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Goal: To practice appropriate climate smart energy systems for preserving/drying food

(fruits & vegetable) in District Hunza.


 To develop and test the efficiency of solar driers

 To disseminate the technology in the community through training and demonstration


The whole Gilgit-Baltistan is covered with scattered trees and it is estimated that there are 2307,800
numbers of fruit trees. In a survey of Gilgit District, it is estimated that the average household owns
approximately 30 trees having the capacity to produce 2280 kg of fruit per year and 130 kg of dried
fruit, about half of which is eaten. Other fruits like cherries, and pears have high market value and
readily transportable. (IUCN- 2003)

Fruit Production , Consumption and wastage in Gilgit (Source Gov of GB 2007)

Sr Name of No. of Production (Tons) % age of % Age Value of
# Fruit Trees consumption Wastage Wastage
Fresh Nut Local Others Rs. Million
1. Apricot 1374700 103102.5 2749.4 25 25 50 400
2. Mulberry 305666 24453.3 15 10 75 56
3. Apple 250000 30684.6 30 20 50 23
4. Almond 112120 2001 50 50
5. Grapes 95139 9514 70 10 20 2805
6. Pear 28861 4329.2 50 10 40 34.6
7. Plum 21320 426.4 30 10 60 2.56
8. Walnut 1010 3031 50 50
9. Pomegranate 41709 411 100
10. Cherry 93000 1660 50 50
11. Sea 2250 5 5 90 45.9
12. Others 855 855 20 20 60 2.4
13. 175436 7781.4 3369.46

Research statistics shows that a huge amount of fruits are being waste in Gilgit region due to
inappropriate handling and lack of storage and market accessibility. One way to preserve the fruits
and increase their shelf life is to remove the water content from fruits by drying which is a significant
post handling process. Local people use sunlight to dry the agricultural products through open air
drying or direct sun drying.

However, the use of efficient solar technology can help to improve the shelf life of fruits and
decrease the amount of fruits and vegetable wastage. As a result it will improve the livelihood of
people living in the area.
Indicators MOVs Assumptions

Goal: To practice appropriate Solar dryers up Surveys, Photos, Community is

climate smart energy systems scaled and out quarterly reports, responsive in up
for preserving/drying food scaled in Hunza media outputs taking in the
(fruits & vegetable) in District District technology
Outcome 1: 25% household Individual household
Household income increased overall income surveys
Outcome 2: To mainstream this Input provided to Official
technology in local government at least one acknowledgement
policies policy/programme letter from local gov
Outcome 3: Market value of fruit improved quality of Comparison of
increased preserved food market value

Output 1: 10 farmers uptake Surveys,

Uptake of technology by farmers the technology
Output 2: To decrease the fruit 20% of fruit Questionnaires
wastage in the area wastage decreased based survey, short
term impact


1. Design and fabrication of Necessary items for Design documents, Materials are
solar dryers support cell photos, reports available on time
2. Establishment and testing MOU signed Photos, reports, Household agree
at pilot site between farmer MOU to establish pilot
and institute site
3. Demonstration and Two farmers Training manuals ,
dissemination of trainings held in reports, photos
technology Hunza
4. Capacity of farmers groups Atleast two Training manuals ,
enhanced for marketing trainings reports, photos
skills and linkage conducted

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