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The 11th dimension is called the Theory of everything and is involved with string theory.
The first three dimensions are easy to understand but an interesting way to think of 3-d
objects it to imagine a line with a branch off it, then folding that line to connect it with
the initial line that it branched off of, so now this 3-D object looks like a P.

This helps a lot when discussing higher dimensions. Bending dimensions together
makes it a lot easier to understand than trying to imagine a 10-D object.

Now, the fourth dimension is like drawing 2 of these 3-D objects represented in
different time frames and connecting them with a line.

The 5th dimension is taking into account all the different branches that time can make,
each ending in a different result.

The 6th dimension is like doing what we did with the 3-D object initially, bending the
line created in the 5th dimension. It is easier to imagine it if the 3-D object is just a point
in space-time. Now imagine a Y, with 3-D objects at the endpoints of this shape. The
lines connecting them is the fourth Dimension, the Branching point is the 5th. Now if
you bend one of the lines on the Y and touching it to the other line, you have the sixth
dimension. You could then travel through time using this method.

The 7th dimension is when you imagine all of these lines and points as a single point in
this multi-dimensional space. If you draw this compacted space-time dot representing
all of the outcomes from a single decision, and then draw more dots representing all of
the possible outcomes, then connect them with lines, you have the 7th dimension. These
collections are referred to as infinities.

The 8th dimension Is where you now imagine all the possible outcomes of another
initial condition, and you connect these two infinities together. These other infinities
can have drastically different outcomes.

The 9th dimension is bending these dimensions together to transport objects to and
from different infinities.

The 10th dimension is when you combine literally everything into one big mass. You
take into consideration everything that could ever happen in any universe with any start
at any given time frame.

The 11th dimension is not really existent, because there isn’t really anything left to take
into consideration, but Superstring theory states that it is where the strings that make
up the hadrons (subatomic particles) that make up our universe. Strings are supposedly
one dimensional, and supposedly replace quarks. These strings rotate at the speed of
light, and how they vibrate, and spin is what defines if they are up or down “quarks.” We
don’t really know much about the 11th dimension. it might not even exist, but M-theory
proves it does.
String theories at this time seems to work with only 10 dimensions. It is M-theory,
which evolved from work with string theory that now seems to need 11
dimensions. Four of these dimensions are our normal 3 spacial dimensions plus time.

That leaves 7 hidden dimensions if the current version of M-theory works out. Keep in
mind that these are all expressed in abstract mathematics, which I can't claim to have

In attempting to explain how there can be 7 unobserved dimensions in our universe,

various ideas have been suggested. First of all, these dimensions can't show up at any
scale currently reached with our particle accelerators. That means that any clear effects
that they have must be smaller than 10^-19 m.

If we take seriously the idea that the Planck Length of on the order of 10^-35 m is the
smallest meaningful scale, that leaves 16 orders of magnitude for things to happen
without empirical evidence. That is in fact a huge range with large possibilities. Some
of the dimensions could be hidden inside others. E.g., there could be one or more
dimensions that roll up into something like a cylinder in which all the others are lost to
our view, or they all could be rolled up cylinders like the garden hose example that is
frequently mentioned. If you were to look at a garden hose from a quarter mile away, it
would seem to be one dimensional - just a curved line. If you look closer, you see that it
has two other dimensions that are rolled into a small region. Of course, I'm trying to use
our known three dimensions of space to visualize things that are currently just about
totally unknown.

Basically for M-theory to work with 11 dimensions, 7 of them must exist only on scales
too small for us to notice at this time. Yet they would have important consequences
concerning structures of particles that we can detect as well as the interactions between
these particles. I'm not betting on it working, but if it does work, it will be amazing.

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