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IN THE COUNTY COURT OF FURNAS COUNTY, NEBRASKA CASE. no CR\b-aor STATE OF NEBRASKA. ) Plaintift ) AFFIDAVIT FOR ARREST WARRANT vs. ) Joseph K. Williams ) DOB 05-17-2000) Defendant ) STATE OF NEBRASKA ) dss, COUNTY OF FURNAS, ) COMES NOW, Chief Deputy Nicholas A. Vargas and being first duly sworn, deposes and states as follows: That I am a Deputy for the Furnas County Sheriff's Office, Furnas County, Nebraska, ‘On Novernber 30, 2018 at approximately 0838 hours the Furnas County Sheriff's Office was contacted by Cambridge Public Schools Superintendent Greg Shepard. Shepard advised he was told by a parent that three kids had a plan to “shoot up the school.” responded to the Cambridge Public Schools, Combridge, Furnas County, Nebraska. [placed a phone call to Sergeant Elwood of the Nebraska State Patrol and requested assistance from the ‘State Patrol on this investigation met with Shepard in his office. Shepard advised me that he hed received « phone call from ‘GAM advised Shepard that her son (NNN had told her that he and some other students bave beard a plan of a shooting at the school, Hagedom was overheard saying to another student, “Are you going to be ok with being a human shield when the police show up?” ‘Shepard advised me that some parents bad Kept their kids home from school and others were calling ina taking their kids out of school ‘School staff pulted Hagedorn and Joseph Williams out of class and brought them to the front ‘office. Staff took Hagedom and Williams" celiphones and laid them on Shepard's desk. Investigator Van Stelton with the Nebraska State Patol arrived and met with Shepard and myself, Texplsined to Investigator Van Steion that Thad been told thet NNN) had possibly had information reference the threat. I also explained tha QQ possibly had information as Well I placed a phone call QM explained to her that | was going to fave Investgnor Van Stelton gon speakwitN@gpend sked i that was ck. advised ‘that was fine and advised he was currently ats residence in Cambridge. Investigator Van Stelton went ( AIR residence and spoke vi} 2. Investigator Van Stelton returned tothe school and advised me of his interview with QIN and (QM 2 5vised Hagedom and Williams hed come up to him in the lunch room and. asked him if he wanted to be part of something great. The conversation went on and 00 was told since Aron McMains is not there anymore he (MMIII) could be the person they throw in front of the cops. (IIIB indicated that Hagedom and Williams were referring to a school shooting during that conversation. QM also indicated that Hagedorn has talked about school Shootings in the past and made eomments about if he is seen on TV it would befor killing 300 DEC ~F 2919 ‘000057606C38 FORNAS County couRT Investigator Van Stelton advised me of his interview with @IMM. The information Investigator ‘Va Stelion gained from @i wes that iggy had heard Hagedom talking about shooting up something. During goveraaent class @@llgg had heard Hagedore talk about school shootings and hhad stated if you were to ever see him on the news it would be for shooting up 300 people. ag hd heard Hagedom mention something about shooting up the school had told that Hagedom and Williams had come up to him (QIN) and esked if he wanted to be part of something big and made statements about@UNMA replacing MeMains now that he isn’t going to ‘Cambridge Schools now. Iwas advised that Williams had errived at school early this morning which is out of character for hhim. Principal Jarod Albers reviewed the school video footage to check and see where Williams had been in the schoo! since he had gotten to schol. Shepard and I met with Williams in Shepard's office. Shepard searched Williams backpack. 1 ‘sccompanied Shepard to Williams's school locker and observed as Shepard search his locker. ‘The only thing in his locker was a sweatshirt. We then went to the locker room and Shepard searched Williams's gym locker. Shepard did not find anything out ofthe ordinary in Williams? gym locker. Albers advised he had watched the video and observed Williams hanging out in the hallway be the gym mats. Shepard and Albers searched the area of the gym mats and did not find anything there. Williams advised he was there early to eat breakfast with a friend, Shepard and I went outside to Williams* vehicle. Williams allowed Shepard to search his vehicle. Nothing was located in Williams’ vehicle that was out ofthe ordinary or of evidentiary value. ‘Albers and Imet with Hagedom. I accompanied Hagedorn and Albers while Albers checked ‘Hagedom’s locker and it was empty. We went to the gym locker room and Albers checked Hagedom's locker. There was nothing out of the ordinary in his gym locker. Iaccompanied Hagedom and Albers to the school parking lot. Hagedorn allowed Albers to search his vehicle, Nothing out of the ordinary or of evidentiary value was located. Investigator Van Stelton and I interviewed Williams. Williams admitted that Nick Sheaffer, ‘MeMBains, Hagedorn and he would al talk ebout shooting up the schoo! but it was jus a joke. Williams said they had joked about having snipers outside of the school. The joking and talking bout the school shooting has been going on since the beginning of the year. it started with MeMains tafking about “shooting up the schoo!” and the conversations would continue as a joke. ‘Tey would talk about it at lanch. It would be talked about two to three times a week. ‘Williams gave consent for the Nebraska State Patrol to search his cellphone. Investigator Dowling and I met with Hagedorn and his parents, Angie and Steve Hagedom. ‘Angie and Steven denied consent to search Hagedorn's cellphone. Investigator Van Stelton and I met with and interviewed Sheaffer. Sheaffer advised that Hagedom hed made a joke about shooting the school up. This was approximately two weeks ago. ‘There had also been a couple ef times inthe parking lot that jokes had been made about this SheafYer advised McMains had made comment about using someone asa shield, They hed also talked about someone being outside as a sniper and would take anyone out that was getting out. Hagedom had said that they would find someone to be the sniper, Sheaffer advised everyone new it was a joke. Sheaffer then advised that he knew it wasa joke but didnot know ifthe thers thought it was a joke or not. Sheaffer said be would give consent to search his cellphone. Investigator Van Stelon and I interviewed Hagedorn with his parents present. Hagedora said that he does not st with Sheaffer, Williams and MeMains during lunch but does go and talk to them fone or two times a week. Hagedorn admitted that about five times a month they would talk about school shootings and they had talked about it approximately ten times since the beginning of the yetr. There were never any specific targets nor dat that were ited. ‘During the interview Steven excused himself to take a phone call. When Steve retuned he advised that is legal council had told them to stop talking to law enforcement. The interview ‘was ended, Investigator Ven Steton an lintervicwed QS OUND said that he has been told by Hogedom that he bas had dreams about killing people- On December 4, 2018 I met with Shepard and Albers. Iwas advised by Albers that the schoo! bad been going through Hagedom’s computer and located a search from November 20 that, Hagedorn had search for “automatic weapons.” Albers also advised thatthe school has been unable to access Wiliams? web browser on his computer. WHEREFORE, your affiant believes that probable cause exists for the arrest of Joseph K. Williams on the charges of Terroristic Threats N.S 28-311.01(1)(), class ILA felony, for the act of threatening to commit a crime of violence in reckless disregard ofthe risk of causing terror to another or evacuation of a building, to wit: Cambridge Public Schools building, students, and staff Respectfully submitted, aes Chief Deputy Fumas County Sheriff's Office fay of December, 2018. SEU NOTRT- San than] LUDER: Roe Fo

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