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C32 Marine Engine SDN00001-UP(SEBP6147 - 30)/Basic Search Page 1 of 49

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Configuration: C32 Marine Engine SDN00001-UP

Systems Operation
Marine Engine and Genset Control Panel IIIB
Media Number -M0070544-01 Publication Date -01/10/2017 Date Updated -16/10/2017


Menu Settings
SMCS - 7451

Illustration 1 g06084586
(1) Settings
(2) Screen backlight
(3) Logs and counters
(4) Help

The menu options are separated into four main sections. Selecting an icon will navigate to that
section. Once in the section, select an icon to either toggle the function or navigate to a submenu.

Settings (1) 16/07/2018
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Illustration 2 g06083216
(5) Mode
(6) Start Disabled
(7) Starter Mode
(8) Prelube Override
(9) Button Beep
(10) Language
(11) Units
(12) Wallpaper
(13) Engine Overspeed Test
(14) Connect a PC
(15) Administration
(16) Interface Design
(17) Fuel Priming

Mode (5)

Depending on the configuration of the DCU, some of the following modes will be available.

Locked to Input - As shipped from the

factory, the MGCP IIIB is programmed to
control the DCU mode using the ECS. The
mode cannot be changed from the menu. If
the panel configuration has been changed,
the options below may be available. 16/07/2018
C32 Marine Engine SDN00001-UP(SEBP6147 - 30)/Basic Search Page 3 of 49

Local - Only local operation is allowed.

Manual or Remote - Remote operation is

allowed. Local operation is allowed only if
enabled in the configuration.

Automatic - Automatic and remote

operation is allowed. Local operation is
allowed if enabled in the configuration.

Emergency - All overridable shutdowns

will become alarms. Overspeed is never
overridable. Other shutdowns, such as "Oil
Pressure", may be configured as non-
overridable. Local, remote, and automatic
operations are allowed.

Harbor - Shutdowns are not overridden.

Remote operation is allowed. Local
operation is allowed if enabled in the

Modes and Engine Application

The engine application set in the configuration determines the modes that will be available. Refer to
Table 1.

Table 1
Engine Applications and Available Modes
Engine Application Available Modes
Auxiliary Local, Manual, Automatic
Combined Local, Emergency, Harbor
Emergency Local, Emergency
Propulsion Local, Remote 16/07/2018
C32 Marine Engine SDN00001-UP(SEBP6147 - 30)/Basic Search Page 4 of 49

Start Disabled (6)

Select the "Start Disabled" icon to toggle the function between "Active" and "Inactive".

Start Disabled is active

Start Disabled is inactive

Starter Mode (7)

The panel is configured for one starter as shipped from the factory. An optional starter selector switch
may be installed.

The panel may be configured to allow starter selection from the Start Screen. This configuration
allows starter selection from a remote panel as well.

If multiple starters are configured, selecting the "Starter Mode" icon will navigate to a submenu. The
new mode can be selected in the submenu. The number indicates which starter will be used for the
first start attempt of an Auto Start cycle.

Note: The Auto Start cycle is not a local or remote start. The Auto Start cycle is only a single cycle.



Electric then air

Air then electric

Electric and air

Prelube Override (8) 16/07/2018
C32 Marine Engine SDN00001-UP(SEBP6147 - 30)/Basic Search Page 5 of 49

Prelube Override is active or not


Prelube Override is inactive

Note: By default, Prelube Override is not enabled in the configuration.

Button Beep (9)

Button beep enabled


Language (10)

The display can be configured to show the following languages:

• English

• French

• Spanish

• Italian

• German

• Dutch

• Russian

• Norwegian 16/07/2018
C32 Marine Engine SDN00001-UP(SEBP6147 - 30)/Basic Search Page 6 of 49

• Simplified Chinese

• Japanese

• Portuguese

• Vietnamese

• Korean

Units (11)

Changing the units will affect the display gauges and web tool settings. Alarm set points will
automatically convert.

US units

Metric units

Wallpaper (12) 16/07/2018
C32 Marine Engine SDN00001-UP(SEBP6147 - 30)/Basic Search Page 7 of 49

Illustration 3 g06083357
(18) Instrument
(19) Menu
(20) Popup

The wallpaper can be customized for the screens seen in Illustration 3. There are several preinstalled
wallpapers that may be selected. One wallpaper can be uploaded by the user using a USB drive or the
web tool.

Engine Overspeed Test (13)

Engine Overspeed Test Active

Engine Overspeed Test Inactive 16/07/2018
C32 Marine Engine SDN00001-UP(SEBP6147 - 30)/Basic Search Page 8 of 49

Placing the DCU into "Engine Overspeed Test" will lower the overspeed setting to 95% of the rated
speed. Once the engine is started and the test is completed, the overspeed setting will return to normal.

The "Overspeed Test" can be canceled by selecting the "Engine Overspeed Test" icon again.

Connect a PC (14)

Illustration 4 g06067911
Connecting to a PC
(20) DHCP server not enabled
(21) DHCP server enabled
(22) Changing the Start IP

The DCU has a DHCP server to allow connection to a computer for configuration. The DHCP server
is turned off by default to prevent networking issues. Use the following steps to enable the DHCP

1. Select the "Connect a PC" icon (14) to open the screen seen in Illustration 4. 16/07/2018
C32 Marine Engine SDN00001-UP(SEBP6147 - 30)/Basic Search Page 9 of 49

2. Select the "Enabled" box and press the "OK" button. The DHCP server is enabled for 10

Note: If necessary, the "Start IP" and "End IP" values can be changed.

Administration (15)

Illustration 5 g06067915

A password is required to enter the Administration menu. The factory default password is "1234".
Refer to Illustration 5.

Illustration 6 g06067921

If the user does not know the password, enter a 4-digit number and record the encrypted key reported
by the DCU. Contact the Caterpillar DSN to recover the password. 16/07/2018
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Illustration 7 g06083368
Administration submenus

The following submenus for the Administration menu are covered in the subsequent sections:

• Password configuration

• Configuration files

• Interface design

• Automatic start/stop configuration

• Miscellaneous

• SDU 410

• SDU 404


• Engine manufacturer/type

• Prelube configuration

• Hardware configuration

• Service interval configuration

• I/O configuration

Password configuration

This menu allows the user to change the DCU password. The user will need to know the current
password. Use the following steps to change the DCU password:

1. Select "Password Configuration". 16/07/2018
C32 Marine Engine SDN00001-UP(SEBP6147 - 30)/Basic Search Page 11 of 49

2. Press "OK". Enter the current password.

Note: The factory default password is "1234". If this password does not work and the user does
not know the current password, enter any 4-digit number and press "OK". The DCU will
provide a 5-digit encrypted code that can be translated into the current password by the DSN of
the user.

3. Press "OK". Enter the new password.

4. Press "OK". Enter the new password again for verification.

Note: This password is the same password used for the web tool.

Configuration files

If changes have been made to the DCU configuration since the last configuration file was loaded, save
the current configuration using a USB drive or the web tool.

To save the current configuration using a USB, refer to the following steps:

Illustration 8 g06068480

1. Plug a USB drive into the USB port on the back of the DCU.

2. Enter the DCU password.

3. Select "Copy Configuration File".

Note: Copying a configuration file will overwrite any file on the USB drive with the name

To save the current configuration using the web tool, use the following steps:

1. Connect a laptop to the DCU. 16/07/2018
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2. Open the web tool.

3. Select "DCU". Select "File" and "Save File as...".

4. Save the file to the laptop.

Illustration 9 g06083386
Load file icons
(23) Load Factory Default
(24) Load User File
(25) Delete User File

To load a factory or user file, use the following steps: 16/07/2018
C32 Marine Engine SDN00001-UP(SEBP6147 - 30)/Basic Search Page 13 of 49

Illustration 10 g06067960
Loading a factory or user file

1. Select either the "Load Factory Default" (23) or the "Load User File" (24) icon.

2. Select "Load available config" to open the list of available files.

3. Select the desired file. The DCU will automatically navigate back to the "Load Configuration"

4. Touch the "Load" button to load the file.

Note: Only files that have been uploaded by the user can be deleted. Factory default configurations
cannot be deleted. 16/07/2018
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Interface design (16)

This option is available from the main menu. Refer to the "Interface Design" section for more

Automatic start/stop configuration

Illustration 11 g06083417

"Automatic Start/Stop Config" is available when the "Auto Mode" switch is closed and the DCU is
not in "Local" mode.

Use the up and down buttons to select the desired parameter to be changed. Press the "Select" soft key
to change the value.


Illustration 12 g06083427

There are several selections under the "Miscellaneous" section. If the selection name is not followed
by an ellipsis, the value can be toggled using the "Select" soft key. 16/07/2018
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The following selections are covered in the subsequent sections:

• Fuel consumption

• Speed relays

• Configure engine hours

• CANopen configuration

• CANbus red lamp severity

• Network configuration

Illustration 13 g06083430

Use the up and down buttons to select the desired parameter to be changed. Press the "Select" soft key
to change the value.

Table 2
Constant Parameter
X Nominal Consumption measured in l/hr (from Engine Datasheet)
Y Nominal Boost Pressure measured in bar (from Engine Datasheet)
Z Idle/No-load Constant measured in l/hr (Multiply by RPM to get consumption) 16/07/2018
C32 Marine Engine SDN00001-UP(SEBP6147 - 30)/Basic Search Page 16 of 49

Illustration 14 g06083434

The "Tab" soft key is used to select a relay. Use the up and down buttons to select the "Enabled"
checkbox. The "Toggle" soft key will activate the checkbox.

Illustration 15 g06083440

Use the up and down buttons to a select a value. Press the "Edit" soft key to change the value. 16/07/2018
C32 Marine Engine SDN00001-UP(SEBP6147 - 30)/Basic Search Page 17 of 49

Illustration 16 g06083462

Use the up and down buttons to select a value. The "Edit" soft key is used to change the value.

Table 3
Available Baud Rates (kbps) Available Node IDs
500 1 - 127 (1)
Node ID "0" is reserved for broadcast.

Illustration 17 g06083468

Table 4
Red Lamp Severity Description
Disabled Disable CANbus/J1939 DM1 Red Lamp Severity
Alarm Treat CANbus/J1939 DM1 Red Lamp as Alarm
Shutdown Treat CANbus/J1939 DM1 Red Lamp as Shutdown 16/07/2018
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Illustration 18 g06083474
(26) Must match remote panel (RP) settings
(27) Must be unique for each DCU

The network connection is used to communicate to systems outside the control panel such as remote
panels (RP), computers, and SCADA systems. Each DCU on the network must have a unique IP
address. The last two numbers of the IP address are used by the remote panel to indicate the engine
number. The factory default address is The first three numbers must match the
numbers of the remote panels on the network to ensure proper communication. Select a number under
"Change IP" to change the IP. Select "OK" to update the address.

SDU 410

Illustration 19 g06083480

The SDU 410 can be configured from the Graphical User Interface (GUI). 16/07/2018
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Illustration 20 g06083485

Select "Version" to show the firmware currently on the SDU. Viewing the current software version is
useful in Troubleshooting.

Illustration 21 g06083490

The "Tab" soft key is used to select a speed sensor. Use the up and down buttons to select a value.
Press the "Edit" soft key to change the value.

Illustration 22 g06083493

Highlight the "Switch" menu selection and press the "Select" soft key to expand the list of switches.

An "E" is an indication that the switch is enabled. 16/07/2018
C32 Marine Engine SDN00001-UP(SEBP6147 - 30)/Basic Search Page 20 of 49

Use the up and down buttons to select a switch. Press the "Select" soft key to edit the settings for that

Note: The name of the switch cannot be changed from the Graphical User Interface (GUI), but the
other settings can be modified.

Illustration 23 g06083497

If the channel is noted as password protected, changes cannot be made from the GUI.

Illustration 24 g06083508

Buzzer Off - Disables the onboard buzzer.

Disable Coil Fault - Disables the speed sensor coil fault detection.

Selecting the DCU to SDU option applies the DCU configuration file settings to the SDU. This
setting is the usual option.

Selecting the SDU to DCU option applies the locally stored settings in the SDU to the DCU
configuration file. This option can be used when the DCU has been replaced and does not have the
correct SDU settings stored. 16/07/2018
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SDU 404

Update DCU to SDU - Selecting the DCU to SDU option applies the DCU configuration file settings
to the SDU. This setting is the usual option.

Update SDU to DCU - Selecting the SDU to DCU option applies the locally stored settings in the
SDU to the DCU configuration file. This option can be used when the DCU has been replaced and
does not have the correct SDU settings stored.


The parameters listed below can be modified using the Graphical User Interface (GUI)

• L1 Voltage

• L2 Voltage

• L3 Voltage

• L1 Current

• L2 Current

• L3 Current

• Power Factor

• Frequency

• Active Power

• Inductive Power

• Capacitive Power

• Reactive Power

• Apparent Power

• Voltage L1-L2

• Voltage L2-L3

• Voltage L3-L1

Selecting the DCU to PAM option applies the DCU configuration file settings to the PAM. This
setting is the usual option.

Selecting the PAM to DCU option applies the locally stored settings in the PAM to the DCU
configuration file. This option can be used when the DCU has been replaced and does not have the
correct PAM settings stored. 16/07/2018
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Engine manufacturer/type

Illustration 25 g06083512

The engine manufacturer and type can only be changed by using the web tool.

Prelube configuration

Illustration 26 g06083514

Use the up and down buttons to select a value. Press the "Edit" soft key to change the value.

Hardware configuration 16/07/2018
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Illustration 27 g06083516

Use the up and down buttons to select an external module. Press the "Toggle" soft key to toggle the
module off and on.

Service interval configuration

The "Tab" soft key is used to select a service interval. Use the up and down buttons to select a value.
Press the "Edit" soft key to change the interval.

I/O configuration

Illustration 28 g06083521

Most I/O channels can be configured from the Graphical User Interface (GUI).

Interface Design (16)

The "Interface Design" option allows the user to create pages for display.

Note: The pages created with the web tool are not accessible from the panel. The pages created on the
panel are available for editing in the web tool. 16/07/2018
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Refer to the following steps to create a page template.

Illustration 29 g06083632

1. Highlight the "Interface Design" icon (16) and press the "OK" soft key.

Note: The "Interface Design" icon is also available from the administration menu.

Illustration 30 g06083635

2. Press the "Insert New" soft key to begin. Use the up and down buttons to select the desired
template. Once the desired template is shown, press the "Save" soft key to create the page. 16/07/2018
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Illustration 31 g06083640

3. Use the soft keys at the bottom of the screen to delete or reset a page that has been created.

Illustration 32 g06083650

4. Use the up or down buttons to select the page you would like to modify. Press the "Slot Design"
soft key to begin editing the page.

Illustration 33 g06083668 16/07/2018
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5. Press the "Edit View" soft key once the page is in editing mode.

Illustration 34 g06083672

6. Select the slot to modify by using the up and down buttons.

Illustration 35 g06083675

7. Press the "Pick Signal" soft key.

8. Select the desired signal by using the up and down buttons. Press the "OK" soft key.

Note: The signals are not in alphabetical order. The signals are listed in the order of activation
with the newest at the top of the list. 16/07/2018
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Illustration 36 g06083681

9. The DCU will return to the editing page. Press the "Edit View" soft key to change more slots.
Press the "Return" soft key to return to the previous screen.

Available templates

The available templates correspond to the same templates available in the web tool. Not all templates
are available in the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of the panel.

Illustration 37 g06083698 16/07/2018
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Template 1. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom).

Illustration 38 g06083700
Template 2. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom). 16/07/2018
C32 Marine Engine SDN00001-UP(SEBP6147 - 30)/Basic Search Page 29 of 49

Illustration 39 g06083701
Template 3. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom). 16/07/2018
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Illustration 40 g06083907
Template 4. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom).

Illustration 41 g06083930
Template 5. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom).

Illustration 42 g06083940
Template 6. Web tool layout only. 16/07/2018
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Illustration 43 g06083946
Template 7. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom). 16/07/2018
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Illustration 44 g06083954
Template 8. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom).

Illustration 45 g06083957
Template 9. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom). 16/07/2018
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Illustration 46 g06083968
Template 10. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom). 16/07/2018
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Illustration 47 g06083973
Template 11. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom).

Illustration 48 g06083983
Template 12. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom). 16/07/2018
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Illustration 49 g06083989
Template 13. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom). 16/07/2018
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Illustration 50 g06083997
Template 14. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom).

Illustration 51 g06084002
Template 16. Web tool layout only.

Illustration 52 g06084013
Template 17. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom). 16/07/2018
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Illustration 53 g06084036
Template 18. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom). 16/07/2018
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Illustration 54 g06084044
Template 19. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom). Enumerated widgets only.

Illustration 55 g06084051
Template 20. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom). 16/07/2018
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Illustration 56 g06084067
Template 21. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom).

Illustration 57 g06084118
Template 22. Exhaust Gas Temperature for web tool layout only. 16/07/2018
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Illustration 58 g06084126
Template 23. Web tool layout only.

Illustration 59 g06084074
Template 24. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom). Value widgets only. 16/07/2018
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Illustration 60 g06084082
Template 25. Web tool layout (top) and MECP IIIB and MGCP IIIB GUI (bottom).

Fuel Priming (17)

The DCU can activate an engine fuel priming pump before starting the engine.

Screen Backlight (2)

Illustration 61 g06084168 16/07/2018
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(28) 10% brightness

(29) 50% brightness
(30) 100% brightness
(31) Automatic

There are three options for the screen backlight brightness level. Refer to Illustration 61.

Logs and Counters (3)

Illustration 62 g06084173
(32) Counters
(33) Event Log
(34) Engine Service Interval

Counters (32)

Illustration 63 g06068091 16/07/2018
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The "Counters" screen shows accumulated totals for the information seen in Illustration 63. These
counters can be reset.

Event Log (33)

Illustration 64 g06068574

The "Event Log" screen shows all events in the DCU history. These events include, but are not
limited, to the following:

• Warnings, alarms, derates, and shutdowns

• Buttons pressed and switches

• Power on

The "Event Log" screen shows all events. The newest event is displayed first. The soft keys at the
bottom of the screen allow the user to sort events. The different filters are as follows:

• Oldest

• Most Recent

• Most Severe

• Least Severe

• Count 16/07/2018
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Illustration 65 g06084181
(35) Occurred
(36) Acknowledged

Selecting an event will expand the entry to show more information. Refer to Illustration 65.

Note: Time is displayed in engine hours.

Engine Service Interval (34)

Illustration 66 g06068101

Up to four service intervals may be activated in the DCU. Refer to Illustration 66.

Help (4) 16/07/2018
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Illustration 67 g06084184
(37) Troubleshooting
(38) Version Information
(39) Engine ECM Information

Troubleshooting (37)

Illustration 68 g06084194
(40) Supply
(41) Switch
(42) 4 - 20 mA
(43) PT100
(44) Communication 16/07/2018
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(45) J1939 Nodes

(46) Output
(47) MK-14 Output
(48) Input
(49) Run Sources
(50) Start Conditions
(51) Button Test

There are Troubleshooting menus for the DCU and each connected device. Only the DCU
Troubleshooting menus are shown in Illustration 68.

Note: Connected devices have similar menus to the DCU.

Illustration 69 g06034115

The Troubleshooting screens show several useful pieces of information. Only the inputs that are
activated in the configuration are shown.

Description - The "Toggle" button changes the description to any customized name that is configured
to aid in Troubleshooting.

Terminal - The connector and pin on the back of the DCU.

Status - Displays the current conditions of the listed item.

Data - The physical state of the input.

Note: The column headers may be dragged and resized by swiping from side to side.

J1939 Nodes Screen (45) 16/07/2018
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This screen shows all devices on the two J1939 data buses. The "Toggle" button switches between
J1939:1 and J1939:2.

Note: Once a "J1939 Node Lost" alarm is acknowledged in the alarm list, the lost node will be
removed from this screen.

Start Conditions Screen (50)

Illustration 70 g06033753
Preventing Start

Select the "Start Conditions" icon to show everything that can prevent the DCU from starting. 16/07/2018
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Illustration 71 g06033757
Ready to Start Signal

If the "Ready to Start Signal" is active, press the "RTS" soft key to see the "Ready to Start" screen.

Note: The "Ready to Start Signal" is active when an "X" is shown under "Preventing Start".

Active items in the "Ready to Start" screen may not have an alarm in the alarm list. For example,
"Prelube Complete" would not normally cause an alarm, but this criteria must be done before starting
the engine.

Button Test (51)

Illustration 72 g06033730

The "Button Test" screen allows you to verify operation of the four touchscreen buttons to the right of
the display.

Version Information (38) 16/07/2018
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Illustration 73 g06068119

This screen shows information about the DCU software, IP Address, and configuration file.

Engine ECM Information (39)

Illustration 74 g06068121

This screen shows information about the Engine Control Module (ECM). Not all Caterpillar engines
broadcast this data.

Copyright 1993 - 2018 Caterpillar Inc. Mon Jul 16 15:01:27 UTC+0300 2018
All Rights Reserved.
Private Network For SIS Licensees. 16/07/2018

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