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________________________________________________ Period: ______________

Energy Tree
You will create a poster of the Energy Tree showing the inputs and outputs of each reaction of photosynthesis
and cellular respiration.

Materials Needed:
Poster Board Construction Paper Scissors Notes
Markers Glue Textbook Creative Minds!

Start by drawing a tree with two large branches on it. Label the branch on the left: Photosynthesis and the one on the
right: Respiration. The photosynthesis branch will split into two smaller branches. The respiration branch will split into
three smaller branches (see figure 1).

1. Off of the photosynthesis branch, there are two smaller

branches. Label the first smaller branch: light independent and
the second one: light dependent.
2. Off of the respiration branch, there needs to be three smaller
branches. Label the first smaller branch: Glycolysis, second
Krebs cycle, and third Electron Transport Chain.
3. You need to create 28 leaves for your Energy Tree.
4. There is a list of facts on the back of this paper (in the tables)
that you will write onto the leaves that you create.
5. Fill out the chart on page two with check marks. Figure 1
6. After the leaves are made you need to place them on the
appropriate branch. Do not glue until I have come around to
check the placements of your leaves.
7. After you have checked with me, then glue your leaves on the appropriate branches. Making it look like a tree.
8. After the leaves are on the tree you need to draw in the sun, add a raindrop and a person or animal. These are all
things that are needed for photosynthesis or cellular respiration.

Draw Arrows
1. From the sun draw and arrow to the leaf on the light reaction that says "requires light”.
2. From the water droplet draw and arrow to the leaf on the light reaction that says “requires water”.
3. From the “Makes ATP” leaf on the light reaction branch draw an arrow to the “requires ATP” leaf on the dark
reaction branch.
4. From the “Makes NADPH” leaf on the light reaction branch draw an arrow to the “Requires NADPH” leaf on the
dark reaction branch.
5. From the “Makes Oxygen” leaf on the light reaction draw an arrow to the person/animal and then another
arrow just out to “air” on the poster.
6. From the “Makes ADP” leaf on the dark reaction branch draw an arrow to the “requires ADP” leaf on the light
reaction branch.
7. From the “Makes NADP” leaf on the dark reaction branch draw an arrow to the “requires NADP” on the light
reaction branch.
8. Draw an arrow from the person/animal to the “Requires carbon dioxide” leaf on the dark reaction branch.
9. From the “makes glucose” leaf on the dark reaction draw an arrow to the “breaks down glucose” leaf on the
glycolysis branch.
10. From the “Produces pyruvate molecules” leaf on the glycolysis branch draw an arrow to the “breaks down
pyruvate molecules” leaf on the Krebs cycle branch.
11. From the “releases carbon dioxide” leaf on the Krebs cycle branch draw an arrow to the “requires carbon
dioxide” leaf on the dark reaction branch and draw an arrow out to the “air” on the poster.
12. From the “get rid of excess waste” leaf on the electron transport branch draw an arrow out to the “air” on the
Photosynthesis Terms

• Complete the table below by placing a check mark in the appropriate column for each of the
photosynthesis terms.

Light-Dependent Reaction Light-Independent Reaction

Happens in thylakoids
Happens in stroma
Makes ADP
Makes ATP
Makes glucose
Makes NADP
Makes Oxygen
Requires ADP
Requires ATP
Requires Carbon dioxide
Requires light
Requires NADP
Requires NADPH
Requires free phosphate
Requires water

Cellular Respiration Terms

• Complete the table below by placing a check mark in the appropriate column for each of the cellular
respiration terms.

Glycolysis Krebs Cycle ETC

Breaks down glucose
Breaks down pyruvate
Electron energy converted to useable energy
Happens in cytoplasm
Happens in mitochondrial matrix
Happens in mitochondrial cristae
Has to get rid of excess waste.
Makes 32 ATP
Produces 2 ATP
Produces 2 ATP, NADH, FADH
Produces pyruvic acid molecules
Releases carbon dioxide

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