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J1939 Truck & Bus Request Form

Manufacturer ID Requests
Revision 2.0 - August, 2013
This document is used to submit requests to add or revise a Manufacturer ID. Instructions for submitting
the request are provided on the last page of this document.

General Requestor Information

Enter your e-mail address! This is the primary means by which the committee will communicate with you.
Even if your information is in the committee roster, enter it again here so we may automate our mailings.

First Name Last Name




State/Province Country Postal Code



Manufacturer ID
Manufacturer ID to revise (Leave blank for request for new)
Manufacturer name (including division or department if appropriate)

Manufacturer location (City, State, Country)

Notes to the Committee:

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Document Filename & Request Submit Instructions
Manufacturer ID requests are typically processed within a week or two after being submitted.

Submitting the Manufacturer ID Request Document

Submit your request by emailing a copy of this Request Form, along with any other supporting
documents, to the J1939 Committee using the email address provided below.

Email for Submitting J1939 Requests:

Document Filename Format

1. Original Request File: filename format is YYYYMMDDii_x, where:
 ‘YYYY’ = Year (e.g. 2010)
 ‘MM’ = Month (e.g. 01 = January, 02 = February, etc)
 ‘DD’ = Day of Month
 ‘ii’ = Requestor’s initials
 ‘x’ = Count of this Request Document among all submitted that day by Requestor
For example 20130704TH_1.doc - first request submitted on July 4th, 2013, by person
with initials TH. If two requests were submitted on this same day by the same person, the
filename for the second request document would be 20130704TH_2.doc.
2. Updates to Request File: Use the same base filename (YYYYMMDDii_x) as the Original Request and
add an "_R#" extension to the base name, where '#' is the number of revisions made to date.
Original Version: 20130704TH_1.doc
1st Update: 20130704TH_1_R1.doc
Next Update: 20130704TH_1_R2.doc

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