Node Failure Localization in Communication Networks Via Network Tomography

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Node Failure Localization In Communication Networks Via Network Tomography


Effective monitoring of network performance is essential for network

operators in building reliable communication networks that are robust to service
disruptions. In order to achieve this goal, the monitoring infrastructure must be able to
detect network misbehaviors (e.g., unusually high loss/latency, unreachability) and
localize the sources of the anomaly (e.g., malfunction of certain routers) in an
accurate and timely manner. Knowledge of where problematic network elements
reside in the network is particularly useful for fast service recovery, e.g., the network
operator can migrate affected services and/or reroute traffic. However, localizing
network elements that cause a service disruption can be challenging. The
straightforward approach of directly monitoring the health of individual elements is
not always feasible due to traffic overhead, access control, or lack of protocol support
at internal nodes. Moreover, built-in monitoring agents running on network elements
cannot detect problems caused by misconfigured/unanticipated interactions between
network layers, where end-to-end communication is disrupted but individual network
elements along the path remain functional (a.k.a. silent failures). These limitations
call for a different approach that can diagnose the health of network elements from the
health of end-to-end communications perceived between measurement points. One
such approach, generally known as network tomography, focuses on inferring internal
network characteristics based on end-to-end performance measurements from a subset
of nodes with monitoring capabilities, referred to as monitors. Unlike direct
measurement, network tomography only relies on end-to-end performance (e.g., path
connectivity) experienced by data packets, thus addressing issues such as overhead,
lack of protocol support, and silent failures. In cases where the network characteristic
of interest is binary (e.g., normal or failed), this approach is known as Boolean
network tomography. In this project, we study an application of Boolean network
tomography to localize node failures from measurements of path states1. Under the
assumption that a measurement path is normal if and only if all nodes on this path
behave normally, we formulate the problem as a system of Boolean equations, where
the unknown variables are the binary node states, and the known constants are the
observed states of measurement paths.

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Node Failure Localization In Communication Networks Via Network Tomography


The goal of Boolean network tomography is essentially to solve this system of

Boolean equations. Because the observations are coarse-grained (path normal/failed),
it is usually impossible to uniquely identify node states from path measurements. For
example, if two nodes always appear together in measurement paths, then upon
observing failures of all these paths, we can at most deduce that one of these nodes (or
both) has failed but cannot determine which one. Because there are often multiple
explanations for given path failures, existing work mostly focuses on finding the
minimum set of failed nodes that most probably involves failed nodes. Such an
approach, however, does not guarantee that nodes in this minimum set have failed or
that nodes outside the set have not. Generally, to distinguish between two possible
failure sets, there must exist a measurement path that traverses one and only one of
these two sets. There is, however, a lack of understanding of what this requires in
terms of observable network properties such as topology, monitor placement, and
measurement routing. On the other hand, even if there exists ambiguity in failure
localization across the entire network, it is still possible to uniquely localize node
failures in a specific sub-network (e.g., sub-network with a large fraction of
monitors). To determine such unique failure localization in sub-networks, we need to
understand how it is related to network properties. In this project, we consider three
closely related problems: Let S denote a set of nodes of interest (i.e., there can be
ambiguity in determining the states of nodes outside S; however, the states of nodes in
S must be uniquely determinable). (1) If the number of simultaneous node failures is
bounded by k, then under what conditions can one uniquely localize failed nodes in S
from path measurements available in the entire network? (2) What is the maximum
number of simultaneous node failures (i.e., the largest value of k) such that any
failures within S can be uniquely localized? (3) What is the largest node set within
which failures can be uniquely localized, if the total number of failures is bounded by
k? Answers to questions (2) and (3) together quantify a network’s capability to
localize failures from end-to-end measurements: question (2) characterizes the scale
of failures and question (3) the scope of localization. Clearly, answers to the above
questions depend on which paths are measurable, which in turn depends on network
topology, placement of monitors, and the routing mechanism of probes.

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Node Failure Localization In Communication Networks Via Network Tomography


In any case, limiting machine additives that motive an management

disturbance can be checking out. The clean technique of in particular checking the
well-being of man or woman additives is not constantly attainable due to motion
overhead, get to control, or absence of convention bolster at internal hubs. Besides,
inherent checking experts walking on device additives can't recognize problems
caused by misconfigured/unforeseen associations between machine layers, wherein
cease-to-cease correspondence is disappointed however singular gadget components
along the way live utilitarian (a.Ok.A. Quiet disappointments). These confinements
require an trade technique which can examine the energy of system components from
the wellbeing of quit-to-end interchanges apparent among estimation focuses. One
such methodology, by using and massive referred to as machine tomography, centers
around inducing internal system attributes dependent on give up-to-end execution
estimations from a subset of hubs with staring at competencies, alluded to as displays.
In evaluation to coordinate estimation, prepare tomography simply depends on end-
to-end execution (e.G., manner availability) experienced by using records parcels, in
this manner tending to issues, for example, overhead, absence of conference bolster,
and quiet disappointments. In situations in which the gadget everyday for intrigue is
paired (e.G., everyday or fizzled), this system is called Boolean machine tomography.

In this task, we ponder an usage of Boolean device tomography to restrict hub

disappointments from estimations of manner states. Under the presumption that an
estimation way is ordinary if and just if all hubs on this manner act regularly, we
define the problem as an arrangement of Boolean situations, where the obscure factors
are the parallel hub states, and the found out constants are the watched conditions of
estimation ways. The goal of Boolean machine tomography is essentially to fathom
this arrangement of Boolean conditions. Since the perceptions are coarse-grained
(manner ordinary/fizzled), it's far typically hard to in particular distinguish hub states
from manner estimations. For example, at the off hazard that two hubs dependably
seem collectively in estimation methods, after looking disappointments of each this
sort of methods, we will at most find that the sort of hubs (or both) has flopped yet
cannot figure out which one. Since there are regularly exceptional clarifications for
given way disappointments, present paintings for the most element facilities round

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finding the base arrangement of fizzled hubs that maximum probable includes fizzled
hubs. Such a methodology, anyhow, does no longer ensure that hubs in this base set
have fizzled or that hubs out of doors the set have no longer. By and huge, to
apprehend conceivable disappointment units, there must exist an estimation manner
that crosses one and only a single of these units. There is, anyhow, a lack of
comprehension of what this calls for as some distance as substantive machine
properties, for instance, topology, screen association, and estimation directing. Then
once more, no matter whether there exists equivocalness in unhappiness dilemma over
the complete gadget, it's far as yet doable to remarkably restriction hub
disappointments in an specific sub-arrange (e.G., sub-coordinate with a big
department of displays). To decide such one in every of a kind sadness restriction in
sub-systems, we have to see how it's miles recognized with device residences. In this
project, we consider 3 firmly related issues: Let S mean an arrangement of hubs of
intrigue (i.E., there can be vagueness in figuring out the situations of hubs outdoor S;
be that as it may, the situations of hubs in S should be especially definite). (1) If the
quantity of concurrent hub disappointments is limited by using ok, at that factor
underneath what conditions can one incredibly limit fizzled hubs in S from manner
estimations available in the whole system? (2) What is the maximum extreme number
of synchronous hub disappointments (i.E., the largest estimation of ok) to such an
quantity that any disappointments internal S may be noticeably confined? (three)
What is the largest hub set internal which disappointments can be incredibly
restricted, if the aggregate quantity of disappointments is constrained via k? Answers
to questions (2) and (three) collectively compare a gadget's capacity to restriction
disappointments from give up-to-end estimations: query (2) describes the size of
disappointments and question (3) the volume of restrict. Unmistakably, answers to the
above inquiries depend upon which ways are quantifiable, which as a consequence is
predicated upon machine topology, state of affairs of screens, and the steerage tool of


A subset of hubs is screens which can start and gather estimations. Whatever
is left of the hubs are non-monitors. We count on that screens do not arise brief amid
the estimation system, as fizzled screens can be straightforwardly diagnosed and

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averted (accepting concentrated manage in the observing framework). Non-monitors,

alternatively, can fall flat, and a unhappiness event may also include synchronous
disappointments of different non-screens. Contingent upon the obtained testing
element, screens measure the situations of hubs by sending checks along particular


The organization of project report is given below:

Chapter 1

It explains about the introduction to the project, introduction about the area of
project, motivation, objectives of the project work and organization of the project

Chapter 2

It discuss about the Literature Survey. It includes effective set valued data via
top down, local generalization, a learning theory approach to non interactive database
privacy, structured learning for non smooth ranking losses, the cost of privacy,
publishing, our data, ourselves: privacy via distributed noise generation.

Chapter 3

It explains about the System Analysis. It includes domain analysis,

requirements analysis, and problem statement, scope of the project, problem
description, existing system, proposed system and module description.

Chapter 4

It explains about Feasibility Study. It includes economical feasibility,

technical feasibility, social feasibility and operational feasibility.

Chapter 5

It explains about Hardware and Software Requirements. It includes hardware

components and software components.

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Node Failure Localization In Communication Networks Via Network Tomography

Chapter 6

It explains about System Design. It includes input design, output design, code
design, Unified Modeling Language and database design.

Chapter 7

It explains about Implementation. It includes implementation criteria, java,

JDBC, Java Server Pages, Servlets and MySQL.

Chapter 8

It explains about Testing. It includes Introduction, Testing Tactics, Test Cases

and Testing Strategy.

Chapter 9

It explains about Conclusion and Future Enhancement. It includes project

work conclusion and project work future enhancement.

After all chapters it explains about Coding. It includes the code of home page
of this project. It includes Screen Shots of the entire project.

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Node Failure Localization In Communication Networks Via Network Tomography


A literature survey or literature review means study of references papers and

old algorithms that we have read for designing the proposed methods. It also helps in
coverage summarization of all the old references papers, their drawbacks. The
detailed literature survey for the project helps in comparing and differentiating
various methods, algorithms in various ways that have implemented in the research.


1) Mobile Target Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks With Adjustable

Sensing Frequency Creators: Y. Hu, M. Dong, K. Ota, et al

Step by using step commands to enjoy and display nature with over the
pinnacle fantastic is a pivotal research hassle in the Internet of Things (IOT). This
paper manages the great hassle of the dependability between the tremendous of goal
discovery and lifetime in wi-fi sensor structures. Two target-gazing plans are
proposed. One plan is Target Detection with Sensing Frequency K (TDSFK), which
disseminates the detecting time that as of now's maximum honest on a part of the
detecting time frame into the entire detecting duration. That is, the detecting
recurrence will increment from 1 to K. The specific plan is Target Detection with
Adjustable Sensing Frequency (TDASF), which alters the detecting recurrence on
those hubs that have last satisfactory. The activity influences show that the TDASF
plan can beautify the machine lifetime by using methods for added than 17.4% and
may lessen the weighted discovery postpone via strategies for in extra of one zero

2) PHACK: An Efficient Scheme for Selective Forwarding Attack Detection in

WSNs Creators: A. Liu, M. Dong, K. Ota, et al

In this paper, a Per-Hop Acknowledgment (PHACK)- basically primarily

based plan is proposd for every parcel transmission to run over unique sending
attacks. In our plan, the sink and every hub nearby the sending path produce an
affirmation (ACK) message for each procured parcel to test the normal package deal
transmission. The plan, wherein each ACK is convey down again to the supply hub
nearby an explicit directing route, can absolutely build the electricity opposite to
moves because it maintains an aggressor from trading off hubs in the go back

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Node Failure Localization In Communication Networks Via Network Tomography

guidance manner, which can in some different case intrude on the go back of hubs'
ACK parcels. For this condition, the PHACK plot additionally has better capability to
distinguish extraordinary parcel misfortune and choose presume hubs notwithstanding
better versatility towards ambushes. Another urgent inconvenience is the community
lifestyles of the PHACK plot, because it produces a greater range of affirmations than
past ACK-based totally plans. We display that the device lifestyles of the PHACK
conspire is not decrease than that of various ACK-primarily based plans in light of the
truth that the plan essentially expands the vitality permit in non-hotspot locales and
does no longer development the strength permit in hotspot districts. In addition, the
PHACK conspire noticeably streamlines the conference and is something however
tough to position into effect.

3) Load-adjusting in MANET briefest direction directing conventions

Creators: O. Souihli, M. Frikha, B. H. Mahmoud

Versatile impromptu systems (MANET) are framework appreciably less

systems, progressively molded via an independent gadget of portable hubs which can
be associated via faraway links. Since guidance is completed by strategies for hubs
with confined sources, stack must be efficiently apportioned through the community.
Something else, firmly stacked hubs can also make up a bottleneck that brings down
the machine exhibitions through strategies for clog and large deferrals. Lamentably,
stack adjusting is a essential lack in MANET briefest route steerage conventions, as
hubs on the middle of the network are a decent arrangement firmly stacked than the
others. In this way, we endorse, in this paper, stack adjusting systems that push the
visitors likewise from the point of interest of the machine. Fundamentally, we offer
novel directing measurements that don't forget hubs stage of centrality, for every
proactive and receptive guidance conventions. Recreations display that the proposed
components enhance the burden conveyance and drastically improve the system.

4) Data Gathering Optimization via Dynamic Sensing and Routing in

Rechargeable Sensor Networks
Creators: Y. Zhang, S. He, J. Chen
Information assembling in wi-fi sensor arranges typically consists of two
degrees: records detecting and measurements transmission, which command the
energy admission of each sensor. In Rechargeable Sensor Networks (RSNs), even as

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in transit to improve actualities amassing, vitality must be circumspectly allotted to

facts detecting and facts transmission due to time-distinctive sustainable electricity
landing and saved battery capability. In addition, the dynamic potential of network
topology have to be mulled over, for the cause that it'd affect the high-quality
statistics transmission. In this paper, we try to upgrade actualities hoarding with the
manual of usually considering records detecting and transmission. To this stop, we
first plan a Balanced Energy Allocation Scheme (BEAS) for every sensor to address
its ability utilize, which is proven to fulfill four requirements raised by way of
technique for realistic situations. At that factor we recommend a Distributed Sensing
Rate and Routing Control (DS2RC) calculation to commonly boost information
detecting and transmission, while making sure community fee. In DS2RC, every
sensor can adaptively regulate its transmit manipulate usage at a few segment in
gadget activity predictable with the measure of to be had vitality.We hypothetically
show the optimality and the intermingling of the proposed calculations. Broad
reproductions are finished to expose the execution of BEAS and DS2RC by using
methods for assessing with modern calculations.
5) Combining be given with location records for steering in far flung sensor
Creators: H.C.Leligou, P.Trakadas, S. Maniatis, P.Karkazis, T. Zahariadis

As the projects of wireless sensor structures multiply, the productivity in

supporting large sensor structures and imparting guarantee guarantees will become a
primary necessity inside the structure of the sizable systems management
conventions. Topographical steerage has been checked to viably manage expansive
gadget measurements whilst acknowledge as legitimate with the executives plans had
been regarded to assist in safeguarding against directing strikes. Once well known as
valid with certainties is obtainable for all community hubs, the directing
determinations can do not forget, i.e. Steering is probably founded on each area and
concur with traits. In this project, we take a gander at specific techniques to contain
have confidence installation essentially primarily based steerage plans and we suggest
an extremely good manner of fixing well known as legitimate with and zone
measurements. PC reproductions exhibit that the proposed steering rule uncovers big
execution as far as transport share, state of no activity time and direction optimality.

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Existing work can be broadly classified into single failure localization and
multiple failure localization. Single failure localization assumes that multiple
simultaneous failures happen with negligible probability. Under this assumption,
propose efficient algorithms for monitor placement such that any single failure can be
detected and localized. To improve the resolution in characterizing failures, range
tomography in not only localizes the failure, but also estimates its severity (e.g.,
congestion level). These works, however, ignore the fact that multiple failures occur
more frequently than one may imagine. In this project, we consider the general case of
localizing multiple failures.

3.1.1. Hindrances (Disadvantages)

 Localizing network elements that cause a service disruption can be

 Built-in monitoring mechanism running on network elements cannot detect
problems caused by misconfigured/unanticipated interactions between
network layers, where end-to-end communication is disrupted but individual
network elements along the path remain functional (i.e., silent failures).


Propose two novel measures to quantify the capability of failure localization,

(i) maximum identifiability index of a given node set, which characterizes the
maximum number of simultaneous failures such that failures within this set can be
uniquely localized, and (ii) maximum identifiable set for a given upper bound on the
number of simultaneous failures, which represents the largest node set within which
failures can be uniquely localized if the failure event satisfies the bound. We show
that both measures can be expressed as functions of per-node maximum identifiability
index (i.e., maximum number of failures such that the failure of a given node can be
uniquely determined). We establish necessary/sufficient conditions for uniquely
localizing failures in a given set under a bound on the total number of failures, which
are applicable to all probing mechanisms. We then convert these conditions into more

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concrete conditions in terms of network topology and placement of monitors, under

the three different probing mechanisms (CAP, CSP, and UP), which can be tested in
polynomial time.
Advantages of Proposed System:

 The proposed system can significantly improves the capability of node failure
localization over uncontrollable probing.


1.Network Topology Module

2.Monitors Module
3.Probing Mechanism Module

3.3.1.Network Topology

The network topology is known and models it as an undirected graph. The

graph can represent a logical topology where each node in graph corresponds to a
physical sub network. Without loss of generality, we assume graph is connected, as
different connected components have to be monitored separately.

A subset of nodes is monitors that can initiate and collect measurements. The
rest of the nodes are non-monitors. We assume that monitors do not fail during the
measurement process, as failed monitors can be directly detected and excluded
(assuming centralized control within the monitoring system). Non-monitors, on the
other hand, can fail, and a failure event may involve simultaneous failures of multiple
non-monitors. Depending on the adopted probing mechanism, monitors measure the
states of nodes by sending probes along certain paths.

3.3.3.Probing Mechanism
The probing mechanism plays a crucial role in determining path. Depending
on the flexibility of probing and the cost of deployment, we classify probing
mechanisms into one of three classes:
1) Controllable Arbitrary-path Probing (CAP): Path includes any path/cycle,
allowing repeated nodes/links, provided each path/cycle starts and ends at (the same
or different) monitors.

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2) Controllable Simple-path Probing (CSP): Path includes any simple (i.e.,

cycle-free) path between different monitors.
3) Uncontrollable Probing (UP): Path is the set of paths between monitors
determined by the routing protocol used by the network, not controllable by the

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The feasibility observe is an estimation and evaluation of the various capacity

necessities of a projected undertaking that's based on extensive and sizeable
investigation and superior research work to sustain the process of appropriate
selection making. Feasibility Study is particular take a look at of making evaluation
and collecting facts for growing the project. A viability interpret is pressure widely to
feign the scourge corpus juris that meets overall performance requirements. The filthy
pointing of the workability interpret sortie is to establish necessarily it'd be financially
and technically base to broaden the forecast. The practicality criticize skirmish
includes the dissection of the calling and collecting of throughout befitting answer
voice-over to the product along with the surrogate info surely which could be input to
the criterion criteria, the processing scheduled to be hassle remote places on these
info, the procure textual content destined to be come up through the customs as
considerably as various constraints at the behaviour of the machine. This examine
gives records regarding Technical Information, Economical or Cost Information,
Operational Study, Social and various other studies that are possible in designing the
project or not. The foremost regions taken into consideration in feasibility evaluation
are as follows.

1. Economic Feasibility

2. Technical feasibility

3. Operational Feasibility


The motive of the monetary feasibility appraisal is to decide the nice monetary
blessings related price, expenditure and other protection to the corporation that the
proposed device will provide. It includes numerous expenditures and budges related
to quantification and identification of all of the financial necessities for designing the
undertaking that's anticipated. This estimation obviously involves a fee blessings
evaluation. Budgetary dissection is the worst in many instances worn increase for
comparing the act of a minimum corpus juris. Prevalent oft-times track as Assert / In
compliance interpretation, the entry is to appoint the penny-pinching and number one

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Node Failure Localization In Communication Networks Via Network Tomography

lapse are obligated -up from a proposed machine and compare them with reduce
corners. If parsimonious preponderate over charges, a arbitration is phony to
obstruction and apply the gadget. Else, shelved bidding or adjustment within the
proposed machine backbone project to be made if it's miles to essay a fluke of being
approved. This is an leisurely commitment go improves in correctness at till the end
of time epoch of the system existence cycle.


In technical feasibility examine we attention on the device requirements for

development of the challenge. It is technically viable to design the project because
the whole modules described in the modules description can be created the usage of
Front-End interaction JSP and Tomcat Server sports the use of Java 1.7. As the
venture modules are centered on wireless sports, java helps J2ME Java Mobile
Edition packages for wireless programming, J2EE Java Enterprise Edition packages
for Networking programming. To implement the venture we've selected the given
technical environment, we require Pentium/Core-2 Duo Processor with 2 GB Ram
and eighty GB Hard disk and Java Programming language.


Our software affords Graphical Interface for the stop consumer and which
very easy and feasible to function. The the front stop navigations are created using
Java swings which presents very smooth to the user to enter the essential records and
get the vital outputs. The undertaking is extraordinarily consumer interactive
application and community primarily based. The project is provided with numerous
home windows, buttons and different graphical navigations so that the device is
completely operationally viable.

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Operating System : Windows XP/7/8

Front End : Swings
Database : MySQL 5.5
Programming language : Jdk 6


Processor : Core i3
Speed : 1.2 GHZ
RAM : 4 GB

Hard Disk : 500 GB

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System design or system planning is the procedure of defining the project

structure, architecture, planning, components, modules, interfaces, and data elements
for a system to satisfy the design requirements and helps to start the work in planned
way. Systems design or planning could be seen as the appliance of systems
philosophy and helps to product development in a systematic manner. There is some
extensions with the disciplines of systems analysis and planning, systems architecture
and development engineering. System design is broadly divided in two activities.
 Logical design
 Physical design


The logical design of a system is concerned to an theoretical representation of

the project planning using uml flows, data flows, inputs and outputs of the system.
Logical design is also called as graphical modelling of system planning. In the logical
context of systems design are included. This project has processed various uml, dfd
and er diagrams for better planning and implementation.


The physical design and planning relates to the real and actual input and
output processes to be given the system. This is process is a study of various data
inputs and outputs to be processed in the system. Physical design involves in user
interface design front end screens, data design back end tables and process design


The uml is a general and all purpose modeling and planning language in the
software engineering field, which provides a standard way to envisage or
Specifying-building models that is precise, unambiguous, and complete.
1. Constructing-directly connected to various programming languages.
2. Visualizing-modeling textually as well as graphically.
3. Documenting-addressing of all architecture details.

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6.3.1. Class diagram

A class diagram is a set of various related objects that share the same
characteristics called attributes operations called activities, relationships called
associations and semantics called rules. A class is a whole set of objects. Its
representation is

Architects look at class diagrams to see if any class has too many functions
and see if they are required to be split.

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Class diagram:

Fig.6.1. Class Diagram

A class diagram is a set of objects that share the same attributes, operations,
relationships and semantics. A class is not an individual object, rather it represents
whole set of objects.

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6.3.2. Use Case Diagram

These are the behavioral diagrams which are used to model the system
behavior it contains actors usecases and the way relate to each other. Here an actor
can be a either a user or an entity or another system which interacts with the usecase.
The use case with in a diagram defines a set of actions that a system can perform
through interactions with outside actors or users. We can specify the various
relationships like Generalization, Include, Extend relationships.

The extend relationship; it is used to specify the target use case extends the
behavior of source use case. They include relationship; basis use case incorporates the
performance of another use case. The generalization relationship, the objects of one
entity can be substituted with the objects of another entity.

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Use Case Diagram

File Upload

Data Transmission


Receive File



Download File


Traffic Attack

Energy Attack

Fig 6.2. Use Case Diagram

ACTOR: Actor is the user of the system, who performs action on the system and to
whom the system yields an observable result of value.

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6.3.3. Sequence Diagram

It is type and communication diagram that emphasizes the time order of

messages. The objects pass among themselves with respect to time ordering of those


It contains
1. Object: It is represented as horizontal rectangle.
2. Object Lifeline: It provides the presenence of a thing at a period of time
3. Focus of control: It is a tall, thin rectangle that shows the period of time during
which an object is performing an action.

1. Messages: It is communication between objects, shown a solid horizontal arrow

from one object to another object.

The diagram given below represents how the message can be send

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Sequence diagram:

sender router IDE receiver attacker

1. File Upload
2. Send for Attack Detection

3. Attack Data

4. Apply SAAR Protocol

(Increaes Efficiency for
Next Data Transmission)

5. Send Data

8. Receive Ackw 7. Receive Ackw

6. send Ackwnowledgement

Fig 6.3. Sequence Diagram

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6.3.4. Activity Diagram

It provides workflow of stepwise activities and actions. They are stateless and
automatically transfer to the next state upon finishing. The diamond is a conditional
branch that determines which activity to transition too based on a condition and it is
also stateless. Activity Diagram consists of
1. Action states.
2. Transition.
3. Objects.
4. Contains Fork, Join and branching relations along with flow Chart symbols.

Representation of Activity Diagram

1. Action State is represented as a shape with straight top and bottom and with
convex areas on the two sides.
2. Diamond shape symbol represents branching. It specifies alternate paths and
decision satisfying the constraint.
3. Transition represent Flow of control between Start state and end state.
4. Objects translate flow of control within an activity diagram. Objects are
connected to action or transition using dependency relationship.

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Activity diagram:

Fig 6.4. Activity Diagram

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Java server pages (jsp) is a advanced internet server language that helps
application and internet developers in creating a statistical and dynamically web pages
based on dhtml,html, xml. The language was introduced in the year 1999 by the
software company named sun microsystems. The language uses the java compiler. To
deploy and run jsp pages, a suitable web server with a inbuilt servlet container, such
as apache tomcat, weblogic or blazix.

The java server pages have an enhanced dynamic scripting facility that works
in connection with hyper text markup language code, dividing the page logic from the
static elements related to dynamic actions, the proposed or actual design of pages
provides a help to make the hyper language more functional.

A java server page is translated into servlet before being executed, and it
processes hyper transfer protocol requirements and creates responses like any servlet.
The java technology imparts a more flexible way to code a servlet. The jsp translation
occurs the first time the application as it run. A java page translator is produced to
trigger the java page file name extension in a unified resource locator. The java pages
are fully attached with servlets in execution of the code. The jsp pages include getting
the output from a servlet or sending the output to a servlet, and a servlet can include
both input and output from a java page.

7.2. MYSQL

The rdbms mysql makes well organized use of all systems resources, on all
various hardware architecture; the rdbms mysql is a open source extended relational
database management system it is named after co-founder michael widenius's.

Features of mysql

1. Provides triggers programming for advanced relational model.

2. Provides dynamic cursors programming to control and programming at run
3. The rdbms provides updatable views for fasting the selections and updating.

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4. The information schema provides various role controlling on the database.

5. The advanced independent storage engines controls and restricts the attackers
to attack the data.
6. Query caching provides faster execution of views for selection.
7. The embedded database library unicode supports the acid compliance cluster.
8. The partitioned tables provides with pruning of partitions in optimizer
9. Custom storage engines provides role based access and usage.


To design, program and develop java server pages and servlets,we require a
compatible web server connected java compiler such as apache tomcat, blazix, web
logic, the dynamic

The apache tomcat server was started off as a servlet class link reference
implementation and invented by james duncan davidson, a software architect and
engineer at sun microsystems. He later helped to make the compiler open source and
processed a main role in its developing and designing by sun microsystems to the
apache software foundation. The apache program build automation tool was once
developed as a aspect-outcome of the construction of tomcat as an open source task.

Within the phase of implementation application development is involved with

designing, translating design requirements into supply code. The foremost intention of
implementation is to write the source code internal documentation in order that
conformance of the code to its specification can be easily verified, and so that
debugging, testing and modifications are erased. This goal is achieved by making the
source code as clear and straightforward as possible. The simple clean and
modishness are the trademark of good programs. The gloom and cleverness and
complexity are indications of inadequate design and misdirected thinking.

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Testing Software is a basic procedure which incorporates numerous exercises,

components of programming magnificence attestation and speaks to a definitive audit
of determination, structure and coding, Software Testing presents a wide nature of an
intriguing fluctuation for the product engineers.

8.1.1. Testing Objectives

1. Testing is a series of steps which includes executing a program with various

inputs and intent of finding an error from the inputs and making the
developer to make corrections on error finding.
2. A good Software test case is one that has a possibility of finding an
undiscovered error in the designed program.
3. A successful Software Testing is one that exposes an unknown or
undiscovered error.

These above objectives imply a dramatic change in view port.

Software Testing is a series of steps but it cannot show the absence of defects
and errors but it can only show various errors that are found software or program.

8.1.2. Test Case Design

Any Software product can be tested in one of two ways:

White Box Testing

White Box Testing is also called as Open or Glass box testing. In White Box
Testing, by finding the specified program or function that a software product or a
software program has been designed or developed to perform or execute the test can
be implemented and conducted for the demonstrates each program or function in a
fully operated at the same time finding for errors in each program. It is a glass box or
open test case design method that uses the wide control on structure of the procedural
program and design to find and drive the test cases. The starting path testing activities
is a white box testing.

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Black Box Testing

In Black Box testing by understanding and knowing the various program

internal operation of a application or product or program, Black Box Testing can be
conducted to guarantee that all gears mesh of the internal activities of the product or
program or application can be tested. The process provides a internal operation to
check the performance and specifications of all the internal mechanism which have
been passably exercised. Black Box Testing fundamentally focuses on the functional
activities and requirements of the software.


Software Testing Strategy integrates the software test cases into a series of
well planned steps and series of planned procedures that result in the successful
construction, Design and Implementation of a software. Various Software testing
Methods are referred for Verification and Validation. Software Verification refers to
the set of activities on the designed functions and programs for ensuring that the
software or the product correctly implements a specific function or the required
output. Software Validation refers to a set of activities that ensure that the software or
product or application that has been built for traceable to customer’s requirements and
providing the customer to input valid data and make Data store free from redundancy.

8.2.1. Unit Testing

In software testing, Unit testing mainly focuses on verification effort on the

smallest unit of program or software design that is also called a module. In unit
testing the procedural or functional design provides a detailed description as a guide,
focal the control paths are tested to uncover errors occurred in the designed software
within the boundaries of the module. The unit testing of software is normally white
box or open testing oriented and the series of steps can be conducted in corresponding
or parallel for multiple modules or functions.

8.2.2. Integration Testing

Integration testing is another Testing for systematic technique and product

module integrating which constructs the program structure and makes the data flow
between the modules, while conducting Integration Testing it requires to uncover
errors associated with various interfaces. The main objective is to take unit tested
methods and activities to build a program structure that have been dictated by design.
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Top-Down Integration

The next Testing process is top down integrations is an sequence approach for
construction and testing of a program structure. In a Software or product or
application various modules are integrated with each other by moving downward
through the systematic control hierarchy between the modules, beginning with the
main control or home control or index program. Various activities or modules
connected to the main program are included in the structure of the project or either in
the breath first or depth first manner.

Bottom-up Integration

The next testing method as the name suggests, which begins in construction
and testing with various atomic modules of the product i.e., modules or functions at
the lowest level. Because the all the functions or modules are having integration
between bottom up manner in which the processing is required for the modules
having connection to a given level is always available and the need for remnant is

8.2.3. Validation Testing

The Validation Testing is integration testing for software which is completely

assembled as a package. The validation Testing is mainly performed at the end
approach of the user needs in testing the information inputed to the product and
information contained in those sections are to validated through various testing

The sensible prospect is defined in the software development with a

requirement specification, and a document that gives de tailed information of all user
visible attributes of the software methodologies. The document of specification
contains a section titled Validation Criteria in which the end user should follow
various indications in give the inputs.

8.2.4. System Testing

To check system activities related to computer we process system testing

which is actually a series of different tests whose primary purpose is to test the
functionalities of computer based system. Even though each test has a different
purpose of checking the validations and integrations of product, all work is to verify

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that all system elements and system activities which have been properly integrated to
perform allocated functions.

8.2.5. Security Testing

Attempts to verify the protection and security mechanisms built into the
system for protecting the data, program and other integrations related to system.

8.2.6. Performance Testing

In software engineering, performance testing is processed to check the

workload, usage of system, memory, processing, network and other system
functionalities. It can also serve to investigate measure the program structure and its
process activities inside the system.

Table 8.1: Test Case Results

Sl.NO. Test Case Excepted Result Test Result

Software should display
Start Node form to select data
1 home page or user options Successful
and send packets
Software should displays
2 Enter invalid details Successful
error page
3 Receives the Data from Server Software takes proper Successful
in protected way inputs and stores in the
4 Enter invalid details Software should displays Successful
error page
5 Attacking Activities are shown Software takes proper Successful
inputs and stores in the
6 Enter invalid details Software should displays Successful
error page

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These probing mechanisms clearly provide decreasing flexibility to the

monitors and therefore decreasing capability to localize failures. However, they also
offer increasing ease of deployment. CAP represents the most flexible probing
mechanism and provides an upper bound on failure localization capability. In
traditional networks, CAP is feasible at the IP layer if strict source routing is enabled
at all nodes, 3 or at the application layer if equivalent “source routing” is supported by
the application. Moreover, CAP is also feasible under an emerging networking
paradigm called software-defined networking (SDN), where monitors can instruct the
SDN controller to set up arbitrary paths for the probing traffic. In contrast, UP
represents the most basic probing mechanism, feasible in any communication
network, that provides a lower bound on the capability of failure localization as
shown. CSP represents an intermediate case that allows control over routing while
respecting a basic requirement that routes must be cyclefree. CSP is implementable by
MPLS (MultiProtocol Label Switching), where the “explicit routing” mode allows
one to set up a controllable, non-shortest path using labels so long as the path is
cyclefree. Alternatively, CSP can be implemented by deploying VPN(Virtual Private
Networks) over IP networks, where the cycle-free property is also required when
selecting paths between VPN end-points. These three probing mechanisms capture the
main features of several existing and emerging routing techniques. Our goal is to
quantify how the flexibility of a probing mechanism affects the network’s capability
to localize failures.

Further showed that these conditions lead to tight upper/lower bounds on the
maximum identifiability index, as well as inner/outer bounds on the maximum
identifiable set. We showed that both the conditions and the bounds can be evaluated
efficiently using polynomialtime algorithms. Our evaluations on random and real
network topologies showed that probing mechanisms that allow monitors to control
the routing of probes have significantly better capability to uniquely localize failures.

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import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;

import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import java.awt.event.ItemListener;






import java.sql.Connection;

import javax.swing.*;

public class Attacker extends JFrame implements ActionListener

JPanel p1;

JLabel l1,l2,l3;

JTextField t1,t2;

JTextArea ta;

JScrollPane pane;

JButton b1,b2;

String keyWord = "ef50a0ef2c3e3a5fdf803ae9752c8c66";

JComboBox c1,c2;

public Font f1 = new Font("Times new roman", Font.BOLD, 25);

public Font f2 = new Font("Times new roman", Font.BOLD, 15);


p1=new JPanel();

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p1.setBackground(new Color(192,92,70));

setTitle("Attacker::Network Capability in Localizing Node Failures via

End-to-End Path Measurements");

l1=new JLabel("Select Network :");




l2=new JLabel("Select Node");




l3=new JLabel("Energy ");




t1=new JTextField();


//t2=new JTextField();

// t2.setBounds(160,150,100,25);

c1=new JComboBox();







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c2=new JComboBox();



b1=new JButton("Get Energy");


b2=new JButton("Modify");









public static void main(String[] args)

new Attacker();



}catch(Exception es){System.out.println(es);}

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a1)

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String clust=c1.getSelectedItem().toString();




















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String cluster=(c1.getSelectedItem()).toString();

String node=(c2.getSelectedItem()).toString();


Socket s1=new Socket("localhost",4444);

DataOutputStream dos5=new

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DataInputStream in5=new

String msg=in5.readUTF();

String ene=in5.readUTF();



}catch(Exception es){System.out.println(es);}


String cluster=(c1.getSelectedItem()).toString();

String node=(c2.getSelectedItem()).toString();

String men=t1.getText();


InetAddress ia = InetAddress.getLocalHost();

String ip1 = ia.getHostAddress();

Socket s1=new Socket("localhost",4445);

DataOutputStream dos5=new





DataInputStream in5=new

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String msg=in5.readUTF();


JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Successfully Attacked");


JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You Are Blocked");

}catch(Exception es){System.out.println(es);}

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Screen 1.1.:Source Module to Select A file and Transmit to Router

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Screen 1.2. Source Module (A File Selected)

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Screen 1.3. Sending File to Destination (A)

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Screen 1.4. Displaying Router to send data

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Screen 1.5. Showing Data Transmission from source

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Screen 1.6. Displaying congestion at Node 11

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Screen 1.6. showing routing details

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Screen 1.7. Showing Node Path Details

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Screen 1.8. Router Manager view

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Screen 1.8. showing Destination A

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Screen 1.9. Fixing energy to Sender Note

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Screen 1.10. Successfully attacked

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Screen 1.11.Source Module to Select A file and Transmit to Router

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Screen 1.12.Source Module (A File Selected)

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Screen 1.13. Sending File to Destination (A)

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Screen 1.14. Displaying Router to send data

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Screen 1.15. Showing Data Transmission from source

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Screen 1.16. Displaying congestion at Node 11

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Screen 1.17. Showing Routing Details

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Screen 1.18. Showing Node Path Details

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Screen 1.19. Router Manager view

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Screen 1.20. Showing Destination A

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Screen 1.21. Fixing Energy

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