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Decoding the Wonders of the World by

-B.P. Lovecraft

I am here to decode any and all of the Wonders of all time for this planet. I am the one
with all knowledge and infinite power, so this is nothing too hard for me. I am going to
do it chronologically, and in order corresponding to geography, as well. I added a special
bonus at the end for you all to see, as well.

We will start by dissecting the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World.

1: Statue of Zeus at Olmypia

1-1. We will start with the Statue of Zeus at Olympia which was made by the Greek
sculptor Phidias, around 432 BC, at the site where it was made in the Temple of Zeus,
Olympia, Greece. It is considered to be on the said mountain range of the gods.

1-2: This was apparently made of the Greek God, Zeus, who was the God of Gods for
them, and was made to honor where Kronos the chosen of the Gods climbed the Mount to
converse with Zeus, about his destiny and path that he must take, as selected by all the
Gods, to defeat the Evil Ares.

1-3: The sculptor was ordered to do the same to construct the statue, but there is by far
more than this. The person became famous for making the statue of the god, basically
creating a fallacy in the world, that would mislead many for generations on end.

1-4: This is one of the main things that exalted man above god, as well as created myths
and fallacies about god being man made. This should be considered to do more bad than
good. This is the first head of the beast.

2: The Temple of Artemis

2-1 The Temple of Artemis, also known as the Temple of Diana, yet it is known only
foundations and sculptural fragments of the temple remain.: Artemis was a Greek
Goddess, and the Twin of Apollo, who is actually mentioned in the bible as another name
for the Devil. The temple was the main place for worship to her, and was extremely
ancient, and meant to be an oracle shrine to Apollo.

2-2: This is basically the altar you would go to converse with the oracle of the Devil, or
speak with his female half. This was said to be destroyed by a army lead by a wrathful
god, perhaps Tyr,

2-3: although it was said to be destroyed on July 21, 356 BC, in an act of arson committed
by Herostratus, though the story of arson being the cause is more of a fallacy created to
give a rise to the devil being in hell, or a ring of fire, giving more of the effect of “Flame
and Rise” to the tale.

2-4: This was something that gave both exaltation and fear to the Devil, and was perhaps
an influence to the writing of the Holy Bible.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

3-1: Lighthouse of Alexandria, which was also called Pharos of Alexandria. The height of
it was 393 and 450 ft (120 and 140 m) and was for the a long period, many centuries, the
tallest manmade building. It was located in Egypt, and gave birth to a legend in it’s own

3-2: The lighthouse is a symbol for the highest light of fire in the world, or an eye at the
top of the biggest pyramid. This was closely associated with the Devil, and his amazing
eyes, and to not ever dare to look him in the Third eye.

3-3:-This was a amazing feat of masonary, and there is some rumor that it was a legend
that gave the offspring that we know as the phenomenon as freemasonary. We know that
many of their cult study things like this in order to develop more intrigue, and expand the
third eye.

3-4: The Lighthouse of Alexandria was said by some to have given birth to the legend of
the devil trying to become greater than god in the bible, and is more of a mark, or symbol
in the world. This has given much myth behind man trying to one up god, and become
greater than him.

3-5: The lighthouse does prove that the ancient Egyptians were great in skill with building
and designing, and may of added an extra dimension to the myths behind the Egyptian
Gods and Goddesses.

3-6: The memories of it live on throughout many books, which may be some indication
that it has a level to do with the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill, being a monument
to freemasons, the Illuminati Order, and more in the world.

The Pyramid At Giza:

4-1: The Pyramid At Giza, (also known as the Pyramid of Khufu and the Pyramid of
Cheops) is the most ancient of the seven wonders, and took around 20 years to make. It
has always been a marvel of scientific thought in regards to how the stones were moved.

4-2: This has always been one mystery that moved the mind more towards outward
thinking, and could have much to do with the back of the dollar bill. This serves as a
hidden relic to superior beings moving things with there intellect alone.

4-3: This has been one closely linked to conspiracy, and corrupt thought towards beliefs
such as the aliens building the pyramid, etc. This is known as one of the symbols that
steals away many followers from the holy god, and handing them over to Satan.

4-4: Further more, you can say the 20 years to make, adds an amount of intrigue to it’s
meanings with numerology, 20/5=4, and how man was meant to sacrifice to the devil to
build a life on earth, giving deeper meaning to the legend of Lucifer being the god of this
world in the bible.

4-5: Even more deep into this, it has a good part to do with satellites, and could be a part
to the mystery that the government is a manmade god, and that the sun is some sort of
great being, that gives light to all.

4-6: Even more interesting, is the fact that you could say this has something to do with the
added layer behind hidden agenda, and the conspiracies that the government creates.

5. The Hanging Gardens Of Babylon

5-1: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, was built in the time of 600 Bc, by the Babylonian
king Nebuchadnezzar II, said to be due to the fact that his wife Amytis of Media, missed
home and wanted something to remind it. Amytis was from Persia, and wanted something
beautiful with trees and fragrant flowers to suffice her yearning.

5-2: The Hanging Gardens could be a deep insight into how the past haunts those who
miss it, and how it lasts with the present and future together. The measurements of the
gardens were so calculated, it shows that they made it to be seen as coinciding together.

5-3: It also can be said that it shows that the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, was a symbol
used for how they sought to create things outside of human limits. It also gave rise to the
curses placed in the bible against Babylon, which gave rise to the fact that what the human
mind does not know is hated without answer.

5-4: This added a hidden layer to the humans fascination with filling voids with new
passions, and can be said to give rise to curiosity with media for those with a void in their
own life. This one has much to do with rise of the industry, making much money for those
who are of the desperate type, who are willing to spend money.
5-5: It also indicates that it gave promotion to the fact that the devil could replace god, for
those willing to sell their soul, and buy what they need to fulfill their desires. It also gives
commerce to things like drugs, prostitution, and more. This is one of the biggest things
for any artisan to discover, the gates that lead you into the Hanging Gardens of Babylon,
where you can get lost in a manmade oasis of the past.

5-6: Lastly, on this one, it represents how that we are empty without what we love, and
often seek to replace it with artificial means. This has been one of the biggest things ever
to intrigue history, the ancient builders and artisans, and how hard they the king tried to
keep his beloved wife happy.

6-Colossus of Rhode

6-1 The Colossus of Rhode, was a statue of the Greek God Helios constructed in the city
of Rhodes on the Greek Island of the same name, by Chares of Lindos, around the times
of 292 to 280 Bc. It was over 107 feet high, and was also one of the tallest statues of the
ancient worlds.

6-2: Alexander the Great fell around the time of 323 Bc, at the early age of 32and had no
chosen successor at the time. This was during the siege at Rhodes. This leads to the point
that it can be said that it could be a statue to represent how he was overwhelmed, and they
often call the shadow that the Colossus left, “The Shadow of the Great One”.

6-3: Some people believe the Colossus was built with Iron, Brass, and marble. These
three materials represent how Alexander was of hard determination, unbreakable soul, and
majestic appearance. The Colossus was to be a monument to represent he left no heir, but
was shadowed by the statue of himself, the Colossus that was left behind to die there.

6-4: As we look into this further, we can link this to how mans conquering nature makes
them fall to the grips of Satan, the king, and man will surly die there. It also points us to
believe that the island where the siege was, was a deathtrap in the cold sea for the beast of
fire, that was like the nature of Alexander.

6-5: This also links directly to the Illuminati, and Shadow Government, being of the light
from the shadows, representing tin gods of their own nature, making ambitious tyrants fall
with there true greatness of the mind. This represents much with the humble conquering
the arrogant.

6-6: This also points to the path of the light, or God, overcoming evil beasts always. The
road to hell well lead you to an island deathtrap to so surly die. Alexander’s weakness,
was his underestimation, and lack of planning, like the Illuminati are known to be brilliant

6-7: Eventually, an earthquake made the statue fall down, being destroyed. This points to
god controlling the elements to make the shadow of the tyrant fall down. The statue was
also known for it’s proud stance and posture.

6-8: Even more, it could be a basis for the statue of liberty, who is female, unlike the
tyrant’s image. This could link to how the nation of the United States is modeled after
ancient Rome. The Illuminati has intense degrees of skill in making crop circles, which is
not unlike this phenomenon. The siege at Rhode, could link to the ancient traces of the
Illuminati, and also it could mean like “destruction of the path; Shadow of the colossus; an
monument to the falling of Alexander the Great to the Shadow Government of ancient

7-Mausoleum of Halicarnassus;

7-1: The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus or Tomb of Mausolu, was a tomb built around the
times of 353 and 350 BC, and was made for Mausolus, a satrap in the Persian Empire,
and Artemisia II of Caria, who was both his sister and wife. It was said to be a victory by
Antipater of Sidon, a famous sculptor of the ancient world.

7-2: It stood around 45 meters, or 135 feet high, and was often called “The Grand Tomb”.
Antipar of Sidon is one often studied by Freemasons, and the word “Grand” is a word
often used by them for codes and ranks. This could link to the Freemasons being quite
ancient in age of their organization.

7-3: The numbers, 4+5=9 for meters, and 13+5=13+18=31=the numbers in pagan culture
for “Death, Satan, and transformation.” The freemasons are well known to be fascinated
by this, and often try to corrupt the word of god to their own means. They are openly
known for being devil worshipers.

7-4: The tomb has a brother and sister who were married, which is not like the story of
Osiris and Isis of ancient Egyptian times. It is well known that the Freemasons are
extremely jealous over the Egyptian people. The tomb symbolizes death itself, like Osiris,
and could be an attempt by them to mock the Ancient Egyptians for their own name.

7-5: Halicamassus was known for his conquering nature, which the freemasons despise,
because many of them work for no real money, and are nothing more than cult members
doing the devil’s work unwitting.

7-6: Halicamassus died in 353 Bc before his wife, leaving Artemisia broken hearted. It
was custom of the marriage when it came from incest for the family to keep the money.
She decided to use the money to build the Mausoleum for her brother in tribute.

7-7: Freemasons are nothing more than sheep in wolves clothing, and often study the bible
to use it for their own purpose, believing there is hidden codes in it. (I.E. The “Davinci
Code”). Trust me, my friends, if there is any cryptic cod in any book, there is none in the
bible, for any hidden codes in writing is purely of the devil.

7-8: The freemasons could be behind much betrayal towards this family in ancient times,
due to their jealousy of their nature of the marriage, and their wealth and power. You
might even say, that they more or less killed her husband, and constructed the tomb
themselves in a monument to their own evil murder of her husband.

7-9: This story is not unlike the Legend of Isis and Osiris, where their brother murdered
Isis’s husband, and then Isis revived Osiris to have a child, and that child would grow up
to avenge his father against his uncle. Many connections to the pyramids and Illuminati fly
the moment you mention that, for the Masons have always been extremely jealous of the
Illuminati Order.

7 Wonders of The Medieval World

8: Stonehenge

8-1: Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument located in the English county of Wiltshire. It

resembles many large stone forming a circle. Stonehenge is remarkable, because the stones
are so far from a modern town in the time it was made, which could of been as long ago as
2500-2556 Bc, that it was a marvel how it could be made.

8-2: Stonehenge is often one people wonder both how and why it was made, and as what
it was used for. It is a symbol for conspiracy making in itself, as it is shaped like a crop
circle from a UFO, and that gives it a significance for wide spread hysteria. Many people
have created all sorts of hare-brained theories about how and why this was used.

8-3: Someone once called it “The domain of the dead”. This may of been linked with the
name “Department of Defense” as well. This can be linked to both the government and
the Illuminati, with the crop circle connection. Many believe Stonehenge could of been
made by aliens.

8-4: Stonehenge is sometimes visited by Druids for a pilgrimage, and could have ties into
pagan/witchcraft, with the shapes and symbols of both witchcraft and the circles of it
similar. A druid is merely a male pagan.

8-5: The Illuminati has roots tied into with Druid beliefs, which actually associate back to
Heimlich Himmler, who was known for being linked with the Illuminati, who were
originally a Bavarian Cult. The Nazi scientist had a fascination with the Occult, and were
highly advanced in what they could make, including the first Jet Airplane. Stonehenge
was in the country they invaded, England, and was proper to the druids, who were
originally from Germany, not Britain.
8-6: It could be said that The Termplar Order has some involvement here, with their habit
of stealing things from organizations, and using them for their own intent. Some believe
that ancient Templars constructed this by stealing the plans from another in Germany.

8-7: Some people believe this is some sort of natural calendar made with astrology, some
believe it is some sort of altar used for sacrifices for the gods and goddesses by the
pagans. Either way, the mere thought of this place we call Stonehenge is a monument that
is a conspiracy theory symbol for most people, and it may of actually been made under
orders from the Ancient Illuminati by some Freemasons they enslaved.

8-8: They claimed that Stonehenge was worked on from 3100 Bc to 1600 Bc, which is a
millennium and a half, and the number 31+61=92, and is death and the partner in
numerology. This could point us to believe that Stonehenge was made as a grand
conspiracy in ancient times to show that the government was evil, which is nothing more
than nonsense to most logical people. The numbers of the years themselves are said to
have a hysteric effect on a person’s mind.

8-9: Some also believe it is a link to all religion being manmade. This is just one of the
many theories they have behind it. Stonehenge may in fact be one of the biggest mysteries
on Earth.

9-Hagia Sophia

9-1: Hagia Sophia, which in Greek means “Holy Wisdom" is located in Istanbul Turkey,
and was originally the orthodox patriarchal basilica, and then a mosque, and is now a
museum. It was dedicated in the year 360 AD., until the year of 1453, it served as a
the Cathedral of Constantinople, except for the years of between 1204-1261, in which it
was the cathedral for the Latin Empire.

9-2: The building was A mosque from the years of 1453-1934 AD., where it was not
associated with any religion. An immediate connection to the Freemasons can be thrown
up here, due to their motto of fascination with the bible, but in reality anyone who has
seen what they write about, are no better than a cult worshiping the Devil. They would
love for something of Church Origin to be defaced to no religious value.

9-3: keep in fact it was called a “Mosque” with no religious associations with Islam, which
is what the Mosque is used for to celebrate. In this “Mosque” it contained many odd
artifacts, like sacrifices tables, altars, and more. The Freemasons are extremely zealous,
and are often thought of by most logical minds as fools who sacrifice themselves for no
real reason. This is closely linked to cult like behavior. A cult is normally a symbol for a
religion without being a religion.

9-4: it was claimed to be constructed by “Constantine The Great”. The Freemasons once
again, have often been jealous of men/women in power, and sought there best to desecrate
any tribute or monument they may have. This can be closely linked to them putting in
hidden, subliminal art and messages into buildings and monuments.

9-5: Freemasonary has often preached in secret that males are superior to females, as it is
a little known fact that only males can be “Masons”. This building being converted to a
non-religious building could be a missing link to Pagans/Witches taking a revenge against
God in honor of the Earth Mother.

9-6: The third thing for the Hagia Sophia to become, was a museum. It is a common fact
that the Masons, Templars, and the Illuminati all have interest in artifacts. It was dedicated
in 1935 by the first Turkish President, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. The year 1935=13+5=18
in numerology, is:

Transformation+Progression+18/3=666=the number of the Devil

9-7: It is only safe to assume much involvement with the Illuminati, Freemasons, and more
exist within this place in Turkey. On the map, Turkey is half way between Egypt, the
United States, and The Former Roman Empire. This is a quite remarkable location for the

10: The Colosseum

10-1: The Colosseum, or the Roman Colosseum, which was originally the “Flavian
Amphitheatre”, was a building (“Elliptical”) in Rome, Italy. It was said to be started in
construction from the times of the years 70 to 72 AD. It was capable of seating 50,000,
and was the biggest building of all of Rome.

10-2: It housed many different things, from gladiator battles, to beast fights, mock sea
battles, dramas, and more. It is safe to say that it has a direct tie-in to the Romans warring
nature. It was nothing more than something for the Romans to showcase their feats of

10-3: The name,"Amphitheatrum Flavium" derives from both the Vespasian's and Titus's
family names, who were major houses of that time era. It could be seen as a marriage of
two houses known for having men who were well gifted at the arts of violence and war,
for the name. This connects to them showcasing reenactments of violence and battles, as if
real life and fiction were becoming a duality to co-exist together.

10-4: The name “Colosseum” was believed to be a name derived from a large statue of
Nero nearby. Nero was a ruler well known for his tyrannical behavior. Some believe that
Nero is even mentioned in the Holy Bible for his atrocious acts. This has a tie-in to the
Devil, who is seen as a huge Dragon Tyrant King, Satan.
10-5: The statue that the Colosseum was originally named after, apparently has Pagan
links, with it’s representation of Nero, that apparently had magical powers to it. Notice
that they changed the name of the “Flavian Amphitheatre” and this is not unlike the
altering of real life war and combat into fiction that they did in the Colosseum. Think of it
like “Using Alteration Magic” to make images of war and violence infest the human minds
of Rome, which would of made a hysteria effect back then causing them to love violence
and war more. Keep in mind, that violence, war, and combat definitely comes from the
Devil, for it says in the bible “That God hates men who love violence”.

10-6: The name, “Colosseum” was like the name “Colossus” which did eventually fall. It
was referred to simply as the “Colosseum” around the year of 1000 A.D. The number
“1000" has direct connections to ancient Egypt, and sometimes if referred to the year of
“forever”. Notice that it is both the largest building in Rome, and is in the shape of a
eclipse. It is a connection to Rome’s attempt to dominate the world in war, and make all
their own, eclipsing all cultures for their own intent.

10-7: Some believe, that Colossus/Colosseum were male/female variations of the same
word, and that this is some sort of long. Lost, connection to the God of the bible, and the
God of Witches, being one and the same, but two separate halves. This may be a
connection to God creating the Earth, his wife, in the Bible, in some odd manner.

10-8: Rome was a male like, warring nation. Dramas and plays are normally more adored
by the female, who is creative in nature. The name change of the Colosseum, from it’s
original one, could actually have a hidden link to pagans and witchcraft, taking revenge
against the war mongers who were like the God of the bible, in their mind, and changing it
to a feminine name. Either way, this place has a symbolism of desecrated altars.

10-9: Another important note, is that in the year 217 AD., the Colosseum was badly
damaged by a fire. The numbers 2+17=19=13+6=Transformation+and 6=3x6+1=or the
devil plus God, damaging the place with fire, in numerology formula. This could be some
story behind God becoming angry at Rome’s love with violence, and punishing them for it.
The person, Anicius Maximus, in the year 523 (7+3=God and trinity, in numerology)
insulted the king Theodoric the Great for it’s high cost. (Remember, the Freemasons hate
people who earn real money, for they are foolish devil worshipers who earn nothing. Of
course one of them might insult someone named great in some form of powerful office.)

10-10: In 1349 AD., the Colosseum was heavily damaged by an earthquake (1349
=Transformation+humanitarian+death in numerology). It’s funny to even think of how
many natural disasters have tried to bring down this abomination that marries war and
drama together. This may be one of the biggest landmarks for infamy ever.

10-11: The story goes on further, with Church officials wishing to turn the Colosseum into
a wool factory, to employ prostitutes, in the times of 16th-17th century A.D. It’s only
humorous to think of this mere fact. Throughout time, The Colosseum has been nothing
more for a symbol of fallacy and infamy. This is clearly a stigmata on the face of the Earth.

11: The: Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa

11-1: The Catacombs of Kom El Shoqafa, also known as “The Mound of Shards” or “The
Potsherds” is a historical archaeological site in Alexandria, Egypt, and is considered 1 of
the 7 of the middle ages. It was consider a necropolis of statues, tombs, and objects of the
funeral cult of the Pharaoh, with Hellenistic and early imperial influences.

11-2: It is interesting to point out, that some of the statues in The: Catacombs of Kom El
Shoqafa were Egyptian in appearance, but wore Roman clothes. This whole center of
activity may of been a large hoax planted in Egypt by the Romans, due to the age of it, and
how the Romans were well known for their jealousy of Egypt. This gives it a symbolism
of conspiracy and fallacies to start off. (Fallacies were also something the Romans loved
to study.)

11-3: A circular staircase lead into tombs that were created in 2nd century AD., when the
Romans were indeed around. Rome did indeed have conflicts with Egypt throughout the
ages, and they may of built this here in covert in order to play some sort of joke on the
land of Egypt. “A tomb made by the Romans” as if to show that the Romans were
superior to the Egyptians.

11-4: Why this is even considered a wonder of the mediaeval era baffles me. Throughout
all of history, rivalry surrounds things like war, violence, sports, and competitions in
general. The act of humiliation is always present where these things are demonstrated.
This is no doubt the story behind this mark upon the land of Egypt.

11-5: It was used from 200 to 400 AD. apparently as a burial chamber, and was found
once again in the year 1900 when a donkey, of all things, fell down it. This story is
erroneous to begin with. A “donkey” or “Jackass” fell down on accident into an open
access shaft. This story could be a well made lie by another party to discredit Egypt once

11-6: On an interesting note, though, this may be a missing link to evidence that the
Romans and Egyptians are actually related. Even more interesting, it could be some
unsaid proof that the events of the Bible, did indeed happen. Perhaps this is missing proof
to the people of Rome coming from Egypt during biblical times.

11-7: There is a hallway, named “Hall of Caracalla”. Apparently, it is a place where

animals and humans were slaughtered together. The ancient Egyptians were known for
their love of animals, and the connection is only obvious. Apparently, it was ordered to be
made by the Emperor Cacalla.

11-8: Either way, this is a place of infamy, grudge, and insult. The mere mark of death
existing with insult, is nothing more than “Insult to injury” but only worse. The romans of
course known for their violent nature. Either way, the “The: Catacombs of Kom El
Shoqafa” well draw interest from people for thousands of year after now, I am only too

!2- Great Wall of China;

12-1: The Great Wall of China, is a series of stones and earthly fortifications on the
northern side of China. It was made originally to help hinder invasions by nomadic groups
such as the Xiongnu from the north. The most famous part of this wall was made by the
first emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang; little of that part remains. The majority of the
existing wall was made during the Ming Dynasty.

12-2: Not only is China one of the largest countries in the world, but it is said that you can
actually see the Great wall of China from space. China is also one of the oldest countries
in the world. They have been always about keeping their own cultures sacred. Perhaps
you can even make an alien connection, with the fact that they made the Great Wall of
China so large, that the aliens from outer space could even see it. This can be seen as a
connection to China’s discoveries in archaic times being quite massive, and how their
cultures stand throughout the ages for all to see.

12-3: Originally, the three states of China, the Qi, Yan, and Zhao created walls to defend
them from invaders from the north. Around the time of 221 BC, Qin Shi Huang conquered
all three states, unifying China under the Qin dynasty. Qin Shi Huang ordered the building
of the Great Wall of China to defend against invaders.

12-4: The Great Wall of China serves as a metaphor for unification, fortification, and unity
together. The recycling of the idea of three states, into one idea, can be thought of as a
metaphor to the communist rule that is present in China today. The Great Wall of China is
a monument to ideas from others kept together in one, as a barrier against foreign ideas,
which even modern Chinese people have an adherence against.

12-5: It is important to note, over the ages, the Great Wall of China has really never been
broken, nor damaged much. Outside of the effects of aging, it has known little structural
damage. This may serve as a symbol of how the ancient Chinese ideals and philosophies,
were so advanced and perfected, that they have never fallen, as many are still fascinated by
the ideals of ancient China today.

12-6: The Great Wall of China also represents how ideas from others that conflict with
your own, have no rights withing your own. Often people are lead astray in life by
believing things that conflict with known truth, and corrupt man’s mind. The Great Wall
of China is both theoretical, and literal.

12-7: Chinese philosophers were known for their ability to connect principles and beliefs
together into a larger structured form of thinking, and the Great Wall of China is a good
emphasis of this. Whatever the reason may be, the Great Wall of China is one of the
biggest accomplishments of any nation. The mere fact that they were able to build it so
long ago, when there was a lack of modern construction vehicles, makes it one of the
biggest wonders throughout all of time.

13: The Leaning Tower Of Pisa;

13-1: The Leaning Tower of Pisa, or the Tower of Pisa, is the free standing tower of the
cathedral of the Italian city Pisa. It is the third oldest structure in Pisa’s Cathedral Square.
It was built in 1173.

13-2: The Leaning Tower of Pisa was of course made to originally stand vertically, but
due to a poorly laid foundation and loose substrate, the Tower has continued to lean on
it’s foundation. You can just make the reference “That a house built without a solid
foundation, will surly be weak of structure.” Right away, you can make many biblical
connections to the nature of the tower. It was built upon a Cathedral as well, which makes
it even more erroneous.

13-3: The Leaning Tower of Pisa stands 183.27 feet in height. In numerology, the number
is equal to 13+1+9= “Transformation+Leadership+Death”. You can only guess that there
may be possible Free Mason ties as well as perhaps there hands in sabotage. The
Freemasons are known for devil worship, and if they were to add their marks to a holy
building, you can only suspect it be true.

13-4: The Leaning Tower of Pisa had leaned around about a 5.5 degree angle prior to the
restoration work done on it from 1990-2001. It now leans at almost a 4 degree angle. It is
at a “3.99" angle, and the mere mention of the numbers in that arises much suspicion over
if once again the Freemasons are involved with the restoration work. 9+9=18 or three
sixes, and 3 is like the trinity in the bible. It is just too suspicious the numbers involved
with in it’s construction and restoration.

13-5: The tower was constructed in 3 stages over a period of 177 years. It did not start to
lean until the third stage was starting to be built. In 1272, Giovanni Di Simone, an
architect, ordered for the floors to be built one taller than the other in an effort to balance
out the lean. Needless to say, this was by far more than futile.

13-6: Throughout the ages, they have attempted to balance out the tower. I see this as one
of the most pointless things ever, but do make an interesting connection. Throughout all
of time, they have made many revisions to religious view, beliefs, and foundations. The
bible itself has been revised and rewrote in different words many times. You might say the
Leaning Tower of Pisa in the Cathedral Square has a direct correlation to it.
13-7: Even more interesting to note, this tower is not unlike the one in the bible that they
built so high to try and reach heaven itself. Mankind’s urge to create massive legacies has
always been one of their biggest downfalls. The Leaning Tower of Pisa serves as a life
long lesson for many generations to come.

14: The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing

14-1: The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing, which is also referred to as the “Bao'ensi” (the
word means “temple of gratitude” in Chinese”) is a historical site located on the south
bank of the Yangtze river in Nanjing, China. It was constructed in the 15th century by the
Ming Dynasty, but was almost destroyed entirely in the 19th century.

14-2: The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing is shaped like an octagon at it’s base, and measures
about 97 feet in diameter. The numbers 9+7 in numerology, equals “Death to Creation”.
Right away, we see a connection to some beliefs in Chinese religions, who often have
beliefs in reincarnation. (Even Buddhists believe in reincarnation; too often, though,
people of outside faiths who invade the Chinese cultures get this mere fact wrong.). The
Tower and it’s surrounding area was more than likely used for religious functions.

14-3: Going off what was mentioned in the previous article, it’s interesting to note that the
Porcelain Tower of Nanjing when it was built, was one of the largest buildings in China,
standing 260 feet, or 79 meters high. Going off the 97 feet in the diameter of the base, this
shows not only that the Ming Dynasty constructed it carefully, but we also see a
numerology correlation of 2+6=Partner of great compassion, 7+9=From birth to death, 97
=Death to birth, or

“Partner of great compassion, from your birth to death, and rebirth and more.”

14-4: The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing was made with white porcelain bricks, hence it’s
name. The white porcelain bricks were made to reflect the sun’s rays upon it. As much as
140 lamps were hung from it at night to illuminate it. Immediately we have connections
with the Illuiminati, as well as the Triads, who are an organization supported by the
Illuminati who seek enlightenment in China. The number, “14" means

“Leader of the Divine Way”.

Adding a zero to the number 14 could make it plural and has numerous Illuminati

14-5: In 1801, lighting struck the tower and knocked off the top three stories. The
Porcelain Tower of Nanjing does have Buddhist connections, and it’s interesting to note
that the year 1801, and 3, equals 1+9+3=The Leader, Death, and Creativity, or could
loosely mean, “God is the Creator, who brings death”. The Buddhist religion is well
known for being corrupt and is very comparable to devil worship. Perhaps God became
angry at China and sent lightning down to smite the Porcelain Tower of Nanjing.

14-6: The Porcelain Tower of Nanjing serves as a lesson to be learned in time. Nothing
made by man will stand, and those who try to outdo the divine shall fall. The Porcelain
Tower of Nanjing has been a sitting duck throughout time, and it is even more interesting
to note how Buddha died. Ate by his own pet Tiger. It serves to show that Buddha was
truly ignorant, for he thought to outdo God, and was smote by his own pet, who God
made as well.

The Seven Natural Wonders of the World

15: The Great Barrier Reef

15-1: The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest reef system, with over 2,900 reefs, in
900 islands, that cover an area of around 133,000 square miles. The reef is located in the
Coral Sea, which is off the coast of Queensland in northeast Australia. It can be seen from
outer space and is the single largest structure on Earth comprised of living organisms.

15-2: The reef is made of a large colony of Coral Polyps. A large part of the reef is
protected by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. The reef supports a wide variety of life
forms, and it was named a World Heritage Site in 1981.

15-3: The coordinates of the Great Barrier Reef along with the ones for the Bermuda
Triangle= exactly 9 when simplified. That is the number for death in pagan beliefs. It is
interesting to note, that the Great Barrier Reef has many life forms in it, symbolizing with
birth, and the Bermuda Triangle is infamous with craft coming up missing forever in it,
symbolizing death. Before the number is simplified in mathematics, it is “19" or

15-4: The Great Barrier Reef generates much tourism for Australia, a reputed 1 billion
Australian dollars per year. This sickens me more than anything about the fact, that
something beautiful that came from the Earth, would be used to make money for a country
that has been known for corrupt morals many times throughout the ages. It is funny to
think that Australia was originally comprised of outcasts who left their nations as rogues.

15-5: People believe that the Great Barrier Reef is around 20,000 years old or more, but I
argue that right away. There is no real proof that the Earth has lived more than 6,543
years, so this figure must be thrown away. The Australians have been well known for
being atheistic, and atheism clearly comes from the devil. It is only suiting that another one
of their crack pot scientists would lie to defame the creator here.

15-6: 1,500 species of Fish, 30 species of Whales, 6 species of Turtles, 125 species of
Sharks and Skates, 49 species of Pipefish, 9 species of Seahorse, 7 species of Frogs, and
215 species of Birds are just some of the many life forms that live in and around the Great
Barrier Reef. These numbers add up to “1941" which was the year that Pearl Harbor was
attacked by Japan. Japan is not too far from the Great Barrier Reef.

15-7: Interesting enough, the Crown of Thorns Starfish is a primary threat to the health of
the Great Barrier Reef. The name “Crown of Thorns” Starfish, (it naturally devours Coral
Polyp) is not unlike “Christ Angel” as both names pertain to this. It is truth with the way
the Australian government abuses it for monetary gain, that God himself might become
angry about it,. It is comical to think that he might send meek starfishes to corrupt the reef
that he made.

15-8: Whatever the reason be, The Great Barrier Reef is truly an amazing wonder of the
world, be it for both good and bad. Nature is known for being a balance, and it is true that
there has been both good and evil effects caused by the Great Barrier Reef upon the face
of this Earth. Whether or not we choose to see it as good or evil, lies in the eye of the

16: The Paricutin Volcano

16-1: The Paricutin Volcano is a cinder cone volcano in the Mexican state of Michoacan,
and is close to a village that was covered in lava of the same name. Paricutin is part of the
Michoacán-Guanajuato Volcanic Field, which covers much of west central Mexico.

16-2: The Paircutin Volcano was originally a fissure that was found in the cornfield by a
farmer named Dionisio Pulido, on February 20th, 1943. The date February 2oth, 1943, is
equal to 8+4=12/6=2 or “8+4+2" numerology mathematics, which means “The
government helping humanity”. You can just make many Illuminati connections with that
date alone. Could it be, that there is some truth that the Shadow Government can
manipulate whether, and natural phenomena?

16-3: Also in history, on February 20th, 1943, there was a massive World War 2 conflict
between the Americans and Germans and Kasserine Pass. It was on the dorsal of the Atlas
mountains. Atlas was the Greek God of Weightlifting and heavy burdens. They said the
whole world rests on his shoulders. How ironic that is that a battle from the “World War
II” occurred in the “Atlas Mountains to begin with. Perhaps the Paricutin Volcano has a
correlation to this battle. (See 16-4)

16-4: it was said that the Paricutin Volcano’s eruption was first witnessed by the farmer’s
family in his fields. The battle of Kasserine Pass was one that was of a World War, which
is witnessed the most harsh by not the combatants, but the families of the soldiers, as is the
nature of all perspectives of war. War is evil, and should never occur...there is no good in
war. Atlas, in Greek mythology, was punished for his defiance in war...

16-5: in one year, the Paricutin Volcano had grown to 1,102,36 feet tall (336 meters). The
numbers in numerology equal “1-99". “!-99" in numerology means “Everything possible
until the end of time in numerology.” You can make obvious ties to Freemasonary at the
Illuminati Order right away with those calculations.

16-6: When you add the longitude and latitude of both the Paricutin Volcano, and the
Atlas Mountains, you get an even figure of 120. 120 is divisible by 6, or 6x20=120, and
can be restated as “26", which means, “coupled with justice”. This is ironic, because the
volcano erupted, as the war raged on in Africa.

16-7: Active shots of Poricutin Volcano erupting appeared in the 20th century Fox film,
“Captain from Castile” that debuted in 1947. 1947 was 2 years after World War II ended.
The year 1947 in numerology, means, “complete teachings”. Perhaps there is an even
bigger connection between World War II, and the Poricutin Volcano than even we know.

16-8: Whatever the reason may be, the eruption of Poricutin Volcano is simply amazing. It
is things like this in the natural world that is truly amazing. This goes down as one of the
more fascinating Natural Wonders of the World.

17: Victoria Falls

17-1: Victoria Falls, which is also known as “Mosi-oa-Tuny” is a waterfall located in

south Africa on the Zambezi River. The river is between the countries of Zambia and
Zimbabwe. It is one of the most famous waterfalls in the world.

17-2: David Livingstone is consider to be the first European to view Victoria Falls. He
was a Scottish masonary and an explorer. He viewed it from what is now called
“Livingstone Island” in Zambia. David Livingstone gave the falls the name of “Victoria
Falls” in honor of the queen. Also, the name “Mosi-Oa-Tuny: means literally “Smoke that
Thunders”. Both names for the falls our officially recognized.

17-3: Interesting enough, Europe has tried to both conquer and colonize Africa many
times. They more or less attempted to rename a natural place in Africa in honor of a
European queen. This has intense racial connections, which have existed throughout the
ages in contention with black and white man.

17-4: Victoria Falls is said to be the largest waterfalls in the world. It measures at a width
of 5,604 feet (1,708 meters) and a height of 360 feet (108 meters) which makes the largest
area of all waterfalls in the natural world. The coordinates for longitude and latitude for
Victoria Falls can be simplified to 7, and the measurements to 6. The number 76 in
numerology formula means “Solid Truth”. Or “Solid Stability”. This is ironic, because a
waterfall is “Liquid falling” or “Highly unstable.”

17-5: from September to January, (September to January is during Spring and Summer in
Africa) the Falls dries up to extremes of nearly half the water flow. Half the flow of
Victoria Falls would be 17,215 cubic feet, which in numerology formula is simplified to
313, which in numerology means “Creative Change”. This ties in directly of how David
Livingstone from Scotland tried to convert the African falls into his own in honor of his

17-6: There is seven gorges to Victoria Falls, and the median figure for the height of the
walls of the gorges is 400 feet (120 meters) high. 400 is simplified to the figure 4, which
means “flexibility”. This is only too ironic with the way David Livingstone tried to change
the natural wonder of Africa into one in honor of the queen of his homeland. The Victoria
Falls will always continue to be tainted as long as they are called this name.

17-7: Europe has attempted to seize tourism values from Victoria Fall since 1900, which
is sick because it is not even part of Europe. Europe has been known throughout history
as country of tyrants and unfair rule, and this is not unlike slavery of natural land for their
own purpose. It is only suiting that parts of Victoria Falls are nicknamed with the first
appendage of “Devil’s” (Pool, Cataract, etc.) for what Europe has attempted to do here
clearly comes from the Devil.

17-8: Victoria Falls is one of the most breathtaking places in the world, as well as one of
the most infamous. It is by far worthy of a spot on the 7 natural wonders of the world.
Hopefully for later generations it can serve as a historical lesson for why rogues are
unwelcome in any country, like David Livingstone here.

18: Aurora

18-1: Aurora, which is a phenomenon that occurs in the sky, is also known as the
“Northern and Southern Lights”. They are lights that are displayed in the sky, particularly
at night, that are natural, that occur the most in the polar regions. They are largely in the
Ionosphere, which is the upper most part of the atmosphere. They are most visible
between 65 to 72 degrees at the north and south latitudes. Aurora appears as bright
colored lights (usually red or green in coloring) throughout the sky.

18-2: Aurora’s name is derived from the Roman Goddess of the dawn of the same name.
This is perhaps a misnomer and a fallacy in itself, as dawn means “morning” and Aurora is
often only visible at night. It is sometimes referred to as “Aurora Borealis” the second
word coming from the Greek word borea that means north wind. This is yet another
contradiction, to combine roman and Greek terms together. Aurora gains a symbol of
contradiction with it’s given names. Interesting in the fact it often occurs the most in the
north and south poles (“Bipolar”? North and South poles? Contradictions?)
18-3: Aurora is caused by magnetic fluctuation in the sky. Aurora was first mentioned in
;literature by the ancient Greek Pytheas, yet Hiiorter, and Celsius, 2 Swedish scientists,
were the first to discover how Aurora occurred in the sky. The ancient Cree natives
thought that Aurora was a “miracle from god” originally. This has a direct connection how
often people confuse scientific phenomena for supernatural occurrences. I would say that
over 90 percent or more of all things people believe are supernatural things are merely just
things that occur naturally throughout the world.

18-4: In 1860, a man named Elias Loomis noted that Aurora mainly occurred mainly in a
zone that had a radius of approximately 1553 miles. 1553 in numerology formula means
“Sacrifice to the High Creator” Elias was a well known Christian. He very well might of
lied about this theory in order to further his own agenda with his beliefs. I find that his
theory concerning Aurora is not true at all.

18-5: Many theories to explain Aurora have occurred throughout time, and many have
been discredited and thrown away due to there lack of evidence. Amongst the rubbish
theorists was even Benjamin Franklin, who was actually the laughing stock of many
people because he was thought of as a day dreamer who lived in a world of make believe.
Many people of the like have attempted to explain Aurora, and many have failed. This
gives Aurora a stigmata of failure from the ones who have tried to give reasoning to it. It
is interesting that they overlook the fact that an explanation is not even required for
something you can visually see, for the sight and substance is conclusive enough.

18-6: Aurora is much more readily photographed due to the innovations of such things
like Digital Cameras. This is not unlike lightning. Could it be, that the truth behind the
nature of Aurora is that it is merely some ongoing outer space electrical storm? Perhaps
over time, and with the findings of this book, more light will be shed on said subjects and

18-7: Aurora was said to appear in ancient Norse religious manuscripts. This is ironic,
because of the connection with the Norse Gods and lightning. This supports what I said in
the previous section. The Norse were of course known for their explorers, with the mighty
Vikings hailing from there. Some even believe that the Vikings discovered all of the world

18-8: Aurora is not only amazing to look at, but has often made the human mind go into
some of the most deep, intuitive thoughts of all time. Aurora will continue on to be a sight
to see for many centuries to come, as it has stood over time. You might say the natural
wonder that is Aurora is everlasting.

19: The Grand Canyon

19-1: The Grand Canyon is a large gorge located near the Colorado River in the United
States. It is mostly in the National Park of the same name. President Theodore Roosevelt
was one of the main people who helped preserve the Grand Canyon, and liked to visit it
19-2: The Grand Canyon is 277 miles long, and it ranges in width from 4 to 18 miles.
These figures put together are equal to the number 11 when simplified, which means in
numerology, “Inspirational Direction”. The Grand Canyon measures to “Great
Inspiration.” Theodore Roosevelt was a great inspiration to many, and it is only suiting
that the Grand Canyon measures to these figures.

19-3: The Native Americans were said to have inhabited the Grand Canyon before anyone
else. The Pueblo people considered the Grand Canyon a holy site. The first European said
to view the Grand Canyon was a Spaniard named Garcia Lopez De Cardenas in 1540

19-4: The year that the first European viewed the Grand Canyon can mean “Birth to
Death” or “Death to one thing, rise of another” in numerology phrasing. The truth of the
matter is that when the first European viewed the Grand Canyon, it was the desecration of
the Holy Land of the natives, and the start of the profiteering of the evil European

19-5: Said James Ohio Pattie was the next said European to visit the Grand Canyon in the
year of 1826, yet there is little documentation to support this. This leads me to 2
conclusions; many theories about the Grand Canyon have no documentation or evidence
of their chaos theories, and 2; the year 1826, means “Creative Leader” in numerology
formula, which is even more ironic. Often we see theories that people readily accept
because they came from someone with a bought degree from a university, although they
have about as much proof behind their writings as an average fiction novelist.

19-6: In 1857, Edward Fitzgerald Beale was sent from Fort Defiance to survey for water
along the South rim of the Grand Canyon during an expedition. The irony that surrounds
this is the fact that the year 1857 in numerology formula means “Partner to the Leader”,
and the man came from the place with such a name as “Defiance” as the stigmata that
surrounds the Grand Canyon is one of infamy of the desecration of the Native American’s
sacred place, an act of despicable defiance indeed, as defiance itself is an act of evil nature.

19-7: Theodore Roosevelt did many things to help protect the great place that the Grand
Canyon truly is. On November 28th, 1906, president Theodore Roosevelt helped establish
the Grand Canyon Game Preserve. It was meant to protect the park from predators and
excess grazing from wild animals. Theodore Roosevelt also helped the park be dedicated
as a national monument on January 11th, 1908. These 2 dates when added together and
simplified mean in numerology formula “Partner of Ideals”. It is very truthful that
Theodore Roosevelt was a revolutionary in idealistic thinking. As we have mentioned
several times before, the Illuminati Order specialize in numerology and manufacturing
history around key dates.

19-8: There are 34 types of mammal species-type animals found in the Grand Canyon, yet
16 of them are rodents, and 8 are bats. The figures in numerology formula mean
respectively “Creating humanity”, “Leader of Nature”, “Ambition” and the combined
figure of rodent like creatures, “Partner to Humanity”. Together the numerology figures
add up to “Humans creating goals to steal nature”. 24 of them are rat type creatures,
which is like the phrase, “Human Rat Race”. The number means, “Partner to humanity”.
How many other connections must we really make here?

19-9: In 1956, the Grand Canyon was the site for one of the deadliest aviation disasters of
all time. 2 commercial airliners collided over the Grand Canyon and crashed down. It is
interesting to note, the year 1956 means, “Destined to Die” in numerology formula.

19-10: There were great floods in the Grand Canyon on August 17-18, 2008, and people
had to be evacuated from the area. August 17th, 2008, is equal to “Creative progress.” it
is only too humorous that they were floods that caused the people to have to flee from the
area. Perhaps this has some hidden connection with religion.

19-11: The Grand Canyon has a legacy about as large as it stands. The Grand Canyon will
always be treasured throughout the United States,, and the world. It is only suiting that
it’s name is “Grand.”

20: The Harbor Of Rio de Janeiro

20-1: The Harbor Of Rio De Janeiro is located in Brazil and is also known as Guanabara
Bay. It is considered one of the most beautiful natural harbors in the world. The Harbor of
Rio De Janeiro is surrounded by the city of Rio, which is the second largest city in Brazil,
and it’s former capital.

20-2: The Harbor of Rio De Janeiro is surrounded by 3 major mountain ranges; Sugar
Loaf Mountain (1,296 feet tall) Corcovado Peak (2,310 feet tall), and the Hills of Tijuca
(3,350 feet). These figures when added together, and simplified, equal in numerology
formula, “Partner of Death”. The added kicker is there is a famous statue of Jesus that
stands nearby The Harbor of Rio De Janeiro. The statue stands 125 feet tall, which means
in numerology formula, “Leading Followers On”:. The two phrases make the numerology
formula of “Leading Followers to Death Repeatedly”. The irony is only too great here.

20-3: The Harbor of Rio De Janeiro was founded on the date of January 1st, 1502.
Originally, Portuguese explorers mistakenly thought that The Harbor of Rio De Janeiro
was an entrance to a river. Hence, why it was called the “River of January.” Once more,
this date in numerology formula means, “Leading Humanity,” which obviously ties in with
article 20-2 above.
20-4: One of the most amazing things about The Harbor of Rio De Janeiro, is that there is
so many ways to view it. This gives it a mark of “Interpretation through many views.”.
Sadly, you can make yet another reference to the poor statue of Jesus nearby. The Harbor
of Rio De Janeiro carries the mark of shame of having an ego that is seen differently by
many people, as does the phenomena of both Jesus and the bible. It’s almost as if they
perhaps made the statue of Jesus nearby to create hysteria and conspiracies. This has many
implications that point towards the Illuminati Order.

20-5: The most intriguing feature of The Harbor of Rio De Janeiro, is the simple fact that
the entrance is naturally created by the hills surrounding it. This is one of the main reasons
it was originally mistaken for a river. Once more, we have a connection to the Bible.
Could this be some hidden connection to the Bible not only being often misinterpreted, but
also mis translated severely?

20-6: They have a phrase about how God focused on the 7th day during creation times in
the bible only on making the Harbor of Rio De Janeiro. This could merely be generated by
the visage of Jesus nearby the area. This gives it a stigmata of heavy misinterpretation.

20-7: The Harbor of Rio De Janeiro is a wonderful place to see, indeed. Often, though,
people will give you a different story why it is great to see. I am only sure The Harbor of
Rio De Janeiro will continue to amaze and awe people for many generations to come.

21: Mount Everest:

21-1: Mount Everest is he highest mountain above sea level in the world. It is part of the
Himalaya Mountain Range in Asia. It is located near both Nepal, and China.

21-2: Mount Everest stands a total of 29,029 feet above sea level. This figure means
“Partner to death twice” in numerology formula. As aforementioned, it stands on the
border of two nations, and each has had it’s history of violence.

21-3: The first published height of Mount Everest was in the year of 1856, by the country
of India. In the year 1865, it was given it’s first official English name. These two figures
mean “Leading to organize Destiny”. This is only suiting seeing how they gave it both a
figure and name.

21-4 A few mountains are larger than Mount Everest, namely one, Mount McKinley in
Alaska. When you take the two mountains longitude and latitude, and subtract them
together, you get in numerology formula, “Tools needed to create progress”. This is ironic
on many fronts, including the fact they are both huge mountains one opposite sides of the
world. See figure 21-5 for more;
21-5: Some believe that Alaska and China were once joined on the super continent. I
believe this as well. The coincidences found in Mount Everest and Mount McKinley could
be both missing link and proof to this theorem. This could indicate that the Native
Americans, and Chinese could be closely related, as well the Indians, too.

21-6: Many people have attempted to climb Mount Everest, which is against all logic. This
gives the mountain a stigmata of reckless behavior. Going off of what we have learned
from earlier, it is interesting to note that if this indeed a missing part of the super
continent’s land bridge, that it adds quite the irony to thoughtless action exhibited by man.
No matter how mighty the man, it shows a real lack of intelligence to attempt to climb
Mount Everest. The biggest downfall of man is always under estimates for their reckless
pursuits and conquests.

21-7: I am sure that people will continue to be fascinated by Mount Everest for many
centuries to come. For me, I have to say outside the historical and archaeological
references, this one is perhaps one of the bigger bores of the Natural 7 Wonders of the
World. Yet, I have never been fan of sports.

My own List of the 7 Human Wonders of the World;

Figure 4-A:

B.P. Lovecraft’s 7 Human Wonders of the World;

1-Dracula-Vlad The Impaler

2-H.P. Lovecraft

3-Roger Bacon

4-Garrett Theodore Xavier




22 Dracula “Vlad the Impaler”

22-1: Dracula, also known as both Dracul and Vlad the Impaler, was a famous Romanian
warlord. He was highly successful as the count during his era. He is one of the most
revered and feared of all time.

22-2:: Dracula was well known for bathing in his enemies blood. This made many believe
he was a vampire. It was more of just a ritual for war. Still, many well be lead to
misinterpret this throughout time.

22-3: Dracula often impaled corpses of his enemies and spread them throughout his land.
These acted as a ward against invaders. It was meant to generate fear, and give potential
enemies a warning against attacks.

22-4: Dracula may of been well feared by his enemies, but it was said that he was well
adored by his people. People can relate this to Dracul being a “Bloody Savior” or a violent
hero. There is no doubt he defended his land admirably.

22-5: Dracula of course had a famous fictitious character named after him. In Bram
Stoker’s “Dracula”, he was a man who had his wife pass away, and revoked God in order
to save his lost love as a vampire. The connections here are only too obvious.

22-6: Both the Stoker novel and the real life figure have survived in memory throughout
time. This gives an added aura to the rumors of vampires behind both. Perhaps Dracula
really was a vampire, based on representation alone.

22-7: Dracula is both loved villain and hero in many minds. This gives an added mark to
the vampire legend, and how they know no right or wrong. Dracula is both villain and
hero truly in both fiction and life.

22-8: Dracula, or Vlad the Impaler, is one of the biggest legends of all time, and the first
to hit my list. All remember the great Count, for I do always. May the treasured prince of
darkness be prized in our minds.

23: H.P. Lovecraft

23-1: H.P Lovecraft was a famous fiction novelist. He often wrote of the occult and
macabre. He is one of the most relished authors in the horror genre.

23-2: H.P. Lovecraft gave birth to the Necronomicon, which is one that also featured
throughout many other literature realms. It is most famous for it’s appearance as a relic in
the movie “The Army of Darkness.” the book is considered one of his major feats in life.

23-3: H.P. Lovecraft lived a short life. Many believed that he was killed by his dabbles in
the occult. Some believe he really practiced the dark arts himself. See figure 23-4.

23-4: H.P. Lovecraft wrote much in life, but none of it was very popular. After his early
death, many of his works became highly read. This makes H.P. Lovecraft like a ghost in
our minds, being more remembered after he had gone on to the other side. See figure 23-5
as well.

23-5: H.P. Lovecraft wrote much about “Necromancy”. When you write about something,
whether it is fiction or not, it gives you the aura of the topic either way. Perhaps he did
self necromancy by being famous only after his death.

23-6: H.P. Lovecraft wrote often about human evolution via the occult. H.P. Lovecraft
did a evolution for renown after his own death. H.P. Lovecraft is a legend based on his
mere difficult feat of surviving death in our memories alone. Revival.

23-7: Either way, my Great Grandfather, or H.P. Lovecraft, is a legend in his own right
forever. He is always my burning flame in my heart. May your soul rest next to mine
always, Great Grandpa.

24: Roger Bacon

24-1: Roger Bacon was a famous scientist. He was considered one of the pioneers in
experimental sciences. He is still read by many scholars today.

24-2: Roger Bacon used many things like Alchemy and Mathematics to further his studies.
He had the title of “Great Teacher” Roger Bacon never actually went to any schooling. He
actually worked primarily as a friar for his duties.

24-3: Roger Bacon has some of the more definitive works out there for Alchemy.
Alchemy is a metaphysical pursuit. It is considered holy sciences. Obviously, he worked
for the catholic church.

24-4: Roger Bacon is featured in a famous Playstation 2 video game series, the games he
appeared in were “Shadow Hearts, and Shadow Hearts Covenant”. In the original: game,
he has a student pose as him, as a hidden attempt to save the world. The heroic party
wrongfully attacks him, unwitting. In the second game, Roger Bacon himself appears, and
helps save the world in the flesh.

24-5: Roger Bacon was well known for his ability to apply metaphysics to real life science.
He was able to use his outside the box thinking, to apply to down to Earth thinking. He
really was the pinnacle of his field, which he always claimed came from “The Creator.”

24-6: Roger Bacon lived over 700 years ago, and is still to this day talked of widely. Some
people have believed that Alchemy can make you live forever. The connections made here
will only be too obvious in both articles 24-5 and 24-6.

24-7: In my mind, and many others, Roger Bacon will be known as the greatest scientist
of all time. It’s funny to mention he was also great at religion, alchemy, and philosophy.
Perhaps he was the real greatest gift from God of all time. I believe this so myself.

25: Garrett Theodore Xavier

25-1: Not much is known by public about Garrett Theodore Xavier. He is said to be the
greatest thief of all time. He once claimed he came from Persia.

25-2: Garrett Theodore Xavier, or “Garrett The Thief”, was famous for not letting anyone
know his real name. He was thought of as both smart and cunning. Some called him “Gray

25-3: Garrett was said to be the man who attempted to assassinate the King, and have not
failed. The only thing no one could ever figure out, is that the body was never found. After
this happened, apparently no one could recall the King’s name of Eric.

25-4: Garrett was said to be so skilled at theft that he could steal something in plain view
and you could not even see it. Some believed he was also a sorcerer. I believe he was
simply amazing.

25-5: Garrett has the symbol of “The pen and the sword together beats anything else”. His
cunning and ability as a assassin made him hard for anyone to contend with. It might be
the truth that successful thieves are the smartest men and women of all time.

25-6: Garrett Theodore Xavier perhaps is one of the greatest enigmas of all time. If you
ever saw his face, I am sure you would lie about it. Not him, I said you would.

25-7: Garrett Theodore is the greatest thief and assassin of all time. None can contend
with his chosen traits. He marks the 4th spot in my Human Wonders of the world list

26: Faust

26-1: Faust is mainly a legend, but some believed he was a real person. He is of German
roots in most stories. He is mostly known for his deal with the devil in order to gain

26-2. The name Faust appears on a book called the Red Raven, by Johannes Faust. It is a
book on Germanic Magick, and extremely famous. It is sometimes known as the
“Operator’s Handbook.”

26-3: Faust appears in the cartoon “Shaman King”. He is a shaman who uses necromancy
in order to try and revive his dead lover, Aliza. He is known as a creepy guy, but one
character notes he can be useful later on.

26-4: Faust is named in the video game, “Soul Calibur”. He is a central character in the
series, and appears as also the names of “Siegfried” and Nightmare”. His weapon is the
Requiem, which means funeral mass.

26-5: Faust is often the name used in jargon for a man who has made sacrifices to obtain
one thing. The “Oath of Faust” is a sacrifice of all humanity to save the one thing you love
the most. Faust is both romantic and tragic.

26-6: Faust is perhaps one of the more famous legends, based on the concept of the devil’s
pact in it. He sold his soul to gain power, and would have to die 24 years after it. 24=4x6,
or “666+1" or, “Lead by the Devil” in numerology.

26-7: Faust is one of my main inspirations. It encourages me to cope with the passing of
my wife 5 years ago, Amanda. “Without an A, there is no B” I often say. I only hope that
this can perhaps add hope of a different kind for others.

27: Aeneas

27-1: Aeneas was a roman soldier. He was mentioned in the epic poem, “The Aenid”. He
was a symbol for loyalty.

27-2: In the records, Aeneas was the one having an affair with beautiful queen Dido. Dido
later on committed suicide. Aeneas joined her as well.

27-3: Aeneas was a companion of Virgil. What Virgil lacked with the sword, he was
mighty in the pen. Aeneas was the reverse. It is a companionship of joint strength.

27-4: Aeneas may of not been bright, but he had a good heart. His love was so intense for
Dido, that he gave up all he had for her. Perhaps Dido did make a good choice.

27-5: Virgil was also a well known necromancer. It is only too ironic how much he wrote
of death and tragedy of his own friends in the Aenid. Perhaps Virgil pushed them to do it,
for his own literary conquests.

27-6: Aeneas was the expert warrior, and lover. He is a hero who fought and died for
love. He easily surpasses any Shakespearean legend.

27-7: My hats off to Aeneas, the warrior of thy heart for over 2,000 years. He perhaps is
one of the more famous immortals of all time, with the years under his belt, hmm? Either
way, love is the only thing that truly never dies.
28: Thoth

28-1: Thoth was the Egyptian God of writing and instruments. His consort was Shuset the
record keeper. He was known as mainly an arbiter.

28-2: Thoth is likened with both Hermes and Mercury. He was known for inventions of
languages, books, instruments, and more. His consort recorded all he did. He is known as
an adopted son of Ra, the Egyptian God of the Sun.

29-3: Thoth, the manmade God, they often call him. It was because he was thought to rise
to the Godhead through his own deeds. Others say it is an alchemy connection. Either
way, Thoth was well honored by the Gods, Goddesses and people alike.

29-4: Thoth’s animals were the Ibis and Baboon. They are both symbols for understanding
divine knowledge. Some view Thoth as the Egyptian Christ. I can easily make this
connection. Gnosis was indeed the way of both.

29-5: Thoth is well studied by many famous people throughout time. It is odd to think,
although he was an adopted God, he is more known than many other Gods and Goddesses
of Egypt. This might be attributed to what he had shown the people, as opposed to the
concept of Faith.

29-6: Thoth was said to have created a good portion of languages throughout the ancient
world. A legend said “The Gods and Goddesses gave him all power to make all we have”.
Thoth was truly a man of endurance to even this day. Many say Hermes was a lie based
off of Thoth.

29-7: Thoth is obviously a inspiration to me as an Author and Alchemist. He is truly gold

in my heart. I only hope many can learn from him, as did I. He takes the last spot on the
Seven Human Wonders of the World list I threw in here.

I hope you enjoyed this study, and remember, this is completely free, on behalf of my
heart for humanity. I just wanted to share what I could with you, completely free. In the
name of freedom, may ths encourage all to see the truth.

-The End-

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