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RNI Regd. No: JKENG2000/04174,

Published From Srinagar. Feb. 2018. Vol.19, No: 02.
is magazine is dedicated to the greatest and the last Prophet Sayyidna Muhammad (Sallallahu
Alaihi Wasallam) on whom the succession of Prophethood ended and was sealed forever.
Let us all follow him with utmost spirit.
Editor, Printer & Publisher: Contents
Mawlana Hamidullah Lone 2
1. Question Answer
*Correspondence should be ad-
dressed to the Editor. 7
2. Lesson from the Qur’an: Sources of Unity
*e Editor reserves the right to
abridge letters and any other ma- 3. Lesson from Sahih al-Bukhari 9
terial received for publication.
*Published articles do not neces- 4. Faith Glued to Hearts 13
sarily re ect the views of Radiant
Reality. 5. e Miracle 16
*Articles may be reproduced free
of charge with due acknowledge- 6. e Choice is Yours 18
Printed at: 7. Wishing for Death 20
Khidmat Offset Press,
e Bund, Srinagar. 23
8. Facing Natural Disaster with Faith
Mailing Address:
Editor In-Charge,- 9. From the Life of Omar (RA) 25
Radiant Reality
P.O. Box 974 10. Trees: A Forgotten Miracle 28
G.P.O. Srinagar,
J&K, 190001, 11. e Opiate of the Bourgeosie 32
Subscription: 12. When an Illiterate Man was Asked to Read 33
Yearly: Rs 300/-
Postage: 240/- Regd. 13. Seerah: e Abiding Relevance of Prophetic Medicine 38
30/- Normal
Contact: 14. Prophet Yusuf (AS) 42
15. Signigicant Events that De ned Hijrah 45
“e Truth - Radiant Reality”
Account No: 0349010100000045,
Branch Unit: GMC, Srinagar. Bank: J&K Bank.
Question. You may have come across children, whose
I have a question regarding sufferings. parents have given them everything, yet their in-
People in general suffer, some a lot some not gratitude is of a level that they say, “My parents
at all regardless of their religion. What is the rea- have done nothing for me.” e child sees only
son behind these sufferings? Is it sins? the negative and his eyes have become blind to
In so many books it is said Allah is most the many sacri ces and privileges his parents
merciful most kind and most loving yet we don’t have afforded him.
see his love and mercy. It is similar when we say that we do not see
My question is what is the reason and how Allah’s mercy. In the Qur’aan, Allah tells us, “If
do we make it stop? Allah had to punish man in accordance to his
sins, then not a creature would be le living on
Answer. the earth (due to the punishment due).” It is Al-
e rst thing to understand is that this lah’s mercy that he affords the creation grace. It
world is only the stepping stone to our true is Allah’s mercy that despite our sins, we may eat
abode which is the hereaer. is world is our and drink and breath. e Nabi of Allah (saws)
place for trial and examination. In this world we informed us, “e rst favour of Allah that we
understand that the higher the quali cation, the will be questioned about on the Day of Judge-
harder the exam. ment will be, “Have I not given you a sound
Our test in this world is not for quali ca- body and quenched your thirst with cold water?”
tions or for degrees. It is for eternal life in gar- ese are great favours of Allah upon us but how
dens of paradise. It is for the supreme success. many of the creation are thankful.
How can such a test be easy? Study the life of ere is another aspect that we must con-
Rasulullah (saws) and you will nd that no one sider. Allah has created this world as a place of
went through greater tests and trials than him. means, a place of cause and effect and, by and
Did Allah not have mercy on him? large, Allah allows it to run its own course. A
In the Quran, Allah tells us, “Indeed Allah person who wants to do good is able to do good.
has purchased your lives and wealth in exchange A person who wants to do evil is able to do evil.
for Jannah.” is means that everything we are e judgement and consequence is not in this
and everything we have is at the ready to be sac- world but in the hereaer. When people cause
ri ced in the attainment of Jannah. suffering and when greed and hatred cause war,
genocide, looting and rape, do we blame Allah?
2. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018
No, the blame is on the wrongdoers. When gov- essary for him to perform the Qadhaa Salaah in
ernments usurp their countries wealth and leave sequence.
Mui Zakaria
the population in want and desperation, the
blame is on them. Question.
Allah Ta’ala asks us in the Qur’an, “Why
would Allah punish you if you are grateful and I am a 15 year old boy and I’m only 5.1 feet
believing?” tall. I really want to grow taller but i want to turn
If the Ummah will en masse turn to Allah, Allah for help so do you have any Duas to grow
then Allah will divinely intervene to change their taller.
condition for the better. But if they continue to Answer.
live as they please then Allah will leave them to
their own devices. We have not come across any Duas narrated
Mui Moosa Salie in the Ahadith for increasing height. However,
the general formula for ful lment of any of our
needs is Salaatul Haajat. is Salaat has been re-
1. A person missed his Asr Salaah and only lated in the Hadith as follows:
found the time to perform the Qadhaa of this Sayyiduna Abullah ibn Abi Awfa (RA) re-
Asr, when the time of Maghrib was about to ex- lates that Rasulullah (saws) said, “Whoever has
pire. In this situation, if he performs the Qadhaa a need with Allah, or with any human being,
of Asr rst, the Maghrib Salaah will become Qa- then let them perform wudhu properly and then
dhaa. Which Salaah should he perform in this perform two Rakaats of Salaah. Aer that, praise
time, the Maghrib Salaah or the Qadhaa of the Allah and send Durood on the Prophet (saws).
Asr Salaah? Aer this, say,
2. If a person missed a Salaah and the time ere is no god but Allah the Clement and
of the next Salaah has now set in, which Sa- Wise. ere is no god but Allah the High and
laah should he perform rst, the Salaah that he Mighty. Glory be to Allah, Lord of the Tremen-
missed or the Salaah of the time that set in? dous rone. All praise is to Allah, Lord of the
worlds. I ask you (O Allah) everything that leads
Answer. to your mercy, and your tremendous forgive-
1. He should rst perform the Maghrib Sa- ness, enrichment in all good, and freedom from
laah and thereaer perform the Qadhaa of the all sin. Do not leave a sin of mine (O Allah), ex-
Asr Salaah. cept that you forgive it, nor any concern except
2. If a person is a Saahib-e-Tarteeb, then he that you create for it an opening, nor any need
should rst perform the Qadhaa Salaah, aer in which there is your good pleasure except that
which he will perform the Salaah of the time you ful ll it, O Most Merciful!” (Tirmizi)
that set in. If he is not a Saahib-e-Tarteeb, then In addition to this, I would like to offer the
it is permissible for him to perform the Salaahs following advice. Teenage years are tough for
in any sequence. A Saahib-e-Tarteeb is that per- most teenagers. You may be looking at some of
son who has less than six Qadhaa Salaah. For a your friends and wishing you were like them. But
Saahib-e-Tarteeb, it is necessary to perform the bear in mind that they also have their challenges
Qadhaa Salaah in sequence before performing and difficulties. ey also have their low points
the Salaah of the time that set in. If a person has and things that they wish they could change in
six or more Qadhaa Salaah, he will no longer re- their life. at’s the way of this world. No matter
main a Saahib-e-Tarteeb and it will not be nec- who we are or what we have, we will always want

Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 3.

something else. is is true for everyone wheth- Answer.
er they show it or not. It is better to make peace e time period to offer condolences is up to
with yourself and accept yourself for who you are. 3 days aer the death of a person, unless a person
Be thankful that your physical challenge is only is out of town. Such a person may offer condo-
of your height and not of any physical deformity. lences at a later time. Once a person has offered
Being short has never prevented anyone from condolences once, then it should not be repeat-
being successful, from achieving greatness, from ed. Renewing grief is against Islamic teachings.
getting married and from nding ful lment and ere is a reason why the mourning period is
happiness in life. e quicker you accept yourself restricted to three days.
for who you are, the quicker you will be able to Islam is not a religion of mourning. Mourn-
do things for yourself, which will be meaningful ing is a human requirement for a time but to
and give you satisfaction. Don’t dwell on what perpetuate it is to make life gloomy, miserable
you can’t change and don’t keep asking yourself and depressing. is is against Islamic spirit and
why am I like this? Rather, look to what you can teachings.
do with your life and improve yourself to be a e practice of continuing to post tributes
better Muslim and a better human being. and statuses expressing grief is against Islamic
Mui Moosa
teachings and should be abandoned. (Hindiyyah
Question. Vol. 1 page 167)
Mui Moosa
Aer a fardh ghusal, I feel semen or some
substance drip from my private part. Do I need Question.
to perfom ghusal again or should I just wash it At what stage should the Imaam commence
and perform wudhu for salaah? reciting the Takbeer when going into ruku and
Answer. sajdah? Should he commence as he changes pos-
ture or is it permissible for him to recite this Tak-
If you had taken a fardh ghusal, and aer the beer aer going into ruku or sajdah?
gusal, you found that some substance had come
out from your private part, then you should re- Answer.
peat the ghusal. However, if before taking ghusal, According to the Hana Mazhab, the Imaam
you had passed urine, walked for forty steps or should commence the takbeer from the time he
more or slept for a while and thereaer made starts going down for ruku and sajdah and he
ghusal, then in all these cases, if semen had come should end the takbeer when he reaches the po-
out aer taking ghusal, you will not have to re- sition of ruku and sajdah. is Takbeer is called
peat the ghusal. takbeer-e-intiqaaliyah.
Mui Zakaria
Mui Zakaria

Question. Question.
Is it permissible for family members of a de- I have travelled the musaa r distance to a
ceased to post tributes and statuses expressing major city with many suburbs within it, and I
grief to the one who has passed on? Yes it makes will be residing in this city for two months. How-
the person feel better as they express how they ever, from time to time, I will move between the
feel but this sometimes continues for years aer suburbs of this city and spend the night in the
the person has passed away reigniting that at- different suburbs of this city. Up to now, I do not
mosphere of mourning and grief etc. have the intention to stay 15 days in one particu-

4. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018

lar suburb. Am I a musaa r or a muqeem? to accompany Nabi Musa (AS). But is it not the
case that the person mentioned in Surah Yaseen
Answer. also gave dawat to people by asking them to fol-
If each suburb is separated from the other low the Nabi? Also, people in previous ummats
and there is no ittisaal (continuity) between the had to act to prevent people from wrongdoing
suburbs, then you will be a musaa r. However, (preventing evil is also considered part of da-
if there is ittisaal between the suburbs and the wat). Does this not show that ummatis of the
town (and the suburbs are linked to the town), previous ummats also had to engage in some
then it will be regarded as though you are staying form of dawat?
in one place and hence you will not be a musaa-
r. Answer.
Mui Zakaria
is is not correct. e ummat of each Nabi
Question. was also commanded to give dawat and encour-
age towards good and forbid from evil. In the
If a boy was sexually abused in his childhood Qur’an Majeed, Allah Ta’ala says that the Bani Is-
and is now an adult, can he attempt suicide? raeel were cursed upon the tongues of their Am-
What does Islam say in this regard? biya (Hazrat Dawood (AS) and Hazrat Esa (AS))
Answer. on account of them associating with the people
of evil and not preventing them from wrong and
If he was sexually abused in his childhood, sin. Allah Ta’ala says:
then he will not be answerable for the wrong Cursed were those who disbelieved among
that was done to him. However, the person who the Children of Israel on the tongue of (Nabi)
committed the major sin with him will be taken Dawood (AS) and the tongue of (Nabi) Esa (AS),
to task. ere is no reason for him to feel guilty the son of (Hazrat) Maryam (Alayhas Salaam).
for what had occurred in his childhood as he at was because they disobeyed and (habitual-
was oppressed. Suicide is a major sin and severe ly) transgressed. ey never used to prevent one
warnings have been sounded in the Mubaarak another from the wrongdoing that they perpe-
Ahaadith for the one who perpetrates this grave trated. How evil was that which they were doing!
sin. He should understand that committing this Mui Zakaria

major sin is not a solution for removing the grief

of what was done to him as one wrong cannot
justify another wrong. It is reported in the Ha- Is the eighty durood that is recited aer
dith that if one takes his life through committing Asr on Friday a practice which is established in
suicide, then until Allah Ta’ala does not forgive Deen? Does it have a source in the Hadith of Ra-
him, he will be punished in the re of jahannum sulullah (saws)?
by continuously in icting the same pain upon
himself that was experienced at the time of com- Answer.
mitting suicide. Yes, the practice of reciting eighty durood
Mui Zakaria
aer Asr on a Friday is established in Deen. is
Question. practice is established from the following Hadith
of Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA):
Kindly clarify whether it is correct to say Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) reports that Ra-
that in the previous ummats, only the Nabi was sulullah (saws) said, “e one who performs Asr
allowed to give dawat. As proof, it is said that Salaah on Friday and thereaer recites eighty
Hazrat Haroon (AS) was made a Nabi in order
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 5.
times before standing up from his place, of sins are forgiven for him and eighty years of
Allahuma Salli ala Muhammadin-nil-Nabiyil (na ) ibaadat are written for him”. However,
Ummii wa-ala Aali wa-sallim Tasleema there has lately been some discussion among the
eighty years of sins are forgiven for him and Ulama regarding whether this practice is estab-
eighty years of (na ) ibaadat are written for him”. lished and whether this Durood should be recit-
It was the practice of many of our Akaabir ed.
and Buzrugaan-e-Deen to recite the eighty is book provides insight into this issue
Durood aer Asr on Friday. and expels the doubts that people have regarding
Shaikh Muhammad Awwaamah, a senior this practice being an innovation in Deen.
Mui Zakaria
ranking Muhaddith of this era, has also approved
of this practice and regarded reciting the eighty Question
Durood aer Asr on Friday as permissible. From
the Muhadditheen of the past, Allaamah Ibnu I missed reciting the qiraat aer Surah Faa-
Bashkuwaal (a Muhaddith of the sixth century), tihah in one rakaat of my esha salaah and I per-
Allaamah Sakhaawi (a Muhaddith of the tenth formed sajdah-e-sahw. Is sajdah-e-sahw suffi-
century) and Allaamah Ibnu Hajar Makki (a cient or do I have to repeat the salaah?
Muhaddith of the tenth century) (rahimahumul- Answer.
lah) regarded this practice to be established and
therefore included it in their kitaabs prepared on If you missed reciting the qiraat forgetfully
the topic of Durood upon Rasulullah (saws). aer Surah Faatihah, then the salaah will be valid
Reciting Durood upon Rasulullah (saws) is through performing sajdah-e-sahw at the end of
regarded as being among the greatest ibaadaat in the salaah. However, if you missed the qiraat in-
Deen through which one may acquire the divine tentionally aer Surah Faatihah, then the salaah
love of Allah Ta’ala and the special closeness of will not be valid even though you performed sa-
His beloved Rasulullah (saws). Rasulullah (saws) jdah-e-sahw at the end of the salaah. e salaah
said, “Indeed, the people who will be closest to will have to be repeated.
Mui Zakaria
me on the day of Qiyaamah will be those who
used to recite the most Durood upon me in the Question.
world.” If I miss saying “Aameen” when the Imam
In his Mubaarak Ahaadith, Rasulullah (saws) nishes Surah Faatihah, will it affect my namaz?
has encouraged his Ummah to recite abundant
Durood upon him and he has explained that Answer.
through reciting Durood, they will receive great For the muqtadi to recite Aameen aer the
virtues and blessings from Allah Ta’ala. Imaam completes Surah Faatihah is sunnah. It is
It has been the practice of many Akaabir and reported in the Hadith that the one who recites
pious elders to recite the eighty Durood aer Asr Aameen aer the Imaam completes the recita-
on Friday. is practice was always understood tion of Surah Faatihah, and his Aameen coin-
to have been based upon the Hadith of Hazrat cides with the Aameen of the malaaikah, his mi-
Abu Hurairah (RA) wherein he had reported nor sins will be forgiven. However, if one had not
that Rasulullah (saws) had said, “e one who recited the Aameen aer the Imaam completed
performs Asr Salaah on Friday and thereaer re- Surah Faatihah, his namaaz will be valid.
cites the above mentioned durood eighty times Mui Zakaria

before standing up from his place eighty years

6. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018

Lesson from
The Qur’an

And hold on to the

cord of Allah, all of Unity and agreement need a centre of attraction or a common
you, and be not divid- idea. is idea of a centre has been different with different peoples
of the world. Somewhere it was race and tribal affinity. For instance,
ed. And remember the among the tribal complex of Arabia, Quraysh was one nation and
Banu Tamim another. ere were other places where colour was the
blessing of Allah upon criterion, with black people taken as one nation, and the white peo-
ple as another. ere were still other places where the geographical
you: When you were or lingual factor was the centre of unity making Indian one nation
and the Arab, another. en there were areas where people rallied
enemies to each other, around ancestral customs drawing a line between those who follow
and He brought these customs and those who do not, for instance, the Arya Samajists
in India.
your hearts together, e Holy Qur’an, bypassing all these, made the Book of Allah
basis of unity, that is, the system revealed by Allah Almighty. In a
then you, with His single stroke, it declared that Muslims are a nation attached to ‘Hab-
lillah’, the cord of Allah, and those who disbelieve are another nation,
grace, became brothers. not attached to this strong ‘cord’ or ‘rope’. e statement: (It is He
And you were at the who created you. So, some of you are in dels and some of you are
believers) means just this. So, the unifying factors of geography, race,
brink of a pit of Fire, tribe or language do not deserve to be the centre of affinity for man
generally has no control over them. One cannot have them by per-
then, He saved you sonal effort or choice. Black cannot become white, a Qurayshi cannot
become a Tamimi, an Indian cannot become an Arab. Such unities
from it. This is how can exist in a very limited frame; they can never claim to have as-
sembled the whole humanity under their umbrella hoping to have
Allah makes His the entire world gathered on a united platform. is is why the Holy
signs clear to you, so Qur’an has made the Divinely revealed way of life as the centre of
unity, something one can elect to have for himself. Everyone from the
that you may take the East or the West, black or white, speaking Arabic or English or any
other language, coming from any family, any tribe, any human group,
right path. [3:103] can freely make this centre of unity his own as the most rational and
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 7.
correct choice available. en, humankind can rise again.
come close together around this centre and be- is far the discussion revolved around the
come brothers and sisters to one another. positive aspect of unity among Muslims. e
What is needed is a little impartial think- text now takes up the negative aspect when it
ing, a slight rising above custom, prejudice and says: (And be not divided). is is another ex-
habit, as a result of which, the seeker shall be ample of the peculiarly wise style of the Holy
striking the best bargain of his life. Hopefully, he Qur’an when it would highlight the positive as-
will discover for himself the way of life revealed pect rst, then identify the negative, and forbid
by Allah Almighty, understand it, and follow it the later. In another verse, it was said:
holding fast on to this strong medium of com- Surely, this is the straight path, so, follow it.
munion with Allah. As a result of this, the whole
humanity will become bene cially concentric,
And do not follow (other) ways which will cause
having the centre of God-given guidance in you to become separated from His way. (6:153)
common. Consequently, every individual mem- Since disunity is the rst and the last reason
ber of this great brotherhood will be able to tune behind the destruction of a nation, therefore,
his deeds, material and spiritual, to the jointly the Holy Qur’an has repeatedly forbidden it in
accepted way of life from Allah. various ways. It has been said in another verse:
Here is the principle, wise and correct, of Those who have made divisions in their religion
which Muslims can be proud, and con dent and become sects, you have nothing to do with
when inviting others to join in. Unfortunately,
conspiracies hatched by the Europeans, for cen-
them. (6:159)
turies to crush the Muslim unity have succeeded Also narrated in the Holy Qur’an are events
in dividing the ranks of those who claim to be concerning communities led by their prophet’s
Muslims. (A.S), communities which fell into temporal
Now they have themselves accepted the dif- and eternal disgrace because of their mutual
ferences of race, language and nationalities as disputes and disunity which turned them away
the dividing forces, and the link of Muslim uni- from the honest pursuit of their central purpose
ty stands severed by the concept of Arabs and of life.
Non-Arabs, Indians and non-Indians etc. e e Holy Prophet (saws) has said that there
Holy Qur’an proclaims a universal reality, loud- are three things Allah Almighty has liked for
ly and openly, time and again, that these distinc- you while there are three others He has disliked.
tions are ill-founded and divisive and any unity e ones He has liked are as follows:
based on them shall remain irrational and false. 1. at your worship should be for Allah
Acentericity is not the solution for Muslims who alone and that you should not attribute partners
have no choice but to ‘hold on to the cord of Al- to His divinity.
lah’, all of them, as a way of life. is has given 2. at you should hold on to the Book of
them a place of honour earlier, and if there is yet Allah rmly and avoid disunity.
another success destined for them, this is how it 3. at you should have goodwill for those
would come again. in authority from among you.
Muslims are required to live by the system e three things which cause Allah’s dis-
prescribed for them by Allah Almighty, and pleasure are:
hold fast to ‘the cord of Allah’ all together. is 1. Unnecessary argumentation.
is how the Muslim ummah gained ascendance 2. Needless asking.
in the past and there is no reason why, it will not 3. Wastage of resources.
Adapted from: Ma’ariful Qur’an
Mui Muhammad Sha (ra)
8. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018
Dr. Ra q Ahmad
Chapter 73 : e prohibition of the wine has driven crazy by his touch. That is because
trade in the mosque.
they have said: “Trading is but like Ribaa.”
  As already mentioned, it is permissible to
teach juristic injunctions in the mosque irre- And Allah has permitted trading, and prohib-
spective of the fact whether the injunctions are ited Ribaa. So, whoever receives an advice
of desired or undesired nature. erefore, it is from his Lord and stops, he is allowed what
also permissible to mention or discuss the in- has passed, and his matter is upto Allah. And
junctions related to things like wine, interest the one’s who revert back, those are the people of
etc., in the mosque. Allaama Ayni gives anoth- Fire. There they remain for ever.
er explanation regarding the title of this chap-
ter, saying that Imam Bukhari here wants to Allah destroys Ribaa and nourishes charities.
stress on the vice of wine because its prohibition And Allah does not like any sinful disbeliever.
was proclaimed from the pulpit by the Prophet Surely those who believe and do good deeds, es-
(saws), in a similar fashion as that of interest. tablish Salaah and Zakaat have their reward
  with their Lord, and there is no fear for them,
Hadith No. 446
Narrated Aisha nor shall they grieve.
When the verses of Surat “Al-Baqara”’ O those who believe, fear Allah and give up
about the usury Ribaa were revealed, the what still remains of the ‘riba’ if you are believers.
Prophet went to the mosque and recited them in But if you do not, then listen to the declaration
front of the people and then banned the trade of of war from Allah and His Messenger. And
alcohol. if you repent, yours is your principal. Neither
 Comments you wrong, nor be wronged.
According to Sayyida Aisha when the And if there be one in misery, then deferment till
(following) verses about the ban on interest ease. And that you leave it as alms is far better
were revealed to Rasulullah (saws), he went to
the mosque and recited the verses on the pulpit.
for you, if you really know. And be fearful of a
day when you shall be returned to Allah, then
Those who take riboa (usury or interest) -will everybody shall be paid, in full, what he has
not stand but as stands the one whom the demon earned. And they shall not be wronged. (2:275-
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 9.
281) create public awareness as well as sensitize peo-
ple about their obligations towards Islam.
Aer reciting these verses, Rasulullah
A captive or a debtor, not paying back his
(saws) informed the people about the evilness
debt in a just way, if handcuffed and tied down
of wine trade and ban on it.
in a mosque will be looked at by the people ve
times a day which will alert them against com-
Chapter 74 : Servants for the mosque.
mitting a crime. If a non-Muslim captive is kept
Ibn Abbas said, e words (of Hanna) ‘I have
in a mosque, he will be able to witness the eti-
dedicated to You what is in my womb,’ (3:35)
quettes of Muslims, the beauty of their worship
refer to the service of the mosque.”
and their mutual brotherhood which can mould
his heart towards the religion of Islam.
Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab
Imam Bukhari wants to convey the per-
Hadith No. 448
missibility of engaging a person for services of
Narrated Abu Huraira
the mosque. To prove this point he quotes a
verse from the Qur’an which says that Hanna— “The Prophet said, “Last night a big demon
the mother of Sayyida Maryam (AS), vowed to (afreet) from the Jinns came to me and wanted
Allah that she would dedicate her child, which to interrupt my prayers (or said something similar)
was at that particular time still in her womb, for but Allah enabled me to overpower him. I
services of Baitul Maqdis. wanted to fasten him to one of the pillars of the
Hadith No. 447
mosque so that all of you could See him in the
Narrated Abu Huraira morning but I remembered the statement of my
“A woman or a man used to take care of the brother Solomon (as stated in Qur’an): My
mosque. (He remarked,) “I am pretty sure it Lord! Forgive me and bestow on me a king-
was a woman.” Then he mentioned the hadith dom such as shall not belong to anybody after me
about the Prophet (saws) praying at her grave (38.35).” The sub narrator Rauh said, “He
(the demon) was dismissed humiliated.”
is hadith has been mentioned in ear- Comments
lier chapter which mentions that a lady used According to Sayyiduna Abu Huraira,
to sweep the Prophet’s (saws) mosque. To look Rasulullah (saws) said that Afreet—a big de-
aer and maintain the mosque is highly virtu- mon from the Jinn, had turned up and tried to
ous in Islam. It is one of the duties of the local disturb his Salaah. ere is a narration in Mus-
residents to take care of their mosque in every lim on the authority of Sayyiduna Abu Dhard-
possible manner. However, it is also permissible ha which mentions that Rasulullah (saws) said,
for the residents to engage a full time servant on “He (Afreet) came with a re ball and wanted to
salary for the purpose. put it on my face”. Rasulullah (saws) then said
that Allah gave him enough strength to over-
Chapter 75 : Tying up a captive or debtor in power it (Afreet), and that he wanted to tie him
the mosque. to one of the pillars of the mosque so that people
  could see him in the morning, but the Proph-
Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab et (saws) le the idea when the following verse
Mosque is a place where people assem- about Prophet Sulayman (AS) struck him:
ble at least ve times a day. It is an ideal place to O my Lord, forgive me, and bless me with a
10. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018
kingdom that will not be available to anyone after “None has the right to be worshipped but Allah
me (38:35) and Muhammad is His Apostle (i.e. he
  embraced Islam).”
Chapter 76 : Gusul (washing the whole body)  Comments
when becoming a Muslim and also tying up In the month of Muharram, 6th Hijra,
prisoners in the mosque. Rasulullah (saws) sent an expedition of thirty
Shurayh used to order debtors to be bound to a horsemen to Najd under the leadership of Mu-
pillar in the mosque. hammad bin Muslimah. On the way they saw
  some people heading towards Madinah. ey
Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab captured their leader namely umama bin
It has been widely debated by the schol- Uthaal, brought him to Madinah and fastened
ars of hadith why Imam Bukhari has established him to one of the pillars of the Prophet’s mosque.
such a title for this chapter. is chapter has two When Rasulullah (saws) came he asked uma-
parts viz., (i) taking a bath on accepting Islam ma what treatment he expected from them.
and (ii) tying up a prisoner in the mosque. e
rst part is not related to the chapters under
“If you kill, you will be killing one who deserves,
discussion which are about the mosque, and the and if you show generosity, you will be showing it
second part is a repetition of the previous chap- to a thankful person, and if you want money, we
ter. e scholars have given different explana- will give you what you want”.
tions for this, some say that this chapter was le Rasulullah (saws) le him like that for two
without a title by Imam Bukhari and it has been days and on the third day he felt Islam had en-
added later as is evident by its absence in some tered his (umama) heart. He asked the com-
of the compilations of Sahih Bukhari. Others say panions to release him. He went to a nearby date
that the hadith quoted in previous chapter was garden belonging to Abu Talha where he took
not clearly mentioning the tying of a prisoner as a bath and on returning back embraced Islam.
Rasulullah (saws) had only expressed his inten- Rasulullah (saws) said,
tion to tie the devil, whereas in the hadith of this
chapter it is vividly mentioned, and that is why
“Verily the Islam of your brother beautified”.
Imam Bukhari has repeated the chapter. e 1st Allaama Ayni has quoted from Taarikh
part i.e., taking a bath on accepting Islam is an al-Barqi that he was later asked to stay with
offshoot which Imam Bukhari liked to make Sayyiduna Abu Bakr and Sayyiduna Umar to
mention of. learn Islam.
Hadith No. 449 Status of taking a bath (ritual ablution or
Narrated Abu Huraira gusul) at the time of accepting Islam
As per Imam Ahmad it is obligatory
The Prophet sent some horsemen to Najd and (waajib) to have a gusul on accepting Islam. Ac-
they brought a man called Thumama bin Uth- cording to Imam Sha’faee and Imam Maalik it is
al from Bani Haneefa. They fastened him preferable (mustahab) but will be obligatory if
to one of the pillars of the mosque. The Prophet such a person before accepting Islam has done
came and ordered them to release him. He went an act which makes gusul mandatory. Accord-
to a (garden of) date-palms near the mosque, took ing to the Hana te school, if gusul was manda-
tory upon him before accepting Islam and he
a bath and entered the, mosque again and said, had performed it, he need not repeat it aer ac-
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 11.
cepting Islam, as did umama. got injured during the expedition of Khandaq
and it is most likely that he stayed back in Mad-
Chapter 77 : A tent in the mosque for sick inah when Rasulullah (saws) le for the ex-
people and others. pedition of Banu Quraizah. is argument is
further supported by the fact that the Jews of
Purpose of Tarjamatul Baab Banu Quraizah suggested that Sayyiduna Sa’d be
In previous chapters Imam Bukhari nominated as the Qazi (Judge) of the area and
mentions that a mosque can be used for other he came mounted on a camel when called. It is
purposes bene tting the Ummah. Here he says most likely that he was not present there but was
that even ordinary tents can be erected in the called from Madinah (Allah knows the best)
mosque for sick people and others. Sa’d bin Mu’ad Abu Umra was one of
  the respected Ansaar companions of Rasulull-
Hadith No. 450 ah (saws) who belonged to the Oas tribe and
Narrated Aisha (RA) participated in the battle of Badr. He died in the
On the day of Al-Khandaq (battle of the month of Shawal, 5th Hijra, aer an arrow hit his
forearm during the battle of Khandaq. He was
Trench’ the medial arm vein of Sa’d bin appointed as Qazi (Judge) of Banu Quraizah on
Mu’ad was injured and the Prophet pitched a the request of Jews who were kept under siege
tent in the mosque to look after him. There was by the Muslims soon aer the battle of Khandaq.
another tent for Banu Ghaffar in the mosque During this battle, the Makkan in dels with
and the blood started flowing from Sa’d’s tent the help of many neighbouring tribes marched
to the tent of Bani Ghaffar. They shouted, with a huge army of ten thousand people and
“O occupants of the tent! What is coming from laid siege around Madinah. On the suggestion
of Sayyiduna Salman al-Farsi a deep trench or
you to us?” They found that Sa’d’ wound was Khandaq was dug around Madinah in order to
bleeding profusely and Sa’d died in his tent. stop the marching army. e in dels contin-
Comments ued the siege for about a month but could not
According to some learned scholars of march forward due to this trench and nally le
hadith, it is most probable that this tent was not back disappointed and unsuccessful. Rasulullah
erected in the Prophet’s mosque in Madinah but (saws) along with his companions returned to
in some other mosque. It was during the siege of Madinah and started removing his armour and
Banu Quraizah aer the expedition of Khandaq weapons. At that very moment, the chief angel
when Rasulullah (saws) and his companions Jibra’eel came and told Rasulullah (saws) that
stayed at Banu Quraizah for about twenty ve since they (angels) were still in the battle and
days. Here he earmarked an open space for Sa- why were the Muslims removing their armours.
laah and according to the hadith, it is this place He asked Rasulullah (saws) to go and settle the
which has been regarded as mosque. At this issue with the Jews of Banu Quraizah rst who
place a tent was erected for Sayyiduna Sa’d bin had broken the treaty with the Muslims. Ra-
Mu’ad who got injured during the expedition of sulullah (saws) immediately le along with his
Khandaq. companions, laid siege of Banu Quraizah, who
Some other scholars believe that the tent nally surrendered and accepted to take Sayyi-
for Sahhiduna Mu’ad was erected in the Proph- duna Sa’d bin Mu’ad as Judge and obey whatever
ets mosque in Madinah. e reason they put judgement he would pass. It was at this time
forward is that Sayyiduna Sa’d bin Mu’ad had Cont’d on page 22
12. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018
Straight Talk

Believers see the truth of Prophetic predictions from the ashes of their
inner eye. When a prediction is proven true, by external means, they are
happy, not because the prediction came true, they always knew it was true,
but because their trust in the Prophet came true, writes

B ack in our childhood, we used to be told

by our elders of a few predictions of the
Prophet (on whom be peace). ey stuck to
and mentioned as an achievement by its think-
ers, is all about good things. at is, the skep-
ticism is, in reality, a pessimistic view of life. It
memory. One of them was that a time will come expects nothing “real” good to happen to Man.
when barefoot, bareheaded Bedouins will con- In uenced by Newton’s Second Law of er-
struct tall buildings. Such predictions were usu- modynamics, the Western mind believes in en-
ally received with conviction that they “could” tropy, worsening of things. ey believe things
happen, but perhaps would take some centuries. will get worse and worse. is makes them mis-
As we grew into the Western skeptic age, the anthropes, destructive to man, leading them to
predictions of the Prophet were pushed back into wars of death and destruction, undertaken with
infrequently visited areas of the mind. e new callous attitudes. If there is any optimism, it is
age directed us on rede ning such predictions as not about Man, but about things. With more and
which, if they happened, would happen, in time more development in science and technology,
quite remotely distant, and would manifest their they believe, more and more things will be pro-
true meaning in forms, perhaps, very different duced. Hopefully, it is thought, that will make
from the surface meanings of the words:“So, be life better. Or it may not. But that the things
rational,” we were told, “and wait not for the pre- will be there, in ever improved versions, that is
dictions to come true too soon.” As time passed, assured. Will life get any better? Of course, be-
Western in uences grew stronger and the newer cause things would be there. But when asked,
generation of Muslims was harder to convince “Will men be happy?” e answer is, “May-
to the extent that it would make any difference be yes, maybe not.” Actually, ideas about Man
to their attitudes to life. are doomed. is is what Western skepticism
As an aside, it might be pointed out that the means – at least, considering its one aspect.
skepticism of the West, quite proudly claimed, At any event, with skepticism of one kind

Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 13.

or another pervading life, thought and actions, enemies) they said, ‘This is what Allah and
predictions of the Prophet could only lie at the
His Messenger had promised. Allah and
back of the mind. ey had also to take that sec-
ondary position because they were to be hidden His Messenger have proven true.’ And noth-
from the Western man, Western mind, Western ing increased in them but belief and submission.”
idols. It was also to escape skeptic shake of the (The Qur’an, 47: 17)
heads and dismissal of the idea gestured by the And now, here comes news that brings an-
throwing back of shoulders. other prediction a step closer to its complete
However taken, they were predictions of a ful llment. It is another of those we used to
Prophet and no weird songs of a French wizard. hear in our childhood, and, as we grew into an
It wasn’t a few decades in our lives but we were age inimical to truths of life, shook our heads
witness to one of the predictions coming true. It in half-belief, half-disbelief. e Prophet said,
was not a few of them, but a whole generation “e Last Hour will not strike before the lands
of Bedouins, living across lands of huge dimen- of the Arabs turn back into what they once were:
sions, that began to work on making the predic- lush green gardens with rivers (dotting the land-
tion come true. It happened much sooner than scape).”
we had ever imagined; so sooner, that initially e statement has two parts: one, the deserts
Western skepticism cautioned us to wait and stretching over thousands of miles, were once
see, and not believe in the rst instance. lush green gardens with rivers dotting the land-
Today, the barefoot, bareheaded Bedouins scape; and two, the lands will once again turn
of yesterday boast of, with some pride, but more into what they originally were. As we grew up
satisfaction, the tallest building in the world. and became witness to discovery of huge depos-
Another is under construction with the ambi- its of oil, we began to ask: “From whence these
tion to make it taller than the tallest. oils?” We learnt the answer: oil is not a liquid
e Prophet’s prediction stood taller. It mineral; its deposits are not found in the earth
strengthened Muslim faith in Islam. is, how- like iron or nickel, it is not there from the time
ever, is a point rarely understood by the Islamo- the earth was created 4.5 billion years ago; but
phobists. Islam has the inner content, power, and rather, this oil was the result of death and burial
the force of conviction, to keep a believer within of microorganisms, plants and other materials
its fold. And, it is divinely rejuvenated. While in the sea-beds. It took hundreds of millions of
most faiths are suffering decline in number of years to turn into oil in degrees because of huge
people who believe in their veracity, that of the pressure from above accompanied by high tem-
Muslims increases – much to the global discom- peratures. e substance once turned into oil,
fort. Envious, their adversaries declare war on began to migrate until it met with a barrier of
Islam and Muslims without knowing that their hard rocks and thus collected as deposits.
enmity, their hatred of Islam and Muslims, their e conclusion was simple: the land must
desire to destroy the culture and civilization that once have had thick forests, and so, there must
the Muslims have produced, has been predict- have been rivers, lakes, ponds and springs on
ed too. ey rename their intentions as security the surface to support the greenery; and, previ-
moves, re rockets as preemptive measures, on ous to that, the lands must have all been under
hapless populations, but, in response, Muslims the sea. e sea retreated for geological reasons,
tell each other: “Haven’t these wars against us rains kept coming for some time, but stopped
been predicted?” altogether. ose rains must have created rivers,
“And when the believers saw the forces (of their ponds etc, affording greenery to the land.
14. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018
e prediction by the Prophet that the Arab Instead, the quarries at Al-Ain demonstrate that
lands were once rich in water and hence bloom- the vast alluvial fans along the western Hajar and
ing with ora and fauna is now con rmed by Oman Mountains became active approximately
the latest developments in geology. Says a recent every 23,000 years since at least ~160,000 years
report: ago. ese wet periods were triggered by period-
“When most of us think of Arabia, we think of ic northward shis in the position and strength
rolling sand dunes, scorching sun, and precious of the Indian Ocean Monsoon, driven by subtle
little water. But in the quite recent past it was a changes in the Earth’s orbit every ~23,000 years.
place of rolling grasslands and shady woods, wa- During these times, the vast Arabian deserts
tered by torrential monsoon rains.” ( were transformed into landscapes littered with
com/earth/) freshwater lakes and active river systems, provid-
Recent ndings of a team of scientists sug- ing ample opportunities for humans to disperse
gest that: across the region en route to the rest of Eurasia.
“… (there is) evidence of ve wet phases, during (
which the rivers owed and silt was deposited. ere remains now the coming true of the
e rst wet phase happened between 160,000 second half of the Prophet’s prediction: a time
and 150,000 years ago, and the most recent was will come when the Arab land will once again
around 55,000 years ago.” ( turn into lush green gardens dotted by rivers.
Writes another earth explorer: is, too, is now being predicted by none other
than geological sciences.
“e Arabian Desert, also known as all of Saudi
Arabia and part of Egypt, sprawls across almost e truth of the truthful is self-evident; and,
if the truthful is a Messenger, then, all the more
1 million square miles and is home to one of the
so. But, problematically, and a consequence of
largest contiguous bodies of sand in the world. It
the skepticism, when you run through a Proph-
is one of the least biologically diverse places on
et’s predictions, you run into a problem. e
the planet due to its harsh climate and damages
truth is not visible to the physical eye. It is vis-
from human activity (hunting, industrial pollu-
ible to the inner eye alone. Moreover, like cer-
tion, military action). But just a few tens of thou-
tain members of Allah’s creation in the animal
sands of years ago, it was home to a large number
kingdom, the inner eye ashes out light, though
of shallow lakes that supported a diverse com-
a light devoid of photons, in which light you see
munity of animals, including hippos and water
buffalo.” (Shea Gunther, lot of truth. If the inner eye has gone blind,
earth-matters) the noon light of the sun in the desert does not
e BBC report also quoted from the orig- reveal much.
inal article: “Is he then whose heart Allah has opened for
“…the monsoon pushes further into Arabia every
Islam, so that he is on a light from his Lord
23,000 years, allowing plants and animals to
ourish. e ndings are published in the journal
(equal to him who is stumbling in the dark)?”
Geology. ( [39: 22]
Another researcher, Dr. Andrew Farrant, Believers see the truth of Prophetic predic-
wrote: tions from the ashes of their inner eye. When
Our ndings, published in the journal Geology a prediction is proven true, by external means,
have shown that wet climatic periods in Arabia they are happy, not because the prediction came
were not driven by global ice volume changes dur- true, they always knew it was true, but because
ing interglacial conditions every ~100,000 years. their trust in the Prophet came true.

Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 15.


Ahmad Zaki Hammad

B ehold! in the creation of the heavens and that to allege the opposite, based entirely upon
lab or eldwork, is to overreach the competence
the earth, and the alternation of night
of empirical inquiry. One of modern science’s
and day,- there are indeed Signs for men of most lauded breakthroughs in these early days
understanding,- (The Quran: 3: 190) of the new millennium, for example, has been
e human creation is a being of limitations the declared completion of the project to map
that God has endued with creative conscious- out the human genetic code, or genome. is
ness. is union of constraint and ranging im- has enabled us for the rst time to decipher in a
agination makes discovery an interesting part of rather comprehensive manner the relationship
our very essence. e instruments, techniques, connecting sequences of vital molecules in our
and culture of curiosity we have devised to satis- cells to our physical attributes and conditions.
fy this exploration instinct have vastly expand- Interestingly, one of the project’s directors her-
ed our awareness of the secrets of the physical alded this achievement with the words, “Today
world. Unseen structures of matter are contin- we celebrate the rst glimpse of our instruc-
ually discerned at previously impregnable lev- tion book, previously known only to God.” If
els; forces, energies, and dimensions that shape one listens past the seeming arrogance of these
material existence are continually theorized, words for a moment, one hears a new tone that
tested, and recast; human understanding of has slowly emerged among the scientists of our
the invisible mechanisms and connections that time; namely, a humbling recognition that the
bring the universe into seamless coherence are mere proportion of what is unknown about cre-
hypothesized, debunked, and postulated again - ation far outstrips all human comprehension of
such that steadily, inevitably existence yields her it. However reluctant or incidental this conces-
enigmatic attributes to our mortal minds. sion may be, it pointedly underscores the need
e scienti c sensibility, for the most part, for religion (and philosophy within the realm of
has evolved enough (at least for peer review its competency) to recover the right to contem-
purposes, if for no higher reason) to restrain plate the ndings of science and relate them to
researchers who would otherwise rush feckless- truths known to man only by way of revelation
ly to state the “last word” on the natural world. and informed re ection.
ere are, however scientists who have grown Indeed, human discovery of the natural
too wise to deny transcendent meaning and world deepens the religious experience because
purpose in existence, and who have realized it heightens our realization of the existence of

16. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018

system, complexity,
harmony, order, and
magnitude in creation Powerful Prescription
on a scale that serious-
ly dents (if not outright Sayyidah Ummu Sulaim (radhiyallahu ‘anha)
dismisses) the theories
of an accidental uni-
once came to Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi
verse. Natural inquiry, wasallam) and requested, “O Rasul of Allah
unfettered by anthro-
pological agendas, has (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam)! Teach me some
the capacity to inform
and affirm the recogni- words to recite through which I will make du‘aa
tion of divine purpose to Allah Ta‘ala.” Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alai-
in creation - recogni-
tion found in all human hi wasallam) answered, “Recite Subhaanallah
beings. Such an opti-
mistic, congruous, and ten times, Alhamdulillah ten times and Allahu
innate view of existence
is perhaps the antidote
Akbar ten times. Thereafter, ask your needs of
to a terrible sense of al- Allah Ta‘ala, for He will say, ‘I have done so! I
ienation and the myriad
personal psychoses and have done so! (I have fulfilled your needs)’”
social turmoil that have
resulted from this disaf- (Musnad Ahmad #12207)
fection. What truth or The prescription given to Sayyidah Ummu Su-
hope can possibly in-
habit a view of ourselves laim (radhiyallahu ‘anha) by Rasulullah (sal-
as eeting organic luck
adri in endless space? lallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) is one that is both
e God-given impulse
to understand our sur-
easy to recite and extremely powerful. We all
roundings serves to have needs, and every person is totally dependent
relocate our spiritual
selves and earthly pur- on Allah alone for the fulfillment of his needs.
pose in a colossal uni-
verse. is impulse to Hence, before supplicating to Allah and present-
“know”, when guided ing our needs to Him, let us strive to recite the
by revelation, shall con-
duct us to the eventual- zikr prescribed above. It will take only a few mo-
ity we so crave - coming
near to our sole and re- ments, but the effect of the du‘aa that is answered
splendent Maker.
(an excerpt from a new release, will be long lasting.
“Mary - e Chosen Woman”,
from Quranic Literacy Institute)

Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 17.


Khalid Baig

A recent article in the Detroit News con-

trasted the lives of two ordinary per-
sons from Palestinian refuge camps in Jordan.
about the Muslim world. In a typical piece,
the rst person would have been depicted as a
“fundamentalist”, a fanatic, a “bad guy” who is
Two persons joined by faith and circumstances, danger to himself and to the world. e second
yet separated by choices of their lifestyles. One person, would, of course, be the “good guy”---
awakens at 4 a.m. every day and walks a mile to the friendly, “civilized” person who needs en-
the mosque for the Fajr prayers. At that time, couragement and support. In contrast, here is
the other is oen just getting to sleep, capping an objective observation about the clash of two
off another night of drinking and socializing at currents. Its objectivity compels those it reports
a bar that caters to tourists and wealthy Pales- about, to re ect on their situation.
tinians. One keeps abreast of the latest politi- In a way, the story captures the current state
cal developments in the Middle East to “ensure of the entire Ummah. For today, the Ummah is
our future liberation from Israel.” e other, a big refuge camp: Robbed, wounded, tortured,
“like many in his Heineken-drinking clique, expelled, dispossessed, and disenfranchised.
is oblivious to the latest showdown between And just like the refuge camp it has two pow-
the United States and Iraq and the subsequent erful but exactly opposite currents: One repre-
peace brokered by the United Nations. But … sents awakening, turning to Allah, overcoming
knows all the words to the latest music videos.” the base desires, and preparing for liberation
One wears a beard. e other religiously shaves from slavery, both physical and intellectual. e
it before happy hour, “because the real hot girls other represents falling asleep, turning away
like so skin.” One is concerned about moral from Allah, and “enjoying” the slavery. is is
decadence and the mortal danger it presents a clash between piety and profanity, between
to “their country and their aerlife.” e other light and darkness, between the path to Para-
asks, “Why shouldn’t we enjoy ourselves? Come dise and the way to Hell.
on, you only live once, right?” It is born of the freedom of choice that has
e article titled “Partying versus Praying”, been given to every human being. Allah has
is pleasantly free of the propaganda overtones created two possible destinations for all human
characteristic of the mainstream media reports beings, and there are two opposite paths lead-
18. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018
ing to them. course, the choice would not be difficult if we
“We have shown him the two paths.” were only looking at the destination. No one in
his right mind would choose Hell over Heaven
[Al-Balad 90:10] or eternal failure over success. But the eternal
“We showed him the Way: Whether he be success requires us to go uphill. It takes effort
grateful or ungrateful.” [Al-Insan 76:3] and patience. e journey to hell, on the other
hand, is downhill. One can just slide to it. And
The first path leads to success, the other to so, weak and prone to temptations that we are,
failure. “By the Soul and the proportion we slip. at slip alone would not be that much
and order given to it, and its inspiration as to of a problem, because one can also recover from
its wrong and its right. Truly he succeeds that it through repentance. e real problem occurs
purifies it and he fails that corrupts it.” [Ash- when we lose all sense of direction and purpose
Shams 91:7-10] and start thinking that our fall is our rise.
To complicate matters further, today big
Qur’an is very emphatic that those who outside forces are also busy at work to smooth
choose the disparate paths cannot be alike, ei- our slide and cheer us at our fall. It is a jugger-
ther here or in the hereaer: naut of unbelievable proportions and unprec-
“Shall We treat those who believe and do edented wickedness. e television and music
good works as those who spread corruption in the videos, present everywhere and all the time,
earth; shall We treat the pious as the wicked?” are part of it. e UN Social Action Program
[sad 38:28] and its plans for “development” and “empower-
ment” are part of it. e various NGOs working
“Is he who is a believer like unto him who is for “Human rights”, “Women’s rights”, or what-
an evil-liver? They are not alike.” [As-Sajda ever rights, are part of it. All those propaganda
32:18] pieces that praise “moderates” and demonize
“fundamentalists” are part of it.
“Is then one who does know that that which has Of course none of that can do any harm to
been revealed unto you (O Muhammad), from us if we are willing to cut through the haze and
your Lord is the Truth, like one who is blind?” see things for what they are. It is Allah’s promise
[Ar-Rad 13:19] that both paths will remain open to us. It is our
choice. e young Palestinian man who walks a
“The Day when Man shall remember all mile to the mosque three to ve times a day has
that he strove for, and Hell-Fire shall be made his choice. So have thousands upon thou-
placed in full view for him who sees. Then, for sands of others like him in the Ummah who
such as had transgressed all bounds, and had have decided to shun evil and follow the path of
preferred the life of this world, the abode will be piety and righteousness. So can the millions of
others who are just wandering around.
Hell-Fire; and for such as had entertained Let us remember: we cannot get to the high
the fear of standing before their Lord and had ground by taking the low road. We cannot win
restrained their soul from lower desires, their abode our Creator’s pleasure by disobeying Him. We
will be the Garden.” [An-Naziat 79:35-41] cannot enter Paradise by being ambivalent
It is, then, for each one of us to make up our about it. e clash between the two lifestyles
mind regarding our destination and to check here is actually the clash between two aerlives.
whether we are moving in its direction. Of And the choice is ours.
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 19.

Shaykh Muhammad b. Salih al-Uthaymin

A “One of you should not wish for death

nas relates that Allah’s Messenger said, However, when you desire death, you are
not aware that this would be bad for you as it
would not cause you to rest, because not every
because of a difficulty that has affected him. If death will bring with it rest, as a poet once said:
he must [say something], then let him say, ‘Alla- One who died is not at rest; because death is only
humma, aheenee maa kaanatil hayaatu khairan for the life. It may be that a person dies only to
lee, wa tawaffanee idhaa kaanatil wafaatu face punishment and torment in the grave, we
khairan lee.’ (Allah, give me life as long as life is seek Allah’s refuge from this; if he had remained
good for me, and cause me to die when death is alive, he would have become remorseful, re-
good for me.)” Agreed upon. pented, and returned to Allah, and this would
be a cause of good for him. So when an affliction
In this hadith, the Prophet forbids a person
affects you, do not wish for death.
from wishing for death due to a difficulty that
If the Prophet forbade a person from desir-
has affected him. An individual may be afflicted
ing death, because of an affliction that affected
by a difficulty which proves to be heavy for him
him, then what can be said about the one who
and so he becomes tired of it and starts to wish
commits suicide because of a calamity; this is
for death, saying: “Lord, cause me to die.” It is
found among some foolish people, who, when
the same whether he physically utters it or says
suffering from a prolonged calamity, hang, stab,
it in his heart. e Prophet (S) forbade this by
poison, etc, themselves. ese people only move
saying, “One of you should not wish for death
from one affliction to another that is even more
because of a difficulty that has affected him,” be-
severe, because the one commits suicide will be
cause there may be good in it for him. When-
punished in the same manner that he commit-
ever you are afflicted by harm, then you should
ted suicide in the re of Hell, where he will re-
say: “Allah, cause me to be steadfast during it,”
main for eternity, as related by the Prophet. So if
so that Allah will help you be patient, and this
he commits suicide by the use of iron—such as
will be good for you.
20. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018
a dagger, a knife, a nail, or anything else—then is an indication of a person’s displeasure and im-
he will be in the Hell [continuously] stabbing patience with Allah’s decree; however with the
himself with that piece of iron that he used to supplication, “Allah, give me life as long as life
commit suicide with. If he commits suicide with is good for me, and cause me to die when death
poison, he will continue consuming it in Hell. is good for me,” a person entrusts his affair to
If he committed suicide by throwing himself off Allah; since he is unaware of the unseen, so he
of high place, then that place will be erected for entrusts his affair to its Knower, the Mighty and
him in the Hell, and he will throw himself re- Sublime [Allah].
peatedly from it eternally. A person wishing for death is hastiness in
Since the Prophet forbade a person from desiring that Allah ends his life, as that may pre-
wishing for death, because of an affliction that vent him from many good things; it may prevent
he is suffering from, then [the forbiddance] is him from seeking repentance and an increase in
even move severe for committing suicide, being righteous deeds. at is why it was reported in
hasty with Allah’s [decree] concerning his soul. a hadith,
We ask Allah for security [from this]. It was the “There is no one who dies but he shall regret.
practice of the Messenger (S) that whenever he
forbade a thing which had a legal substitute, he
If he was a doer of good, he shall regret that he
would mention [that substitute], which is also did not do more, and if he is doer of evil, he shall
the style of the Qur’an. Allah, the Glorious, says, regret that he did not stop.”
“Believers, do not say [to the Prophet] raa‘in- Meaning that he will seek a reprimand for his
sins and ask to be reprimanded, i.e., to be ex-
aa (be careful and listen to us), but say unzurnaa cused.
(make us understand).” (2:104) If someone were to ask: How is that one can
So when Allah prohibited the use of the word say, “Allah, give me life as long as life is good
raa‘inaa, He directed [the believers] to a legal for me, and cause me to die when death is good
word by saying, “but say unzurnaa.” (2:104) for me?” We answer: is is because [only] Al-
Also, when some good dates were brought to lah, the Glorious, knows what will occur [in the
the Messenger (S) he was astonished and asked, future] of which a person is unaware, as Allah
“Are all the dates of Khaibar similar to these?” says,
ey replied, “Messenger of Allah, no, by Al-
lah. We purchase a sa‘ of these with two sa‘s (of
“Say, ‘No one in the heavens and the earth
another type) and two sa‘s with three.” He said, knows the unseen except Allah,’” (27:65) and
“Do not do that, instead sell the inferior dates “No person knows what he will earn tomorrow,
for dirhams and then use the dirhams to buy the and no person knows in what land he will die.”
superior dates,” meaning the good dates. Having (31:34)
forbidden him from one practice, he related to So you are unaware of whether life or death is
them its legal substitute. Here [in the hadith be- better for you. is is why whenever someone
ing discussed] he said, “One of you should not supplicates for a person to have a long life he
wish for death because of a difficulty that has should restrict it by saying, “May Allah grant
affected him. If he must [say something], then you a long life in obedience to Him,” so that the
let him say, ‘Allah, give me life as long as life is duration of his life is lived in goodness.
good for me, and cause me to die when death is If someone was to say: Maryam, the daugh-
good for me,” through which he opened a door ter of ‘Imraan, was reported to have wished for
for you which is secure. Since wishing for death death when she said, “Would that I had died
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 21.
before this, and had been forgotten and out of rank.
sight.” (19:23). How is it that she fell into doing Whatever affliction, illness, or anything
that which is prohibited? en answering that similar affects a person it is never in nite, rather
we give [is the following]: it will end and there is no doubt in this. When it
First: We must know that when it comes does end, and you have earned a good merit by
to the Law of the previous nations, if our Law anticipating the reward from Allah and an ex-
mentions something that is contrary to theirs, piation of your sins, then it turns into goodness
then their law cannot be used as proof because for you. is is affirmed from the Prophet when
our Law abrogated all that of the former reli- he said, “e case of the believer is amazing. All
gions. his affairs are good, and that is not for anyone
Second: Maryam did not desire death, but but the believer. If something happens to him
she wished that she had died before this tnah that makes him happy, he is grateful, so that is
(trial) [that she was afflicted with] even if she good for him. If something happens to him that
had lived a thousand years. What is important harms him, then he is patient, so that is good for
is that she wished to die without any tnah. An him.” So in all circumstance there is goodness
example of this is the statement of Yoosuf, for the believer, whether in times of calamity or
“(O Allah) You are my protector in the world in times of prosperity.
and the Hereafter, cause me to die as a Mus- Cont’d on page 12
lim, and join me with the righteous.” (12:101) that Rasulullah (saws) called Sayyiduna Sa’d Bin
What is meant here is not that he asked Mu’ad who was ill because of an injury. When he
Allah to cause him to die, rather asked Him to arrived mounted on a camel, Rasulullah (saws)
cause him die as one who has submitted (Mus- told his companions: “Stand up for your leader.”
lim), and there is nothing wrong with this. It is Aer this incident Sayyiduna Sa’d bin
similar to you saying, “Allah, make me die on Mu’ad achieved martyrdom due to the same
Islam, faith,tawheed (monotheism), and ikh- injury that he had suffered during the battle
laas (sincerity), or cause me to do what You are of Khandaq. It is said that when he died, the
pleased with me,” and so forth throne of Allah—Arsh shook and seventy thou-
It is necessary to understand the difference sand angels descended down to participate in
between a person who wishes for death because his Janazah Salaah (Umdatul Qaari). May Allah
of difficult circumstances that afflicted him, and be pleased with him and elevate his rank.
a person who wishes to die in a speci c state
that Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, is pleased Cont’d from page 24
with. e rst type is prohibited by the Messen- servants. When we live our lives with this un-
ger, while the second type is permissible. derstanding, we are humble in our power and
e Prophet only prohibited a wish for death use the gis we’re given from Him to make the
borne from an afflicted calamity, because the world a better place, not to destroy it. As God
one who does so is not patient, and it is required says about the believers, “And those who keep
that the person be patient with an affliction and their trusts and covenants… ey will be the
to anticipate the reward from Allah, the Mighty inheritors of the highest paradise and will dwell
and Sublime. e afflicted calamity—whether it therein forever” (Quran 23:8, 10-11).
is anxiety, grief, illness, or any other calamity— [1] Sahih Muslim, Book 32, Hadith 6239.
is expiation for your sins; so if you anticipate the [2] Sahih Muslim, Book 42, Hadith 7138.
reward, then it will be a cause of raising you in Source: Dar al-Ia al-Missriyyah

22. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018


you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us

arthquakes. Tsunamis. Hurricanes. Tor-
nados. Flash ooding. Severe drought. you will be returned” (Quran 21:35).
is verse is the lens by which the believer
Every day we hear more and more news of views the world. When something good hap-
natural disasters that devastate the communi- pens, they understand that this is also a test
ties they touch. Whether this increase is caused which deserves an appropriate response as well.
by global warming, as the scienti c community As God tells us of Solomon (peace be upon
is more and more certain about, or some oth- him),
er cause, how are we as believers expected to
handle these phenomena when they hit unex- “And when [Solomon] saw it placed before
pectedly? Like everything else in our lives, we him, he said, “This is from the favor of my
must base our understanding of events, and our Lord to test me whether I will be grateful or
reaction to them, on our faith. is understand- ungrateful. And whoever is grateful - his gratitude
ing starts with looking at what the Quran and is only for [the benefit of] himself. And whoever
the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)
say about these matters, and how we’re to deal
is ungrateful - then indeed, my Lord is Free of
with them. is isn’t limited to natural disasters, need, and Generous” (Quran 27:40).
but extents to include everything we face in life, Likewise, when disasters hit, the believer
both the good and the bad of it. understands that this test, despite being a bitter
God clearly tells us in multiple places in the one, is not one that should cause them to lose
Quran that this life is a test… all of it. It’s not a faith or despair of God’s mercy in this life or the
paradise for a reason. It’s not always easy for a next. In fact, those deeply rooted in faith know
reason. Unfortunately, so many of us go in and that in reality those trials and tribulations only
out of a state of heedlessness and forgetfulness act as a means to bring them closer to God and
about the world we’re living in, and why we’re to have their sins removed.
living in it. God says,
God, the Almighty, tells us, “And We will surely test you with something
“Every soul will taste death. And We test of fear and hunger, and a loss of wealth and lives
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 23.
and yields, but give good tidings to the patient for him; yet if adversity befalls him, he endures it
who, when disaster strikes them, say, ‘Indeed patiently and that is good for him.”[2]
we belong to God, and indeed to Him we We see this hadith manifested in the re-
will return.’ Those are the ones upon whom are sponse of people of faith, who react to natural
blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it disasters with not only patience, but also un-
is those who are the [rightly] guided” (Quran derstanding that this is an opportunity for work
in the service of others, to help feed and clothe
2:155-157). them, and help them rebuild their lives. ose
e Prophet (peace and blessings be upon who only view life through the lens of mate-
him) also said, rialism, and ignore the spiritual truths about
“There is no trouble that comes to a believer the world around them only see chaos, or even
except that it removes some of his sins, even if it is worse, an opportunity to loot and steal, whereas
the pricking of a thorn.”[1] the believer sees an opportunity for service and
Patience and strength are essential for deal-
ere are other aspects of natural disasters,
ing with life’s challenges, although this doesn’t
which we should focus on as believers as well.
mean we cannot ask God to ease our burden
One of those is: How much did we appreciate
and facilitate matters. God has mentioned the
our lives and all the blessings that God gave us,
prayer of the believers which we take to heart
before disaster struck? Were we thankful for our
when facing our challenges,
health, our families, and the sustenance that
“Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if God has given us?Did we realize that every mo-
we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord, lay not ment of life is a gi, and an opportunity to draw
upon us a burden like that which You laid closer to God? As God tells us,
upon those before us. Our Lord, burden us not “And it is not [possible] for one to die except by
with that which we are unable to bear. And permission of God at a decree determined, and
pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon whoever desires the reward of this world - We
us. You are our protector, so give us victory over will give him thereof; Yet whoever desires the
the disbelieving people” (Quran 2:286). reward of the Hereafter - We will give him
is guidance from the Quran and Sunnah thereof. And we will reward those who are thank-
is clear, yet if we do not allow ourselves to view ful” (Quran 3:145).
the world through this lens from the beginning, One of the side effects of our heedlessness is
before disaster strikes, it will be very difficult to that we tell ourselves we are so powerful and can
tackle these challenges with the patience and do anything. Although it’s true humanity have
strength needed once they occur. e believers been blessed with great abilities to transform
must ground their lives in the beautiful teach- the world, Satan can use this to delude and de-
ings of our religion, which will enable them to ceive people into thinking they are not in need
be successful in this life and the next. As the of anyone or anything, even God Almighty. Dis-
Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, asters remind us in an instant that this idea is
“How wonderful is the situation of the believer; foolish and only leads people down a dark path.
there is good for him in everything, and this ap- No dear reader, we are not all-powerful. We are
plies only to a believer. If prosperity reaches him, the creation of e All-Powerful and are His
he expresses gratitude to God, and that is good Cont’d on page 22
24. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018
From the

Shibli Zaman

T here are those who love and there are

those who hate. Of which were our pi-
ous predecessors and of which are you?
Omar refused saying, “It is not right for a man to
take from another what God has not decreed for
him, for God has given to each and every one of
When the Muslims surrounded Jerusalem, humanity from His Divine knowledge, and he
the inhabitants said they would surrender the who desires to receive something from his com-
city only if the Muslim ruler himself —Omar, panion exceeding that, does so against God.”2
the second successor or “Caliph,” of the Proph- Yet, the Christians of the city were outraged and
et Muhammad— came to them. So Omar so- Omar sensed that they found it humiliating to
journed by camel from Damascus, Syria to Je- concede the city to someone who looked so base
rusalem in the Holy Land. As Omar approached and common. So he compromised. eophilus
the city, his servant became weary, so he ordered further records from Omar, “Because you re-
his servant to ride the steed while he walked it quest it of me, and have shown me such great
by the reins. honor, please lend me these clothes and I will
When they entered Jerusalem —records wear them while you wash mine. When mine
indicate it very well could have been Easter— are returned, I will return these clothes to you.”
the people of the city mistook the servant for Michael the Syrian, 12th Century Patriarch of
the Caliph. When corrected, they couldn’t be- the Syriac Orthodox Church, says about Omar,
lieve that this man in tattered and dirty clothes, “He was certainly just and removed from greed,
leading on foot his servant who rode his steed, to the degree that from all the empire that the
was the ruler of this new people who were con- Arabs ruled, that is, from all the wealth and
quering the Persian and Roman Empires, the treasures of the Romans and Persians, he took
greatest empires the world had ever seen, with nothing for himself. He did not change the sim-
such speed that had never been seen before. St. plicity of his habits, not even the piece of hide
Sophronius, Christian Patriarch of Jerusalem, that was placed under him when he rode by
greeted Omar with a set of fresh regal clothes camel and that he used for sitting on the ground
and insisted he wear them instead of the dirty or sleeping on.”
rags he was wearing. According to the Greek As the time approached for the Muslim
chronicler eophilus of Edessa (695-785CE), noon prayer, Sophronius invited Omar to pray
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 25.
in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the holiest Christmas” or any other variety of holiday greet-
site in all of Christianity that contains the Gol- ings throughout the year, I urge them to drop
gotha, the Hill of Calvary where Christ was to such vain harangues. Instead, reach into the psy-
be cruci ed, as well as the tomb where Christ che of Omar, inspired by the Prophet Muham-
was to be interred. Omar refused saying that mad whom he served and later succeeded, and
he feared future generations of Muslims might how he treated the Christians who found them-
seek to make it a Muslim holy site. So he prayed selves under his rule. Had he wished, he could
opposite the southern courtyard of the Church have done away with the Christian and Jewish
where, sure enough, they eventually built the populations and history would have no less re-
Mosque of Omar that stands there to this day corded him as yet another conqueror. When
facing the empty tomb of Jesus Christ. the Christian Crusaders invaded Jerusalem 400
Patriarch Eutychius of Alexandria of the years later, they did slaughter the Muslims, Jews
Greek Orthodox Church (877-940CE) records: and even those Christians of sects they deemed
“When the gate of the city was opened, Omar heretical in a stadium as if it were sport. No man,
came in with his entourage and sat at the aetri- woman, child or even babe in arms was spared.6
on of the Church of the Resurrection. When the e year prior to that, in 1098, the Crusaders
time of prayer approached, Omar said to Patri- had actually cooked and eaten the Muslims of
arch Sophronius: ‘I want to pray.’ And he re- Ma`rrat al-Nu`man in Syria. It is said that ba-
sponded: ‘Commander of the faithful, pray in the bies were skewered on spits, broiled and eaten.7
place where you are now.’ And Omar said: ‘I do But that is not our way and any who adopt
not want to pray here.’ e patriarch and then led such ways in God’s name profane the very core
him to the Church of Constantine [the Church of of Islam. Omar chose the path of love, compas-
the Resurrection] where he spread a mat made of sion, and mercy. He gave the Christians freedom
straw on the oor of the church. But Omar said: and brought the Jews back to the Holy Land
‘I do not want to pray here either.’ He went out to from whence they had been driven out just a
the steps, which are at the gate on the eastern side decade before and successively in the centuries
of the Church of St. Constantine, and he prayed preceding that. e city’s Christians entrusted
alone on the steps. en he sat down and said to the keys to the Church of Holy Sepulchre into
Patriarch Sophronius: ‘Patriarch, do you know the hands of the Muslim family of Nusaybah.
why I did not pray inside the church?’ He an- Today, a millennium and a half later, a member
swered: ‘I do not know, Commander of the Faith- of that Muslim family unlocks the Church in the
ful.’ And Omar said to him: ‘If I had prayed inside morning and locks it up at night. e Christians
the Church, you would be losing it and it would of Jerusalem would have it no other way.8
have gone from your hands because aer my Will the Christians love you when you
death the Muslims would seize it saying: Omar deal with them thus? Some will. Some won’t.
has prayed here. Give me a piece of pergamene4 In spite of acknowledging the magnanimity of
to write for you a document.’” Omar related above, eophanes the Confessor
Eutychius goes on to relate the terms writ- (760-818CE) refers to him as a devilish beast
ten in that document protecting the Church and and mocks him for entering the city in dirty
the churches surrounding it forbidding Mus- clothes.9 God even tells us in the Qur’an, “e
lims from congregating near its steps for their Jews and Christians will never be fully satis ed
prayers. with you until you follow their respective reli-
While some Muslims bicker over whether gions.” It should matter to you naught! Be good
they should bid their Christian fellows “Merry and seek no reward. We do not let the pleasure
26. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018
of people guide our actions. We do not behave 7. “Some people said that, constrained by
well towards goodness nor do we mete ill with the lack of food, they boiled pagan adults in
evil. Jesus is recorded in Islamic sources as say- cooking-pots, impaled children on spits and de-
ing: voured them grilled.” Citing Rudolph of Caen,
“Virtuous action does not consist in doing e First Crusade: e Chronicle of Fulcher of
good to someone who has done good to you— Chartres and Other Source Materials, Edward
that is merely returning a favor. Virtuous action Peters.
consists in doing good [even] to those who have 8. e Oxford Companion to Christian
wronged you.” ought, Adrian Hastings, Alistair Mason,
us, we behave as our beloved Proph- Hugh Pyper
et Muhammad, the servant and messenger of 9. eophilus of Edessa’s Chronicle- And
God, instructed and exempli ed seeking only the Circulation of Historical Knowledge in Late
the pleasure of the very One Whom we —Jew, Antiquity and Early Islam, Liverpool University
Christian and Muslim— worship as the One Press- Translated Texts for Historians, Robert
God who rules over all with Love and Mercy. G. Hoyland
Seek not the pleasure of mankind because they 10. e Holy Qur’an, Chapter al-Baqara 10.
will never truly be pleased with you no matter 2:120
what you do. Love and brotherhood in humanity 11. Walk on Water, e Wisdom of Je-
are found in behaviors well beyond the realm of sus from Traditional Arabic Sources, Hamza
mere words. Ponder well. Let your attitude and Yusuf. is work cites Ahmad bin Hanbal as the
behavior towards your Christian fellows speak source. Begging the esteemed Hamza Yusuf ’s
louder than any bidding of “Merry Christmas” pardon, “[even]” added by the author for clarity
ever could. and context.
1. e Encounter of Eastern Christianity
with Early Islam, Emmanouela Grypeou, Mark Allah will not speak to
N. Swanson and David omas.
2. eophilus of Edessa’s Chronicle- And three types of people.
the Circulation of Historical Knowledge in Late Prophet Muhammad (saws) said:
Antiquity and Early Islam, Liverpool University Allah will not speak to three types of people
Press- Translated Texts for Historians, Robert
G. Hoyland. on the day of judgement. He will not even
3. Ibid look at them to purify them.
4. A type of parchment named aer the an- Abu Dharr (RA) said: They are lost and
cient city of Pergamum in Aeolis
5. e Encounter of Eastern Christianity ruined. Who are they O Prophet Muhammad
with Early Islam, Emmanouela Grypeou, Mark (saws)? He replied:
N. Swanson and David omas
6. “In this temple 10,000 were killed. In-
Someone who lets his clothes down to
deed, if you had been there you would have seen touch the ground out of pride, someone who
our feet colored to our ankles with the blood of boasts about the favours he has done to
the slain. But what more shall I relate? None of
them were le alive; neither women nor chil-
others and someone who sells his goods by
dren were spared.” Gesta Francorum Jerusalem swearing falsely.
Expugnantium, Fulcher of Chartres (Muslim)
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 27.

A Forgotten Miracle
Iwas born and raised in an urban setting
with very few trees. e trees that were
in the city were overshadowed by buildings
in tomorrow, you plant a tree today.” Trees are
associated with nature and wildlife. It keeps life
on this beautiful planet sustained, through the
and skyscrapers. oxygen cycle. It is like the lungs of Earth. Un-
I write this article in dedication to my fortunately, just as smoking damages our lungs,
wife and children; as we ventured on a major pollution has damaged these trees. Add logging
life-changing event we found ourselves sur- to the process and our forest is decreasing by the
rounded by these beautiful trees, as high as we minute.
can see. It reminded me of why trees are im- Protecting the trees and nature is a beautiful
portant, and how Islam mentions trees in such concept of Islam. Yet trees are sometimes over-
a positive light. I was also reminded of how looked. I want to change the perception of one
Jannah is said to be covered in beautiful nature of Allah’s creation through this article. In my
and unimaginable trees. previous article, we discussed how the Earth is
Not only are they giants amongst us, Allah a creation of Allah, and it is our obligation to
has given them special standing in the Quran. protect it according to the Quran and teachings
In Surah Al-Hajj, Allah says: of the Prophet (saws).
“Do you not see that to Allah prostrates who- “And it is He (God) who has made you
ever is in the heavens and whoever is on the earth successors upon the Earth and has raised some
and the sun, the moon, the stars, the mountains, of you above others in degrees [of rank] that
the trees, the moving creatures and many of the He may try you through what He has given
people?…” [22;18] you. Indeed, your Lord is swift in penalty; but
He places trees at the same level as other no- indeed, He is Forgiving and Merciful.”
table creations. We tend to overlook trees -and [Surah Al-An’am;165]
ora in general- because they don’t do anything e Quran also talks about the rst man
that we can see and to receive instant grati ca- created and the very famous story of the forbid-
tion. den tree. Allah permitted Adam (AS) and his
ere is a saying that goes “If you believe wife to approach and enjoy everything except

28. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018

one tree. Allah forbade them before they were more as Abu Aseed said:
given abode in Paradise: “The Prophet (saws) said: “Eat the oil and
“And We said: O Adam! Dwell you and use it on your hair and skin, for it comes from a
your wife in the Paradise and eat both of you blessed tree.” [Al-Tirmidhi, 1775]
freely with pleasure and delight of things therein Hence the numerous bene ts of a blessing
as wherever you will, but come not near this tree we tend to overlook.
or you both will be of the wrong-doers.” [Surah In Islam, trees are associated with all that is
Al-Baqarah; 35] good, in this world and the hereaer. Even our
e story goes on and they were deceived clothes in Jannah will come from a tree. e
by Shaytan. Our very rst deception with Shay- Prophet (saws) said:
tan has to do with a tree. SubhanAllah, so trees “Tooba is a tree in Paradise, one hundred
clearly play a role in our Islamic history. years big. The clothes of the people of Para-
Allah in the Quran also uses the tree as an dise are made from its calyces (outer casing of
analogy to describe a good deed. Allah says: its flowers).” [Ibn Hibbaan and Saheeh
“See you not how Allah sets forth a parable? al-Jaami’; 3918]
– A goodly word is as a goodly tree, whose root is is something we can relate to as a cloth-
is firmly fixed, and its branches (reach) to the sky ing we wear comes from plants, be it a shirt or
(i.e., very high).” [Surah Ibrahim;24] something else.
is is beyond the diverse species of trees Our Prophet (saws) had a relationship with
mentioned in the Quran. From the palm tree to nature, including trees. Allah mentions in the
the olive tree. Quran he tree under which the Prophet (saws)
e Prophet (saws) uses the tree as analogy accepted his companions’ pledge of allegiance
as well when describing the believers and non- unto death and not to desert him.
believers. is happened during the campaign of
In a narration by Abu Hurayrah: Al-Hudaybiyah, when he heard of the betrayal
of the mushrikeen. is tree is also mentioned
“The Messenger of Allah (saws) said: ‘The in the Quran (interpretation of the meaning):
example of the believer is like that of a plant
“Indeed, Allah was pleased with the believers
which is continually bent over by the wind; the
when they gave the Bay’ah (pledge) to you (O
believer is continually beset with afflictions. The
Muhammad) under the tree…” [Al-Fath;18]
example of a hypocrite is like that of the cedar
ere is also a narration about the tree next
tree, which does not yield until it is uprooted in
to which the Prophet (saws) used to preach.
one go.” [Muslim; 5024] Jaabir ibn ‘Abdullaah reported that the Proph-
Allah in the Quran also advises us to use et (saws) used to go and stand next to a tree or
the blessing that comes from a tree, In Surah palm-tree on Fridays. A woman or a man of the
Al-Mu’minun, Allah says (interpretation of the Ansaar said: “O Messenger of Allah, should we
meaning): not make for you a minbar (pulpit)?” He said,
“And a tree (olive) that springs forth from “If you wish.” So they made a minbar for him,
Mount Sinai, that grows oil, and (it is a) and when the next Friday came, he was shown
to the minbar. e tree then cried like a small
relish for the eaters.” [Al-Mu’minun;20] child, and the Prophet (saw) had to come down
Prophet Muhammad (saws) elaborates
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 29.
and hug the crying tree until it calmed down. ings you can do with your community
Jaabir said: “It was crying because of the dhikr and family:
(remembrance of Allah) that it used to hear.” • Create or join an event that plants trees in
[Al-Bukhari; 3319] needed urban areas
Trees can be our key to entering Jannah. • Plant owers and trees at local parks with
Our Prophet Muhammad (saws) said: your town
“There is no Muslim who plants a tree or sows • Create awareness of deforestation
a field for a human, bird, or animal that eats from • Take a hike with your family to enjoy the
beauty and miracles of the tree
it, but it shall be reckoned as charity from him.” Create an environmental program at your
[Bukhari and Muslim] masjid to keep the discussion ongoing
When the Prophet (saws) tells us to sow, but
instead we uproot, what kind of followers does Check Before You Speak
that make us? In a time where so many things
are abstract and changing, Prophet Moham- Before uttering any statement, remember the
med (saws) gave us clear instructions on how nine advises and prohibitions that Allah has giv-
en in Surah Hujurat:
to engage with our surroundings. One of those
detailed instructions is: “Do not uproot or burn 1.“Fa Tabayyanu”
palms or cut down fruitful trees.” [Al-Muwatta]. Investigate: whenever you receive an informa-
tion, ensure it is accurate lest you harm people
ese are clear guidelines that if followed, would
have helped us today in our quickly changing out of ignorance.
2.“Fa Aslihu”
Reconciliation: reconcile between one’s fellow
Aer entering Jannah, trees are used as a
means of reward. It was narrated from Jabir that Muslim as believers are brothers/sisters to one
the Messenger of Allah (saws) said:
3. “Wa Aqsitu”
“Whoever says SubhanAllah il ‘azeem wa Act justly: whenever there is a dispute and one
bi hamdihi (Glory and praise be to Allah, the is attempting reconciliation, act justly among
Almighty), a palm tree will be planted for him in both parties as Allah loves those who are just.
Paradise.” 4. “La Yaskhar”
Don’t ridicule people, perhaps they may be bet-
We don’t want to keep our part Jannah at and
ter than you in the eyes of Allah.
plain, do we?
5. “Wa La Talmizu”
We learn in science of the many immediate
Don’t insult one another.
bene ts trees provide. So make sure you make
6. “Wa La Tanabazu”
some time, even if once a year, to plant a tree or
Don’t call each other with offensive nicknames.
volunteer in such activities as a family. Trees are
7.“Ijtanibu Kathiiran minaz zan”
part of many ecosystems and play a vital role in
Avoid negative assumptions, indeed some of the
sustainability and maintenance of habitat. Many
assumptions are sins.
proverbs use roots of trees to show strength,
8. “Wa La Tajassasu”
as trees not only provide shade and food, they
Don’t spy on each other.
also provide stability to the ground. As a parent,
9. “Wa La Yaghtab”
I make it a point to appreciate these creations
Don’t backbite about each other. It is a sin
with my family, especially my kids, so they can
equivalent to eating your dead brother’s flesh.
grow up with the same respect.
30. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018

Mohammad Ghilan

I n his book e Experience of God: Be-

ing, Consciousness, Bliss, the American
Christian theologian and philosopher David
search Center, the number of Americans who
are leaving religion behind is growing, and 78%
percent of religious “nones” report they grew up
Bentley Hart provides an account for what tra- in a household where a particular religion was
ditional theology has put forth on what the term taught before they discarded that part of their
God means and what it entails. It is interesting identity as they entered into adulthood. Further-
to note that this work can arguably be consid- more, an increasing number of the religiously
ered to be more directed at believers than it is at unaffiliated and atheists are in the younger de-
disbelievers. e modern world and its intellec- mographics. In popular culture, public intellec-
tual presuppositions have impacted the minds tuals and scientists are associated with atheism,
of everyone to think in terms set forth by the thus giving credence to the notion that as one
dominant paradigm – naturalism. In doing so, becomes more intelligent the more likely they
even believers who wish to argue that God ex- will be an atheist. is has put believers in a
ists have inadvertently picked up a language and defensive position as they offer a rational case
a belief system in which even though the term for upholding religion as Revelation from God
God is used, its essence is not the same as that who is the Creator. Today, there is a plethora of
when traditional theologians of the past have books, lectures, and debates on the subject of
used it. Hart contends that modern believers to- God and the relationship between science and
day are relying on a notion of God that is irrec- religion. Interestingly, however, the social and
oncilable with traditional theology and more in economic elements driving the rise of atheism
line with paganism. Put another way, believers hardly receive the level of attention that philo-
today are arguing for a different version of the sophical and scienti c factors do, at the popular
same atheistic worldview that atheists argue for. level at least. Hart touches on this element driv-
e only difference between the two camps is ing atheism in the following passage:
how each articulates their perspective. Now that the most violent storms of recent
A fascinating insight Hart offers towards history have largely abated, the more chronic,
the end of the book is with regards to the mod- pervasive, and ordinary expression of our tech-
ern rise of atheism. According to the Pew Re- nological mastery of nature turns out to be sim-
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 31.
ply the interminable spectacle of production and one more anodyne item on sale in the shops,
consumption, the dialectic of ubiquitous banal- and would be enthusiastically feted by a vapid
ity by which the insatiable economic culture of media culture not especially averse to the idea
the late modern West is shaped and sustained. that there are no ultimate values, but only nal
And this, I think, is how one must nally under- prices. In a sense, the triviality of the movement
stand the popular atheist vogue that has opened is its chief virtue. It is a diverting alternative to
so lucrative a niche market in recent years: it is thinking deeply. It is a narcotic. In our time, to
an expression of what a Marxist might call the strike a lapidary phrase, irreligion is the opiate
“ideological superstructure” of consumerism. of the bourgeoisie, the sigh of the oppressed ego,
Rather than something daring, provocative, and the heart of a world lled with tentalizing toys.
revolutionary, it is really the rather insipid res- Religion in a culture in which self-worth
idue of the long history of capitalist modernity, is judged by how much material one acquires,
and its chief impulse – as well as its chief moral where quality is exchanged for quantity, and
de ciency – is bourgeois respectability. possession of random bits of information is
e problem Hart highlights here is about treated as having knowledge will struggle to
the belief in unhindered growth that can only survive. Seen in this light, it is not all that sur-
be achieved with an unchecked level of material prising to see why atheism nds currency today
acquisition, which is sustained by the constant and sheds a new light on the Hadith of the Be-
creation of new desires and voids to be ful lled, loved where he is reported to have said,
something that religion stands in the way of: “The Hour will not begin until no one on
Late modern society is principally con-
cerned with purchasing things, in ever greater
Earth will say: la ilaha illa Allah (there’s no
abundance and variety, and so has to strive to god but God)”.
fabricate an ever greater number of desires to
gratify, and to abolish as many limits and pro-
hibitions upon desire as it can. Such a society Istigfaar
is already implicitly atheist and so must slowly Rasulullah (saws) said:
but relentlessly apply itself to the dissolution of
transcendent values. It cannot allow ultimate “Glad tiding for the person who (on the
goods to distract us for proximate goods. Our
day of judgement) finds an abundance
sacred writ is advertising, our piety is shopping,
our highest devotion is private choice. God and of Istighfaar in their book of deeds.” (Ibn
the soul too oen hinder the purely acquisitive
longings upon which the market depends, and Majah)
confront us with values that stand in stark ri- In another hadith:
valry to the one truly substantial value at the
center of our social universe: the price tag. So it “Whoever is constant in making Istigh-
really was only a matter of time before atheism faar (seeking forgivneness), Allah will
slipped out of the enclosed gardens of academe
and down from the vertiginous eyries of high grant him relief from every worry, a way
cosmopolitan fashion and began expressing it-
out from every difficulty and provision
self in crassly vulgar form. It was equally inev-
itable that, rather than boldly challenging the from unimagined sources.”(Abu Dawud)
orthodoxies of its age, it would prove to be just
32. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018

When an Illiterate
Man Was Asked
to S Omer

W hen Prophet Muhammad (saws) re-

ceived his rst revelation, he did not
know how to read or write. 23 years later, hav-
couldn’t read. Aer that, the angel conveyed the
intended rst revelation:
“Read in the name of your Lord Who
ing ful lled his prophethood mission, he died
without knowing how to read or write. To make
created; created man from a clinging substance.
things more intriguing, his greatest miracle was Read, and your Lord is the most Generous
a book, the Holy Qur’an, which challenged the Who taught by the pen; taught man that which
whole of humankind to produce at any point he knew not” (al-‘Alaq, 1-5).
of time and in any geographical context a sin- In the above incident, there was an encoun-
gle surah (chapter) the like thereof, if they were ter between -- or a convergence of -- two types
in doubt about the authenticity of the Qur’an; of reading. e rst type was a conventional one
he made knowledge seeking incumbent upon that stood for a process of decoding symbols so
every Muslim, male and female, and produced a as to construct or derive meaning, which was
reading community that always prided itself on represented by Muhammad (saws) who was yet
the intellectual and cultural legacies it created; to be appointed the prophet.
he sowed the seeds of a civilization that changed e second type of reading was put forth,
the course of human history forever, the hall- and was represented, by the angel Jibril. It was
marks of which were always knowledge, science a new heavenly reading paradigm, which was
and wisdom. hitherto unknown. It was a divine gi from the
When Prophet Muhammad (saws) received Creator to His creation.
his rst revelation in the Cave of Hira’ through On account of this, it is understandable why
the angel Jibril (Gabriel), he was asked to read both the Prophet (saws) and Jibril persisted in
(iqra’). However, since he was an ordinary per- their respective ways. To the Prophet (saws),
son, who could not judge things and events ex- it was strange to be asked to read, for he was
cept by conventional earthly standards, he was unread. us, he could not say anything except
astounded, replying both with fear and aston- that he was illiterate.
ishment: “I am not literate (I cannot read)”. He But to Jibril, such by no means was a bizarre
was asked two more times to read, but aer each act, for he was laying down a ground-breaking
time he answered that he was not literate and so, vision of reading that transcended everything
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 33.
man had previously known. at Jibril asked nite portents and signs (aayaat), serving as an
the Prophet (saws) three times to read, before indispensable supplement to the proper read-
giving him the rst revelation, every time seiz- ing, comprehending and applying of the signs
ing the Prophet (saws) and pressing him so hard (aayaat) and messages of the Qur’an.
that he could hardly bear it, could connote wak- No reading of the Qur’an is complete without
ing him completely up from the worldliness of reading life, and no reading of life is appropriate
his being, thought and experience, and prepar- without reading the Qur’an, because the Qur’an
ing him fully for the import and weight of the is meant for life, and life, in turn, is steered and
words that were to follow – and of the prophet- sustained by the Qur’an. e only solution for
hood mission in general. man, therefore, is the combination of two read-
ings. e solution is about quality, rather than
e new reading paradigm was summed up in quantity. It is about devising most effective
the given revelation. methods and most productive outcomes for real
e Prophet (saws) was asked rst and fore- life and its gripping challenges, rather than ex-
most to read and recite the Qur’an which was cessive rhetoric, idealism and abstract theoriz-
revealed directly upon his heart (al-Shu’ara’, ing. It is perhaps no coincidence that iqra’ as an
194). He thus always felt as though the Qur’an imperative is derived from the verb qara’, which
had been engraved on his heart. His reading means not only to read, but also to combine, in-
and reciting of the Qur’an was coming from the tegrate and bring things together. is spirit is
heart and was targeting people’s hearts as well implied in Almighty Allah’s words that reading
before anything else. Such was happening ef- should be done only in the name of “your Lord
fortlessly and naturally. No even slightest read- Who created; created man from a clinging sub-
ing mistakes, hesitation, stuttering, messing up, stance”. is means that reading should be done
or failing to remember was ever recorded about solely for the divine -- not personal or any other
the Prophet (saws), irrespective of the oscillat- – goals, and for the realization of a higher or-
ing general circumstances and the psychologi- der of things and their meanings, for such is the
cal as well as physical conditions of the Prophet implication of the concepts of lordship (rububi-
(saws). yyah) and servitude (‘ubudiyyah) that stand at
e Qur’an is a book of signs (aayaat), guid- the core of the Islamic message.
ance, clear proofs and criterion, the ultimate Similarly, it means that Allah’s creation is to
objective of which is to be applied in everyday be read as much and as fervently as His revela-
life. However, life with its multitiered realities tion, as both are His and have originated from
is also made replete with signs (aayaat), guid- Him. eir objectives are identical: to reveal
ance and clear proofs, which are as manifest in and disseminate the truth at all planes of the life
the slightest and most modest as in the grandest phenomenon. us, the “read” injunction and
and most sophisticated. Allah’s attribute as the Creator are communicat-
Hence, implementing and living the Qur’an ed together.
signify an amalgamation of its aayaat, guidance is is further accentuated by the subse-
and clear proofs with the same, entailed in the quent words that Allah is “the most Generous
life phenomena, in order that the purpose and Who taught by the pen; taught man that which
objective of existence are achieved. Reading the he knew not”. Granting man the Qur’an as a re-
Qur’an, it follows, means also reading and ex- vealed book, as well as an ontological “qur’an”
ploring life as a locus of the implementation of or the “book” of creation (al-qur’an al-takwini)
the former. It likewise denotes reading life’s in- is a sign of Almighty Allah being most Kind
34. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018
and Generous to man in his capacity as Allah’s tion of the universal concept of iqra’ (read!), as
vicegerent on earth. Allah further granted man revealed to Prophet Muhammad (saws) in the
every means and opportunity to succeed in his Hira’ Cave, and everything such concept entails.
projected task. Failure is not an option and can at endeavour would bring an end to many al-
never be justi ed. ien, inept and outright useless alternatives Mus-
e new reading paradigm brought by the lims have adopted in recent times in order to ll
angel Jibril in the cave Hira’ was about the read- the void le by their gradual abandoning of the
ing of revelation (the Qur’an), life with all its di- original iqra’ scheme.
mensions, and the self. It was as comprehensive If revived, the authentic iqra’ process would
and holistic as the Prophet’s mission itself. e minimize memorization – unfortunately of-
new reading was at once physical, cerebral and ten associated with little or no understanding
spiritual, corresponding to the character of its whatsoever – replacing it with a combination of
aim: man and life, as well as the heavens and the better comprehension and practical application
earth. A person, it goes without saying, may be of knowledge. In passing, memorization in the
illiterate, but a good, insightful and knowledge- past, when there was no technology and books
able reader. In the same vein, a person may be were either rare or extremely expensive, was
educated and literate, but ignorant and unwise. something, and memorization today, in the era
True knowledge is identi ed with light and of technology and when books are both easily
guidance. It is a guarantee of success and hap- available and affordable, is something else. To-
piness in both worlds. Hence, though illiterate, day almost every Muslim has downloaded on
the Prophet (saws) was the most knowledgea- his smartphone – a gadget without which, in
ble, most enlightened and wisest man that ever actual fact, life is unimaginable -- the Qur’an
lived. with its translations and numerous commentar-
ies, anthologies of the Prophet’s sunnah, ency-
Towards Reviving the Iqra’ Concept clopaedic works on qh, sirah, Muslim history,
No wonder this awareness led to the crea- etc. Every aspect of Islamic knowledge is con-
tion of a powerful Islamic civilization whose stantly with a person and is available at his n-
most conspicuous characteristics revolved gertips. Everyone is a walking encyclopaedia, so
around the notions of knowledge, education, to speak, in the sense that practically everyone
wisdom and science. It was a civilization of has limitless access to limitless knowledge at all
learning (reading), which was caused and sus- times.
tained by learning and learned (reading) gener- Accordingly, talking about memorization
ations. Such was an engine of Muslim civiliza- today should not be in the sense of preserva-
tional growth and cultural enrichment through tion and safeguarding – as it was in the past;
centuries. It was only when such a spirit was lost hence the word hifz, which means safeguarding,
that Islamic civilization started declining, and and which is used for memorization -- in that
the Muslim community started losing ground everything is already painstakingly preserved
to other nations and their less adequate patterns and safeguarded. is is in no way a call for
of civilizational progress. abolishing memorization in Islamic scholar-
Today in the age of globalization, as Mus- ship. However, it is a call to seriously reconsider
lims grow more and more desperate in their it and revisit its scope.
quest to restore their cultural and civilizational Nor should just reading a book – or books –
identity and respect from others, they should and teaching notes from PowerPoint be the way.
know that the only way forward is the revivi ca- As a lecturer myself, I oen wonder what my
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 35.
role in teaching Islamic studies today should ex- of being man and life-oriented, promoting and
actly be. To keep saying – and repeating -- things facilitating the creation of righteous cultures
every single student has on his smartphone, or and civilization – as implied by the iqra’ (read!)
can easily nd on a website and in numerous li- imperative – they became synonymous with
brary books, certainly is not the way either. at mediocrity, regress, apathy and narrow-mind-
way, coming to a class is tantamount to wasting edness.
time. Reading alone in a hostel room, or pro- One wonders, therefore, about the bene ts
ductively spending the same time in a library, is of meticulously studying today, for example,
a better option by all accounts. some minor long-extinct religious sects, some
Indeed, teaching and learning in classes endless -- at times utterly meaningless -- de-
ought to be more challenging, more provoking, bates in the elds of philosophy, ‘ilm al-kalam
more productive, more eye-and-mind opening (Islamic scholastic theology), mysticism and
and more real-world an experience. Sometimes others. It is unfathomable, for example, that
I tell my students in certain Islamic studies while Muslims are today on the brink of total
courses that if they at the end start asking ques- and all-consuming sectarian con icts, many Is-
tions they never asked before, or they start look- lamic educational programs actively participate
ing at some absorbing life issues and challenges in exacerbating the predicament by the ways
from perspectives they never did before -- that they teach certain sensitive historical episodes,
will be regarded as a great success. Or if they theological doctrines and jurisprudential ques-
realize that they do not know and genuinely tions. As is inexplicable, in equal measure, that
need to know, or that they can identify voids in numerous irrelevant and outmoded topics are
their personal lives and, at the same time, know dealt with lengthily – with countless books and
where exactly to go to pursue solutions -- that, theses being lled with them -- while a great
too, will be seen as a great leap forward. many pressing issues that aim to afflict the Mus-
I keep encouraging them to “read” and in- lim youth, Muslim politics, economics, educa-
vestigate themselves and their lives honestly, tion and human relations are either ignored or
pragmatically and ingeniously. It is better to tackled only sporadically and super cially.
have genuine questions than faulty or sub-stand- Furthermore, if the spirit of iqra’ is revived,
ard answers. It is better to be life-oriented than there will be no separation between religion and
good marks-obsessed, or driven. e former any aspect, or dimension, of life. is is so be-
stimulates and galvanises, whereas the latter de- cause Islam is life, and life, in turn, is Islam, in
ludes and debilitates. It is in this context that I that it represents the same truth. e truth of
am starting to feel more and more inclined to- the Qur’an is the truth of the multidimensional
wards the modern theory of outcome-based ed- life phenomenon. Islam, it goes without saying,
ucation, according to which no single speci ed is to be lived, rather than practiced. It is to be
style of teaching or assessment is adopted, and experienced, rather than just talked about.
where the role of a lecturer adapts into teach- at said, as the most ideal and somewhat
er, trainer, instructor, facilitator, and/or mentor farfetched implication of iqra’, having separate
based on the speci ed and adopted outcomes. Islamic studies educational departments and
Moreover, conducting Islamic studies pro- programs, should be reduced to a minimum, or
grams need also be thoroughly re-evaluated. be done away with altogether – except in cas-
Such programs during most turbulent periods es with very specialized character, objectives
of Muslim history have been divested of their and scope. However, this is just concerning de-
true meaning, dynamism and purpose. Instead partments and programs, not Islamic studies as
36. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018
such. e latter should be integrated in all other will also be dwelled on. e legal aspects of vari-
educational programs that normally stand for ous knowledge elds will bring the students face
different aspects of everyday life. e process of to face with Islamic shari’ah and qh. Moreover,
integration should be so seamless and harmoni- the subjects of history will focus chie y on the
ous that the students of a program, while learn- history of Islam, Muslim peoples and Islamic
ing about the chosen academic eld of theirs, culture and civilization. at will create a frame-
learn about Islam as well, without developing a work from which every other aspect of human
feeling that the same has been unwittingly im- history and civilization will be studied.
posed upon them. Finally, every program will aim to make of a
us, when the students learn about the student an excellent, holistic and righteous man
worldview(s) that underpins any branch, or (and woman) ready to make a positive contribu-
eld, of knowledge, they will learn at length tion in every context he (she) might nd himself
about the Islamic worldview, belief system and (herself) in, including the context of his (her)
values, and how that branch, or eld, of knowl- professional life. In this way, the students will
edge is to be turned into a bene cial civilization- become both better professionals and better
al component for Muslims and humankind at Muslims.
large. When they talk about professional codes Indeed, it is high time that Muslims stop
of ethics, Islamic ethics and its application will embracing and practicing virtual illiteracy in
be learned and discussed extensively. e impli- the name of education and cultural develop-
cations of the same for the whole community ment.

Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 37.


The Abiding
Relevance of
Prophetic Medicine
R. A. Sultan

T he biography (sirah) of Prophet Mu-

hammad (saws) has been studied
through the lens of various traditional and con-
Recently in the contemporary world of med-
icine, there has been a demand to focus on the on
the person “holistically” rather than only treat-
temporary scienti c elds. Some of these elds ing the illness[1]. Such an approach has proven
include political science, psychology, education, to result in a superior level of wellness.
biology, nutrition and medicine. Among the di- e focus of this topic involves discussing
verse elds in which the Prophet (saws) directly Prophetic medicine in broad terms, and ana-
contributed to, is that of traditional or Prophetic lyzing it from a viewpoint as a comprehensive
medicine (al-tibb al-Nabawi), which is recorded system which implements a holistic approach, a
in the various sayings (ahadith) of the Prophet concept which has had implications on the de-
(saws) and collected by early Scholars such as velopment of modern medicine
Imam Bukhari. e Prophet (saws) prescribed
remedies for the preservation and restoration De ning Prophetic Medicine
of one’s health through herbal teachings, dietary Prophetic medicine includes actions or
practices and personal hygiene. words of the Prophet (saws) which addresses
Prophetic medicine possesses two unique one’s physical and spiritual health in the treat-
features. On one hand Prophetic medicine pro- ment of speci c illnesses. In his renowned book
vides numerous remedies as prescribed by the “e Prophetic Medicine”, Ibn Qayyim describes
Prophet (saws), and on the other hand, it serves Prophetic medicine as having “a divine element
as a system which coalesces one’s inner (spiritual) to it” (Abd El-Qader, 2003, p 15), whereby the
and outer (physical) well-being when treating an Prophet (saws) would provide remedies which
illness. Accordingly, the scope of Prophetic med- concurrently address one’s physical and spiritual
icine is signi cantly broadened when considered well being.
beyond the remedies prescribed, and instead, e core message of Prophetic medicine is
appreciated in its entirety as a thorough system the integration of spiritual with physical for the
which provides a “holistic approach” to medi- well-being of a person wholly. As Ibn Al Qayy-
cine, addressing the complete person physically, im eloquently explains, “Whenever the soul and
spiritually and socially in the management and the heart become stronger [spiritually], they will
prevention of an ailment. cooperate to defeat the illness” (Abd El-Qader,
38. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018
2003, p 17). seven dates in the morning, neither magic nor
Although “Prophetic medicine” and “Islamic poison will hurt him that day’.” (Bukhari, Volume
medicine” are terms which are used interchange- 7, Number 5678).
ably in various texts, they are considerably differ- Cupping (Hijamah)- e Prophet (saws)
ent. Ibn Qayyim states that “Prophetic medicine highly recommended the use of cupping for the
deals with the overall principles, while scienti c treatment of certain disorders, as narrated by
[and Islamic] medicine lls in the details”. Jabir bin Abdullah, when visiting Al-Muqanna
Islamic Medicine should be understood as a who was ill, “I will not leave until he gets cupped,
category of scienti c medical knowledge prac- for I heard Allah’s Apostle saying, ‘there is heal-
ticed by early Muslim physicians whereby such ing in cupping’.” (Bukhari, Volume 7, Number
knowledge was developed through hypothesis, 5697).
observation and experimentation and subse-
quently codi ed into an Islamic medical system. Scope of Prophetic medicine
One should not interpret the Prophet’s med-
Selected examples ical teachings as a complete textbook of medi-
Details on the subject of Prophetic reme- cine for all times, since these teachings were not
dies are largely found in various texts, including a comprehensive medical system. Whilst the
one of the most authentic collections of ahadith, Prophet (saws) possessed knowledge of remedies
known as Sahih Bukkari, which was compiled by for certain ailments, he did not claim to be physi-
Muhammad Ibn Ismail Bukhari (born 194AH). cian himself. erefore, one should broaden the
A chapter titled “e Book of Medicine” (Kitaab scope of Prophetic medicine by focusing on the
al tibb) in Sahih Bukhari lists numerous reme- approach adopted by the Prophet (saws) to treat
dies including the following (Deuraseh, 2006): an illness, and not only the prescription. An ex-
Black cumin seed (nigella sativa) – Black clusive focus on the remedies prescribed will in
seed is said to help with digestion, and also actuality limit the scope of Prophetic medicine.
contains antihistamine, anti-in ammatory, an- Prophetic remedies should be considered
ti-oxidant and analgesic properties. In a hadith for illnesses which they speci cally dealt with
narrated by Abu Huraira, “I heard Allah’s Apos- during the Prophet’s (saws) time. In fact, the
tle saying, ‘ere is healing in black cumin for Prophet (saws) promoted the idea of exploring
all diseases except death’.”(Bukhari, Volume 7, and receiving medical treatment by conveying
Number 5688). the principle that for every disease there is a cure
Honey – e healing qualities of honey is (Bukhari, Volume 7, Number 5678). is serves
frequently described in the Qur’an (Al-Nahl, as an incentive to explore remedies since tradi-
16:69) and is also referred to as one of the pro- tional medicine does not stop at the teachings
visions of Paradise (Qur’an, Muhammad, 47:15). Prophet (saws), but rather, advances beyond by
e Prophet (saws) repeatedly mentions honey encouraging mankind to discover new treat-
as being the best forms of healing. In a hadith ments.
narrated by Ibn Abbas, “e Prophet said, ‘heal- Further, on the importance of seeking med-
ing is in three things: cupping, a gulp of honey ical treatment, Ibn Qayyim refers to a story
or cauterisation (branding with re), but I forbid whereby Prophet Abraham once asked, “Oh My
my followers to use cauterisation’.” (Bukhari, Vol- Lord! Where does the disease come from?” He
ume 7, Number 5680). said, “From me”. Abraham said, “Where does the
Dates – In a hadith narrated by Saud, “I cure come from?” He said, “From me”. Abraham
heard Allah’s Apostle saying, ‘If somebody takes said, “What is the role of the doctor then?” He
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 39.
said, “A man in whose hands I send and cause is a healing and a mercy to those who believe”.
the cure”.
(Qur’an, Al Israa, 17:82).
Classi cation of Prophetic medicine Whether one cultivates their spirituality
Prophetic Medicine has been described as through prayer, supplication, recitation of the
advice by the Prophet (saws) to His followers Qur’an or remembrance of Allah, one’s progres-
with an objective to maintain health and well-be- sion or regression of illness can essentially be af-
ing for their body and soul equally. e Proph- fected by one’s inner state.
et (saws) possessed a profound understanding e holistic approach which the Prophet
of the connection between the human faculties, (saws) established is a system which is applica-
the body and soul, and the connection of those ble for all times. Prior to the advent of Islam,
faculties with their Creator, Allah. Hence, the spiritual aspects of curing an illness were le to
Prophet (saws) embraced a wide de nition of religious gures such as Priests, and physical as-
medicine, namely being therapy for one’s body pects of an illness where referred to physicians
and soul, and not merely prescriptions which ad- and surgeons. However, the Prophet (saws)
dress one’s illness alone. amalgamated two critical values in medicine;
Al-Suyuti (born 849AH) divides Prophetic one’s physical and spiritual well-being, a notion
medicine into three classes: proving to have implications on contemporary
Preventative Prophetic medicine – e scienti c medicine.
Prophet’s (saws) teachings on moderation in A holistic approach to medicine
food, exercise, toilet hygiene, personal hygiene,
marriage and sexual relations, etiquette of drink- It is essential to yet again highlight that
ing, quarantine for contagious diseases, speci c whilst Prophetic medicine was used to treat
herbal remedies to maintain explicit aspects of limited illnesses, attention should be drawn to
one’s health (e.g. better hair) etc. All these teach- the overall approach which the Prophet (saws)
ings act as preventative measures with an overall adopted and not merely the remedy prescribed
objective of preserving one’s wellbeing. in its individual capacity.
Traditional Prophetic medicine- ese It is this holistic approach to medicine which
include remedies which were prescribed by the has served as a precedent for contemporary
Prophet (saws) with an objective to treat one’s medicine. Prophetic medicine as a system, estab-
illness such as honey, olive oil, the black seed, lishes the importance of combining one’s inner
milk etc… as well as surgical treatments such as and outer elements when addressing an ailment,
cupping and cauterization. Such remedies were thus focusing on one’s overall health, rather than
prescribed for fever, bowel movements, head- solely treating the illness. Ibn Qayyim mentions,
ache, skin rashes, tonsillitis, heart disease, food “It is a fact that curing the ills of the body without
poisoning, conjunctivitis, tumours, leprosy, frac- curing the ills of the heart does not work or ben-
ture, dog bite etc… e t anyone (Abd El-Qader, 2003, p33).
Spiritual Prophetic medicine– e teach- is holistic approach to medicine has
ings of the Prophet (saws) demonstrate that gained signi cant recognition in contemporary
in conjunction with the treatment and recov- medical elds. In recent times, and particularly
ery from an illness, the spiritual aspect of one’s within the West, considerable research has been
well-being must also be considered, as con rmed undertaken regarding the importance of adopt-
in the following verse, ing a holistic approach in medicine. For instance,
several journal articles[2] dedicated to this topic
“We send down in the Qur’an that which
40. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018
have been published in e Western Journal of She
Medicine. concludes by writing, “All healthcare practition-
In an article published by Dr Richard Svihus ers should aspire to holistic medicine and try to
in 1979, “holistic” is de ned as “a state of integra- practice it. Recognising the ‘whole’ person in the
tion of a person, as a body and a soul, with the prevention and treatment of disease may hold
spiritual self, making him or her whole” (Svihus, the key to some diagnoses for doctors” (http://
1979, p 478). Referring to a statement made by
Sir William Osler, a former Professor of Medi- On a larger scale, health organisations have
cine at John Hopkins University, Svihus writes, deemed it essential to provide holistic healthcare
“e greatest aid in the prevention of disease is and have made this effective by draing speci c
to preserve the due proportion of mind and body, clauses in their charters or strategic planning in
for there is no proportion or disproportion more order to ensure the implementation of the sys-
productive of health and disease, and of virtue tem[3].
and vice, than that between soul and body” (p
479). Conclusion
Svihus later criticises the standard approach erefore, it is evident that the Prophet
adopted by the majority of physicians during (saws) has contributed to the eld of traditional
modern times, in that “physicians separate the medicine, which is also referred to as Prophetic
soul from the body” (p 480). He concludes the medicine. Speci c remedies and prescriptions
article by proposing that the medical world re- recommended by the Prophet (saws) have been
visit the concept of adopting a holistic approach recorded in authentic sources, providing proce-
when treating a patient and makes a noteworthy dures on how to preserve and restore one’s health.
statement, “Man does not exist apart from his Whilst Prophetic medicine offers limited
Creator, and the spiritual side of man should be remedies for speci c illnesses, it nevertheless
involved in the healing process” (p 480). embraces a unique system in that it combines
Despite the fact that the article overlooks any one’s spiritual and physical well-being, there-
contribution made by the Prophet (saws) or the by promoting a holistic approach to medicine.
Islamic world towards the eld of medicine, as Accordingly, the scope of Prophetic medicine is
many articles tend to do, one can nonetheless largely broadened when considered as a compre-
identify a common impetus between the ap- hensive system rather than purely perceived as a
proach adopted by the Prophet (saws), and that catalog for remedies.
during modern times. is is namely one which Contemporary physicians and organisations
involves embracing a holistic approach when in the medical eld are gradually acknowledging
dealing with the treatment of a patient, and ac- and adopting this holistic approach since there is
knowledging the importance of generating har- a demand for the need to focus on the complete
mony between one’s physical and spiritual self person in order to attain a superior level of well-
during the healing process. ness.
Evidently, contemporary physicians are ac- erefore, one may conclude by validly stat-
knowledging the bene ts of implementing holis- ing that this holistic approach in medicine, a
tic medicine. Dr Michelle Wright (Wright, 2010), system essentially established over fourteen hun-
a medical practitioner in England writes, “A ho- dred years ago by the Prophet (saws), has indis-
listic approach is good practice and has been putably had implications on modern day medi-
strongly advocated by the Royal College of Gen- cine.
eral Practitioners for many years” (http://www.
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 41.
Part I

T he story of Yusuf AS is a unique one

among the stories of prophets in the
Qur’an. Yusuf AS is the son of Yaakub AS, grand-
prophethood. It was his very excellence that gave
his half-brothers cause for envy and enmity.
It was clear to his brothers that he was dear-
son of Ishaq AS and the great-grandson of Ibra- er to their father than themselves. As a prophet,
him AS. e uniqueness of his story is that it is Yaakub AS naturally recognised the excellence of
the only story of a prophet that is told in entire- Yusuf ’s AS character and his spiritual gis and
ty in a single surah in the Qur’an, Surah Yusuf, hence he cherished him like a treasure among his
Chapter 12. other sons.
is is the most detailed and fascinating story
in the Quran, involving both human weaknesses YUSUF’S AS VISION
such as jealousy, hatred, pride, passion, decep- Allah describes the story of Yusuf AS as
tion, intrigue, cruelty, and terror as well as noble “the best of stories” (Qur’an 12:3). e story of
qualities such as patience, loyalty, bravery, nobil- Yusuf AS begins with a dream, and ends with the
ity, and compassion. We learn about Yusuf ’s AS dream’s interpretation.
joys, troubles and sorrows, and move with him Yusuf AS relates his dream to his father.
through the years of his life as he arms himself “O my father, indeed I have seen [in a dream]
with piety and patience, and in the end emerges
eleven stars and the sun and the moon; I saw
Yusuf AS is revered for his noble character them prostrating to me.” (Qur’an 12:4)
and outstanding beauty. As stated by Prophet Yaakub AS listened attentively to his belov-
Muhammad SAW, “Yusuf and his mother were ed son and his face shone with joy, for Yusuf AS
given half of all the beauty in the world.” (Tabari) related a dream that spoke of the ful lment of a
Narrated in Sahih Bukhari, when asked who prophecy. Yaakub AS immediately grasped the
is the most honourable in Allah’s sight, Prophet meaning of his son’s vision – that Yusuf AS would
Muhammad SAW said, “…Yusuf, Allah’s Proph- be the one to carry the ‘Light of Allah’s house”.
et, the son of Allah’s Prophet, the son of Allah’s However as quickly as the joy had sprung into
Prophet, the son of Allah’s Khalil (i.e. Ibrahim).” Yaakub’s AS face, it vanished, and he cautioned
Yusuf AS was young boy, handsome, happy the innocent lad to keep what he had seen to
and very much loved by his father. He lived in himself. He said,
the house with his younger brother Binyamin “O my son, do not relate your vision to your
and 10 older half-brothers. Qur’anic accounts brothers or they will contrive against you a plan.
make it clear that Yusuf AS excelled his brothers
as the sun outshines the stars, as might indeed be
Indeed Satan, to man, is a manifest enemy.
expected since he had been chosen by Allah for (Qur’an 12:5)
42. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018
ese words suggested that Yaakub AS had ing and made small things seem insurmountable,
had sufficient evidence of his sons’ enmity to- large things seeming insigni cant. ey decided
wards the young Yusuf AS to make him con- to get rid of him. One of them suggested that
cerned that they might scheme against him. e he should be put to death but the others did not
ten older brothers were already jealous of their agree with him because it was a terrible thing.
younger brother. ey recognised their father’s en another brother proposed to throw him
particular affection for him. Yaakub AS was into a pit. All of them unanimously voted in fa-
a prophet, a man dedicated to submission to vour of this scheme.
One True God and he treated his family and his “Kill Yusuf or cast him out to [another] land;
community with fairness, respect and equitable
love; however his heart was drawn to the gentle
the countenance of your father will [then] be only
qualities evident in his son Yusuf AS. Yusuf ’s AS for you, and you will be after that a righteous
younger brother Binyamin, at this stage of the people.” (Qur’an 12:1)
story, was too young to be involved in any of the But one among the ten brothers was of a bet-
trickery and deception brewing. ter nature. He suggested,
Yaakub AS informed Yusuf AS the meaning “Do not kill Yusuf but throw him into the bot-
of what he had seen, clearly an auspicious future
that was in store for his beloved son.
tom of the well; some travellers will pick him up – if
you would do [something].” (Qur’an 12:10)
And thus will your Lord choose you and teach e other nine brothers agreed to this plan
you the interpretation of narratives and complete and laid the plot. ey believed, in their blind-
His favour upon you and upon the family of ness, that the absence of Yusuf AS would remove
Yaakub, as He completed it upon your fathers him from their father’s thoughts.
before, Abraham and Isaac. Indeed, your ey approached Yaakub AS with a plan to
Lord is Knowing and Wise.” (Qur’an 12:6) take Yusuf AS into the desert with them, on the
pretext of letting him play and enjoy himself.
ese words would serve as a reminder to
Fear leapt into Yaakub’s AS heart. He suspect-
Yusuf AS that no matter what difficulties he might
ed treachery and expressed his fear that a wolf
face, all things are in the hands of the All-Know-
would take Yusuf AS. Yaakub AS attempted to
ing, All-Wise Lord, who is indeed the Best of
protect the son whom he loved so dearly.
Planners. Yusuf ’s AS story inspires us with a feel-
ing for the depth of Allah’s power and supremacy He said, “Indeed, it saddens me that you
and the execution of His rulings despite the chal- should take him, and I fear that a wolf would
lenge of human intervention. eat him while you are of him unaware.” (Qur’an
Yusuf AS heeded his father’s warning. He did 12:13)
not tell his brothers what he had seen. It is well
e brothers protested falsely,
known that they hated him so much that it was
difficult for him to feel secure telling them what “If a wolf should eat him while we are a [strong]
was in his heart and in his dreams. clan, indeed, we would then be losers.” (Qur’an
YUSUF AS AND HIS BROTHERS Yaakub AS was powerless to protect his be-
e brothers of Yusuf AS did not like that he loved son inde nitely from his brothers’ evil – or
should become the only centre of their paternal indeed from anything else with which his Lord
love. e jealousy the brothers felt toward Yusuf might see t to test him.
AS blinded their hearts, disoriented their think-
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 43.
At the same time, Yusuf ’s AS vision had and Yaakub’s AS heart constricted in fear.
made it clear that a very special future lay ahead “O father, they cried, “indeed, we went racing and
of him. Because of this Yaakub AS possessed the
left Yusuf with our things, and a wolf devoured
assurance that no matter what troubles might be-
fall Yusuf AS during his life, he would reach the him.” Then observing Yaakub’s AS disbe-
exalted rank that had been promised through his lief, they added: “But you would not believe us
vision. e nal outcome, arranged by his Lord, even if were truthful!” And to convince that they
would be for the best. Even though separation were not lying, they produced his shirt with false
and sorrow would now come upon him and his blood upon it. (Qur’an 12:16-18)
beloved Yusuf, nothing could destroy Yaakub’s We can only imagine Yaakub’s AS feelings
AS certainty and trust in Allah’s wisdom and at that point: his terrible anxiety over Yusuf ’s
mercy. And he surrendered himself inwardly to AS unknown fate – had his brothers then killed
whatever the All-Wise Lord might decree. him, so that this blood was really his? – and at
Shaytan works in subtle and deceitful ways, the same time, his horror at the naked evil that he
and with his words, Yaakub AS unwittingly sup- saw so clearly within his sons. And although he
plied his sons with the perfect reason for Yusuf ’s was their father and a prophet, he had no power
AS disappearance. e brothers immediately to deal with them. ere were ten of them, acting
knew they would blame Yusuf ’s AS disappear- as a body in their wickedness, entirely out of his
ance on a wolf, and this became part of their control, impelled by the worst of all ill feelings,
dastardly plan. Eventually Yaakub AS agreed and envy.
the treacherous brothers took the unsuspecting Yaakub AS had already understood and ac-
Yusuf on their journey into the desert. cepted that some calamity would befall his be-
As soon as they departed and went to a dis- loved son. He knew his sons were lying. It is said
tance, they started swearing and abusing him. that they forgot to tear the clothes, and it is said
ey humiliated him and threatened him. en that the forgetfulness never lets a lie prosper. e
they agreed to throw him into the depth of a well. signs of suspicion arose and so they could not
e brothers felt secure in their plan that a travel- convince their father about their claim, but what
ler would nd Yusuf AS and sell him into slavery. were his options? At the same time, there was
As Yusuf AS called out in terror, the broth- Yusuf ’s AS vision like a bright beacon of hope,
ers took a small goat or sheep from their ock, assuring him that his dearest son would live to
slaughtered it and wiped the blood over one of see a distinguished future.
Yusuf ’s AS garments. Completely consumed by Yaakub’s AS trust in Allah did not waver.
their jealousy, the brothers took an oath to keep “Rather, your souls have enticed you to some-
their foul deed secret and walked away pleased thing,” the noble prophet said to his sons, surren-
with themselves. dering his will and purpose to his Lord, “so pa-
tience is most tting And Allah is the one sought
CRYING IS NOT EVIDENCE OF THE TRUTH for help against that which you describe.” (Qur’an
And they came to their father at night, weep- 12:18)
ing false tears. It was dark, and Yaakub AS was Acknowledgement: Most of the information
sitting in his house anxiously awaiting the re- for this work has been obtained from:
turn of Yusuf AS. e sound of ten men crying “A History of the Prophets of Islam”, Volume
con rmed his deepest fear. e darkness of the I, by Suzanne Haneef
night was matched only by the darkness in their “Stories of the Prophets”, by Ibn Kathir
hearts. e lies rolled easily from their tongues (Translation by Rashad Ahmad Azami)
44. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018

that defined Hijrah

Dhun Nurayn al-Shabazz

A nd the rst to embrace Islam of the

Muhajiroon (those who migrated from
Makkah to Al- Madinah) and the Ansar (the
While the roof was of date fronds supported by
trunks of palm trees. e alcove of the mosque
pointed toward Jerusalem in the north. Each of
citizens of Al-Madinah who helped and gave aid the other three sides were pierced by a gate. e
to the Muhajiroon) and also those who followed oor of the mosque had no covering but mud,
them exactly (in Faith). Allah is well-pleased not even a coarse matting.
with them as they are well-pleased with Him. Revelation of Adhan and injunction to
He has prepared for them Gardens under which Salat: It had become mandatory for the Muslims
rivers ow (Paradise), to dwell therein forev- to pray ve times daily in Yathrib. But there was
er. at is the supreme success. — Qur’an 9[At- no means to call for the prayers. Several sugges-
Taubah]:100 tions were made to the prophet,(saws) but only
e history of Islam is incomplete without one was adopted. Abdullah bin Ziyad Al Ansa-
the Hijrah migration of the noble messenger ri narrated to the prophet (saws) that while he
Muhammad (saws). is singular event her- was half-awake or half-asleep, a man appeared
alded hope that led to the spread of Islam aer before him and told him that the human voice
prolonged persecution. e pagan arabs reject- ought to be used to call the faithful to prayer.
ed faith and belied the messenger (saws). ey He also taught him the Adhan (call to prayer)
tortured the Muslims with a grand plot to kill and manner of saying it.is idea appealed to
her prophet (saws). e Muslims patiently per- the Prophet (saws) and he adopted it forthwith.
severed until Allah instructed His messenger He then summoned Bilal ibn Rabah and taught
(saws) to leave Mecca for Yathrib. is migra- him how to call the adhan. is led to his hon-
tion in the year 622 AD was what later estab- orable appointment as the rst Muazzin(caller
lished signi cant landmarks in the history of to prayer) of Islam.
Islam. Yathrib metamorphosed: In due course,
Construction of the prophet’s (saws) the city name “Yathrib” soon became obsolete.
mosque: On arrival in Yathrib, the rst act People began to call it “Madina-tun-Nabi,” — the
embarked upon by the prophet (saws) was the City of the Prophet. It’s frequent usage caused a
building of the mosque. He led his companions contraction of this name to be simply adopted as
in laying the fortress. e mosque of Yathrib was “Madinah” — “the City”. Till date, that’s the name
ultimate in simplicity and design. It’s material the city of the Prophet (saws) has remained. e
was unbaked bricks and mortar for the walls. transformation went beyond nomenclature. It
Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 45.
soon became an abode of peace and socio-eco- on trading just a few days till he came to Allah’s
nomical activities. ere was room for learning Apostle bearing the traces of yellow scent over
and the growth of Islam became spontaneous. his clothes. Allah’s Apostle asked him, “What is
e charter of Madinah: e people of this scent?” He replied, “I have married a wom-
Madinah recognized Muhammad (saws) as an from the Ansar.” Allah’s Apostle asked, “How
their leader and in turn, he gave them a citizen’s much Mahr have you given?” He said, “A date-
charter. Yathrib was previously known for tur- stone weight of gold or a golden date-stone.” e
bulent wars among it’s tribes. Hence, this doc- Prophet said, “Arrange a marriage banquet even
ument served as a charter of peace containing with a sheep.” (Bukhari)
forty-seven articles. One of the most striking Redirecting the Qiblah: In the early days,
clause of this charter is as follows: “e Jews the Muslims faced the direction of Jerusalem
who attach themselves to our commonwealth while praying. Until Allah revealed the verses in
shall have an equal right with our own people Qur’an 2[Baqarah]:144. Hitherto, the qiblah has
to our assistance and good offices. e Jews of remained the direction of the ka’bah in Mecca.
the various branches domiciled in Yathrib shall e qiblah is not the direction of sunrise or sat-
form with the Moslems one composite nation. ellite dish as misunderstood by many.
ey shall practice their religion as freely as e Islamic Calendar: And one of the rea-
the Moslems. e clients and allies of the Jews sons we are discussing the hijrah is because yes-
shall enjoy the same security and freedom”. (e terday (09.21.2017) marked the beginning of
Messenger, the Life of Mohammed, New York, a new Islamic year — hijrah 1439. is means
1946) it’s been one thousand four hundred and thir-
Brotherhood of the Muhajiroon and An- ty-nine years since the aforementioned events
sar: One of the beauties the Hijrah birthed was occurred. As Muslims, we do not celebrate a
the brotherhood between the Muslims. e new year like the Gregorians. However, the sig-
Muhajiroonwere the migrants who le Mecca ni cance of the hijrah is to measure the passage
in search of refuge in Madinah. While the An- of time in line with acts of worship like fasting
sar are the inhabitants of Yathrib that warmly and hajj. So that historic migration of the noble
welcomed the prophet and his companions. messenger (saws) air-marked the counting of
e impeccable scenario is as described in the the islamic calendar.
following hadith: Narrated Anas: When ‘Ab-
dur-Rahman bin ‘Auf came to us, Allah’s Apos-
tle made a bond of fraternity between him and Sayyiduna Amr bin Al-Aas (RA) reports:
Sad bin Ar-Rabi’ who was a rich man, Sad said,
“e Ansar know that I am the richest of all of Rasulullah (saws) was not vulgar
them, so I will divide my property into two parts and rude, nor was he harsh or
between me and you, and I have two wives; see
which of the two you like so that I may divorce indecent.
her and you can marry her aer she becomes
lawful to you by her passing the prescribed pe- He used to say, “From the best
riod (i.e. ‘Idda) of divorce. ‘Abdur Rahman said, of you are those with most ex-
“May Allah bless you your family (i.e. wives)
for you.” (But ‘Abdur-Rahman went to the mar- cellent manners”.
ket) and did not return on that day except with (Muslim)
some gain of dried yogurt and butter. He went
46. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018
‘Radiant Reality’ is the only Islamic monthly in English published from
Srinagar since almost two decades now. It is only by the Grace of Almighty
Allah and the blessed supplications of our esteemed readers that it con-
tinues to remain in print without fail. Apart from its regular subscribers,
the magazine is distributed among the student community in and outside
the state free of charge, whose cost is borne by some dedicated individu-
als. With unprecedented escalation in the cost of paper and printing, it is
becoming somewhat difficult for us to meet the expences incurred. e es-
teemed readers are, therefore, requested to subscribe for the magazine and
also encourage others for the purpose. Besides, those who would like to join
us in spreading the message of Islam far and wide, may contribute by way
of voluntary donation starting from at least Rs.100/- per month.

Interested persons may ll the overleaf form with the details and send it

to us at the mentioned address. e form may be used for subscription as
well as contribution towards the magazine.
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J&K, 190001, India.

Subscription Charges : Rs. 300/= per year, plus

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Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018 47.


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48. Radiant Reality. Vol 19, Issue 02, Feb-2018

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