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Sebastian Morales


Goal Statement In Biography

I think that the career of a pediatricians relate to a career of interest of mine because it has to do
something with medicine. This also aligns with something i’m interested in going to medical
school. Dr. Brewer explained that you don’t have to study pre-med you can study what your truly
passionate about.

Questions For Professionals-

How flexible is your schedule when you want to take a trip/vacation?

How do you have a balance between family and work?

What made you want this career choice?

Is there a demand for new talent in this occupation?

How do you see this field changing in the future?

I learned many thing from this career and also some duties that include conducting a physical
exams and order tests to diagnose diseases and injuries. Recommend treatment, such as
medication, surgery, or rehabilitation. Help patients through difficult times, such as puberty or
family problems.

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