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Philippine-Japan Friendship Highway, Catitipan, Davao City

AY. 2012-2013


(6:00 – 7:30PM / TTh)

Read the following story and answer the questions that follow.


Tim, a tiger cub, was found many years ago by Each time Tim growled, Grandfather gave him a
my grandfather while he was on a hunting trip in smack across the mouth. That had been
northern India. Grandfather’s way of keeping the tiger quiet when
Grandfather was strolling down a forest path
he lived with us.
some distance ahead of the main party. He noticed 10
Tim licked Grandfather’s hands. But he seemed
a little lost tiger cub hidden among the roots of a
nervous, springing away when a leopard in the next
tree. After the trip ended, grandfather took the tiger
cage snarled at him. Grandfather shooed the
home to Dehra. Grandmother named the cub Tim.
leopard off, and Tim returned to licking his hands.
Tim’s usual place in the house was the living 11
A number of people had gathered to watch them.
room. He would snuggle down the sofa, lying there
A keeper pushed his way through the crowd and
with quiet grace and snarling only when anyone
asked Grandfather what he was doing. “I’m talking
tried to take his place. One of his chief games was
to Tim,” said Grandfather. “Weren’t you here when I
to stalk whoever was playing with him. So when I
gave him to the zoo six months ago?”
went to live with my grandparents, I became one of 12
“I haven’t been very long here,” said the
the tiger’s pets. With a keen look in his eyes and
surprised keeper. “Please go on with your play. I
his body in a deep crouch, he would creep closer
have never been able to touch that tiger myself. I
and closer to me. Suddenly he’d make a dash for
find him very mean.”
my feet. Then, rolling on his back and kicking with 13
Grandfather went on stroking and slapping Tim
delight, he would pretend to bite my ankles.
for about five minutes. Then he saw another keeper
By this time he was a size of a full-grown golden
watching him with some alarm. Grandfather
retriever. When I took him for walks in Dehra,
recognized him as the keeper who had been there
people on the road would give us plenty of room.
when he had brought Tim to the zoo. “You
When Tim was about six months old, his stalking
remember me,” said Grandfather. “why don’t you
became more serious. He had to be chained up
give Tim a different cage, away from this nasty
more often. Even the household started to mistrust
him. And when he began to trail the cook around 14
“But—sir,” stammered the keeper. “That is not
the house with that looked like evil intent,
your tiger.”
Grandfather decided it was time to take Tim to a 15
“I realize that he is no longer mine,” said
Grandfather. “But you might take my advice.”
The nearest zoo was at Lucknow, some distance 16
“I remember your tiger very well,” said the
away. Grandfather took a first-class compartment
keeper. “He died two months ago.”
on the train for himself and Tim and set forth. The 17
“Died!” exclaimed Grandfather.
Lucknow zoo people were only too pleased to 18
“Yes, sir, of pneumonia. This tiger was trapped in
receive a well-fed and fairly tame tiger.
the hills only last month. He is very dangerous!”
Grandfather had no chance to see how Tim was 19
The tiger was still licking Grandfather’s arms and
getting on in his new home until about six months
enjoying it more all the time. Grandfather withdrew
later. Finding himself in Lucknow on business,
his hands from the cage in a motion that seemed to
Grandfather went to the zoo and straight to Tim’s
take an age. With his face near the tiger’s he
cage. The tiger was there, crouched in a corner,
mumbled, “Good night, Tim.” Then, giving the
full-grown, his stripped coat gleaming with health.
keeper a scornful look, Grandfather walked briskly
“Hello Tim,” Grandfather said.
out of the zoo.
Climbing the railing, Grandfather put his arms
through the bars of the cage. Tim walked over and
let Grandfather put both arms about his head. He
stroked the tiger’s forehead and tickled his ears.
I. A. Write the letter of the best answer for each question.
____1. How did Grandfather came to own Tim?
A. An Indian prince gave him the tiger.
B. He found during while on a hunting trip.
C. He found Tim in his backyard.
D. Tim was lost and found his way to Grandfather’s house.
____2. What sometimes made Tim snarl?
A. A meal that wasn’t served on time.
B. The appearance of any other animal.
C. An attempt to take his place on the sofa.
D. When he was chained in the living room.
____3. Why did Grandfather give Tim to the zoo?
A. Tim had begun to follow people around as though he meant real harm.
B. The zoo asked for Tim to replace a Tiger they had lost.
C. Grandfather felt that Tim would be better fed and cared for in the zoo.
D. Tim has begun sick with pneumonia.
____4. What had been Grandfather’s way of keeping Tim quiet?
A. Growling back at him when he growled.
B. Tickling him behind the left ear.
C. Smacking him across the mouth when he growled.
D. Snuggling with him the sofa.
____5. Why did Grandfather visit the zoo six months after Tim went there?
A. to get Tim and bring him home again.
B. to see how Tim was getting along
C. to startle the people by acting friendly with a tiger
D. to advice the zoo keeper to transfer Tim to another cage
____6. What did Grandfather do when the zoo’s tiger growled?
A. smacked him across the mouth
B. jumped away from the cage
C. called a keeper
D. shooed the tiger away
____7. What’s the most likely reason Grandfather withdrew his hands from the cage so slowly?
A. Perhaps he did not want to make any move that might startle tiger
B. Perhaps the tiger was biting his hand
C. Perhaps Grandfather was tired and slow-moving that day
D. Perhaps he was embarrassed with the zoo keeper
____8. Which of the following statements is true?
A. When Tim was six months old, he started stalking seriously.
B. Grandfather visited Tim after 2 months in the zoo.
C. Tim died because he was trapped in the hills.
D. Tim tried to bite one household cook.
____9. Why did the zoo keeper looked at Grandfather with alarm?
A. because Tim died of pneumonia
B. because a leopard snarled at him
C. because the tiger isn’t Tim anymore
D. because people gathered to watch Grandfather play with Tim

B. Vocabulary. Look at each number in parentheses. Find the paragraph in the story with the same
number. Then find the word that fits the given meaning. Write the word.
____________10. lie low on the ground (3)
____________11. happiness; joy (3)
____________12. kind; cultured (6)
____________13. fierce; hot tempered (12)
____________14. unkind(13)
C. Word Study.
serve + ant = servant (one who serves)
annoy + ance = annoyance (act or fact of annoying)
wreck + age = wreckage (result of wrecking)
Read each word and its incomplete definition. Write the word that completes the definition.
15. repentance: act or fact of _____________
16. spoilage: result of _____________
17. defiant: one who _____________
18. attendance: act or fact of ______________
19. breakage: result of _______________
20. attendant: one who _________________
21. deliverance: act or fact of _________________
22. resistance: act or fact of ____________________

D. There is an incomplete word in each passage below. Choose the suffix –ance or the suffix –age
to complete the word in a way that makes sense. Write ance or age.
23. The actor gave a remarkable perform_____. He performed his part with great feeling.
24. The violent storm caused wreck_____ throughout the city. Many houses and stores were
25. Thank you for assisting me with this letter. Your assist____ was a big help.
26. The leak_____ of air from the balloon was not noticed. No one saw that the air had leaked.
27. When the rabbit appeared in a puff of smoke, we clapped. The rabbit’s appear____ was a great
28. There was only slight break____ when the carton fell. Only a few things were broken.
29. Joyce won the race because of her endur____. Her ability to endure made her the winner.
30. A smoke detector is a kind of fire insur____. It is a way of ensuring us against harm.

E. Essay. (10pts.) Write your answer in at least five (5) sentences.

If you are given the chance to change the ending of the story, how will it be?

F. Practical Exam. Newscasting (40pts)

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