Beny Saeful Bahri: +62 81320772208 Benysaeful@email - - Id

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Beny Saeful Bahri

+62 81320772208

Formal Education:

Place & Date Of Birth:  [2007 - 2010] Junior High School at SMPN 1 Tambakdahan, Subang –
Subang, April 2nd 1995 West Java, Indonesia
 [2010 - 2013] Senior High School at SMAN 1 Pamanukan, Natural
Nationality : Science Program, Subang – West Java, Indonesia
 [2013 - 2017] Indonesia Computer University (UNIKOM), S.E in
Management Economic, Spc : Human Resource Management, Bandung –
West Java, Indonesia
Marital Status :
Work Experience/Activities:

Sex :
 [August 2016 – October 2016] Surveyor Micro Internship Program at
Dewan Kerajinan Nasional Daerah (Dekranasda), Bandung
 [January 2017 – Desember 2017] Internet Marketer at PT. Urgensi
Religion : Inovasi Dunia, Bandung

 [January 2018 – Currently] Surveyor (SO) at PT. Adira Dinamika
Multifinance, Tbk, Cab. Pamanukan – Subang.

Address: Skills:
Jl. Bojongkeding, Kp. Rancamulya RT 10 RW
03, Kel. Jatimulya, Kec. Compreng, Subang  Office Administration : Ms. Word, Ms. Visio, Ms. Excel
 Office Statistics : SPSS office, WinQSB

 Business Management : Product Market Fit, MVP Method
 Marketing : Canvasing, Promotion On/Off Line
Sales, Marketing, Promotion
 Editing : Adobe Photoshop, Coreldraw
 Other Capabilities : Public Speaking Confidently
Things about me:
Analitycal, Organized, Eager to learn

Beny Saeful Bahri
+62 81320772208

Upgrading Program:

 [2014] Participant at "Mental and Discipline development training " by
Depot commander of military education – Siliwangi Military Region/III,
Bandung - Indonesia
“Learning By Doing”
 [2015] Participant at "Right Brain Empowerment Training” by Unikom
 [2016] Participant at "National Seminar on Bandung Youth Investor City"
by Bursa Efek Indonesia and Mars Organizer, Bandung - Indonesia
 [2016] Participant at "National Seminar on Bring Government, Industry
and Institution Together for Super Indonesia" by Institute Teknologi
Bandung (ITB), Bandung - Indonesia
 [2017] Participant at “Workshop Android Development For Beginner”
by ITSC-UNIKOM & RISTEKDIKTI Bandung – Indonesia
 [2017]
 [2017] Local Delegate Startup at Tech In Asia Jakarta Conference
 [2017] Participant Booth Startup at Inovator Inovasi Indonesia Expo
 [2017] Participant Training Entrepreneurship at Unikom
 [2017] Participant Training Software Competence at Unikom

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