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Sidereal Confluence Player Aid  The Aliens of the Elysian Quadrant 

Trade Phase  Caylion Colony Support 3, Tiebreaker 1, Difficulty 2  Kt'Zr'Kt'Rtl Colony Support ∞, Tiebreaker ∞, Difficulty 1 
  ● Colony bids are halved: if you bid 5 ships, it's as if you  ●Starting converters split: Can be upgraded twice. 
● You may trade anything (resources, ships, cards, promises) - but NOT VPs.  bid 2.5 ships.   ●Infinite Colony Tiebreaker Bid: You win all colony ties. 
● Cards with your background may be loaned for one turn. All others may be traded permanently.  ● Colonies you settle produce twice every Economy Phase.  ●Nullspace colonies: You have a collection of small 
● Need very little (other than ships), and thus give you no  colonies that you can play during the Trade Phase. They 
● You may only run purple-arrow converters during this phase.   direction. Will support any goals you choose.   all cost one or two yellow cubes. 
● If you invent a tech, find your matching tech card and put it in play. Flip the research team card.  ● Recommended for players who are comfortable choosing  ●You have a single driving need: green cubes. You have 
  a path for themselves without landmarks.   many products to sell for them, including a near 
End of Trade Phase:    inexhaustible supply of inexpensive colonies.  
Eni Et ●Recommended for players who desire a razor-sharp focus 
1. Any donation resources left? You must give them away.  Colony Support 3, Tiebreaker 3, Difficulty 5 
to their goals, and the tools to negotiate for it. 
2. Check your Colony Support number. Discard excess colonies.  ● Interest Converters produce more of the same: put a pile 
of identical resources in, and get more of them out. 
  ● You can't run your own Interest Converters: but you can  Unity Colony Support 1, Tiebreaker 4, Difficulty 5 
Economy Phase  loan them to other players.  ●Consume wild resources: Many of your converters can 
● Basic strategy: You can make any player win, except  accept any color resource, so long as it is the correct size. 
yourself. So make everyone else win equally, and reap  ●Produce wild resources: Large and small gray cubes can 
● Run white-arrow converters simultaneously:   enough profits from it to come out ahead.   act as any same-sized resource. 
1. Put all resources you intend to spend on inputs of cards  ● Recommended for experienced players who are skilled  ●Computer Worlds: You can introduce a few unique 
2. Take new resources from supply, and place them on the outputs of cards  at reading other’s game state and seeing opportunity in it.  converters by spending a world and some resources. 
3. Return all spent resources to the supply.    ●You produce what everyone else most needs, and can 
Faderan run your economy on what everyone else sees as garbage. 
● The output of one converter can't be used for the input of another within this turn.  Colony Support 4, Tiebreaker 7, Difficulty 3 
●Recommended for experienced players who can make 
● Donation outputs must go to your Donations Space. In the final Economy Phase, you keep any  ● Acknowledgement Tokens: give as part of a trade, and 
challenging negotiations -- trading quality for quantity 
next time that player invents a tech, you get a VP. 
donation points, resources, and ships that you produce.  ● Relic Worlds: once a turn, spend 4 white resources and an 
means needing to trade at an apparent profit.  
  ice world to draw random card from Relic World deck.  
● Recommended for players who enjoy being surprised,  Yengii Colony Support 3, Tiebreaker 5, Difficulty 6 
Confluence Phase  and like to warp their minds around strange play styles  ●License Technologies: Instead of sharing tech cards, you 
  midway through the game. Fun for new players, although  may license them to individual players as part of a trade. 
1. Share technologies invented during Trade Phase:  they are unlikely to win with them.   ●Reduced sharing bonus: Inventing technologies is worth 
  far fewer points. 
● Inventors take the current turn’s sharing bonus VPs for each tech invented.  ●You require a nearly preternatural understanding of the 
● Everyone else finds their matching tech card and puts it in play.  Im'dril Colony Support 0, Tiebreaker 8, Difficulty 4 
game’s state and to know the other player’s desires even 
● Fleet Support: You need Fleet cards to run your 
2. Bidding with ships:  converters, and fleet cards cost resources to put into play. 
better than they do. 
1. Announce how many ships you own.  ●Recommended for very experienced players who enjoy 
● Your reconomy is extremely powerful but needy, and 
paying attention to many things at once.  
2. Simultaneously set hidden bids for both colonies and research teams, one in each hand.  must be tended carefully to make it grow. 
3. Reveal bids for Colonies. You may pass and keep your ships.  ● Your needs are well defined (octagons, black, and brown), 
but nearly insatiable.   Zeth Colony Support 3, Tiebreaker 2, Difficulty 3 
4. Reveal bids for Research Teams. You may pass and keep your ships.  ●Steal: You may steal from other players if those players 
● Recommended for experienced players who are 
5. Remove cards in all “bid 1” spots on both tracks. Slide down and refill from highest value.  comfortable with complex bargains.   didn't trade with you during the previous Trade Phase. 
(Ties: Player with fewest of that card type wins. If still tied, highest species tiebreak number wins.)    ●Envoys: You produce envoy tokens which can be 
3. Return any borrowed cards to other players.  Kjas Colony Support 6, Tiebreaker 6, Difficulty 2  given/traded to players, making them easier to steal from. 
●You are not really playing the same game as everyone 
4. Reveal the next Sharing Bonus Card.  ●Bid twice for colonies: after seeing everyone else's bid, 
else: you are running a protection racket.  
5. Begin next Trade Phase.  you may split your bid in half to go twice. A bid of seven 
●Recommended for players who are good at being mean 
would become a bid of four and another bid of three. 
  and pretending to be scary. Not recommended when the 
●Territory tiles: spend two worlds and some resources to 
Game End  other players in the game are new.  
put them in play. They look and act like every other 
economic converter in the game, but are very valuable. 
●You have a strong economy that can be crafted during 
● At game end, score ½ point for each leftover octagon, every 2 large cubes, and every 3 small  play. You can be relatively independent of other players.  
cubes and/or ships. Score is tracked down to ½ point.  ●Recommended for players who enjoy analysis and 
● Players reveal their hidden points. The player with the most victory points wins, having  puzzles.  
influenced the resulting multi-species society to hold most to their own ideals.   

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