Level 5 Theme 9 SG Final

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Lesson 11

Making a complaint


After this session, you will be able to use appropriate

words and structures to:
 Make complaints politely
 Responding to complaints
 Use vocabulary to make complaints

ESL English for Success Take Home Tutor 5.11.1

Video Scripts

Script 1

It’s a busy day at the Guest Service Desk of a large hotel. The staff at the desk is dealing
with several complaints. Let us see the expressions the guests and staff use to make
and respond to complaints in a polite manner.

Guest One: I’d like to speak to someone about my room.

Aaron: What seems to be the problem, ma’am?
Guest One: There’s a problem with the air conditioning. It doesn’t seem to be working.
Aaron: I’ll ask Maintenance to attend to it immediately. Someone will be there in five
minutes to take a look.
Guest One: Thank you very much.
Aaron: You’re welcome, ma’am.

Guest Two: I’m afraid I’m not happy with my room at all.
Aaron: I’m sorry to hear that, sir. What seems to be the problem?
Guest Two: I’m sorry to have to say this, but I don’t think anyone paid attention when I
was making my booking. I specifically asked for a corner room with a sea view, and I’ve
been given one facing the opposite side! Could you please arrange to change my room
right away?
Aaron: I’ll just look up the details of your booking, sir. If you can give me a moment…?
Guest Two: OK, I can do that…
Aaron: There may have been some misunderstanding about your booking, sir. It says
here that you asked for a room with a view of the pool.
Guest Two: Perhaps you’ve confused two bookings. I’m very clear that I asked for a
room with a sea view, so could you change my room, please?
Aaron: I’m afraid we don’t have any sea-facing rooms vacant at the moment, but we can
give you one tomorrow. I’m deeply sorry that you’ve been put to this inconvenience.
Could we offer you discount vouchers for lunch and dinner to make up for it? And of
course, we will change your room tomorrow morning.
Guest Two: OK, I can work with that….
Aaron: Thank you for your cooperation, sir.

Guest Three: I’d like to complain about the food I was served at dinner. The soup was
cold, and there was definitely something wrong with the fish. I was ill all of last evening
and this morning.
ESL English for Success Take Home Tutor 5.11.2
Aaron: I’m very sorry about that, sir. I hope you’re feeling better now. Is there anything I
can do for you?
Guest Three: Well, I wasn’t able to attend any of my appointments because I was so
unwell. Would it be possible to extend my booking by a day?
Aaron: We’ll be happy to do it, sir; free of cost.
Guest Three: That’s very kind of you. Thank you!
Aaron: Our pleasure, sir.

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Practice Exercises
Now we will do some exercises to practice the structures we have learnt. The answers to
these will be shared with you by your instructor in the classroom session. Please make
sure that you complete the exercises before you go for the classroom session otherwise
you might forget all that you have learnt.

Exercise 1:

Choose the correct answer to each question. Each question has only one correct

1. I'm sorry , but your report has not reached head office.
a. to tell you
b. to ask you
c. to answer you

2. Maybe to invite them to the meeting.

a. you forget
b. you forgot
c. you forgetting

3. I think you to include agenda of the meeting in your mail.

a. might have forgotten
b. may be forgetting
c. might forgot

4. Don’t get me wrong, but I think we should try to concentrate the work
a. on getting
b. on completing
c. to getting

5. Excuse me if I am , but you have not been able to prove your point.
a. out of line
b. out of turn
c. out of touch

ESL English for Success Take Home Tutor 5.11.4

6. I would like to the manager regarding poor customer service.
a. to speak
b. to interact
c. to enquire

7. I am sorry to inform you that repeated reminders, payment has not

been received.
a. in spite of
b. instead of
c. despite of

8. I am afraid I a defective car. The break is not working.

a. am having
b. have been given
c. has been given

9. There may a misunderstanding about what is expected of you

a. has been
b. had been
c. have been

10. My problem is that no one to reply to my complaint.

a. bothering
b. is bothered
c. has bothered

11. I am extremely with your unprofessional behavior.

d. unhappy
e. disappointed
f. agreeable

12. I , but it appears clear instructions have not been given to

a. am wrong
b. have been wrong
c. may be wrong

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Exercise 2:

Match the phrases to complete correct sentence:

Column A Column B
A. to include agenda of the
1. I'm sorry to tell you,
meeting in your mail
B. but you have not been able to
2. Maybe you forgot
prove your point.
3. I think you might have C. payment has not been
forgotten received.
D. with your unprofessional
4. Don’t get me wrong,
5. Excuse me if I am out of
E. The break is not working
F. but I think we should try to
6. I would like to speak to the
concentrate on getting the
work done
7. I am sorry to inform you that
G. no one has bothered to reply
in spite of repeated
to my complaint
8. I am afraid I have been H. regarding poor customer
given a defective car. service
9. There may have been a I. but your report has not
misunderstanding reached head office.
10. My problem is that J. about what is expected of you
K. but it appears clear
11. I am extremely disappointed instructions have not been
given to employees.
12. I may be wrong, L. to invite them to the meeting

Exercise 3:

ESL English for Success Take Home Tutor 5.11.6

Next to each of the pictures, write down what is the person complaining about and
what would you say in response:

1. Picture of Boss

What is the boss complaining about?

What would be your response to the complaint?

2. Picture of Supervisor
What is the supervisor complaining about?
What would be your response to the complaint?

ESL English for Success Take Home Tutor 5.11.7

3. Picture of an office colleague

What is the colleague complaining about?

What would be your response to the complaint?


4. Picture of customer in store

What is the customer complaining about?

What would be your response to the complaint?


ESL English for Success Take Home Tutor 5.11.8

5. Picture of customer at bank
What is the customer complaining about?
What would be your response to the complaint?

6. Picture of a customer in aeroplane

What is the customer complaining about?
What would be your response to the complaint?

ESL English for Success Take Home Tutor 5.11.9

Exercise 4:

Rearrange the given words and make correct sentences:

1. Would/ complaint/ I/ like/ register/ to/ with/ your/ helpdesk/ a/ finance.

2. repair/ can/ send/ you/ someone/ now/ week/ it/ for/ one/ working/ been/ not/ my/tv/
has/ to)
3. book/ bank/ with/ out/ to/ need/ pass/ my/ issues/ sort/ help/ I)
4. mechanic/ car/ my/ I/ a/ need/ repair/ to)
5. Can/ please/ still/ not/ you/ active/ help/ it/ is/ I/ paid/ an/ towards/ advance/ my/
connection/ and/ internet)
6. here/ help/ phone/ on/ marketing/ of/ a/ keep/ me/ please/ my/ calls/ unnecessary/ lot/
getting/ I)
7. Complaint/ make/ wish/ poor/ was/ the/ uncomfortable/ was/ my/ a/ to/ I/ very/
service/and/ very/ flight)
8. been/ still/ it/ ago/45/ a/ I/ delivered/ not/ has/ and/ minutes/ pizza/ ordered)
9. Malfunctioned/ last/ you/ one/ cartridge/ color/ for/ a/ I/ week/ sent/ that/ the/ printer/
my/ replacement/ need)
10. account/ of/ the/ issues/ sort/ to/ your/ I/ my/ billing/ with/ out/ help/ supervisor/ need)

ESL English for Success Take Home Tutor 5.11.10

Exercise 5:

Identify the best question here in the cases below:

1. John has realized that his car’s rear left tyre is flat.
What should John’s question be to James, the car mechanic?

a. Hi James my car has run out of gas can you help me tow the car to the gas
b. Hello James my car engine is overheating and the engine is smoking. Can you
help cool it down?
c. Hi James my car tyre is punctured. Could you help me replace it with the spare

2. Mary has a bad toothache.

What would Mary’s complaint be at the hospital helpdesk?

a. Good evening nurse, would appreciate if you can get me an appointment with the
b. Hi Nurse can you direct me to the pharmacy?
c. Good afternoon Nurse Can you please help me with the directions to the

3. Anthony’s desktop has a problem with a Virus.

What would be Anthony’s question to his friend Tim be?

a. Hi Tim can you help me with an antivirus?

b. Hello Tim can you help with a new hard drive?
c. Hi Tim can you help me with a new computer?

4. Robert is facing a problem in withdrawing money from an ATM.

What would Roberts question be to Mary? (Mary is the executive at the enquiry

a. Hi Mary can you direct me to the loan officer, I was directed to the credit card
b. Hi Mary can you direct me to the credit card section, I was directed to the
accounts section?
c. Hi Mary could you help me withdraw money from the ATM ?

5. You ordered a chocolate cake, but you were delivered a pineapple cake.
ESL English for Success Take Home Tutor 5.11.11
Your complaint to the delivery man would be

a. Hi my cake was not delivered on the said time

b. Hi my cake was not of the quantity ordered
c. Hi I was delivered a pineapple cake, whereas I ordered a chocolate cake, could
you please replace it

6. Alice was given the wrong Registration number for her admission.
Her complaint to the Administration department would be

a. you have not given me the identity card

b. Hi maybe you have given me the wrong fee slip
c. Probably I have received the wrong registration number, could you please rectify

7. At the Airport -
Jennifer’s flight is cancelled.

a. Hi, can you please help me with the immigration formalities

b. Hello, can you please help me book a ticket
c. Hi, could you help me get my ticket refunded

8. Grocery Shop -
John was delivered Pepsi instead of Coke. What did he say to the delivery man

a. I am extremely disappointed that you delivered Pepsi instead of Coke

b. Hi 500ml bottle was delivered instead of a 2litre one
c. Hi I was overcharged for the soft drink

9. Mobile Services -
Your bill was overcharged. What would you say at the Customer care desk

a. Hi my problem is that I am being overcharged for my mobile

b. Hi I am not getting proper network coverage
c. Hello my dialer tone has been changed without intimation

10. At a restaurant -
You have been served a burnt sandwich at a restaurant. What would you say to the

ESL English for Success Take Home Tutor 5.11.12

a. This is a burnt sandwich, maybe you should replace it
b. Get me another sandwich
c. This is not my order

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Exercise 6:

Vocabulary Exercise

Choose the most appropriate meaning of the word:

1. Vouchers
a. a written affidavit or authorization
b. coupons that offer for sale or sell at a reduced price

2. Vacant
a. Unoccupied
b. Not busy

3. Appointment
a. A fixed mutual agreement of meeting
b. To release from an obligation

4. Arrange to
a. A preliminary measure
b. Prepare or plan to

5. Complaint
a. an expression of discontent
b. a bodily ailment or disease

6. Maintenance
a. to keep in an existing state
b. the department responsible for maintaining

7. Inconvenience
a. something that causes discomfort, trouble, etc
b. a state of convenience

8. Confused
a. disoriented with regard to one's sense of time, place, or identity
b. to disturb in mind or purpose

9. Cooperation
a. an act or instance of working or acting together for a common purpose or benefit
b. the act or process of disassociating

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10. Specifically
a. exerting a distinctive influence
b. specified, precise, or particular

Vocabulary List

(Keep adding to the list yourself)

1. Guest Service Desk

2. Complaint
3. Air conditioning
4. Maintenance
5. Attend to
6. Specifically
7. Sea View
8. Arrange to
9. Misunderstanding
10. Sea Facing
11. Vacant
12. Inconvenience
13. Discount Vouchers
14. Cooperation
15. Appointments

ESL English for Success Take Home Tutor 5.11.15

Grammar Notes

What would you do if the pizza delivered to your home is cold, the bill that you received is
incorrect or the food at the restaurant seems stale? You would off course make a
complaint about the same.

You would make a complaint because you want the provider to correct the problem and
hopefully not make the error again.

Let us give you some ideas on how you can solve your problem:

1. Find the right person to complaint too (usually the customer service
2. Make sure you tell the person all the information about your concern so that they
can help you
3. Use any of the given below phrases to make a complaint and get your concern

Here are some ways you can make a complaint:

 I have a complaint to make. ...

 Sorry to bother you but...
 I'm sorry to say this but...
 I'm afraid I've got a complaint about...
 I'm afraid there is a slight problem with...
 Excuse me but there is a problem about...
 I want to complain about...
 I'm angry about...
 Excuse me. Can you help me? I have a problem
 My problem is that…
 Can I speak to the Manager
 Who do I need to speak about this problem….
 I think you might have forgotten to...
 There may have been a misunderstanding about...
 Don't get me wrong, but I think we should...
 I wonder if you could help me…..
 I’ve got a bit of a problem here, you see

Just remember: You might be angry when making a complaint but make sure to use polite
expressions to get someone to help you.

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ESL English for Success Take Home Tutor 5.11.17

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