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Dialup Internet Access

• Problem - Speed
Broadband Networks – World Wide Wait
– Telephone lines
– Using Technology designed for voice not computers
A Practical Guide for Educators – Analog Modems are at the limit of their capability
• Technology Solution - Broadband

Jack L. Espinal Northern Virginia Cluster

Broadband Connectivity Broadband Challenges

• Fast Internet Connection • Technology has been slow in coming
• Permits: • Technology has had its Problems
– Fast Web Page Download – Many Technologies & Options Available
– Quick loading Graphics – Not available in your area
– Multiple Photos – Complex Setup
– High Quality Audio – Multiple Technician Visits
– Streaming Audio and Video – Low Reliability
• When It Worked, It was Great

State of the Art Connectivity Options

• Great Progress has been Made • Digital Subscriber Lines (DSL)
• Self Setup is now Possible • Cable
• More Reliable • Satellite Connection
• Self Configuring
• Microwave Radio
• Meeting Expectations
Each has advantages and disadvantages

ISDN Digital Subscriber Line

• Old Technology • Multiple Options

– ADSL - 6,100 Kbps up – 1,500 Kbps Down 18,000 ft
• Uses existing telephone lines
– G.lite- 1,500 Kbps up – 512 Kbps Down 18,000 ft
• Expensive – Metered Service – HDSL- 1,544 Kbps up – 1,544 Kbps Down 18,000 ft
• Almost No Distance Limitations – IDSL- 144 Kbps up – 144 Kbps Down 36,000 ft
• Two 64 kbs lines – VDSL- 52,000 Kbps up – 3,000 Kbps Down 4,000 ft
– Can be combined for data • Speed Depends on Distance
– Split for phone and data • May not Get What Was Promised
• Dedicated Bandwidth

What do the Speeds Mean? Video Clips

Media Clip

Telephone Wire DSL Terms

• DSL Modem or Router

• In-house Telephone Wiring
• Phone Line Distance to Central Office • Network Interface Device (NID)
• May not be the Distance Found on the Net • Local Loop
• Age and Size of the Wire • DSL Access Multiplexer (DSLAM)
• In-house Wire Considerations • Point of Presence (PoP)

All of these can affect access and speed

DSL Horror Stories Advantages / Disadvantages

• Dedicated Bandwidth – Not Time Dependent

• Long waits for connection
• Telephone Company and Internet Provider
• May Deal with Provider and Telco
• Service May Not Be Reliable
• Promises May not be Delivered

• Provider Failures • Static IP Addresses More Common

Equipment Needed DSL Filter

• Modem

• Router

• Filter

• Hub

• Cables

DSL Modem DSL Modem Connections

Network Hub Cable
• Uses Traditional Cable TV Systems

• Shared Bandwidth with All Cable Users

– Limits On Amount of Information Carried
– Can be 5 Time Greater than ADSL
– Slows down during peak use times
– Fiber Optics better than Copper

Advantages / Disadvantages Cable Modem

• Distance is not a major factor

• Often Limited to Home Users

• Often have both a Cable & Internet


• Dynamic IP Address is the Norm

Satellite Connection Other Technology

• Wireless Local Broadband

• Two Technologies
– Telephone Up, Satellite Down – Recession had an impact
• 56 Kbps Up – Infrastructure Held it Back
• 400 Kbps Down – May be coming back
• Can be Time Lags – Distance to the Satellite
– Satellite Both Ways • Fiber Optic Infrastructure
• 400-500 Kbps – Very, Very Fast
• Large Dish & Transmitter Requires a Technician
– Offered only in Few Areas
• Much more Expensive
– Equipment Compatibility Issues
• Good Choice If Cable and/or DSL Are Not Available

Firewall Protection
Security Considerations
• Connection Is Always On.
• Firewall Protection – More Options
– Software
– Hardware - Router
• Protects your computer form the Internet
• Provider May Not Provide a Firewall
• What can Happen?

Software Firewalls Firewall Choices

• Zone Alarm – Free for Personal Use

Commercial Products:

• Black Ice
• Norton Personal Firewall
• McAfee Personal Firewall

Unsafe Firewalls Safe Firewalls

Security Check

Good Security DSL Reports

DSL Tools
Using Broadband
• Software Updates and Maintenance
• Outside Your Area Radio
• On-demand Radio
• Online Education
• Supporting Instructional Activities
• Establishing a Web Presence

Home Computer Networking Website Development
• Connection Sharing • Broadband providers usually include web space
• Built into Windows XP • Some providers supply development tools
– Internet connection on the XP Computer • Other development options
– Ease of use: Microsoft FrontPage
– Connect with two Ethernet Cards
– Features: Macromedia’s Dreamweaver
– Use the Windows XP Networking Wizard
• Needed features may not be supported
– Enable the Windows XP Firewall
• Solution – use a web server

Web Hosting Domain Names

• Some Capability May Come with Broadband • Registration of your own name
• Limited in Size and Scope – If it is not taken
• May Not Support all Options – Personalized e-mail address
– Student Interaction • Selection
– Password Protection of Some Pages • Costs for registration and maintenance
– Front Page Extensions – Under $25.00 per year
– Scripts – Some providers offer them – free of charge
• Commercial Web Hoisting

How Much Speed

Why is My Connection Slow!
• Home network
• In house wiring – line noise RF emissions
• The last mile – Telco line
• The local provider - Hops to the backbone
• Internet backbone - ATT, Sprint, Worldcom
• Information provider server

Number of users at any level

Book References Internet References
• Berg, G. (1998). MCSE networking essentials - what you need • DSL Reports
to succeed. New Riders Publishing.
• Froehlich, F., Sandler, G. & Elberfeld, J. (2000). A+ certification •
first look: Hardware. Rochester, NY: element K Press. • DSL Instillation Instructions
• Naugle M. (1994). The illustrated network book. New York,
• DSL Tutorial
NY: Van Norstrand. •

• Reinhold.Sasser, S. & McLaughlin, R. (1994). Fix your own • DSL and Cable Recourse Guide
LAN, second edition. New York, NY: MIS Press.
• Navas Cable Modem/DSL Tuning Guide
• Tanenbaum, A. (1996). Computer networks third edition. •
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. • Gibson Research Website

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