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Education is important because education gives people the knowledge and skills
they require. Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us and changes it into
something better. It is also develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build
opinions and have points of view on things in life.

Based on the picture, educators need to be fair to students and not bias. It is
because equality in education is important. Because of that, students will lack of interest or
motivation. Moreover, education is the process of gaining information about the
surrounding world while knowledge is something very different and education also makes
us capable of interpreting things, among other things.

Next, our current education system tries to force square pegs into round holes. It
does not realise that every student is different. Education system should introduce equally
celebrated pathways where students are given full opportunity to develop their potential.
The focus should be on providing a solid education for students to pursue what they are
best at. It also can polish student talent at the same time.

The purpose of education is to provide a way for others to learn. The motive of
learning can vary. Education can occur in any environment where there is a will to learn.
Many students prefer learning methods in which they can apply their knowledge practically.
Learning should occur in an environment that is healthy not just physically but also mentally
and socially. Physical conditions do play a role towards how well the students learn.

Lastly, educators must know that everyone learns differently for different reasons.
To teach successfully, educators must assess what interests their student and how they can
help the student learn. Educators must act as tools of education and be approachable.
Explain 5 brainstorming variants

1. Stop and Go Brainstorming

The brainstorming session is divided up into segments.
Ideas are generated for three to five minutes and then the group is silent for three to
five minutes. It allows participants to gather their thoughts and peruse the ideas that
have been recorded up to that point. Then ideas are given out for another three to

2. Gordon-Little Variation
Problem introduced in abstract form. In the course of ideation leader brings in key
pieces of information regarding the problem. Problem made progressively less
abstract. Leader reveals original problem to the group. Using previously generated
ideas for the abstract form as stimuli, group generates specific ideas for the original

3. Trigger Method
Problem statement read out to the group. Each member records ideas in silence for
5 minutes. One member of the group reads out his/her ideas to the rest of the
group. The ideas read out are discussed by everyone for about 10 minutes with the
aim of developing ideas further. Procedure continues with next member, and so on,
until all ideas have been discussed.

4. Wildest Idea
Wild ideas may not be productive in themselves but they can spur others on to think
of more practical ideas.

5. Round-Robin Brainstorming
The basic structure of a Round robin session begins with a central theme, question,
or issue which the facilitator identifies for discussion. Arranged in a circle,
participants begin by considering the question. One participant is selected to lead off
the process by offering a single thought or reaction, either out-loud or on a piece of
paper/index card. In a verbal format, the rest of the participants remain quiet during
his or her answer. Once this first participant is finished contributing, the participant
sitting directly to his or her right contributes an additional point, idea, or thought.
Working clockwise around the circle, each participant either speaks or writes a single
idea - ideally one which has not yet been mentioned - until a full circle has been
completed or the time reserved for the exercise has passed. During this period, the
facilitator records insights and central points raised. The session then concludes with
a group discussion.

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