Proposed Outputs and Outcomes-95585068

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Outputs and Outcomes

Created: 06/27/2018 • Last updated: 10/26/2018

Please provide at least three (up to five) outputs and at least three corresponding
outcomes you are planning to achieve during the project's time frame (or in the next
12 months if organizational outcomes). A useful description of the difference
between outcomes and outputs can be found here. Be sure to provide specific,
measurable targets.

Below you'll find a few examples of outputs and outcomes. These are just examples. Your outputs and
outcomes should be inspired directly by your specific goals and the strategies and tactics you believe will
most likely help you achieve those goals.

Outputs Outcomes

Sample: Research paper on the Sample: Adoption of policy reforms that result
economic benefits of simplifying in a reduction in the typical number of days to
business permit requirements obtain a business permit from 12 to five

Sample: Hold fundraising dinner

Sample: Gain at least 10 new low level donors
for potential donors, current
and two new high level donors
donors, and other stakeholders

ALERT: Be sure one of your outcomes represents the ultimate goal for this project,
such as the enactment of specific public policy reform.

Outputs Outcomes

Fundación Libertad, through the formal

presentations in front of the Justice
Fundación Libertad will have Administration System and/or Public

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1. successfully presented at least three Offices, will have defended the basic
cases in front of the public tenets of Liberty and gotten direct
administration before the end of 2019. attention from the Argentine
Government on the aforementioned

Fundación Libertad, by telling these

Fundación Libertad will have told stories through a mass media campaign
through at least three different media to show what has been going on on
2. the life stories of the people involved in these three cases, will have gotten
at least three of said cases before the public attention on the aforementioned
end of 2019. issues, therefore furthering the cause of
Liberty in Argentina.

Fundación Libertad will have enacted

Fundación Libertad will have
real change to at least one public policy
successfully gotten the public
relating to the cases that were taken in
3. administration to adopt at least one
front of the Government, improving the
policy reform regarding one of the three
legal landscape for everyone that might
said cases before the first half of 2020.
be facing the same kind of obstacle.



For the outcomes you provided above, please briefly a.) explain how the outcome fits
into the overall strategy for success with this project and b.) describe how you plan
to achieve each.

1. This is the meat of the project, because it is what will take

the most amount of time: presenting things in front of the
people signaled as the ones who can make decisiones that
affect people's lives.

2. This will help connect the hard part of the subjects in hand,
which might be not as interesting when told from a legal
standpoint, but will resonate even more when seen through
the lens of the stories of real people with real problems.

3. This is the most important aspect of the project, because it

implies that we not only were able to help one individual
with the task in hand, but also promote change for all other
people that might be suffering the same kind of

4. (No response)

5. (No response)

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