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Colorful number chains

Grade/Subject: Kindergarten Math Time: 9:20-10:00 Duration: 30-40 min.

Overview of lesson:

Students will first be challenged to represent the number 3 by choosing three colors to trace
the numbers on their worksheets. After tracing the numbers three times each, they will
develop fine motor skills by cutting out their numbers. Then, they will use chain links to attach
to their cut out numbers and represent the number with the amount of chain links added.

Program of studies (Goals and Objectives (Maximum 3 each) Be attentive to the terminology of the
Program of Study you are using.)


1. Develop number sense 1. Say the number sequence 1 to 6 by 1s,

2. Use patterns to describe the starting anywhere from 1 to 6 and from 6 to 1.
world and to solve problems. 3. Relate a numeral, 1 to 10, to its respective

1. Demonstrate an understanding of
repeating patterns (two or three elements) by
creating patterns using manipulatives, sounds
and actions.

Critical and Lesson Guiding Questions

(These guide the lesson, can be used for formative assessment and are lead-ins for pedagogical
discussion with students) A lesson can have several guiding questions.

Do students know how to count backwards from 6?

Can students put numbers in order from 1-6?
Can students represent numbers using the correct amount of chain links?
Learning objectives Teaching Strategies

Students will… Interactive instructive- Singing a song and

● Solidify understanding of numbers 1-6 showing numbers with our fingers
○ singing a song that counts Modeling- Showing students how they will
down from 6 color their numbers and how to string them on
○ Using their fingers to show the yarn.
○ Coloring written numbers using Independent learning- Coloring their
three different crayons numbers, placing them on a number line,
○ Putting them in order on a attaching the correct amount of chain links.
string (number line)
○ Attaching chain links to
numbers, displaying the
correct amount of links
○ Creating a colored pattern
using chain links

Differentiation Accommodation Modification

(Example an alternative way for a (Example: If a student has (Example: Student has been
student to receive information or engage a hearing impediment) identified with a learning
with a lesson.) challenge such as dyslexia)

Sing a song and do actions to

remember. Students will have
Display numbers on fingers, then assisstance provided by
written, then in tactile version by three different teachers
putting together chain links


Formative (Example: Observation/Anecdotal, Student/Teacher conferencing, check list etc..)

Students demonstrate that they can put numbers in order on a line

Students demonstrate that they can count to 6 using chain links and attaching them to the number
Students can make patterns out of colors of chain links


● Draw arrows on number coloring sheets

● Set up youtube clip
● Have crayon boxes set out
● Remind Mrs. Biever about hole punching on both ends
● Pre cut yarn

Material and equipment (Art supplies, manipulatives, smartboard, online whiteboard etc…)

● Instrumental music to play in the background when doing alice the camel
● Chain links
● Crayons

Lesson Procedure

Introduction (10 min.) (Description of Hook/Attention Grabber; Expectations for Learning and
Behavior; Transition to Body, etc.)

● Tell students were going to review their numbers with a song, but were going to count
backwards today
● Get students to make a giant circle
● Mode the first line of the song “Alice the camel has 6 humps” (put up 6 fingers in the
circle) “Alice the camel has 6 humps” (bend at the knees) “Alice the camel has 6
humps” “So go alice go” “Boom boom boom” (Wiggle)
● Start instrumental music *
● Tell students to join in with 5 humps, 4 humps, 3 humps, 2 humps, 1 hump, no humps
“because alice was a horse”

Body (25 min.) (~9:30)

(Descriptive and clearly organized steps/scaffolding and transitions in lesson. Indicate timing of each
section. Identify teaching strategies, organization of class etc. How and when are you using formative
assessment in your lesson?)

Instructions (5 min.)
● Great job counting backwards!
● Everyone please sit down and be quiet so I can tell you what we’re going to do next
● Show students the numbers page
● Tell them that they're going to color each number three times
● This means you will need to pick three different crayons
● Start in the middle at the arrow, trace the number. The use your next color to trace
around the outside of that number. Then use the third color to trace the inside of the
first number
● You’re going to practice writing your numbers by going over each one 3 times
● Remind them that if they try their hardest, the numbers will look like art projects and
we can put them on the bulletin board

● Explain that after tracing each number with three different colors, students are to cut
out the square around each number, not the number itself!
● Then go over to Mrs. Biever who will hole punch each of their numbers (on the top and
the bottom.
● After their numbers have a hole punch, they can string them on a pre cut piece of yarn.
And make sure they’re in the right order.
● Students should then show teachers so that we can tie knots at the end of the yarn for

● Once the numbers are on the yarn in the right order, students will be given chain links.
● Students must put the correct number of links on each number.
● They should use the colored chain links to make a pattern.

Worktime (10 min.)

● Go around helping students/reminding them what to do

Counting with chain links (10 min.)

● Hand out chain links to students who are finished

Closure (5 min.)
(Consolidation Learning; Indicate clean up protocol, material management etc.
Transition to Next Lesson. How do you plan to prepare students for the next period?
Are they changing classes? Is another teacher coming in to the room.)

Clean up (5 min.)
● Turn out lights to get students attention
● Ask students to clean up their scissors, paper scraps, etc.
● Ask students to unhook chain links and put them away

Reflection : How did it go? What should you change? What did you forget?

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