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SPE 142361

Enhancement of Oil Recovery through "Dump-flood" Water Injection Concept

in Satellite Field
Wafa Shizawi, Hamed Subhi, Ahmed Rashidi, Arunangshu Dey, Fathiya Salmi, Mohammed Aisary,
Petroleum Development Oman

Copyright 2011, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE Middle East Oil and Gas Show and Conference held in Manama, Bahrain, 25–28 September 2011.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper have not been
reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its
officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to
reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contai n conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.


W-field is a small satellite field that started seeing some means of pressure depletion. Field development study recommended
waterflood as the most effective option to arrest the reservoir pressure decline and enhance the oil production and recovery.

The size and the satellite location of the field could not economically justify a conventional water flood project. A
was perforated in the deeper water reservoir Z and on the injection target reservoir H. The well was completed by an advanced
ESP that was designed to produce and inject in the same wellbore across the two set of perforations.

Surveillance program was put in place and implemented focusing on reservoir pressure monitoring in the surrounding wells,
production metering and periodical surface flow of the dump flood to assess its productivity and injectivity. Downhole gauges
were installed in the dumpflood well across the two units to monitor the reservoir pressure behaviour and the calibration of the
injection rate.

The concept proved its success, an injection water rate of around 1200bpd was achieved in the target zone. Pressure response
and some segneficant oil gain in the range of 40% was noticed in the w-feild. The concept is now under review for further
implementations in the same field and the design is ongoing to apply the concept in other two fields in the area.

The dumpflood concept allowed an economical waterflood project to be applied in Z fields with the expectation of significant
oil recovery to be achieved.


With continuous production, reservoirs not having aquifer and/or gas cap support, reservoir energy will deplete to a level
making production un-economic. To arrest this decline in reservoir energy manifested in terms of declining off take, it is
required to supplement energy so that well productivities remain high. Energy supplement can start any time during the
process of production depending on the rate of decline. One of the most common methods used for pressure maintenance or
intensive as it requires surface facilities involving many equipments with long lead time for procurement, additional injection
wells, flowlines etc. Delay in implementing waterflood project may impair recovery.

PDO has many complex, small, remote fields which need water floods for pressure maintenance and improved sweep. Also
there exist some large fields which need waterflood trials before installing full surface facilities. Surface facilities are
expensive and can take up to 2-3 years to install, even for a small trial. To alleviate this situation, an innovative technology
called Dumpflood has been field trialled in PDO utilizing the same well as both water supply well and injection well. The
technology involves producing water from lower water bearing zone and injecting into upper oil zone by an ESP. This
eliminates all the surface facilities, injection well, flowlines, making the smaller fields to produce economically. It can help in
quick data gathering for the larger fields to aid the feasibility study on field wide injection project.
2 SPE 142361

W-Field was identified as one of the candidates for implementing water injection for reservoir pressure maintenance and to
enhance ultimate recovery based on detailed Field Development Plan. This included review of static and dynamic models and
reviews at various levels.

Waterflooding is a frequently used technique to increase oil recovery after primary depletion; however the economic success
of a water flood project depends on the additional oil recovery it can achieve in spite of the increased costs over primary


Field characteristic & performance:The field was discovered in January 1988 by W-1 and brought on stream in June 1988.It
³VRXWKHUQ´VWUXFWXUH :-2; extending to the west), separated by a saddle ( Figure 1). The flatness of the structure and the lack
of well control on some of the flanks make the closure very sensitive to any variation in seismic velocities. Both structures are
in pressure communication and it is believed that some of the oil volumes from the southern lobe have been produced by the
prolific wells in the northern lobe.

The main reservoirs are H and A. To date, 18 wells have been drilled, including 3 horizontal wells. Two wells have been
abandoned/ suspended. The field is currently producing at 80%BSW, 80 % of field production is obtained from H reservoir.
The A reservoir shows the presence of some aquifer support; but the H reservoir is experiencing pressure depletion. The
reservoir pressure has dropped from 12,800 KPa to current level of 6000 KPa thus necessitating implementation of waterflood
to improve recovery.

Wells are lifted with ESP and beam pumps. The oil is light (API 49.1, viscosity 0.66 cP) and the bubble point is low (662
kPa). Good lateral connectivity, light oil, low to moderate aquifer support & favourable mobility ratio, demonstrate W-field a
prospective candidate of water flood project.

Well design & injection system consideration: Dump flood well, as it is the first trial in PDO, many potential risks and
challenges were considered in order to achieve the objective of enhancing the oil recovery. They are:

1. Aquifer water incompatibility with the reservoir, checked & found compatible
2. Aquifer sand production, provided sand screen Challenges
3. ESP reliability, surveillance /monitoring
4. ESP & casing protection, ESP cable integrity

Due to above reasons, the Dump flood well designing was not done as a normal well but some additional features were
considered such as production casing, source and target zones, a sand control device, gauges, SDD, space, target zone and An
Electric Feed thru ESP Retrievable.

1. 3URGXFWLRQ FDVLQJ ´   .-55 production casing (surface to source zone) to facilitate installation of ESP
equipment and withstand higher injection pressure in the well bore

2. Source and Target zones: These zones are totally isolated by encapsulating the ESP assembly in POD Hanger, along
with the permanent packer (installed at Source zone top).

3. A sand control device: ò´PLFURQ:LUH:UDSVFUHHQLnstalled against Source water zone, selectively perforated)

4. Gauges: A pressure temperature gauge installed at ESP base for surveillance purposes.

5. SSD: A custom made SSD installed at fluid discharge port, against target injection zone to help produce the fluid at
surface for measurement and/or well clean out purposes.

6. Space: Ample space provided, between ESP assembly top and injection zone, facilitates running of the
logging/Surveillance tools.

7. Target zone: Target zone perforated selectively.

8. An Electric Feed thru ESP Retrievable packer: It was installed at Target zone top, to isolate/protect the upper wellbore
from higher injection pressure and abrasion impacts.
SPE 142361 3

Different scenarios were run with in-house software to capture the sensitivity of the fracture response on injection rate, TSS
and competency of reservoir. The envelope for the propagation pressure ranges from 15 to 25 MPa.for W field. For both
reservoirs (H & A), the maximum fracture length was found to be 60 meter after 20 years of injection. Vertical containment
was found to be an issue as fracture grows upward into the cap rok and the downward into reservoir A.

The dump flood well initially was planned to be kept at minimum injection rate at 350 m3/d to avoid any fracture initiation,
caused by higher anticipated solid production from source zone. The injection sand face was expected to be plugged by the
solids cake formed in due course of injection, resulting in raising the injection pressure substantially. In that case, injection rate
will have to be increased above fracture pressure.

production/injection rates are feasible to attain. ESP System is designed based on source zone data and pre/post fracture data
sets of target zone. ESP system was initially operated at its lower operating ranges to avoid any earlier formation fracturing.
The injection water was screened with 200micron sand control screen although the chances of solid pumping to the target
formation are minimal. The system was operated at escalated frequency (37 Hz) to develop formation fracture (at about
22000kpa) and keep pumping above fracture closing pressure (11,000kpa). The data gathering was carried out primarily by the
ESP down hole pressure/temperature gauge. The injection rate was calibrated based on ESP intake-discharge pressure & pump
performance curve (Figure 2). VSD was installed to facilitate broader operating range. The injection rate is ranging from 350-
710 m3/d and injection pressure is from 18000- 22000kpa that are achieved by a single pump.

The completion of dump flood system has two categories: conventional artificial lift and advanced artificial lift elements. The
Conventional Artificial Lift Elements comprise a complete ESP system including downhole gauge, motor, protector, pump,
pump intake and down hole cable. The Advanced Artificial Lift System includes Pod assembly (Figure 3).

Pod system consists of the Pod hanger as a main parWRIWKHWHFKQRORJ\DQG´SSI19DPFDVLQJMRLQWVWKDWIRUPWKHERG\

of the Pod assembly Pod hanger: is designed to withstand differential pressures of 5000psi. Pod system provides isolation
between the lower and upper zones as well as allows for the penetration of the electrical cables for the ESP system. The ESP is
deployed in usual manner, but within the Pod Assembly and unlike standard ESP shroud, lower completion is not suspended
from the ESP; the tensile load of the Pod assembly is transferred to the tubing. Based on the calculated fluid velocity across the
ESP inside the Pod (5.36ft/sec), the system provides very effective ESP motor cooling efficiency. Pod feed thru penetrators are
field attachable in the injection area zone in order to avoid the field splicing and are designed to suit the most demanding
downhole conditions and having field proven record, outstanding performance and reliability. Special design was provided for
MLE protectolisers to fit inside and accommodate pressure control line as the clearance restriction inside the Pod did not allow
the installation of standard MLE protectors.

PDO proposed special design for the SSD in order to inject the producing fluids into the injection zone; the SSD designed in
such a way that the ESP cable is fully protected from the injected fluid being placed into the special cable grove and covered
along all the way to the surface; ESP packer penetrators are factory melded both ends in order to avoid any splicing in the
injecting area that makes the system more reliable. The SSD (normally closed) with X-N nipple profile above the 9-5/8
retrievable dual ESP packer is installed to provide a circulation of inhibited fluid in the annulus to prevent casing corrosion
and to make the clean out of the well from the drilling fluid before injecting into the target zone subsequently avoiding a
formation damage. During injection period the plug is placed into X-N nipple profile in order to prevent fluid to come to the
surface. Check valve just above the Pod assembly prevents crossflow during shut-in conditions thus protecting the ESP


that is installed over the source water zone. The system Site Integration Test (SIT) was conducted at the Manufacture plant
with the following objectives:

‡ Install the Pod ESP components in the test well

‡ Demonstrate the installation procedure
‡ Verify the mechanical fit of the equipment
‡ Familiarize field crew with the equipment and procedure

Surveillance and Monitoring: As the dump flood system design in W-field is the first trial in PDO, so a full surveillance plan
was put to evaluate and monitor the performance system of the dump flood well and the surrounding wells. This includes:

‡ Reservoir pressure monitoring in the surrounding wells

4 SPE 142361

‡ Production metering
‡ Periodical surface flow of the dump flood to assess its productivity and injectivity
‡ Downhole gauge (monitor reservoir pressure & calibration of the injection rate)
‡ Cum. Injected Volume
‡ SBHP and temperature profile
‡ Water Flow log to monitor injection system efficiency.

Dump flood performance: By end of March, 2009 the dump flood injection was started at minimum injection rate 350 m3/d
(@37 Hz). In 10 months of injection, a positive response has been seen from the surrounding producer wells. Pressure
response and some oil gain in the range of 40% were noticed. A continuous monitoring on Dump flood well reservoir pressure
and calibrated injection rate shows that after 10 months of injection, the well reached the fracture pressure and the H zone
stopped taking any water (Figure 4).

This is indication of sand cake plugging with less than 200 micron. Planned stimulation job for the target zone could not be
carried out due to high back pressure resistance. The ESP could be started to lift water from the zone Z, but it could not reach
the required discharge pressure to inject into the target reservoir H.

The positive impact of dumpflood has been seen in some surrounding wells. As confirmed from pump parameters which give
indication in raising the intake pressure in beam pump wells as proved by monitoring surveillance that shows high fluid level
in the wellbore in the affected wells (Figure 5).

As well one of W-field due to reservoir depletion was on timer before commencement of dumpflood, came on production for
the full day with positive impact from dumpflood injection.

The stoppage of injection into the target zone affected the production performance of the W-field. This is proved by well going
back to timer and also declining fluid level in nearby producer in H reservoir.

Dump flood trial has proved its value in improving the oil recovery from W-field and also demonstrated that it is a viable and
cost-effective technique that can be implemented in other small and marginal fields requiring pressure support.


The successful Dump flood technology trial has demonstrated the following:

1. Dump flood system is an effective and quick means of data gathering, prior to Implementation of Field wide injection

2. The system cost is reasonably lower than Field Wide injection, eliminates requirements of surface facilities,
additional injection wells, flowlines etc.

3. Dump flood concept found to be simple & economic solution for small field projects.

4. Pressure response and some oil gain in the range of 40% has been observed in the field.

5. Dump flood well has proved its ability to raise oil recovery in W-field. Following the success of the trial in W Field,
two more field trials in two other fields are under implementation.
SPE 142361 5


The authors acknowledge and thank the Ministry of Oil and Gas and the management of Petroleum Development Oman for
their permission to publish this work.


1- Iqbal Sipra, Ahmed Azkawi, Jan Brinkhorst, Mark Reeves, ,Dey Arunangshu, Paul Vlaarkamp; Ibrahim Shaibani Petroleum
Development Oman, Irina Osipova, Fouad Eid, Reza Dadrass; Metwaly Ibrahim Schlumberger, Dump Water Flooding Trials in
Petroleum Development- Oman, Presented at Middle East Artificial Lift Forum, MEALF, Bahrain Feb:16-18,2009

2- Mamdouh M Ibrahim (Gupco), James W Styler (BP), Hesham L Shamma (BP),Mamdouh A Elsherif (Gupco), Essam M
AboElalla (Gupco), Environmentally Friendly and Economic Waterflood System for October Field at Gulf Of Suez, Egypt, SPE
Indian Oil and Gas Technical Conference and Exhibition, 4-6 March 2008, Mumbai, India

3- PDO Study Team, W-Field Development Plan, June 2007

6 SPE 142361

Figure 1: Depth Map for W field Figure 2: ESP Pump Curve at varies VSD

Figure 4: Dump flood well injection performance

Dump Flood (ESP), injector


Figure 3: Dump flood well design

6/6:Stimulation (not
executed due to high
pressure )
3-14,Feb,10(D.H.G):UG 16 /3:18/4
(D.H.G)+ H flow June: start ESP
Not able even
Aug,09 (SSV):H with Pdis 250 bar
12043 Kpa @ 1150 m

NO Injection

No Injection

P dis:250 Kpa

Figure 5: Example of producer response due to dump flood well.

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