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Proceedings of IPC`06

6th International Pipeline Conference

September 25-29, 2006, Calgary, Alberta, Canada



Ove R. Samdal Anders Kvinnesland

Statoil ASA Statoil ASA
Haugesund, Norway Haugesund, Norway

Kjell Edvard Apeland Arthur Lind Kjartan Vartdal

Statoil ASA Statoil ASA Statoil ASA
Haugesund, Norway Haugesund, Norway Haugesund, Norway

ABSTRACT several topics related to these technology developments and

Statoil has since 1985 installed, commissioned and operated development of risk based condition (integrity) assessment.
approximately 8000 km of pipelines in the North Sea area. Among
these pipelines are several of the world’s largest offshore gas
trunk lines with the onshore parts relatively short in length but
often with complex landfalls, fjord and land crossings.
Since 2002 Gassco has been the Operator for transporting
Norwegian gas to continental Europe and the UK. Gassco is a
fully state owned company. Statoil is now TSP (Technical Service
Provider) for most of the trunk lines.
Operating these pipelines represents several challenges, and
the accumulated experience gained through successful operations
of these pipelines has brought Statoil to the forefront within the
pipeline industry.
Through comprehensive research and development Statoil has
improved pipeline technology within areas as inspection,
maintenance and repair. Together with the development of risk
based condition (integrity) assessment, inspection and monitoring
planning tools and work processes, these technology
achievements have significantly improved Statoil’s knowledge
and understanding of the pipeline condition and associated risk
levels. A significant reduction in operating cost has also been
Together with its collaborating partners Statoil has among
others improved internal inspection technology by improving the
MFL technology to a level of extra high resolution (XHR-
technology) making metal loss measurements more reliable and
accurate. Multi diameter inspection tools (28”-42”) (MDPT) and
optical laser tool (Optopig) have also been developed and put into
operation. Sub sea pipeline survey by use of ROV has been
significantly improved with regard to instrumentation and survey
speed. A unique remote pipeline repair contingency system (PRS)
with well defined response times (10-21 days), has also been
developed. To get the full benefit of these developments a risk
based pipeline condition (integrity) management system
(PCMS/PIMS) has been developed with the development of
DnV’s Orbit Pipeline as a key element. ORBIT Pipeline consists Fig 1: Norway’s transport network.
principally of data storage and administration and various risk
based integrity assessment modules. This paper will discuss

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INTRODUCTION safe subsea launching, pig running and proper data collection for long
Statoil’s first operated trunk line is the Statpipe trunk distance pigging.
line system put in operation in 1986. Statpipe comprises 6 Statoil has actively promoted dual/multi-diameter pipeline
subsystems transporting dry, dense phase, natural gas from the design, amongst others by sponsoring in-line inspection (ILI)
Statfjord field to the gas processing plant at Kårstø and dry sales developments in two separate directions;
gas from Kårstø to Europe via the Draupner platform and the (1) Development of a Multi-Diameter Pipeline Tool (MDPT),
Norpipe trunk line system. The total length is 893km and the based on XHR magnetic flux technology
diameter is 28”-36”with conventional steel riser tie-ins to the (2) Development of a laser-based 2D/3D image optical tool,
offshore platforms. Offshore pipeline depth down to 300m. called Optopig.
The subsea pipelines enter and leave the island of Karmøy The development of XHR technology was based upon Statoil
via a landfall concrete (culvert) tunnel. The onshore pipeline is requirements for more cost effective and reliable detection of low
routed across the island before it crosses the strait between the level corrosion in heavy wall, long distance pipelines. On this basis
island and the mainland and two more fjords crossing through the XHR technology is challenging the necessity of the so-called
blasted rock tunnels underneath the strait and fjords before “baseline” inspection, necessary with the HR technology.
approaching the Kårstø gas processing plant. Subsea launching of internal inspection tools is also a challenge
A more recent typical trunk line is the Åsgard Transport with respect to the risk of creating hydrates. By developing very
pipeline, transporting dry, dense phase, natural gas from the reliable procedures and operational simulation models, Statoil has in
Haltenbanken fields to the gas processing plant at Kårstø with connection with the inspection of Åsgard Transport demonstrated the
first gas in 2000. The diameter of the pipeline is 42”, but the water ability of successful sub-sea pig launching at an acceptable risk level.
depth (370m) excluded a conventional 42” steel riser. Production In addition to the risk of subsea pig launching, pigging
is therefore achieved using a number of 14” flexible risers operation also represents a restriction in product flow velocity and
connected to a 28” subsea Export Riser Base (ERB), making consequently reduced product delivery. Pigging operation should
topside pig launching for pipeline inspection impossible. The 28” therefore be limited to what is absolute necessary to maintain an
ERB is connected to the 42” pipeline via a 28” expansion spool acceptable integrity risk level.
(70m) with mechanical connectors and a 28” to 42” transition The combination of MDPT/XHR-technology, Optopig/optical
piece. technology and developing very reliable product monitoring- and
The 684 km long 42” subsea pipeline enters the island of corrosion models, the frequency of internal inspections can be reduced
Karmøy via a blasted rock tunnel. The onshore pipeline is routed maintaining an acceptable risk level.
across the island before it crosses the strait between the island and As the size of Statoil’s pipeline network has grown, more and
the mainland. Two more fjords are crossed along the onshore more focus has been put on scale advantages and cost effectiveness.
section to the receiving facilities at Kårstø. Fjords and strait are This is done by challenging the quality, frequency and cost of internal
crossed by laying the pipeline on the bottom. Operating these and external inspection. In particular the development of cost effective
pipelines represents several challenges, and the accumulated subsea ROV-operations has been of great importance.
experience gained through successful operations of these pipelines The importance with regard to reliability and availability of the
has brought Statoil to the forefront within the pipeline industry. pipeline network is also challenging the contingency pipeline repair
Through comprehensive research and development Statoil system (PRS) with regard to response times and reliability in
has improved pipeline technology within several areas as executing repairs.
inspection, maintenance- and repair. Together with the To manage the challenge as outlined above a proper risk based
development of risk based condition (integrity) assessment, condition management system (PCMS) including risk based inspection
inspection and monitoring planning tools and work processes, and monitoring planning, has been developed As a part of the PCMS
these technology achievements have significantly improved Statoil has in cooperation with Det norske Veritas (DnV) developed
Statoil’s knowledge and understanding of the pipeline condition DnV’s software tool Orbit Pipeline for risk based pipeline condition
and associated risk levels. In addition a significant reduction in (integrity) assessment.
operating cost has been achieved. In the chapters below the paper is discussing the following
For the time being Statoil is installing the world’s largest topics related to the above challenges:
offshore pipeline called Langeled. The pipeline is 42” in diameter
and 1200km long and goes from from an export terminal at the 1. Internal inspection
Norwegian west cost via the Sleipner field to Easington in the a. Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) - Extra High Resolution
UK. (XHR) technology.
Since 2002 Gassco has been the Operator for transporting b. Multidiameter Pipeline Tool (MDPT)
Norwegian gas to continental Europe and the UK. Gassco is a c. Optopig–Optical in-line inspection tool
fully state owned company. Statoil is now TSP (Technical Service 2. External inspection
provider) for most of the trunk lines. a. ROV-Survey of submarine pipelines
b. Landfalls
CHALLENGES 3. Pipeline Repair System (PRS)
Being operator of its first pipeline system 20 yeas ago, a. PRS-pool of equipment
Statoil’s first technical challenge was to establish a proper system b. Remote pipeline repair system
for internal and external inspection together with a reliable subsea c. Remote hot-tapping system for subsea pipelines
pipeline repair system. After a few years Statoil also realized that 4. Pipeline Condition Management System (PCMS)
the landfall design also represented a major challenge with respect a. Orbit Pipeline
to the integrity management of the concrete tunnel. 5. Availability and cost effectiveness
The more recent design as the Åsgard Transport pipeline, is
first of all challenging the internal inspection technology with
regard to the development of dual diameter inspection tools for
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a) Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) - Extra High Resolution (XHR) Internal pitting metal loss:
technology. Diameter < 0.25 T : not defined
By improving the Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) Diameter > 0.25 T : 15% min dept. estimation, +/- 8% accuracy
technology to a level of eXtra High Resolution (XHR) compared Diameter > 0.5 T : 10% min dept. estimation, +/- 5% accuracy
to the previous High Resolution (HR) technology, Statoil has Diameter > 1 T : 8% min dept. estimation, +/- 5% accuracy
achieved to make metal loss measurements more reliable, accurate Diameter > 2 T : 5% min dept. estimation, +/- 5% accuracy
and credible.
External pitting metal loss:
Diameter < 1 T : not defined
Diameter > 1 T : 10% min dept. estimation, +/- 5% accuracy
Diameter > 2 T : 8% min dept. estimation, +/- 5% accuracy
Diameter > 3 T : 5% min dept. estimation, +/- 5% accuracy

By replacing the HR-technology with the XHR-technology

Statoil has been able to more accurately establish the size of metal loss
defects which together with improved product monitoring has made it
possible to increase the interval between inspection-pigging without
increasing the pipeline integrity risk level.
The final choice of technology to be used will have to be made
based upon cost-benefit analysis.
In addition the need for the so-called “baseline” inspection
pigging has been challenged as the XHR-technology is more reliable
with regard to the detection of low level corrosion in heavy wall
Fig.2: MFL (Magnetic Flux Leakage) technology – How it pipelines. A “baseline” inspection of a new pipeline for the purpose of
works. later comparison is no longer deemed necessary.

Statoil initiated development of XHR technology in 1994 together b) Multi diameter pipeline tools (MDPT)
with Pipetronix/PII. The main development objective was to meet Conventional in-line inspection tools could not be used in
Statoil’s requirements for more cost effective and reliable Åsgard Transport due to the 28”/42”dual-diameters of the pipeline.
detection of low level corrosion in heavy wall, long distance Statoil initially evaluated a conventional 42” subsea launching facility
pipelines, including; against a 28”/42”diameter concept. A 42” launcher would enable the
- Pressure range (> 150 bar) use of conventional single diameter pigs, but at a high cost and high
- Heavy wall thickness inspection capability (up to 1,5”) risk related to the development of the Export Riser Base (ERB)
- Active range (up to 850 km) structure and development and operation of the belonging subsea pig-
- General metal loss: 5% min. depth estimation with +/- launching equipment. The ERB connects the flexible risers from the
5% detection accuracy floating production unit to the pipeline system.
This dual/multi-diameter pipeline technology development was
Comparison between XHR and HR tools: therefore initiated by the need to obtain reduced capital costs, by
- Higher data sampling/more sensors (504 vs. 200 sensors allowing reduced size on offshore risers and near platform lines (save
for a 40” configuration) weight & money) and reduced size main valves (better reliability and
- Improved magnetization (1000 Hz vs. 600 Hz for a 40” save weight & money).
configuration) It was consequently decided to develop a 28”/42” multi
- Advanced data processing/sizing routines diameter in-line pipeline inspection tool based upon the MFL-XHR
technology together with necessary launching tools and operational
procedures. The 28”/42” MDPT development project started in 1997
with the following main design premises (Åsgard transport gas export
- Pipeline length 707 km
- 200 bar operating pressure
- Wall thickness 42”- 31 mm
- Wall thickness 28”- 25 mm
- 5 D bend

A special in-line inspection tool (MDPT) capable of traversing

the 28”/42”dual diameters of Åsgard Transport has hence been
developed on behalf of Statoil by PII for the Åsgard Transport
partners. Development and testing of this tool were completed in
2004, same year as the tool was used in the Åsgard Transport. This
development involved the largest known change in diameter that an
inspection pig has undertaken whilst providing its function.
Fig.3: Comparison between XHR and HR tools made mid.

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Tow section Magnetizer
Data section No corrosion was detected during the 2005 inspection. 236
metal loss defects (< 12 % of WT), 24 within 10-12% of WT, was
detected. An amount of: ~ 715 G-byte uncompressed data was stored
Battery section in the MDPT during the operation.
MDPT/XHR is presently available in 28/42” configuration only,
Fig 4: The 28”/42” Multi Diameter Pipeline Tool (MDPT) in but different configurations can be made, dependent on demand.
42” mode.
c) OPTOPIG - Optical in-line inspection tool
The MDPT concept’s main features are:
- Four units comprising tow section, magnetizer section, battery Introduction
section, electronic section (data collection/storage) The development of the Optopig introduces a new range of
- True multi-diameter 28”- 42” covering in-line inspection in all optical-electronic in-line inspection tools. The technology
diameters between 28” and 42” incorporated into the tools includes a laser-based 3D-imaging
- Total length 7.8 m technology providing enhanced resolution and detection capabilities
- Total weight 4.1 tons for the inspection of the internal surface of a pipeline. The types of
- XHR technology anomalies detected and sized with precision include geometric flaws
as well as internal corrosion. The data collected provides valuable
The tool has been tested several times as follows: information, especially for the integrity assessment of gas pipelines.
- September 2000 - First Run, Dornum-Emden 42”/~50km The tool design also includes the capability to inspect multi-diameter
- September 2002 – Inspection of Zeepipe IIB 42”/ ~300 km pipelines incorporating the MDPT-technology for the carrier unit. The
- Winter 2003 - three test runs in Zeepipe IIB tool can be applied in a large variety of different types of pipelines,
- Summer 2003 - test run in Zeepipe IIA 42”/~300 km however initially the major focus regarding its application is gas
The tool has been in service several times as follows:
- Autumn 2003 – One onshore 36”/42” gas pipeline Principle of Operation
inspection (3 x 36” river crossings) (Gasunie) Statoil initiated the development of the Optopig together
- Autumn 2005 – Onshore 32”/40” gas pipeline inspections with Norsk Elektro Optikk AS. The Optopig has been designed to
(Ruhrgas) provide an accurate and cost-effective solution for the inspection of
- The MDPT was finally accepted by the Åsgard Transport the internal surface of pipelines and consists of a highly compact
partners and the Norwegian authorities for use in the optical system built into a suitable mechanical pig frame. As with
Åsgard transport pipeline in 2004. During the summer of other in-line inspection tools the mechanical components must
2004 the MDPT was launched and run through the Åsgard incorporate a drive unit, house the energy supply and provide room for
Transport pipeline successfully facing the following the measurement and data storage devises. Use of conventional video
operational challenges: proves to be impractical for other than very short pipe lengths, due to
severe power and data storage limitations. The solution to these
‰ Minimize reduction in ÅT production during MDPT challenges came with the introduction of a novel line scan camera and
installation and inspection laser illumination technology. Figure 6 shows the principle applied. A
‰ Installation of 44 tonnes heavy subsea pig launcher requiring continuously moving laser line illuminates the inner pipe wall. The
strict weather limitations reflected high intensity light is projected onto camera/optical sensors
‰ Tie–in to a live gas system at 300 meter water depth which are aligned at angles between 30º and 60º to the wall. By
‰ Removal of sea water – risk of hydrates utilizing a triangulation principle on a two-dimensional sensor, the
‰ 350 valve operations and 700 procedure steps system can both measure the position of an anomaly and its intensity,
‰ High focus on HSE&Q and Risk Management as can be seen in figure 7. By combining these two measurements, a
A success criterion was the development of a software three-dimensional image of the pipe surface can be displayed.
training model for the ROV-pilots. (Colour coded PI&D’s,
3D models, animations).

Inlet end of the

Åsgard pipeline
28”- 42”

Fig.6: Optopig inspection tool, working principle.

Fig.5: MDPT launching for the Åsgard Transport
pipeline 28” to 42”.
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Fig. 7: Triangulation Principle

In order to compensate for any disturbing vibrations during

the ride through the line, the tool and for smaller diameters the
individual tool bodies are supported by spring-loaded wheels. The
tool consists of an inspection (e.g. laser/camera) unit and a carrier
unit. The inspection unit consists of eight lasers and eight cameras
and is mounted on shock absorbers inside the carrier body. Fig. 9: 3D image of 42” gate valve with approximately 10mm
The inspection tool is fully autonomous, carrying onboard misalignement.
battery power and all necessary computer hard- and firmware.
The laser based line scan technology is extremely power- and data A data processing system has also been developed allowing for
friendly making it possible to cover inspection ranges of up to automatic detection and classification of pipe features as detected by
1000 km, traveling at 5m/sec. The general mechanical design of the Optopig sensors. This opens up for a very efficient and fast
the tool makes it suitable for use in. pipelines with varying verification of the pipeline condition after the inspection.
internal diameter.
Technical Specifications
Self-Cleaning System The optical and electronic system of the tool works with a depth
In order to make sure that all the optical lenses and orifices resolution of 1 mm and a minimum defect size (area) of 2 x 2 mm. The
are kept clean, a permanent flow of gas is induced across the optical resolution of the image is thereby better than 1 x 1 mm. The
length of the tool due to the differential pressure across the tool. available mechanical adaptation kits enable the tool to be used for any
Any dirt or debris, due to dust or sediment in the gas transported nominal pipeline diameter from 10" through to 52". The design
is thereby kept from settling on the tool. incorporates the ability of the tools to inspect multi-diameter pipelines.
Inspection speeds of up to 5 m/s in gas and operational pressures
Data Visualization of up to 200 bar can be accommodated. The tools are fairly light
Data recorded during a survey can be displayed weight.
immediately after a run has been completed and are easy to
interpret. What you see is what you have, as can be seen clearly in
figures 8 and 9. This technology provides a very direct and quick
means to assess the state of the internal surface of a line
inspected. The data analysis software includes a variety of
viewing options. Any anomalies are initially viewed by simply
"surfing" through the pipeline. Viewing options include 2D- and
3D-representation as well as wire-frame configurations. The latter
enable a detailed inspection of the pipe and the sizing of any flaws

a) Photography c) Skewed 3D image

Fig.10: 42” Optopig.

b) Optopig Image d) Wireframe presentation

Fig.8: Images from verification test, a) Photograph of a

cavity of d=25mm, b) Optopig (2D) image of the cavity,
c) Skewed 3D image, d) Wire frame presentation.

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and survey depth. By organizing tender documents and contracts for
competition, significant improvement in quality and cost effectiveness
has been achieved. At the moment Statoil has frame-agreements with
several survey contractors which are subject to regularly competition.

Fig. 12: Typical survey vessel and ROV-illustration with

pipe-tracker, multibeam side scan sonar and Doppler
sonar visualized.

By improving the ROV launching/receiving technology the

operational weather window has also increased, reducing the cost of
Fig.11: 10"/16 " Multi-diameter Optopig. weather delays. In addition the umbilical system has been improved
for better and greater data transfer between ROV and vessel. In
Available tools general the operational reliability of ROV-operations has improved.
• 1x 10/16” Tool Cost effectiveness is demonstrated by the fact that Statoil’s
• 1x 18/24” Tool (comleted in June 2006) average survey cost, including waiting on weather, is 35-40% below
• 1x40/42”Tool corresponding cost arrived at by Juran Institute during their 2004
North Sea and Gulf of Mexico pipeline benchmarking study, including
Acceptance Tests several of Statoil’s pipelines. This is not attributable to the
The Optopig has been used for a number of inspection technological improvements only but also to a great extent to the
projects to date including a positive "Factory Acceptance Test" benefit of large-scale operations and combined pipeline ROV-
(FAT) by DNV. inspection and sea-bed mapping for new projects.

Operating history b) Landfalls

- 1998 First trial run in 42 inch 300 km ZE IIA gas pipeline The Statpipe landfall is built up from five concrete elements
- 1999 Inspection run in 42 inch 21 km Åsgard land pipeline resting on six concrete foundations. Total length is about 670m. The
- 2000-2002 Several test runs in 42 inch 50 km gas pipeline longest element is 150m. The original bearing design for the concrete
- 2003 Verification run at Kårstø, (DnV witnessed culvert showed to be too stiff, and cracks developed at the sidewalls of
- 2006 Dunbar North Alwyn, 16” Multiphase for Total UK, the element foundations. New design had to be developed consisting
of two slide bearings resting on each other, allowing the elements to
To be carried out in 2006 move in the x-y plane. In addition there are bearings on the sidewalls.
- 16” Tunu gas line for Total Indonesia These bearings must be replaced on a regular basis because they are
- 2x24” gas lines for Mærsk Oil and Gas in Danish sector worn out due to the heavy loads from the waves and currents at the
unsheltered Norwegian west coast.
Inspection of Non-Standard Pipelines Experience is that all other pipelines with landfalls at the west
The design of the device makes it well suited also for the coast of Norway either enters through open trench with backfilling or
inspection of non-standard pipelines. These types of lines, which through tunnels, blasted or drilled.
are not normally suitable for the inspection with free-swimming An important yearly event is therefore the inspection and repair
tools, are also sometimes referred to as "non-piggable" lines. Due of the Statpipe culvert to ensure that the integrity of the Statpipe
to its mechanical flexibility the optical-electronic pig introduced pipeline is acceptable. Even through summer time this is a challenging
here can provide valuable information for the integrity assessment operation with regard to weather windows for safe diving operation.
of such pipelines. The tool can be applied as a stand-alone By carrying out HAZID/HAZOP possible hazards are identified and
inspection device or in combination with the use of other in-line proper operational procedures developed. Today Statpipe culvert
inspection tools complementing the information collected during operations are carried out in a safe manner both for divers and the
metal loss and crack detection surveys. environment ensuring that the integrity of the Statpipe pipeline is
Optopig is presently available in 40/42” and 10/16” acceptable.
configurations. Different configurations, e.g. 16/24”, 24/36”,
28/42” etc. can be available according to demand.

a) ROV-survey of submarine pipelines
With several thousand kilometre of sub sea pipelines to be
inspected in the harsh environment of the North Sea, Statoil has
encourage the improvement of sub sea pipeline survey by use of
ROV, in particular with regard to instrumentation, survey speed

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serving the needs of ca. 8000 km of subsea pipelines, whose diameters
range from 3.5" to 44".
This is by far the world’s largest and most experienced
emergency pipeline repair tool facility. It has almost 20 years of
experience using the tools and a team of dedicated personnel for
planned and emergency repair operations.

Fig.14: The PRS-system illustration

The PRS pool of equipment is stored at Haugesund, Norway ,

Fig.13: Statpipe landfall concrete tunnel illustration, developed and operated by Statoil on behalf of its owners and over 40
inspection and repair work illustration pool members. The operational costs are shared by the members and
the equipment is available for 3rd party use.
Diving repair scenarios are today developed for water depths
3. PIPELINE REPAIR SYSTEM (PRS) down to 180msw and diverless repair scenarios for the depth range
a) PRS-pool of equipment (180msw) – 600(1000) msw are close to be finalized.
The need for a pipeline repair contingency system with well
defined response times (10-21 days) was documented through The PRS pool consists of the following main systems:
contingency demand analyses when Statoil’s first pipeline system, • Welding spread
Statpipe, was established and confirmed by new analysis as the – Habitat with tooling and welding machines
pipeline portfolio increased. The pipeline repair system, called • Coupling spread
PRS, was initiated in 1985 by Norsk Hydro for the Oseberg – Coupling Installation Frame (CIF)
Transportation System and has since then developed into a pool of – Morgrip Repair Couplings
different repair equipment managed by Statoil. • Pipeline Intervention spread
The objective of the PRS Pool is to give the members of the – H-frames with different sizes and capacities
pool access to a pipeline repair system to meet all emergency – Concrete removal and cutting machine (CRM)
preparedness requirements and relevant governmental – Pipeline Intervention Frame (PIF)
requirements. Statoil shall as administrator provide that the PRS is – ROV special tooling system (TSM)
maintained, stored, developed and operated in a way that make • Control systems and other support systems
the equipment and services attractive for various types of tie-ins • Pipeline Repair Clamps
in addition to preparedness. • Isolation plugs (remotely and umbilical operated)
It has been an objective to have the system in regular use • Pipeline Retrieval Tools (PRT)
through pipeline tie-in operation to document the operability and
reliability of the PRS. In this context a comprehensive track
record is established consisting of:

- 71remote hyperbaric welded tie-ins

- 4 diverless flange tie-ins ( PRS/Matis)
- 3 mechanical sleeve coupling tie-ins (Morgrip)
- 2 remotely operated pipeline cuts
- 9 remotely operated removals of pipeline coating
Fig.15: Welding spread - Habitat with tooling and welding
The PRS pool contains a wide range of tools and equipment for machines for diver-based mechanized welding.

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Fig.16: Coupling spread - Coupling Installation Frame

Fig.19: Coupling development

Fig.17: 42" repair coupling.

Fig.20: Testing of diverless repair coupling.

The remote sleeve installation and welding project is based

upon the principle of having a damaged pipe section cut out and a new
pipe spool installed, using remotely controlled hyperbaric welding.
This system will allow pipelines to be repaired in water depths where
diving is either impossible or should be avoided for reasons of health
and safety. The method is based on cost-effective, novel technology,
which permits lightweight equipment and operations to be used and
conducted in deep water and/or difficult conditions without the need
for sophisticated heavy lift DSV-vessels. The repair is made by
Fig.18: Concrete removal and cutting machine. replacing a damage pipe section with a new pipe spool, which is
welded to the main pipeline via sleeves and fillet welds. See fig. 21.
b) Remote pipeline repair system
Remote hyperbaric welding trials have successfully proven MIG
The development of remote pipeline repair started up in
fillet welding for water depths of up to 2500 metres. The new system
March 2003 on the basis of the Norwegian authorities depth
is designed for a water depth of 2000 metres with pipe diameters
limitation to 180msw for saturation diving. For repair scenarios
ranging from 30" to 42".
deeper than 180m it was decided to support the development of
Morgrip couplings for diverless installation for pipelines up to 30”
and remote operated welded sleeve installation for greater
Today the 42" couplings have been developed, tested and
ready for operation while the remote welding project is in the
final stage of the development. Statoil has through several years
supported the development of couplings as shown on the figure 19

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Statoil’s maintenance strategy emphasis that all pipeline systems
shall undergo maintenance in order to maintain the function of
equipment, structures and systems in accordance with regulatory
requirements and internal requirements for safe and efficient
Pipeline regulations and codes are normally based on a safety-
or risk philosophy. The design requirements are established so as to
fulfil the objectives of the safety philosophy. The set of design criteria
may thus be seen as the practical interpretations of it. A given pipeline,
as established through the design, and installed accordingly, then is a
Fig.21: Remote hyperbaric welding of sleeve realisation of a structure which, along its whole length, meets the
connecting pipeline and spool together. applicable safety objectives.
In pipeline operations, inspection and monitoring are ongoing
c) Remote hot-tapping system for subsea pipelines activities for the purpose of assessing the condition and integrity of the
Subsea hot-tapping is a method for connecting new pipeline as the internal and external environment changes and affect
pipelines to existing pipelines without depressurising the system. the pipeline system, i.e. verifying that the pipeline remains in a safe
Hot-tapping is a well-known method, involving the drilling a hole condition. On this basis maintenance programs including inspection-
into a live production pipeline. Subsea applications are extremely and monitoring programs are established.
limited with only two examples to date on the Norwegian Scope and frequency of maintenance are established in
continental shelf and seven in the whole North Sea area - all using accordance with risk analysis principles and shall be condition-based
divers. as far as possible, where condition-based maintenance refers to
Foreseeing the need for remotely operated (diverless) maintenance activities which are based on knowledge of condition and
approaches, work on the new hot-tap system began in 1999 as part are carried out before the maintenance objects (equipment, structures,
of a development programme for PRS. This technology makes it systems) fail. As opposed to corrective maintenance which refers to
possible to tie-in new pipelines to existing infrastructures, even in activities carried out in order to restore functionality to a maintenance
very deep water. object which has already failed.
Statoil has developed and qualified a subsea remote hot- The Pipeline Condition Management System (PCMS/PIMS) is
tapping system that provides equipment for carrying out subsea consequently defined as the management system established to obtain
hot-tapping in water depths down to 2000m of pipeline systems the knowledge of the condition and to carry out the maintenance and
(8”-42”) containing pre-installed hot-tap T-junctions. Maximum repair as described.
pipeline pressure during tapping operations is 250 bar and The main management element is the pipeline condition
maximum rotation for pre-installed T-junctions is 30deg. from the assessment based upon design-, inspection- and monitoring data.
vertical position. Cut hole diameter is limited to 400 mm. These data are all stored in purpose built databases.
The next phase to develop and qualify a retrofit Tee is The software tool “Orbit Pipeline”, assist in organizing and
ongoing. This will make it feasible to remotely hot tap on live analyzing data related to
pipelines, originally unprepared for such hot tap. relevant failure mechanisms based upon risk analysis principles where
the probability of failure together with the consequence of failure
constitute the risk element. The acceptable level of risk defines the
basis for establishing & updating monitoring-, inspection and
maintenance programs.
Statoil has through the last years promoted and been a major
premise provider for the development of DnV’s Orbit Pipeline. In this
way the Orbit Pipeline software tool has been tailor-made for Statoil to
be a key tool in Statoil’s PCMS/PIMS. Developments are still
Statoil’s PCMS/PIMS principles has been developed and
materialized into a system of work processes (e.g. inspection,
monitoring,..), databases and software tools (e.g. Orbit Pipeline,..)
which are linked together.
The objective is to make Statoil’s pipeline condition
management system (PCMS/PIMS) process as reproducible and as
person independent as possible. The main objective is nevertheless to
find the acceptable risk- and safety level with the belonging
minimized maintenance, inspection and monitoring programs. This
should be the optimum way of operating the pipeline systems, right
safety level at the lowest cost.

Fig.22: Remote hot-tap module mounted on

Pipeline Intervention Frame (PIF.)

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a) Orbit pipeline program or given as an input profile. The free-spans can be ranked
ORBIT Pipeline consist principally of data storage and according to risk.
administration and various integrity assessment modules. ORBIT
Pipeline may also include assessments from more specialised or On-bottom stability
advanced case by case evaluation performed outside ORBIT The On-Bottom Stability assessment as implemented in ORBIT
Pipeline. ORBIT Pipeline will, however, be useful in defining the Pipeline is based on DNV’s Recommend Practice RP E305 On-Bottom
cases where such detailed evaluations are necessary and for later Stability Design of Submarine Pipelines. DNV RP E305 provides
implementation and interpretation of the results from the assessment models at various levels. The simplest model “Simplified
assessment studies. Stability Analysis” has been selected. In addition to the stability
check, soil bearing capacity (sinking of the pipeline into the soil) and
Data storage and administration floating of the pipeline, are checked.
- Data may and will be taken from many data sources, and in
most cases, duplicate data sources will exist. Hence it is Upheaval buckling
important to notify where the data are taken from. A Pipelines sometimes buckle upwards or sideways under the
reference system has therefore been implemented. influence of axial compressive forces developed by the operating
- Pipeline design, fabrication and installation data together temperature and pressure. This form of buckling can severely over-
with results from pipeline monitoring and inspection form stress the pipeline. The Upheaval Buckling Assessment as
the basis for condition/integrity and risk assessment. These implemented in ORBIT Pipeline has primarily been based on
data is input to the assessment module. The time- Germanischer Lloyd’s “Rules for Classification and Construction”.
development of monitoring and inspection results can also be This methodology is further based on OTC Paper 6335 “Design of
examined Submarine Pipelines against Upheaval Buckling”.
- Results from product and corrosion monitoring can also be
stored in ORBIT Pipeline. The objective has been to design a Cathodic Protection (Anodes)
general framework for collection, evaluation and The cathodic protection design can be verified against DNV-RP-
presentation of basis data needed to estimate / evaluate B401. Anode depletion measurements are plotted against the expected
internal corrosion. usage from design.
- There is an event and history log for registration of events,
operational changes etc. that is important for the assessment Risk assessment
of the pipeline integrity. The pipeline can be divided into sections, usually based on type
(riser, pipeline, etc.) or most critical damage cause, say a part of the
Integrity assessment pipeline with many long free-spans. The risk assessment is done for
Different modules serve as a calculation tool for code each section separately. The pipeline section is one of the basic
compliance, condition, integrity and defect assessments. The concepts in ORBIT Pipeline. The section risk is the highest risk of the
integrity assessment is currently divided into two main categories. associated damage causes at a specific time. As an example, the
Defect Assessment: Integrity implications of defects, i.e., section risk may be driven by a single corrosion defect or a free span,
corrosion defects based on commonly used codes (guidelines). which extensions are very short compared to the length of the section.
Evaluation of cracks and dents will be added as part of this In order to bring the focus to these high-risk elements, it is possible to
module. The Probability of Failure (PoF) is estimated for a given sub-section the pipeline. Components (valves, flanges, crossings, etc.)
defect versus time. Two limit states are considered: burst and may be defined along the pipeline. The risk assessment of components
leakage limit states. The PoF, CoF and Risk are estimated for all follows the same principals that apply for a section.
defects in a given Kp-range. 1

Technical Assessment: Integrity implications of inspection

results/loads not classified as defects, e.g., free-spans, pressure
Pipeline Sections and Damage Risk Condition Aggregated
containment loads, etc. Allowable limits from design may be system components Causes Assessment evaluation reporting
available; hence, the first check should be against these. If such
limits are not available, conservative calculation models based
upon minimum need for addition input, have been implemented.

Pressure containment
The utilisation of the pipeline due to pressure containment
can be calculated according to the DNV Offshore Standard OS-
F101 and the ASME standards B31.4 and B31.8.

Free span
The screening criterion as outlined in DNV-RP-F105 has Re-sectioning Re-assessment
New inspection results
been implemented in ORBIT Pipeline. The screening criteria
proposed apply to fatigue damage caused by Vortex Induced
Vibrations (VIV) and direct wave loading in combination with Fig.23: Orbit Pipeline Working Process.
current and wave loading. Sensitivity studies can be performed by
varying every relevant input parameter. Inspection planning
The design check gives an overview of all span lengths An “Inspection Planning Module” has been implemented in
(span gaps) compared to allowable span length (allowable span ORBIT Pipeline. The input to this module is based on two primary
gap). The allowable span length can either be calculated by the sources:

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1) Past inspections, i.e., historical overview of all performed ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
inspections. Statoil acknowledge the contribution and cooperation of
2) Results from pipeline and component assessment in terms of Pipetronix/PII, Norsk Elektro Optikk AS, Det norske Veritas,
time to next inspection (initiated from exceeding risk-limit or StoltSubsea7 JV, Isotek, Sintef, Cranfield, Hydratight, Technomarine,
maximum time between inspections). Deep Ocean AS, Stolt Offshore AS.

The generated inspection plan can be visualized and edited in

two different views:
- A table and a plot with Kp along the x-axis and years along the
- The Planning Sheet is a ‘spreadsheet-like’ visualization section
by section.

Planned activities (repairs, interventions, analyses, etc.) can
be registered along the pipeline system and followed-up in the
activities module.
The reporting module comprises of the following pre-
defined reports: General print-preview, Pipeline data,
Event/History Log, Survey and Inspection Results, Defect
assessment, Portfolio Assessment, Pipeline Assessment,
Component Assessment, Condition Evaluation Summary,
Inspection Plan, Activities, References and Pictures, Report
Merger (merge selection of the above reports into one file),
Access Reports (user-designed database reports).


The cost figures shown below illustrate the cost distribution
between the main operating cost-disciplines in average for all
Statoil’s gas and liquid transport pipelines. The distinctive
characteristics of each pipeline system imply of course that the
specific cost figures for the specific pipelines deviate from the
We would like to highlight the very low percentual
corrective and condition based maintenance cost implying a very
high percentage of mechanical availability of the pipeline
systems, also confirmed by the operating experience. This we
believe is to be attributable to Statoil’s high focus on risk based
condition assessment, inspection planning and performance as
also indicated by the relatively high percentual cost figures for
these disciplines.



Operating agreements
20 18 19
% of total cost

Product mngt.
15 13 Condition assesment
PRS cont.
10 8
Corrective & Condition
based maintenance
4 Other (Business
overhead, support, etc.)


Fig.24: Average operating cost distribution (%) per km.

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