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Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103

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Research Paper

Settlement prediction for an embankment on soft clay

Nina Müthing ⇑, Chenyang Zhao, Raoul Hölter, Tom Schanz
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitätsstr. 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A model prediction using FE modeling is performed for a trial embankment on soft clay in Ballina,
Received 23 January 2017 Australia. The comparison between the prediction and the in situ measurement exhibits significant dif-
Received in revised form 13 May 2017 ferences. A detailed analysis is performed to validate the model and determine necessary improvements.
Accepted 6 June 2017
Sensitivity analyses elaborate upon the most dominant constitutive parameters. Based on site measure-
ments, inverse analyses are performed to identify the optimum parameters. The inverse analysis
approach is validated regarding its dependency on the objective function and data incorporated. A com-
parison between the prediction and the back-calculated parameters confirms the importance of engi-
Soft soil
neering judgment as well as the sensitivity of the modeling strategies to the input information.
Consolidation Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Finite element modeling
Parametric study
Inverse analysis

1. Introduction and further prediction aspects, e.g., the horizontal displacements,

can be found in the prediction report [2].
In Ballina, New South Wales, Australia, a full-scale test embank- To minimize the computational effort, sophisticated modeling
ment was constructed to serve as a National Field Testing Facility strategies are used: the geometrical conditions are reduced to an
(NFTF). It was implemented to study the settlement behavior of equivalent 2D model, and the installed vertical drains are modeled
soft, structured soils typically present along the east coast of Aus- by a soil volume of equivalent permeability. A 2D/3D unit cell anal-
tralia. Therefore, the test site was equipped with extensive and ver- ysis validates the model regarding its dimensionality and ability to
satile in situ testing instrumentation, including that for the adequately simulate the drainage behavior of the vertical drains.
measurement of pore pressures, vertical and horizontal deforma- Since the subsoil underneath the embankment includes layers
tions and soil pressures. Moreover, high-quality soil samples were of natural, structured clay, particular focus is set on the choice of
extracted and subjected to advanced laboratory testing at the Aus- a simple but adequate constitutive model as well as on the deter-
tralian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Geotechnical mination of appropriate constitutive parameters [3]. A validation
Science and Engineering (CGSE) in Newcastle. of the constitutive modeling strategy proves the eligibility of this
For the Embankment Prediction Symposium 2016 held by CGSE in approach to simulate the complex compression behavior of struc-
September 2016, asset owners, academic researchers and practi- tured clay with a less complex constitutive law.
tioners were asked to submit predictions for the embankment Section 3 validates the prediction given in [2] by comparing its
behavior obtained under different types of analyses, ranging from results in terms of transient settlements and pore water dissipation
hand calculations to complex 3D finite element analyses. The pre- with the observed field response provided by CGSE. The compar-
dictions were performed based on field and laboratory data pro- ison reveals significant differences between the prediction and
vided by CGSE, summarized in [1]. real-life behavior of the embankment.
Section 2 introduces the 2D finite element model used within A detailed analysis is performed to validate the prediction
the present study, which is implemented using Plaxis 2D (version model and reveal necessary improvements. Within the present
2015). The model simulates the consolidation and creep processes study, the focus is set on the constitutive modeling strategies
underneath the embankment on soft, estuarine clay and predicts and the determination of the constitutive parameters to obtain a
the embankment behavior in terms of transient settlements and better understanding of the complex behavior of soft clays.
pore water pressure dissipation. More details on the model itself Fig. 1 illustrates the strategic approach for the model validation
and prediction improvement followed within the present study.
⇑ Corresponding author. To improve the accuracy and reliability of a prediction, it is
E-mail address: (N. Müthing). essential to know which parameters most strongly influence the
0266-352X/Ó 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
88 N. Müthing et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103

Measurements Numerical modeling approach Constitutive parameters

Geometry Physical
Settlements processes Lab data Field data

Pore water Staged Constitutive Initial

pressures construction assumptions parameters

Model Inverse
validation analysis
Agreement? No
Parameter Uncertainty
validation analysis
Model Output
Yes response uncertainty

Fig. 1. Flowchart of the conceptual approach followed in this research.

model response. Therefore, in a first step, a parametric study using provide a better understanding and assessment of the performed
metamodeling strategies to perform global sensitivity analyses is improvement strategy.
used to elaborate upon the most relevant constitutive parameters.
However, it has to be considered that the predominance of certain
2. Finite element model for embankment prediction
model parameters might be caused by model assumptions. A close
evaluation of this enables the assessment of the method and high-
The test embankment is simulated by both a 2D plane strain
lights what has to be considered when conducting this type of
model and a 3D Finite-Element (FE) model. Plaxis 2D (version
2015) and Plaxis 3D (version AE) are used for conducting the 2D
With the knowledge of the relevant model parameters, inverse
and 3D simulations, respectively.
analyses using a Generic Algorithm (GA) for parameter identifica-
tion can be performed. The aim of this inverse analysis is to iden-
tify an optimum parameter set to achieve a good fit between the 2.1. 2D FE model
predicted and measured values. This can be particularly useful
when only limited experimental data on the soil properties are The geometry and mesh discretization of the 2D FE-model are
available and/or a sophisticated constitutive model requiring shown in Fig. 2. The soil deposit present prior to embankment con-
advanced laboratory tests is applied. Of course, the inverse analysis struction is simplified into 6 horizontal layers. The working plat-
itself and its output are strongly dependent on the input informa- form and horizontal drainage layers are installed prior to the
tion provided for the parameter optimization. Here, particularly, embankment construction. A total of 22 wick drains with a spacing
the influence of the chosen objective function for the optimization of 1.2 m are used in this test embankment, and the drains are
in terms of type, amount and quality of data incorporated needs to installed up to 15 m beneath the ground surface. According to
be evaluated. Thus, a step-wise inverse analysis approach consid- the in situ investigation, the ground water level is assumed to be
ering different objective functions is preferred and executed in 0.72 m below the ground surface.
the present study. This strategy allows for the assessment of the Based on the trial analysis, the mesh discretization is deter-
tool of inverse analysis regarding its dependency on the choice of mined such that model responses are mesh independent. Specifi-
objective function and data incorporated. Consequently, the cally, Fig. 3 shows the relation between the model response and
importance of engineering judgment and the sensitivity of the the number of elements. The point that is located at the center of
method to input information can be illustrated. the 2D model and 4 m below the surface is chosen to check the
After identifying an optimum parameter set, a critical examina- excess pore pressure after the embankment construction is com-
tion of the identified parameter values needs to be conducted. pleted. The model responses using 14,100 elements are taken as
Through a comparison of the initial and optimum parameter val- the reference value (42 kPa excess pore pressure) to calculate the
ues, a physical justification needs to be achieved. normalized value of the other cases. As seen, when the number
Moreover, the initial as well as final predictions are based on of elements increases from 14,100 to 18,200, the variation in the
parameter values that are not precisely known but that are mean model response is less than 1%; hence, models with 14,100 ele-
values with ranges estimated by engineering judgment. To observe ments are used in this research, and the total number of nodes is
the impact of parameter uncertainty and identify the most domi- approximately 114,000.
nant parameter ranges on the model output, an uncertainty analy- The bottom of the model is assumed to be fixed, with no defor-
sis needs to be executed. A comparison of the model response mation allowed. At the left and right boundaries, the horizontal
uncertainty between the initial and optimum parameters will help displacements are fixed, whereas vertical displacements are
N. Müthing et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103 89

Fig. 2. Geometry and FE discretization of the 2D model.

1.05 cally divided into five construction steps. All construction steps
are conducted as consolidation analysis to guarantee an adequate
Normalized excess pore pressure [-]

1.04 modeling of the underlying physical processes. Then, a long-term

consolidation analysis is conducted, from which the prediction of
the soil deformation and pore water pressure dissipation is
derived. The detailed sequence of the numerical staged construc-
tion steps is given as follows:
1. Preparation of the working platform (3 days)
1.01 2. Short consolidation phase (15 days)
3. Preparation of the drainage layer (8 days)
1 4. Drainage installation (13 days)
5. Construction of the embankment/earth fill (10 days)
6. Long-term consolidation (about 1000 days)
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Number of elements [×1000] 2.4. Modeling of the drainage system
Fig. 3. Mesh sensitivity study; the excess pore pressures are normalized based on
the result using 14,100 elements (42 kPa). The test embankment was constructed using two different
types of vertical drains: conventional wick drains and biodegrad-
allowed. The top of the model is free to deform in both the horizon- able jute drains. However, in the present study, for the sake of sim-
tal and vertical direction. Regarding the hydraulic boundary condi- plicity, both drain systems were assumed to exhibit a similar
tion, excess pore water pressure is allowed to dissipate through all drainage behavior and thus were modeled in a uniform manner.
boundaries of the model. The measurement results from the in situ site show that the
embankment deformation is equivalent for both drainage areas.
2.2. 3D FE model Therefore, the assumption was confirmed to be acceptable.
During the installation of the wick drains, the soil in the near
Accounting for the fact that the working platform layer is not field around the drains is disturbed and compacted in the horizon-
constructed symmetrically in reality, a three-dimensional FE model tal direction. This area is usually referred to as the smear zone.
is conducted in the present study for the validation of the 2D plane Accordingly, the permeability of the soil in the smear zone is
strain model [4]. The geometry and mesh discretization of the 3D reduced. In the present study, the ratio of the permeability (hori-
model are presented in Fig. 4. The cross section on the right-hand zontal direction in the 3D model) in the undisturbed soil and in
side of the embankment is identical to the 2D plane strain model. the smear zone is assumed to be approximately 5. The radius of
For the cross section on the left-hand side of the embankment, the the smear zone is assumed to be five times the radius of the wick
working platform is wider compared to the 2D model. drain [5].
In this 3D model, the total number of nodes and elements is Since there are more than 1500 wick drains installed beneath
approximately 210,000 and 150,000,respectively. The mechanical the embankment, a full-scale 3D simulation including discretely
as well as hydraulic model boundary conditions are in analogy to modeled drains would require a large computational effort. An
the 2D model. alternative approach is to apply the equivalent permeability con-
cept first proposed by Chai et al. [6]. This approach is a simple
2.3. Construction of the embankment approximation method for performing consolidation analysis of
PVD-improved soil without modeling the discrete drain elements.
With reference to the report on the in situ situation provided by Within this framework, the permeability (vertical direction) of the
CGSE, the sequential construction of the embankment is numeri- soil is increased to an equivalent permeability, which accounts for
90 N. Müthing et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103

Unit: m
30 2D cross section

Fig. 4. Geometry and FE discretization of the 3D model.

the soil and drain permeability together. Using this equivalent per- on that of the undisturbed soil (kh;ps ). Here, Indraratna and Redana
meability, the variation in the degree of consolidation with time is [8] proposed the following equations:
comparable to the behavior using discrete drainage elements. The
equivalent permeability kv e in the vertical direction is determined ks;ps b
¼ ð4Þ
using the following equations proposed in [6]: kh;ps kh;ps ðlnðnÞ þ kh;ax lnðsÞ  0:75Þ  a
k h;ax s ks;ax

2:5l kh
kv e ¼ 1þ kv ð1Þ 0:67ðn  sÞ3
lD2e kv a¼ ð5Þ
n2 ðn  1Þ
n kh
2l kh
l ¼ ln þ lnðsÞ  0:75 þ p ð2Þ 2ðn  1Þðnðn  s  1Þ þ 0:33ðs2 þ s þ 1ÞÞ
s kv 3qw b¼ ð6Þ
n2 ðn  1Þ
where l denotes the drainage length; De is the diameter of the unit Additionally, the permeability varied with the void ratio based
cell; kh and kv are the initial horizontal and vertical permeability for on the following equation:
the undisturbed soil, respectively; n ¼ De =dw (dw = diameter of  
drain); s ¼ ds =dw (ds = diameter of smear zone); and qw is the dis- k De
log ¼ ð7Þ
charge capacity of the PVD. It should be noted that when applying k0 ck
this approach to two-way drainage conditions, the drain length
with k and k0 being the current and initial permeability, respec-
parameter l is half the thickness of the PVD-improved zone.
tively; De being the variation in the void ratio; and ck being the per-
Under plane strain conditions, the drainage is usually modeled
meability change index, which is assumed to be 1.125 for the silt
as a plane sink. Since this does not capture the axisymmetric nat-
and clay layers [5]. It should be noted that large deformations were
ure of horizontal flow toward drains, the soil permeability and
not considered in this study.
space between the drains under the plane strain conditions should
be modified. Indraratna and Redana [7] proposed three methods to
match the permeability under axisymmetric and plane strain con- 2.5. 2D and 3D unit cell analyses
ditions: (1) Geometry matching, where the spacing between the
plane strain drains is varied while keeping the permeability con- To validate the aforementioned 2D and 3D modeling
stant; (2) Permeability matching, where the permeability under approaches for the drainage, unit cell analyses were conducted
the plane strain condition is varied while keeping the spacing and are illustrated in the following section.
between the drain constant; and (3) A combination of permeability The 3D unit cell model is shown in Fig. 5(a). The length and
and geometry matching. In the present study, the permeability width of this model are identical and equal 1.2 m. The thickness
matching method is adopted in the 2D modeling. The horizontal of each layer equals the thickness in the full-scale 3D model. The
permeability of the undisturbed soil under plane strain conditions drainage element is located in the center of the unit cell model.
kh;ps is calculated according to [8]: The 2D unit cell model has the same soil layer distribution and
position of the drain as in the 3D model. The permeability values
kh;ps 0:67ðn  1Þ2 for all layers and model types are given in Table 1. The numerical
¼ 2 ð3Þ staged construction steps and ground water level in the unit cell
kh;ax n ðlnðnÞ  0:75Þ
analysis are the same as in the full-scale embankment analysis
where kh;ax denotes the horizontal permeability of the undisturbed (see Sections 2.1 and 2.3). The model bottom is fixed, and in-
soil under axisymmetric conditions. plane deformations at the vertical boundaries of the unit cell
As mentioned before, the soil permeability in the smear zone model are not allowed. Moreover, the excess pore pressure cannot
under the plane strain condition (ks;ps ) can be determined based be dissipated through the vertical or bottom boundaries.
N. Müthing et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103 91

Fig. 5. Unit cell analyses: (a) model geometry (b) variation in the vertical settlements at point A (c) variation in the pore water pressure at point B (d) comparison of the pore
water pressure at points B and C in the 3D unit cell analysis.

Table 1
Values of permeability for different scenarios (Unit: m/day).

Model type Permeability Silt Clay 1 Clay 2 Clay 3 Sand

3D model kh;ax ¼ kv ;ax 6.40E3 9.68E3 2.40E3 2.28E3 4.32E1
ks;ax 1.28E3 1.94E3 4.80E4 4.57E4 8.64E2
2D model kh;pl ¼ kv ;pl 1.59E3 2.41E4 5.96E4 5.68E4 1.07E1
ks;pl 2.66E4 4.02E5 9.94E5 9.50E5 1.80E2
3D model equivalent case kh 6.40E3 9.68E3 2.40E3 2.28E3 4.32E1
kv e 4.50E2 6.86E3 1.70E2 1.62E2 1.95

Three numerical scenarios are considered in both the 2D and 3D of the embankment, and the dissipation of the pore water pressure
unit cell analyses: In scenario 1, only drainage is modeled, while is faster. Consequently, the soil domain in scenario 1 settles faster
the disturbance due to the drain installation and its effect on the than that in scenario 2, while the final settlement is identical. Fur-
soil permeability is not considered. In scenario 2, the impact of thermore, it is found that the pore pressure variations at points B
the smear zone is modeled using a reduced horizontal permeability and C are identical in the 3D unit cell where the equivalent perme-
in the corresponding zone. Finally, the equivalent permeability ability concept is applied (see Fig. 5(d)). This is because the equiv-
concept is applied in scenario 3. alent permeability method approximates the average pore
In the unit cell analyses, three observation points are defined. pressure in the cell. When the equivalent permeability concept is
Point A is placed at the center of the model surface, while point compared with the explicit method, where the drain and smear
B is located 8 m beneath point A. The horizontal distance between zone are modeled, a slight disagreement of the pore pressures at
points A and B is 0.34 m. Point C is defined at the corner of the unit points B and C can be observed due to the different distances
cell, and it has the same depth as point B. between the measurement points and the drain. Generally, it can
The variations in the vertical displacements and pore water be concluded that both methods, the equivalent permeability 3D
pressure with respect to time for points A, B and C are shown in model and the 2D model, provide results that compare well with
Fig. 5(b)–(d). It can be observed that without modeling the smear the refined 3D model, where both the drain and the smear zone
zone, less pore water pressure is generated during the construction were explicitly simulated.
92 N. Müthing et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103

2.6. Constitutive modeling 3.2

σ0 σy σf in
Fig. 2 illustrates the subsoil beneath the constructed test
embankment as modeled in the FE model. Underneath a 1-m- 2.8 λ∗0 ∗
thick near-surface silt layer, a stratum of soft clay with an overall
thickness of approximately 10 m is encountered. The material 2.6

Void ratio, e [-]

forming this layer is natural, structured Ballina clay. As a typical 2.4 λ∗1
soft soil, Ballina clay is characterized by its destructuration and
creep behavior as well as its high compressibility [1]. Thus, it can 2.2
be assumed that this clay layer dominates the compression behav- 2
ior of the overall subsoil. Consequently, in the present study, par-
ticular focus is set on the adequate constitutive modeling of this 1.8
material. To capture the change in the material behavior over 1.6
depth more precisely for this layer, additionally, it is subdivided
into three sub-layers, Clay1-3, in the following. 1.4
To achieve an adequate modeling of the compression behavior, 1.2
the choice of the constitutive law is essential. To accurately repro- 10 100 1,000
duce the behavior of a soft, natural soil, a constitutive law able to Effective vertical stress, σv [kPa]
model anisotropy, destructuration and creep is required. However,
a constitutive model incorporating all three features is very com- Fig. 6. CRS test data provided by CGSE.
plex and would involve many constitutive parameters to be deter-
initially exhibits a relatively stiff behavior of the soil matrix (k0 ).
mined by various complex stress path tests.
A comparison of different constitutive models suitable to model Only when the yield stress ry is exceeded does the amount of
soft clay is shown in [2]. There, S-CLAY1 [9], S-CLAY1S [10], Soft bonding decrease, and the soil experiences destructuration. Conse-
Soil (SS) and Soft Soil Creep [11] model are compared regarding quently, the yield stress marks the stress at the transition point,
their suitability to model the material behavior of Ballina clay in where the compression of the undisturbed, natural soil changes
the case of the embankment loading. from elastic to elasto-plastic. The destructuration is reflected in
Accordingly, SSC is chosen and applied to reproduce the soil the stress-strain behavior by a sudden drop in the soil stiffness
behavior of the silt and soft clay layers beneath the embankment (k1 ) and thus a significant compression caused by a rearrangement
fill in the present study. The effects of bonding and destructuration of the soil particles [14–16]. In higher stress ranges, the soil matrix
in the present study are captured by an adequate determination of is observed to act slightly stiffer again (k2 ).
the material parameters described in detail in the subsequent To model this compression behavior, a constitutive law account-
section. ing for destructuration would be needed. However, considering the
The sand layer and the embankment fill material are modeled stress range covered in the embankment analysis, the following
using the Hardening Soil (HS) model [12,13]. The horizontal drai- simplification can be applied: The mean in situ stress r0 (see
nage layer is assumed to have identical material properties as Fig. 6) of the clay layer according to [1] is lower than the yield stress.
the embankment layer. The Mohr-Coulomb model is adopted to During the construction of the embankment, an additional loading
model the behavior of the bottom deep clay layer. is applied. As the approximation, the effective vertical stress rfin
after construction continues to lie within the range where k1 is rel-
evant, and the destructuration process can be modeled as a transi-
2.7. Constitutive parameters from field and laboratory test data tion from over- to normally consolidated soil. This means that the
soil is modeled as an over-consolidated soil deforming under j until
To identify the material parameters for the subsoil, a multitude reaching the yield stress ry . The compression index after this can be
of laboratory and field test data were provided by CGSE. Moreover, described by k1 . Following these considerations, one of the most
Pineda et al. [1] provided a good compendium for the important important parameters is the yield stress ratio (YSR), which governs
material properties of Ballina clay. the change in the compression index. For the calculation here, the
Because the settlement prediction in this study is conducted YSR is set equal to the over consolidation ratio (OCR). Mean values
using a finite element consolidation analysis, special focus within for the OCR as well as the creep coefficients are taken from [1]. A
the parameter determination was set on the compression parame- correction of the YSR/OCR due to rate effects in the CRS test was
ters (namely, OCR, k and j ), creep parameter (l ) as well as the not considered here. The relevant constitutive parameters for all
permeability (k). As described in the previous section, the silt layers are given in Table 2. Further details on the parameters can
and clay layers assumed to dominate the compression behavior also be found in [2]. It should be noted that the coefficient of the lat-
of the subsoil beneath the embankment are modeled using the eral earth pressure of normally consolidated soil (K NC
0 ) depends on

0 ¼ 1  sin u .
SSC model. Since this constitutive model does not account for the friction angle as K NC 0

destructuration and anisotropy, a careful assessment of the param-

eters considering these restrictions has to be accomplished.
A description of the complete parameter identification would 2.8. Validation of constitutive approaches
be beyond the scope of this paper; in the following, exemplarily,
the determination of the compression parameters for the clay layer As mentioned before, the Soft Soil Creep (SSC) model is
is illustrated. For this purpose, constant rate of strain (CRS) test employed in this research to reproduce the clay behavior, although
data provided by CGSE and additional data from the literature [1] it does not consider the effect of destructuration. Therefore, it is
were employed. Fig. 6 shows the test results from a CRS test on necessary to validate the applicability of the constitutive model
an undisturbed, natural clay sample from a depth of approximately modified in this manner for the embankment prediction.
9.80 m. Fig. 7 shows the stress path at the three different clay layers
Ballina clay behaves similarly to a typical structured clay: when from numerical simulation. The initial stress is obtained by K 0
subjected to an increasing loading, the bonding in the soil structure analysis (point 0). When the earth fill of the embankment starts
N. Müthing et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103 93

Table 2
Values of model parameters for blind prediction.

Soil strata u0 [°] c0 [kPa] Eref

ur [MPa]
a k j l e0 c [kN/m3] OCR K0 mur
Embankment 30 1 75 – – – 0.5 20.6 1.00 0.5 0.2
Silt 34 15 – 0.158 0.053 6.2 E3 1.1 17.8/21.3b 2.86 0.93 0.15
Clay 1 41 0 – 0.177 0.010 4.3 E3 2.0 15.0 2.71 0.63 0.15
Clay 2 36 0 – 0.277 0.010 4.3 E3 3.0 15.0 1.73 0.58 0.15
Clay 3 32 0 – 0.239 0.012 4.9 E3 3.0 15.0 1.81 0.71 0.15
Sand 38 0 75 – – – 0.77 17.0 1.30 0.42 0.2
Deep clay su ¼ 40 kPa E ¼ 9 MPa – – – 0.5 18.5 – 0.60 0.33
In Hardening soil model: Eref ref ref
ur ¼ 3E50 ¼ 3Eoed .
Unit weight of soil: 17.8 (above ground water level) and 21.3 (below ground water level).

to be constructed (point 1), the pore water pressure generated dur- 3. Prediction validation
ing the preparation of the working platform has been fully dissi-
pated. During the embankment construction, the stress paths at Fig. 8 shows the model responses when applying the initially
all three depths of the clay layers cross the initial yield surface obtained parameters (see Tables 1 and 2) from the 2D model using
(from points 1–2). This is consistent with the aforementioned discrete drainage with smear zone and from the 3D model using
assumption that k is determined after reaching the yield stress the equivalent permeability concept. The locations of the measure-
and justifies the assumption of modeling the initial compression ment points are given in Fig. 2. Three measurement positions over
behavior with j while setting k ¼ k1 from the testing data. After the depth were selected for comparison of the time-dependent set-
1000 days (point 3), the excess pore water pressures have fully dis- tlements (SP2, Magnet 1 and Magnet 2) and pore water dissipation
sipated. Additionally, it should be noted that in the upper two clay (VWP1a, VWP1b, and VWP1c). From a comparison of the 2D/3D
layers, localized failure occurs at the 47th day (the end of embank- finite element analysis with the in situ measurement data, the fol-
ment construction is the 49th day). After that, the stress path fol- lowing conclusions can be drawn:
lows the failure line. In this process, the settlement and excess The vertical displacements and pore water pressures at the dif-
pore pressure continue increasing until the end of embankment ferent measurement points are almost identical in the 2D and 3D
construction. With the development of the consolidation process, finite element models. This is consistent with the findings from
the effective stresses increase due to the excess pore pressure dis- the unit cell analysis in Section 2.5 and confirms the model valida-
sipation and bring the stress path away from the failure line. tion regarding dimensionality.

Fig. 7. Stress path at different clay layers [point0: construction starts, point1: start of the earth fill of the embankment, point 2: end of the earth fill of the embankment, point
pffiffiffi pffiffiffi construction]; (a) depth of 2 m in clay 1 layer, (b) depth of 5 m in clay 2 layer, (c) depth of 8.9 m in clay 3 layer. Here, q represents the
3: 1000 days after embankment
deviatoric stress, m ¼ 3=ð 3 cos hl þ sin hl sin u0 Þ, with hl being the Lode angle, [17].
94 N. Müthing et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103

Fig. 8. Comparison of numerical results (blind prediction) with in situ measurements for (a) vertical displacements, (b) total pore water pressures.

The comparison between the predicted and in situ-measured from the inherent variability to measurement inaccuracy and
settlements reveals that the numerical models adequately repro- model precision.
duce the deformation behavior for measurement point SP2 and To validate a model, it is of great importance to know which
Magnet 1 up to approximately 200 days. At the deeper measure- parameters are most significantly influencing the output or to
ment point (Magnet 2), the calculation models overestimate the which parameter variations the output is most sensitive accord-
settlements. It can be concluded that the compression behavior ingly. An appropriate method to identify the influence of different
of the clay layers below measurement point Magnet 1 in terms input parameters on a specific model output is the so-called sensi-
of the compression parameters should be identified more accu- tivity analysis.
rately. After 200 days, the calculation models predict a decay in In general, two groups of approaches for sensitivity analysis
the settlements, while the settlements in situ continue increasing. exist: local and global sensitivity analysis. In local sensitivity anal-
This holds true for all measurement points. This indicates that the yses, the parameters’ influences are examined independently from
modeling of the consolidation and/or creep behavior of the soft silt each other by a small parameter variation, comparable to the par-
and clay layer requires improvement. tial derivatives of the model. However, this method can only be
The comparison between the predicted and measured pore valid in the local region of the point in the input space or for con-
water pressures shows that the maximum pore water pressure tinuously linear models. Moreover, possible correlation effects can-
and dissipation behavior at measurement point VWP1a are ade- not be considered, as all parameter variations are performed
quately reproduced by the computational models. The in situ pore individually.
pressures at point VWP1a after approximately 300 days exhibit Since output results from complex non-linear models and large
oscillations, which may be due to seasonal groundwater table fluc- parameter ranges are anticipated in the present study, a global sen-
tuations as reported in [18] or could be caused by settlement of the sitivity analysis (GSA) is more appropriate. The employed variance-
VWP. Since water table fluctuations are not modeled and since no based GSA, introduced by Sobol [19] and further developed by Sal-
particular large displacement analysis was adopted, these effects telli [20], allows for an impact quantification of input variances on
cannot be reproduced by the FE model used within the present the output variances. The resulting first-order index Si is defined as
study. follows:
The maximum pore water pressures and consequently their dis-
sipation behavior at the other measurement points (VWP1b and ðyTA yC i Þ  nðyA Þ2
Si ¼ ð8Þ
VWP1c) are significantly underestimated by the computational ðyTA yA Þ  nðyA Þ2
models. This indicates a too fast predicted consolidation behavior,
which can be improved by a more accurate identification of the To additionally consider correlation effects between different
stiffness and/or permeability of soil. parameters, the total effect index ST i is employed:
For the sake of simplicity and to reduce the computational
ðyB  yC i ÞT ðyB  yC i Þ
effort for the later parameter improvement study, the 2D finite ele- ST i ¼ ð9Þ
ment model is used. Since in the 2D model the difference in the 2yTB yB  2nðyB Þ2
computational effort between the discrete drain modeling and
where yA ; yB and yCi denote vectors containing model outputs gener-
the equivalent permeability method is of minor importance, sce-
ated from samples all over the input space of the parameters i, and
nario 2 is given preference in this study. A and y B are the corresponding mean values.
According to [20], GSA evaluations require 500–10,000 model
4. Parametric study runs. More complex models require more runs to obtain reliable,
stable mean values and variance. Even with a simple 2D FE model,
4.1. Global sensitivity analysis this is significantly time consuming. A tool to overcome this type of
computational problem is provided by meta- or surrogate model-
The blind prediction is executed with parameter values that are ing approaches. Once the metamodel is established, the computa-
not precisely known. Rather than as exact values, the parameter tional costs are very low; thus, 10,000 runs could be performed for
values need to be understood as the mean values of ranges esti- the GSA in the present study.
mated by engineering judgment. The range of the parameter vari- Within metamodel approaches, computationally expensive FE
ations varies according to the precision of the parameter models are replaced by efficient mathematical regression functions
determination. However, it is always influenced by many factors, [21]. The regression function correlating the input and output data
N. Müthing et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103 95

set is the so-called metamodel. Each input is assumed to be an s- considering creep as represented by the creep parameter, l is also
dimensional vector that represents the different model parame- of importance. The friction angle u0 is found to have a small influ-
ters, and there are m observation points in the outputs. For the ence on the settlements. This can be anticipated since volumetric
training of a metamodel, first, 150 input parameter samples (150 deformation is dominant for the embankment behavior and since
sample points with s dimensions) are generated via the Latin shear deformation is less influential in this case.
Hypercube sampling method in the pre-defined ranges of the cor- Generally, GSA can be performed using any type of output infor-
responding parameters. Then, the corresponding output values mation (e.g., deformation as well as pore water pressure) gained at
(150 outputs for m observation points) can be obtained via FE sim- any position and time point. The choice of the selected reference
ulation. Within this framework, the metamodel is the regression output certainly has a major influence on the calculated sensitivity
function mathematically correlating the inputs (s dimensions) with indices, as the hydraulic or mechanical model responses will have
the output at each observation point. The type of regression func- different sensitivities toward the different constitutive parameters.
tion, e.g., polynomial regression or radial basis function, must be In the present study, the focus was set on the adequate modeling of
chosen according to the complexity of the computational problem. the displacement and consolidation behaviors. Thus, the vertical
The metamodel should be validated before its employment by displacements in the center line of the embankment at the final
comparison of independent test samples from the FE and meta- stage of the measurements were selected as the most relevant
model. This validation ensures the accuracy of the metamodel. model output and were chosen as the reference output for the
Using a metamodeling approach, the total calculation time for a GSA. Of course, if other aspects come into focus, additional GSA
GSA can be reduced to a fraction of the time needed without this should be considered.
approach. The application of GSA to geotechnical problems is
demonstrated in [22–25]. 4.2. Inverse analysis
In the present study, a GSA is performed with a metamodeling
approach using proper orthogonal decomposition in combination To obtain a parameter set that gives an optimum fit between
with radial basis functions (POD-RBF); see [26]. the predicted and measured values, inverse analysis is applied
To reduce the dimension of the metamodel, only the clay layers for parameter identification [27–29]. In the inverse analysis, first,
assumed to dominate the compression of the subsoil are consid- an objective function is defined as the normalized sum of normal-
ered in the GSA. Moreover, a coupled behavior of the three clay ized differences between calculation and measurement:
sub-layers is assumed. This means that all three clay sub-layers "  2 #
experience identical relative changes for each parameter. Six input 1X M
ycalc ðXÞ  ymeas
f ðXÞ ¼ wi i i
parameters are introduced for each clay sub-layer: the permeabil- M i¼1 ymeas
ity k, over-consolidation ratio OCR, modified compression index k ,
modified recompression index j , modified creep index l , and where X is the vector of the input parameters of the constitutive
friction angle u0 . The parameter space is assumed through an accu- model to be identified; ycalci ðXÞ and ymeasi are the calculated result
racy estimation of the parameter assessment from laboratory and and field measurements, respectively; M is the number of measure-
field test data and by engineering judgment: the permeability k ments; and wi is an optional weighting factor for the corresponding
is varied by a factor of 10 in both directions, and the other param- measurement points, assumed to be 1 in the present study.
eters are varied by ±20%. As output, the settlements after The aim of the inverse analysis is to identify the set of input
1000 days at the ground surface (SP2) are evaluated. parameters for which a minimization of the objective function is
Fig. 9 shows the results of two GSAs performed for the embank- reached. The minimum of the objective function may serve as a
ment model. The GSA including the OCR as an input parameter measure for comparison of the quality of different inverse analy-
illustrates the clear dominance of the OCR on the settlement out- ses: a smaller f ðXÞ indicates a better optimization result. This can
put. Since the OCR defines in which stress range j lies and in be found using evolutionary algorithms, e.g., Genetic Algorithms
which stress state k is applied, it has an augmented influence on (GA) or Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [30,31]. For the present
the final settlement value. When neglecting the OCR as a variable study, a genetic algorithm (GA) is chosen for solving the optimiza-
for the GSA, a clearer picture of the settlement sensitivity toward tion problem. This type of algorithm is inspired by Darwin’s evolu-
the other parameters can be derived. The compression index k tion theory. Details of applying GA algorithms to similar problems
and permeability k exhibit the highest sensitivity, while the recom- can be found in [25]. It should be noted that all inverse analyses in
pression index j is of minor influence. This seems plausible, as the this study were performed using the metamodel to identify the
settlements are determined in a consolidation analysis whereby uncertain model parameters; then, the identified parameters were
stiffness and permeability are expected to have a dominating influ- adopted in the FE model to evaluate the model responses and com-
ence. As anticipated in the assumptions for the constitutive model, pared with the real measurements.
As described above, the inverse analysis itself and its output are
strongly dependent on the input information provided for the
parameter optimization, namely, on the optimized input parame-
ters and the output parameters incorporated in the objective func-
tion. In particular, the chosen output employed in the objective
function, in terms of type, amount and quality of data incorporated,
may have a significant influence on the quality of the inverse anal-
ysis results. Thus, in the present study, a hybrid inverse analysis
approach considering different optimized input parameters as well
as different output parameters for the objective function is per-
formed. The input parameters were defined according to the rele-
vant parameters identified in the sensitivity analysis. Specifically,
three inverse analysis scenarios are studied:
Scenario I: Optimized input parameters: relevant parameters
Fig. 9. Sensitivity indices from GSA with respect to settlements at the ground for the clay layer (OCR; k ; j ; l , and k) assuming a coupled behav-
surface (point 0 in Fig. 2) after 1000 days. ior of the three sub-layers such that any relative change in one
96 N. Müthing et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103

parameter is assumed to be identical for this parameter in all three scenario Ia, a clear improvement in the model response compared
sub-layers (see Section 4.1). to the blind prediction (see Fig. 8) can be achieved.
output parameters for objective function: Scenario I(a) – total Fig. 10(c) and (d) presents the results obtained when using the
settlements at 3 positions over depth (SP2, Magnet 1 and Magnet optimized parameters derived based on the measured pore water
2; see Fig. 2); Scenario I(b) – pore water pressure at 3 positions over pressure (scenario Ib). Although the prediction of the maximum
depth (VWP1a-c; see Fig. 2); Scenario I(c) – total settlements at 3 pore water pressure at point VWP1c is improved, the overall pore
positions over depth (SP2, Magnet 1 and Magnet 2) and pore water water pressure dissipation is modeled even less accurately com-
pressure at 3 positions over depth (VWP1a-c). pared to scenario Ia. Moreover, the predicted soil deformations sig-
Scenario II: Optimized input parameters: relevant parameters nificantly differ from the in situ measurement data. Fig. 10(e) and
for the first and third clay sub-layers as well as the silt layer (f) shows the results using the optimized parameters derived based
(OCR; k ; j ; l , and k) were varied independently from each other. on the vertical displacements and the pore water pressure (sce-
output parameters for objective function: layer-wise settle- nario Ic). Here, both the settlements as well as the pore water dis-
ments calculated from 5 measurement points over depth (Points sipation prediction exhibit strong differences to the in situ
1–5; see Fig. 2) for the considered layers (1st and 3rd clay sub- measurements. This may be attributed to the fact that seasonal
layers and silt layer). groundwater fluctuations as reported in [18] or possible displace-
For the objective function in each case and for each measure- ment of the VWP are not modeled in the FEA nor is any large dis-
ment response (three settlements and/or three pore water pres- placement analysis adopted. Since these effects cannot be captured
sure measurements), 6 time points equally distributed over the by the constitutive parameters alone, an inverse analysis using this
logarithmic time variation were chosen. pore pressure measurement is less accurate than an inverse analy-
In scenario I and II, the complete time span of the available sis based on settlements.
measurement data (up to 1000 days) is used for the inverse analy- By comparison of scenarios Ia to Ic, it can be illustrated that the
sis. However, inverse analysis is usually performed not to fit exist- choice of data to form the objective function has a significant influ-
ing data but rather to calibrate a model with data from a limited ence on the inverse analysis. It becomes obvious that an increase in
period of time, where measurement data are available. Then, the the amount of data considered in the evaluation of the objective
calibrated model is used to predict the future behavior of the sys- function does not automatically improve the result of the inverse
tem. Therefore, in scenario III, measurement data from shorter analysis. Since there are more uncertainties involved in the objec-
time spans are used to calibrate the model. Then, the model predic- tive function when incorporating more data, the overall prediction
tion for up to 1000 days is compared to the monitoring data to might also be of less quality compared to optimization based on a
evaluate the influence of the time span on the prediction quality smaller amount of measurement data. According to the above dis-
and to analyze the ability of the model to capture the real response. cussion, inverse analysis based on soil displacements provides a
Scenario III: Optimized input parameters: as defined in sce- good agreement between numerical results and in situ measure-
nario II. ments. Therefore, the optimized parameters obtained via scenario
output parameters for objective function: layer-wise settle- Ia are used for the further inverse analysis study.
ments as defined in scenario II. Scenario III(a) – for 6 time points The parameters found by inverse analysis scenario Ia enable a
in the first 243 days; Scenario III(b) – for 6 time points in the first rather good reproduction of the total settlements and pore water
510 days; dissipation. However, several soil layers are involved in this case
All inverse analyses were performed using the metamodeling study and contribute to the total settlement. The aim of the inverse
approach. analysis is to not only reproduce the final total settlements but also
identify parameter sets characterizing the soil behavior of each
layer adequately. Therefore, the layer-wise displacements are a
good indicator for the validation of the inverse analysis. Fig. 11
4.3. Inverse analysis scenario I – Parameter optimization of three clay shows the total and layer settlements using the initially obtained
sub-layers based on total settlements and pore water pressure parameters for the blind prediction. The layer displacements are
calculated by the difference in the adjacent measurement points
Fig. 10 displays the results of the soil settlements and pore (see Fig. 2). It can be observed that there is a large disagreement
water pressure dissipation using the optimized parameters between the prediction and in situ measurements for all layers.
attained from inverse analysis scenario I. To study the quality of inverse analysis scenario Ia, Fig. 12
Fig. 10(a) and (b) compares the in situ measurements with the shows the same comparison between the total and layer displace-
model responses calculated using the parameter values identified ments calculated with the optimized parameter values. The com-
by inverse analysis based on the measured total displacements parison reveals that the layer settlement prediction for the
(scenario Ia). The numerical simulation of the settlement paths middle clay sub-layer and the sand layer (including a thin part of
agrees with the in situ measurements overall. In particular, the clay sub-layer 3) are improved under inverse analysis scenario Ia.
final settlements fit much better compared to the blind prediction. However, the layer settlement predictions for the silt and the
Moreover, the maximum pore water pressure and dissipation upper and lower clay sub-layers still do not adequately match
behavior at point VWP1b are modeled properly. However, some the in situ measurements. To follow the aim of identifying param-
differences between the prediction results and measured data eter values that reproduce the physical behavior of the soil, more
remain. The consolidation settlements for Magnet 2 start too early, effort needs to be spent to improve the displacement prediction
which indicates a drainage that is too fast. In addition, the maxi- for these layers. Therefore, a second inverse analysis (scenario II)
mum pore water pressures and dissipation behavior at VWP1a is conducted in the following.
and VWP1c require improvement. Here, it is noteworthy that the
maximum pore water pressure is overestimated at VWP1a, 4.4. Inverse analysis scenario II – Parameter optimization for silt layer
whereas it is underestimated at VWP1c. This indicates that a uni- and first and third clay sub-layers based on layer displacements
form change in the parameters for the three clay sub-layers within
the inverse analysis might not be adequate. Therefore, an indepen- Inverse analysis scenario II is performed based on the parame-
dent optimization is needed for these three sub-layers. However, in ter values identified in scenario Ia. The silt layer and the first and
general, it can be stated that using parameter values identified in third clay sub-layer are selected for further parameter identifica-
N. Müthing et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103 97

Fig. 10. Results of inverse analysis scenario I: (a) vertical displacements using scenario Ia, (b) pore water pressure variation using scenario Ia, (c) vertical displacements using
scenario Ib, (d) pore water pressure variation using scenario Ib, (e) vertical displacements using scenario Ic, (f) pore water pressure variation using scenario Ic.

tion in terms of their relevant parameters (OCR; k ; j ; l , and k). To in the improved modeling of the layer-wise settlements for the silt
form the objective function, the layer-wise settlements calculated and upper clay layers and consequently in the improved total set-
from 5 measurement points over depth (see Fig. 2) for the consid- tlements. This can be quantified according to the minimum value
ered layers are used. of the objective function for the two scenarios: 0.0679 for scenario
Fig. 13 shows the model response compared to in situ measure- Ia and 0.0657 for scenario II. The layer-wise settlements for the
ments from this study. It can be stated that the calibrated numer- lower clay layer are improved regarding its shape with an
ical model is able to well predict the total as well as layer-wise unchanged final value. The remaining differences between the
settlements. Additionally, the pore water pressures displayed in measurements and the model predictions could be eliminated by
Fig. 14 are precisely reproduced in terms of the maximum total further improvement of the constitutive soil model in describing
pore water pressure and dissipation behavior. the anisotropy and destructuration behavior.
Comparing the results of scenarios I and II, a further improve- Table 3 gives the initially chosen parameters (blind prediction)
ment in the prediction can be found. This improvement is observed and the optimized parameters (scenario II). According to the com-
98 N. Müthing et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103

Fig. 11. Model responses using the initial prediction parameter set; (a) total displacements, (b) layer displacements.

Fig. 12. Model responses of inverse analysis scenario Ia: (a) total displacements, (b) layer displacements.

Fig. 13. Model responses of inverse analysis scenario II: (a) total displacements, (b) layer displacements.

parison between these parameters, the optimized soil properties results in a stiffer compression behavior. The transition from
are physically reasonable. This is also supported by the sortation over- to normally consolidated soil was set too late. The impact
of the parameter magnitude, as the OCR and the permeability of this effect was strengthened by the underestimation of the
become smaller with increasing depth. compression and recompression indices. This particularly holds
Additionally, it can be concluded that all initial OCR values true for j values of the clay layers. Moreover, Fig. 14 shows
for the clay were over-estimated by approx. 10–20%. This may the model validation regarding the pore water pressure
be attributed to the fact that rate effects in the CRS test were generation and dissipation. The accurate permeability values
not considered in the initial determination of the OCR [1]. Con- enable the model to capture the in situ pore water dissipation
sequently, the initial yield stress is over-estimated, which process.
N. Müthing et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103 99

values are normalized with respect to the value of the best sce-
nario: scenario II. It can be observed that the permeability in the
initial prediction and scenario IIIa significantly differs from the
final value. The same holds true for the OCR value of clay layer 2.
The deviation of these sensitive parameters may explain the higher
error in these two prediction scenarios.

5. Probabilistic evaluation

The initial as well as optimized predictions are based on param-

eter values that are not precisely known but that are mean values
with ranges estimated according to the parameter assessment
accuracy from laboratory and field tests as well as engineering
judgment. To observe the impact of the parameter uncertainty on
the model output, an uncertainty analysis is executed. This uncer-
tainty analysis provides information on how accurate the proposed
Fig. 14. Model responses of inverse analysis scenario II: pore water pressure
results might be. This study is provided for the initial as well as
optimized prediction model, as a comparison between the output
uncertainty from the initial and optimum parameters will help
4.5. Inverse analysis scenario III – Prediction of soil behavior based on provide a better understanding of the performed improvement
parameter optimization strategy.
In soil mechanics, the three generally accepted sources of
Figs. 15 and 16 display the model response from the parameter uncertainty are inherent variability, measurement inaccuracy,
identification using measurement data for up to 243 days (scenario and transformation or model uncertainty [32]. The inherent vari-
IIIa) and 510 days (scenario IIIb). ability is caused by the natural origin of the encountered soils,
A comparison between scenario IIIa (243 days), scenario IIIb which are heterogeneous materials. As illustrated in Section 2.7,
(500 days) and scenario II (1000 days) shows that the conformity laboratory and field test measurements can only be conducted to
between the monitoring data and the model prediction increases a specific precision. This inaccuracy of measurements of course
with increasing time span used in the process of parameter identi- affects the precision of the parameter determination. Finally, the
fication. Although scenario IIIb reproduces the overall settlement transformation uncertainty refers to the ability of computational
behavior well and only slightly underestimates the final settlement models to reproduce the physical processes occurring in situ.
values in clay layers 1 and 2, scenario IIIa does not capture the In the following, the deterministic calculations performed pre-
ongoing settlement increase monitored after 243 days; it shows a viously are expanded to probabilistic analyses. To perform these
decay in the deformation course. It can be concluded that measure- analyses, probability distributions instead of discrete values for
ment data from more than 243 days is required to accurately iden- the parameters are assumed. In the present study, normal distribu-
tify the parameters to model the complex time-dependent tions are selected, with the exception of the permeability and fric-
phenomenon of consolidation and destructuration in the clay layer. tion angle, which are assumed to be log-normally distributed.
To quantitatively evaluate the different numerical simulation These assumptions are commonly used in geotechnical applica-
scenarios, Table 4 compares the objective function values calcu- tions in case only limited information on the soil properties is
lated from Eq. (10) for settlement measurements and prediction available [33].
data at points 0–3 at times 97d, 243d, 510d, 810d and 1110d. Gen- From the parameter space using the Monte-Carlo Method
erally, it can be stated that with more available data, a smaller (MCM), random samples are selected corresponding to the chosen
error (value of the objective function) can be derived. Moreover, distributions. In the present study, 10,000 samples are employed.
it is interesting to see that the initial blind prediction is more accu- Analogous to the GSA, a metamodeling approach used to minimize
rate than the prediction based on the inverse analysis using only a the computational effort is applied for the calculation of the output
restricted amount of data (scenario IIIa). Since the back calculation distribution. The distributions are characterized by the estimate
for scenario IIIa is based on data up to 243 days only, the long-term value EðuÞ and the standard deviation r.
settlement behavior with considerable creep settlements is not The probabilistic evaluation for the initial prediction is per-
adequately captured. In contrast, in the blind prediction, the formed using the parameter values derived from laboratory and
parameters were determined by engineering judgment accounting field test data as the mean values (see Table 3). The standard devi-
for this effect. ations r defining the parameter ranges are assessed with reference
For a more detailed study on the evolution of the parameter val- to the available experimental data corresponding to the parameter
ues within the different inverse analysis scenarios, Fig. 17 visual- range defined for the metamodel (see Section 4.1). For the proba-
izes the evolution of the most relevant parameters for the four bilistic evaluation of the optimized prediction, the parameter val-
considered layers and for different model scenarios. All parameter ues identified in scenario II are used as the mean values,

Table 3
Values of optimized parameters from initial and optimum parameter sets.

Soil strata OCR k j l k [m/day]

a b a b a b a
Silt 2.86 /3.99 0.158 /0.115 0.053 /0.048 6.2 E3 /5.0 E3b 2 E3a/9 E4b
Clay 1 2.71a/2.09b 0.177a/0.170b 0.010a/0.064b 4.3 E3a/4.4 E3b 2 E4a/7 E4b
Clay 2 1.73a/1.60b 0.277a/0.320b 0.010a/0.048b 4.3 E3a/4.0 E3b 6 E4a/1 E4b
Clay 3 1.81a/1.58b 0.239a/0.279b 0.012a/0.023b 4.9 E3a/6.3 E3b 6 E4/6 E5b
Parameter values from initial parameter set (blind prediction).
Parameter values from optimized parameter set (scenario II).
100 N. Müthing et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103

Fig. 15. Model responses of inverse analysis scenario IIIa: (a) total displacements, (b) layer displacements.

Fig. 16. Model responses of inverse analysis scenario IIIb: (a) total displacements, (b) layer displacements.

Table 4 it can be concluded that the prediction of hydraulic behavior is

Quantitative evaluation of numerical simulation scenarios.
more complex. This is also reflected in the fact that the final settle-
Scenario Value of objective functiona ment value is more accurately predicted than is the maximum pore
Initial (blind prediction) 0.0582 water pressure. This may be attributed to the fact that pore water
Ia 0.0170 pressure measurements are subject to stronger variations than
II 0.0045 are settlement measurements and that some effects, e.g., seasonal
IIIa 0.0993
IIIb 0.0182
water table fluctuations, are not considered in the FE model.
It can be observed that the prediction after inverse analysis
Note: The objective function is given in Eq. (10), and the measurements and exhibits a larger standard deviation than the blind prediction. This
predictions of the settlements at points 0–3 at times 97d, 243d, 510d, 810d and
holds true for the final settlement as well as the maximum pore
1110d are used.
water pressure value and is caused by the combination of two
facts: On the one hand, the mean values in the analysis are shifted
assuming the same standard deviation r. To compare and quantify due to the better knowledge from the inverse analysis. Simultane-
the different outputs, the standard deviations of the output distri- ously, the parameter value ranges, mathematically. Due to the non-
butions are calculated by root extraction of the variances. linear behavior of soil under consolidation analysis, the output dis-
Fig. 18(a) displays the distribution of final settlements at tributions not only are shifted to another mean value but also are
ground surface (measurement point SP2) from uncertainty analysis different in shape – in this case, they are larger than the initial
for initial and optimized prediction. Fig. 18(b) illustrates the corre- distributions.
sponding maximum pore water pressure distributions in point The question of why after an inverse analysis the improved
VWP 1a. For all cases, the mean value of the distributions equals knowledge of the parameter value is not considered for the param-
the value calculated in the deterministic analyses. According to eter range can be answered as follows: The parameter ranges in
the parameter distribution for the optimized parameter set it can terms of the standard deviation r characterize how precisely the
be observed that the measured values lie within the range of stan- parameter is known. Keeping the standard deviation constant for
dard deviation around the predicted mean value. Therefore, it can the optimized parameter set according to the terminology of [34]
be concluded that this model reproduces the measurement data is a pessimistic approach. However, the standard deviation r not
with sufficient accuracy. only considers the uncertainty due to measurement inaccuracies,
Given that the standard deviation for the pore water pressure which certainly improves through inverse analysis, but also
output is always larger than the standard deviation for settlements, accounts for the inherent variability of the parameter values, e.g.,
N. Müthing et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103 101

Fig. 17. Relative parameter development for different scenarios.

Fig. 18. Histograms of the probability distribution of the settlements at point 0 (a) and the pore water pressure at point VWP1a (b).

that caused by the soil heterogeneity in the field or the variability desirable. Precise measurements derived by design of experiment
of conditions in different cross sections, and the model uncertainty (DOE) methods are essential for an adequate numerical simulation.
An alternative approach would be a Bayesian updating as 6. Conclusion and outlook
described in [35,34]. This approach would allow for a reduction
in the input uncertainty based on the measured outputs. Since In the framework of this study, a blind prediction was per-
probabilistic evaluation is not the focus of this study, the applica- formed for an embankment constructed on soft, structured clay.
tion of this approach is beyond the scope of this paper. A numerical model was implemented based on assumptions and
Summarizing from a methodical point of view, it can be stated simplifications regarding the geometrical conditions and staged
that only improved knowledge of the parameter value ranges, i.e., a construction of the embankment, the initial and boundary condi-
smaller standard deviation r mathematically speaking, reduces the tions as well as the constitutive modeling. The calibration of the
uncertainty. A shift in the mean value from improved knowledge of numerical model was conducted based on in situ measurement
this characteristic does not decrease the uncertainty of the model data to identify the corresponding model parameters. Different
response. Consequently, improved knowledge of the measurement methods for parameter optimization were investigated. The main
accuracy and that of the homogeneity of the in situ conditions are conclusions can be stated as follows:
102 N. Müthing et al. / Computers and Geotechnics 93 (2018) 87–103

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