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Where to spot the elusive night-time species


The greatest wildlife show on Earth

From the tranquil wilderness
of North Luangwa to the
thundering Victoria Falls
January 2019


Contents W here to go and

what to see

 E xciting safari
experiences for 2019

T he Masai Mara
and Serengeti

C reatures of the dark
Published by
Africa House, 2 Cornard Mills,
Mill Tye, Great Cornard,
and where to find them

Suffolk CO10 0GW
A round up of our
t: 01787 888590
e: trips this year

With thanks to
Wilderness Safaris, Dana Allen,
Mike Myers, Anthony Grote, SOUTH AFRICA
Kyle de Nobrega, Remote Africa
Safaris, Pangolin Safaris, Mashatu Game viewing without
Game Reserve, Shenton Safaris,
Jaci’s Lodges, Richard Costin,
the tablets
Chiawa Camp, Mihingo Lodge,
&Beyond, Nkuringo Bwindi Lodge,
Surefoot Safaris, Kelvyn Derrick,
Okonjima and Sanbona whose
images appear in this newsletter.
Much more than just an
Cover shot
amazing beach destination
Civet by Dana Allen

A selection of the
very best

During 2019 we shall be exhibiting at several shows. Please do pop by our stand for a chat,
and if you’d like to see any of us individually, please call to check which days we will be there.
We look forward to seeing you!
DESTINATIONS London Olympia 31 January – 3 February 2019
THE SUFFOLK SHOW Suffolk Showground Ipswich 29 – 30 May 2019
THE BIRD FAIR Rutland Water 16 – 18 August 2019

2 I Safari Telegraph I Januar y 2019


From the fun and games of GDPR earlier in the year to being restored with various new high quality adventure
the current uncertainty surrounding the future of the products becoming established. Exciting stuff! Despite
United Kingdom, it is fair to say that 2018 has been an these developments in Africa, availability is an increasing
interesting and at times challenging year to navigate! challenge in some regions, so please do contact us as
early as possible with your safari plans.
Here at Safari HQ we are however in good spirits
and are looking ahead towards a land beyond Brexit, Sightings have been superb too, from migration
whatever that may look like! We have welcomed Jenny crossings and leopard kills to inquisitive elephants and
and Sam into our administration team, and Annabel elusive aardvarks. From gorillas to gallinules, and from
joined us from Botswana to develop our Product and porcupines to pangolins, you have seen it all! On our
Marketing channels. We also enjoyed Eloise’s wedding website we have our 2018 Gallery which showcases
celebrations in the summer and have been working hard your wonderful photographs, including our Facebook
on our new website, which will go live anytime soon. ‘Photo of the Month’ winners.
Our sales team have criss-crossed Africa and the Indian
Ocean notching up a combined total of over six months
in the field! As always we have been experiencing the
wide range of safari products out there and learning
about the varied regions that are home to Africa’s We would like to know whether you would like to
extraordinary people and wildlife. continue receiving this newsletter. We have enclosed
a form which includes a pre-paid return card – all you
In Africa, the brakes seem to be off when it comes to need to do is ‘tick the box’ and pop the card in the post
investment in the safari industry as a wave of new back to us. We really would love to share our newsletter
properties have emerged and operators compete to with you in the future, so if you are interested to stay on
provide the most incredible experiences. We do have our postal mailing list please do return the card!
concerns that in many areas the focus has moved away
from the core ethos of a traditional ‘bush adventure’, Many thanks to all of you for your support. We hope you
to make way for the more vogue ‘luxury in the wild’ have a relaxing and fun festive season, and a happy and
philosophy. However, we are seeing some balance successful 2019.
Bill, Rob, Michele, Mary, Josie, Michaela, Frances, Roland, Jane, Eloise, Julia, Joe, Granniae, Jenny, Annabel and Sam

safari consultants safariuk safariconsultantslimited safari consultants

Januar y 2019 I safar I 3


Kasanka and Bangweulu – Bill different species of antelope, including
roan, the full range of predators,
Looking for the Africa of the early elephants, buffalo, hippo and almost
pioneers? Go no further than the 500 recorded bird species all resident
seldom-visited, tsetse-infested regions in the park. For anyone wanting a more
of Kasanka and the Bangweulu remote wilderness experience, the
wetlands of northern Zambia – WOW. sheer scale of the park plus low visitor
Kasanka, a beautiful park of woodland, numbers makes Kafue a good option for
plains, lakes, rivers and swamps is one a second visit to Zambia.
you’re likely to have pretty much to
yourself, unless you travel during the
bat migration in November. The long
North Luangwa – Michele
drive north to Bangweulu is one of The North Luangwa National Park
those magical African experiences as covers an area of just over 4,500 square
you travel through one remote village kilometres and offers a rich diversity of
after another. Arriving at Bangweulu, habitat ranging from mopane woodland
the fishing traps of the local people and and acacia thickets to riverine forest
vast herds of black lechwe divide up and open grassland. With a limited road
the floodplains and you have to explore network the park is best explored on
deeper into the swamp areas to see the foot, and due to there being just a couple
extraordinary shoebill. Well worth of camps in the park, you can spend
every effort and although you may not days exploring without seeing any other
see the Big 5, this is explorers Africa. visitors. The concentrations of wildlife
may not quite compare with those of
Kafue – Mary the better known South Luangwa, but if
you enjoy walking, remoteness and raw
Kafue is one of Africa’s oldest and African wilderness, then it will National Park are rich with wildlife and “A MEDLEY OF
largest national parks and is home to an not disappoint! are one of the best places to see leopard
impressive variety of habitats; riverine - the mature woodland of sausage and
forest bordering the Kafue River and its winterthorn trees is an ideal habitat GIVES RISE TO
tributaries, miombo woodlands, open The Lower Zambezi – Frances to search for those large spotted paws AN EQUALLY
grasslands and the seasonal Busanga On the northern banks of the Zambezi dangling from a branch. The river brings
floodplains. It is this medley of terrains River, you’ll find one of the most
with it an array of experiences that only
that gives rise to an equally impressive beautiful game viewing regions in water can provide – astonishing sunsets, DIVERSITY OF
diversity of animals with twenty Africa. The plains of the Lower Zambezi kingfishers darting into the water, ANIMALS”

4 I Safari Telegraph I Januar y 2019


hippo’s grunting in the shallows, the

evocative cry of the fish eagle overhead,
gliding silently in a canoe past bee-
eater colonies and elephants swimming
across the channel ahead of your boat.
It is a true African wilderness in an
idyllic setting.

South Luangwa Game

Viewing & Northern Sector
– Julia
With game drives by day and night,
walking, hides and sleep-out options,
South Luangwa has plenty of activities
to offer. It is a beautiful park with
varied habitats and surprises around
every corner. Personally, it is the game
viewing that really blows me away.
Wild dogs chasing leopards up a tree,
and then chasing impala almost into
our vehicle! Hippo squabbling in the
receding pools, lions hunting in the
darkness and elephants crossing the
winding Luangwa River in convoy.
Seeing two male lions on foot was
incredibly exciting too! This is purist
Africa and really delivers on the raw
big game experience.

South Luangwa Walking

& Southern Sector – Jane
I don’t mind admitting that I like my
safaris to be exclusive. A fortnight
with no other vehicles or human-
activity is heaven! Small bush camps
with a cacophony of African sounds
both day and night. The southern
sector of South Luangwa offers that
experience, with an emphasis on
walking. Transferring on foot from
one camp to the next takes you
through beautiful woodland and
hidden lagoons to wide river expanses.
I have a great many memories from
this exclusive corner of Africa! They
include my favourite camp, two
Pel’s fishing owls, my first leopard
sighting and stalking the endemic
Thornicroft’s giraffe.
Liuwa Plains – Rob Upper Zambezi &
How many places in the world can you Victoria Falls – Joe
Main picture: drive off-road for six hours non-stop, The Victoria Falls are one of Africa’s
Buffalo in Kafue without barely a tree to interrupt the great scenic highlights and can be
Above clockwise flat 360 degree horizon, and certainly included in any Zambian holiday
from top left: without seeing another vehicle or itinerary. The falls themselves are
Rob in Liuwa Plains, human being? Liuwa Plains is an majestic and are a year round attraction,
hippopotamus, incredible destination – a vast area of though the volume of water cascading
lion encounter on open grassland, much of which floods over the falls varies seasonally with peak
foot, yellow billed after the rainy season, that is home to a volumes experienced between March
stork, black lechwe significant array of wildlife, including and May. Helicopter ‘flights of angels’
in Bangweulu lion, cheetah and spotted hyaena, a are a memorable way to view the falls
migrating population of approximately from above, whilst swimming in Devil’s
25,000 wildebeest and over 300 bird Pool close to Livingstone Island at the
species. Perhaps not for the uninitiated, very top of the main falls is a wonderful
Liuwa Plains should be a serious experience. Upstream from the falls,
consideration for experienced Africa the tranquil Zambezi River offers game
travellers who enjoy wilderness, birding viewing, relaxation, fishing and birding,
and something just a little bit different! whilst it is also possible to visit local
villages for a more cultural experience.
For more information Numerous excellent properties provide
visit an ideal base at either the start or end
or call 01787 888590 of your safari.

Januar y 2019 I safar I 5

What’s New


Rwanda Namibia
The increase in gorilla permits Namibia continues to boom
from US$750.00 to US$1500.00 per with the exciting development of two
person in Rwanda has not put off the new lodges in the remote north-west
development of new properties, though of the country. Shipwreck Lodge in the
it does seem that most development is Skeleton Coast National Park offers
taking place at the luxury end of the luxury accommodation in the harsh, but
market! Singita have taken over the old stunning environment. You will have the
Gorilla’s Nest Lodge and are due to open opportunity to visit the remnants of the
their Kwitonda Lodge in August 2019, Suiderkus and the Karimona shipwrecks
whilst Wilderness Safaris have spread and enjoy full day 4x4 drives exploring
their wings yet again to Akagera National the Hoarusib River as well as visit the seal
Park and in March 2019 will open colony at Mowe Bay.
Magashi Camp, a luxury 12 bed tented
camp overlooking Lake Rwanyakazinga. Inland from the Skeleton Coast in the
Hoanib Valley of Kaokoland is the new
In the south of the country, One & Only Hoanib Valley Camp, from where you
have taken over Nyungwe Forest Lodge to can search for desert elephant, giraffe,
create Nyungwe House, which reopened oryx, springbok and even lions in the
earlier in October. dramatic setting.

South Africa Both opened in mid-2018, with Michele

and Frances having just returned from
In the privately owned Tswalu Hoanib Valley Camp, and Julia and Mary
Kalahari Reserve in the Northern Cape, scheduled to visit Shipwreck Lodge in
Motse Lodge is undergoing a major May next year.
refurbishment and will be re-opening in
July 2019.
Within the Timbavati Private Nature The travel industry continues to
Reserve (bordering Kruger National regenerate with several new camps and
Park) Rockfig Safari Lodge is the newest lodges opening. African Bush Camps are
luxury addition and opened in November set to open Nyamatusi and Nyamatusi
2018. Accommodation is in six stylish, Mahogany in early 2019, located close
stone and thatch suites and game drives together on the Mana Pools shoreline,
are for just four guests per shared vehicle. whilst on the eastern edge of the park,
Rob will be visiting in March. Wilderness Safaris have re-opened the
re-built Chikwenya Camp. All three
With three private houses in the camps will bring a little extra luxury to
Madikwe Game Reserve, The Morukuru this fantastic wildlife area. Further east,
Family have now added a second private bordering Mana Pools, the Sapi Wildlife
beach house to their portfolio; Morukuru Area (previously a hunting concession)
Ocean House, in the De Hoop Nature has come under Great Plains stewardship
Reserve some three hours east of Cape and they have launched their exclusive
Town. The luxury four bedroomed, Greater Mana Expeditions, a 7 night
exclusive-use property is perfect for safari combining three different camps.
a relaxing coastal experience, hiking, Rob and Michele will be experiencing
birding and whale-watching in season. these new products in 2019. Main picture: Eland in Mana Pools
De Hoop is also a good place to try and Above from left: Mountain gorilla, desert
spot a caracal! elephants, walking with Deb Tittle, wild dogs

6 I Safari Telegraph I Januar y 2019

What’s New

Zambia Botswana
For old-school wilderness and In the Khwai Private Reserve,
walking experiences, matched with bordering the Okavango Delta, Pangolin
expert guiding, Zambia has some superb Khwai Camp is owned and run by specialist
new offerings. Deb Tittle, one of South photographic safari company Pangolin
Luangwa’s most experienced guides, has Safaris. The lodge has seven spacious tented
established Mapazi Camp in the remote rooms and there are specially designed
north-east corner of the park. Deb offers photo vehicles, an editing suite with plenty
a bespoke safari with walks tailored of charging points and a large screen for
to the ability and interests of each presentations/workshops. Although the
individual party. camp is designed with photographers in
mind, non-photographers are also welcome
In the Lower Zambezi National Park, and well-catered for. Rob stayed in
Tusk and Mane Safaris is owner-run November and had a great time following
and operated by professional guides the local wild dog pack!
Luke Evans and Kyle Branch. They offer
a mobile camping experience with the In Chobe National Park, Pangolin Safaris
emphasis on walking and canoeing as also opened Pangolin Lodge in 2018, which
much as driving. Mary visited in October Joe visited in June. This is a great option
and we are excited to have this option in for keen photographers visiting the Chobe
the Lower Zambezi. River region.

Januar y 2019 I safar I 7

East Africa Plains

The greatest wildlife show on earth

hen describing Africa’s private conservancies are without doubt (a mixture of community, conservation and
most iconic landscape preferable if you enjoy an exclusive hunting areas), whilst to the south-east
and best game viewing game viewing experience, and it is in is the huge Ngorongoro Conservation
region, it is hard to know these regions you can also enjoy a more Area which is home to the stunning
just where to start. Straddling south- varied experience with night drives, Ngorongoro Crater.
west Kenya and northern Tanzania, the walking safaris and village excursions
open savanna plains of East Africa are all possible. However, to experience The famous migration, which includes
simply a marvel to behold. Covering a one of the greatest wildlife highlights gazelles, zebra and wildebeest, is a
vast 30,000 square kilometres or so, the on this planet, you need to venture into continual cycle driven by the desire to
endless plains are home to 1.5 million the official Mara Reserve where the find fresh grazing and water. Between
migrating wildebeest, vast herds of Mara River bisects the open plains and December and April the herds congregate
gazelle and zebra and a high density creates a croc-filled obstacle for tens of on the southern Serengeti plains where
of big cats – lion, leopard and cheetah. thousands of wildebeest who cross the the grasses are short and the plains wide
Almost all strains of African wildlife river to find fresh grazing. Where the open. At this time of year water is plentiful
are found here, from wallowing hippo banks are steep and the waters strong, a after the short rains, and the plains are
and hungry crocs in the Mara River, ‘crossing’ can be an extremely dramatic “Lion dominate the perfect place for the animals to calve,
to stately giraffe wandering the plains event, and large crossings can take place the plains, which usually takes place in early February.
and secretive black rhino hiding in the over several hours. As the herds run From May onwards the long rains promise
thickets. At night the nocturnal species the gauntlet, often in seemingly blind while leopards fresh grazing to the west and north, where
come out, from caracals and servals to panic, the predators lie in wait, not just move stealthily permanent water can also sustain the herds
aardvark and aardwolf. The scenery is crocs in the water but lion and leopard through the through the long dry season ahead. Moving
magical, with huge vistas of golden grass on the banks too, hoping to strike first west into the area known as the
interspersed with rocky kopjes, rolling during the chaos. riverine Western Corridor, and then northwards up
hills, riverine woodland and thickets. woodland” through the Serengeti, the migration herds
River crossings can also be viewed in
In Kenya, the Masai Mara offers the Tanzania’s Serengeti, as the Mara River
most concentrated game viewing in snakes its way south-west across the
Africa. Made up of two adjoining public northern section of the park
reserves (the Masai Mara National (there are more than 10
Reserve and the Mara Triangle) which identified crossing points
border Tanzania to the south, and a along this section of the river).
series of private conservancies to the The Serengeti is far larger than the
north and east of the reserve (principally Masai Mara and stretches to the
Mara North, Olare Motorogi and west and south to form a safari
Naboisho), the Masai Mara offers park the size of Wales. Bordering
incredible game viewing wherever the Serengeti are the Grumeti Reserves,
you stay and whenever you visit. The Maswa, Mwiba and Loliondo game areas

8 I Januar y 2019 I safar

East Africa Plains

follow ancient routes and usually enter Maasai ‘shukas’ – in fact your guide is
Kenya’s Masai Mara in July. With the quite likely to be wearing one. Whilst
Mara River and her tributaries to sustain the official parks are sanctuaries for the
them, the herds remain in the northern wildlife alone, the various conservancies
Serengeti and Masai Mara throughout and community areas that border the
the dry season, until late October when parks are home to the Maasai (usually
they are lured back south by the short the land is owned by them) and in
November rains and the promise of the these areas wildlife and humans live
succulent green grass plains. together. Perhaps not always in total
harmony, but on balance with a huge
Given the amount of prey on show, it degree of mutual respect. In the private
is no surprise that the Mara/Serengeti conservancies bordering the Masai Mara
ecosystem is a top spot for viewing the it is easy to arrange a village visit and it
predators of Africa. Lion dominate the is not uncommon to see Maasai children
plains, while leopards move stealthily tending their goats and cows around the
through the riverine woodland. Spotted fringes of the conservancies (which at
hyaena are so numerous in places that certain times of year operate rotational
you can only wonder at their success and grazing). To the south of the Serengeti
worry about the effect it could have on it is also possible to encounter the
other predators. Cheetah thrive in the lesser known Hadzabe, one of the last
open landscape where smaller prey such remaining genuine hunter-gather tribes
as Thomson’s gazelles are plentiful – they in Africa. A morning spent walking with
just need to avoid the lion and hyaena them as they forage for food is an eye-
that plague their existence. Up until the opening experience.
early 1990’s wild dogs were common
across the East African plains, but soon Many safari travellers head to the
after they were almost totally wiped out Masai Mara or Serengeti for a short and
by distemper and ‘pest control’. Today intensive game viewing experience.
however it is great to hear regular reports Much of the time they can avoid the
of wild dogs being seen, predominantly crowds and enjoy a degree of exclusivity,
around the fringes of both the Masai though in some areas it is difficult to do
Mara and the Serengeti. this. We believe that the Masai Mara
and Serengeti are so good that it is easily
One cannot talk about the Masai Mara possible to visit two or three different
and Serengeti without mentioning the camps and regions in one trip, possibly
charismatic Maasai people who inhabit including ‘out of season’ areas which you
the land as pastoralists with their cattle will have virtually to yourself. It is also
and goats. It is almost impossible to possible to combine both the Masai Mara
safari in East Africa without seeing the and Serengeti in one trip that covers quite
splendid red colours of the traditional diverse sections of this epic eco-system.

Main picture:
Masai Mara
Above clockwise
from top left:
Leopard in a tree,
cheetah, Hadzabe
wildebeest crossing

Januar y 2019 I safar I 9

Nocturnal Species

‘I see eyes’ said the lady behind me as our vehicle

slowed to a halt and our guide purposefully switched
off his spotlight for a moment before re-engaging with
the small animal sitting in the grass about 75 metres
to our right. ‘It looks like a serval’, the guide said, ‘can
you see through your binoculars?’ Through binoculars
the face and distinctive ears of the serval were clearly
visible, staring back at us. Seemingly relaxed, the
beautiful small cat resumed hunting and we watched
fascinated as it carefully and silently stalked a rodent
in the long grass and eventually pounced. About 15
minutes earlier we had been incredibly lucky and seen a
very shy caracal, another small but beautiful cat, which
had been sitting in the middle of the track ahead of us
optimistically watching some impala grazing nearby.

Night drives in Africa are not always action packed, and

as with all game viewing there is a strong element of Serval
luck, but they do often throw up something different or Serval are beautiful spotted cats with long legs and large ears, and
exciting. Leopards are often seen at night, occasionally thankfully, are much easier to find than caracal! They love grassland areas,
stalking game or eating from a fresh carcass, whilst especially around the fringes of waterways. For daylight viewings, the
lions and spotted hyaena are also nocturnally active. Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti in Tanzania, the Masai Mara in Kenya
However, there is a much wider array of interesting and the Nyika Plateau in Malawi all offer superb chances. For nocturnal
nocturnal animals which are difficult species to see on sightings, Botswana’s Okavango Delta and Linyanti region are hard to
safari, so here is run down on where you have the best beat. However, they can be found in most wildlife areas across East and
chances of finding them. Southern Africa.

Though widespread, the aardvark is a naturally shy
creature that often emerges late at night to feed on
ants and termites. Whilst you could get lucky almost
anywhere, over the years a few areas have emerged
where chances are higher, such as the Lower Zambezi
in Zambia (especially from Old Mondoro Camp – 43
sightings this season, one every 5 days on average) and
the Makgadikgadi Pans region in Botswana. However
for the best chances, visit the Samara Reserve in the
Karoo Desert of South Africa, or the Tswalu Kalahari
Reserve in the Northern Cape of South Africa. In winter
time at Tswalu it is even possible to see aardvark
foraging in the late afternoon.

Though very rare to see, caracal are a successful and
widespread cat that exist throughout Africa and can
be seen by day as well as by night. Grassland areas
such as Kenya’s Masai Mara, Tanzania’s Serengeti
and Botswana’s Kalahari, Okavango and Linyanti all
offer a fair chance. Joe in the office is the ‘our’ caracal
king having seen two on his recent trips to Africa - in
Amboseli (Kenya) and Ruaha (Tanzania)! However
South Africa is probably the destination where sightings
are most regular, especially in a few specific areas such
as De Hoop Nature Reserve on the south coast, West
Coast National Park in the Western Cape, the private
game reserves of the Eastern Cape and the Kgalagadi
Transfrontier Park in the Kalahari Desert of the
Northern Cape.

10 I Safari Telegraph I Januar y 2019

Nocturnal Species

Civet (cover shot) tend to favour woodland and thickets where there
is also easy access to water. They are omnivorous, feeding on rodents,
reptiles, insects, berries and fruits, and being active early in the evening
they are quite frequently encountered on night drives. Whilst widespread
across Africa, some of the best places to see them include South Africa’s
private reserves (especially bordering the Kruger), Zimbabwe’s Hwange
and Mana Pools, and Zambia’s South Luangwa and Lower Zambezi.

Brown Hyaena
Brown hyaena exist across southern Africa and seem most at home in
arid regions such as Namibia’s Skeleton Coast and Botswana’s Kalahari
Desert. Along the Skeleton Coast they can be seen on foggy mornings
scavenging around seal colonies, whilst in the Kalahari the best place
to see them is around Makgadikgadi Pans. Other good places include
Erindi in Namibia and Madikwe in South Africa. Somewhat surprisingly,
a brown hyaena den in the Kwando Concession of northern Botswana
has recently been providing wonderful sightings of the pups, though the
mother is rarely seen!

Honey Badger
Honey badgers are widespread and have adapted to
most habitats, though they tend to be seen mostly across
Southern Africa. Whilst predominantly nocturnal, they
can also be seen during the day, especially in Botswana’s
Central Kalahari where they forage around the edges of
the open vlei areas. The main safari regions of Zambia,
Zimbabwe, Botswana and South Africa all offer fair
chances of spotting them.

Aardwolf are also widespread but quite rare to see.
Looking similar to a hyaena, but lighter in build and
colouration, aardwolf tend to prefer grassland areas
such as the Mara/Serengeti ecosystem in East Africa, or
more sandy-soil habitats such as the Kalahari regions
of northern South Africa and Botswana (including the
Okavango and Linyanti areas), and the Karoo Desert
regions of southern South Africa.

The elusive pangolin, one of the hardest animals to see and quite frankly, impossible to predict!
Safari Consultants guests have recently spotted them in Zambia’s Lower Zambezi, Zimbabwe’s
Hwange and Kenya’s Masai Mara, but the only place to throw up remotely regular sightings is
the Tswalu Kalahari Reserve in South Africa.

Also known as a striped polecat, and associated with skunks due to their size, shape, colour
and ability to emit a defensive spray, the zorilla is one of Africa’s most secretive creatures and
incredibly rare to see. This small, nocturnal carnivore lives a solitary life and is found across
East and Southern Africa, but it is impossible to predict where one may pop up!

Black-footed Cat
The black-footed cat is Africa’s smallest cat and is the hardest of all to see. They are found
across the arid regions of Botswana, Namibia and South Africa, predominantly inhabiting the
Kalahari and Karoo Desert regions. Nocturnal and solitary, they enjoy grassland areas and
feed predominantly on rodents. They are known to be fierce for their size having to defend
themselves against other desert predators such as jackals and foxes.

Other Species
Other nocturnal species that can be encountered across East and Southern Africa include
porcupine, white-tailed mongoose, genet, scrub hare, spring hare, bushbaby, African wild cat,
bat-eared fox, Cape fox, striped hyaena and various owls and owlets, including Giant Eagle,
Pel’s, Spotted Eagle and Scops.

Januar y 2019 I safar I 11

Our Travels


In May I set off to South Africa with my
overexcited Dad. We hired a car and spent
ten days driving round northern South Africa
visiting the Waterberg region, the northern
Kruger and the Tuli Block in Botswana. Dad got
to see his first leopard at Mashatu and I adored
our walking safari in the Pafuri region of South
Africa – approaching elephant, buffalo and
hyaena on foot.

As this newsletter goes to print, I have just

returned from an epic self-drive trip around
Namibia, from the towering dunes of the
Namib Desert to the incredible wilderness of
Kaokoland and shimmering expanse of Etosha
Pan. Just amazing!
This year at Safari Consultants has brought
me a real variety of experiences and started One of my highlights was spending a couple of
with a week in Mauritius! nights wild camping up in the Hoarusib River
Valley in Kaokoland with Caesar Zandberg In April Joe and I went to South Africa
It’s a beautiful tropical island and the pink from Kunene Safaris. The landscape was breath- and drove east from Cape Town along
skies of the sunsets, the early morning swims taking, remote and constantly changing, the the famous R62 scenic route, over the
in the warm inviting water and the palm camping was very comfortable with a little edge Swartberg Pass and down the Garden
trees swaying in the gentle breeze were only of excitement with news of desert lions nearby, Route, ending with an Eastern
made better by the amazing service at the and Caesar’s guiding was brilliant – such a Cape safari.
various properties. memorable experience.
There were scenic mountain passes with
incredible rock formations contrasting
with the vast open desert of the Little
My travels started in South Africa in Karoo and the lush forests, rugged
April/May. After visiting the coastal town heads and long white beaches of the
of Hermanus and the Cape Winelands, I Garden Route. On safari, we experienced
was joined by Julia and we set off eastwards wonderful up-close game viewing.
through the Little Karoo and along the
famous Garden Route before finishing in the My next trip in June was to Zambia,
game reserves of the Eastern Cape. It was where I explored the stunning Lower
a very busy trip, seeing 75 properties in 13 Zambezi National Park by vehicle, boat,
nights, but very worthwhile exploring the canoe and on foot. I love having a variety
different areas in depth. of activities on offer on safari as each type
of experience helps you appreciate the
In June I then departed for Botswana, via bush and landscapes in a different way.
Victoria Falls where I visited properties in In South Luangwa we came across lion
Zambia and Zimbabwe and had time to whilst walking and my game drives were
enjoy a brisk walk around the Falls, getting rewarded with wild dogs, leopard and my
drenched on my way! I continued to Botswana, first Pel’s fishing owl!
an incredible country offering winding Later in the year I explored southern Tanzania.
waterways, beautiful scenery, fantastic The Selous Game Reserve offered good general In October I was back in northern
exclusivity and exciting game viewing. The game viewing and amazing birding on the Tanzania, revisiting Tarangire and the
diversity of the trip was incredible too, with fantastic waterways of the Rufiji River and the Serengeti. Tarangire is such a beautiful
each concession and game viewing area five lakes in the reserve. I then headed further park with ancient baobab trees dotting
offering contrasting landscapes, activities west to the Ruaha National Park – an awesome the landscape and plenty of game,
and wildlife sightings. I travelled in shoulder park which offered wonderful big game as particularly huge herds of elephant. In
season and was treated to some excellent game well as a raw wilderness experience. Dotted the northern Serengeti I was VERY lucky
viewing, in addition to enjoying the Okavango with doum palms and vast baobab forests, the to see the wildebeest migration herds
Delta in full flood, illustrating the value of landscape is spectacular and with 579 bird and two river crossings! It has been a
travelling at this time of year. species, it is a birders paradise too! fantastic year!

12 I Safari Telegraph I Januar y 2019

Our Travels

“Walking with the bushmen My first trip of the year in late March was
with my family to Kenya and Seychelles. The
in the arid Central Kalahari, Masai Mara in Kenya was beautiful and green
exploring the crystal waterways after early rains, and finding Fig the leopard
of the Okavango Delta and being was a real highlight, as was the hospitality at
one of only two vehicles present the Kicheche camps.
when tiny wild dog puppies The Seychelles were as spectacular, and as hot,
emerged from their den as ever. Staying on Praslin, Silhouette and Mahé
for the first time...” Islands we enjoyed exploring by catamaran,
on foot and by bicycle, whilst my boys were
introduced to snorkelling, scuba diving and
deep-sea fishing. Such a brilliant combination of
adventure and relaxation for families! The year ended with 9 nights exploring new
areas in Botswana’s Okavango Delta. The
In May I visited the Western Cape region of Okavango is a very special wilderness destination
South Africa, attending a specialist travel show and it is always a pleasure to return, though
in Cape Town before exploring the West Coast, this trip was made even more memorable by the
Winelands, De Hoop Coastal Reserve and inclusion of a couple of wonderful helicopter
Hermanus on a whirlwind tour. Despite the transfers. An early morning low-level flight up
limited water supply at the time, the hospitality the stunning Gomoti River is an experience I
was superb. shall never forget.

The highlight of my safari travels this

year must be the Offbeat hospitality in
Kenya. From our greeting at the airstrip
to a tearful farewell 100 miles later, having
ridden on horseback across the Masai
My first trip of 2018 took me back to Mara, everyone put in 120% effort. The
horses were fit, enthusiastic and beautifully
northern Tanzania where I travelled
turned out. Tristan, who pioneered these trips
through Tarangire National Park, the two decades ago, would have been proud of
Ngorongoro Highlands and on to the his crew, who moved the camp between four
southern plains of the Serengeti. The contrasting locations. The first was magical,
landscapes were breathtaking and the Olare Lamun (rhino salt lick) in a grove of
density of game was impressive but it was Acacia trees. Next, overlooking a bend in
the chance to get out of the vehicle and the Olare Orok River, then high-up on the
walk that really enhanced the trip. The escarpment looking out over the plains, and
early morning climb up to the Ol Moti finally right on the banks of the Mara River
crater was particularly enjoyable, even if itself. Each day got better and better, just as
it left me a bit breathless! each and every safari should.

In late May I travelled to Botswana and

was once again blown away by the sheer This time last year Frances and I were in And very recently Frances and I have just returned
diversity of landscapes and activities. South Africa self-driving the KwaZulu Natal from a wonderful, but hot, two week self-drive
Walking with the bushmen in the arid region. From snow-capped Drakensberg around Namibia, where we visited the key
Central Kalahari, exploring the crystal Mountains to chilling Zululand Battlefields, highlights of the country as well as undertaking
waterways of the Okavango Delta and big game reserves and remote beaches, the some wild camping in the remote northern region
being one of only two vehicles present diversity is fantastic. of the country. To describe Namibia as scenically
when tiny wild dog puppies emerged stunning is an understatement.
from their den for the first time were In March I returned to Uganda, a destination
all highlights. which blew me away several years ago and did
not disappoint again. The gorillas are without
In October I spent four days visiting some doubt a highlight, and nothing beats that
new lodges and some old favourites close exhilarating feeling of seeing a gorilla in the
wild. However, the country has so much more
to Victoria Falls, in both Zimbabwe and
to offer with exceptional birdlife throughout
Zambia, before heading to Zambia’s Lower
and good wildlife opportunities in Queen
Zambezi and Kafue National Parks. In Elizabeth National Park and Murchison Falls.
both parks I was able to enjoy some ‘old
school’ style safari staying in owner run Northern Tanzania was my next stop in July.
and guided mobile camps in remote areas, I covered the Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire
where the quality of game viewing and and northern Serengeti. Game viewing was
guiding was equally matched by the warm superb even though I did not get to see a
and personal welcome. wildebeest crossing!

Januar y 2019 I safar I 13

Malaria-Free South Africa


orried about malaria or thinking softer safari experiences are ideal for families
of taking the kids on an African with younger children and include a bit more
safari? Over the last 30 years cultural exposure too, from the ancient rock art
or so, the malaria-free reserves of the San people to the village life of today.
in South Africa have really developed into
excellent safari areas. Purists might argue that A further selection of private reserves, and the
they are fenced and too managed, but for seeing Addo Elephant National Park, can be found
the wide range of wonderful African animals, within the Eastern Cape, in the southern reaches
that’s the real plus. of the country. These malaria-free areas are very
accessible to those contemplating a visit to Cape
Two major non-malarial regions are located in Town, the wine country and the Garden Route.
the northern part of the country, within easy The oldest of these reserves is the well-known
reach of Johannesburg. The Madikwe Game Shamwari Game Reserve, though our first choice
Reserve lies on the border with Botswana and is the impressive Kwandwe Game Reserve.
covers a huge area – about 75,000 hectares of
fenced bushveld. The reserve, started in the early Kwandwe covers an area of around 22,000
1990s out of vast cattle ranches, contains more hectares along the Great Fish River and, to our
than 60 species of mammal and over 300 species mind, offers the best safari experience in the
of birds. There is a wide range of accommodation region. The reserve offers luxury accommodation and look for aardvark by night, whilst just three
to choose from, including family friendly lodges in two small lodges and three, even smaller hours’ drive from Cape Town is Sanbona, a huge
and exclusive honeymoon retreats. villas/homesteads which can be booked reserve along the Warmwaterberg mountains.
exclusively – the perfect way to introduce Africa Sanbona is still evolving, but will give you
The Waterberg Mountains, just three hour’s to your family and friends. upwards of 20 species and accommodation is
drive north of Johannesburg, are a designated extremely comfortable.
UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and cover an Alternative properties in the Eastern Cape,
area almost twice the size of Madikwe. Unlike such as Pumba, Lalibela and Kariega, offer more In the Kalahari wilderness of the Northern Cape,
Madikwe, it’s a loose association of private affordable options while still giving you a great the excellent Tswalu Kalahari Game Reserve
game reserves, the largest of which is the Big 5 opportunity to see the major African species offers one of the most exclusive safaris in Africa.
Welgevonden Game Reserve. Most of the other including lion, black and white rhino, elephant, Spanning over 1,000 square kilometres on the
smaller reserves don’t boast Big 5 game viewing buffalo and a wide range of antelope. edge of the vast Kalahari, the reserve is home
but offer instead wonderful opportunities to get to a wide range of species (notable exceptions
out of a vehicle, exploring on foot or horseback, The Karoo Desert is home to Samara Game include elephant, hippo and buffalo) and is
mountain biking, river swimming, fishing and Reserve on the edge of the Camdeboo perhaps the best area to offer regular sightings of
camping out under the stars. These slightly Mountains, a good place to track cheetah on foot aardvark, pangolin and the diminutive meerkats.

14 I Safari Telegraph I Januar y 2019


or most people the Seychelles Bird Island. Frigate birds soar high over the But it is perhaps in the ocean where
archipelago represents the epitome ocean, using their 2 metre wing-span to the Seychelles ‘safari’ is most amazing.
of tropical relaxation. Located just stay aloft for weeks at a time, whilst white- Whether snorkelling, scuba diving or
south of the equator in the heart of tailed tropic birds glide majestically over fishing, the waters around the Seychelles
the Indian Ocean, the 115 islands that make the verdant forests. It is therefore entirely are full of life, from colourful parrot and
up the Seychelles offer an endless variety possible to visit the Seychelles purely trumpet fish to moray eels, turtles, rays,
of beautiful, sandy, palm-fringed beaches for a birding holiday, though of course sharks and dolphins. Some of the best
sloping gently down to clear, turquoise it helps if you enjoy the paradise setting scuba diving is found around the outer
waters. These islands therefore offer a and are happy to do a little relaxing too! atolls of Denis, Desroches and Alphonse,
perfect paradise and are the ideal place Keen birders should consider visits to the where the sea bed plunges away into
to relax and unwind, especially after a protected Cousin and Aride islands, and be the depths. Watching a majestic eagle
dusty safari. sure to spend some time on Mahé Island ray circle gracefully in the crystal clear
with renowned guide Perley Constance. water is a special experience comparable
All this is true, but with 42.1% of its to most big game sightings in Africa,
territory given over to conservation (8th The Seychelles are also home to giant land as is floating through huge schools of
highest proportion worldwide – UK are tortoises – slow, graceful movers that easily colourful reef fish or watching a pod of
24th), the Seychelles are much more than outlive their human counterparts – some dolphins cavort effortlessly around you.
just an exclusive beach destination. have been estimated at over 150 years old.
The tortoises are widespread throughout Sharks are the apex predators of the
The first thing that the Seychelles are the islands and are a particular delight ocean, and many can be seen in the
known for in wildlife terms is bird- to children. Numerous beaches in the shallow waters around the islands –
watching. Over 270 species of birds have Seychelles are also preferred nesting sites primarily white tip, silver tip, grey reef
been recorded, which is a staggering for Hawksbill and Green turtles, who drag and nurse. Further out to sea dolphin,
amount given the limited land mass of the themselves up the beaches to lay their sailfish and marlin cruise the open
archipelago. Some are rare and protected, eggs, between September and January for waters in search of food, whilst if you
such as the Black Parrot (their national Hawksbill and from January onwards for are lucky you may catch a glimpse
bird) or the Seychelles White-eye, whilst Green. Hatching takes places two months of a gentle whale shark or a gigantic
others gather in vast numbers to breed, later, when the baby turtles run the humpback whale breaching in the
such as Sooty Terns on the aptly named gauntlet down to the water. morning light.

Main picture: Idyllic white sand beach

Below from left: Giant land tortoise,
white (fairy) terns, orbicular batfish

Januar y 2019 I safar I 15

There is seldom a dull moment
on safari but for those with
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some of the amazing wildlife
hides or photoboats can
produce some of the most
memorable experiences anyone
can have, whether you’re a
photographer or not.

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experience in Mashatu,
Madikwe, Chobe (including
specialist photoboats),
Hwange, South Luangwa,
Zimanga, Chyulu Hills,
Samburu, or the Masai Mara.

Main picture:
Interested in a photographic Elephants in Savuti
workshop in Africa? Have a look at: Above clockwise
from left: Curious hyaena,
shooting from water level, seasonal hide,
photoboat, golden breasted bunting


Africa House, 2 Cornard Mills, Mill Tye, Great Cornard, Suffolk CO10 0GW
tel: 01787 888590 email:

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