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Tanker – is a ship designed to transport or store liquids or gases in bulk.

Major types of tankship includes :

Oil tanker
Chemical tanker
Gas carrier
Oil tanker
also known as petroleum tanker, a ship designed for the bulk transport of oil, there are two
basic types of oil tankers: (crude tanker – move large quantities of unrifined crude oil from its
point of extraction to refineries.) (product tanker – generally much smaller, designed to move
refined products from refineries to point near consuming markets.)

Oil tankers are often classified by their size as well as their occupation. The classes range
from inland or coastal tankers of a few thousand metric tons of deadweight (DWT) to
mammoth ultra large crude carriers (ULCCs) of 550,000 DWT.

Chemical tanker
type of tanker ship designed to transport chemicals in bulk.

Gas carrier
a ship designed to transport LPG, LNG or liquefied chemical gases in bulk.

Tankers also carry commodities such as vegetable oils, molases and wine.

Free surface effect

a large body of liquid carried aboard a ship will impact on the ship's stability, particularly
when the liquid is flowing around the hold or tank in respponse to the ship's movements. The
effect was negligible in casks, but could cause capsizing if the tank extended the witdth of the

Questions to be answer by the researchers ;

FSE (free surface effect)
What will happen to the vessel if the proposed thesis will be applied
Discussion of the above questions (FSE & Stability)

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