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Name: Bryan Marquez Peer Teaching Lesson Plan

Date: 30 October 2018 MUS 485: Music for the Elementary Child

Down in the Jungle

Grade/Class 4th/5th
Prior  How to hold the recorder along and mallets for Orff instruments.
Knowledge  Proper air speed to keep a nice sound on recorder.
 Knowing the fingerings for G, E, and D.
 Able to read simple rhythm patters.
 Able to read notes in treble clef.
Primary Students will experience, identify, and perform rondo form (ABACABA).
Secondary Students will reinforce technical facility with D-E and D-G patterns.
Performance 1. Perform rhythmic poem; perform melody singing, SR and with
Assessment accompaniment; perform harmonic mallet safari; performing sections in the
entire form
2. Singing, playing SR, perform with accompaniment, play in the ABACABA
National MU:Cr1.1.5b - Generate musical ideas(such as rhythms, melodies, and
Standards accompaniment patterns) within specific related tonalities, meters, and simple
chord change.
MU:Cr2.1.5b- Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or recording
technology to document personal rhythmic, melodic, and two-chord harmonic
musical ideas.
MU:Pr4.2.5a- Demonstrate understanding of the structure and the elements of
music(such as rhythm, pitch, form, and harmony) in music selected for
MU:Pr5.1.5a- Apply teacher-provided and established criteria and feedback to
evaluate the accuracy and expressiveness of ensemble and personal
MU:Pr6.1.5a- Perform music, alone or with others, with expression, technical
accuracy, and appropriate interpretation.
Materials/Me Soprano Recorder
dia Visual of Words
Visual of Notation
Body Percussion
Conga Drum
All xylophones, metallophones, and glockenspiels with mallets
Contra bass bars (E,G,B,D)
Safari Sam (Puppet)

Process Intro-Attention Getter

 Introduce Safari Sam
 Ask students what kind of noises can be heard in the jungle.
 Present Poem labeled section A
 Model With body percussion
 “Join me.” Students chant the poem rhythmically
o Repeat as needed
 Layer in
o Snap – Metal barred instruments
o Clap – Wood barred instruments
o Stomp – Hand drums
Transition Between Rhythm and Melody
 Show Section B
 “I need a volunteer to clap this rhythm.”
 “Now I need a volunteer to say the pitches.”
 Singing
o Model singing note names
o “Repeat after me.” Two measure – call/response
o Put together
 SR
o Model
o “Repeat after me.” Two measure – call/response
o Put together
 Divide SR in to four groups and start with one group. Every time B
section is repeated another group will join in. When all groups are
playing then remove a group every time it is repeated.
 With SR melody
o Add in conga drum
o Add in CBB
 Go over the notes for the next section as well
 Section C
o “Time for the Mallet Safari.”
o Xylos/Metallos/Glock – play together
 “Everyone Find the lowest D on your instrument. Now
find your highest A. Start on D and play each note twice.
Say the notes and play with me starting with your right
 Start RL switch to LR after the highest A
 “Great now that we have made it to A lets head back but
starting with our left mallet this time.”
o “Now lets try this section again," OR “Next time we play this
section but starting with the Xylophones and then play it again
only metal barred instruments.”
o CBB – check
 Show visual of form and poem
 “For the intro we are going to make jungle noises”
 “Who remembers what we do for the A, B, and C sections?”
 “For the Coda we are going to make jungle noises again but fade to

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