Evaluation For Lo2

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LO2 For this learning objective you worked on planning

and production
What techniques did you choose I chose speed ramping, cutting to the beat, jump cuts
to research? How will these help and slow motion. These will help in my productions as I
you to develop your skills in this can use speed ramping and slow motion to add
dramatic effect and the other 2 to make it more
interesting to watch.
Where and why are these Slow motion is used in horrors to build suspense,
techniques used? cutting to the beat is used in cinematics to make it
more interesting. Jump cuts are used for transitions
between places and speed ramping is also used in
cinematics to make it more interesting.
How did analysing examples of It helped me as I saw what was good about them
the technique in use help you? and how I could implement it into my own work to
make it better.
How did you find experimenting I found it really fun and interesting as there are many
with your techniques? ways you can use them and it can be quite fun to
mess about with.
Did you encounter any problems I didn’t encounter any problems.
when practicing your techniques?
How did you overcome these
What did you do differently I just used better quality film and took more time to
between the first and second make sure they were edited perfectly.
technique practice?
High Grade Tips

Look to use these terms in order to improve the analysis of your own work.

Considered and capable demonstration of processes – detailed documentation of your

production process – such as still images, and annotated screenshots of your specific
production and editing process – including ‘what’ and ‘why’ and not just ‘how’.

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