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Volume 1 Chapter 5 Using Numbered Questions

5 Using Numbered Questions

Numbered questions make it easy for a post writer to customize Mastercam to work with a particular
machine/control combination. They can establish default values and control various aspects of how
Mastercam operates.

Numbered questions are a list of questions that appear at the end of the .PST file. Each question takes a
“y” or “n” answer, a value, or a string response. For example, the default communications parameters
(data rate, parity, etc.) to be used with a specific machine can be stored in the post and loaded into
Mastercam when the post is loaded. Numbered questions can also enable and disable certain features
in Mastercam. For example, question #3023 (“Enable canned threading?”) is a Lathe question that
enables or disables canned threading in lathe. If the answer is “n” (for no), the user will not be able to
access the canned threading option in the lathe threading toolpath when this post is loaded. This would
be desirable for a situation where canned threading cycles are not supported by the lathe or the post

When you run Mastercam, Mastercam reads the predefined numbered questions for the post selected at
startup and makes the changes indicated by the answers. Mastercam also reads the predefined
numbered questions whenever a different post processor is selected from a change post option in

The post can also read numbered questions, which makes it possible to set or modify specific values or
strings used by the post. It will not read them automatically, but the post writer can use a string
(sq1234, where sq is the prefix and 1234 is the number of the question to be read) to store the response
to a question as a string. See Using the post to access the response to a numbered question in this
chapter for more information.

Numbered questions may be predefined or user-defined. The post can read predefined numbered
questions as well user-defined numbered questions. User-defined questions can only be read by the
post customization file.

Numbered question format

The format for a numbered question is the same for a predefined or user-defined question. Here is an
example of a numbered question:
38. Rapid Feedrate? 300.0

The format of a numbered question is a single line consisting of:

! A question number followed by a period (for example, “38.”).
! A question string followed by a question mark and a space (for example, “ Rapid Feed Rate?”).
! A number or string that represents the response to the question (for example, “300.0”).

June 2002 Mastercam Version 9 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 5-1

Chapter 5 Using Numbered Questions Volume 1

Using the post to access the response to a numbered question

Sometimes it can be useful to be able to access the respones to a numbered question. Since user-
defined questions are read only by the post, their responses will typically be something that the post is
going to use to create output for the NC file. To access the response to a numbered question, a string
must be created in the post that follows the following format:

The string “sq” followed by the question number.

For example, the user-defined question is:

1234. Question string? response string

The user defined string that the post will pass the response into (as a string) is:

The post would pass the response to question 1234 into the string variable sq1234. In this example, the
new value of sq1234 is the string “response string”. The response will always be stored as a string. If
the numeric value is needed and will be formatted or calculated, then the string must be converted to a
numeric value. This can be done using the rpar function.

For more information on how to use the rpar function, see Volume 2, Parameter Information.
Note: The question string (for example, “Rapid Feedrate” in question 38) is optional and serves only
to document the question for the user. The post only looks at the number, the period, the question mark,
and answer.

Predefined numbered questions

This section describes the predefined numbered questions and how they affect Mastercam. The MP
post default setting for each is also shown.
Important note: Numbered questions are subject to change. Each version of each Mastercam product
(Mill, Lathe, and Wire) also has a file that contains only the numbered questions for that version and
product. MILL8Q.PST, LATHE8Q.PST, WIRE8Q.PST are the Version 8 files. MILL9.PNQ,
LATHE9.PNQ, WIRE9.PNQ are the files for Mastercam Version 9.

M/L/W 38. Rapid Feed Rate? 300.0

Sets the rapid feed rate used to calculate the cycle time for backplotting. (English/Inch units)
See related question 1538. Rapid feedrate (metric)? 10000.0

W 64. Lock UV Height Above XY Height? Y

Locks the UV contour above the XY contour by restricting the values entered at the XY Height and
UV Height parameters.

5-2 Mastercam Version 9 MP Post Processor Reference Guide June 2002

Volume 1 Chapter 5 Using Numbered Questions

W 65. Maximum step size for 4 axis wirepaths? 1000.0

Sets the maximum step size allowed when programming a 4-axis wirepath. Increase this value to filter
the wirepath.

W 66. Set Start Position to First Point in Contour? Y

Sets the default state of the Auto Start Pos parameter.

W 68. Maximum UV Axis Distance from XY? 100.0

Sets the maximum distance allowed between the XY and UV contours when programming a 4-axis
wirepath. For example:
XY height = 1.0, UV height = 2.25, UV Distance = 1.25

W 69. 4-Axis Maximum Taper Angle? 45.0

Sets the maximum taper angle allowed when programming a 4-axis wirepath. If the wirepath tape
exceeds this value, Mastercam will generate an error message informing the user. This will not prevent
creation of the NC output file from the post.

W 74. Minimum Arc Length? 0.0002

Sets the minimum length arc the post processor will write to the NC program. If the arc length is less
than the minimum length specified, the post outputs a linear move instead of an arc move.

M/L/W 76. Name of associated CFG file?

Specifies the system configuration file name that Mastercam will read and set system defaults from.

M/L/W 80. – 89. Communications parameters

Questions 80 through 89 set the operating parameters for communications with other devices. The
Communications tab of the Mastercam System Configuration dialog box can also be used to set the
communications parameters. The dialog box provides a checkbox to control whether communications
parameters are read from the active Mastercam .CFG file or from these numbered questions in the
active post processor.
80. Communications port number for receive and transmit (1 or 2)? 2
81. Data rate (110,150,300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600,14400,19200,38400)? 300
82. Parity (E/O/N)? E
83. Data bits (7 or 8)? 7
84.Stop bits (1 or 2)? 2
85. Strip line feeds? N
86. Delay after end of line (seconds)? 0
87. ASCII, EIA, or binary (A/E/B)? A
88. Echo keyboard to screen in terminal emulation? N
89. Strip carriage returns? N

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Chapter 5 Using Numbered Questions Volume 1

M/L/W 90. Drive and subdirectory for NC and Material files?

Allows you to save NC and material files for each post processor in a different subdirectory. For
example, answer the question as C:\MCAM8\MILL\NC\ to put all NC programs posted in the
C:\MCAM8\MILL\NC\ directory.
Note: Make sure to end the path name with a backslash.
Note: The disk directory specified must be created manually if it does not already exist.

M/L/W 91. Name of executable post processor? MP

The executable post processor determines what controller file to use when post processing a file. More
than one *.PST file can use the same executable file. To use the language-based milling post processor,
this question should always be set to “MP” for Mill, “MPL” for Lathe, and “MPWIRE” for Wire.

M/L/W 92. Name of reverse post processor? RP

The system executes this reverse post processor executable when using the NC Utils, Post proc,
Reverse command. The default reverse post processor is “RP” for Mill, “RPL” for Lathe, and
“RPWIRE” for Wire.

M/L/W 93. Reverse post PST file name? RPFAN

Specifies the file name of the reverse post processor customization file.

M/L/W 100. Number of places BEFORE the decimal point for sequence numbers? 3

M/L/W 101. Number of places AFTER the decimal point for sequence numbers? 0
Note: Questions 100 and 101 are used by the File, Next menu, Renumber Mastercam function only.

M/L 103. Maximum spindle speed? 5000

Limits the spindle speed when it is recalculated in Mastercam.

M/L 107. Average time for tool change (seconds)? 2.0

Sets the time the machine takes to change tools. This value is used to calculate the cycle time used for

L 108. Associated Mill Post?

Identifies the milling post for Lathe. (Used for “old style” mill/turn posts.)

M/L/W 110. Default tool library?

Specifies the default tool or wire library.

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Volume 1 Chapter 5 Using Numbered Questions

M/L/W 159. Compensate the first and last point in cutter comp. in control simulation? n
Note: Since Version 8.1 Question 159 has been removed.

M/L/W 160. Display first and last entity in toolpath when simulating cutter
compensation in control? y
Note: Since Version 8.1 Question 160 has been removed.

M/L/W 161 – 167 Toolpath parameter button control

These questions enable or disable buttons on the Tool Parameters toolpath definition dialog box by
default. They can also be enabled or disabled on the dialog box during operation, although if they are
disabled by these questions, the Mastercam operator receives an error message when enabling them.
161. Enable Home Position button? y
162. Enable Reference Point button? n
163. Enable Misc. Values button? y
164. Enable Rotary Axis button? n
165. Enable Tool Plane button? y
166. Enable Construction Plane button? y
167. Enable Tool Display button? y

M/L/W 168. Check tplane during automatic work origin creation? n

W 170-199. These questions are related to the toolpath display and backplotting.
170. Enable dual corner types and upper radius with arcs? n
171. Enable fishtail display? n
172. Flip taper on 2 line/arc lead in? n
190. Display wire?
191. Display toolpath?
192. Display tool motion animated?
193. Display tool motion interpolating?
194. Display tool motion step?
195. Tool motion step_size?
196. Tool motion delay?
197. Repaint toolpath?
198. Draw 4-Axis Sync Lines? Y
Controls whether the system draws 4-axis sync linesdark gray lines connecting the XY contour to
the UV contourwhen the wirepath is displayed.

W 199. Draw UV? Y

Controls whether the UV plane backplot path be displayed by default.

June 2002 Mastercam Version 9 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 5-5

Chapter 5 Using Numbered Questions Volume 1

M/L/W 201-210. Miscellaneous Reals

These questions set the default values of miscellaneous real (mr1 - mr10) variables 1 through 10. These
defaults may be overwritten by entering new values in the Mastercam Miscellaneous Reals dialog box
in Mastercam.
See related questions 1601-1610. (Miscellaneous Reals – Metric)
See related questions 1611-1620. (Enable/disable Miscellaneous Reals)
Note: The post .TXT file also controls the Miscellaneous Reals dialog box text displayed.
201. Default miscellaneous real variable 1 (mr1)? 0.0
202. Default miscellaneous real variable 2 (mr2)? 0.0
203. Default miscellaneous real variable 3 (mr3)? 0.0
204. Default miscellaneous real variable 4 (mr4)? 0.0
205. Default miscellaneous real variable 5 (mr5)? 0.0
206. Default miscellaneous real variable 6 (mr6)? 0.0
207. Default miscellaneous real variable 7 (mr7)? 0.0
208. Default miscellaneous real variable 8 (mr8)? 0.0
209. Default miscellaneous real variable 9 (mr9)? 0.0
210. Default miscellaneous real variable 10 (mr10)? 0.0

M/L/W 301-310. Miscellaneous Integers

These questions set the default values of miscellaneous integer (mi1 - mi10) variables 1 through 10.
These defaults may be overwritten by entering new values in the Mastercam Miscellaneous Integers
dialog box in Mastercam. See related questions 1621-1630. (Enable/disable Miscellaneous Integers)
Note: The post .TXT file also controls the Miscellaneous Integers dialog box text displayed.
301. Default miscellaneous integer variable 1 (mi1)? 0
302. Default miscellaneous integer variable 2 (mi2)? 0
303. Default miscellaneous integer variable 3 (mi3)? 0
304. Default miscellaneous integer variable 4 (mi4)? 0
305. Default miscellaneous integer variable 5 (mi5)? 0
306. Default miscellaneous integer variable 6 (mi6)? 0
307. Default miscellaneous integer variable 7 (mi7)? 0
308. Default miscellaneous integer variable 8 (mi8)? 0
309. Default miscellaneous integer variable 9 (mi9)? 0
310. Default miscellaneous integer variable 10 (mi10)? 0

5-6 Mastercam Version 9 MP Post Processor Reference Guide June 2002

Volume 1 Chapter 5 Using Numbered Questions

M/L/W 400-416. System Configuration Parameters

These questions determine which Mastercam configuration file will be associated with the post and
which parameters from that configuration file will be used.
400. Name of associated CFG file?
401. Read SYSTEM COLORS section? y
402. Read ALLOCATIONS section? y
403. Read TOLERANCES section? y
404. Read DATA PATHS section? y
405. Read COMMUNICATIONS section? y
406. Read DRAFT SETTINGS section? y
407. Read MISCELLANEOUS section? y
408. Read NC SETTINGS section? y
409. Read DIALOG SCRIPTS section? y
410. Read DESIGN SETTINGS section? y
411. Read PLOTTER SETTINGS section? y
412. Read ALT-KEY ASSIGNMENTS section? y
413. Read CAD section? y
414. Read START/EXIT section? y
415. Read SCREEN section? y
416. Read FILE NAMES section? y

W 1007. Wire Origin X? 0.0

This question sets the X coordinate for the default Wire tool origin.
Version 8.1 Note: Question 1007 has been removed.

W 1008. Wire Origin Y? 0.0

This question sets the Y coordinate for the default Wire tool origin.
Version 8.1 Note: Question 1008 has been removed.

W 1023. Auto entry(L=line, Y=line+arc, A=2lines+arc)? L

Note: Since Version 8.1 N=none is no longer an option for this.

W 1024. Auto exit(L=line, Y=line+arc, A=2lines+arc)? L

Note: Since Version 8.1 N=none is no longer an option.

W 1030. Thread Position X? 0.0

Sets the default thread position X-value for Wire.

Version 8.1 Note: Question 1030 has been removed.

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Chapter 5 Using Numbered Questions Volume 1

W 1031. Thread Position Y? 0.0

Sets the default thread position Y-value for Wire.
Version 8.1 Note: Question 1031 has been removed.

W 1032. Cut Position X? 0.0

Sets the default X cut position for Wire.
Version 8.1 Note: Question 1032 has been removed.

W 1033. Cut Position Y? 0.0

Sets the default Y cut position for Wire.
Version 8.1 Note: Question 1033 has been removed.

M/L/W 1500. Chook to execute from 'Misc. values' button?

When a C-Hook name is entered here, clicking on the ‘Misc. Values’ button in a toolpath parameters
dialog box will launch that C-Hook. The text that appears on the ‘Misc. Values’ button can be changed
in the post .TXT file by adding the appropriate line of text to the post .TXT file.

M/L/W 1501. Insert parameter information in the ascii NCI? N

When this question is answered with a Y, the NC parameters will be written to the NCI file.

M/L/W 1502. Write operation information to binary file (.ops)? n

When this question is answered with a Y, the NC parameters will be written to an external file (the
.OPS file) and read during posting.

M/L/W 1520. Display a warning when cutter compensation in control simulation finds
an error? n

M/L/W 1538. Rapid feedrate (metric)? 10000.0

Sets the rapid feed rate used to calculate the cycle time for backplotting. (Metric units).
See related question 38. Rapid Feed Rate? 300.0

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Volume 1 Chapter 5 Using Numbered Questions

M/L/W 1601 – 1610. Default Miscellaneous Real Values (METRIC)

These questions set the default values of miscellaneous real (mr1 - mr10) variables 1 through 10 when
Mastercam is configured in metric mode. These defaults may be overwritten by entering new values in
the Mastercam Miscellaneous Reals dialog box in Mastercam.
See related questions 201-210. (Miscellaneous Reals).
See related questions 1611-1620. (Enable/disable Miscellaneous Reals).
1601. Default miscellaneous real variable 1 (mr1) (metric)? 0.0
1602. Default miscellaneous real variable 2 (mr2) (metric)? 0.0
1603. Default miscellaneous real variable 3 (mr3) (metric)? 0.0
1604. Default miscellaneous real variable 4 (mr4) (metric)? 0.0
1605. Default miscellaneous real variable 5 (mr5) (metric)? 0.0
1606. Default miscellaneous real variable 6 (mr6) (metric)? 0.0
1607. Default miscellaneous real variable 7 (mr7) (metric)? 0.0
1608. Default miscellaneous real variable 8 (mr8) (metric)? 0.0
1609. Default miscellaneous real variable 9 (mr9) (metric)? 0.0
1610. Default miscellaneous real variable 10 (mr10) (metric)? 0.0

M/L/W 1611 – 1620. Enable/Disable Miscellaneous Real Variables

These questions set the on/off status of miscellaneous real (mr1 - mr10) variables 1 through 10.
See related questions 201-210. (Default Miscellaneous Reals)
1611. Enable miscellaneous real variable 1 (mr1) ? y
1612. Enable miscellaneous real variable 2 (mr2) ? y
1613. Enable miscellaneous real variable 3 (mr3) ? y
1614. Enable miscellaneous real variable 4 (mr4) ? y
1615. Enable miscellaneous real variable 5 (mr5) ? y
1616. Enable miscellaneous real variable 6 (mr6) ? y
1617. Enable miscellaneous real variable 7 (mr7) ? y
1618. Enable miscellaneous real variable 8 (mr8) ? y
1619. Enable miscellaneous real variable 9 (mr9) ? y
1620. Enable miscellaneous real variable 10 (mr10) ? y

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Chapter 5 Using Numbered Questions Volume 1

M/L/W 1621 – 1630. Enable/Disable Miscellaneous Integer Variables

These questions set the on/off status of miscellaneous integer (mi1 - mi10) variables 1 through 10.
See related questions 301-310. (Default Miscellaneous Integers)
1621. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 1 (mi1) ? y
1622. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 2 (mi2) ? y
1623. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 3 (mi3) ? y
1624. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 4 (mi4) ? y
1625. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 5 (mi5) ? y
1626. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 6 (mi6) ? y
1627. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 7 (mi7) ? y
1628. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 8 (mi8) ? y
1629. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 9 (mi9) ? y
1630. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 10 (mi10) ? y

L 1631 – 1640 Enable/Disable LATHE Miscellaneous Real Variable switches

These questions set the on/off status of the LATHE miscellaneous real (mr1 - mr10)
variables 1 through 10.
See related questions 3201-3210. (Default LATHE Miscellaneous Integers)
1631. Enable lathe miscellaneous real variable 1? y
1632. Enable lathe miscellaneous real variable 2? y
1633. Enable lathe miscellaneous real variable 3? y
1634. Enable lathe miscellaneous real variable 4? y
1635. Enable lathe miscellaneous real variable 5? y
1636. Enable lathe miscellaneous real variable 6? y
1637. Enable lathe miscellaneous real variable 7? y
1638. Enable lathe miscellaneous real variable 8? y
1639. Enable lathe miscellaneous real variable 9? y
1640. Enable lathe miscellaneous real variable 10? y

L 1641 – 1650 Enable/Disable LATHE Miscellaneous Integer Variable switches

These questions set the on/off status of the LATHE miscellaneous integer (mi1 - mi10)
variables 1 through 10.
See related questions 3301-3310. (Default LATHE Miscellaneous Integers)
1641. Enable lathe miscellaneous integer variable 1? y
1642. Enable lathe miscellaneous integer variable 2? y
1643. Enable lathe miscellaneous integer variable 3? y
1644. Enable lathe miscellaneous integer variable 4? y
1645. Enable lathe miscellaneous integer variable 5? y
1646. Enable lathe miscellaneous integer variable 6? y
1647. Enable lathe miscellaneous integer variable 7? y
1648. Enable lathe miscellaneous integer variable 8? y
1649. Enable lathe miscellaneous integer variable 9? y
1650. Enable lathe miscellaneous integer variable 10? y

5-10 Mastercam Version 9 MP Post Processor Reference Guide June 2002

Volume 1 Chapter 5 Using Numbered Questions

M/L/W 1999. Product major version number that post supports? 9

The post update utility UPDATEPST9 adds this question to each post that it updates. If this question is
missing in a post run with Version 9, a warning message will be generated stating that the post needs to
be updated using the UPDATEPST9 post update utility. Do NOT manually add this to a post! If you
add the question manually and then try to use UPDATEPST9 to update the post, the update process
will fail because it will appear that the post has already been updated.

M/L 3001. Machine acceleration? 0

Sets the machine acceleration used by Highfeed option.

L 3002. Timing size? .1

L 3010. Minimum inch/revolution feedrate? .002

Minimum feed rate (inch) allowed when using “Surface Finish” feed in Lathe.

L 3011. Minimum mm/revolution feedrate? .05

Minimum feed rate (metric) allowed when using “Surface Finish” type feed in Lathe.

L 3020-3024. Enable or disable menu features in Mastercam that are or are not
supported by the post / machine.
3020. Enable canned roughing turning?
3021. Enable canned roughing pattern repeat?
3022. Enable canned grooving?
3023. Enable canned threading?
3024. Enable canned finish?

L 3040-3046. Enable or disable menu features in Mastercam that are or are not
supported by the post / machine.
3040. Enable canned groove wall taper?
3041. Enable canned groove radius on corners?
3042. Enable canned groove radius on chamfer?
3043. Enable canned groove rough pecking?
3044. Enable canned groove rough depth cuts?
3045. Enable canned groove dwell?
3046. Enable canned groove chamfer on corners? y

L 3050-3053. Enable or disable menu features in Mastercam that are or are not
supported by the post / machine.
3050. Enable canned thread equal depths?
3051. Enable canned thread equal area?
3052. Enable canned thread multiple starts?
3053. Enable canned thread anticipated pulloff?
June 2002 Mastercam Version 9 MP Post Processor Reference Guide 5-11
Chapter 5 Using Numbered Questions Volume 1

L 3201-3210. Default lathe miscellaneous real variables.

When using the Lathe product and mill / turn post, lathe toolpaths and milling toolpaths are both
available. This additional set of miscellaneous reals (in addition to the default miscellaneous reals in
questions 201 – 210) allows for a different set of defaults to be used for the lathe and for milling
operations with the same post.
Also see related questions 1611-1620. (Enable/disable Miscellaneous Reals)
3201. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 1 (mr1)? 0.0
3202. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 2 (mr2)? 0.0
3203. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 3 (mr3)? 0.0
3204. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 4 (mr4)? 0.0
3205. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 5 (mr5)? 0.0
3206. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 6 (mr6)? 0.0
3207. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 7 (mr7)? 0.0
3208. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 8 (mr8)? 0.0
3209. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 9 (mr9)? 0.0
3210. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 10 (mr10)? 0.0

L 3301-3310. Default lathe miscellaneous integers.

When using the Lathe product and mill / turn post, lathe toolpaths and milling toolpaths are both
available. This ‘additional’ set of miscellaneous integers (in addition to the default miscellaneous
integers in questions 301 – 310) allows for a different set of defaults to be used for the lathe and for
the milling operations with the same post.
Also see related questions 1621-1630. (Enable/D\disable Miscellaneous Integers).
3301. Default lathe miscellaneous integer variable 1 (mi1)? 0
3302. Default lathe miscellaneous integer variable 2 (mi2)? 0
3303. Default lathe miscellaneous integer variable 3 (mi3)? 0
3304. Default lathe miscellaneous integer variable 4 (mi4)? 0
3305. Default lathe miscellaneous integer variable 5 (mi5)? 0
3306. Default lathe miscellaneous integer variable 6 (mi6)? 0
3307. Default lathe miscellaneous integer variable 7 (mi7)? 0
3308. Default lathe miscellaneous integer variable 8 (mi8)? 0
3309. Default lathe miscellaneous integer variable 9 (mi9)? 0
3310. Default lathe miscellaneous integer variable 10 (mi10)? 0

L 3601-3610 LATHE Default Miscellaneous Real Values (METRIC)

These questions set the defaults for the LATHE miscellaneous real (mr1 - mr10)
variables 1 through 10 for use when Mastercam is configured in metric mode.
See related questions 3301-3310. (Default LATHE Miscellaneous Integers)
3601. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 1 (mr1) (metric)? 0.0
3602. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 2 (mr2) (metric)? 0.0
3603. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 3 (mr3) (metric)? 0.0
3604. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 4 (mr4) (metric)? 0.0
3605. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 5 (mr5) (metric)? 0.0
5-12 Mastercam Version 9 MP Post Processor Reference Guide June 2002
Volume 1 Chapter 5 Using Numbered Questions
3606. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 6 (mr6) (metric)? 0.0
3607. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 7 (mr7) (metric)? 0.0
3608. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 8 (mr8) (metric)? 0.0
3609. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 9 (mr9) (metric)? 0.0
3610. Default lathe miscellaneous real variable 10 (mr10) (metric)? 0.0

W 4001. Move to arc center in 2 line/radius lead in/out? y

Diagram showing wirepath Diagram showing wirepath

when question 4001 = Y. when question 4001 = N.

W 4065. Maximum step size for 4 axis wirepaths (metric)? 10000.0

Note: Since Version 8.1 N=none is no longer an option.

W 4068. Maximum UV axis distance from XY (metric)? 500.0

Note: Since Version 8.1 N=none is no longer an option.

W 4074. Minimum arc length (metric)? 0.005

Note: Since Version 8.1 N=none is no longer an option.

W 4195. Tool motion step_size (metric)? 5.0

Note: Since Version 8.1 N=none is no longer an option.

W 4900-4935. Change at point reverse skim pass position association. (1=point, 2=move,
3=prior point)
4900. Corner Type (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4901. UV Arc Type (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 2
4902. Rapid Move (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 2
4903. FeedRate (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 3
4904. Manual Entry (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4907. Canned Text (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4910. Wire Compensation (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4911. Condition Code (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 2
4912. Wire Offset (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4913. Wire Diameter (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1

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Chapter 5 Using Numbered Questions Volume 1
4914. Wire Overburn (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4915. Dwell (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4920. Auxiliary Register 1 (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4921. Auxiliary Register 2 (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4922. Auxiliary Register 3 (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4923. Auxiliary Register 4 (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4924. Auxiliary Register 5 (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4925. Auxiliary Register 6 (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4926. Auxiliary Register 7 (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4927. Auxiliary Register 8 (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4928. Auxiliary Register 9 (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4929. Auxiliary Register 10 (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4930. Contour flags (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4931. Stop flags (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4932. Thread/Cut flags (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4933. Power flags (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4934. Tank level (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1
4935. Flush flags (1=point, 2=move, 3=prior point)? 1

W 4940-4949. Auxiliary Register Modality. (n=Non-Modal, y=Modal)

4940. Auxiliary Register 1 (n=Non-Modal, y=Modal)? y
4941. Auxiliary Register 2 (n=Non-Modal, y=Modal)? y
4942. Auxiliary Register 3 (n=Non-Modal, y=Modal)? y
4943. Auxiliary Register 4 (n=Non-Modal, y=Modal)? y
4944. Auxiliary Register 5 (n=Non-Modal, y=Modal)? y
4945. Auxiliary Register 6 (n=Non-Modal, y=Modal)? y
4946. Auxiliary Register 7 (n=Non-Modal, y=Modal)? y
4947. Auxiliary Register 8 (n=Non-Modal, y=Modal)? y
4948. Auxiliary Register 9 (n=Non-Modal, y=Modal)? y
4949. Auxiliary Register 10 (n=Non-Modal, y=Modal)? y

5-14 Mastercam Version 9 MP Post Processor Reference Guide June 2002

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