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Today in everyday life the zest to have access all over makes human to
have a road to follow call social networking sites. In today’s world
there are many sites which help us to correlate or to get in touch with
fellow members of his family, friends, colleagues and also helps us to
increase our social network too. Throughout the country or we say
world people are now having multiple profiles, they are articulating
about themselves openly to others either it’s about their personal
relationships, their own personality traits. People are not only
infatuated they have made these profiles as a part of daily life. This
rapid adoption has made a measure concern for us raising some
questions like:

 Why do we flock to these sites?

 What we are expressing on these sites?
 How these sites fit in our lives?
 What they are collaborating in our life?
 Do we really present ourselves on these sites in our profiles?
 How we use these sites?
 Are we addicted to them?
 Why we have multiple emails or profiles on these sites?
 Do we have any positive impact?

To answer such questions we have framed a questionnaire to be filled

by different users like us. Based on the collected data a further
interpretations will be framed and on basis of which conclusions will
be formulated to understand this issue of social networking sites in our
1. How often do you use the Internet?
a. Daily
b. Twice a Week
c. Weekly
d. Monthly
2. How many hours do you spend daily on the Internet
a. Half an hour
b. 1 hour
c. 2-3 hours
d. More than 3 hours
3. Are you on any social networking sites
a. Yes
b. No
4. How many social networking sites are you aware of
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. More than 3
5. How many social networking sites are you on
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. More than 3
6. Why are you on social networking sites
a. It’s a trend
b. To remain in touch with friends/make new friends
c. For professional gain
d. Not sure
7. How serious are you about your profile
a. Little
b. Very
c. Doesn’t matter
d. Never thought about it
8. How often do you update your profile
a. Frequently
b. Monthly
c. Yearly
d. Never
9. Are you aware that some companies are viewing social networking sites for placements
a. Yes
b. No
10. Do you use Applications available on social networking sites? If so then of which area
a. Entertainment
b. Games
c. Professional
d. Any other
11. How many active email accounts do you hold
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. More than 3
12. Do you have any fake profile email ids
a. Yes
b. No
13. For what purpose you use fake email ids
14. Which site do you visit most frequently
a. Facebook
b. Orkut
c. Twitter
d. Linkedln
15. Have you faced any problem like fake account being prepared on your name
a. Yes
b. No
16. Have you ever been harassed by anyone on a social networking site
a. Yes
b. No

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