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Marion Abilene R.

Navarro 11 – Leeuwenhoek

Endosymbiotic Hypothesis
The Endosymbiotic Hypothesis stated that the Mitochondria and Chloroplast were separate from the cell
2 billion years ago. According to this theory, the chloroplast was a bacterium which converted sunlight
into sugar while the mitochondria was an ancient
bacterium which had the capability to convert sugar
into energy using Oxygen gas. These two bacteria were
engulfed by the large host cell by wrapping its
membrane around each. This process is called
endosymbiosis. The bacteria stayed inside the host cell
permanently, which resulted to a complex structure
with combined capabilities from the mitochondria,
chloroplast, and host cell. Interestingly enough, the
chloroplast and mitochondria have their own DNA and
reproduce like bacteria. Also, they have a double
membrane which supports the notion that they were
engulfed by the larger host cell.

The following are other evidences of the

endosymbiotic hypothesis:

1. The mitochondria and the chloroplast are

double-membraned where in the outer membrane is
composed of proteins similar to those of the cell
2. The mitochondria and the chloroplast have
different inner membranes compared to their outer
membranes, which supports the notion that these were
engulfed by the host cell.
3. Both share the characteristics of ancient
bacteria, such as having their own circular DNA and
ribosome, and producing through binary fission.

Do you agree/ Disagree?

I agree with the hypothesis.


I agree with the endosymbiosis theory because it gives a detailed explanation of how the ancient bacteria
evolved to form a complex cell. It provides strong evidences which gives a clear picture of how the process
could have happened and why it is possible. It provides a clear explanation on how the cell is capable of
performing complex functions, and why it has a complex structure. Overall, the hypothesis is very strong
and convincing because of the evidences that support it.

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