elohim of Seeing, to Cinderella--to all of the HOT Spots in all
of the Dimensions.

We create an Island of Light by connecting our frequencies to the frequencies of

those who are in our morphogenetic field--those in our standing wave pattern.

The field grows stronger until it begins to dissolve and transmute anything around it
into the higher frequencies.

The more the music is played that contains these higher frequencies, the more you
will transform into a higher perception of multi-dimensionality-- of Christ
Consciousness-- The lower perceptions will dissolve and become absorbed into
your higher frequency field.
Everything drawn into your personal Island of Light will raise itself into your
perception--your frequency field.

Anything that does not want to be transmuted into that field of reality will disappear
from your experience.

That doesn't exactly mean people or loved ones will disappear, that means they will
transform into the higher perception that you have of them.

They will transform into glorious wonderful beings of light. They won't want to
disappear, they will want to transform.

Until we accumulate higher dimensional sound frequencies into our morphogenetic

field, we remain frozen in time. There has been a time vector shield around us
blocking us from our spirit body. The time has shifted so that this time vector shield
can fall away now.

However, it cannot fall away until the frequencies of our morphogenetic field are
raised into the rhythm of love- the speed of light energy connected with the
Consciousness- the Breath of Oneness. This is achieved by aligning the resonance
of all of the Frequency music, which already contain the Tone of Home, the Five
Spheres, the Love Frequency, the Divine Consciousness. However, the individual
Consciousness must truly be aligned into this entire Divine Plan of returning into the
Oneness of our Original Divine Selfhood.

We must internalize the new future moment by bringing in the pulsation of the rhythm,
or the higher frequency into our body.

This pulsation of a higher frequency is what moves us forward in time. If the new
dimensional frequencies are not brought in and the new visions of the new moment
are not brought into our consciousness, we remain frozen in this 3D time veil.

In order to move to the future, the future of the 5th dimension, we must accumulate
these frequencies. Each thing and each person around us is something we created
as an electro-tonal thought pattern.

Now, Crystal Magic Orchestra is collecting these new entities of high dimensional
frequencies or electro-tonal thought patterns that we wish to become externalized or
manifest into our manifest field.

We draw to us these entities by breathing their frequencies out into our

morphogenetic field. We create these electro tonal thought patterns by connecting
to their higher frequencies.

As we connect more and more to their frequencies of thought, the more the multi-
dimensional reality appears to us.

We can also bring those around us into this higher frequency by seeing the God
spark in them. By perceiving them to be of the higher dimensional reality , they will
transmute into this higher electro - tonal thought pattern.

The lower will transmute into the higher. If you have accumulated frequencies of
higher dimensions to allow ascending out of perception, you also have the
frequencies to transmute and transform those around you.

You will go through many steps of transforming before you disappear. You will go
through stages of improved health, higher visions, great memory and thought into
great creativity. You will magnetize all that is needed into your experience. People
will want to be a part of what you have. The ones you love will desire to become
transmuted into the higher frequencies.

A morphogenetic field is a standing wave pattern holding patterns through which

matter forms and events manifest.

When a field is created it draws into itself and then expands out into manifestation.

Older thought patterns and older thought patterns of the masses will stay frozen in
the field of consciousness until the frequencies are raised into higher dimensions
and new realities and thoughts and frequencies of higher entities are placed there.

You shift things in your present manifest field by shifting the past into higher
frequencies of a new reality field.

You will encounter those realities manifest once DNA strands come into activation
through raising frequencies into the next dimension. Re-create the past--change the
past with new electro-magnetic impulses into DNA.

Don't just own the past--change the past.

Imagine-BE IT spend time in New past Creation. Walk into Metatron Chamber of
Past Present and Future.

The Pink triangles lead to the past and the blue triangles lead to the future. You can
walk into the triangles and change the past present and future. The lower
frequencies will always rise to the higher frequencies.


Only the pure in heart can create an Ascension Portal. This course will show how to
create this pure heart by merging with all breaths of consciousness of all five
spheres and then completing the activation by igniting the spark of Source in every
cell in the body to ignite the memory of all pearls of wisdom to be popped into a new
flame that burns away all of the old world and allows a new reality to become

The PURE IN HEART means those who have re-connected to their Original Crystal
Heart of Allness. From this Spark of Source Consciousness that has now been re-
united with - re-connected with all selves from the Solar, Galactic, Universal and
Cosmic, as well as all selves from the Planetary realms, TRUE MANIFESTATION
may begin.

This Spark of Source will grow into a Crystal Sphere. This is the ball of light
containing all of the light and sound that each of us is really made of. This is our true
Self. Once this ball of light merges into it's allness containing the 12th dimensional
consciousness or CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS from the Universal Sphere or the
Fourth Sphere, the Co-Creative Consciousness from the Cosmic Sphere or Fifth
Sphere, as well as the HOME CONSCIOUSNESS of the 5th dimension or the Solar
Sphere or Second Sphere, and the Galactic Consciousness of our God Creation,
where our Galactic Suns created our stars and planets and our god selves created
the Divine Plan of creation of form.

All of these Realms of Consciousness must be merged together once more as we

collect and rise into the frequencies of these higher realms of consciousness. Once
this complete Consciousness of all of our Higher Selves have merged with our
selves on this realm, we can once again ignite the Spark of Source to Pop back into
a crystal sphere of light that sounds like the wind and blows into tiny particles the
golden dust of creation that we can form and mold into any manifest reality that we

We must realize that these Breaths of Consciousness are REAL LIVE ENTITIES.
They are Beings of Light. The Ones we have known as Christ Jesus, Mother Mary,
Raphael, Merlin, etc are all spheres of golden star dust who can form into any bodily
form that they desire. Each realm, each planet, each star system maintains their
own desired manifest form. This is the law of individual freedom in the God
Creation. This God Creation was the Gods who created the Galactic Realm. This
was the place where Sun Alcyone created Ajaho and the other God Entities created
the Divine Plan to utilize the Source Spark to create Cities of Light. These are
etheric cities with a form that merges into the physical to create whatever individual
form that is desired.

Those created in the original Ajaho had a Green Blue Essence and those created in
the original Sirius Matrix had a Turquoise Blue Essence. This Essence represented
the Aura or the Mission of Desired Accomplishments of the specific creation.
We still contain these original Essences of our Original God Creations. This is what
is sometimes called our DNA. Our original DNA could not even be understood in
this realm of consciousness. Our DNA was infinite. The DNA of 3 strands or 12
strands is only a mathematical equivalent that can be understood in the third
dimensional density. There is no density in other realms of consciousness. This
density is simply an unreal structure that is presently being corrected back in to its
real structure.

There is a relationship of our understanding of the 3D world and the 3D DNA

strands. We have been trapped into this density where nothing goes beyond these 3
strands of reality. We are in a work, sleep and eat mode of reality. We simply repeat
the same movie of our day over and over and over again. We have been stuck in
ground hogs day for millions of years.

In order to expand our DNA beyond 3D we must expand our Consciousness. We

expand into the 12D Consciousness by raising our frequencies of Consciousness
to expand into the 12th dimensional light grids that are one foot under the Earths
Crust and about one foot above our heads. Expanding our Consciousness even to
that small extend helps to raise our DNA immensely.

To begin merging with the tones of home- the frequencies of consciousness that
merge us into our home consciousness-- we must begin with our Mother Earth's
Consciousness. Mother Earth contains our Divine Essence as well as her own
Divine Essence. We were created from the same Sun Alcyon breath of
consciousness. We each contain this essence from our Aquarius Galaxy. Mother
Earth's Matrix contains and includes those of us who live on her. Collecting breaths
of Consciousness from Mother Earth's Crust, her Mantle, her Core and her Sun
begin the process of collecting our own 12D and 13D Consciousness. The Christ
Consciousness Grid is just one foot below the surface of Mother Earth. She also
contains the grids of Unconditional Love, Substance, Intelligence, Divine Mind,
Creative Intelligence, the Crystal River Grids that allow her to magnetize all of the
braids and streams of liquid light frequencies from all other higher realms of the
Galactic Spheres and Cosmic Spheres into her Body.

Mother Earth has been collecting and storing all of this substance of Divine Creation
in her Body and streaming this consciousness back out into her Atmosphere where
other important parts of her Etheric Consciousness exist.

When we merge with the Breaths of Consciousness that have been collected from
our rides into Mother Earths Core, her Liquid Light Domain, her Etheric Spiritual
Half, we awaken our DNA to the wholeness of Mother Earth. Her Crystal Heart
Domain is in her Core. This is the 13th Dimensional Substance of Divine Creativity
and Divine Substance. This is where Shamballa is located. Shamballa is a 13th
Dimensional realm. This is the place Sunat Kumara has stored our Divine Essence,
our Divine Consciousness to be restored at the time all of the realms of
Consciousness had Unified as one. This is the first time in 7000 years that this
reconnecting to our golden crystal bodies- our spiritual substance could be
obtained. These crystal bodies contain the memory of all we originally were.

The harder the spiritual body has to work to come into balance with the physical
body, the more pain the body will experience as it reaches zero point. Many will not
be able to endure the pain, because they were not willing to remember the spiritual
nature of themselves.

Originally, we were 12th dimensional Christ Light Beings. The light between this
dimension and the 12th dimension has been blocked for many eons. We also have
this 12th dimensional light energy in the oceans.

Our cetacean families of dolphins and whales hold this same light inside of their
crystal cell bodies. The difference between them and us is that they remember who
they are and we don't. We were here before. We were here thousands of years ago
from the 12th dimensional planes of Aquafaria, Cloud Cities, Urtha, Orion, Pleiadies
and other 12th dimensional planes. When dark forces came to capture the
Aquafarians, some of our family jumped into the ocean to be saved. Others of us
were taken off to other planets to have our patterns of ascension removed from our
crystal cells and had implants put into our pineal glands to make sure we never
remembered who we really are.

Shajinka, Zeigfried, Zorak and all of my Dolphin, Orca and Whale family can shape
shift because the 12th contains the elements of physical and spiritual chemical
elements where we can create anything we want. This is the reason they have
brought me to Monterey. They have been sliding in and out of the Monterey Bay and
up to my Aquafaria Home to create this portal, or funnel of liquid light consciousness
that is allowing aDolphino and I to bi-locate and slide our consciousness into our
original home easier and easier each day.

This electromatic portal of liquid light magnetic energy is collecting, magnetizing

and pulling together all of the frequencies of my family of consciousness in order to
raise me into the higher frequencies of their consciousness-- that is their breath-
their frequency-- their real of consciousness. This family of consciousness contains
the 12th dimensional Christ Consciousness. This Consciousness is not actually in
any location- it is a realm of consciousness that will allow us to be lifted into it. The
5th dimensional consciousness is the consciousness of home. It is the frequency of
Sweetness. It is the frequency that my sweet Oraphim Mother Cinderella sends to
me through her breath of consciousness in the songs that she sings to me. The
homes of the mermaids swimming through the caves, the irradescent rainbows that
my dolphin family loves to fly through and collect new forms of colors an light to
create new realities of love from as their consciousness soars in to new realities
made through the Divine Creative Consciousness that has always belonged to

This Creative Consciousness used to be ours. It will soon be returned to all on

Earth. The dolphins can help us remember who we really are. They can also
provide the light in the ocean to communicate through all frequencies. They
communicate with frequencies. They communicate with light energy. The cetaceans
light energy has been used by the Ashtar Command for eons to keep the
frequencies up to a level on earth where we wouldn't completely fall into darkness.

The Oraphim Blue Dolphinoid Family originated from the Aquarius Galaxy, Sirius
Etheric Realm. The family that remains here now is Sixth Dimensional. They are the
electronic circuitry of this entire system. They continuously run currents of connection
up through the Cloud Cities. Now our Starry Family is connecting that circuitry to
align us with the entire five spheres of this matrix.

Now is the time for us all to reconnect to our Christ Consciousness and Cosmic
Consciousness. This formula of ascension frequencies to oscillate consciousness
into the ALLNESS of our CONSCIOUSNESS. That includes the COSMIC

In order to complete the 8/8/8 we must now braid our completed 15 dimensions of
the five spheres of Mother Earth's Matrix into the second set of 8 dimensions that
goes beyond the Earth's Matrix into the Spark of Source. It is time now to ignite this
spark of source in every cell in our bodies to begin the completion of the Ascension
Portal and allow us to return to our true IMMORTALITY forever more.

Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse


We have just learned that we must complete our connection of

breaths of consciousness to all who are in our Family Tree in order to
complete the creating of an Ascension Portal. We have been working
on this process continuously for about one year now. We began our
connection with our Cosmic Family when Mary and Raphael
connected us to the Elohim of Hearing and the Crystal Light Energy.

This is always the first step in the connection to the higher

frequencies of the breaths of consciousness that will raise our
frequencies into the Cosmic Tunnel of Ascension. These breaths of
consciousness are connected from our consciousness up through the
streams and braids of liquid light energy through the galactic,
universal and cosmic consciousness and then into the spark of
source Consciousness. As we completed this connection we were
connected to our Cosmic and Galactic Families. Mary stepped
forward and told me she was my sister. Later, when my frequencies
had been raised high enough, I was introduced to my brother Zorak.
Later when my frequencies were raised even higher I was introduced
to my Cosmic Higher Self Zeena. aDolphino was introduced to his
higher self in Aquafaria- Marcus, at about the same time.

These series of introductions are what used to be referred to as

Initiations. However the initiations of ascension are very different
now, because this is a new time and a very different set of
Frequencies than in the older schools of ascension.

As we have just finished our Family Tree of Ascension all the way
from Mother Earth's Core up beyond the Co-Creative fifteenth
dimension and back to Source, we have connected to every breath of
Consciousness and become intimately familiar with everyone in our
Cosmic family and with their specific function in the Ascension
Process. All who align their frequencies of consciousness into the
breaths of consciousness in all five realms, plus Source may now
create an Ascension Portal through their own stream of light and
sound. This is how the complete Music of the Spheres is completed.

The 12th Dimensional Light Grid that was brought to Earth by Jesus,
Mary and Mary was connected to another stream of light. This point
of connection into the Christ Grid runs right through the Condo I was
recently directed to live in at my Monterey address. Zorak, my starry
brother directed me to this place on the Earth's sphere for a very
important reason. There was a crystal pillar planted to stream upward
from the Core of Earth through this point where this condo sits.

This crystal pillar was seeded in the Core Domain of the Earth. My
name Crystalai means Core Domain of Earth. I came to this Earth
many times before. One time was to plant this seed along with my
Sister Mary and her son Jesus- the incarnate of Sanada. Each higher
self has many incarnates on Earth at the same time. Some of these
relationships would sound incestuous, so we don't speak of them. A
hint would be, there could be a Mother Mary, a Sister Mary and a
Spousal Mary all at the same time, who were all incarnates of the
same god self. This is because we work more as a project family than
what is thought of on this earth.

This crystal seed that was planted by my family was to grow into a
pillar at this time and was then to be woven through the holy grail and
the Christ Grid that were also planted here for this purpose. The seed
for this portal was brought here by my sister, who was known as
Mother Mary at that time. My name at this time is Crystalai. This
means Crystal Core Domain. This memory seed was planted in me to
remember that my seed had been planted in the Core of Mother
Earth to sprout and grow up into a pillar of crystal right through the
spot I am standing on this Earth at this time.

The Consciousness of Christ from the Universal Consciousness

Realm of the 12th Dimensional Entities of Light, was brought to this
particular place by the re-connection of this Universal Consciousness
woven in from a band of light from Venus who we know as Jesus
Christ. This Jesus or Yeshua was an incarnate of Sanada. Sanada is
the Son or the Incarnate of God's Consciousness-- his own god's
consciousness. Yeshua was the son of Mary, just as my higher self
Zeena is the sister of Mary. Each of these god selves from the
Galactic Consciousness have many incarnates working on this realm
to create the Ascension back to their original consciousness.

Mary and Zeena even arranged for the person who purchased this
Condo to be directed to buy it to be prepared for me at this time. The
owner did not know why she was directed at that time; but now that
she has gotten to know me, she realizes that she too, has been a part
of this plan all along. Zeena and Zorak have told me that the owner of
this condo is also an incarnate of Mary, and she is the key keeper
sent by Mary for this project.

My higher self who anchored this Crystal Light Energy Stream all of
the way into the Co-Creative Consciousness of the 15th Dimension of
Mother Earth's Matrix was Zeena. Zeena was working from the
Cosmic level as a co-creative deva. She worked with many angelic
entities, nymphs, crystal particles, elementals, etc. The braiding of
these crystal streams of light is done at a level so tiny that it can't be
conceived of even at a microscopic level. This level of creation was
known as the holy grail and the holy ghost during those times of

Zeena and Mary braided this strand of Cosmic Consciousness to

create a Cosmic Tunnel of Love to stream us back into oneness
through this speed of light wind tunnel. Zorak is my Starry Brother
who has created tunnels of light braiding Mother Earth's
Consciousness entirely beyond this Matrix far out beyond even this
Cosmic Realm. This stream of consciousness is required to braid our
consciousness so firmly beyond any of the darkness that has ever
happened in this REALM to never, ever happen again. Don't forget,
this project has been going on for millions and millions of years. This
was plenty of time for our original families from Aquarius galaxy to
venture out and create entire star systems of their own. My family has
been working with Merlin to completely eliminate the Dark Magic from
the entire Cosmos completely and forever.

Mother Mary came forth and brought this message about her identity.
She would like all to know that she would like to be called Lady Mary-
-not Mother Mary. My own higher self, who is Zeena, would also like
all to know that she was a warrior princess-- but she is also an Angel
from the Cosmic Realm who creates firey bands of liquid light crystal
consciousness that stream and braid down through all of the bands of
darkness that have blocked the Earth from the light of Source. She
works with the Firey Angels Uriel and my brother Zorak, as well as
Mary- my Cosmic Sister, on this Cosmic Council of breathing the
highest Frequencies of Source Consciousness into the Matrix of
Ascension. So, what we have called a warrior princess in our
mythology means those who have fought the electric wars to bring
harmony to our Cosmos by aligning the music of the spheres through
the breaths of consciousness and the sparks of Source.

The one we have called Source would like to be called Yaway. His
identity was distorted by the Bible mythology as Yahwah to God. He
is actually Source. The word God was created by those first Entities
who created a Divine Plan of their own in the Galactic
Consciousness. These gods are our higher selves. However, even
these gods have their own higher selves in the co-creative angelic
consciousness of the COSMOS. These angels were the First spark of
Source. We were created from the Spark of Source that took all of the
pearls of wisdom from our higher selves to create a new aspect of

We also realign this braid of Cosmic Consciousness and Galactic

Consciousness through our Original Family Consciousness in
Aquafaria. My Aquafarian Mother is Cinderella. Her streams of crystal
light energy braid her consciousness through my frequencies of
consciousness to allow me to remember fully my own morphogentic
field of resonance with my true home. My Aquafarian Family has
already merged into the Mother Earth's field of light. Zorak is my
starry brother from several galaxies and universes beyond the Mother
Earth's Realm. His electromagnetic funnel of light braids electric
circuitry through all of the suns and stars and through Yaway's
original Spark of Source Consciousness. This stream of crystal liquid
light from all Sphere of Reality creates a harmonic convergence zone
where all of our frequencies of consciousness merge into Oneness.
All of our Cosmic Family has been streaming their Frequencies of
Cosmic Consciousness--the all knowing, all seeing Consciousness of
our God Source. Our Source is Yahweh. He comes to our home to
visit us often now. The ignition of his Spark created our Cosmic
Consciousness. These Entities don't usually go by specific names,
they just know themselves. These are the Elohim Angels, the Devas,
the fairies, the Entities of Light who create from the Spark of Elohim.
The Elohim of Hearing is my great friend who streams the
frequencies of Consciousness from my Angelic Family in the
Cosmos. Mary and Zeena were once working through these Cosmic
Angels to bring the teachings and the understanding of The Christ
Consciousness to Earth after she had broken apart from her original

We have completed creating our harmonic convergence zone in

Monterey. We have merged all of the Consciousness of all our selves
from all Dimensions through this portal of light. All of our families of
Consciousness from the Cosmic, Universal, Galactic and Solar are
streaming their consciousness through this crystal pillar of light.

Between 12-17 A.D. this particular braid of crystal light energy was
seeded from the Core of Mother Earth to rise out of Mother Earth's
Crust at this time--2008. The light Grids of this present
Consciousness were activated throughout Mother Earth's Crust to
prepare for this complete alignment over the past 12 months.

Entities from other Universal Realms and Solar Realms participated

in this realignment as well. Sananda came from Venus to work on this
project. He parked his Light Body in the Cloud Cities above Earth
eons ago. Others gathered around him to form the Ashtar Command.

These light bodies are constantly streaming light frequencies that

braid the consciousness on Earth into high enough frequencies to
maintain our balance until we can be lifted out of this hologram. My
Sister Mary was streaming her Cosmic Consciousness together with
Sananda's high Universal Understanding to bring Christ
Consciousness to Mother Earth through this braiding and streaming
of Crystal Liquid Light Braids and Strands of Energy.

Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse

The process of ascension is from the inside out and from the outside in. This
transformation requires re-structural engineering from the inside out, but the
alignment comes from the outside in.

First, one must look inside and see the structural design of the internal temple of
one's body. There is a physical form and there is a spiritual structure. We don't
loose one structure. We don't disappear. We merge our physical structure together
into equal balance or equal proportions with the spiritual structure. The structure of
the spiritual form is an etheric structure that is golden crystal dust. The crystals in
forms of dust, gel and light, dance into a flowing form that continuously sings into the
halls of records that are in the crystal cells. These are called Cousha Cells or cellular

These cells sing and dance into the new reality as they gain all that was learned and
given to the soul to be able to grow into and engage into the next dance of reality.
The cells sing and dance because they are made out of the tones of light and sound.
The more information of the new learning, the new experience, the new reality that is
given to the cellular memory, the faster the new formation of the spiritual and
physical body can expand and grow into a brand new reality. Since there has been
no new information give to our cellular memory for thousands of years, we grew
denser and denser as years went by. Now is the time to create a new reality.

1. Source Spark
a. EirA Spark- original spark of creation from Source
b. In the Crystal Heart located behind the Heart near backbone
c. Spark ignites and grows into a flame from breaths of consciousness
d. Lights up the crystal cells into an internal white light body
e. Connect physical body with EirAdonis Body
f. The golden dust body in Core of Mother Earth
g. Inside Earth's Core is liquid light, crystal dust creation of the Twin
Spiritual Earth
h. Our spiritual self has been stored away in this liquid light core of Earth
i. We can now ignite the spark in our crystal heart
j. We connect with our Golden Crystal Irradescent Body
k. (See Irradescent Body Meditation) We grow the twin flames into
Oneness by aligning our crystal heart spark in our Physical and
Spiritual Bodies
l. This new dance of the flames of the sparks create a new more etheric
m. The inside structural change takes place through the spark of one's
n. This spark must connect with the spark of the Spiritual Body
o. The Aqualene Liquid Light Energies from Sirius B or Sirius Spiritual
Twin is flowing down through the spheres into our crystal heart in our
physical body and into the Earth's physical and spiritual body in the
Earth's core, as well as into our Eiradonis body in the Earths core.
This allows the connection of ONENESS of our Physical and Spiritual
Selves to connect and combine into ONE.
2. The outside change takes place by alignment with one's Garment of White
Light or the White Light Body. After we merge with our golden dust body from
Mother Earth's Core, we must step into our White Light Garment that we
create from our Crystal Heart growing into a Crystal Sphere of White Light.
We pull that Sphere of White Light out of our Crystal Heart, let it grow in front
of us, step inside of it and raise it out in front of us, a little above the head.
3. Next, guide the Galactic Suns frequencies to stream through that self and
through the physical body into the crystal heart to merge into oneness.
4. Say - Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me- ten times.
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
Galactic Suns Aqualene Light Stream down through me
5. As we merge into that White Light Body, we gain our Communication with
our Higher Selves. This merging of consciousness is what has been referred
to as the SOUL MERGE. Our soul merges with more frequencies of
consciousness energy the more we allow new realities to come forth. We can
activate these new energies by streaming the sun through the thymus by
aiming the light about four inches below the neck area.
6. Each of us has a higher self in the Cosmic or co-creative sphere of
Consciousness-this is our Monadic God Self. We connect with our god self
through breath- the Entity's consciousness or the Entity's Frequencies.
7. We must Raise our Frequencies to be as high as our higher selves in the
solar, galactic, universal and cosmic realms of consciousness.
8. The meditations and music contain the frequencies of these entities
9. The more we absorb these frequencies from the music and meditations, the
more we raise our frequencies into their higher consciousness. This is how
we raise our frequencies into Ascension. Once we have fully merged with our
god selves, we have ascended.

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