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SPE 4974

The Effect of Temperature and Pressure on the Viscosity of

Oil-Base Muds

The viscosity of oil-base muds can be determined over a termined experimentally to be 8.1 dynesfcm 2fscale part
wide range of temperature and pressure using the BHC (1.6Ibfl00 ft2fscale part).
Viscometer. This instrument consists of two concentric
cylinders mounted in a 20,OOO-psig autoclave that has an Discussion
upper operating-temperature limit of 650o P. The inner The best mathematical description of the viscosity of an
cylinder, or rotor, is connected by a magnetic couple to a oil-base mud at constant temperature and pressure is the
Haake Rotovisko. A detailed description of the instru- power-law model. The linear form of this model is
ment has been published previously. I InT = InK + n lny (1)
In operating the BHC Viscometer, the autoclave is 2
completely filled with mud and sealed. The rotor is ro- However, two sets of constants are required, one set for
tated at a constant rate and the sample is allowed to reach use at shear rates below ...... 200 sec- I and the other set for
an equilibrium temperature. The pressure is then adjusted the higher shear rates.
with an auxiliary pump and the shear stress is recorded for The analysis of the pressure and temperature effects
each shear rate. shows that the logarithm of the shear stress is directly
The instrument was calibrated by first calculating the proportional to the pressure and inversely proportional to
shear rates from the viscometer dimensions. This method the tempera.ture. These relationships can be expressed by
gave shear rates ofll, 21, 32,64,96,191,286,573, and the following equations:
860 sec-I. The mean shear-stress constant was then de- In T 00 p, (2)

Asphaltic Asphaltic Oleophilic

Formula 1 Formula 2 Inorganic ~ ACTUAL

Viscosity at 500 sec-I, cp
150°F, o psig 75 56 37
200°F, 3,633 psig 51 44 34
250°F, 7,266 psig 38 36 32
300°F, 10,899 psig 31 31 32 200

350°F, 14,532 psig 28 39 33

Average Viscosity
Viscosity at 50 sec-I, cp
45 39 34
~ 'o
150°F, o psig
200°F, 3,633 psig
250°F, 7,266 psig 96 87 112 ~ 50
300°F, 10,899 psig 79 80 115
350°F, 14,532 psig 67 75 120
Average Viscosity 107 92 113

I<.L---J.:-_ _- - J_ _---.l._ _- - ' - --J.,-_ _ ~_

In T 00 liT (3) 10 20 50 100

200 500 1000

For a given mud, the linear form ofthe power-law model Fig. l-Comparison of actual with calculated flow properties of a
16-lb/gal asphaltic oil-base mud.
can be modified to describe the effect of temperature and
pressure on the flow properties by the equation
In T = In K' + n In 'Y + Ap + BIT (4) viscosity, the equivalent circulating densities are less
Using a computer program supplied by ruM, a linear with those muds having a lower average viscosity at the
regression analysis was run on the flow properties of annular shear rates.
oil-base muds measured on the BHC Viscometer. For Pressure losses in a circulating well can be estimated
each mud, two sets of regression coefficients were estab- provided the viscosity is known. In this investigation, the
lished, one for shear rates greater than 191 sec- l and one viscosity of the actual mud was determined under tem-
for shear rates less than 191 sec- l . Examples of the calcu- perature and pressure and reduced to power-law functions
lated vs observed data of an asphaltic oil-base mud are such as those shown in Eq. 4. A computer program,
shown in Fig. 1. The regression coefficients vary widely, similar to those described by Schuh 3 and Fontenot and
which indicates that the temperature and pressure con- Clark,4 was used to calculate pressure losses in the drill-
stants must be established for each mud. pipe and annulus. Table 2 shows equivalent circulating
densities and a comparison of calculated pressure losses
Applications to standpipe pressures for three wells.
Although surface viscosities of oil-base mud do indicate
changes in the condition of a drilling fluid, theycannot be Summary
used for accurate hydraulic calculations. To show the 1. The effect of temperature and pressure on the vis-
effect of temperature and pressure, viscosities of three cosity of oil-base muds can be described mathematically
14-lb/gal oil-base muds were calculated at 500 sec- l and
50 sec- l under simulated down-hole conditions of to
20,000 ft and a linear temperature gradient of 150 to
° by a modified power-law model.
2. The power-law constants for each mud must be
determined experimentally.
350°F. Shear rates of 500 sec- l and 50 sec- l approximate 3. This model can be used to obtain improved esti-
those developed in the drillpipe and annulus, respec- mates of pressure losses in a circulating well.
tively. These data show (Table 1) that the mud with the
lower viscosity at surface conditions does not necessarily Nomenclature
have the lowest viscosity at the bottom of the wellbore. A = pressure constant
Since pressure losses are directly proportional to mud B = temperature constant


North Louisiana Well South Louisiana Well Alabama Well
Calculated Standpipe Calculated Standpipe Calculated Standpipe
Pressure Loss, psi
Pipe 1,820 1,765 2,030
Bit* 850 700 500
Annulus 306 492 289
Total 2,976 3,000 2,957 2,900 2,819 2,800
Depth, ft 17,660 16,100 19,800
Density, Ib/gal 14.9 16.0 17.0
Equivalent circulating
density, Ib/ga I 15.2 16.6 17.3
• Pressure drop in bit determined experimentally on location.

JULY, 1975 885

K = fluid-consistency index in the References
power-law model 1. McMordie, W. C., Jr.: "Viscometer Tests Mud to 650°F," Oil and
K' = fluid-consistency index in the GasJ. (May 19,1969) 81-84.
power-law model at T = 00 and p = 0 2. Forbes, G.: "Easier, More Exact Method Speeds Annul us
Pressure-Loss Calculations," Oil and Gas J. (July 31, 1975)
n = shear-rate exponent in the power-law 110-111.
model, dimensionless 3. Schuh, F. J.: "Computer Makes Surge-Pressure Calculations Use-
p = pressure, psig ful," Oil and Gas J. (Aug. 3, 1964) 96.
T = absolute temperature, oR 4. Fontenot, 1. E. and Clark, R. K.: "An Improved Method for
Calculating Swab/Surge and Circulating Pressures in a Drilling
'Y = shear rate, sec- 1 Well," Soc. Pet. Eng. J. (Oct. 1974) 451-462.
T = shear stress, dynes/cm
W. C. McMordie, Jr., SPE-AIME
Acknowledgment R. B. Bennett, SPE-AIME
We thank Oil Base, Inc., for permission to publish this R. G. Bland
work. Oil Base, Inc.
Houston, Tex.


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