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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Computing and Systems Development

Unit number and

Unit 34: Data Structures and Algorithms

Assignment issued Assignment due Slot 39

Assessor name

Evaluate, Design, and Implement Data Structures and Algorithms

This assignment is designed to help learners to understand how to
evaluate, design, and implement data structures and algorithms which
correspond to Learning Outcome 1 and 2 of the unit.

Assignment title Your first assignment in this unit will be using a relevant data structure
for implementing a small Sale Management System (SMS). SMS
manages information about products, customers and product ordering
This assignment will be broken into tasks and you can use these tasks as
sections/pages within your assignment.

Aim of the This assignment satisfies the following learning outcomes and
assignment assessment criteria:
LO1 Understand data structures and algorithms
1.1 produce design specification for data structures explaining the valid
operations that can be carried out on the structures

1.2 explain the operation and performance of sorting and search


1.3 explain the operation of recursive algorithms and identify situations

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when recursion is used
LO2 Be able to implement data structures and algorithms
2.1 implement data structures in an executable programming language
in the context of well-defined problems

2.2 implement opportunities for error handling and reporting

2.3 test results to enable comparison with expected results

SMS manages information about products, customers and product

ordering items. These information are:
About a product:
(see Appendix for 1. pcode (string): the code of the product (this should be unique for
assessment criteria the product).
and grade 2. pro_name (string): the name of the product.
descriptors) 3. quantity (integer): the number of products with the same code in
a shop at beginning of a day.
4. saled (integer): the number of products with the same code,
which are saled in the day. Condition: saled ≤ quantity.
5. price (double): The price of the product.

About a customer:

1. ccode (string): the code of the customer (this should be unique

for the customer).
2. cus_name (string): the name of the customer.
3. phone (string): The phone number of the customer (must contain
digits only).

About ordering:

1. pcode (string): the code of the product to be ordered.

2. ccode (string): the code of the customer.
3. quantity (integer): the number of ordered products.

You should use 3 relevant data structures, each one is used to store data
for products, customers or product ordering items. You should create the
data structures from scratch, do not use built-in structures available in

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On running, your program displays the menu/functionalities as below:

Product list:
1.1. Input & add new item
1.2. Display data
1.3. Save product list to file
1.4. Search by pcode
1.5. Delete by pcode
1.6. Sort by pcode

Customer list:
2.1. Input & add new item
2.2. Display data
2.3. Save customer list to file
2.4. Search by ccode
2.5. Delete by ccode

Order list:
3.1. Input data
3.2. Display data with total value
3.3. Sort by pcode and ccode

Your tasks:

Task 1: Understand data structures and algorithms (LO1)

1.1 produce design specification for data structures explaining the valid
operations that can be carried out on the structures (LO 1.1) using

- Pseudo code
- Diagrams
- Text descriptions

to describe the data structures used, operations on these data structures

and their corresponding algorithms.

1.2 explain the operation and performance of sorting and search

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algorithms (LO 1.2)

- Evaluate several sorting algorithms and select one for this assignment,
give your justification

- Evaluate several searching algorithms and select one for this

assignment, give your justification.

1.3 explain the operation of recursive algorithms and identify situations

when recursion is used (LO 1.3)

- Explain the operation of recursive algorithms

- Identify situations when recursion is used

- Apply recursion in at least one operation (you can add a new

functionality if needed) for data structure(s) used in this assignment

Task 2: Be able to implement data structures and algorithms (LO2)

2.1 implement data structures in an executable programming language

in the context of well-defined problems (LO2.1)

In this task you will need to write Java code to implement all the
functionalities listed above.

2.2 implement opportunities for error handling and reporting (LO2.2)

Corresponding error handling messages should be used

2.3 test results to enable comparison with expected results (LO2.3)

In this task, you will need to provide

- Test cases
- Test results

Submission Requirements

1. Your source code files.

2. Your report
Assignment assessment

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You will be asked to modify immediately and to explain your assignment
in the class room to be sure that you are really the author of the
assignment you submitted.
1. You should write this assignment in the essay style, although a formal
essay structure will not be required.

2. You should use tables, diagrams and figures where appropriate and be
sure to give sources of information.
Student guidelines
3. You should include a list of references to all cited sources using the
Harvard referencing system.

4. You should use font Calibri size 12 with 1.5 spacing for your report.

Besides the soft copy with

Submission 1. Your source code files
requirements 2. Your report
Students are expected to submit hard copy of the report

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Merit grade:

Merit descriptors Indicative Evidence Assessor Achieved Internal

characteristics (Task number, comments/feedbac (Yes/No) verifier
other) k comment
M1 Identify and 1. Effective judgments All tasks
apply strategies to have been made.
find appropriate
2. An effective
approach to study
and research has
been applied
M2 Select/design 1. Relevant theories Task1
and apply and techniques
appropriate have been applied
es 2. The design of
es has been
M3 Present and 1. An appropriate All tasks
communicate structure and
appropriate method has been
findings used and technical
language has been
accurately used to
present the

2. Communication
has taken place in
familiar and
unfamiliar contexts

Distinction grade:

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Distinction Indicative Evidence Assessor Achieved Internal
descriptors characteristics (Task number, comments/feedba (Yes/No) verifier
other) ck comment
D1 Use critical 1. Conclusions have All tasks
reflection to been arrived at
evaluate own work through synthesis
and justify valid of ideas and have
conclusions been justified

2. The validity of
results has been
evaluated using
defined criteria
D2 Take 1. Substantial All tasks
responsibility for activities have
managing and been planned,
organising managed and
activities organised

2. Activities have
been managed
D3 Demonstrate 1. Self-evaluation has All tasks
convergent/lateral taken place
/ creative thinking
2. Problems have
been solved

This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose

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Verifier 2

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