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Integrated Dual Degree (B.Tech.+M.Tech.) Examination
Electronics & Communication Engineering
(Effective from the admitted batch 2012–13)
(For Int.ECE from the admitted batch 2010–11)
Time: 3 Hours Max.Marks: 60
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------
Instructions: Each Unit carries 12 marks.
Answer all units choosing one question from each unit.
All parts of the unit must be answered in one place only.
Figures in the right hand margin indicate marks allotted.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------
1. a) A continuous terms system is defined by
y(t) = sin[x(t)] check whether the system is terms invariant
or not 6
b) For an arbitrary signal x[n] with even and odd parts denoted by
xe[n] = E{x[n]} & x0[n] = Od {x[n]}, show that
0 0 0

n 
x 2 n  
n 
xe2 n    x n 
n 
0 6

2. a) Define the following properties of the system
(i) Memory less (ii) Causal (iii) Stable 6
b) An LTT system whose response to signal x(t) is the signal y, (t)
as shown below. Determine and sketch the response of the system
to input x2 (t) as shown 6
3. a) List out the properties of LTI system and explain any two
properties with suitable examples 6
b) Computer convolution y[n] = x[n] * h[n] of the following
pairs of signals
x[n ]   n u[n ] 

i)    ii) x[n]=h[n]=nu[n] 6
h[n ]   u[n]

4. a) h[t] = e u(-t+4) + e u (t – 5) Determine A and B such that
2t -2t

h(t - ) = e-2(t-)  < A

= e2(t-) B <  6
b) Consider a causal LTI system whose input x[n] and o/p y[n] are
related by difference equation
y [n] = y [n – 1] + x[n] Determine y[n] if x[x] = [n-1] 6
5. a) State and prove frequency shifting, periodic convolution
properties of Fourier series 6
b) Use Fourier Transfer equation to determine than inverse
Fourier Transfer f
i) x(j) = 2() + ( - 4) + ( + )
ii) x(j) = 2 0 <  < 2
= -2 -2 <  < 0
= 0 || > 2 6
6. a) Derive Time Scaling property of Fourier services 6
b) x (t) is a signal with Fourier Transfer x (j), x(t) is real x(t)=0
for t < 0


2  
R e {x | j |}e jt d  | t | e |t|

Determine a closed form expression for x(t) 6

7. a) For a continuous time causal and stable LTI system whose input
(t) and output y(t) are related by the difference equation
y(t) + 5y(t) = 2 x(t). What is the value s() of the step
response s(t) of the filter and also determine the value of to for
 1
which s(to) = s() 1  6
 e 2 
b) For the following D.T.F.T, find the signal corresponding to
each Transfer
i) x(ej) = 1 + 3e-j + 2e-j2 – 4e-j3 + e-j10

  
ii) x(ej) =  (1)     2 k 
k 

iii) x(ej) = cos2  + sin2  6

8. a) A Discrete time LTI system (causal) with input x(n) and output
y(n) is specified by the following pair of difference equations
involving intermediate signal (n).
1 1 2
y(n) + y(n-1) +  (n) +  (n - 1) = x(n)
4 2 3
5 5
y(n) - y(n – 1) + 2  (n) – 2  (n-1) = - x(n)
4 3
Find frequency response and unit sample response of the system
and a single difference equation tail relates x(n) & y(n) for the
system 6
b) A causal LTI filter has freq response H(j) is shown in fig.1.
Determine the fathered output y(t) of each of each of the following
input signals given below
i) x(t) = ejt ii) X(j) = 6
2  j
9. a) Use Geometric evaluation from the pole two plot to determine
the magnitudes of F.T of the signal where Laplace Transfer is
s2  s  1 1
specified as x(s) = Re {s} > - 6
s  s 1
b) Determine inverse Z-Transfer using partial fraction method
1  z 1 1
x (z) = |z| > 6
1 2
1  z 2
10. a) How many signals have a Laplace Transfer that may be expressed
( s  1)
as in its region of 6
 s  2 s  3  s 2  s  1
b) For the given liner, discrete-time, shift invariant system with
input x(n) and o/p y(n) for which
y[n-1] - y[n] + y[n+1] = x[n]. The system is stable.
Determine the unit sample response 6

[4/III S/117]

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