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Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

Published online 22 November 2010 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/ird.596




UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education, Delft, the Netherlands
Centre for Public Works, Rijkswaterstaat, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands

The Yang River Basin, Thailand, has always been subjected to flooding, but due to recent developments in land use there is an
increase in the vulnerability in several parts of the river basin. To mitigate impacts of flooding, both structural and non-structural
measures can be taken. This paper discusses three scenario simulations focusing on flood retardation, retention, and damage
mitigation measures. A main tributary was simulated by a process-based hydrological model (SWAT) and coupled to the 1D/2D
SOBEK river routing model. The first scenario focused on retarding basins, the so-called natural flood storage, to reduce
downstream flood flows by storing excess floodwater in low-lying areas and releasing it after the peak has passed. The second
scenario concerned a green river (bypass channel) to provide storage and drainage through a large, shallow retardation basin,
and an outlet for water discharge from upstream. The third scenario concerned the effect of dikes to protect areas from
inundation. The results show that the green river is the most appropriate solution since it can potentially reduce a 1% to a 10%
per year flood event, with a reduction of peak discharges of 14% in comparison to 9.2% reduced by natural flood storage.
Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
key words: flood management; structural measures; natural flood storage; green river; SWAT; 1D/2D SOBEK

Received 13 January 2009; Revised 22 February 2010; Accepted 13 June 2010

Le bassin du fleuve Yang, la Thaı̈lande, a toujours été soumis aux inondations, mais en raison de l’évolution récente de l’utilisation
des terres il ya une augmentation de la vulnérabilité dans plusieurs parties du bassin de la rivière. Pour atténuer les impacts des
inondations, à la fois structurelles et des mesures non structurelles peuvent être prises. Ce document traite de trois simulations de
scénarios mettant l’accent sur le retard des inondations, la conservation, et des mesures d’atténuation des dommages. Un affluent
principal a été simulée par un modèle basé sur les processus hydrologiques (SWAT) et couplé à la rivière SOBEK 1D/2D routage
modèle. Le scénario s’est d’abord concentré sur les bassins de retardement, ce qu’on appelle le stockage de ces eaux naturelles, pour
réduire les flux d’inondation en aval en stockant les eaux de crue excès dans les zones basses et de la libérer après le pic est passé. Le
deuxième scénario concerne une rivière verte (canal de dérivation) d’assurer le stockage et le drainage au moyen d’un grand bassin
peu profond retard, et une sortie de rejet d’eaux d’amont. Le troisième scénario concerne l’effet des digues pour protéger les zones
de l’inondation. Les résultats montrent que la rivière verte est la solution la plus appropriée, car elle peut potentiellement réduire de
1% à 10% par année de l’événement inondation, avec une réduction des débits de pointe de 14% en comparaison à 9,2% réduit par
un stockage d’inondation naturelles. Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
mots clés: gestion des inondations; des mesures structurelles; stockage de ces eaux naturelles; Green River; SWAT; 1D/2D SOBEK


* Correspondence to: Kittiwet Kuntiyawichai, UNESCO-IHE Institute for Floods have caused more damage than any other destructive
Water Education, P.O. Box 3015, 2601 DA Delft, the Netherlands. natural event in terms of loss of human life, damage to
Comparaison des options de gestion des inondations du bassin Yang, property and infrastructure, and influence on social and
Thailand. economic development (Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


(ADPC, 2005); Jonkman, 2005). Amounts of losses have economic well-being and environmental conditions. Under
risen all over the world, with enormous increases in the funding constraints, the implementation of a good flood
economic losses even in the least developed countries (e.g. management plan in the Yang River Basin is likely to face
Loster, 1999). The human and economic impacts of many challenges in the foreseeable future, as an effective
hydrological disasters (essentially floods) from 1988 up to flood management plan would have to rely on qualified
2007 show that they are highly influenced by the occurrence information about potential flood risks. As many regions
of ‘‘mega-disasters’’ affecting tens of millions of people lack hydrologic observations and models to estimate flood
and/or causing billions of dollars of economic damage risks, the government may need to consider investments in
(Scheuren et al., 2008). The frequency and intensity of data collection and analysis to address data gaps and
floods are rising as a result of reducing flood storage, improve understanding of potential flood risks.
increasing storm water runoff, and obstructing the move- Flood management has become increasingly complex in
ment of floodwater. Furthermore, infrastructure that is not view of possible changes in land use and climate. Therefore,
properly built in flood-prone areas may be subjected to flood detailed insights into future needs are essential to achieve
damage and threaten the health, safety and welfare of those efficient and successful flood management measures. Several
who use it. Additionally, rapid population growth and rapid studies have stressed the need for both structural and non-
urbanization have caused a large increase of people living in structural measures (e.g. Schultz, 2001; Mohapatra and Singh,
floodplains which influences the use and extent of natural 2003). Osti et al. (2008) stated that structural measures that are
floodplains. Obviously, human-induced changes in land use environmentally friendly, socially acceptable and cost-
are one of the significant reasons that exacerbate flood effective as well as non-structural measures need to be
occurrence and its severity in various river basins (Myers, promoted as part of community-based planning and imple-
1997; Schultz, 2001, 2006). mentation in accord with real needs and affordability. In
It is important to distinguish between floods and flooding. another study, Hsieh et al. (2006) assessed three structural
These terms are often used inconsistently, thus in this paper flood mitigation measures, including dikes, a diversion
the terms are defined as follows: channel, and a detention reservoir, for flood-prone lowlands
with high population density along the Keelung River in
 a flood is a temporary condition of surface water (e.g.
Taiwan. The results showed that a diversion channel is
river, lake, or sea), in which the water level and/or
superior to the other two measures for flood mitigation in the
discharge exceed a certain value, thereby escaping from
study area. As mentioned above, flood management issues are
their normal confines. However, this does not necessarily
becoming more complex and difficult to undertake due to
result in flooding (Munich-Re, 1997);
changes in land use. The study of Ott and Uhlenbrook (2004)
 flooding is defined as the overflowing or failing of the
appears to be one that has attempted to quantify the impact of
normal confines of a river, stream, lake, canal, sea. Also,
land use change on hydrological regimes.
accumulation of water as a result of heavy rainfall or other
This study aims to predict flood behaviour within a river
events such as dam breaks, by a lack or an exceeding of the
basin for various probabilities of flood occurrence, and to
discharge capacity of drains in the affected areas which are
identify the best flood management measures to accomplish a
normally not submerged (Douben and Ratnayake, 2006).
reduction in flood damage. Therefore, three scenarios, i.e.
The study area, the Yang River Basin, one of the major natural flood storage, green river, and dike construction, have
sub-basins of the Chi River Basin in the north-east of been formulated and investigated for the Yang River Basin.
Thailand, has always been subject to flooding, and it recently Prior to conducting hydraulic performance evaluations, a
became increasingly severe in the following years: 1978, widely used process-based hydrological model called the
1980, 1995, 2000, and 2001 (Royal Irrigation Department ‘‘Soil and Water Assessment Tool’’ (SWAT) (Di Luzio et al.,
(RID, 2005)). With the river basin almost fully utilized at 2005; Neitsch et al., 2005a, b) that simulates the relevant
present, with population and industrial growth and agricul- hydrological processes in a river basin, was applied. In
tural demand, it is impossible to avoid using and developing association with a combination of 1D modelling of rivers/
flood-prone areas, which causes severe conflicts between channels and 2D overland flow modelling, using the integrated
mankind and floods. The challenge in the Yang River Basin hydraulic model 1D/2D SOBEK (WLjDelft Hydraulics,
is to assess the magnitudes and scales of the positive and 2004), it was possible to do a generalized analysis of
negative effects of flooding, and flood characteristics along inundation processes in the floodplains. From model
the Yang River with its main tributaries, in order to provide simulations of rainfall events of different probabilities of
an opportunity to minimize loss of life and damage, while occurrence, the flood characteristics of flood discharge, flood
maintaining environmental benefits. Therefore, substantial depth, and inundation extent were obtained and adopted as
investment in the flood management system and a new flood criteria for evaluating the reliability and effectiveness of the
management philosophy is vitally important to public safety, proposed flood management measures.

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

PROBLEM STATEMENT AND Besides the major cause of floods described above, the
METHODOLOGY other causes that aggravate flooding problems in the
floodplain areas include insufficient storage and discharge
The selection of the Yang River Basin as a study area for the capacity of rivers, poor drainage and sewerage systems in
application of the SWAT and 1D/2D SOBEK models was populated areas, destruction of forest, poor management of
based on the experience of both flood-affected residents of the land, and the inadequacy of reservoirs.
Yang River Basin and residents living within the floodplain of Regarding the inadequacy or absence of reservoirs, it was
the Yang River. Moreover, the availability of input data, which well recognized that a long-term solution of flood problems
have been used to calibrate the models, was also taken into can be to create appropriate flood storage in reservoirs.
consideration as a criterion for selecting the study area. However, in the Yang River Basin the provision of existing
Floods in the Yang River Basin are normally caused by flood storage capacity is limited as it has only a few small
tropical storms and depressions, rarely by typhoons. They reservoirs. Hence, the existing flood storage capacity
cause heavy rain in their passage over land. The low-lying corresponding to large floods is negligible. Therefore,
areas of the flat alluvial floodplain usually experience construction of a large flood storage reservoir needs to be
flooding during the storm season. studied in more detail before setting up a successful flood
In 1980, severe flooding was experienced over vast areas management strategy in the Yang River Basin.
of the Yang River Basin, and was regarded as one of the most In other words, solutions to alleviate flood problems need
disastrous natural events ever recorded. It was apparently to be considered in a broad flood management context and
caused by excessive rainfall brought by two depressions would have to be designed, where practical and feasible, to
which occurred in September 1980. The maximum 24-hour produce effective flood mitigation measures.
rainfall was 147 mm in the province of Kalasin. Thousands
of urban residents were inundated. The Yang River Basin
Study Area
experienced very severe floods again in 1995 caused by the
combination of a tropical storm, the south-west monsoon The Yang River Basin is located in the north-east of
and low-pressure systems. They caused major floods in 19 Thailand. It encompasses an area of approximately
provinces in the north-east of Thailand. 4145 km2 (Figure 1) and has a population of about 545

Figure 1. The Yang River Basin, as part of the Chi River Basin, Thailand, including instrumentation network. This figure is available in colour online at

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

000 inhabitants. Only 4% of the area is urbanized. The day i, wseep [mm day1] is the amount of water entering the
dominant land use is agriculture (mainly paddy fields) which vadose zone from the soil profile on day i, and Qgw [mm
covers about 60% of the area. Forest covers about 33% and day1] is the amount of groundwater flow on day i.
water bodies about 3%. The main valley of the Yang River In principle, SWAT uses Hydrological Response Units
Basin is a flat alluvial floodplain, which is one of the main (HRUs) as the basis for its modelling to describe spatial
agricultural production areas of the Chi River Basin. heterogeneity in land cover and soil types within a sub-basin.
Historically this area suffers from frequent and extensive The HRUs are defined as lumped land areas within the sub-
flooding. Major flood events occurred in 1978, 1980, 1995, basin. The model estimates relevant hydrologic components
2000, and 2001 which affected several parts of the Chi River such as evapotranspiration, surface runoff, soil moisture, and
Basin (Royal Irrigation Department (RID, 2005)). groundwater recharge at each of the HRUs (Kangsheng,
The climate is primarily influenced by the south-west 2005). Since the model maintains a continuous water balance,
monsoon and is characterized by a rainy season from May to a distributed Soil Conservation Services (SCS) curve number
October and a dry season from November to April. Average is used for the computation of overland flow runoff. As a
annual rainfall is 1390 mm. The average monthly relative result, excess surface runoff not lost to other functions makes
humidity is 71%. After abstraction of available water for its way to the channels where it is routed downstream. The
total water requirements and allowing for evaporation from amount of input required for SWAT simulations depends on
storage and conveyance along rivers, approximately the purpose of the simulations. However, for basic watershed
1200  106 m3 of the natural river flow (mean annual hydrological modelling concentrating on flood prediction,
runoff) still remains in the river system (from 1320  106 m3 the minimal input requirements are topography, land use,
or 12% of the mean annual runoff of the Chi River Basin). soils, and hydrometeorological data.
Typically, the temporal flow distribution of this remaining
water has been significantly altered as a result of upstream
regulation and use, and it no longer reflects the character- Digital Elevation Model
istics of the natural streamflow. Consequently, the upstream Spatial information for the model was provided by a
regulation may alter the hydraulic gradient and results in the 300  300 m2 Digital Elevation Model (DEM). The DEM was
release of water from upstream. used in determining a grid’s flow direction and makes flow
The topography of the Yang River Basin is characterized by directions for grids closely follow the flow pattern suggested
a high plateau with an average elevation of approximately 600 by the DEM. In addition, DEM was also used to derive the
m þ MSL (mean sea level). It is situated in the Khorat plateau. drainage networks and eventually delineates the sub-basins in
A large part of this plateau is blanketed by consolidated order to provide an adequate representation of the landscape
sediments which consist of sandstone, shale, siltstone, and topography. Initially, the DEM was derived based on the
conglomerate. The slope of the river basin is steep in the product of the Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM;
upstream mountain area and flat in the lower part. Dominant 90  90 m2) and further topographical data available from the
soil textures range from coarse-loamy to fine-loamy which are Royal Thai Survey Department (scale 1: 50 000).
often poorly drained. The dominant soil covers approximately
65% of the Yang River Basin, which makes most of it suitable
for rice and field crop cultivation. Land Use Data
The land use patterns were derived from the Thailand
SWAT Model Description Land Development Department data sets (2001). These data
sets were received in the form of a digital map (scale 1: 50
SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool) is a spatially
000), with polygons representing different land use types.
semi-distributed, widely used process-based hydrological
Processing of the data was done by using ArcView GIS, and
model (Arnold et al., 1998). The hydrological processes in
categorizing known land uses into larger groups, which were
SWAT are based on the water balance equation:
matched to the appropriate land uses included in the
t   database of SWAT. Eventually, a total of 13 different land
SWt ¼ SW0 þ Pi Qsurf Ea wseep Qgw (1) uses were chosen for this study.

where SWt [mm day1] is the final soil water content, SW0
Soil Data
[mm day1] is the initial soil water content on day i, t [d] is
the time, Pi [mm day1] is the amount of rainfall on day i, The soil data were also gathered from the Thailand Land
Qsurf [mm day1] is the amount of surface runoff on day i, Ea Development Department (2001) at the 1: 50 000 scale and
[mm day1] is the amount of actual evapotranspiration on clipped to fit the domain of the Yang River Basin. The upper

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

soil layer is used in SWAT for calculating infiltration, Regarding the frequency analysis of maximum discharges at
ponding and runoff generation. The 20 different types of soil the Mahachanachai station (E20A) (the downstream part of
and rock that exist in the river basin were introduced into the Chi River Basin), the 2001 flood corresponded with a
SWAT in the form of a digital map. A series of attributes was probability of occurrence of 4% per year (Pawattana et al.,
assigned to each type of soil, e.g. depth, saturated hydraulic 2007), which was one of the most devastating recent flood
conductivity and soil texture. The soil pattern in the river occurrences. Therefore, hydrological data in 2001 were used
basin is one of the vital input data sets to the model; it is for model calibration. Moreover, since no continuous
combined with the land use data to determine areas with discharge measurements were available no formal validation
similar hydrological response (HRU), without reference to of the model could be done.
its actual spatial position within each sub-basin (semi- The start date for all model simulations was 1 January
distributed set-up). 2000. Model outputs were only displayed for the calibration
period 1 June–31 October 2001. A one and a half year
initialization or start-up period was used, so the impacts of
Hydrometeorological DATA uncertain initial conditions in the model were minimized.
As no daily time series data were available at the outlet of
The meteorological data were derived from eight
the Yang River Basin being modelled, calibration was
meteorological stations and four additional rainfall stations
undertaken at the Ban Kut Kwang gauged site (E70) within
in and around the Yang River Basin (Figure 1). Daily rainfall
the river basin. Before calibration, a sensitivity analysis was
records were converted to obtain areal coverage by using the
performed in order to determine the nine parameters to
Thiessen polygon method.
which the model results are most sensitive. Consequently,
Three time series of streamflow data were derived from
these nine parameters were then used in the calibration
hydrological stations. The daily streamflow data at the Ban
process in order to obtain good discharge simulations at
Kut Kwang station (E70) for the period 1 June–31 October
station E70. Thereafter, the calibrated model parameters
2001 were used for the calibration of the model. The
were used to simulate streamflow using different rainfall
meteorological data used were daily temperature, average
scenarios for the predictions of the tributary inflows with a
mean monthly values of wind speed, solar radiation and
specified probability of occurrence at all the selected points
relative humidity, corresponding to the period 1980–2005.
on the Yang River. A ranking of the most sensitive
parameters is given in Table I.
The SWAT model generally has a large number of
SWAT Model Application
parameters to capture the various physical characteristics of
The SWAT model was tested for identifying and a hydrologic system. Manual calibration of such models is a
quantifying a provision for channel routing of runoff from very tedious and daunting task, and its success depends on
tributary sub-basins. The daily SWAT simulation covered subjective assessment with knowledge of the basic
the period 1 January 2000–31 December 2001. This period approaches and interactions in the model. In order to
was chosen because the availability of input data. Moreover, alleviate these shortcomings, an automatic calibration
the chosen simulation period was also based on the historical procedure called PARASOL (Parameter Solutions Method)
data, as the floods of 2000 and 2001 are one of the most (Van Griensven and Meixner, 2007) was applied to each
devastating floods in the history of the Chi River Basin. sub-basin separately. The PARASOL method operates by a

Table I. Ranking of the nine most sensitive parameters and their variation range for autocalibration (in alphabetical order)

Parameter Description Unit Range Process

ALPHA_BF Baseflow alpha factor day 0–1 Groundwater

CH_N Manning coefficient for channel – 0.01–0.50 Channel
CN2a SCS runoff curve number for moisture condition II – 25% to 25% Runoff
ESCO Soil evaporation compensation factor – 0–1 Evaporation
GW_DELAY Groundwater delay day 0–50 Groundwater
GWQMN Threshold water depth in the shallow aquifer required for return flow to occur mm 0–5000 Soil
RCHRG_DP Groundwater recharge to deep aquifer – 0–1 Groundwater
SOL_AWCa Available water capacity of the soil layer mm H2O/mm soil 10% to 10% Soil
SURLAG Surface runoff lag coefficient – 0–10 Runoff

These distributed parameters are changed by a certain percentage, i.e. relative change ( 10% and 25%), whereby the HRUs initially having the highest
(lowest) parameter values will remain having the highest (lowest) values, in order to maintains their spatial relationship.

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

parameter search method for model parameter optimization, system of equations at water level points, with all water
the so-called Shuffle Complex Evolution algorithm (Duan levels in each element.
et al., 1992). Subsequently, a statistical method was then
performed during the optimization to provide parameter
1D/2D SOBEK Model Application
uncertainty bounds and the corresponding uncertainty
bounds on the model outputs (Van Griensven et al., 2006). For the application of the 1D/2D SOBEK, the model
needs to be set up in order to identify the propagation of
floods through floodplain areas with a time step of 10 min
1D/2D SOBEK Model Description (rather than daily) to deal with flood simulations. The
Water movement in the stream channel in 1D/2D SOBEK hydraulic system of the Yang River was schematized using
is described by a finite difference approximation, based upon the following input:
a staggered grid approach as shown in Figure 2(a). In the 1D/ 1 1DFLOW module, GIS layers were imported representing
2D SOBEK model, the interactions between the 1D and the the stream network and lateral inflow points. These layers
2D schematizations are combined in a shared continuity were derived from 1: 50 000 digitized survey maps.
equation at the grid points where water levels are defined as 2 The overland flow (2D):
illustrated in Figure 2(b) (Frank et al., 2001).
 the topography was defined using a 300  300 m2
dVi;j ðzÞ h i Digital Elevation Model (DEM), based on detailed
þ Dy ðuhÞi;j ðuhÞi1;j topographic maps, 30  30 m2 DEM and SRTM data.
h i LX
ði;jÞ (2) It should be noted that the effects of the grid resolution
þ Dx ðvhÞi;j ðvhÞi;j1 þ Qkl ¼ 0 and vertical precision for the success of hydrologic and
i¼1 hydraulic modelling have not been evaluated as it is not
the main purpose of this study. It seems that these are
where V [m3] is the combined 1D2D volume, t [s] is time, u not the real factors controlling the quality of terrain
[m s1] is the 2D layer velocity in the x direction, v [m s1] is parameters but need to be inferred from the scale of
the 2D layer velocity in the y direction, h [m] is the total research and quality of the given topographic data. The
water height above the 2D bottom, z [m] is the water level DEM covered approximately 4145 km2 and served as
above the plane of reference (the same for 1D and 2D), Dx input to the flood simulations. The DEM used in the
[m] is the 2D grid size in the x (or i) direction, Dy [m] is the hydraulic model is shown in Figure 3;
2D grid size in the y (or j) direction, Qkl [m3 s1] is the 1D  boundary conditions in the form of discharge at the
discharge flowing out of control volume through link kl, upstream and water levels on the downstream side;
L(i,j) is the number of 1D branches connected to 2D nodal  tributary inflows at all the selected points on the Yang
point (i, j) and i, j, k, l is the integer numbers for 2D nodal River as a result of SWAT simulations and used as the
point and 1D channel numbering. input (coupled) with the 1D/2D SOBEK model for flow
The momentum equation is applied at grid points where routing;
discharges (1D) or velocities (2D) have been defined. The  cross sections from the streamflow station Ban Kut
velocities are eliminated by substitution of the momentum Chim Khum Mai (E57) to the confluence of the Chi
equation into the continuity equation. This results in a River (Figure 3);

Figure 2. Schematization of the hydraulic model: (a) combined 1D/2D staggered grid; (b) combined continuity equation for 1D2D computations (adapted from
Frank et al., 2001)

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

Figure 3. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the Yang River and its floodplain as applied in the 1D/2D SOBEK routing model. This figure is available in colour
online at

 time series of 1980–2005 of water levels and dis- capability to capture the flood generation processes.
charges at various streamflow stations; Therefore, the flood propagation was computed by coupling
 estimation of the roughness coefficients for the main the SWAT model to the 1D/2D SOBEK model, thereby
channel was obtained by calibrating the roughness in tackling the numerical problems (Figure 4). The output from
the river channel using 1D modelling of rivers/channels the SWAT model, i.e. discharges at the outlet points, was
(1D SOBEK). The characteristics of the floodplain used in the 1D/2D SOBEK model as discharge boundary
were derived from the available literature. Hence, conditions (lateral inflows) at the main river (Yang River).
Manning’s roughness n for the entire river channel By using the 1D/2D SOBEK model, the flood propagation in
and the floodplain was used as 0.055 s m1/3 and the main river was simulated. The estimation of flood
0.100 s m1/3, respectively. Meanwhile, they were propagation, on the one hand, and inundation extent, on the
assumed constant throughout the network, as detailed other, from the 1D/2D SOBEK model based on robust
spatial roughness information was not available. Of implicit numerical techniques, an improved prediction of
course, these parameters influence the hydrograph flood wave propagation was expected. Thereafter, the
timing and peak, and are subject to calibration. In impact of floods could be investigated with better insight
future, more detailed spatially distributed Manning’s into the magnitude, shape and duration of the expected flood,
roughness coefficients in the river channel and flood- because meteorological conditions and river basin and river
plain need to be investigated. processes were explicitly taken into account.

SWAT and 1D/2D SOBEK Coupled Simulations

Investigated Flood Management Scenarios
The SWAT rainfall–runoff model was applied to the major
tributaries of the Yang River on a daily basis. However, due Three structural measures were determined and assessed
to the weakness of the SWAT model in routing dynamic as part of a comprehensive flood management strategy. In
flows through the complicated Yang River Basin system, this Thailand, structural measures are designed to withstand the
may cause numerical problems and it could greatly reduce effects of floodwaters, which are caused by an event with a
the usefulness of the results, because it did not provide the given probability of exceedance. The exceedance frequency

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

Figure 4. Relationship between hydrological and hydraulic models and physical aspects in the Yang River Basin

(safety standard) has been fixed at 1% per year incident store floodwater from the Yang River (Figure 3). By doing
event (cf. 100-yr flood) at a given location where many so, floodwater damage in the river basin can be eliminated or
people might be potentially affected. However, in this study at least substantially reduced, and a better and safer living
a 10% per year target peak flow (cf. 10-yr flood) was chosen environment will be created.
arbitrarily due to the fact that no flood mitigation measures
can guarantee absolute safety. (Note: it should be recognized
A green River Measure
that the severity of flood damage increases with increased
return periods, i.e. a 100-yr flood is larger than a 10-yr In the Yang River Basin, the floodplain is always flooded
flood). by floods travelling down from streamflow station Ban Kut
Kwang (E70) through the confluence of the Chi River
(Figure 1). Flooding mainly takes place through overtopping
Natural Flood Storage
of low-lying points on the river banks of the Yang River.
For the Yang River, reliance on protective dikes and on To mitigate flooding problems, one of the proposed
existing reservoirs can only attain a limited level of flood solutions is a green river option on the left bank through the
control. One effective way to protect against floods is natural floodplain. This green river would have to be made to
flood storage. The measure allows floods greater than a increase the discharge capacity during floods. In this way
specified magnitude to spread over low-lying areas situated floodwater will be diverted from the station E70 through the
behind dikes in association with the operation of gated green river to a point 18 km away from the confluence of the
structures or spillway sections, then release it slowly back Chi River, where it would re-enter the Yang River (Figure 5).
into the river after the peak has passed. For this purpose a channel bed would have to be made of
The study involved a search of the upstream floodplain to about 50 m width over a distance of about 50 km. The
find areas that might be suitable for impounding water. As a average depth of the channel would be about 3 m. The
result, a retarding basin was supposed to be constructed to enlarged channel would allow flood flows to start bypassing

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

Figure 5. Location of a green river increasing the overall discharge capacity of the Yang River during floods. This figure is available in colour online at

at an earlier stage than currently, with increasing flows taken RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
by the green river as the river rises. Control is in the form of
Water Balance Simulation at River Basin Scale:
spillways or gates at the entrance to a green river which are
SWAT Results
designed to control the floodwater and divert it into the green
river from the river. River basin systems seek to maintain a balance between
rainfall, infiltration, evaporation, transpiration and runoff.
Understanding the water balance in relation to river basin
characteristics provides the basic information on the
Dike Along the Yang River
quantity of water as well as the composition of the flow
Many communities in the Yang River Basin are subject to at any particular location and time in the river basin. Water
flood hazards. Therefore, they need well-designed and balance analysis requires the use of continuous simulation
reliable flood protection works for both safety and sustained models that are capable of accounting for detailed water
economic development. In this study, the effect of a dike has budget variations over time periods of several years.
been analysed to examine the flood protection function Therefore, the widely used SWAT model was adopted for
along the Yang River. A 106 km long dike along the both the purpose of generating the flow series for the Yang River
sides of the Yang River is proposed at a distance of 0.5 km Basin.
from the bank. This dike would have to be constructed from The SWAT model contains many parameters which
the streamflow station E70 through to the confluence of the cannot usually be measured. To utilize the SWAT model to
Chi River (Figure 1). simulate the rainfall–runoff relationship, the model must
In this study, the design flood was taken as the flood with a first be calibrated to measured data in order to determine the
probability of occurrence of 1% per year, on the local reach best or at least a reasonable parameter set.
of the river or the stream where the flood protection works With respect to the calibration results at the streamflow
would have to be built. The crest elevation of the river dike station E70 as shown in Figure 6, the model performance
was determined based on the design flood levels and 1 m proved to be satisfactory. Several statistical measures were
freeboard. Moreover, dikes are designed with a side slope of used to evaluate the calibration accuracy, such as the Nash–
3H to 1V. Suttcliffe coefficient (ENS ¼ 0.9) (Nash and Suttcliffe,

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

Figure 6. Comparison between observed and simulated daily discharges at the streamflow station Ban Kut Kwang (E70) for the period 1 June–31 October 2001

1970), root mean square error (RMSE ¼ 51.4 m3 s1), (Figure 7). As a result, the downstream hydrograph for the
goodness of fit (r2 ¼ 0.90), and the mean absolute error 1% per year incident event was then compared with the peak
(MAE ¼ 37.1 m3 s1). In this study, ENS and r2 values are flow for the target event, and the volume that would have to
high (> 0.85), which indicates that the SWAT is able to be stored was approximately 120  106 m3.
produce consistent results in estimating streamflow for the Then, the 1D/2D SOBEK model was simulated to create
Yang River Basin, under given climatic conditions. There- flooding extents for the specified probability of occurrence
fore, it was concluded that SWAT may be suitable for of 10% and 1% per year (Figure 8) and it resulted in a
providing daily estimates of flow with a specified probability maximum water depth in the Yang River Basin up to more
of occurrence (10% per year and 1% per year) for 34 sub- than 2.3 m.
basins covering the Yang River Basin. The analysis of the results included an assessment of the
It is a fact that the calibration period is too short due to flood simulations of the different flood scenarios, as well as a
data limitations. However, the chosen calibration period preliminary investigation of the proposed flood management
does contain at least one extreme event towards the end of schemes.
the 2001 flood, and reveals promising results. Regarding the
start-up period of the model, it is rather long in comparison
to the calibration period, as it must be long enough to
Option 1: Natural Flood Storage
initialize a stationary condition. Following this start-up
period, a prolonged calibration period for a few more months With respect to the 1% per year incident event, the peak
by deducting from the start-up period is omitted, as it would discharge was 830 m3 s 1 (Figure 9), which was larger than
not have changed the parameterization of the SWAT model. the conveyance capacity of the lower river channel. For the
safety of extensive areas along both sides of the river, flood
diversions including potential natural flood storage
(Figure 3) are proposed, functioning as a flood retention
Simulation of Different flood Management
area. The possible natural flood storage was identified by
considering the simulated 1% per year flood level in relation
In this study, it was thought that the target of reducing the to the topographic conditions at the locations where the
1% per year incident event to a 10% per year target peak flow floodwater needed to be released to reduce flood risk
would limit the flood extent without extending far into built- downstream. In this study, six locations were selected
up areas. Therefore, it was necessary to determine the upstream of the risk location with the total area of
difference between the 10% and 1% per year incident events. approximately 18 700 ha (4.5% of the Yang River Basin).
First, the estimation of peak flow magnitudes for floods at In order to convey the floodwater to the natural flood storage,
the downstream risk location was calculated by setting up the floodwater was diverted into a trapezoidal-shaped flood
the 1D modelling of rivers/channels in 1D/2D SOBEK diversion channel, which was designed by following the

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

Figure 7. Discharge hydrograph volume analysis

design criteria of the Royal Irrigation Department of influence exerted by flood retention on the magnitude of the
Thailand. flood peak. The peak discharge was reduced by about 9.2%,
The process of flood diversion including potential natural close to the 10% per year target peak flow, which effectively
flood storage was then simulated with the 1D/2D SOBEK mitigated the flood risk in the downstream part of the Yang
model. The comparison between the simulated 1% per year River Basin from a 1% per year incident event to a 10% per
discharge with and without flood retention for the same year target peak flow.
section of the downstream river channel is shown in Based on the discharge hydrograph volume analysis and
Figure 9. This comparison gives an illustration of the possible natural flood storage, a simple assumption was

Figure 8. The modelled flooding extents for a flood with a probability of occurrence of 10% and 1% per year. This figure is available in colour online at

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

Figure 9. Discharge in the Yang River with and without flood diversion and natural flood storage. This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlineli-

made that the storage volume required to reduce the flood was found that the green river would have had a significant
risk from a 1% per year incident event to a 10% per year impact on the 2001 flood. Obviously, the hydraulic model
target peak flow can be divided by the potential natural flood demonstrates that there is a potential for a decrease in
storage to give a notional average storage depth. The value discharge of approximately 14%. The results are supported by
of 0.6 m was defined as a required average storage depth of the fact that the discharge of the far more disruptive 1% per
water that would be needed on the floodplain to achieve the year incident event would have been reduced to about the 10%
required volume of storage. per year target peak flow (Figure 10).

Option 2: A green River Measure Option 3: Dike Construction

A floodway or green river measure could also be The downstream part of the Yang River Basin had also
recommended in order to provide an additional outlet for suffered from regular inundation due to overtopping of the
water from upstream and create large, shallow flood detention riverbanks almost every rainy season. Therefore, dike
and retardation basins to store a significant portion of the construction was considered in this study to confine the
floodwater. Based on the results of the hydraulic simulations, it water to a channel which will protect the areas immediately

Figure 10. Discharge in the Yang River with and without green river for different dimensions. This figure is available in colour online at wileyonlineli-

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

Figure 11. Longitudinal profile of maximum 1% per year flood levels and estimated dike elevation along the Yang river bank. This figure is available in colour
online at

behind it. The dikes will increase the flood level in the floodplain. If either the dike is damaged or destroyed, the
confined area up to their height and so increase the flood losses can be very high; they would be even higher if the
discharge capacity. After simulation of the dike scenario, the dike had not been constructed.
height would have to be increased to approximately 1 m
above high water level while the dike top itself varied
between 3 and 11 m above the natural ground surface.
Comparison of Flood Control Works
Figure 11 shows a longitudinal section of the proposed Theoretically, it is possible to reduce potential damage
dikes and the level required (including 1 m freeboard) to through the selection and implementation of various
protect the downstream risk location against a 1% per year mitigation techniques and measures. Therefore, this study
flood event. The results show that the simulated 1% per is designed to analyse flood control works for reducing the
year flood levels are lower than the design dike crest adverse social, health, and economic effects of flooding in
elevation during peak discharges. It refers to a circum- flood-prone areas in the Yang River Basin. The possible
stance where simulated flood levels occur at an elevation flood mitigation options can be divided into the following
that is within the 1 m freeboard. In addition, in total 22 three categories, i.e. natural flood storage, creation of a green
700 ha of targeted flood-prone areas in the downstream part river and dike construction, as highlighted in Table II.
of this river basin would benefit from dike construction In the previous sections the various possible structural
(5.5% of the Yang River Basin). As a result, there are measures used for flood management and protection were
strong indications that flooding would be reduced and non- discussed. It is obviously desirable to compare these
existent in the study area, with these flood control works schemes based on hydrological and hydraulic consider-
protecting the entire area from flooding. However, the ations, rather than on other factors, such as cost-effective
proposed dikes which stand up to 11 m above ground level analysis, environmental impact assessment, and socio-
may create a false sense of security in those inhabiting the economic impact assessment, which are beyond the scope

Table II. Breakdown of category of flood management works

Flood control works Types of work (106 m3) Land requirement Qpeak reduction Qpeak delay
(ha) (%) (hours)
Embankment Dredging

1. Floodplain storage þ excavation of – 9.2 18 700 9.2 2.33

flood control channels
2. Green river (bypass) – 8.2 295 14.0 5.83
3. Dike construction 37.2 – 976 n.a. n.a.

n.a. ¼ not applicable.

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

Figure 12. The simulated flood peak level profiles for proposed structural measures. This figure is available in colour online at

of this study. The evaluated results for all measures can be some streamflow stations and results in flooding. The flood
summarized as shown in the following. level reductions were defined as the differences of the average
flood level with and without structural measures. It is obvious
Flood Levels that the natural flood storage, green river, and dike
construction can contribute to a reduction of flood levels in
Of special interest in Figure 12 is the flood level profile for an amount of 2.1, 1.6 and 0.2 m, respectively. Therefore, it can
all structural measures under 1% per year rainfall. The figure be concluded that the effects on the flood level reduction of
reveals that the 1% per year flood levels without any structural natural flood storage and the green river have a similar
measures are higher than the river bank elevations; therefore, performance, and better than the dike construction due to
overbank flooding will occur. With respect to both natural which the river flood levels may increase and enhance the risk
flood storage and green river measures, the computed flood of an overbank flooding disaster.
levels are lower than the river bank elevation (except the
downstream part of the Yang River Basin). Regarding dike
Flood Peak Discharge
construction, the flood levels are almost the same as the 1% per
year flood levels without any structural measures because the The relationship between simulated flood peak discharge
flood was confined inside the main channel. In Table III, it can and river basin area along the Yang River for each flood
be seen that the flood level exceeds the river bank elevations at mitigation option is shown in Figure 13. The slopes of the

Table III. Flood level comparisons of various structural measures for 1% per year flood event

Streamflow station Distance Bank elevation Water level of various structural measures (m þ MSL)
(km) (m þ MSL)
No measure1 Flood storage2 Green river3 Dike construction4

E57 196 178 174 174 174 174

E46 165 161 161 161 161 161
E54 134 150 150 149 150 150
E33A 115 143 147 146 146 147
E70 107 144 146 144 144 146
E19 42 133 138 133 133 138
Downstream 0 125 135 131 132 135
Average water level reduction (5) 2.1a 1.6b 0.2c

(5)a ¼ Average(S(Column No measure1 – Column Flood storage2)).

(5)b ¼ Average(S(Column No measure1 – Column Green river3)).
(5)c ¼ Average(S(Column No measure1 – Column Dike construction4)).

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

Figure 13. Flood peak discharges of various flood management measures at streamflow stations along the Yang River. This figure is available in colour online at

plotted curves in the portions between the river basin area of any measures. Significant reductions for areas with an
3170 km2 (E70) and 3950 km2 (E19) indicate that the inundation depth over 1 m were observed for all three
reduction of flood peaks by the proposed flood mitigation proposed measures. Of course, the dike construction
options are effective only for natural flood storage and the measure leads to no inundation areas, because the flood is
green river. It is obvious that the decrement of flood peak confined in low-lying regions along riversides which will be
discharge of the green river is larger than the natural flood included in the main channel.
storage option. As mentioned above, socio-economic aspects have not
Regarding the jump of the green line in Figure 13, the really been taken into account in this study, as the concern
natural flood storage retains the excess floodwater in here is basically a hydraulic analysis of possible separate
designated areas before releasing it downstream at a alternative measures. However, it is realized that socio-
controlled rate (the last storage area is designated in the economic aspects are one of the key issues in flood
floodplain areas beside station E70 which corresponds to the management. Therefore, socio-economic aspects as well as
jump at station E70). Therefore, the downstream flood peak possible combinations of individual measures need to be
discharge is reduced as it passes through the storage area. taken into account in the preparation of decisions with
With respect to the jump of the brown line, under flood respect to the finally preferred flood mitigation measures in
conditions, excess floodwater is diverted via the green river such a way that the preferred option is economically
(starting from station E70 to a point 18 km away from the feasible, socially acceptable and environmentally sound.
confluence of the Chi River, where it will re-enter the Yang Regarding hydrological and hydraulic considerations, it
River), thus resulting in a reduction in downstream flood should be mentioned that even though the green river
peak discharges (from station E70 as far as E19). However, measure has a limited mitigation effect more than natural
after station E19, the brown line rises again due to the flood storage in view of average water level reduction and
floodwater from the green river that is released back into the
Yang River in combination with the floodwater flowing
along the Yang River from the upstream part. As a result, the Table IV. Comparisons of inundation depths/areas for proposed
structural measures
increasing discharge at the downstream section has occurred
which can be presented as the rising limb of the brown line Inundation Inundation area (ha)
(after station E19). depth (m)
No Flood Green Dike
measure storage river construction
Inundation Depth/extent
0.01–1.00 7 890 9 800 7 330 –
In Table IV the inventories of the inundation depth/extent 1.00–2.00 9 200 5 230 9 080 –
for each measure are indicated. It should be noted that the > 2.00 7 170 1 210 6 030 –
inundated areas with a depth under 1 m have no significant Total 24 300 16 200 22 400 –
difference between all three measures and the case without

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

inundation areas however, the green river scheme is still the human activities within the river basin, rather than relying on
preferred option. Because obviously the natural flood flood control infrastructure under all circumstances.
storage measure requires many low-lying regions solely
for the storage of floodwater and, in many cases, occupying
fertile lands with floodwater is not always looked upon
favourably. Apparently, it will only transfer flood damage
from one location to another and not solve the problem The main purpose of the study was to identify suitable
entirely. structural measures to reduce flood impacts in the Yang
Before a choice can be made of the appropriate structural River Basin. To fulfil the objective, the SWAT and 1D/2D
flood mitigation measure, the priority ranking system should SOBEK models were applied in this study. The SWAT and
be assigned to those mitigation measures that meet the 1D/2D SOBEK models are used widely for hydrological and
criteria. Table V shows the priority ranking of the three hydraulic modelling, respectively. The SWAT model is
analysed measures based on the above discussions. By capable of simulating river basin runoff processes. However,
considering this evaluation table, it can be summarized that its application has been hindered because there are some
the green river measure can be considered as a first priority limitations in routing dynamic flows through the compli-
compared to the other two measures. This option is the most cated Yang River system that do not provide the capability to
appropriate approach because changes to the main river capture flood generation processes as they require a better
channel are unacceptable on environmental, amenity and understanding of the river basin system. However, the
recreational grounds. This option requires the removal of propagation of floods that the SWAT model is not able to
8.2  106 m3 of soil. In addition, this option can show its reproduce can be compensated through the use of the 1D/2D
effectiveness in protecting against floods by attenuating the SOBEK model. Therefore, the SWAT and 1D/2D SOBEK
hydrograph and delaying the time to peak of approximately models were coupled externally in this study in order to
6 h (Table II). Moreover, a regular maintenance programme create various new possibilities to enable a better modelling
that provides for routine inspection, maintenance and repair of actual physical behaviour and processes.
of the green river and removal of debris, unwanted Following the model simulations, a detailed assessment
vegetation and accumulated sediment will have a large was undertaken to identify appropriate flood mitigation
impact on the effectiveness of the green river. Therefore, a options, which will reduce the social and economic impacts
monitoring schedule should be undertaken to assess the from a 1% per year flood event within the Yang River Basin.
performance of the green river in terms of its impact on As a result, three proposed structural measures, i.e. natural
water quantity and quality, and its adequacy in mitigating flood storage, creation of a green river and dike construction,
inundation and waterlogging. However, no flood mitigation were selected and these schemes were compared based on
measure guarantees complete safety and sufficient flood hydrological and hydraulic considerations. It was found that
mitigation safety can only be attained in many vulnerable the green river option is superior to the other two measures
areas with the help of structural measures. Further flood risk for solving regional flood/flooding problems. But the
reduction via non-structural measures is usually indispen- structural mitigation approach can only provide a limited
sable, as it can be matched to the concept of sustainable degree of protection. In reality flood disasters cannot be
development (Kundzewicz, 2002). Moreover, one should avoided completely; there are no universally applicable
bear in mind that floods can never be fully controlled. solutions, while property damage and human loss should be
Therefore the inhabitants of a certain flood-prone area have reduced as much as possible. Apparently the strategy
to learn ‘‘to live with the floods’’. To ensure higher safety adopted will generally involve a combination of options
from floods, it is safer to ‘‘give room to water’’ by restricting rather than reliance on one particular one. Therefore, special
attention needs to be paid to elements of non-structural flood
management which may supplement the shortcomings of
Table V. Identification of priority rank evaluated for proposed structural measures and reduce the impact from many
structural measures different types of floods.
In conclusion, the results of this study are significant as
Structural Evaluation criteria
measures they provide the basic modelling concept as an assessment
Flood stage Peak Inundation tool to predict flood behaviour within a river system for
reduction depth/range various probabilities of flood occurrence, and identify the
flood management measures to achieve reduction in flood
Flood storage 1st 2nd 1st risk. Due to the fact that flood management is becoming an
Green river 1st 1st 1st
Dike structure 2nd 3rd 2nd important component of flood risk management, as a result
there is a move toward integrated flood management. To

Copyright # 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Irrig. and Drain. 60: 526–543 (2011)

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